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Electron Localization at Metal Surfaces L. De Santis,1,2 and R. Resta1,3 1INFM – Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia 2SISSA – Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studˆı Avanzati, Via Beirut 4, 34014 Trieste, Italy 3Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica, Universit`a di Trieste, Strada Costiera 11, 34014 Trieste, Italy 0 We investigate some surfaces of a paradigmatic sp bonded metal—namely, Al(110), Al(100), and 0 Al(111)—by means of the “electron localization function” (ELF), implemented in a first–principle 0 pseudopotential framework. ELF is a ground–state property which discriminates in a very sharp, 2 quantitative,waybetweendifferentkindsofbonding. ELFshowsthatinthebulkofAltheelectron n distributionisessentiallyjelliumlike,whilewhathappensatthesurfacestronglydependsonpacking. a At the least packed surface, Al(110), ELF indicates a free–atom natureof theelectron distribution J in the outer region. The most packed surface, Al(111), is instead at the opposite end, and can be 0 regarded as a jellium surface weakly perturbed by thepresence of the ionic cores. 1 ] i I. INTRODUCTION bonding features of a given electron distribution. Fur- c s thermore, ELF is dimensionless, and allows to compare l- For every given solid surface, breaking of periodicity the nature of bonding on an absolute scale. ELF pro- tr in one dimension will result in a change in the electronic vides in a verysimple waya quantitative estimate of the m states near and at the surface, since the lack of near- “metallicity”ofagivenbond,ormoregenerallyofagiven . est neighbours on one side of the surface atoms causes a valenceregionofthe system. FromourELFcalculations t a sensible localrearrangementofthe surfacestructure and it is clear how in the bulk metal the valence electrons m chemicalbonds. Weinvestigateherealuminum,whichas display a free–electron nature: actually, outside the core - a bulk material is a paradigmatic jelliumlike metal: co- region, the charge density basically behaves as a free– d hesion and bonding are dominated by electron–gas fea- electrongas. Thisjelliumlikebehaviourofthecrystalline n tures,wheretheionscanbeconsideredroughlyspeaking system must be contrasted with the opposite extreme of o as a perturbation. [1] What happens at an Al surface, theisolatedatom,wherethevalence–shellregionischar- c [ however, is much less intuitive: does the surface behave acterizedby very different ELF values. Througha series essentiallylikeajelliumsurface,ordosurfaceatomsplay of ELF contour plots, we will show in the following how 1 a preminent role? Here we investigate this issue and we this free–atom behaviour is almost entirely reproduced v show how a sharp answer is provided by a tool which is by the topmost atoms of the least packed metal surface 7 0 a very innovative one in condensed matter physics. So studied, namely Al(110). We stress that ELF discrimi- 1 far, bonding features at a crystal surfaces have been in- nates an atomiclike valence–electron distribution from a 1 vestigated by studying either the charge density or the jelliumlike distribution in a sharp quantitative way. 0 localdensityofstates. Instead,weareusingheretheso– We are adopting here a fully ab–initio method, which 0 called“electronlocalizationfunction”(ELF),[2–4]which has become the “standard model” in modern first– 0 hasbecomerecentlyverypopularinthefieldofquantum principles studies ofsimple metals, covalentsemiconduc- / t chemistry. tors, simple ionic solids, and many other disparate ma- a m We study here three basic choices for the orientation terials: [5] namely, density functional theory (DFT) [6] of the Al surface: (110), (100), and (111), schematically with norm–conserving pseudopotentials. [7] This frame- - d shown in Fig. 1. These high–symmetry surfaces have a work is the natural choice for a real solid system as the n ratherdifferent packingof the surfaceatoms: this is also onechosenforthiswork,althoughtheELFhasbeenorig- o visible in Fig. 1, where the same scale has been used for inally introduced and mostly applied, in the quantum– c thethreesurfaces. Somecorrelationbetweenpackingand chemistry litterature, as an all–electron tool. Anyhow, : v bondingpropertiesisobviouslyexpected,butwhatissur- we will demonstrate that the use of the