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Electroniccorrelationsofelementceriumunderhighpressure Haiyan Lu1,2 and Li Huang1,∗ 1ScienceandTechnologyonSurfacePhysicsandChemistryLaboratory,P.O.Box9-35,Jiangyou621908,China 2Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China (Dated:January4,2017) The electronic structures of element cerium under high pressure remain unclear all the time. We tried to calculate the electronic structures of α(cid:48), α(cid:48)(cid:48), and (cid:15)-Ce which only exist in the presence of pressure, by us- ingthecombinationoftraditionaldensityfunctionaltheoryandsingle-sitedynamicalmean-fieldtheory. The momentum-resolved band structures, total and partial density of states, 4f electronic configurations of these phaseswereexhaustivelystudied. Wefoundthatthe4f electronstendtobeitinerant,andthehybridizations betweenthe4f andspdconductionelectronsareremarkable.Inaddition,thefluctuationsamongthe4f atomic 7 eigenstatesareprominent,especiallyforthe(cid:15)phase,whichleadstoaslightmodificationofits4f occupancy. 1 0 2 PACSnumbers:71.10.-w,71.27.+a,71.30.+h,74.20.Pq n a I. INTRODUCTION J 3 Ce is one of the most mysterious elements in the periodic ] tablebecauseofitsunusualelectronicstructureswhichmani- el festinitsmultipleallotropicphases. Underambientpressure, - Cemayexhibitfourallotropes(α,β,γ,andδphases),andun- r t dergothreesuccessivesolidphasetransitionsbeforereaching s its liquid state [1]. When P ∼ 0.8 GPa and at room temper- . t ature,strikingly,aniso-structuralphasetransitionwouldtake a m place between the α and γ phases (both phases are in face- FIG.1. (Coloronline). Schematicpictureforthecrystalstructures centered-cubicstructure). Thoughthecrystalstructureispre- ofα(cid:48),α(cid:48)(cid:48),and(cid:15)-Ce. - d servedduringthetransition,theatomicvolumechangesby∼ n 15% which has not been observed in any other simple met- o als. The underlying physics and driving force of the α − γ ofCecanbeattributedtotheα(cid:48)phaseaswell. c phasetransitionhavebeen,andarebeingtothisday,warmly Itisverydifficulttoprepareandidentifypurehigh-pressure [ debated. Particularly,concerningtheroleplayedbythecorre- phasesofCe,whichrequiresprecisecontrolsofpressureand 1 lated4f electronsinthetransition,itisstillamatterofdispute thermalprocess[11]. Therefore,itisnoteasytoconductex- v andongoingresearch[2–8]. tensively experimental researches. On the other hand, low- 4 Besides,undermoderatepressureandtemperatureCewill symmetry crystal structures, strong spin-orbit coupling, and 0 exhibitanotherthreedistinctphases,namely,theα(cid:48),α(cid:48)(cid:48),and(cid:15) notableelectroniccorrelationsin4f electronsalsoposegreat 6 0 phases(seeFig.1),whichresultinanextremelycomplicated challengestothefirst-principlescalculations[1]. Asaresult, 0 P−T phasediagram[9]. Thecrystalstructureoftheα(cid:48)phase though numerous efforts have been made to explore the ba- . is orthorhombic (space group Cmcm). Noted that it is iso- sic properties of Ce under pressure, actually we know a lit- 1 0 structuralwithα-U.Theα(cid:48)(cid:48)phaseismonoclinic(spacegroup tle about the electronic structures of its high-pressure phases 7 C2/m). The α-Ce will transform into the two phases in the and there are a lot of puzzles that need to be solved. For 1 pressure range from 5 to 12 GPa, but which phase transition instance, do the 4f electrons remain itinerant or localized : (i.e.,α−α(cid:48)orα−α(cid:48)(cid:48)transition)couldoccurinaceriumsample state [12]? What’s the consequence in electronic structures v i stronglydependsonthemethodofsamplepreparation. Upon since the interplay of spin-orbit coupling and 4f electronic X further volume compression (P > 12 GPa) both the α(cid:48) and correlations? Are there strong hybridization between the 4f r α(cid:48)(cid:48) phasescantransformintothe(cid:15) phase,whichisbodycen- and spd bands as predicted by the Kondo volume collapse a teredtetragonal(spacegroupI /mmm).Recently,theinelastic (KVC)scenario[4,5]?Last,butbynomeansleast,arethe4f 4 X-ray scattering experiment has demonstrated that there ex- electronic configurations for these high-pressure phases the ist strong electron-phonon coupling and pronounced phonon same, and are they similar to or different from those for the anomaliesintheα(cid:48) phase,whichmeansthatitisattheverge otherphasesunderambientpressure[13–19]? Inordertoan- of lattice instability [10]. Similar to α-U, a charge density swer the above questions, more experimental investigations waveperhapsdevelopsintheα(cid:48)-Ce. Furthermore,thesuper- andtheoreticalcalculationsarehighlydesired. conductivitywithT ∼2Kfoundinthehigh-pressurephases Bearingthesequestionsinmind, thepurposeofthispaper c istoendeavourtobuildanunifiedpicturefortheevolutionof electronicstructuresofhigh-pressurephasesofCe,byutiliz- ing the state-of-the-art first-principles many-body approach. ∗Correspondingauthor:[email protected] The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we 2 briefly introduce the calculation method and parameters. In dow.Asω>1.5eVandω< E ,thegeneralfeaturesbecome F Sec. III, we present all of the calculated results and make a somewhat blurry. The bands in this energy range exhibit re- detailed discussion. We also compare the 4f electronic con- markabledispersionsandlargebandwidths. Apparently,they figurations between the high-pressure phases and α-Ce. Fi- belongtothespditinerantbandstoalargeextent. nally,SectionIVservesasashortsummaryandconclusion. Now let us concentrate on the similarities and differences in the band structures of the three phases. As for the α(cid:48) and α(cid:48)(cid:48) phases,sincetheirlatticevolumesareverycloseandtheir II. METHODS crystal structures are tightly related, the corresponding band structuresarequitesimilarandsharesomecommonfeatures, In the present work, we employed the density functional suchasthepositionsofthe4f andvalencebands. However, theory in combination with the single-site dynamical mean- for the (cid:15) phase, which exists under higher pressure and thus fieldtheory(dubbedasDFT+DMFT)tostudytheelectronic hasasmallerlatticevolume[9],thecenterofthecorrelated4f structures of α(cid:48), α(cid:48)(cid:48), and (cid:15)-Ce. This approach can treat the bandsshiftsupwardsslightlyandtheitinerant spd bandsex- strong 4f electronic correlations, spin-orbit coupling as well hibitmuchmoresignificantdispersions. Finally,fromFig.2, as on-site Kondo screening on the same footing, and incor- wecanspeculatethatforthe(cid:15)phasethevolumeencapsulated porate them into realistic band structures based on DFT cal- bytheFermisurfaceisthesmallest. Intheα(cid:48) andα(cid:48)(cid:48) phases, culations. Asforthebasicprinciplesandtechnicaldetailsof theFermisurfacesthatenclosetheΓpointarehole-typeand the DFT + DMFT method, please refer to the good reviews electron-type,respectively. (see Refs. [20] and [21]) and references therein. In fact, it DensityofstatesA(ω). ThetotaldensityofstatesA(ω)are isconsideredasthemostpowerfulmethodestablishedsofar shown in Fig. 3(a). In the vicinity of the Fermi level, there for the calculations of electronic structures of strongly cor- is the so-called Kondo resonance peak with sharp two-peak related materials, and has been successfully applied to study structure. This splitting is owing to the spin-orbit coupling manyinterestingproblemsinlanthanidesandactinides,such effect. Away from the Fermi level, the spectrum spreads out as the best known α−γ phase transition in Ce [13–19], the andbecomesalmostfeatureless. Justasdiscussedabove,the low-temperaturehiddenorderphaseofURu Si [22],andthe spectra for the α(cid:48) and α(cid:48)(cid:48) phases are very similar, including 2 2 valencestatefluctuationsinYb[23]andPu[24,25]. themagnitudeoftheKondoresonancepeak,thetwosatellite We performed charge fully self-consistent DFT + DMFT peaks between -2 eV and E , and the total bandwidth. As F calculationsbyusingtheEDMFTFsoftwarepackage[26]. The forthe(cid:15) phase,itsspectrumturnsbroaderandhasastronger