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Electron Spin Dynamics and Hyperfine Interactions in Fe/Al_0.1Ga_0.9As/GaAs Spin Injection Heterostructures PDF

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Preview Electron Spin Dynamics and Hyperfine Interactions in Fe/Al_0.1Ga_0.9As/GaAs Spin Injection Heterostructures

Electron Spin Dynamics and Hyperfine Interactions in Fe/Al0.1Ga0.9As/GaAs Spin Injection Heterostructures J. Strand,1 X. Lou,1 C. Adelmann,2 B. D. Schultz,2 A. F. Isakovic,1,∗ C. J. Palmstrøm,2 and P. A. Crowell1,† 1School of Physics and Astronomy 2Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 5 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 0 0 We have studied hyperfine interactions between spin-polarized electrons and lattice nuclei in 2 Al0.1Ga0.9As/GaAs quantumwell (QW) heterostructures. The spin-polarized electrons are electri- n callyinjectedintothesemiconductorheterostructurefromametallicferromagnetacrossaSchottky a tunnel barrier. The spin-polarized electron current dynamically polarizes the nuclei in the QW, J and thepolarized nuclei in turn alter theelectron spin dynamics. The steady-state electron spin is 6 detected via the circular polarization of the emitted electroluminescence. The nuclear polarization and electron spin dynamics are accurately modeled using the formalism of optical orientation in ] GaAs. The nuclear spin polarization in the QW is found to depend strongly on the electron spin i c polarization intheQW,butonlyweaklyontheelectrondensityintheQW.Weareabletoobserve s nuclearmagneticresonance(NMR)atlowappliedmagneticfieldsontheorderofafewhundredOe - byelectricallymodulatingthespininjectedintotheQW.TheelectricallydrivenNMRdemonstrates l r explicitly the existence of a Knight field felt by thenuclei dueto theelectron spin. t m PACSnumbers: 72.25.Hg,72.25.Rb,76.60.Jx . t a m I. INTRODUCTION II. SPIN INJECTION: BACKGROUND - d n Many experiments have utilized the selection rules for o opticaltransitionsinGaAstomeasurethe spinpolariza- c tionofconductionbandelectrons.2,15,16,17,18 Theseselec- [ tionrulesallowforasimplemappingbetweenthenetlu- 1 minescence circular polarizationPEL =(I+ I−)/(I++ − v Spin-polarized electrons in GaAs interact with lattice I−) where I+,− are the intensities of the two helicities 6 nuclei through the hyperfine interaction, leading to dy- of circularly polarized light, and the average electron 09 namic nuclear polarization(DNP).1,2,3 Typical DNP ex- spin along the sample normal: Pspin = αSz = αS ·zˆ, periments in GaAs exploit the spin-dependent selection where S is the average electron spin in the quantum 1 0 rules for optical transitions to generate the necessary well (QW), and α = 2 for luminescence from QW sys- 5 population of spin-polarized electrons in the conduction tems while α = 1 for bulk systems.19,20 The orienta- 0 band. Recentexperimentshavedemonstratedtheelectri- tion and magnitude of S will in turn depend on the ap- / cal injection of spin-polarized electrons using a metallic plied magnetic field B and the electron spin lifetime t app a ferromagnet as a contact and a band-engineered Schot- T =(τ−1+τ−1)−1,whereτ−1istherateofelectronspin m tkytunnelbarrier.4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 Thequestionnat- reslaxatisonandτ−1 istheratseofelectron-holerecombina- - urally arises whether the electrically injected population tion. The electron spin immediately after injection into d n of spin-polarized carriers interacts with lattice nuclei in the QW is given by the vector S0. Spin relaxation that amannersimilartoopticallyinjectedspin-polarizedcar- occurs before the electrons recombine with holes reduces o c riers. In this paper we present a series of experiments the total spin in the QW from its initial value S0 to its : in whicha currentofspin-polarizedelectronselectrically steady-state value S. In addition, the spin will precess v i injected from an Fe contact dynamically polarizes lat- about Bapp whenever Bapp S =0. The angle through X tice nuclei in a Al Ga As/GaAs quantum well (QW). which the spin precesses is×dete6rmined by the product 0.1 0.9 r The nuclear polarization and its subsequent effects on ΩTs oftheLarmorprecessionfrequencyandtheelectron a electron spin dynamics are well-described by the same spin lifetime where Ω = g∗µ B /~, g∗ is the effec- B app modelofDNPusedtounderstandopticalorientationex- tive electron g-factor, µB is the Bohr magneton and ~ periments. However,the magnetic anisotropiesof the Fe is Planck’s constant. Typically, Ω 1010 GHz at 5 kG ∼ contact allow access to new geometries for observing the and Ts 200 ps, giving ΩTs . 