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Electron spin relaxation in rippled graphene with low mobilities P. Zhang, Y. Zhou, and M. W. Wu∗ Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China (Dated: January 17, 2012) We investigate spin relaxation in rippled graphene where curvature induces a Zeeman-like spin- orbitcouplingwithoppositeeffectivemagneticfieldsalongthegrapheneplaneinKandK′ valleys. 2 The joint effect of this Zeeman-like spin-orbit coupling and the intervalley electron-optical phonon 1 scattering opens a spin relaxation channel, which manifests itself in low-mobility samples with the 0 electronmeanfreepathbeingsmallerthantheripplesize. Duetothisspinrelaxationchannel,with 2 the increase of temperature, the relaxation time for spins perpendicular to the effective magnetic n field first decreases and then increases, with a minimum of several hundred picoseconds around a room temperature. However,thespinrelaxation alongtheeffectivemagneticfieldisdeterminedby J the curvature-induced Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling, leading to a temperature-insensitive spin 5 relaxationtimeoftheorderofmicroseconds. Therefore,thein-planespinrelaxationinlow-mobility 1 rippled graphene is anisotropic. Nevertheless, in the presence of a small perpendicular magnetic field,asusuallyappliedintheHanlespinprecessionmeasurement,theanisotropyofspinrelaxation ] is strongly suppressed. l l a PACSnumbers: 81.05.ue,85.75.-d,71.70.Ej,75.70.Tj h - s e I. INTRODUCTION data from different groups.18,19,21,22 We suggested that m theDPmechanismdominatesspinrelaxationingraphene . andcan resultin either linear or inverselylinear relation t a In recent years, graphene has attracted much inter- between τ and τ .33 s p m est due to its potential for the all-carbon based elec- Very recently, Jeong et al. reported that curvature - tronics and spintronics.1–14 A number of experiments d in graphene can lead to not only the Rashba-type SOC on spin relaxation in graphene on SiO substrate have n 2 whichisoff-diagonalinthepseudospinspace,butalsoan been carried out, with spin relaxation times τ of the o s additionalSOCdiagonalinthe pseudospinspace.29 This c order of 10-100 ps reported.3,15–22 Some works sug- additionalSOC servesas a Zeeman-like term with oppo- [ gested the Elliott-Yafet (EY)23 mechanism to be dom- site magnetic fields in K and K′ valleys, similar to the inant in spin relaxation,15,17–21 while the surface chemi- 1 caseincarbonnanotube.41–43 Starting fromthe effective cal doping experiment supported the importance of the v SOC,Jeongetal. studiedspinrelaxationinachemically- 4 D’yakonov-Perel’(DP)24 one.22 These experiments have clean corrugated graphene where the electron mean free 6 triggered intensive theoretical studies on spin relaxation pathismuchlargerthanthespatialrangeoftherandom 0 in graphene.25–33 With inversion asymmetry, possibly spin-orbit fluctuation and the spatially averaged SOC is 3 caused by a perpendicular electric field or curvature, 1. a Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling (SOC),34 which cou- zero. Under such condition, the spin relaxation is solely limited by the spin-flip scattering due to the fluctuation 0 plesspintopseudospin,arisesingraphene.29,35–39 Itwas of the SOC,31,44,45 as in the rippled graphene studied 2 foundthatwiththisSOC,the DPmechanismdominates 1 the electron spin relaxation.27 Besides, it was revealed by Dugaev et al. where only the Rashba-type SOC was : considered.31 It is noted that in the two valleys, even v that for the EY mechanism, τs/τp ∼ ne, where τp is though the effective magnetic fields from the Zeeman- i the momentum relaxation time and n is the electron X e like term are opposite, their contributions to the spin density.27,30 Thismakestheassessment,whichattributes r relaxation via the fluctuation-induced spin-flip