Kohn-Sham equation within the DFT part was solved by us- Kondoresonancepeak. ing the WIEN2K code, which implements a full-potential lin- The 4f partial density of states A (ω) are shown in 4f ear augmented plane-wave formalism [27]. We selected the Fig. 3(b). Clearly, according to the difference between A(ω) generalized gradient approximation to represent exchange- andA (ω),thecontributionsfromthe4f bandsarepredomi- 4f correlationfunctional[28]. Thehybridizationexpansionver- nantneartheFermilevel.TheycomposetheKondoresonance sion continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo impurity solver peak. Ontheotherhand,belowtheFermilevel,theitinerant (dubbedasCT-HYB)[29–31]wasusedtosolvethequantum spdbandsarethemostimportant(the4f spectralweightap- impurity model withinthe DMFT part. Undoubtedly, the 4f proacheszero). Duetothespin-orbitcoupling, the4f bands bands were treated as correlated orbitals. The correspond- are split into two components, namely 4f and 4f . The 5/2 7/2 ing interaction parameters were on-site Coulomb interaction 4f componenthasalowerenergyandisclosertotheFermi 5/2 U =6.0eVandHund’scouplingJ =0.7eV[15,16].Theex- level. ThelowerHubbardbandsarealmostinvisiblesincethe perimentallatticestructuresandsystemtemperatureT ∼ 290 4f occupancy is small. The upper Hubbard bands look like K(β=40.0)wereusedthroughoutthecalculations. broad “humps”, and they locate roughly from 2 eV to 8 eV. All these features are comparable to those already found in theαphasebyusingtheDFT+DMFTmethod[14–17]and III. RESULTS photoemissionspectroscopy[32,33]. Comparedtotheα(cid:48)and α(cid:48)(cid:48) phases, the A (ω) of the (cid:15) phase is a bit different. The 4f Momentum-resolvedspectralfunctionsA(k,ω). Thecalcu- peaksascribedtothe4f5/2and4f7/2components(andtheup- lated band structures of the three high-pressure phases along per Hubbard bands) have larger intensity, and their positions thehigh-symmetrylinesintheBrillouinzonearedisplayedin areshiftedtohigh-energyregimemarginally. Fig.2. Sincemostofthe4f bandsinCeareunoccupied,their In Fig. 3(c), we visualize the imaginary parts of the real- positions are well above the Fermi level. As E < ω < 1.5 frequencyhybridizationfunctions,i.e.,−(cid:61)∆(ω)/π,whichare F eV, we observe some intense and stripe-like features, which approximatelyproportionaltothestrengthofhybridizationef- are mainly associated with the 4f bands. Their bandwidths fectbetweenthestronglycorrelated4f bandsandtheweakly areapproximately0.8∼1.2eV,whicharemuchsmallerthan correlated(ornon-correlated) spdbands. Wecanseethatthe the Coulomb interaction strength (i.e., W (cid:28) U). It is an ex- hybridization effect is very strong, especially near the Fermi actevidencetosupportthestatementthatthe4f bandsinthe level. ItindicatesthattheKVCscenarionotonlycanbeused high-pressure phases of Ce are still strongly correlated [21]. toexplaintheα−γphasetransition[4,5],butalsoisusefulfor In addition, we also observe heavy c− f hybridizations be- understandingtheunderlyingelectronicstructuresofthehigh- tweenthe4f andthespdconductionbandsinthisenergywin- pressurephasesofCe.Noticedthatthehybridizationfunction 3 a b c FIG.2. (Coloronline). Momentum-resolvedspectralfunctionsA(k,ω)ofCeunderhighpressure. (a)α(cid:48)-Ce. (b)α(cid:48)(cid:48)-Ce. (c)(cid:15)-Ce. Theywere calculatedviatheanalyticalcontinuationofMatsubaraself-energyfunction[26].ThehorizontaldashedlinesrepresenttheFermilevel. a b c FIG.3. (Coloronline). (a)TotaldensityofstatesA(ω),(b)4f partialdensityofstatesA (ω),and(c)4f hybridizationfunctions−(cid:61)∆(ω)/π 4f ofCeunderhighpressure.TheywerecalculatedviatheanalyticalcontinuationofMatsubaraself-energyfunction[26].Thedataarerescaled andshiftedverticallyforabetterview. Inpanels(b)and(c),thespectraforthe4f and4f componentsareplottedassolidanddashed 5/2 7/2 lines,respectively.TheverticaldashedlinesrepresenttheFermilevel. of the (cid:15) phase is much higher than the others, which implies