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Electron and Photon Interactions at High Energies: Invited Papers Presented at the International Symposium Hamburg, June 8–12, 1965 PDF

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Preview Electron and Photon Interactions at High Energies: Invited Papers Presented at the International Symposium Hamburg, June 8–12, 1965

SPRINGERTRACTS INMODERN PHYSICS Ergebnisse der exakten Natur- wissenschaften 39 Volume Editor: G. Hiihler Editorial Board: S. Fliigge, F. Hund E. A. Niekisch Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1965 Heyausgeber : G. HSHLER, Institut fiir Theoretische Kernphysik der Technischen Hochschule, 75 Karlsruhe, HauptstraBe 54 Schriftleiter: E. A. NIEKISCH, Kernforschungsanlage Jiilich, Arbeitsgruppe Institut fiir Tech- nische Physik, 517 Jiilich. Postfach 365 .4llrightsreserved,especially thatoftranslationintoforeignlanguages.It is alsoforbiddentoreproduce thisbook, either whole or in part, by photomechanical means (photostat, minofilm and/or microcard) without written permission from the Publishers. 0 by Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 1965. Printed in Germany. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 25-9130 The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trade marks, etc. in this publication, even if the former are not especially identified, is not to be taken as a sign that such names, as understood by the Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks Act, may accordingly be used freely by anyone. Title-No. 4722 Briihlsche UniversitXsdruckerei GieDen Electron and Photon Interactions at High Energies Invited Papers Presented at the International Symposium Hamburg, June S-12, 1965 Contents Theory of Strong Interactions of Elementary Particles in the GeV Region L. NAV EVOH Recent High Energy Electron Investigations at Stanford University .C D. ,NANAHCUB H. ,DRALLOC .C ,LLENNARC R. ,HCSORF T. A. ,YFFIRG R. ,RETDATSFOH E. B. ,SEHGUH .G K. ,E<IEDL6N R. J. ,SEKAO K. J. NAV ,MURTSOO R. E. ,DNAR L. ,ELZLEUS .M R. ,NAIRAEY B. .C ,KRALC R. NAMREH and D. .G LLAHNEVAR 20 Review of Nucleon Form Factors RICHARD WILSON 43 Special Models and Predictions for Pion Photoproduction (Low Energies) .G RELHOH 55 Special Models and Predictions for Photoproduction above 1 GeV .S D. LLERD 17 Photoproduction of Mesons in the GeV Range L. .S ENROBSO 19 Theoretical Aspects of Colliding Beam Experiments R. OTTAG 601 Experimental Techniques W. K. H. YKSFONAP 831 The Use of Bubble Chambers and Spark Chambers at Electron Accelerators K. HCUARTS 551 The research contributions, the closing remarks by Prof. ROBERt R. WILSON and the discussion following the in- vited papers will be contained in the forthcoming "Pro- ceedings of the International Symposium on Electron and Photon Interactions at High Energies, Vol. I and II". Theory of Strong Interactions of Elementary Particles in the GeV Region L. Van Hove Theory Division CERN, Geneva (Switzerland) This lecture attempts to review the main aspects of strong inter- action processes in the high energy region where cross-sections show a smooth energy dependence suggestive of an asymptotic behaviour. Due to a steady increase of accurate and reliable experimental data the general properties of this asymptotic region manifest themselves more and more clearly. In absence of a true theory, the theoretical analysis is essentially of a phenomenological character. Either it correlates data on the basis of a few general principles and assumptions, or it fits them by means of tentative theoretical models. Despite its modest scope, this type of analysis appears to be quite successful in developing gra- dually a general picture of strong interactions at high energies. I. Elastic Scattering at Small Momentum Transfer We discuss first elastic scattering processes A + B-+ A + B (A, B are hadrons) in the region of c.m. momentum transfers A = V---/defined by o < -t ~ l(GeV#)~. (I.1) Good data are available for a number of reactions, and the general features appear to be the same for all. For laboratory momentum b: L ~> 6 GeV/c a good description is obtained by means of an asymptotic series expansion of the scattering amplitude containing two or three terms. We give it the general form T(st) ~o4-~-s ...,,~2,1= cj )t( s~J(t) In s~-- -- (1.2) s is the square of the c.m. energy, and for later convenience the expansion is taken to be in decreasing powers of the quantity X Springer Tracts Modern Physics 93 1 2 L. VAN HovE: aj(t), flj )t( are real exponents, ~c )t( can be complex. One has ~c 1 )t( > > ~(t) >-... )2.1( is supposed to represent the spin-independent part of the elastic scattering amplitude. Spin-dependent terms of the amplitude can be expanded in the same way, but they are generally expected to grow less rapidly with s than the spin-independent term*. One