scatter- a theobservedlinearrelationbetweenspinrelaxationtime ing are independent and identical. Besides, it was found τ and momentum relaxation time τ with the increase s p that the fluctuations of the Rashba-type SOC and the of electron density n to the EY mechanism, in the ex- e Zeeman-like term make comparable contribution to the perimentalworks15,17–20inappropriate.21Themagnitude spinrelaxation,leadingto aspinrelaxationtime atleast of the Rashba-type SOC caused by a moderate perpen- of the order of 10 ns.29 dicular electric field38,39 or curvature29,35 is of the or- der of µeV and the corresponding τ limited by the DP Nevertheless, for low-mobility samples where the elec- s mechanism is as large as microseconds.28 The adatoms tron mean free path is smaller than the spatial range were suggested to enhance the local SOC to the order of the random spin-orbit fluctuation, the spin relaxation of 10 meV and hence provide a possible origin of the is determined by the local curvature-inducedSOC.46 For observed short spin relaxation time.25,26,32,33,39,40 Re- eachisolatedvalley,theRashba-typeSOC,togetherwith cently, we set up a random Rashba model incorporat- theZeeman-liketerm,stillleadstoaspinrelaxationtime ing the effect of adatoms33 and fitted the experimental oftheorderofmicrosecondsintheDPmechanism. How- 2 ever, the two valleys are not independent any more due totheintervalleyscattering. Theoppositeeffectivemag- y netic fields in two valleys, together with the intervalley y scattering, give rise to another spin relaxation channel. This canbe understoodbya simplemodel. We labelthe x b 2αα x spin vector in each valley as S , where µ = 1 stands µ for the valley located at K or K′ point. The±spin vec- (a) ζ′=0 torineachvalleyprecessesaroundtheeffectivemagnetic ky field from the Zeeman-like term with a frequency ωµ, K kx K′ where ω = ω and ω = ω. The intervalley scat- µ −µ µ − | | tering is characterized by a scattering time τ between v two valleys. The spin vectors Sµ, with the initial values (b) ζ′≠0 S (0)=S (0)=S , satisfy the rate equations µ −µ 0 S˙µ(t)+Sµ(t) ωµ+[Sµ(t) S−µ(t)]/τv =0. (1) K K′ × − When S lies in the plane perpendicular to the effective 0 magnetic field, one has the solution XSµ(t)=2S0e−t/τs (2) µ FIG. 1: (Color online) Upper panel: schematic of the rip- pled graphene curved along the x-axis. The angle between with τ = 2/(ω2τ ) in the strong intervalley scattering the y-axis and one carbon-carbon bond in counterclockwise s v limit ωτ 1. So far this mechanism has not been re- direction isα(0≤α<2π/3). Lowerpanel: schematicofthe v vealed in t≪he literature. effectivemagneticfieldfromtheSOCalongonecirclearound In this work, we study the spin relaxation in the KandK′ points. (a)Theeffectivemagneticfieldinducedby ′ the Rashba-type SOC only (ζ = 0); (b) The effective mag- low-mobility rippled graphene (the mobility is around netic field from both typesof the SOCwith α=0. 2 103 cm2/Vs)20 and take into account the above × · spin relaxation channel. The electron mean free path l is smaller than the ripple size ξ. In the low tempera- Thesize andheightofthe ripplesareabout50and1nm ture regime where the intervalley electron-phonon scat- respectively.20TheradiusRofcurvatureis100-200nm.20 tering is negligible, the spin relaxation is dominated by According to Ref. 29, the localeffective SOC induced by the Rashba-typeSOCandτ isaslargeasmicroseconds. s the curvature reads However, with the increase of temperature, due to the above spin relaxation channel, the relaxation time for H =ζκ(µτ σ τ σ )+µζ′κI b σ, (3) soc x y y x spins polarized perpendicular to the effective magnetic ⊗ − ⊗ ⊗ · field first decreases and then increases, with a minimum with b = (cos(π/2+3α),sin(π/2+3α),0) shown in the of several hundred picoseconds around room tempera- upperpanelofFig.1. Hereτ andI arethePaulimatrices