Electron Spin Resonance of the Yb 4f moment in Yb(Rh Co ) Si 1−x x 2 2 T. Gruner, J. Sichelschmidt,∗ C. Klingner, C. Krellner, C. Geibel, and F. Steglich Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, D-01187 Dresden, Germany∗ (Dated: January 25, 2012) TheevolutionofspindynamicsfromthequantumcriticalsystemYbRh Si tothestabletrivalent 2 2 Yb system YbCo Si was investigated by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. While the 2 2 Kondotemperaturechangesbyoneorderofmagnitude,allcompositionsofthesinglecrystallinese- riesYb(Rh Co ) Si showwelldefinedESRspectrawithaclearYb3+characterfortemperatures 1−x x 2 2 below≈20K.WithincreasingCo-contenttheESRg-factoralongthec-directionstronglyincreases indicating a continuous change of the ground state wave function and, thus, a continuous change 2 ofthecrystalelectricfield. ThelinewidthpresentsacomplexdependenceontheCo-contentandis 1 0 discussed in terms of the Co-doping dependence of the Kondo interaction, the magnetic anisotropy 2 andtheinfluenceofferromagneticcorrelationsbetweenthe4f states. Theresultsprovideevidence that,forlowCo-doping,theKondointeractionallowsnarrowESRspectradespitethepresenceofa n large magnetic anisotropy, whereas at high Co-concentrations, the linewidth is controlled by ferro- a magneticcorrelations. Apronouncedbroadeningduetocriticalcorrelationsatlowtemperaturesis J only observed at the highest Co-content. This might be related to the presence of incommensurate 4 magnetic fluctuations. [published in Phys. Rev. B 85, 035119 (2012)] 2 PACSnumbers: 76.30.Kg;75.20.Hr;71.27.+a;75.30.Gw ] l e - r I. INTRODUCTION fined crystal electric field (CEF) levels was evidenced by t susceptibility14, M¨oßbauer results15, inelastic neutron- s . scattering experiments16, specific heat measurements17 t a The heavy fermion metal YbRh2Si2 shows thermo- as well as by photoemission spectroscopy11. The Co- m dynamic and transport properties which, at low tem- ion itself remains non-magnetic because of a strong Co- - peratures, are determined by the hybridization of 4f Si hybridization.14 In the magnetically ordered state d states and conduction electrons resulting in a Kondo of YbCo Si a complex magnetic phase diagram with n interaction with a single-ion Kondo temperature TK (cid:39) significan2t b2asal-plane anisotropy is evidenced by the o 25 K.1,2 Besides its quite remarkable magnetic behav- magnetoresistance12 and magnetization data18. Pow- c [ iors, like weak antiferromagnetic (AFM) order below der neutron diffraction revealed a complex magnetic TN =72mK,afieldinducedAFMquantumcriticalpoint structure with two phases with different propagation 1 at Bc = 60 mT, and a highly enhanced Sommerfeld- vectors.19 A first-order phase transition from an in- v Wilson ratio,1 the existence of a well-defined Electron commensurable arrangement of moments below T into 2 N 2 Spin Resonance (ESR) signal at temperatures below TK a commensurable one below TL = 0.9K < TN was 0 with pronounced Yb3+ Kondo-ion character triggered identified.13 For YbRh Si the stronger 4f-conduction 2 2 5 newtheoreticalstudiesofthedynamicalpropertiesoflo- electron hybridization leads to a small deviation of the 1. calanditinerantmagnetisminKondolatticesystems.3–6 valency from the trivalent state. Photoemission spec- 0 In these theories the origin of the resonance was inti- troscopy results suggested a mean valency of ∼ 2.9.20 2 mately connected to the Kondo interaction and strong Yet, the magnetic structure of YbRh Si is not known 2 2 1 ferromagnetic correlations. The relevance of both ef- due to its very small ordered moment. Some hints could v: fects were experimentally verified by ESR results on Lu- be obtained from the knowledge of the magnetic struc- Xi udpiluontedCoYbdRophi2nSgi2(,x7 E≤SR0.1e8x)p,8eraimndentthseuEndSeRrporfetshsuerfeerarnod- tcuomrepionunYdbsCmo2aSgin2etsiicncsetruwcittuhrinesaanreisoofetelenctcrloonseiclysreerliaetsedof. r magnetic Kondo lattice CeRuPO.9,10 In this paper we first present the ESR results of a RecentlythecompoundseriesYb(Rh1−xCox)2Si2wasin- YbCo2Si2 and analyze the data in the context of fur- vestigated for the whole concentration range 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. ther experimental results. We continue with the series Whereas the crystal structure remains tetragonal (space Yb(Rh Co ) Si where we found a sensitive depen- 1−x x 2 2 group I4/mmm) the magnetic, thermal, and transport dence of the ESR parameters on the Co -content. propertiesshowclearvariationswithx:11–13itwasshown that the Kondo interaction can largely be suppressed by substituting Rh with the smaller isoelectronic Co II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS which, at the same time, enhances T and the size of N the ordered moment, thus stabilizing the AFM order by suppressing the Kondo screening.11 For YbCo Si with For our ESR measurements we used clean In-flux 2 2 T = 1.7 K a stable trivalent Yb state with well de- grownsinglecrystalsofYb(Rh Co ) Si whichallhad N 1−x x 2 2 2 their c-axis perpendicular to the main surface of the platelet-shaped crystals. Thermal and magnetic proper- values g (5K) = 2.84±0.03 and g (5K) = 1.53±0.02 ⊥ (cid:107) ties as well as electrical resistivity have been thoroughly the intensity should vary by a factor of (g /g )2 = 3.4. ⊥ (cid:107) investigated and were described elsewhere.11 The origin of this discrepancy which is even more pro- ESR detects the absorbed power P of a magnetic mi- nounced in YbIr Si and YbRh Si 24 remains unclear. 2 2 2 2 crowave field b as a function of a transverse external The observed g-values nicely agree with the values ex- mw static magnetic field B. To improve the signal-to-noise (cid:1) ratio,alock-intechniqueisusedbymodulatingthestatic fidPel/dd,Bw.hicThhyeieEldSsRthmeedaseurirveamtievnetsofwtehreerpeseorfnoarnmceedsiwgnitahl (cid:2)(cid:1) (cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:23)(cid:9)(cid:1)(cid:2) (cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:5)(cid:23)(cid:3) -factorg22..05 B ^(cid:1)c B(cid:2)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:12)(cid:10)(cid:12) c(cid:1)(cid:5)(cid:23) R a standard continuous wave spectrometer at X-band fre- ES1.5 quencies (ν ≈ 9.4GHz) by using a cylindrical resonator its) (cid:2)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:23)(cid:9)(cid:1)(cid:2) (cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:5)(cid:23)(cid:3) 0 45 90 13(cid:1)5(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:18)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:4)1(cid:3)80 in TE012 mode or, for temperatures down to 1.5 K, a . un (cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:11)(cid:22) (cid:14)(cid:21) split-ring resonator. The temperature was varied be- rb (cid:6) (cid:6) tween 1.5K ≤ T ≤ 16K using 4He-flow-type cryostats. (a T (cid:1)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:7)(cid:13) B TheESRmeasurementsatQ-bandfrequencies(34GHz) /d P turned out to provide much less definite spectra. Their d (cid:2)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:5)(cid:23)(cid:9)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:1)(cid:10)(cid:1)(cid:5)(cid:23)(cid:3) linewidths and g-factors are found to be comparable to the X-band results regarding temperature dependencies and absolute values. 