2π. Combining these ∼ interaction between spin-polarized electrons and nuclei processes of injection, precession, relaxation and recom- that cannot be achieved in optical spin-pumping experi- bination,wecandefinearateequationthatdescribesthe ments. Inaddition, weshow thatmodulationofthe spin dynamics of the electron spin in the QW:19 polarizationofthe currentcanbeusedtocontrolthehy- perfine interactiondirectly, leading to the observationof dS S S S =Ω S − 0. (1) nuclear magnetic resonance in very low applied fields. dt × − τ − τ s 2 Luminescence is a steady-state measurement, and there- fore we can set dS/dt = 0 and solve for S. It is conve- Au Fe nient to define the characteristic magnetic field B1/2 = 2 n-type ~/(g∗µ T ) at which Ω T = 1. The steady-state so- p-type QW B s B1/2 s p+substrate lution of Eq. 1 can then be written as S =ηB12/2S0+(S0·BBap12p/)2B+apBpa2+ppB1/2(Bapp×S0), gy (eV) e- conduction baQndW ph+ (2) er 0 whereη =1/(1+τ/τs).21 Equation2isthegeneralequa- En n tion for electron spin dynamics in GaAs under steady- shteartee,tchoenzd-ictioomnsp.onFeonrttShzeisedxpeteercimteednbtsytuhnedleurmdiinsecsucsesniocne Fe valence band circular polarization P , and S is electrically injected EL 0 from a ferromagnetic metal contact. -2 Inthecaseofelectricalinjectionofspin-polarizedelec- 0 100 200 300 trons from a thin Fe film, S = ǫρmˆ, where mˆ is the Position (nm) 0 direction of the Fe contact magnetization, ρ is the spin FIG. 1: Spin-LED band structure at zero bias23 and a polarization of the Fe contact, and ǫ is the efficiency schematic cross section (inset) of the spin-LED device. The of spin transport across the interface. Magnetic shape dashed line is theFermi level, theopen circle and arrow rep- anisotropy in the thin film causes the Fe magnetiza- resentstheflowof unpolarized holesfrom thep-typelayerto tion to lie in-plane at low magnetic fields. Hence, at theQW,thefilled circle representstheflowof spin-polarized B = 0, S will be entirely in-plane and the lumi- electrons injected from the Fe contact through the Schottky app 0 barrier. nescence along the z-direction will be unpolarized. In order to achieve S = 0 in the QW, either the Fe mag- z 6 netization must be rotated out of the plane prior to the injection of spin-polarized electrons, or the injected spin back diodes: a Schottky diode at the interface (injector) must precess out-of-plane after reaching the QW. The followed by a n-i-p light emitting diode (detector). The first approach can be accomplished by applying a mag- device is operated with the Schottky contact reverse bi- netic field along the z-direction in the longitudinal, or ased (electrons passing from Fe into Al Ga As) and 0.1 0.9 Faraday geometry,4,5,6,7,11,14,15,22 while the second re- then-i-pLEDforwardbiased. Positivedevicevoltagesin quires an angle between S0 and Bapp in the transverse, thispaperrefertoreverseSchottkyandforwardLEDbias or Voigt geometry.8,9,10,12,13 conditions: electrons tunnelling into the Al Ga As 0.1 0.9 and recombining with holes in the QW to emit photons. Transportatthe interfaceisdeterminedby the Schottky III. SAMPLE DESIGN, GROWTH AND barrier shape and width, which in turn depends on the PROCESSING Al Ga As doping at the interface. The combination 0.1 0.9 of the ferromagnetic film and highly doped n+ interfa- The devices studied here combine electrical injection cial Al Ga As is referred to as the injector, while the 0.1 0.9 of spin-polarized carriers across an engineered Schottky n-i(QW)i-p LED is referred to as the detector. barrierwith optical spin detection. This device design is Two different injector doping designs are used for the referredtoasaspin-sensitivelightemittingdiode(LED), data presented here: graded doping and δ-doping. Sam- orspin-LED.4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,22 Averticalblock ple A has a graded doping injector similar to that of diagramschematicof the spin-LEDis shownin the inset Hanbicki et al.5 and is used for all field dependence and of Fig. 1. A ferromagnetic metal is deposited on top of time dependence measurements in this paper. Sample B a highly doped n+ layer of Al Ga As. Underneath has a δ-doped injector and is used for nuclear magnetic 0.1 0.9 the n+ layer is a drift layer of n-type Al Ga As that resonancemeasurements. Theδ-dopedinjectoriscreated 0.1 0.9 separates the injector region of the device from the de- by depositing a two-dimensional sheet of n-type dopant tectorregionofthedevice. Thedetectorisa100˚AGaAs (Si)neartheinterface. TableIshowsdetailsofthesetwo QWwithun-dopedAl Ga Asbarriers,positionedap- heterostructure designs. Severalsamples with varying δ- 0.1 0.9 proximately1500˚Afromtheferromagnet/semiconductor doping,gradedinterfacialdoping,driftlayerdoping,and interface. BeneaththeQWdetectorisalayerofp-doped QWdopinghavebeengrownandtestedandexhibitvary- Al Ga As thatservesasasourceofunpolarizedholes ing degrees electricalspin injection and dynamic nuclear 0.1 0.9 with which the injected electrons recombine in the QW. polarization. Thedeviceisoperatedwiththebiasappliedbetweenthe The samples are grown using molecular beam epitaxy ferromagnet and the substrate, and luminescence is col- (MBE). The Fe film is deposited in situ and is capped lected along the growth direction zˆ of the sample. with a thin Al layer to prevent oxidation. The devices Thespin-LEDheterostructureconsistsoftwoback-to- are processed using standard photolithography and wet 3 Sample A SampleB thickness(nm) material thickness(nm) 2.5 T ∼0 ◦C Al same growth 5 T ∼0 ◦C Fe same growth 15 n+ (5×1018 cm−3) Al0.1Ga0.9As 2.5 i 15 n/n+ (graded doping) Al0.1Ga0.9As δ-doped (Si) n+ (3×1013 cm−2) 100 n (1×1016 cm−3) Al0.1Ga0.9As 100 n (6.7×1016 cm−3) 25 i Al0.1Ga0.9As same 10 i-QW GaAs same 25 i Al0.1Ga0.9As same 50 p/p+ (1×1017−1×1018 cm−3) Al0.1Ga0.9As same 150 p+ (1×1018 cm−3) Al0.1Ga0.9As same 300 p+ (1.1×1018 cm−3) GaAs same substrate p+ GaAs (100) same TABLE I:Heterostructure details for thetwo primary spin-LED samples discussed in this paper. etching. Mesas, either round or rectangular, are litho- and exit slit are set to transmit the entire EL line. An graphically defined and etched below the level of the n- optical