ture. andunitmatrixinthepseudospinspace. σ arethePauli This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we matricesinthe spinspace. The curvature κ=R−1. The presentthemodelandHamiltonian. InSec.III,westudy parameters ζ = 0.15 meVnm and ζ′ = 0.21 meVnm.29 · · the spin relaxation in rippled graphene based on the ki- On the right-hand side of Eq. (3), the first term is the netic spin Bloch equations (KSBEs).47–49 The effect of Rashba-type SOC reported previously35 and the second temperature, impurity density and electron density on term is the additional Zeeman-like term diagonal in the spin relaxation is investigated. The anisotropy of spin pseudospin space.29 relaxation,withoutandwithasmallperpendicularmag- WiththebasislaidoutinRefs.25and28,theeffective netic field, is also addressed. We summarize in Sec. IV. Hamiltonian of the electron band reads 1 H = X[εkδss′+(Ωµk+ gµBB) σss′]cµks†cµks′+Hint. II. MODEL AND HAMILTONIAN µkss′ 2 · (4) The quasi-periodically rippled graphene can be syn- Here cµks (cµks†) is the annihilation (creation) operator thesized by chemical vapor deposition on copper first of electrons in µ valley with momentum k (relative to and then transferred to the SiO2 substrate perpendicu- the valley center) and spin s (s = ±12). εk = ~vfk with lartothez-axis.20Thesurfacemorphologyoftherippled v = 106 m/s. g 2 is the effective Land´e g-factor,50,51 f graphene is illustrated in the upper panel of Fig. 1. The µ is the Bohr ≈magneton and B is an external mag- B graphene is curved along the x-axis and we define the netic field perpendicular to the graphene plane (when it angle between the y-axis and one carbon-carbon bond is applied, its magnitude is very small and the effect on in counterclockwise direction as α (0 α < 2π/3).29 orbital motion50,51 is negligible). The effective magnetic ≤ 3 field from the SOC is given by whenT 100K,τ isoftheorderofmicroseconds. How- s ≤ ever,when T goes beyond100 K, τ decreasesrapidly to s Ωµk =ζκ( sinθk,cosθk,0)+µζ′κb, (5) several hundred picoseconds at T 200-300 K. Never- − ∼ theless, when T further increases and exceeds the room where θk is the polar angle of momentum k. The temperature, τ begins to increase with T. It is also s second term on the right-hand side of the equation seen from the figure that τ reaches its minimum at a s plays the role of the Zeeman-like term with the effec- higher temperature with larger curvature κ. Moreover, tive static magnetic field along b ( b) in K (K′) val- − when T = 50 K and T > 250 K, τs is proportional to ley. The effective magnetic fields, without and with κ−2. However, in the intermediate temperature regime the second term, are schematically plotted in the lower 100 < T < 250 K, the spin relaxation times are nearly panel of Fig. 1, where α is set as zero and hence the same for different values of κ. This scenario is un- b is along the y-aixs. The Hamiltonian H con- int derstood as follows. sists of both the intravalley and intervalley scatterings. The former include the electron-impurity,52 electron- remote-interfacialphonon,53 electron-acousticphonon,54 electron–Γ-E optical phonon55 as well as electron- 2g electron Coulomb scatterings.28 The latter include the 107 30 electron–K-A′ optical phonon55 and electron-electron κ=0.005 nm-1 1 0.01 nm-1 Coulomb scatterings.28 106 0.02 nm-1 105 III. SPIN RELAXATION IN RIPPLED s) m) GRAPHENE τ (ps104 25 l (n The KSBEs47–49 are utilized to study the spin relax- 103 ation in grahene,28,33 102 ne=7×1011 cm-2 n=2×1012 cm-2 i ∂tρµk(t)=∂tρµk(t)|coh+∂tρµk(t)|scat, (6) 101 20 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 where ρµk(t) represent the density matrices of elec- T (K) trons with relative momentum k in valley µ at time t. The coherent terms read ∂tρµk(t)coh = ~i[(Ωµk + 21gµBB)·σ,ρµk(t)], where the Hartr|ee-Fock−term from