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Electron delocalization in bilayer graphene induced by an electric field Mikito Koshino Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan (Dated: January 16, 2009) Electronic localization isnumerically studiedin disorderedbilayergraphenewith anelectric-field induced energy gap. Bilayer graphene is a zero-gap semiconductor, in which an energy gap can be openedandcontrolledbyanexternalelectricfieldperpendiculartothelayerplane. Wefoundthat, in the smooth disorder potential not mixing the states in different valleys (K and K′ points), the 9 gapopeningcausesaphasetransitionatwhichtheelectroniclocalization lengthdiverges. Weshow 0 thatthiscanbeinterpretedastheintegerquantumHalltransitionateachsinglevalley,eventhough 0 themagnetic field is absent. 2 n a Since the experimental discovery of monatomic J graphene [1, 2, 3], the electronic properties of graphene- 6 related materials have been extensively studied. The 1 graphene bilayer, which is also experimentally avaliable ] [2, 4, 5], was shown to have a unique band structure l l distinct from monolayer, where the conduction and va- a lence bands with quadratic dispersion touch at K and h ′ - K points in the Brillouin zone [6]. The transport prop- s erties of the bilayer graphene have been studied experi- e m mentally, [4, 7, 8] and also extensively studied in theo- ries [9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. The quantum correction to the . at conductivity,whichisimportantinthelowtemperature, FIG. 1: Atomic structure of the bilayer graphene. +∆ and m was studied for monolayer graphene [15, 16] and for bi- −∆ represents the potential of the top and bottom layers, layer. [7, 14] A unique property of bilayer graphene is respectively. - d thatanelectric-fieldappliedperpendicularlytothelayers n opensanenergygapbetweentheelectronandholebands o [6, 17, 18, 19, 20]. The transportproperty of the gapped sition at each single valley, where the single-valley Hall c [ bilayer graphene was also studied. [21] The electric-field conductivity changes from one integer to another. To induced energy gap was observed in recent experiments. demonstrate this, we numerically calculate the localiza- 2 [5, 22] tion length in disordered bilayer graphene with electric v fields, to actually show that the localization length di- 7 When the impurity potential is smooth compared to vergesatacertainfieldamplitude. Wethencalculatethe 0 the atomic scale and the intervalley scattering is neg- 4 ligible, we can treat two valleys (around K or K′) as single-valleyHallconductivityandshowthatthedelocal- 0 izationisactuallyassociatedwiththetransitionbetween independent subsystems. The sub-Hamiltonian within 2. each valley generally has no time-reversal symmetry in different quantum Hall phases. 0 itself, since the time-reversal counterpart of the states Bilayer graphene is composed of a pair of hexagonal 8 ′ networksofcarbonatoms,whichincludeAandB atoms at K exists at K . [14, 15] In bilayer graphene with 0 ′ ′ onthebottomlayerandA andB onthetop. Asshown a gap, interestingly, each sub-Hamiltonian has non-zero : v inFig,1,bothlayersarearrangedintheBernalstacking, Hallconductivityeveninzeromagneticfield. Themono- i where A atoms are located directly below B′ atoms. [6] X layer graphene can also have an energy gap and the cor- The low energy spectrum is given by the states around r responding Hall conductivity when the sub-lattice sym- ′ a metry is broken [25, 26], while it cannot be controlled K and K points in the Brillouin zone. Neighboring A ′ and B sites are coupled to create high-energy bands, externally. [23] ′ andremainingA andB sites formthelow-energybands The single-valley Hall conductivity can never be di- touching at the zero energy. The effective low-energy rectly observed, since it is exactly canceled by the con- Hamiltonian around K-point reads [6] tribution from the other valley. In this paper, however, we find that this quantity strongly influences the elec- tronlocalizationproperties,andthis maybe observedin HK = ∆ 2~m2∗(kx−iky)2 (1) the