chopper (f 400 Hz) is placed at the entrance ≈ i-p depletion region to minimize leakage currents. The slit of the monochromator. The output of the APD is samplesaremountedinchipcarriersusingindiumsolder passed through a band-pass voltage pre-amplifier and (diffused into the backside of the wafer prior to growth) into two digital lock-in amplifiers which are referenced that creates an ohmic contact to the GaAs substrate. to the PEM and chopper frequencies. P is defined as EL TheFe/Al Ga AsSchottkyiscontactedbywirebond- V /V where V and V are the outputs 0.1 0.9 PEM chopper PEM chopper ing to a Au pad on the top of the device. Typical device of the two lock-in amplifiers. dimensions are 300 µm diameter dots (Sample A) and 400-1200µm 80 µm bars (Sample B). × A. Faraday Geometry Electroluminescence Polarization IV. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP In the Faraday geometry the magnetic field is parallel to the direction of light propagation: B =B zˆ [see app app Themeasurementsareperformedat20Kinasplit-coil Fig. 2(a)]. In this case Eq. 2 gives magneto-optical cryostat. The devices are biased with a current source, and the voltage drop is measured across S =ηS zˆ, (3) z 0 · the entire device (Schottky and n-i-p junction). that is, S is simply the component of S along zˆ scaled Measurements are performed in the pure Faraday and z 0 Voigt geometries and at oblique angles up to 20◦ from byη =1/(1+τ/τs). ηcharacterizesthelongitudinalspin ± relaxationpriorto recombination. Figure3(a)showsthe pure Voigt. Light is collected and collimated with a Fe film magnetizationas a function ofmagnetic field ap- 25mmdiameterlensatthecryostatwindow(focallength pliedout-of-plane,withthemagnetizationfullysaturated of 150 mm for Faraday and 200 mm for Voigt). Two alongzˆat B =4πM 2.1 T. Figure2(a) showsa di- data collection techniques are used. For low lumines- app ≈ agram of the Faraday geometry experimental setup: the cence light-level samples, such as Sample B, the colli- Fe magnetization rotates out of the plane under the in- mated beam is passed through a liquid crystal variable fluence ofthe appliedfield, andELis collectedalongthe retarder (LCVR) that can be electronically switched be- z-direction. The increasing component of out-of-plane tweenλ/4 and 3λ/4retardation,andthenthroughalin- magnetizationM leads to anincreasingP signal,un- ear polarizer. The light is collected over a variable in- z EL til M is completely saturatedout-of-plane at 2.1 T as tegration time by a CCD camera mounted on a spec- seen in Fig. 4.4,5,6,7,11,14 ≈ trometer. The CCD camera collects a full EL spectrum For B > 4πM, S zˆ = S , and S = ηS . There- over a 40 meV window for each setting of the LCVR app 0 0 z 0 · fore, the Faraday geometry P at B > 2.1 T di- (λ/4 and 3λ/4). The total intensity of each spectrum is EL app rectly measures the scalar value of ηS after accounting integratedoverthefullELlineandusedtodefinethenet 0 forupto1%magneto-absorptioninthesemi-transparent EL circular polarization: P =(I I )/(I +I ). EL + − + − − Fe contact: Forhighluminescencelight-levelsamples,suchasSam- ple A, data can also be collected using a photoelastic P =2ηS . (4) EL 0 modulator (PEM) operating at 42 kHz, a linear polar- izer, a 74 mm monochromator and an avalanche pho- Inparticular,thisallowsforthemeasurementofηS asa 0 todiode (APD). The monochromator center wavelength functionofthedevicebias. AsshowninFig.5forB = app 4 Observation direction z^ z^ 1 (a) [100] → B app → → S B 0 0 app Sz θ y^ Sz θ ^y → S 0 -1 ^ ^ x x -4 -2 0 2 4 (a) Faraday (b) Oblique Easy Axis Field (T) ) s t ni 1 (b) [011] u Observation direction ^ ^ b. z z r a ( n 0 →→SS00 ^y atio z →S Sz B→app ^y Sz B→app x^ gneti -1 ϕ a M -400 -200 0 200 400 → ^ S x 0 1 (c) [011] (c) Opt. Pumping (d) Hard Axis Hanle 0 FIG. 2: Measurement geometries for the experiments dis- cussed in this paper. In all cases the observation direction isalongzˆ,theinjectedspindirectionisalongS0,theapplied field lies along B , and the detected component of steady- app -1 state spin is Sz. (a) Faraday geometry: at Bapp = 0, S0 lies entirely in-plane. B is applied out-of-plane to rotate app -1000 -500 0 500 1000 S0 out-of-plane. (b) Oblique easy axis geometry: Bapp is Field (Oe) applied at a small angle out-of-plane, with its in-plane pro- jection alongthe[011]magneticeasy axis. S precessesabout Bapp after injection. (c) Voigt geometry, optical pumping FIG. 3: Magnetization curves for the thin Fe film. (a) Film Hanle effect: S0 is optically injected along zˆ, and precesses magnetization for magnetic field applied out-of-plane, along about Bapp, which is entirely in-plane. (d) Hard axis geom- the [100] direction. (b) Magnetization for magnetic field ap- etry: Bapp is entirely in-plane and along the [01¯1] magnetic plied along the in-plane easy axis direction, [011]. (c) Mag- hardaxisdirection. S0 rotatesin-planeasafunctionofBapp, netization for magnetic field applied along the in-plane hard and S precesses about Bapp after injection. axis, [01¯1]. 