FpeIGra.tu2r:e(Cdoeploernodnelnincee)oSfoslipdi,ndraeslhaexdataionnddtiomtteedwcituhrvdesiff:etreemnt- the Coulomb interaction is neglected due to the small valuesofκ. Chaincurvewiththescaleontheright-handside spin polarization.28,33,47 The concrete expressions of the of the frame: temperature dependence of mean free path. scattering terms ∂tρµk(t)|scat are given in Ref. 28. By ne =7×1011 cm−2 and ni =2×1012 cm−2. solving the KSBEs, one obtains the spin relaxation time τ along direction n from the time evolution of spin po- s llaatriiozant,iounnlPes(st)ot=hern1weiPseµskpTecr[iρfiµekd(,tt)hσe·inn]i.tiaIlnsopuinr pcaollcaur-- We first focus on the case with κ=0.01 nm−1. When ization is P(0) = 10 %, the spin-polarization direction T 100 K, the intervalley scattering is negligible28 and ≤ n is along the z-axis, the curvature κ = 0.01 nm−1, the spins in two valleys relax independently. The spin re- electron density n = 7 1011 cm−2, the impurity den- laxation is then determined by the Rashba-type SOC. e sity n = 2 1012 cm−2×and the external magnetic field TheZeeman-liketermonlyservesasanin-planeeffective i B=0. For×spinrelaxationalongthez-axis,thedirection magneticfieldwhichmixesthe in-planeandout-of-plane of b, determined by angle α, is irrelevant. spin relaxations.56 It is known that with the Rashba- type SOC only and strong electron-impurity scattering, τ = τ /2 = ~2/(4ζ2κ2τ ), where τ (τ ) is the out-of- ⊥ || p ⊥ || A. Temperature dependence of spin relaxation plane (in-plane) spin relaxation time.25,32 Therefore in the presence of the effective magnetic field, the spin re- Wefirststudythetemperaturedependenceofthespin laxation time along the z-axis is τs = 2/(τ⊥−1 +τ|−|1) = relaxation. In Fig. 2, the spin relaxation time τ is ~2/(3ζ2κ2τ ). With τ = l/v , one can estimate τ s p p f s ≈ plotted against temperature T at different curvatures 2.4 µs at T = 50 K, as shown in the figure. When T κ. The electron mean free path l is around 25 nm (the increases, the intervalley electron–K-A′ optical phonon 1 corresponding mobility is around 2.6 103 cm2/Vs) in scattering becomes important and opens another spin × · the whole temperature regime investigated, as shown in relaxation channel together with the opposite effective Fig.2 with the scale onthe right-handside ofthe frame. magnetic fields in two valleys. According to the model Therefore the electron mean free path is always smaller presented in the introduction, in the weak intervalley than the ripple size. It is indicated by this figure that scattering limit ωτ 1 (ω = 2ζ′κ/~ for the concrete v ≥ 4 situation here), one has the solution XSµ(t)= 2S0e−t/τv sin(pω2 τv−2t+φ) (7) 107 µ p1−(ωτv)−2 − 106 Total Without intervalley e-e twoitthheφe=ffecatrivcteamnpagωn2eτtiv2c−fie1ldw.hTenhisS0inidsicpaetrepsetnhdaitcutlhaer 105 WithoutW inittherovuatl ilneyte er-vea allnedy ee--pp s) spin relaxation time is solely determined by the inter- p valley scattering time, i.e., τs = τv. Therefore, in the τ (s104 weak intervalley scattering limit, τ decreases with the s einnchraenacseemoefnTt.ofHthoweeinvteerr,vianlletyhescsattrtoenrginigntaenrdvahlleenycesctahte- 103 nne==27××11001121 ccmm--22 tering limit, τs = 2/(ω2τv) as given by Eq. (2) in the κ=i0.01 nm-1 introduction. In such case, τs increases with the in- 102 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 crease of T. The crossover from the weak to strong in- T (K) tervalley scattering limit with the increase of T is deter- mined by τ−1 ω = 2ζ′κ/~. At this crossover point, τs τv ~/v(2ζ≈′κ), whichis estimatedto be 170ps, just FIG.3: (Coloronline)Temperaturedependenceofspinrelax- ≈ ≈ as the value shown in the figure. ation time with the inclusion of different intervalley scatter- Based on the above analysis, it is understood that in ings. Solid curve: with both the intervalley electron-electron the zero intervalley scattering limit τ = ~2/(4ζ2κ2τ ) (e-e) and electron-phonon (e-p) scatterings; Dashed curve: s p and in the strong intervalley scattering limit τ = without the intervalley e-e scattering; Chain curve: without s ~2/(2ζ′2κ2τ ). In both limits τ is proportional to κ−2. the intervalley e-p scattering; Dotted curve: without both Hτ−o1wever,τ−in1v theωw,eτakiisntdeertvearlmlseiynesdcabttyertihneg ilnimteirtvawlliethy tnhie=in2te×rv1a0l1le2ycme-e−2anadnde-κp=sc0a.t0t1erninmgs−.1.ne = 7×1011 cm−2, ⊥ ≪ v ≤ s scattering time τ and remains insensitive to κ. Besides, v thecrossoverpointinthenonmonotonictemperaturede- pendence of spin relaxationtime moves to a higher tem- 109 perature with the increase of curvature κ as determined ζζ′≠0 bfeysttthheemreslaeltvioens iτnv−t1he≈cu2rζv′eκs/w~.ithTdhieffseerepnrtopvaerlutieessomfκaniin- 108 ζζ′==00 Fig. 2. 107 s)106 p B. Effect of intervallreeylasxcaattitoenring and SOC on spin τ (s105 ne=7×1011 cm-2 104 ni=2×1012 cm-2 κ=0.01 nm-1 The intervalley scatterings include both the electron- 103 electron Coulomb and electron-phonon scatterings.28 However, the essential role played in the spin relax- 102 ation channel revealed in this work is the intervalley 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 T (K) electron-phononscattering. Thatisbecausetheinterval- leyCoulombscatteringwhichtransferselectronsbetween the two valleys is negligible due to the large momentum FIG.4: (Coloronline)Temperaturedependenceofspinrelax- transfer between them and hence the small scattering ationtimeforthegenuinecase(ζζ′6=0),thecasewithoutthe matrix element. Only the intervalley Coulomb scatter- Zeeman-like term (ζ′ =0) and the case without the Rashba- ing whichdoes notlead to any electrontransferbetween type SOC (ζ =0). ne =7×1011 cm−2, ni =2×1012 cm−2 the valleys is considered.28 and κ=0.01 nm−1. For comparison,we showthe temperature dependence of spin relaxation time with different intervalley scatter- ings included in Fig. 3. It is seen that the intervalley In Fig. 4, we further compare the genuine spin re- Coulombscatteringis unimportantinthe wholetemper- laxation (ζζ′ = 0) to the ones without the Zeeman- 6 ature regime under study while the intervalley electron- like term (ζ′ = 0) and without the Rashba-type SOC phononscatteringaffectsspinrelaxationeffectively. Par- (ζ = 0), in order to reveal the effect of the two types ticularly,whentheintervalleyelectron-phononscattering of SOC on spin relaxation. When the Zeeman-like term isexcluded,τ becomesinsensitivetoT. Thatisbecause is absent (ζ′ = 0), the two valleys are degenerate and s in the nearly isolated valleys, τ = ~2/(3ζ2κ2τ ) with τ τ = τ = ~2/(4ζ2κ2τ ).25,32 The dotted curve in Fig. 4 s p p s ⊥ p beingdominatedbytheelectron-impurityscattering.28,33 satisfies this relation very well. When the Rashba-type 5 SOC is absent (ζ = 0), the spin relaxation is caused by the opposite effective magnetic fields jointly with the 107 scattering between two valleys. At low temperature, τ s n=7×1011 cm-2 approaches infinity due to the suppression of intervalley e 1.4×1012 cm-2 scattering. By comparing the two curves with ζ =0 and 106 ζ′ = 0 to the genuine one with ζζ′ = 0, one finds that 6 inthe genuinesituationthe spinrelaxationis dominated 105 by the Rashba-type SOC when T 100 K and by the s) Zeeman-like term when T >100 K.