0 .0 0 .2 0 .4 (cid:1) 0 .6 0 .8 B (cid:2)(cid:15)(cid:3) All recorded ESR spectra were analyzed by fitting them with a metallic Lorentzian line shape.21 From these fits FIG.1: (coloronline)ESRspectraofYbCo Si atT =5Kfor the following ESR parameters were extracted: linewidth 2 2 the field orientation B ⊥ c-axis (Θ = 90◦ and η-orientation ∆B (HWHM), the ESR g-factor (as given by the res- ofthebasalplanetothemicrowavemagneticfield)andB(cid:107)c- onance field B in the resonance condition hν = res axis(Θ=0◦). SolidlinesindicateLorentzianlines(Θ=90◦: gµB·Bres), the asymmetry parameter α (describing same resonance field and linewidth for η = 0◦,90◦). Inset the dispersive contribution in metallic samples), and shows the Θ-dependence of the resonance-field-calculated g- the intensity√(spin susceptibility, given by the area ∝ factorwithuniaxialbehaviorindicatedbythesolidline. Peak amp·∆B2· α2+1 under the ESR absorption). at 0.325 T arises from background signals of the resonator. III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND 3 .0 DISCUSSION r2 .5 B ^ c to c YbT(Rheh1E−SxRCorxe)s2oSnia2n(cxe =fiel0d...d1i)spalapyrsonfoorutnhceedwahnoilseosteroripeys SR g-fa12 ..50 B || c upon rotating the crystalline c-axis from parallel (Θ = E 1 .0 0fi◦e)ldt.owaTrhdisspceornpfiernmdiscutlhaer (lΘoca=l c9h0a◦r)acttoerthoefmthagenesitgic- 0 .5 T N Y b C o 2 S i2 B || c nal and verifies a typical resonance feature of Yb-ions 0 .4 ) which are located on lattice sites with tetragonal point (T0 .3 symmetry.22,23 B(cid:1) B ^ c 0 .2 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 T (K ) A. YbCo Si 2 2 FIG. 2: (color online) Temperature dependence of linewidth Fig.1 shows typical ESR spectra of YbCo Si for se- 2 2 ∆B and ESR g-factor of YbCo2Si2 above the antiferromag- lected directions of the static magnetic field B (an- neticorderingtemperatureT forthefieldorientationB ⊥c- N gle Θ) and the microwave magnetic field bmw (angle axisandB(cid:107)c-axis. Dashedlinesing(T)showsthemeanfield η). All spectra could be well described by a metal- expectationasdeducedfromχ(T). Here,alargercrystalthan lic Lorentzian lineshape (solid line). Within experimen- the one of Fig. 1 was used, hence yielding stronger lines and tal accuracy linewidth and resonance field remain un- a higher data accuracy. changedifthec-axisisrotatedfromc⊥b (η =0◦)to mw c(cid:107)b (η = 90◦). Interestingly, in that case, the ESR pected from the saturation magnetization18: gm = 3.0 mw ⊥ intensity only varies by a factor of 1.5. This is not ex- (µ⊥ (cid:39) 1.5µB) and g(cid:107)m = 1.2 (µ(cid:107) (cid:39) 0.6µB). These g- pected from the considerable uniaxial anisotropy shown factors can be well accounted for by a CEF model using in the inserted graph for c ⊥ b : With the observed agroundstatedoubletwithaΓ symmetryandastrong mw 7 3 Y b ( R h C o ) S i 1 -x x 2 2 mixing of |±3/2> and |∓5/2> wave functions.17 The deviationsoftheESRg-valuesfromgm arepartlydueto the pronounced temperature dependence of the g-values 1 as shown in Fig. 2. As a consequence of the anisotropic 0 .6 8 ) 0 .5 8 interactions between the Yb-ions the internal magnetic its 0 .3 8 n field leads to a temperature dependent shift of the res- . u rb 0 .2 1 5 onance fields. This can reasonably be described by a (a molecular field model25,26 /dB 0 .1 8 P d (cid:18) θ(cid:107)−θ⊥(cid:19)12 0 .0 7 g (T) = g0 · 1− (1) 0 .0 3 ⊥ ⊥ (cid:18) θT(cid:107)−−θθ⊥⊥(cid:19) x = 0 T = B 2 .^7 Kc g (T) = g0· 1+ (2) (cid:107) (cid:107) T −θ(cid:107) 0 .0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 B (T ) as shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 2. Here, the FIG.3: (coloronline)EvolutionoftheESRspectra(symbols, Weiss temperatures θ⊥,(cid:107) are obtained by a Curie-Weiss backgroundsubtracted)byvariationoftheCoconcentration [χ = C/(T −θ)] plot of the susceptibilities χ⊥,(cid:107) below for the field orientations B ⊥ c and b ⊥ c. Solid lines T = 6 K measured at the resonance magnetic fields of mw depict metallic Lorentzian line shapes. 