2.5 T, P varies considerably and non-monotonically EL over the range of biases between the threshold for light emission up to the limit of the current source. There arethree physicalquantitiesthat mayvaryasa function recombination time τ and the spin relaxation time τ , s of bias in the experiment of Fig. 5: the spin injection assuming essentially constant S .14 At low biases, the 0 efficiency ǫ in S , the electron-hole recombination time increasing hole concentration in the QW drives τ down, 0 τ, and the electron spin relaxation time τ . By using increasingη. ThepeakinP isassociatedwiththewin- s EL the combination of all three terms in the product ηS dowof biasin whichthe QWreaches“flatbands,” while 0 for all self-consistent calculations, we do not distinguish the decrease at high bias is caused by an increase in the between these three possible sources of bias dependence. recombination time due to the bands bending past flat In practice, in order to extract the bias dependence of and separating the electron and hole wavefunctions.14,24 anyone ofthe threephysical quantitiesit isnecessaryto Using Eq. 4 it is possible to relate the measured P in EL fix the other two. Fundamentally, however, Fig. 5 can the Faraday geometry at any given bias, as in Fig. 5, to be understood in terms of changes in the electron-hole a corresponding ηS in Eq. 2. 0 5 9 In order to determine B it is necessary to perform an 1/2 42 A/cm2, 1.86 V; 20 K opticalpumpingHanleeffectcalibrationmeasurement.19 6 In the Faraday geometry, the precessional motion of theinjectedelectronspindoesnotaffectS . IntheVoigt z 3 geometrytheout-of-planecomponentofelectronspinS z %) is primarily a function of spin precession about Bapp. ( 0 The resulting change in luminescence polarization is the L PE Hanle effect.26 -3 Hanle curves are obtained by optically injecting spin- polarizedelectronsintotheAl Ga Asbarrierwithcir- 0.1 0.9 -6 cularlypolarizedlightatanenergyneartheAl0.1Ga0.9As band edge (E 1.67 eV). The optically injected elec- γ ≈ trons are swept into the QW and are governed by the -9 -4 -2 0 2 4 same processes of relaxation, precession, and recombi- Field (T) nation as electrically injected carriers. Optical pumping Hanle measurements are performed with the device bias FIG. 4: Electroluminescence polarization (P ) at fixedbias justbelowthethresholdforELinordertomakethecon- EL as a function of applied magnetic field along the [100] direc- duction and valence bands as flat as possible while still tion in the Faraday geometry. PEL tracks the out-of-plane minimizing backgroundelectroluminescence. component of theFe magnetization. Thegeometryforthe opticalpumpingHanle measure- ment is sketched in Fig. 2(c). The magnetic field is ap- plied entirely in-plane and the optically injected spin is 7 along the direction of laser propagation, S0opt = S0optzˆ. Solving Eq. 2 for this configuration gives 6 SoptB2 0 1/2 5 S = η , (5) z B2 +B2 1/2 app ) % 4 ( which is a Lorentzian with half-width at half-maximum PEL 3 of B1/2. Of the four variables in Eq. 5, only two may potentially varywith bias: the coefficientη andB . In 1/2 2 bothcases,thevariationwithbiaswillbeduetochanges T = 20 K intherecombinationtimeτ,andthespinrelaxationtime 1 B = 2.5 T τ : app s 0 1 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 η = ; (6) 1+τ/τ Bias (A/cm2) s ~ 1 1 B = + . (7) FIG.5: Electroluminescencepolarization(PEL)asafunction 1/2 g∗µB (cid:18)τ τs(cid:19) of devicebias at fixed field in the Faraday geometry. B = app However, as stated in the previous section, the bias de- 2.5 T is sufficient to saturate the magnetization along the pendence will be primarily driven by changes in the re- observation direction. The non-monotonic bias dependence combinationtime τ. The recombinationtime is sensitive of P is due to changes in the ratio of spin relaxation time EL to electron-hole recombination time. toboththebiasdependentpopulationofholesintheQW and the formation of excitons.14,24,27,28 For the samples under consideration here, we find τ 4τ , and η will be s ∼ morestronglydependentonchangesinτ thanB . This 1/2 B. Voigt Geometry Photoluminescence isconfirmedbyobservingnegligiblechangeinB overa 1/2 Polarization: the Optical Hanle Effect fullbiasrangeforopticalHanlecurvesonaspin-LEDde- vice with very low electroluminescence intensity. Hence, A complete solutionof Eq.2 for S requires knowledge it is possible to extract a fixed value of B from opti- 1/2 of three sample parameters: the ratio of spin relaxation cal pumping Hanle curves collected below EL threshold, toelectronrecombinationratesasgivenbyη,theinjected and apply that value to calculations of S under electri- spin vector S , and the characteristic field scale for pre- cal bias. At 20 K for Sample A, B = 2.4 kG. Hence, 0 1/2 cession B . The combined factor ηS is measured as it is possible to solve Eq. 2 for the electrically injected 1/2 0 a function of bias in the Faraday geometry. The direc- steady-statespin S in the GaAs QW by combining B 1/2 tion of S is given by the magnetization of the Fe film, from optical pumping Hanle curves, ηS as a function of 0 0 which can be found from the data in Fig. 3 under the bias found in Faraday geometry P , and the direction EL assumption that the magnetization rotates coherently.25 of S taken from the measured Fe magnetization. 