longitudinal conductivity. We show that, when the 0 2~m2∗(kx+iky)2 −∆, ! system is under a smooth random potential not mixing valleys, the perpendicular electric field causes a phase whichoperatesona wavefunction (FK,FK), where FK A′ B X transition at which the localization length diverges. We represents the value of the envelope function of K point find that this is interpreted as the quantum Hall tran- at site X. Here ∆ and −∆ are the external electrostatic 2 potential at the top and bottom layers,respectively, due Thesingle-valleyHamiltonianhasanon-zeroHallcon- ∗ to the applied electric field, and m is the effective band ductivity when ∆ 6= 0. This is estimated by Kubo for- mass defined by m∗ = γ /(2v2), where γ is the cou- mula, 1 1 ′ plingparameterfortheverticalbondsbetweenAandB ~e2 f(ε )−f(ε )hα|v |βihβ|v |αi atoms, and v is the velocity of the monolayer graphene. σ = α β x y , (5) xy iS ε −ε ε −ε +iδ [6] We assume that ∆ and vk are much smaller than γ α β α β 1 α,β X andneglectthe termsmorethanthe thirdorderin∆/γ 1 where S is the area of the system, v and v are the andvk/γ . Thebandstructureofarealbilayergraphene x y 1 velocity operators, δ is the positive infinitesimal, f(ε) is is trigonally warped due to the extra coupling parame- ter between A′ and B, [6, 9] but is neglected here for the Fermi distribution function, and |αi and εα describe the eigenstate and the eigen energy of the system. simplicity. The eigen energy of Eq. (1) is given by By applying this formula to the ideal K-point Hamil- tonian HK at zero temperature, we obtain ~2k2 2 0 εks =ss 2m∗ +∆2, (2) e2 ∆ |ε |>|∆| (cid:18) (cid:19) σK = h |εF| F (6) xy  e2 with s=± and k = k2+k2. The energy gap extends  sgn(∆) |εF|<|∆|, x y h ′ between ε = ±∆. Thqe effective Hamiltonian for K can with sgn(x)=x/|x|. The result for K′ point is given by be obtained by exchanging kx+iky and kx−iky, giving σK′ =−σK, so that the net Hall conductivity is exactly thebasicallysamespectrum. Inabsenceof∆,thedensity xy xy of states (DOS) becomes constant, ρ = m∗/(2π~2) per zeroasitshould. σxKy attheenergygapisquantizedinto 0 different values in the negative and positive ∆’s. When valley and per spin. ε is fixed to zero and ∆ is continuously changed from F For the disorder potential, we assume that the length negativetopositive,wehavetheHallconductivitychange scale is much longer than the atomic scale, and neglect from σK =−e2/h to e2/h, and σK′ =e2/h to −e2/h. the intervalley scattering. This should be valid as long xy xy The jump of the Hall conductivity can be intuitively asthephasecoherenttimeissmallerthantheintervalley explainedbytheconsiderationoftheenergyspectrumin scattering time. [14, 15] We also assume that the dis- themagneticfield. InauniformfieldB,theLandaulevel order length scale is shorter than the typical wavelength energyatK isobtainedbysubstitutingkinEq. (1)with ′ of 2π/k with k being the wave number from K or K k+eA/~withthevectorpotentialA=(0,Bx). [6]This points, so as to be modeled as a short-ranged potential results in within the valley decoupled Hamiltonian. This is then expressed as [9] ε =s (~ω )2n(n−1)+∆2 (n≥2) s,n c ε0 =ε1 p=−∆. (7) 1 0 V = uiδ(r−ri) 0 1 . (3) where ωc = eB/m∗ and s = ± represents the electron Xi (cid:18) (cid:19) and hole bands. The energy spectrum is plotted as a functionof∆inFig. 2,Wehavedoubly-degenerateLan- We assume an equal amount of positive and negative dau levels ε and ε at E = −∆, which moves from the scatterersu =±uandatotaldensityperunitarean . 