0.46 T and 0.35 T for χ⊥ and χ(cid:107), respectively: θ⊥ = (−2.1±0.2)K and θ(cid:107) = (−0.8±0.2)K. Furthermore we used g0 = gm = 2.96 and g0 = gm = 1.2. Al- ⊥ ⊥ (cid:107) (cid:107) though the dashed lines in Fig. 2 do not agree perfectly for T = 5 K. The anisotropy of both quantities reduces withthedatathey,however,reflectthecorrecttendency. with increasing x. Note, that ∆B shows a narrowing (cid:107) Namely, towards low temperatures the g-values tend to with increasing Co-doping, providing evidence that the merge each other which is a consequence of θ(cid:107) > θ⊥. relaxation due to disorder is not the dominant broad- Note, in YbIr2Si2 θ(cid:107) < θ⊥ and thus we observed a mu- ening mechanism. The relaxation rate which is deter- tual divergent behavior of g⊥(T) and g(cid:107)(T).24 mined by Γ = µBg∆B shows no clear anisotropy but a h The temperature dependence of the ESR linewidth remarkable increase with increasing x up to ≈0.5 and a clearly differs at low temperatures from the linewidth slight decreasing tendency with further increasing x up behaviors of YbIr2Si2 and YbRh2Si2 where a continu- to 1. Both g⊥ and g(cid:107) evolve with x with no pronounced ous decrease or a saturation towards low temperatures anomalies, especially around x = 0.5 where T shows N was observed27,28. As shown in Fig. 2 the linewidth of a minimum.11 The inset of Fig. 4 provides a compari- YbCo2Si2startstoincreasebelowT ≈8Kindicatingthe son of the measured g-values at T =5 K (symbols) with effect of critical spin fluctuations due to magnetic order thoseexpectedforthetwopossibleKramersdoublets22,23 below TN ≈1.7 K. Above T ≈8 K the linewidth contin- with irreducible representations Γ6 or Γ7. The experi- uously increases, similar to YbIr2Si2 and YbRh2Si2. For mental values are close to the theoretical values for ei- T > 16 K the ESR signal is too weak and too broad to ther Γ or Γ doublets for all Co-contents. Thus, the 6 7 be detected. A comparison of X-band with Q-band data ESR g-values can be well accounted for by a localized of YbCo2Si2 shows no change in linewidth and g-value model. However, these results do not allow a clear dis- regarding absolute value and temperature dependence. tinction between Γ and Γ . The latter was established 6 7 for the ground state of YbRh Si by angle-resolved pho- 2 2 toemission investigations of the energy dispersion of the B. Yb(Rh1−xCox)2Si2 crystal-field-split 4f states29 and by an analysis of the quadrupole moment30. Furthermore, the analysis of all Figure 3 presents the ESR signals of the series availabledataonYbCo2Si2 usingastandardCEFmodel Yb(Rh1−xCox)2Si2 at T = 2.7 K and for the magnetic indicate a Γ7 ground state for YbCo2Si2 too.17 All these field B ⊥ c-axis, i.e. the orientation at which the res- resultsindicateasmoothandcontinuousevolutionofthe onance field is the smallest. All depicted spectra show crystalelectricfieldfromYbRh2Si2 toYbCo2Si2 without welldefinedmetallicLorentzianshapes. Theratioofdis- change of the symmetry of the ground state doublet. persion to absorption varies between 0.64 and 1 without Theevolutionofthelinewidthanditstemperaturede- clear relation to the x values which may be explained by pendence is shown in Fig. 5. Different characteristic be- experimental reasons like different resonator filling fac- haviorssuggestthreetemperatureregimes: alineartem- tors. peratureregimewhichseparatesaregimebelowT ≈4K, Linewidth and resonance field show an overall contin- characterized by tendencies to saturation or to low tem- uous change with the Co-content x as shown in Fig. 4 perature broadening, from a regime above T ≈ 12 K 4 g ^ 3 3 0 0 3 0 0 ctor2 GG 7 x = 1 0.68 0.38 0.215 0 -3 .0 ^ 2 5 0 0.12 2 5 0 - fa 6 -3 .5 g 2 0 0 x=1 2 0 0 gESR 01 g || -1 .5 -1 .0 -0 .5 g || B (mT)(cid:1)^1 5 0 0.27 0.070.18 00..6588 1 5 0 B (mT)(cid:1)^ 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 .2 (cid:1)B || Y b ( R h 1 -x C o x ) 2 S i2 0.215 0.38 0.27 (T)0 .8 T = 5 K 5 0 0.03 x = 0 Y b (R h 1 -xC o x)2 S i2 5 0 B(cid:1)0 .4 0 0 (cid:1)B ^ 0 4 8 1 2 1 6 0 4 8 1 2 1 6 T (K ) T (K ) 0 .0 1 0 FIG. 5: (color online) Temperature dependence of the ) linewidth ∆B for the field orientation B ⊥ c-axis. Dashed z H 5 G lines show for x = 0.27 the maximum linear increase. The (G G || solidline√describesthelowtemperaturepartofthex=1data G ^ witha1/ T −T +∆B +b(T−T )behavior(b=8mT/K), L 0 L 0 0 .0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1 .0 see main text Sec. IV. C o -c o n te n t x FIG. 4: (color online) Co-concentration dependence of the by the dashed lines, all the g-data are characterized by a ESRg-factor,linewidth∆B andrelaxationrateΓ= µBg∆B h logarithmic downturn towards low temperatures. This for the field orientations B ⊥,(cid:107) c-axis and for T = 5 K. Solid lines are guides for the eyes. Insert: Evolution of g factor anisotropy with Co-concentration in comparison with the expected g factors (solid lines) which correspond to Γ6 3 .6 Y b ( R h 1 -x C o x ) 2 S i2 andΓ7groundstatesymmetriesforaYb3+ioninatetragonal x= 0 B ^ c 3 .4 crystal field. 3 .4 0.03 0.58 tor 0.07 3 .2 tor wiTnhhfleeureleinncaeenaroafldinrdeeiltwaioxidnattahilobnlienvheiawaviidtohtrheofifbrrtsohtaedemxecnidiitndegldeiCtnedEmiFcpa-elterevasetlut.h3r1ee g ESR -fac33 ..02 00..1182 000...236788 23 ..80 g ESR -fac regimeremindstoaKorringalawoflocal-momentrelax- 2 .8 ation toward conduction electrons. This is displayed in 0.215 x= 1 2 .6 Fig.5 by the linear dashed line for the x = 0.27 sample 2 .6 5 1 0 5 1 0 which among all samples displays the largest tempera- T (K ) T (K ) ture slope b = δ∆B /δT of 22 mT/K. The linearly ⊥ ⊥ extrapolated linewidth at zero-temperature has roughly FIG. 6: (color online) Temperature dependence of the ESR the same value for the samples with x≤0.27. With fur- g-factor for the field orientation B ⊥ c-axis. Dashed lines ther increasing x b⊥ decreases again and for x ≥ 0.68 is guidetheeyesandemphasizethetrendinthelowtemperature approximately the same as for x = 0.03. In the temper- behavior. ature regime below T ≈ 4 K a deviation from linearity is observed for 0.07 ≤ x ≤ 0.27 8 and x ≥ 0.68. This is most nicely developed for x = 0 where it was re- is most obviously seen for the x = 1 linewidth, showing latedtoasmallcharacteristicenergyforthegroundstate a considerable broadening above the magnetic ordering Kramers doublet.5 Whereas in this low temperature re- temperature. For 0.07 ≤ x ≤ 0.27 and x = 0.68 small gion the temperature variation is largest for x = 0.215 positive curvatures in the low temperature linewidth be- the absolute g-values steadily decrease with Co doping haviorsratherseemtoindicateatendencyforsaturation. (see also Fig. 4), indicating the effect of changes in the Thistendencywasdiscussedfor0.07≤x≤0.27interms crystal electric field. The influence of the first excited of a relation between the zero-temperature linewidth to crystal-field levels may be seen in the decrease of the g- the residual electrical resistivity.8 factors at higher temperatures, being quite sensitive to ThebehavioroftheESRg-factorisshownonalogarith- the Co-content. Unfortunately, due to the insufficient mic temperature scale in Fig. 6. In general, as indicated experimental accuracy, further information on these ex- 5 )4 0 0 0 .4 ) cited levels could not be obtained. T /K TheESRintensityperYb-iondoesnotchangewithinex- (m.72 0 0 0 .2 (14f perimental accuracy across the doping series. Previous B2 0 0 .0 /T detailed investigations of the number of ESR active Yb D 1 spinsinYbRh Si haveshownthatall Ybionscontribute ) 2 0 0 to the ESR 2sig2nal.21 Hence, for Yb(Rh1−xCox)2Si2, T/K 1 0 (K) whereanyevidenceforComagnetismisabsent,theESR (m -2 ^QW properties are always determined by all Yb ions despite ^ b 1 .5 the large variation of the Kondo interaction with Co- doping.11 1 .0 T N ) (K0 .5 T T L 0 .0 IV. DISCUSSION 0 .0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1 .0 C o - d o p in g x Collecting information on the competition of the lo- calKondoandtheintersiteRKKYexchangeinteractions FIG.7: (coloronline)ComparisonofESRlinewidth∆B at 2.7 is essential for understanding the magnetic behavior of T =2.7Kandlinewidthtemperatureslopeb between4and ⊥ Yb(Rh1−xCox)2Si2. The doping with Co enhances the 8K(9and13K;x=1)withthecharacteristictemperatureT4f size of the ordered moment and stabilizes the AFM or- deduced from the 4f- specific heat