could add in each term of (1.2) factors having a variation slower than logarithmic, for example (lnlnst)~Jct). The data available, however, are much too limited to decide on the presence or absence of such factors. In fact it is even impossible to establish or reject the presence of the factors (lnst)aJ(t) in (I.2). The analysis is therefore usually carried out by putting fit )t( = 0. The expansion (I.2) is general enough to accommodate various types of singularities of the scattering amplitude in the complex anguIar momentum plane of the t channel. Branch points give fij )t( # 0, poles ~9/ )t( = 0. The poles can be moving (Regge poles) or fixed depending on whether ej )t( depends on t or not. As mentioned above experiment does not allow to decide between the occurrence of poles or branch points. It is now generally recognized that both types of singularities are theoretically possible. In fact, branch points are expected to be present 1. Using analyticity of T in s and crossing symmetry**, the expansion (I.2) can be related to thecorresponding asymptotic expansion for the crossed reaction A + B ~- A + B T(ut) Z c*.(t) e-i~J(t)ut~(tl(lnut--~-~-;) --- )4.1( u--~+ oo {~ "..,2,1 where u is the square of the c.m. energy and ut = u + -2- - m~ - m~. (I.5) The coefficients cj (t), ~o (t), flj )t( are the same as in (I.2). The variables st, ut in (I.2) and (I.4) have been so chosen as to give this very simple form to the high energy consequences of analyticity and crossing sym- metry***. All data on direct and crossed reactions are consistent with (1.2) and (I.4). It is in fact very useful to use these equations simultaneously in order to determine the parameters ~c r( aj )t( as accurately as possible. We recall that for the time being 5/ 5 )t( cannot be determined from the data and is usually put equal to zero, so that (I.2) and (I.4) reduce to T(st)s_~ o Z cj(t) st 0(~ (i.6) {=I,2... * Experimental confirmation of this conjecture would be highly desirable. For xp collisions it would require polarization and spin correlation measurements by means of polarized proton targets. For p p collisions such measurements should be done with incident and target protons being both polarized. ** One is now very close to being able to derive the necessary properties from. axiomatic field theory 2. *** For a proof, see 3. Theory of Strong Interactions of Elementary Particles in the GeV Region 3 1. The forward scattering amplitude. Our knowledge of the forward scattering amplitude T(sO) stems from the data on total cross-sections ~,, related to T(sO) by the optical theorem ( ') ~, = 8~2/ks ~ Im T (sO), k = c.m. momentum (I.8) and from the recently acquired data on the ratio Re r(so) (I.9) X Im T(s0) " The by now familiar total cross-section curves are reproduced in Fig. 1t4 J. The ratio X is obtained from elastic scattering measurements at very small ltI where the nuclear and Coulomb amplitudes interfere. One assumes the scattering to be spin-independent and one assumes T(st) 58 54 o~ ~ 46 pn 42-- E 38 34 30 26 'tr+p k-n~ 22 k-p 18 ,n~'k k*p' 41 I I I I I I I ! ,. .,,I 2 4 6 8 I0 21 41 61 81 20 ~2 MOMENTUM (GeV/c) Fig. .1 Total cross-sections for nucleon-nucleon and meson-nucleon scattering, reproduced from Ref. 4 to be constant between t = 0 and the smMl It I where the interference is measured. The results available to date are given in Figs. 2 and 3 ,5C .16 There appears to be compatibility with dispersion relations for pp scattering. The situation is less clear for rcp where the data for for- ward charge exchange scattering 7, 8 are also to be taken into account. We discuss the general behaviour of aT and X in terms of (I.6--7). The total cross-section curves indicate with good accuracy ~1(0) = 1. (I.10) 1" 4 L. VAN HOVe: Keeping only the leading term with i = ,1 (I.6) and (I.10) then give ,)Os(TmI~._)Os(TmI )Os(TeR-~_)Os(r:eR (I.11) for s-> +oo. The first relation is the Pomeranchuk theorem aT_~ 8T for total cross-sections 9. Its asymptotic validity is compatible with the data, although up to 30 GeV there are considerable differences at - ~ which, for PL >~ 6 ,cVeG can be well described by the second term "1 = 2 of (I.6) and (I.10), e2(0) being of order 0.5. | I I I I I t 1 1 D R A D N A T i S ~ N O I T A I V E D ( "+-P r- I/ DETAMITSE -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 , v E I I I I I I I I I .7- +0.2 --T T I T ~ T 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -J--~_3__~ j 2__L__A._.