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Loughborough University Institutional Repository Electronic commerce adoption among manufacturing SMEs in Malaysia ThisitemwassubmittedtoLoughboroughUniversity’sInstitutionalRepository by the/an author. Additional Information: • A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy of Loughborough University. Metadata Record: https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/7860 Publisher: (cid:13)c Lip Sam Thi Please cite the published version. This item is held in Loughborough University’s Institutional Repository (https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/) and was harvested from the British Library’s EThOS service (http://www.ethos.bl.uk/). It is made available under the following Creative Commons Licence conditions. For the full text of this licence, please go to: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/ Electronic Commerce Adoption among Manufacturing SMEs in Malaysia By Lip Sam Thi A Doctoral Thesis Submitted in fufilment the partial of for the award of requirement The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University Loughborough September 2006 0 Lip Sam Thi, 2006 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I like to thanks to would convey my sincere and gratitude my supervisors Professor Malcolm King Dr Heather Fulford has been and who a constant invaluable Their have source of support and guidance. experience and patient been invaluable in the this thesis. My to completion of appreciation also goes Associate Professor Dr Ang Chooi Leng for providing guidance and during the encouragement course of my study. I like to thank the directorship would also my research panel under of Professor Neil Doherty Grahame Boocock have and panelist who made during the this periodical suggestions progress of research. Special thanks to Dr Dave Coates, Dr Angappan, Dr Fais Ahmad also go and Dr Lim Chee Chee for their during the opinions course of analyzing and the writing up of some of chapters. I to the the Loughborough Business School am grateful staff of especially Janet Westland, Rebbeca White, Janice Coulson former dean, and my Associate Professor Dr Mohd Noor Shariff has in who collaborated arranging in Loughborough University. Thanks to Universiti Utara my study also go Malaysia for their financial the Business School, Loughborough support and University for being during the course of my study. very supportive My deepest to Gunawan his family, BL, Arvind, appreciation and gratitude and Ximo, Suresh, Kelvin, Dr Harlina, Halimah, Dr Azizi, Vagelis, Steward, Debby, Christian Fernando. Last but least, Mr Kitching helps the and not who with drafts the and redrafts of chapters. Without their the this thesis guidance and support, completion of would not have been possible. ii With love to My dad, mom and Hui Sin, wife Yee Ying Wei Jun our children and iii Abstract It is that widely acknowledged electronic commerce presents a for Small- Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) significant opportunity to larger compete alongside enterprises. For SMEs in the developing in the by world particular, opportunities afforded electronic commerce for in competing a global marketplace, However, are also attractive. it has been that also observed electronic commerce poses a for SMEs, considerable challenge to the particularly with regard decisions that be must the made about which of available electronic commerce applications to to integrate into adopt and existing business operations. A have been to investigate number of studies conducted the adoption by SMEs. These of electronic commerce have tended to studies in terms dichotomous view electronic commerce adoption of a is it is Such outcome: either e-commerce adopted, or not. studies little indication the diffusion, individual give of or extent of usage, of The this to this e-commerce applications. aim of study was address in by investigating both the level gap existing research of adoption In doing, the and extent of usage of e-commerce applications. so draws in the innovation diffusion theory. study on research area of The focus the is SMES in Malaysia, of study on manufacturing and their B2B (Business-to-Business) considers use of e-commerce. The the to specific objectives of study were measure and B2B characterise e-commerce adoption and extent of usage among SMEs in Malaysia; to identify factors manufacturing associated with the B2B in Malaysian SMEs; to adoption of e-commerce and determine the impacts that of adoption. iv The by study was conducted means of a postal questionnaire survey. A total 187 for Based of usable responses was generated analysis. depicting two-dimensional on a matrix adoption of e-commerce applications and extent of usage of each application, a visual to the SMEs into approach was employed classify responding distinctive to their behaviour. Four groups according e-commerce identified: low-adopters, groups were non-adopters, moderate The that adopters and extensive adopters. study showed many SMEs in fashion (not adopt e-commerce a non-linear necessarily from to progressing simple advanced applications). Using the technological multinomial regression, organisational, and factors influencing the decision to extemal adopt e-commerce were The factors found to be examined. significant were organisational CEO readiness, organisational proactiveness, computing experience, CEO /T knowledge. and It found that the had was more advanced adopters of e-commerce benefits from their than less adoption gained more significant In advanced adopters. particular, more advanced adopters achieve higher better firm and operational efficiency as overall performance better to the benefits well as gaining strategic such as access world market. The to by study contributes existing research providing a means of (diffusion) both capturing adoption and extent of usage of e- The the in commerce. non-linearity of adoption patterns observed the doubt the linear to study raises about validity of stage models depict in SMEs. With to factors e-commerce adopt regard influencing the highlighted the importance the adoption, study of role, knowledge the CEO. The the two- and experience of use of dimensional to depict matrix e-commerce adoption and extent of V it to determine details of the impacts of usage made possible impacts increased highlighted that positive adoption, and specifically increased. as adoption and extent of usage The findings the important information for of study provide policy those for devising initiatives to and responsible encourage e- makers SMEs. Specifically, the adoption among study suggests commerce to increase CEO /T knowledge that efforts awareness and could play in increasing levels a significant part of e-commerce adoption among SMEs. For Malaysian SMEs, the findings provide a useful benchmark SME its level against which each can assess own of e- commerce adoption and usage. Keywords: Diffusion, SMEs, B2B, IT Usage, E-Commerce, Adoption, Manufacturing vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments ii ....................................................................... Abstract iv ...................................................................................... Contents vii ...................................................................................... List Appendices of xiii List Tables of xiv ................................................................................ List Figures of xvi ............................................................................... CHAPTERI INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to Study 1 .......................................... ....................... 1.2 Malaysia Its Economy and 2 .......................................................... 1.3 SMEs in the Malaysian Economy 3 ................................................. 1.4 Malaysian Government E-Commerce Initiatives 4 .............................. 1.4.1 Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) 5 .......................................... 1.4.2 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Initiatives 5 ........................... 1.4.3 RosettaNet Initiative 6 ............................................................ 1.4.4 E-commerce Grant 6 ............................................................. 1.5 Statement Problem 7 of ....................................... ........................ 1.6 Context the Study 7 of ................................................................. 1.7 Objectives Research 9 of ............................................................. 1.8 Significance Research 10 of ........................................................... 1.9 Organisation Thesis 12 of .............................................................. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 13 .......................................................................... 2.2 Electronic Commerce 13 ............................................................. 2.3 The Decision Making Process in SMEs 14 ...................................... 2.4 SMEs E-commerce 16 and ......................................................... 2.5 Theory Diffusion Innovation 18 of of ............................................. 2.5.1 Individual Level Innovation Adoption 18 of ................................. 2.5.2 Firm Level Innovation Adoption 19 of ....................................... 2.6 Frameworks to Examine Innovation Adoption Implementation 21 and ... 2.7 Stage Theory 26 ....................................................................... 2.7.1 Adoption E-Commerce 27 of .................................................. 2.7.2 Implementation 32 of e-commerce .......................................... 2.7.3 Combined Approach to Measure E-Commerce Adoption 34 ......... 2.8 Factors Associated E-Commerce Adoption 36 with ........................ 2.8.1 Technological Factors 39 ....................................................... 2.8.2 Organisational Factors 43 ...................................................... 2.8.3 External Factors 49 .............................................................. 2.9 Impact E-Commerce Organisational Performance 54 of and ............... 2.10Summary 57 ............................................................................. vii CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH FRAMEWORK 59 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................... 59 3.2 Approach to E-Commerce Adoption Measurement ......................... Adoption Construct 60 3.3 Operationalisation of ...................................... Adoption 61 3.3.1 Level of .............................................................. Usage 62 3.3.2 Extent of ................................................................ Matrix 64 3.4 Adoption ................................................................... .. 3.5 Factors Associated E-Commerce Adoption 65 with ......................... .. 3.5.1 Technological Variables 66 ...................................................... Organisational Variables 67 3.5.2 ..................................................... 3.5.3 External Variables 71 .............................................................. 3.6 Impacts Firm 73 on ..................................................................... 3.7 Proposed Research Framework 76 ................................................ 3.8 Summary 78 ............................................................................. CHAPTER4 RESEARCH DESIGN 4.1 Introduction 79 ............................................................................ 4.2 Research Strategies 79 ................................................................ 4.2.1 Laboratory Experiments 80 ...................................................... 4.2.2 Field Experiment 80 ............................................................... 4.2.3 Survey 80 ............................................................................ 81 4.2.4 Case Studies .................................................................... 81 4.2.5 Action Research ................................................................ 82 4.2.6 Simulation ....................................................................... 82 4.2.7 Forecasting ..................................................................... 83 4.2.8 Phenomenological Studies ................................................. 83 4.3 Choice Research Strategy of .................................................... 85 4.4 Survey Strategies .................................................................... 85 4.4.1 Mail Survey ................................................................... 86 4.4.2 Face-to-Face Interview ....................................................... 86 4.4.3 Telephone Interview ........................................................... 86 4.4.4 Internet Survey .................................................................. 87 4.5 Chosen Survey Method ......................................................... 89 4.6 Population ............................................................................ 90 4.7 Sampling Frame .................................................................. 93 4.8 Principles for Designing Questionnaire ........................................ 94 4.9 Refinement Questionnaire of ..................................................... 94 4.9.1 Phase One Pre-Test in Malaysia .......................................... 94 4.9.2 Phase Two Pre-Test in United Kingdom .............................. 95 4.9.3 Pilot Study ...................................................................... 96 4.10 Data Collection ...................................................................... 97 4.11 Non-Response Bias .............................................................. 97 4.12 Summary ............................................................................ viii

It is widely acknowledged that electronic commerce presents a significant . INTRODUCTION . 3.2 Approach to E-Commerce Adoption Measurement .
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