pseudopotential i prising is that the three chosen surfaces span the whole approximation makes the ELF particularly meaningful, X range of possibilities, with (110) and (111) being at the sincegettingridofthecoreelectronsandfocussingsolely ar two veryextreme ends: while the Al(110)surfacepromi- onthe bonding electronsnotablysimplifies the finalout- nently displays well characterized Al atoms, Al(111) is come. essentiallyaweaklyperturbedjelliumsurface. Theatom- In a recent very interesting paper, Fall et al. [8] have iclikevs. jelliumlikecharacteroftheelectrondistribution investigated the trend in the Al work function for the is perspicuously shown by the immediate graphical lan- samethreeorientationsasconsideredhere. Theyprovide guage of ELF. an explanation of the trend in terms of “face–dependent SeveralappealingfeaturesmakeELFthetoolofchoice filling of the atomiclike p states at the surface”. The in the present study: ELF is a pure ground–state prop- ELF is an orbital–independent tool, yet it provides a erty, as the density is, but it “magnifies” by design the concomitant message: we show that there is indeed a 1 face–dependentfillingoftheelectronicstateslocalizedin Following Ref. [9], D(r) is the Pauli excess kinetic en- the surface region. ergydensity,definedasthedifferencebetweenthekinetic Thepresentpaperisorganizedasfollows. InSec. IIwe energy density and the so–called von Weizs¨acker kinetic introducetheELFdefinition,reviewingitsfoundamental energy functional: [10] properties and features. In Sec. III we discuss the use of tInheSpesce.udIoVpowteentpiraelsaepnptrooxuirmraetsiuolntsfocraoruriredELoFutanfoarlytshise. D(r)= 21∇r∇r′ρ(r,r′)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)r=r′ − 81|∇nn((rr))|2 (2) (cid:12) three aluminum surfaces. Finally, in Sec. V we draw a few conclusions. where ρ is the one–body reduced (spin–integrated) den- sity matrix. The von Weizs¨acker functional provides a rigorous lower bound for the exact kinetic energy den- II. DEFINITIONS sity [10] and is ordinarily indicated as the “bosonic” ki- netic energy, since it coincides with the ground–state The ELF has been originally proposed by Becke and kinetic energy density of a non–interacting system of Edgecombe, [2] as a convenient measure of the parallel– bosonsatdensity n(r). Therefore,D is positive semidef- spin electron correlation. Starting from the short–range inite and provides a direct measure of the local effect of behavior of the parallel–spin pair probability, they de- the Pauli principle. The other ingredient of Eq. (1) is fined a new scalar function, conveniently ranging from Dh(r), defined as the kinetic energy density of the ho- zero to one, that uniquely identifies regions of space mogeneous electron gas at a density equal to the local where the electronsarewelllocalized,as occursinbond- density: ing pairs or lone–electron pairs. This tool has immedi- ately shown its power to visualize the chemical bonding Dh(r)= 3 (3π2)23n(r)53. (3) 10 and the electron localization. The ELF is defined as 1 It is obvious to verify that the ELF is identical to one ELF= 1+[D(r)/D (r)]2, (1) in the groundstate of anyone– or two–electronsystems, h while is identical to 0.5 in the homogeneous electron gas in which D(r) and Dh(r) represent the curvature of the at any density. parallel–spin electron pair density for, respectively, the As commonly done in many circumstances—including actual system and a homogeneous electron gas with the in other ELF investigations [9]—we approximate the ki- same density as the actual system at point r. By defini- netic energy of the interacting electron system with the tion, ELF is identically one either in any single–electron one of the noninteracting Kohn–Sham (KS) one. We wavefunction or in any two–electron singlet wavefunc- therefore use the KS density matrix: tion: in both cases the Pauli principle is ineffective, and thegroundwavefunctionisnodelessor,looselyspeaking, ρ(r,r′)=2XφKi S(r)φ∗iKS(r′), (4) “bosonic”. In a many–electron system ELF is close to i one in the regions where electrons are paired to form a covalentbond,whileissmallinlow–densityregions;ELF where φKi S(r) are the occupied KS orbitals. Such ap- is also close to one where the unpaired lone electron of proximation is expected to become significantly inaccu- a dangling bond is localized. Furthermore, since in