≤ τ (ps104 ni=3×1012 cm-2 κ=0.01 nm-1 C. Spin relaxation with different impurity and 103 electron densities 102 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Wecalculatethespinrelaxationwithahigherimpurity T (K) densityn =3 1012 cm−2 to explorethe effectofimpu- i × rity density on spin relaxation. With this impurity den- sitytheelectronmeanfreepathl isdecreased(compared FIG. 6: (Color online) Temperature dependence of spin re- to the values shownin Fig. 2) andthe condition l ξ is laxation time with different electron densities. Solid curve: satisfied. In Fig. 5, the ratios of the momentum sc≪atter- ne = 7×1011 cm−2; Dashed curve: ne = 1.4×1012 cm−2. ingrateandspinrelaxationtimewithn =3 1012cm−2 ni =3×1012 cm−2 and κ=0.01 nm−1. i × to those with n =2 1012 cm−2, labeled as η(τ−1) and i × p η(τ ), are plotted against the temperature. It is shown s thatη(τ−1)remainsaround1.5inthewholetemperature p regime under study, as the electron-impurity scattering dominatesτ . η(τ )isabout1.5atT =50Kandrapidly p s decreases to 1 with the increase of T. That is because While changing the impurity density influences the the spin relaxationis sensitive to the intravalley scatter- spin relaxation only at low temperature (T < 150 K), ing only when τv−1 . τ⊥−1 (T < 150 K). Particularly, at the change of electron density is expected to affect spin T = 50 K, τs ∝ τp−1 and η(τs) = η(τp−1) = 1.5. When relaxationina largetemperature regime,as boththe in- T 150K,thespinrelaxationbecomesinsensitivetothe travalley and intervalley scatterings depend on the elec- ≥ intravalley scattering and hence the increase of impurity tron density. In fact, with the increase of electron den- density. sity, the intravalleyelectron-impurity scattering is weak- ened while the intervalley electron-phonon scattering is strengthened. Therefore, with the increase of electron density, as long as the condition l ξ is satisfied, the 1.6 ≪ spin relaxation time τ decreases in the weak intervalley s scattering limit (τ τ−1 when T 100 K and τ = τ 1.5 s ∝ p ≤ s v when 100 < T 250 K) but increases in the strong in- 1.4 η(τ) tervalley scatte≤ring limit (τs ∝ τv−1 when T > 250 K). s We calculate the spin relaxation with a higher electron 1.3 η(τp-1) density n = 1.4 1012 cm−2 and the impurity density e η n = 3 1012 cm×−2. For such case the electron mean 1.2 n=7×1011 cm-2 friee pat×h l has the largest value of 30 nm at T = 50 K. e 1.1 κ=0.01 nm-1 InFig.6, we comparethe spin relaxationforthis caseto theonewithn =7 1011cm−2 andn =3 1012 cm−2. e i 1 Itisindeedshownth×atwiththeincreaseofe×lectronden- sity, τ decreases when T < 250 K but increases when 0.9 s 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 T 250 K. ≥ T (K) When the electron density is further increased and FIG.5: (Color online) Temperaturedependenceoftheratios eventually l ξ, the mechanism discussed in this work ofthemomentumscatteringrate(dashedcurve)andthespin is not valid≥any more and the spin-flip scattering in- relaxation time (solid curve) with ni = 3× 1012 cm−2 to duced by the fluctuation of the SOC contributes to spin those with ni = 2×1012 cm−2, labeled as η(τp−1) and η(τs) relaxation.31,33,44,45 When the latter is dominant, the respectively. ne =7×1011 cm−2 and κ=0.01 nm−1. spinrelaxationtime τ is ofthe orderof10nsandinsen- s sitive to the temperature.29,31 6 D. Anisotropy of spin relaxation without and with Usually, the spin relaxation in graphene is ex- small perpendicular magnetic field perimentally studied by the Hanle spin precession measurement.15–22 In such measurement, a small mag- neticfieldB(atmostoftheorderof100mT)perpendic- The above studies are limited to the spin relaxation ulartothe grapheneplaneisapplied. Underthe perpen- along the z-axis. In fact, due to the in-plane effective magnetic field along b, the spin relaxation time along dicularmagneticfield,thespinrelaxationsalongdifferent any direction perpendicular to b is identical. Also, ac- directionsinthegrapheneplanearemixed. Intherippled graphenestudiedhere, the spinrelaxationsalongbothb cording to the simple model presented in the introduc- tion, there is no spin relaxation along b. However, due and the direction perpendicular to b are exponential in to the Rashba-type SOC, spins relax along b exponen- the strong intervalley scattering limit (T >250 K), with the two spin relaxation rates being τ−1 and ω2τ /2, re- tially, with the spin