0 6 1.5 P it is necessary to include an effective magnetic field EL Model, B = 0 kG of 4 kG in addition to the applied magnetic field. The N ∼ 1.0 Model, B ≈ 4 kG presenceofaneffectivemagneticfieldthatissignificantly N ) largerthantheappliedfieldcanbeseeninthestepacross % ELP Data n ( 0.5 fzreormoaEnqd.t8hefonreaBrsaturaBtiono.fTPhEeLoarsigwinouolfdtbheeeexffpeeccttievde o app 1/2 ati 0.0 field is hyperfine inte≫ractions between the spin-polarized z electrons and lattice nuclei in the QW that lead to dy- ri ola -0.5 namic nuclear polarization. P T = 20 K -1.0 1.69 V, 14 A/cm2 D. Dynamic Nuclear Polarization -1.5 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Dynamic nuclear polarization occurs in a solid when Field (kOe) a non-equilibrium electron spin polarization is trans- ferred to the nuclear spin system via the hyperfine FIG.6: Electroluminescencepolarizationcurveintheoblique interaction.1,2,31,32 Dynamic nuclear polarization can be easy axis geometry with θ = 20◦. The points are data, the driven by saturation of an electron spin resonance,31 a dashed line is a calculation of the expected luminescence po- large splitting between electronspin states in an applied larization based on the bare applied field. The solid curve is magnetic field,33,34 or by injection of a non-equilibrium theexpectedpolarizationincludinganeffectivemagneticfield electronspinpolarization. Thereareseveralmechanisms dueto spin-polarized nuclei. for injecting the non-equilibrium electron spin polariza- tion into a semiconductor heterostructure. The most commonmechanismisopticalinjection,2 particularlyfor C. Voigt Geometry Electroluminescence bulkGaAs,2,3,35 butalsoforquantumwells36,37,38,39 and Polarization: the Oblique Easy Axis Configuration quantum dots.40 A more recent technique for generating the non-equilibriumelectronspinpolarizationisbyopti- Figure 2(b) describes the first type of Voigt P mea- calpumpingattheinterfacebetweenaferromagneticma- EL surement discussed in this paper. The magnetic field is terial and GaAs.41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 Spin-blockade tech- aligned along the [011] direction of the sample, which is niques have also been used recently to observe hyper- themagneticeasyaxisoftheFecontact. Thefieldisthen fine interactions in GaAs quantums dots.49 This report rotatedoutof the plane about the [01¯1] axis by anangle discussesaparticularlysimple mechanismfor generating θ, 20◦ < θ < +20◦. We will refer to this configuration DNP in a GaAs-based QW heterostructure, direct elec- − as the oblique easy axis geometry since the projection of tricalinjectionofspin-polarizedcarriersfromaferromag- B onto the sample plane continues to lie along the netic metal across a tunnel barrier.10,12,13 The Hamilto- app easyaxis,evenasθ isvaried.8,9,10 The magnetizationre- nian for the hyperfine interaction can be written as versalalong the magnetic easy axis is shownin Fig. 3(b) and is just that of a simple square hysteresis loop. The = 16πµ µ Ψ(R)2Iˆ Sˆ, (9) B n solution for S in this setup can be found from Eq. 2 by H − 3I | | · z setting B = B [cos(θ)yˆ+sin(θ)zˆ], and S = Shyˆ app app 0 0 where Sh = S corresponding to the two branches of whereI isthenuclearspin,Sistheelectronspin, Ψ(R)2 the magn0etic±hys0teresis loop: is the probabilitydensity ofthe electronwavefunc|tiona|t the position of the nucleus, µ is the nuclear magnetic n Shcos(θ)sin(θ) moment and µ is the Bohr magneton.2,3 Dynamic nu- S = η 0 . (8) B z 2 clear polarization occurs when spin-polarized electrons 1+ B /B 1/2 app and lattice nuclei engage in hyperfine “flip-flop” interac- (cid:0) (cid:1) Electroluminescence polarization data obtained in the tions in which they exchange angular momentum. For obliqueeasyaxisgeometryatθ =20◦areshowninFig.6. hyperfine interactions in an applied magnetic field, the The points are data and the dashed line is the result of difference inZeemanenergiesfor electronsandnucleire- calculatingS usingEq.8with ηS determinedfromthe quires that the spin flip-flop be accompanied by an as- z 0 Faraday geometry measurements in Fig. 5, B deter- sisting process to conserve energy, such as absorption 1/2 mined from an optical pumping Hanle curve, and the or emission of phonons or photons. A non-equilibrium direction of S set by the easy axis magnetization in electron spin polarization can therefore generate a non- 0 Fig.3(b). Clearly,the datadoesnotmatchtheS calcu- equilibrium nuclear polarization at a rate T−1 deter- z pol lation as described by Eq. 8: the electron spin precesses mined by the strength of the hyperfine interaction and faster in small field (further out-of-plane) then expected the rate of the assisting process: for the effective g-factor in the QW g∗ 0.21, leading to a large step across zero.29,30 To ma≈tch−the observed T−1 =Λτ−1, (10) pol pol 7 whereΛcontainsthematrixelementforthehyperfinein- precess about the applied field just as the electrons do. teractionandτ−1 istherateoftheassistingprocessthat While the electron spin lifetime is short, limiting preces- pol conserves energy.50 A typical nuclear polarization time sion to less than a full cycle for the field scales investi- constant T is on the order of 10 seconds in GaAs.3,19 gated here, the nuclear spin lifetime is long, resulting in pol Whereasnuclearpolarizationisduealmostexclusively an averaging of nuclear spin components perpendicular to hyperfine flip-flop interactions, nuclear depolarization to Bapp. The magnetic field dependence of the average involves a combination of hyperfine and nuclear spin- nuclearspinpolarizationisfoundbysubstitutingforTpol spin interactions. Nuclear spin relaxation is driven by and T1 in Eq. 14, giving precession in the fluctuating local magnetic field due to (S B )B dipole-dipole interactions with neighboring nuclei B I = k · app app, (15) 1.45 G,3 and by precession about the hyperfine fieldL o≈f av Ba2pp+ξBL2 the electron