the rate only in the case of highly correlated materials. homogeneouselectrongasELFequals0.5atanydensity, values of this order in inhomogeneous systems indicate regions where the bonding has a metallic character. III. ISOLATED PSEUDO–ATOM Savin et al. [9] have proposed another illuminating in- terpretationofthesamequantity,showinghowD canbe The originalELFdefinition isanall–electronone,and simply calculated in terms of the local behaviour of the has the remarkable feature of naturally revealingthe en- kinetic energy density, thus making no explicit reference tire shell structure for heavy atoms. Such a feature is of tothepairdistributionfunction. Thisisparticularlycon- no interest here, since only one electronic shell (the sp venient in our case, since the pair density is outside the valence one) is involved in the bonding of Al atoms in scopeofDFT.OwingtothePauliprinciple,the ground– any circumstances. The pseudopotential scheme simpli- state kinetic energydensity ofa systemof fermionsis no fiesthelandscape,sinceonlytheelectronsoftherelevant smaller than the one of a system of bosons at the same valence shell are dealt with explicitly: the ELF message density: ELF can be equivalently expressed in terms of comesoutthereforemuchclearer,withbasicallynolossof the extra contribution to the kinetic energy density due information. [11] In the spatial regions occupied by core to the Pauli principle. The Savin et al. reformulation electrons, the pseudo–electronicdistribution shows a de- alsoprovidesameaningfulphysicalinterpretation: where pletion and ELF assumes very low values. Outside the ELF is close to its upper bound, electrons are strongly ionic cores, in the regions relevant to chemical bonding, pairedandtheelectrondistributionhasalocal“bosonic” the norm conservation endows the pseudocharge density character. withphysicalmeaning,aswidelydiscussedinthemodern 2 pseudopotential literature. [5,7] The pseudo ELF carries In Fig. 3 we report two ELF contour plots along therefore—in the material of interest here—the same in- two non–equivalent planes passing through the topmost formationastheall–electronELF,whileitremovesirrel- (twofoldcoordinated)atomoftheAl(110)surface. Along evantandconfusingfeaturesduetotheinner,chemically adirectionorthogonaltothesurfaceandpassingthrough inert, shells. the surface atom, our calculated ELF attains the maxi- For an isolated pseudo–atom we have by construction mum value of 0.86, thus indicating that the Pauli prin- only a single valence shell, clearly displayed by a single ciple has little effect. Comparing Fig. 3 to 2, where the and very prominent ELF maximum. In Fig. 2 we report ELF maximum has the close value of 0.91, we quantita- our result carried out for an isolated Al atom: in the tivelyseeseehowmuchthesurfaceatomactuallybehaves pictureone immediatelyremarksthe sphericalregionas- asafree–atomintheouterdirection. Aslightlydifferent sociated to the ELF maximum (0.91), where the charge electronic distribution is present at the four–fold coor- density is almost bosonic. The black cloud in Fig. 2 in- dinated Al(100) surface in Fig. 4. In this case the ELF dicates the strong localization of the electronic valence maximum—along the same direction—attains the lower shell and perspicuously distinguishes the free aluminum valueof0.80andshowsthereforeanelectrondistribution pseudo–atom from the crystalline one. with a less pronounced atomiclike character. Indeedlooking atthe followingFigs.3–5,andinspect- The almost black regions around the surface atoms in ingthebulkregionsofthem,theELFplotsquantitatively Figs. 3 and 4 are also clearly visible in the top views of demonstrate that the valence electrons have a predomi- Fig. 6, where the contour plots are drawn in the out- nantfree–electronnature,withajelliumlike(orThomas– ermost atomic plane. In this plane the maxima occur Fermi)ELFvalue. Theioncoresonlyprovidean“exclu- midway between nearest-neighbors atoms and assume sionregion”for electrons(white circlesinthe plots), but the values of 0.77, 0.74, and 0.67 in order of increasing basically do not alter the jelliumlike nature of the elec- packing. This decrease of electron pairing shows a trend tron distribution outside the core radii: in this sense we fromcovalent–liketometallic–likebondingbetweennear- may regard the ion cores as a “weak” perturbation. [1] estneighboringsurfaceatoms;bondingtotheunderlying