0 1 i imp At ∆ = 0, the energy broadening Γ = ~/(2τ) becomes electron band down to the hole band as ∆ increases. When the Fermi energy is fixed at E = 0 and ∆ is independentoftheenergyintheweakdisorderlimit,and F changedfromnegativetopositive,thosetwoLandaulev- is expressed by [9] elscrossE ,andthereforegiveachangeofσK by2e2/h, F xy π twice as large as a Hall conductivity quantum. It is im- Γ= 2nimpu2ρ0. (4) portant that this discontinuity in σxKy is not dissolved in the limit of B → 0, and is actually consistent with the This will be used as the energy scale characterizing the discussionaboveinzeromagneticfield. ForK′ point,we disorder strength. We also introduce unit wave number have ε = ε = +∆, leading to the opposite sign of the 0 1 k0 as ~2k02/(2m∗)=Γ/2 and unit length λ0 =2π/k0. Hall conductivity change. The single-valley Hamiltonian with disordered poten- Now we numerically calculate the electronic states in tialHK =HK+V belongstotheunitarysymmetryclass thedisorderpotentialbyexactlydiagonalizingtheHamil- 0 when∆isnon-zero. Itbecomestheorthogonalclassonly tonian matrix. We consider a finite square system with at∆=0,aswehavetherelationσ HKσ =(HK)∗ with L × L described by the K-point Hamiltonian HK = x x the Pauli matrix σ . This is an effective time-reversal HK+V, imposing a boundary conditionwith phase fac- x 0 symmetry within a single valley and should be distin- tors exp(iφ ) and exp(iφ ) for x- and y-directions, re- x y guishedfromtherealtime-reversalsymmetryconnecting spectively. To make the matrix finite, we introduce the ′ K and K which always exists at any values of ∆. k-spacecut-off k =6k , which correspondsto ε =18Γ. c 0 c 3 FIG.3: (a)Densityofstatesasafunctionofenergy,inbilayer graphenewith several ∆’s at fixedΓ. (b) Thouless numberg at zero energy plotted against ∆. FIG. 2: Energy spectrum Eq. (7) plotted against ∆, at K valley in thebilayer graphene with a uniform magnetic field. To investigate the localization property, we calculate the Thouless number g, which is the ratio of the shift ∆E ofeachenergyleveldue to the changeof the bound- ary condition, to the level spacing L2ρ −1 with ρ being the density of states per unit area. [24] We estimate the (cid:2) (cid:3) energyshift by∆E =πh|∂2E(φ)/∂φ2|i,whereE(φ) rep- resents the eigen energy as a function of the boundary phase φ=φ with fixed φ , and hi represents averaging x y over different levels in a small energy region around the energy ε in question. The localization length L is es- loc timated by fitting the results to g(L) ∝ exp(−L/L ). loc When g ≪ 1, g is approximately related to the longi- tudinal conductivity σ by σ ∼ (e2/~)g. [24] We also xx xx calculatetheHallconductivitybysubstitutingtheeigen- statesofthedisorderedsystemtoKuboformula,Eq. (5). For every quantity, we take an averageover a number of samples with different configuration of the disorder po- FIG.4: Inverseof thelocalization as afunction of energy in tential and boundary phase factors φx,φy. bilayer graphenewith several ∆’s. The absolute value of σ generally depends on the xy k-space cut-off. This is because σ can be expressed xy as the summation of the contribution from all the oc- In Fig. 3 (b), we plot the Thouless number g at zero cupied states below the Fermi energy, unlike σxx which energy as a function of ∆, for several system sizes. We only depends on the states at the Fermi energy. In the naivelyexpectthattheconductivityatzeroenergymono- clean limit, the cut-off at ε = ±εc leads to overall shift tonically decreases in increasing ∆ since the DOS be- of σxy(ε) by a constant, (e2/h)∆/εc, which is the contri- comes smaller, but this is not the case here. At every bution from the missing states out of the cut-off. σxy in system size, g goes up first when ∆ starts from 0, and the disordered system has a similar shift which vanishes thenchangestodecreaseat∆∼0.8Γ. Significantlyg be- in the limit of εc → 0. However, as long as εc is much comes independent of the system size around the peak, larger than the energy broadening Γ, it hardly changes whileinotherregionitdropsexponentiallyasthesystem the function form of σxy(ε) around ε=0 except for this size increases. This suggests that the electronic state at small constant. zero energy is localized both in small and large ∆’s, but Figure 3 (a) shows the DOS in disordered bilayer delocalized only at ∆ ∼ 0.8Γ. We calculate g also for graphene,withvarious∆’satfixedΓ. Theenergyaxisis other energies and obtain the localization length L as loc scaledinunits ofΓ. As∆increases,theDOSatthe zero a function of energy from its size dependence. In Fig. 4, energy monotonically decreases as expected, while the we plot1/L againstenergyfor severalvalues