spin. The Zeeman splitting of the nuclear where we have used spin sub-levels increases the energy required to induce a 2 transition,reducingtherateofspinrelaxationbythe ra- T B pol L = ξ ; (16) tio of the square of the Zeeman energies of the local and T (cid:18)B (cid:19) 1 app appliedfields: B2/B2 .21,32 The combinationofthe hy- τ L app ξ = pol . (17) perfine interaction, spin-spin interactions, and Zeeman τ depol splitting can be represented for nuclear spin depolariza- tion in a form similar to Eq. 10: The coefficient ξ characterizes the assisting processes that enable nuclear spin polarization and depolarization B2 T−1 =Λτ−1 L , (11) butarenotexplicitlyrelatedtothe hyperfineinteraction 1 depol(cid:18)B2 (cid:19) matrix element. app where Λ again contains the matrix element for the hy- The average effect of the hyperfine interactions be- perfine interaction, and τ−1 is the rate of the assist- depol tween an electron and all nuclei within the electron’s ing relaxation processes. Because of the ten orders of wavefunction is an effective magnetic field magnitude difference between the spin relaxationrate of electrons (τs 10−9 sec) and nuclei (T1 & 1 sec), even B = bαIα /Iα; (18) ∼ N N av a very weak hyperfine interactionand small steady-state Xα electron spin polarization of a few percent can produce 16π significant nuclear spin polarization.19 bα = µαdαNα, (19) N 3g∗v n e A phenomenological rate equation for dynamic nu- 0 clearpolarizationbyspin-polarizedelectronscanbecon- where g∗ is the effective electron g-factor, v is the vol- 0 structedfromthebalanceofnuclearpolarizationandde- umeoftheunitcell,dα isthe electronwavefunctionden- e polarization rates T−1 and T−1:32 sity at the α isotope nucleus, µα is the nuclear mag- pol 1 n netic moment, and Nα is the number of α nuclei in the d Iz 1 1 unitcell.3,19 GiventhatallthreeisotopesinGaAs(75As, h i = [ I k S ] I ,; (12) dt −Tpol h zi− h zi − T1h zi 69Ga, and 71Ga) have the same spin I = 3/2, we re- I(I +1) place Iα with I. Additionally, since we are unable to k = f , (13) ℓ distinguishthecontributionsofindividualisotopestothe s(s+1) totaleffectivefield,wereplacebα withatotalb thatin- N N where hSzi and hIzi are the electron and nuclear spin cludesthecontributionsofallnuclei. ThisbN isthemax- alongtheappliedmagneticfieldBapp =Bappzˆ,andfℓ is imum effective magnetic field felt by electrons for 100% a leakage factor. A rate equation analogous to Eq. 12 spin-polarized nuclei. In bulk GaAs with g∗ = 0.44, bulk − can also be derived from a rigorous spin temperature bbulk = 53 kG.3,19 In a 100 ˚A Al Ga As/GaAs QW, argument,32 in which case fℓ is shown to be the fraction bNQW = g∗ /g∗ bbulk 111kG0.1.For0.t9heremainderof of nuclear spin relaxation that is due to hyperfine inter- N bulk QW N ≈ the pap(cid:0)er, we will (cid:1)use bN =111 kG. Combining Eqs. 15 actions. If nuclei only relax via electrons, then f = 1, ℓ and18gives the effective magnetic fielddue to polarized while the presence of any other relaxation mechanisms nuclei,2 willreducef . Equation12canbe solvedinsteady-state ℓ mtoafignnedtitchfieealdveirnagteernmuscloefarthsepienlecItarvon=sphIinzizaˆnadlotnhge pthoe- BN =fℓbNs((Is++11))(SB·2Ba+pp)ξBBa2pp. (20) app L larization and depolarization rates: Spin-polarizedelectrons precessas thoughinthe pres- I =k hSzizˆ . (14) enceofatotalmagneticfieldA=Bapp+BN. Equation2 av 1+ Tpol for electron spin dynamics in the QW then becomes (cid:16) T1 (cid:17) B2 S +(S A)A+B (A S ) The hyperfine interaction results in nuclear spin aligned S =η 1/2 0 0· 1/2 × 0 , (21) along the electron spin direction. The nuclei, however, B2 +A2 1/2 8 Model, B ≈ 4.3 kG N 1 ELP Data ) % ( n o ati 0 z ri a ol P -1 T = 20 K 1.81 V, 42 A/cm2 -300 -150 0 150 300 Field (Oe) FIG. 8: Electroluminescence polarization curves in the FIG. 7: Electroluminescence polarization hysteresis loop in obliqueeasy axisgeometry at several valuesof θ. The points the oblique easy axis geometry with θ=20◦. The points are aredata. Thelinesarepredictedpolarizationcurveswithpa- data and the line is a fit which includes the effect of dynam- rametersfixedbyfittingthe20◦ dataandthenchangingonly ically polarized nuclei. The broad dips in P as the field is EL themeasurement angle for subsequentcalculations. sweptthroughzeroareduetonuclearspindepolarization for B2 <ξB2. app L easyaxishysteresisloopinFig.3(b),withasingularityat B = 0 T. Instead broad dips in the luminescence po- and Eq. 8 for the special case of the oblique easy axis app larizationappear as the field is swept through zero. The configuration as in Figs. 2(b) and 6 becomes width of this depolarization region can be fit by setting B = 1.45 G and varying ξ. This is a single parameter S cos(θ)sin(θ) L 0 S =η . (22) fit since f is separately determined over a wider field z ℓ 1+ B2 /A2 scale on which ξB2 has a negligible affect. For the data 1/2 L (cid:16) (cid:17) in Fig. 7, the fit gives ξ =400 120. The uncertainty in ± Using Eq.20 for B , Eq.22 gives the solidline in Fig. 6 the fitcomes fromthe overshootin P atB =0 Oe, N EL app asafittothedatausingtheleakagefactorf astheonly which is attributed to small off-axis components of the ℓ free parameter. For the solid line in Fig. 6, f = 0.46. fieldprofileofthe superconductingmagnetasthe fieldis ℓ The factor √ξB in Eq.20 is less than50G, andcanbe swept through zero. L ignored when fitting data over wide field ranges on the order of several kOe. Compared