__A_ 8 I0 21 41 61 81 20 22 24 p (BeY/c) Fig. 2. The ratio X of real to imaginary parts of the forward scattering amplitude for pion-proton scattering, following Ref. 5 The second relation (I.11) gives X~-X for s-+ +0% where X is the analogue of (I.9) for the crossed reaction. Experiment shows X and X to be negative where measured, so that (I.11) suggests X-+0 and X-+0 for s-+oo. (I.12) This would mean that the coefficient c 1 )0( in (I.6) is purely imaginary c~ (0) = i Ic1(0) 1. (I. 13) The experimental results are entirely compatible with this expectation which implies that the measured values of X are due to the '? = 2 term of the expansions (I.6--7), with c%(0) ~ 0.5 as before. It should be noted, Theory of Strong Interactions of Elementary Particles in the GeV Region 5 however, that there would be no theoretical objection against X be- coming positive for some reactions in the region PL > 30 GeV/c, if aT would show a minimum in this region*. A detailed analysis of aT and X for pp and ~p has been carried out by A. SALAIB and E. SA~AIB on the basis of expansions of type (I.6-7) 11. It reveals that the high energy limit of (I.9) for pp is compatible I, 0.1 -i LLEWOD ET AL ~z NOTSERP ET AL v KIRILLOVA ET AL o lItI TAY,o ET A, (cid:141) -~s.o I- ! FOLEY ET AL o (cid:127) i LOHRMANN ET AL PRESENT EXPERIMENT (cid:12)9 t i r p i _ r Fig. .3 The ratio X for proton-proton scattering from various experiments, as given in Ref. 6 with 0 and is very likely to be contained between -0.2 and 0. Further- more it shows that measurement of (I.9) for pp at laboratory momenta above 5 GeV/c is by far the best way of reaching a better determination of the expansion parameters cj (0), j~c )0( for the proton-proton system. 2. The shape of the diffraction peak. All diffraction peaks measured until now have in the momentum transfer interval (I.1) a common shape given by d~ da dt -- (-dt-)t=o eat+bt2 " )41.1( The coefficient a, although depending somewhat on the reaction and the energy, is always of order 01 (GeV/c) -~. The dimensionless quantity b/a S is not well determined, but it is always positive and has an order of magnitude b a~0.01 to 0.04. )51.1( From (I.6-7) taken at energies sufficiently high for the leading term i = 1 to be the only important one, one has TI~_ 2~51 and-~ therefore becomes the same for the direct and the crossed reaction: da dd d~ -~ -~d (1.16) where both sides are taken at the same energy, s = u -+ + .oo (I. )61 is the generalized Pomeranchuk theorem 12. It implies a--~, b~ b )71.1( at very high energy (the bar always refers to the crossed reaction). * The author thanks Professors V. S. ~ARASHENKOV, and G. H6HLER for a discussion ol this point. Qualitative arguments tending to explain the negative sign of X, as given for example in .I-I E. CONZETW 10, are not compelling because the sign of X can always be modified by a real optical potential. In fact, as shown by A. BIALAS, and ~. BIALAS 1 1, the negative sign of X is related to the fact that a~ and ~ decrease toward their asymptotic limit; an increase would make X positive. 6 L. VAN HovE: (1.17) is in good agreement with experiment for ~(cid:127) scattering for p~ > 6 GeV/c. Both a and b appear to be constant with energy (this result is only significant for a, the precision on b being still poor). For pp and ~p scattering, there is a pronounced energy variation of a (referring to pp), which increases, as well as of g (referring to pp) which decreases. As shown by IKSWEZYZC et al. 13, from a compilation of all data, a and appear to tend to a common limit ~ 9 (GeV/c)- ,2 about the same value as obtained for ~(cid:127) p. This is clearly indicated by Fig. 4, taken from Ref. El3, where our quantity a is denoted by A. OPTICAL MODEL RADIUS FOR PROTONS AND ANTIPROTONS GNIRETTACS ~-o_d#~-od{ tae ~,R.~e 2 ~TJ/~T;o = = ~TJ t ~ p~ }PP > ,o ~s r- to " 5 01 51 02 52 p(G ~t/c) Fig. 4. The width o f the diffraetiotl peak for ~p and pp as a function of laboratory momentum, following Ref. 13 Therefore, in all cases mentioned, we conclude that the leading term of the expansions (I.6), (I.7) can be given the exponent ~x )t( = 1 for 0 < - t < 1 (GeV/c) 2 . )81.1( From general considerations 14 one is then led to expect c 1 (t) ~- i lc 1 (t) = ie -~ (.:+b,~) (I. )91 for all t values in the same interval, thereby extending (1.13). The results (I. 18-19) for the leading term of (I.6-7) correspond to the familiar diffraction picture characterized by constant cross-sections and purely imaginary amplitude. Deviations thereof will be produced by the higher terms of the expansion; the data roughly suggest ~c 2 (t)_~ 0.5 for the t interval considered. Although our conclusion is that the diffraction picture provides by far the most natural interpretation of the experimental facts, the latter are also compatible with a Regge pole model using several Regge tra- jectories with positive slope. When several trajectories contribute, the shrinkage effects resulting from their positive slope can be cancelled over a finite energy interval by expansion (antishrinkage) effects pro- duced through appropriate compensations between the various tra- jectories. For example, a Regge pole fitting of this sort has been made

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