relaxation time τs = τ|| (τ|| can be || v obtained from τ given by the dotted curve in Fig. 4, spectively. Therefore,whenB >~τ−1 ω2τ /2/(2gµ ) ⊥ | || − v | B as τ|| = 2τ⊥). This spin relaxation time is of the order (about10mTaroundroomtemperature),thespinrelax- of microseconds and insensitive to temperature. Due to ation along any direction in the graphene plane has the the difference in spin relaxations along and perpendicu- unique rate τ−1 = (τ−1 +ω2τ /2)/2 ω2τ /4.56 How- lar to b, the spin relaxation in the plane parallel to b, s || v ≈ v ever,thisisnotthecaseintheweakintervalleyscattering e.g., the grapheneplane, is anisotropic. When the initial limit (T < 250 K), as there is spin oscillation along the spin-polarization direction n deviates from b by an an- directionperpendicular to b [refer to Eq.(7)]. We apply gleθn,b,thespinpolarizationalongnrelaxesintheform a magnetic field of magnitude of 10 mT perpendicular P(t)=P(0)[cos2θn,be−t/τ||+sin2θn,bf(t)]. Here f(t)= to the graphene plane and calculate the spin relaxations s√ca1e−t−t(etω/rττivvn)g−2lisminit(pτ−ω12−ττv−−21t+ωφ)(i1n00th<e Twe<ak2i5n0teKrv)aallnedy baloinngtbhe(θgnr,abph=en0e)palnandeth(θen,dbire=ctiπo/n2)perrepsepnedcitcivuelalyr taot f(t)=e−ω2τvt/2 i⊥nth≪estvron≤gintervalleyscatteringlimit dthiffeesrpeinntrteelmaxpaetriaotnutriems.eTalhoengtetmhpeseerattwuoredidreepcteinodnesn,cweitohf τ−1 ω (T > 250 K), according to Eqs. (7) and (2) and without the perpendicular magnetic field, is plotted v ≫ respectively. in Fig. 7. For comparison, we also plot the tempera- ture dependence of the parameter, τ0, calculated from s the average value of the perpendicular-magnetic-field– free spin relaxation rates along these two directions. It 107 is shown that due to the perpendicular magnetic field, the spin relaxation becomes isotropic in the graphene 106 B=10 mT: θn,b=0 pwlhaenne Twh<en25T0>K,2t5h0eKa,niwsoitthroτps−y1is≈stωro2nτvg/ly4.suHpopwreesvseerd, θ =π/2 n,b 105 B=0: θn,b=0 but not completely eliminated. Consequently, despite τ (ps)s104 θn,b=πτ/2s0 ttrhiiopenp,laentdhgegleroaαbpsheaernnvdeedbthysepminmeaernaesslauoxrfeadttihoesnpHitnai-mnpleoelaisnrpiizlnoawtpio-rmnecoedbsiisrlieiotcny- measurementisexpectedtohaveamarkednonmonotonic 103 ne=7×1011 cm-2 dependence on temperature, with a minimum of several ni=2×1012 cm-2 hundred picoseconds located around room temperature. κ=0.01 nm-1 102 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 T (K) IV. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION FIG. 7: (Color online) Temperature dependence of spin re- In conclusion, we have studied the electronspin relax- laxationtimealongdifferentdirectionsinthegrapheneplane ation in rippled graphene with low mobilities. The elec- with (solid curves) and without (dashed curves) an external tron mean free path is smaller than the ripple size and magnetic field along the z-axis. Solid curve with squares the spin relaxation is determined by the local SOC in- (open circles): spin relaxation along the direction parallel duced by curvature. The curvature not only leads to the (perpendicular) to b with external magnetic field of 10 mT Rashba-type SOC, but also supplies a Zeeman-like term alongthez-axis;Dashedcurvewithclosed circles(triangles): with opposite effective magnetic fields along graphene spinrelaxationalongthedirectionparallel(perpendicular)to b without external magnetic field. The dotted curve with plane in two valleys.29 We show that this Zeeman-like crosses stands for the temperature dependence of the pa- term,togetherwiththeintervalleyelectron-K-A′ optical 1 rameter, τ0, calculated from the average value of the spin phononscattering,givesrisetoaspinrelaxationchannel s relaxation rates along directions parallel and perpendicular in rippled graphene at high temperature (with tempera- to b without external magnetic field. ne = 7×1011 cm−2, ture