Actually, the maximum value attained by ELF between bulk atoms is instead metallic in all cases. nearest–neighbor atoms in bulk Al is only 0.61 and— Finally, in Fig. 5 we have the extreme case of the outsidethecoreradii—thereisawidespreadgreyregion, six–fold coordinated Al(111) surface. The absolute ELF where ELF is almost constant and close to 0.5, thus in- maximumis only 0.73andlies in alow–symmetrypoint, dicating a jelliumlike electronic system. This peculiar slightly offthe outermostatomic plane. Along the direc- behaviourwillhelpusinthe followingto understandthe tion orthogonal to the surface and passing through the bonding pattern occurring at different Al surfaces. surface atom, the ELF maximum is only 0.65: this be- haviour clearly marks an almost smooth decay from the bulk—where the electrons exhibit a prevailing jellium- IV. ALUMINUM SURFACES like distribution—to the vacuum region. Also in the top viewofFig.6there isno evidence ofelectronpairingbe- All the calculations in this work use a state–of–the– tweensurfaceatoms,withawidespreadregionofalmost art set of ingredients: a plane–wave expansion of the uniform ELF, close in value to 0.5. We can therefore KS orbitals with a 16 Ry kinetic–energy cut–off, a set summarize the result by saying that the Al(111) surface of Monkhorst–Pack [12] special points for the Brillouin is essentially a jellium surface perturbed by the atomic zone integration, with a Gaussian broadening of 0.01Ry cores, in a pseudopotential sense: [1] the perturbation and a norm–conserving pseudopotential in fully non– obviously originates an “exclusion region” (white plots local form. [13] The calculations for the (111) surface within the core radii), but besides this has little effect were performed using a 9+6 supercell (9 planes of Al, 6 on the electron distribution in the bulk and at the (111) equivalentplanesofvacuum)and37k–pointsintheirre- surface. ducibleBrillouinzone. Thecorrespondingvaluesusedfor The values of the maxima in the direction orthogonal the (100) surface are an 8+6 supercell and 46 k–points, to the surface and passing through the surface atom in and for the (110) surface an 8+8 supercell and 48 k– the three cases (0.91, 0.80, and 0.65, as reported above) points. We have preliminarily investigated the effect of can be interpreted as a measure of the occupation of the surface ionic relaxation on ELF, and found it negligible. atomiclike states protruding from the surface. We recall Similar insensitiveness was found in Ref. [8] upon other in fact that ELF is identically equal to 1 for any one– or surfaceelectronicproperties: wethereforepresentresults two–electron system: high ELF values indicate a strong fortheunrelaxedsurfaces. AsshownaboveinFig.1,the localization of the wavefunction. Our numbers show an three surfaces have a different packing: the packing in- analogoustrendastheonepointedoutbyRef.[8],where creases from Al(110) to Al(100) to Al(111). A measure itisshownthatthefillingofatomicp⊥ orbitals,protrud- of this packing is the number of nearestneighbors in the ing from the surface, decreases indeed with increasing surface plane, called coordination in the following: this packing, i.e. going from (110) to (100) to (111). number is 2, 4, and6 for the three surfaces,respectively. 3 V. CONCLUSIONS Inconclusion,we haveshownhow the ELFatthe sur- faces of a paradigmatic sp–bonded metal distinctly re- vealstherearrangementsinthe electrondistributiondue to the surface formation and to the changes in the lo- cal coordination. We have shown that ELF, in a mod- ern DFT–pseudopotential framework, is a powerful tool toinvestigate—withoutusinganyspectralinformation— the chemical bonding pattern: this makes the method appealing in order to deal with much more complicated systems. Finally,toputthisworkinawiderperspective,weno- tice in the current literature a quest for other innovative toolswhichaddresslocalizationandbonding,[14,15]and whose relationships to ELF have not been investigated yet. [1] V.Heine,inSolidStatePhysics,editedbyH.Ehrenreich, F.Seitz, and D.Turnbull,vol24 (Academic, NewYork, 1970), p.1; M.L. Cohen and V. Heine, ibid.p.250. [2] A.D.Becke,K.E.Edgecombe,J.Chem.Phys.92,5397 (1990). [3] B. Silvi, A. Savin,Nature 371, 683 (1994). [4] A. Savin, R. Nesper, S. 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