and the low-temperature, derbyweakeningtheKondointeraction.11 Theobserved in-plane Weiss temperature Θ⊥ of Yb(Rh Co ) Si (data W 1−x x 2 2 ESR parameters show dependencies on the Co-content fromRef.11). Bottomframeshowsmagneticphasediagram11 which are sensitively related to the Kondo effect, to the asdeterminedfromanomaliesofχ(T)andC(T). Belowtem- peraturesT andT magneticorderappearstobeincommen- anisotropy induced by the crystal field as well as to the N L surate and commensurate, respectively. While the transition presenceandcharacterofmagneticphasetransitionsbe- at T is always second-order, the transition at T is second low the investigated temperature range. In the following N L order for x≤0.22 and first-order for x>0.22. this will be discussed by analyzing the linewidth param- eters shown in Fig.7 in terms of the relevant magnetic properties of Yb(Rh Co ) Si . 1−x x 2 2 We start with discussing the relation between the bution in ∆B (x). 2.7 linewidth and the characteristic temperature T de- At high Co-contents the ESR linewidth should be con- 4f duced from the magnetic entropy which reflects the en- sidered in terms of a strongly suppressed T because K ergy scale of all exchange interactions acting on the T gets dominated by RKKY exchange interactions for 4f lowest CEF doublet.11 We have chosen the linewidth x>0.6. A strongly reduced Kondo interaction is estab- ∆B at T = 2.7 K as one possible measure of the lishedfromphotoemissionspectroscopy: YbCo Si (with 2.7 2 2 spin fluctuations which dominate the linewidth at low T (cid:28)1K17)showsaratherweakinteractionbetweenthe K temperatures. As shown in the upper frame of Fig. 7 4f and the valence states in comparison to YbRh Si .11 2 2 ∆B (x) and 1/T (x) show a similar behavior. For We discuss the role of the RKKY interactions for the 2.7 4f low Co-contents this similarity suggests that a decrease linewidth in terms of ferromagnetic fluctuations which of the Kondo energy scale T leads to an increase of wereshowntoplayanimportantrolefortheobservability K the ESR linewidth because T dominates T for Co- ofaspinresonanceinKondolatticesystems.9 Theevolu- K 4f concentrations x ≤ 0.38. In this respect it is impor- tion of ferromagnetic fluctuations in Yb(Rh Co ) Si 1−x x 2 2 tant to mention also the effect of anisotropy of the ex- are reflected, for instance, in the Weiss temperature Θ⊥ W change interactions to the linewidth. It has been shown characterizingthein-planemagneticsusceptibilityatlow that a collective spin mode of Kondo ions and conduc- temperatures. Θ⊥(x) shows a clear maximum around W tionelectronsenablesanarrowlinewidthinaKondolat- x=0.3,whereitevenchangessignandbecomespositive, tice despite a strong magnetic anisotropy.5 Hence, de- indicating the dominance of ferromagnetic exchange in- spite the anisotropy (as seen in the ratio of g (x)/g (x), teractions. As documented in the middle frame of Fig. 7 ⊥ (cid:107) Fig. 4) is largest at x = 0, there the linewidth reaches this behavior is well correlated with the in-plane linear its smallest value, supporting the collective spin mode temperature slope of the linewidth, b (x). For low x we ⊥ model. Note, that with increasing x the increasing con- interpret this correlation, similar to ∆B (x), by a de- 2.7 tribution of disorder to the linewidth should be consid- creasing Kondo interaction up to x≈0.2. ered as well. A discrimination of Kondo- and disorder At this point it is worth to note that in compounds contributions was qualitatively accomplished by a com- withnoKondolatticebehavior(verysmallKondoenergy parisonofthelinewidth-resistivityrelationofpressurized scales) such as YbRh9 or YbCo Si narrow ESR lines 2 2 YbRh Si and Yb(Rh Co ) Si with x ≤ 0.18.8 The emerge from ferromagnetic correlated 4f spins whereas 2 2 1−x x 2 2 result suggests that disorder is not the dominant contri- antiferromagnetic correlations as in Yb Rh Ge 9 lead to 4 7 6 6 an ESR linewidth too broad to be