of∆. As loc disorder potential fills the energy gap with some states. ∆ increases from zero, 1/L gradually decreases, and loc 4 direction depends on the energy. At E = 0, this is close to ∆/Γ=0.8. In the integer quantum Hall effect, the Hall conduc- tivity in the infinite system is quantized as long as the states at the Fermi energy are localized. [27] In finite- sizesystems,theHallconductivityaveragedoverdisorder configurationsgenerallytakesnon-integervalues,whileit gradually approaches the quantized value as the system size expands. [28] Therefore the quantized Hall conduc- tivity in the infinite system can be estimated from the scalingbehavioroffinite-sizevalues. Inaboveresults,we expectthattheregionofdecreasingσK becomestheHall xy plateauwithσK =0,andthatofincreasingσK becomes xy xy the plateau with e2/h, in an infinite system size. The pointwherethe σK switchesthe scalingdependence can xy beregardedasthephasetransitionbetweenthedifferent FIG. 5: Hall conductivity of a single-valley (K) Hamilto- Hall phases σK =0 and 1. Significantly this point coin- xy nianofbilayergraphenewithseveral∆’s,plottedagainst the cides well with the divergence of the localization length energy. L in Fig. 4. The feature is most striking at ∆=0.8Γ, loc whereσK atε=0isabouttochangeitssizedependence, xy and L at the center is also near divergence. This is a loc consistent result since the electronic states must be de- localized at the critical point separating different Hall plateaus. [27] Indeed,whentheenergygapwidthismuchlargerthan the disorder strength, i.e., ∆/Γ ≫ 1, we reasonably ex- pectthatσK aroundzeroenergyisquantizedate2/h,the xy mid-gap value in the clean-limit, since the gap remains almostintactintheweakdisorder. Whentheenergygap is small enough that ∆/Γ ≪ 1, on the other hand, it is naturalthatσK vanishes tozeroasinthe zero-gapcase, xy since the effect of ∆ is completely washed out by the strong disorder. It is then inevitable to have the phase transitionattheintermediatevalueof∆/Γ,whichispre- sumably of the order of 1, while the factor may depend on the specific disorder model. FIG. 6: Hall plateau diagram against ∆ and energy E. At ∆ > 0.8, we have two critical energies which sep- Dots represent the critical energies estimated from the size- dependence of σK. Dashed curves are guide for eyes for the arates upward and downward moving region in σxKy in xy phase boundary. Fig. 5. The localization length in Fig. 4 is huge around the corresponding energies, so that it becomes harder to specify the criticalpoints out of them due to the numer- the value around ε = 0 reaches almost zero (i.e., the ical error. Fig. 6 shows the phase diagramspeculated in states extended) at ∆∼0.8Γ. The center value recovers the infinite system, where each phase corresponds to the to non-zero again in even larger ∆, and the peak grows HallplateauwithquantizedσK. Wedeterminethephase xy rapidly as ∆ increases; the states at the gap region be- boundarybytakingpointswhereσK changesitsmoving xy come localized more and more. direction. The dashed curves separating the phases are The correspondingplots forthe single-valley Hallcon- guides for eyes. The phase diagram is symmetric with ductivity σK are shown in Fig. 5. σK becomes com- respect to ∆=0, while the sign of the Hall conductivity xy xy pletely 0 at ∆ = 0 (not shown), and the value generally is opposite between negative and positive ∆’s. goes up as ∆ increases. At eachsingle ∆, we notice that We cannot eliminate the delocalized states as long as σxKy movesina specific directionas the systemsizeL ex- K and K′ valleys are decoupled, in the following sense: pands. At ∆ = 0.4Γ, σK decreases in all the energy as In the clean system, as previously discussed, the single- xy L increases. At ∆ = 1.6Γ, on the contrary, σK around valley Hall conductivity σK at the gap is quantized at xy xy ε = 0 evolves in the upward direction, oppositely. The −1 and 1 (in units of e2/h) at negative and positive ∆, critical value of ∆ where the σK switches its evolving respectively. 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