with B = 2.4 kG, 1/2 it is clear how the effective field B 4 kG dominates V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND N the electron spin dynamics in Fig. 6, ≈particularly at low DISCUSSION B . The range of B in which P is most sensitive app app EL to nuclear polarization effects lies between the local A. Field Dependence along the Easy Axis field factor √ξB and B . When B2 . ξB2, B L 1/2 app L N approacheszeroanddoesnotsignificantlyaffectelectron The large step across zero field in the single 5 kG spin precession. At B2 > B2 the applied field is oblique easy axis field sweep at θ =20◦ in Fig. 6±was fit app 1/2 sufficient to produce significant electron precession and using Eqs. 20 and 22 and a single free parameter f . It ℓ the sensitivity to nuclear polarization effects is reduced. wasassumedthatηS measuredintheFaradaygeometry 0 and B measured in an optical pumping Hanle curve 1/2 ThelocalfieldfactorξB2 inthedenominatorofEqs.15 remained unchanged. The consistency of these assump- L and 20 defines the scale of Zeeman energy below which tions canbe testedby taking the parametersfromFig. 6 theaveragenuclearspinpolarizationgoestozero. Asdis- andapplyingthemtoasetofobliqueeasyaxiscurvescol- cussed above, the local field B 1.45 G is the effective lected with B atdifferent out-of-plane angles,adjust- L app ≈ magnetic field due to nuclear spin-spin interactions, and ing only θ in Eqs. 20 and 22 to fit the additional curves. ξ is a factor that incorporates sample-specific processes This is shown in Fig. 8: the points are data, the line for thatassistnuclearspintransitions. Theeffectofthelocal θ = 20◦ is a one parameter fit, and the remaining lines field at low B is a reduction in B and consequently are calculated without adjusting any parameters. The app N less electron spin precession. Without the reduction in model accurately predicts the oblique easy axis curve at B andspin precessionat B2 .ξB2, the oblique easy each subsequent measurement angle within the experi- N app L axiscurveinFig.7wouldexactlymatchtheshapeofthe mental uncertainty ∆θ 0.4◦, confirming the validity of ∼ 9 5 (a) ) T = 20 K % 6 4 n ( B atio 4 3 N (k z G ri 2 ) a ol 2 Faraday ELP P 1 BN 0 0 (b) 0.9 L %) T = 20 K e 6 a n ( ka o 0.6 g ati 4 e z F ari ac Pol 2 Faraday ELP 0.3 tor Leakage Factor, f f 0 0.0 FIG. 9: Electroluminescence polarization (P ) hysteresis 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 EL loops in the oblique easy axis geometry with θ =20◦ at sev- 2 Bias (A/cm ) eral biases. The points are data and the lines are fits which include the effect of dynamically polarized nuclei. The am- FIG.10: Bothpanels,leftaxis(closedsymbols): steady-state plitudeoftheobliqueeasyaxiscurvesvarieswithdevicebias electronspinpolarizationintheQWasmeasuredbyFaraday dueto changesin thesteady-stateelectron spin polarization. geometry PEL at 2.5 T. (a) Right axis (open symbols): the The PEL loops do not fully close at the coercive field for the asymptotic value of the effective magnetic field BN due to Fe contact because the nuclear polarization lags as B is spin-polarized nucleibased on fitstoobliqueeasy axis geom- app swept at a rate comparable to T1−1. All curves are offset for etryPELcurves. (b)Rightaxis(opensymbols): valuesofthe clarity. leakage factor fℓ used todetermine BN in (a). the fitting assumptions. ancy is due to a lag in the response of B to changes in N Figure9containsseveralobliqueeasyaxiscurvesatin- B , which is being swept at a rate comparableto T−1. app 1 creasingbiasoverasmallerfieldrangethanthecurvesin Thecalculationgivesthesteady-statevalueofB andS N z Fig. 8. Over the smaller scale, the Fe contact hysteresis at each point. Oblique easy axis field sweeps taken with can be observed and the ξB2 factor in the denominator slower field sweep rates more closely match the square L ofEq.20becomesrelevant. ThepointsinFig.9aredata, switching features of the calculated loops. For example, and the lines are fits in whichηS is takenfromFaraday for the data run shown as the oblique easy axis loop in 0 geometry measurements at the corresponding bias, and Fig. 7, there was a 20 second wait time between setting B istakenfromtheopticalpumpingHanlecurve. The B and measuring P for each point, and the data 1/2 app EL parameterξ =520,andthus ξB2 =1100G2, is fixedfor more closely matches the steady-state model. L all curves by fitting the low field oblique easy axis P The amplitude change observed in oblique easy axis EL depolarizationfeaturesinFig.7. f istheonlyremaining hysteresis loops as a function of bias is directly linked ℓ free parameter that is adjusted to fit the data at each to the changing effective magnetic field B : initially in- N bias. All curves are offset for clarity. The P ampli- creasing with bias, then peaking and decreasing. The EL tudeinFig.9isdefinedasthe differenceinP between changes in B are in turn related to changes in steady- EL N +100 Oe and 100 Oe. At low biases, just above the state electron spin polarization in the QW as measured − threshold for light emission, the oblique easy axis curve in the Faraday geometry. The closed symbols in Fig. 10 closelyresemblesthepredictionforzeronuclearpolariza- plotFaradayP atB =2.5T(leftaxis). Thissignal EL app tion. The P amplitude increases as the bias initially is the steady-state electron spin polarization 2ηS , and EL 0 increasesabovethreshold,reachesamaximum,andthen is used to fit the