lenstolearnthesubtleelectronicstructuresofstronglycorre- that its 4f electrons tend to be more itinerant. Naturally, we latedsystemsdirectly. Besidesthefirstsuccessfulapplication believe that the valence state fluctuation in the (cid:15) phase must forthe4f electronsinαandγ-Ce,ithasbeenadoptedtoan- bethemostpronouncedamongcerium’sallotropes. Wewill alyze the status of 5f electrons in α and δ-Pu [24, 25], and discussthisissuelater. the 4f localized-itinerant crossover in heavy fermion com- pound CeIn [34]. Here, we would like to utilize it to un- 3 Distributionofatomiceigenstates. TheCT-HYBquantum veil whether the 4f electrons in the high-pressure phases of impuritysolveriscapableofcomputingthevalencestatehis- Ce are localized or not. In the presence of spin-orbit cou- togrampΓ,whichmeanstheprobabilitytofindavalencestate pling, the 4f atomic eigenstates could be classified by using electron (such as the 4f electrons in Ce) in a given atomic the good quantum numbers N (total occupancy) and J (total eigenstate|ψ(cid:105)(labelledbyΓ)[30]. Itprovidesusapowerful 4 a b c FIG.4. (Coloronline). Probabilitiesofthe4f atomiceigenstates(orequivalentlyvalencestatehistograms)ofCeunderhighpressure. (a) α(cid:48)-Ce.(b)α(cid:48)(cid:48)-Ce.(c)(cid:15)-Ce.NotethatthehistogramsfromtheN=3atomiceigenstatesaretootrivialtobeseeninthisfigure. 1.0 atomiceigenstateswith N = 3aretiny(< 1%intotal), soit 4f2 is hardly to see them in Fig. 4. Since the contributions from theN ≥3atomiceigenstatesareunimportant,itisacceptable 0.8 to discard them to improve the efficiency during the DFT + DMFTcalculations. Actually,wererunallofthecalculations t h with N ∈ [0,2] and N ∈ [0,4]. The calculated results are g0.6 practicallyidentical. ei 4f1 Next, let us compare the valence state histograms of the w 0.4 three phases. First, in the α(cid:48) and α(cid:48)(cid:48) phases, the probability f of the |N = 1,J = 2.5(cid:105) eigenstate is nearly twice as much 4 as the one of the |N = 1,J = 3.5(cid:105) eigenstate. While for the 0.2 (cid:15) phase, the probabilities for the two atomic eigenstates are close. Second,theprobabilitiesforthe N = 0,2,and3cases 4f0 inthe(cid:15)phasearesomewhatlargerthanthoseintheα(cid:48)andα(cid:48)(cid:48) 0.0 α α α † phases. Allthesefactsrevealthatthe4f electronsinthehigh- 0 00 pressurephasesofceriumarenotalwaysboundtothe N = 1 case, and tend to hop among a variety of atomic eigenstates FIG.5. (Coloronline). Distributionsof4f electronicconfigurations withdifferentoccupancyandangularmomentum. Especially ofα,α(cid:48),α(cid:48)(cid:48),and(cid:15)-Ce. forthe(cid:15) phase,thistendencyisthemostnoticeable. Valence state fluctuations. From the 4f valence state his- tograms, we can easily evaluate the distributions of 4f elec- angular momentum). In the present work, in order to accel- tronicconfigurations,andthendiscussthevalencestatefluc- eratethecalculations,wemadeacrucialtruncationthatonly tuationphenomenonwhichusuallymanifestsitselfintherare those atomic eigenstates whose N ∈ [0,3] were taken into earth compounds (such as the Ce-based, Sm-based, and Yb- considerations[30]. Nextwewillprovethatthecontributions basedheavyfermionsystems[23,35])andtheactinides(such from the atomic eigenstates with larger occupancy (N ≥ 3) asPu[24,25]). Supposedthattheweightforthe4fi (where aretrivialandthetruncationweusedisreasonable. i ∈ [0,3]) configuration is W(4fi), then it can be calculated ThecalculatedvalencestatehistogramsareshowninFig.4. viathefollowingequation, As is seen in this figure, the predominant atomic eigenstates are |N = 1,J = 2.5(cid:105) and |N = 1,J = 3.5(cid:105). Their probabili- W(4fi)=(cid:88)(cid:88)δ(N−i)pΓ. (1) ties add up to about 68% ∼ 74%. The less important atomic N J eigenstateis|N = 0,J = 0.0(cid:105), whichamountstoabout13% ∼ 15%. For the N = 2 case, the contributions from various We tried to calculate the weights for the 4f[0−3] electronic atomic eigenstates account for about 13% ∼ 17%. They are configurations. The results are presented in Fig. 