observable. That 3 .6 x= 0 0 .6 B || c 2 .0 B || c means, for Yb(Rh Co ) Si above x ≈ 0.2, the fer- romagnetic correlat1i−oxns axm2ong2 the 4f moments presum- 0.07 0.030 .5 x= 0 .215 1 .5 x= 0 .68 x= 1 ably start to control the linewidth, preventing b (x) to 3 .4 1 .0 3 .4 ⊥ gcaretetahfsuiignrhtghCeinrofli-nucocernnetcaeesneotdsf,wthnheaicrRrhoKwmKalyYinbeiesnteaexrrpaecetcaitlosenod.farMlolomowreeadonviebnry-, g -factor3 .2 0.120 .2 0 .3 00.6.388 0 .5 0.127.0 1 .5 3 .2 g -factor an anisotropy g⊥(x)/g(cid:107)(x) being much smaller than for SR3 .0 0.18 3 .0 SR lsoliwghCtloy-cdoenctreenatssin.gT(fhoirsxis>co0n.6si)streenlatxwatiitohnaractoen,ssteaenFtiogr. E 0.215 x= 1 E 4. Again,theserelationsbetweentheESRlinewidthand 2 .8 2 .8 the interplay of Kondo effect, RKKY interactions and Y b (R h 1 -xC o x)2 S i2 B ^ c anisotropy support the theoretical basis describing the 2 4 2 4 spindynamicsintermsofacollectivespinmodeofKondo c (1 0 -6 m 3 /m o l) ions and conduction electrons.5 Next, we consider the linewidth behavior towards low FIG. 8: (color online) Relation between ESR g-factor and temperatures. There, broadening contributions from magnetic susceptibility χ with B ⊥ c-axis. Insets show the magnetic fluctuations become important even far above relationforB(cid:107)c-axis. Dashedlinesindicateamolecular-field the magnetic transition temperature because the reso- relationship as discussed in the text. nance relaxation is very sensitive to the effect of critical spin fluctuations.32 The type of magnetic order underly- x g⊥ λ⊥ (kOe/µ ) g(cid:107) λ(cid:107) (kOe/µ ) ingthemagneticphasediagraminFig. 7dependsonthe 0 B 0 B 0 3.78 -3.3 - - Co-content. As a consequence, characteristic differences 0.215 3.63 -3.3 0.18 525 in the low-temperature ESR broadening can be identi- fied for low and high Co concentrations, roughly sepa- 0.27 3.57 -2 - - rated by the pronounced minimum of T near x = 0.5. 0.38 3.49 -2 - - N As can be seen in Fig. 5 for almost all investigated Co 0.68 3.35 -2 0.86 52 concentrations the ESR line gets continuously narrowed 1 3.05 -2 0.86 52 down to the lowest accessible temperatures. A consid- erable ESR broadening toward low temperatures is only seen for x = 1. However, the x = 0.68 sample may also TABLEI:Meanfieldparametersofgobtainedfromlinearfits as shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 8. showasimilarbroadeningatlowertemperaturesbecause the linewidth temperature slope b is similar to the one ⊥ for x=1 at T >9 K. The linewidth of the samples with Co concentrations 0.07≤x≤0.27 show deviations from the temperature linearity below T ≈4 K. susceptibility8, pointing out a typical property of a lo- The sensitivity of the ESR linewidth to the type of cal ESR probe. This feature was discussed in terms of magnetic order in Yb(Rh1−xCox)2Si2 strongly resembles a molecular field model for YbIr2Si2 in Ref. 24 and the observations from a local Gd3+ ESR in the heavy- for YbCo Si in Sec. IIIA. That means that internal 2 2 fermion compound Ce(Cu1−xNix)2Ge2. There, the na- magnetic fields lead to an effective g-factor geff which tureofmagneticorderchangessignificantlyfromx≤0.5 is shifted from the ionic g-factor g depending on a 0 (local moment type magnetism) to x ≥ 0.5 (itinerant molecular-field parameter λ: heavy-fermion band magnetism).33 The temperature de- pendence of the Gd3+ linewidth could characterize the g =g [1+λχ(T)] (3) eff 0 different ground states and, in particular, provide infor- mation about Ce3+ spin-fluctuations and the scattering For Yb(Rh1−xCox)2Si2 the validity of this equation is of conduction electrons at the Gd3+ spins (for which, nicely established as shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 8 with the values listed in Table I. The values g succes- moreover,non-Fermiliquidbehaviorcouldbeidentified). 