oblique easy axis curves as discussed in decreasesathigherbiases. ThefitsshowninFig.9accu- SectionIVA. Theopensymbols(rightaxis)inFig.10(a) ratelycapturetheamplitudechangeasafunctionofbias. are the asymptotic values of B at high field from fits N There are, however,discrepancies between the P data to curves such as those in Fig. 9. The nearly identical EL and the calculated hysteresis loop shape in Fig. 9: the qualitativebiasdependence ofbothB andtheFaraday N data does not completely close at the coercive field for geometry P reflects the role of S in Eq. 20, and the EL the Fe contact as predicted by the model. This discrep- close coupling between steady-state electron spin polar- 10 ization in the QW and nuclear polarization. The other two terms in Eq. 20 that may vary with bias are f and ℓ ξ. The leakage factor f is the one free fitting param- ℓ eter for the data in Fig. 9 and is plotted as a function of device bias in Fig. 10(b) (right axis, open symbols). f increases slightly at low bias, then remains essentially ℓ unchanged at 0.41 throughout the rest of the opera- ∼ tionalbiasrange,reflectingalackofsignificantvariation in nuclear spin relaxation mechanisms as a function of biasabovethreshold. Thisresultissomewhatsurprising. One would expect the balance of nuclear depolarization mechanisms to vary as a function of electron density in theQW.Howeverthisdoesnotappeartobethecase. In- stead, the nuclear system responds primarily to changes in the electron spin polarization S. B. Field Dependence along the Hard Axis In order to detect an out-of-plane component of spin in the case of B near the magnetic easy axis ([011]), app the field must be rotated out of the plane to create an FIG.11: Electroluminescence polarization hysteresisloopsin the hard axis geometry. (a) Hard axis P loops at three angle between S and B . For fields applied along the EL magnetichardax0is([01¯1a])p,pthere isno needtorotatethe biases, and therefore three different effective magnetic fields B . (b) Magnified view (×5) of the lowest bias hard axis field out of the plane since the magnetization itself will N P loop from (a). The dotted line indicates the signal for EL coherently rotate through a full in-plane circle as B app B sweeping from positive to negative field. The solid line app is swept from positive to negative values and back. We indicates B sweeping from negative to positive field. app willrefer to this configurationasthehard axis geometry. The assumption of magnetization reversal by coherent rotation25 is confirmed by fitting in-plane magnetization curveswiththe fieldalongthe hardaxis[01¯1]andat45◦ a function of increasing B . The dotted curve at the N between the hard and easy axes, along [010]. As can be higherbiasandlargereffectivemagneticfieldisstretched seenfromthehardaxismagnetizationcurveinFig.3(c), vertically,tracingouttall,pointedlobeswithpeaksnear for Bapp >500 Oe, mˆ is nearly parallel to Bapp. As the zero field. The solid and dashed curves at lower bias field decreases, mˆ rotates away from [01¯1] and towards and effective magnetic field are accordingly smaller with the [011]easy axis. The rotation direction is determined more rounded lobes and peaks further from zero field. by any slight in-plane misalignment between [01¯1] and Figure11(b)isanexpandedview( 5)ofthe lowestbias × the field axis. The diagram in Fig. 2(d) and the follow- curve (dashed line) in Fig. 11(a). Figure 11(b) shows ing discussion assumes mˆ rotates from +xˆ towards yˆ. more clearly the broader and more widely spaced lobes − As Bapp goes through zero, mˆ rotates through the −yˆ that correspond to lower BN, as well as the hard axis easyaxis,andsaturatesalongthehardaxisinthe xˆ di- P trace for the two field sweep directions. The dotted − EL rection. As Bapp sweeps back to complete the hysteresis line is for Bapp sweeping frompositive to negative fields, loop, mˆ rotates through the +yˆ easy axis and realigns and the solid line is for B sweeping from negative to app with the +xˆ hardaxiscompleting the full circle. Setting positive fields. Bapp = Bappxˆ and S0 = S0[cos(φ)xˆ+sin(φ)yˆ] where φ The amplitude change as a function of bias in is the angle between mˆ and the x-axis, the z-component Fig. 11(a) is expected in light of the strong P am- EL of steady-state electron spin from Eq. 21 is plitude dependence as a function of bias observed in the easy axis geometry (Fig. 9). The shape change observed S AB sinφ 0 1/2 for P hysteresis loops in the hard axis geometry is S =η , (23) EL z B2 +A2 predictedinEq.23asthe totalinternalmagnetic fieldA 1/2 changes from less than B to greater than B . Fig- 1/2 1/2 whichresultsinthedouble-lobedhysteresiscurvesshown ure 12(a) shows P hysteresis loops at severaldifferent EL in Fig. 11. biases in the hard axis geometry using the same sample Figure11(a)showsthreeelectroluminescencepolariza- and bias range as the oblique easy axis loops in Fig. 9— tion hysteresis loops in the hard axis geometry taken at the curves are vertically offset for clarity. Just as in the differentbiases,andthereforedifferenteffectivemagnetic case of the oblique easy axis geometry, the change in fields B . The data exhibit changes in both the peak- the effective magnetic field causes a modulation in loop N to-peak P amplitude and the shape of the loops as amplitude that mirrors that of the steady-state electron EL

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