T >100 K). This spin relaxationchannel can cause ni =2×1012 cm−2 and κ=0.01 nm−1. a marked nonmonotonic dependence of spin relaxation 7 on temperature along the direction perpendicular to the However, in the work of Semenov et al. where the spin effective magnetic field from the Zeeman-like term. A relaxation in carbon nanotube was studied,43 the inter- minimal spin relaxationtime of severalhundred picosec- valley scattering was not considered and this spin relax- ondsisobtainedaroundroomtemperature. However,the ation channel was not incorporated. Rashba-type SOC dominates the spin relaxation along the effective magnetic field, leading to a temperature- Finally, we discuss the experimentally observed spin insensitive spin relaxationtime of the order of microsec- relaxationinthelow-mobilityrippledgraphenebyAvsar onds. Therefore, anisotropy exists in the spin relaxation et al..20 In their sample with an electron density of in the graphene plane. In the presence of a small per- 7.5 1011 cm−2, the in-plane spin relaxation time ob- × pendicular magnetic field in Hanle spin precession ex- tained from the Hanle spin precession measurement in- periment, the anisotropy of in-plane spin relaxation is creasesmildlyfromabout130to150pswhenT increases strongly suppressed. Particularly, in the strong interval- from 5 to 300 K.20 Avsar et al. estimated the effect of ley scattering limit, the spin relaxation in the graphene the local SOC from curvature and excluded it from the plane becomes isotropic, with the spin relaxation time spin relaxation mechanism (refer to the supplementary being two times as large as that along the direction per- information of Ref. 20). However, it is noticed that they pendicular to the effective magnetic field in the absence only took into account the Rashba-type SOC according of the perpendicular magnetic field. to Ref. 35and the resulting spin relaxationtime is natu- Thespinrelaxationchannelrevealedinthisworkman- rallymuchlongerthantheirexperimentaldata. Thespin ifests itself only when the electron mean free path is relaxation channel revealed in this work supplies a pos- smaller than the ripple size. However, it is noted that sible originof the experimentally observedshort spin re- when this spin relaxation channel is dominant (at tem- laxation time around room temperature. To account for perature T > 100 K), the spin relaxation is insensitive the experimental data in the whole temperature regime, to the intravalley scattering, mainly contributed by the some otherfactors,e.g., the randomlyenhancedSOC by electron-impurity scattering in the low-mobility sample. thesubstrateand/oradatoms,25,26,32,33,39,40 mayneedto Itisalsonotedthatinrealitytheripplesingraphenemay be considered. notbequasi-periodicasproposedinthiswork. Theradii Acknowledgments ofthecurvaturesmaybe spatialdependent.20 Therefore, the observed spin relaxation is coherently averaged over the curvature morphology in the low-mobility sample.46 This work was supported by the National Basic Re- In such case, the spin relaxation is determined by the searchProgramofChinaunderGrantNo.2012CB922002 mean square of curvature in the zero and strong inter- and the Natural Science Foundation of China under valley scattering limits. The spin relaxation channel re- Grant No. 10725417. The authors acknowledge valuable vealedinthisworkshouldalsoexistincarbonnanotude. discussions with J. S. Jeong. ∗ Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; 11 M. Shiraishi and T. Ikoma, Physica E 43, 1295 (2011). Electronic address: [email protected]. 12 M.AcikandY.J.Chabal,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.50,070101 1 K.S.Novoselov, A.K.Geim,S.V.Morozov, D.Jiang, Y. (2011). Zhang,S.V.Dubonos,I.V.Grigorieva, andA.A.Firsov, 13 A. K.Geim, Rev.Mod. Phys.83, 851 (2011). 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