0 The effect of Ce3+ spin-fluctuations could be described sivelydecreasewithincreasingCo-content. Discrepancies √ between these values and the values gm obtained from bya1/ T dependence. InthecaseofYb(Rh Co ) Si 1−x x 2 2 the Yb3+ spin fluctuations lead to an increase of the saturationmagnetizationcouldbeduetoVan-Vleckcon- tributionstothesusceptibility.22Thein-planemolecular- linewidth, as clearly visible for the data of x = 1. As √ field parameter λ⊥ which is sensitive to the interactions shown by the solid line in Fig.5 a 1/ T dependence rea- for the x−y components of the Yb-moments shows neg- sonably describes the data. ative values pointing to an antiferromagnetic exchange Previous ESR investigations of YbRh Si under pres- 2 2 for the x − y components. An abrupt change from sure and with Co-dopings x ≤ 0.18 have shown a λ⊥ = −3.3kOe/µ for x ≤ 0.215 to λ⊥ = −2kOe/µ close relationship between the g-factor and the magnetic B B for x ≥ 0.27 could be related to a corresponding change 7 anisotropy (i.e. g /g is large) which is the case for ⊥ (cid:107) in the magnetic structure. M¨ossbauer results on pure Yb(Rh Co ) Si with a small Co-content. Further- 1−x x 2 2 YbCo2Si2 indicate the ordered moment to be within the more, ourresultssuggestthatferromagneticcorrelations basal plane.15 The out-of plane internal fields lead to a mayremainasthedominantmechanismfornarrowESR ferromagnetic g-shift as shown in the insets of Fig. 8. lines when the Kondo interaction is strongly suppressed There, positive and large molecular-field values λ(cid:107) de- and the magnetic anisotropy is sufficiently small, i.e., at scribe the data. The strongly enhanced value of λ(cid:107) for highCo-contentsofYb(Rh Co ) Si . Thisisanewas- 1−x x 2 2 x=0.215 is a consequence of the small value of g(cid:107), since pect of the previously stated relevance of ferromagnetic 0 within a Heisenberg picture λ can be related to the ex- correlations among 4f spins for a narrow ESR in Kondo change parameter J as λ ∝ J/g2. Hence, for x ≥ 0.68 lattice systems. J(cid:107) is twice as large than for x=0.215 supporting an in- The character of the linewidth temperature dependence crease of the ferromagnetic exchange with increasing x. towards low temperatures (T (cid:46) 4 K) is clearly different Theseresultssuggestthattheexchangeforthezandthe for low and high Co-dopings. This indicates changes in x-y components of the local moment are predominantly themagneticfluctuationsuponCo-dopingduetochanges ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic, respectively. in the AFM structure. These changes could also be inferred from a change in the in-plane molecular-field around x = 0.22 where the linearity between the mag- V. CONCLUSION neticsusceptibilityχandtheESRg-valueschangesslope. Moreover, this slope shows a different sign for g (χ) and (cid:107) The series Yb(Rh1−xCox)2Si2 show well defined ESR g⊥(χ)suggestingtheexchangeforthezandthex-ycom- spectrawithpropertiestypicalforlocalYb3+ spins. The ponents of the moment to be predominantly ferromag- ESR g-factor shows a distinct and uniform variation netic and antiferromagnetic, respectively. with the Co-content and no indications for a change in the symmetry of the ground state Kramers dou- Acknowledgements blet could be found. The linewidth evolution with the Co-content clearly reflects variations of both the mag- netic order and the Kondo interaction. A strong reduc- tion of the latter by Co-doping leads to a line broad- We thank F. Garcia, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda ening. This demonstrates that the Kondo interaction and B.I. Kochelaev for fruitful discussions and acknowl- crucially determines the ESR linewidth in Kondo lat- edge the Volkswagen foundation (I/84689) for financial tices, especially in the presence of a strong magnetic support. ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] 012035 (2010). 1 P. Gegenwart, J. Custers, Y. Tokiwa, C. Geibel, and 11 C. Klingner, C. Krellner, M. Brando, C. Geibel, F. Steglich, Phys. 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