5. In order comparable and no dominant ones. The probabilities for the to gain a clear impression about the evolution of electronic 5 configurations, we performed additional calculations for the ofceriumisreduced,andthecorrespondingelectronicstruc- αphase,andsupplementeditsdatatothisfigure. Obviously, ture(includingthebandstructure,densityofstates,Fermisur- forW(4f1),wehaveα>α(cid:48) ≈α(cid:48)(cid:48) >(cid:15).However,forW(4f0) face, valence state histogram, and distribution of electronic orW(4f2),thesequenceisinverse,i.e.,α<α(cid:48) ≈α(cid:48)(cid:48) <(cid:15). configuration)istunedgradually. Here,wewouldliketofig- Basedontheobtaineddata,wereachedthefollowingcon- ureouttherelationshipbetweenthelatticevolumeandthe4f clusions. First, the distributions of electronic configurations electronicconfigurations. for the α(cid:48) and α(cid:48)(cid:48) phases are similar in all respects. Second, In Fig. 6, we try to plot the W(4f1) against lattice vol- in the high-pressure phases of cerium, the 4f valence state ume [37]. Besides the three high-pressure phases, the avail- fluctuationsaremoresignificantthanthephasesunderambi- able data for the α and γ phases are also included. Surpris- entpressure. Particularly,inthe(cid:15) phase,the4f valencestate ingly, we find that the W(4f1) − V curve exhibits a quasi- fluctuationismuchstrongerthantheotherallotropes. Third, linear behavior. Then we used the formula f(x) = ax+b to strong valence state fluctuation will modify the valence state fitthedata(pleaseseethedasheddark-yellowlineinFig.6). occupancyinevitably. Thusweemployedthefollowingequa- Thefittingparametersaandbare0.00279767and0.293449, tiontoevaluatetheaveraged4f occupancyN [34], respectively. This linear behavior is easily to be understood. 4f The larger the lattice volume is, the more localized the 4f (cid:88)3 electronsare,andthesmallerthe4f valencestatefluctuation N ≈ W(4fi)×i. (2) willbe. Asaresult,the4f electronshaveatendencytostay 4f i=0 at the 4f1 electronic configuration instead of hopping to and fro, with respect to the increment of lattice volume. On the The calculations suggest that the N4f for the α(cid:48), α(cid:48)(cid:48), and (cid:15) otherhand,wethinkthattheW(4f1)couldbeconsideredas phases are 0.98, 0.99, and 1.03, respectively [36]. Alterna- aquantitativetooltomeasurethevalencestatefluctuationand tively,the4f occupancyisonlymodifiedslightlyinthiscase. electroniclocalizeddegreeoffreedomforCe-basedsystem. This work γ IV. SUMMARY 0.95 DFT + DMFT DFT + DMFT Inconclusion,westudiedtheelectronicstructuresofthree ht0.85 RIXS α high-pressure phases of Ce by using the charge fully self- g RIXS consistentDFT+DMFTmethod. Wefoundthatthe4f elec- i e Linear fit trons exhibit more itinerant features. And the valence state w fluctuation in the (cid:15) phase is the most remarkable, which is 1 0.75 f α0 precisely described by the quantity W(4f1). To the best of 4 α † 00 ourknowledge,itisthefirsttimetoadoptthefirst-principles many-bodyapproachtostudytheα(cid:48),α(cid:48)(cid:48),and(cid:15)-Ce. Itisalso 0.65 thefirststeptobuildanunifiedpicturefortheelectronicstruc- tures and related physical properties of all allotropes of Ce. 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Unfortunately, the corresponding experiments are rare in the Unit cell volume (bohr3 ) literatures. Our results serve as critical predictions, and re- quirefurtherexperimentalexaminations. FIG.6. (Coloronline). The4f1 weightW(4f1)withrespecttothe unitcellvolumesV[37]ofvariousphasesofCe.TheDFT+DMFT ACKNOWLEDGMENTS dataforreferenceareextractedfromReference[30](uppertriangle symbols) and [16] (diamond symbols). The resonant inelastic X- Rayscattering(RIXS)experimentaldataforα-Ceandγ-Cearetaken This work was supported by the Natural Science Founda- from Reference [38]. For α-Ce, the data were measured under 10 tionofChina(No.11504340),theFoundationofPresidentof kbar(squaresymbol)and20kbar(righttrianglesymbol). 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