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U.5. OLPARTUENT Of CMWERCE Na8i~mse Teche"ca m11%atiu service AD-k031 146 Electromechanical Actuat~on Feasibility Study : AiResearch Mfg Co of Californic Torrance May 76 302083 InEEECTROMECMANICA ACTUAIMfO FLAITYM STLTrY Aa& EAR CM M NCMhACTUXRLA.U CWIPAWYO U"M&UALN TE MUMICAm"rIntr AFTNATI-?-4 4 I*FORMA11ON SLRVicE U. S.D PMfmft1 OFC OMMOM \ AmR 703CR IIGRT DYNAM1U8 LABORATOY AMR 706C YST TM- COMMAND ~WRIGUT-PATTEAWNk AIR POW= RASL OHIO 45M8 gins Gowgm dawmiW, specificatiots, or other date are used for mW purpose other then in nection, with a dsf uiitely related Govsrnmet prcopemmt €eration, the United Statea Covwrmt thereby incurs n %mstie nbillbty o(cid:127) r ma obligatam Astaoewr; ad the fact that the Iae3meat Lay hr"m formulated, fumtshd. ot In an7 way supplied the saM drwigs, epscifftctions. or other data, is not to be regarded by Implicat(cid:127)Ler or otherwise as In any nner Irnilng the holder or amy other pearam or corporation, oT c(cid:127)ano nveying rightb or peCsiUon to wmafmctaer, wu or sell any patented Lnvemtim that roy In amy 'my be tWtatud tbmraeo. TWie techaical rqmwt haw been reviewed and 1I approved for publication. WMYlL . si '%N Project IngiWaee/Tecbaical No=itor Chief. Flight Cantrol DiTi(cid:127)iou AF Mlight Dynmmca laboratory Copies of this report should not be returned unless return is required by secrity considerations, contractual obligations, or notice on a *pocific document. This report bas bwe revim(cid:127)ed by the Information Office (M) and is releasable to the National Technical Infcrmation Service (N!IS). At WTIS it will be available to the enmeral public, including foreign nations. A0 M k - 11 7 - I ED SI&CURn?.' CLaASSIZATION Do Ts"m1 PAGIF foohD.. n..d REPORT DOCUMEN1ATIOI4 PAGE BFRE COMPLETCIkNMG4 1 pRIENT fou"Sift 12 0OV7 ACCNLSSION NO. 3 RICIPICNTTI CAT ALOG wusgU19111 AFFDL-TR- 76-1.2 A___________________ 4 7OLIC imlel 1.41IIIA1 TY Pf5 OF IRtPONR1 a loftoC COVIRECC Electromechanical Actuation Feasibility Study FINAL REPORT __-5to 12-7 S 6PE'fftU'MO1IN 05013 AIRPORTNy'SulE0 Neal L. Wood, E.F. Echols. John H. A~hmove CNR~ f RN .NE 3361 5-75-C-3055 PIRTORMS.GOKNAGFA sIZATNS I 9 IRORt'11" X'a A'ANDGREISS 10 01tOMNfi tEMEN7 PAJJE!CT. 7431( AiftasearchAMCa nu ic turing Company AREA f *OftK UNI'T NUMGENS ADI-vision of the Garrett Corporation Project 1987 e 2525 West 190th Street Task 198701 ~~~~~Tcnrr~nn'a II CONTROLLING OWCAIC I N AMIE AND0 ACGRIESS _____________5_2_ ___R_I_E_POR01TD ATE Air Force Flight Dy-namics Labcratory May 1976 AFSC/AFWAL, United States Air Force 11 sNjsBsIm OF PAGIES Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 L____ U14.7N. CLASSIFIED _T4 MO-NITORINOG AOENCY MAIME Gt AOOAEIS.M, dill* -, It- Ltwftl~llins Clfioj ICE J "ITV CL ASV (.1 1.* -I5OII -15. -6F CL i ss I--, N 00 W G WAOI NGý SCHIEDULE 01S TgRGUTI$AO tSI . S oSa.l,. Approved for Public Release, Distribu~ion Unlimited '7 DISTPIMIUrION STATIEMENT roS t'I* bel-5 -rii-. In 9).1h 20. Of dlleoý. 'It prI S0 SUPPLIENEN-ARY NOTES 1It ELY 1VOPIS (Co'i~n-, oý le"P.* 0,20 it "F.OOS WW Idend'l by blerh n.Sb. Po'~ier-by-Wi re ________________________ _________________ ________________ "Pare &irth" Sammariucn-Cobalt Magnets brushleas D.C. tletor Imaterials Permanent Magnet Ro.cor 20 48STNACT (r-#,- . - -, o l8 o*d00. it . -, d b0O ~.b i . -6-1 An alternate to hydraulic actuation of primiary flig~it control su-faces is desiroble. Electromechatiical actUadlon of primary Ii i,%bt controls is feasible and practical using the most recent advances in the state-oft-he-art in masnetic for hi~h-perforuazice servomotors, high- current -capa i ty transistor switches f or motor power contiol, and dipital microprocei~sors for servo and re- dundancy managemen!? logiý.> Elict-omechanical actuation Is consisten~t with current, proven, fly-by-wire technology and with the developing fpoier-by-w1re t.ýchniques. 7the control surface performance requirements and metho~ds of analvsi FOR 43 ESOO 1 OSIOSLT UNCLASSIFIED ~E~l1~C. A"ifIFlC(IALTI,OSN oSrU BTHJIS EPUATG E T12O0% WVotieN XGff~toE.d) UCLASs IFIED SICU.OTIV CLAVFWCAjr O Om TsWIS PAOqgfUt Date "et",, ir trise~nted for direct drtve mtectiromechanical powrar servos. Tra'ide studlee were conducted to evaluate the aircraft power source and dlstributrok, options; lactuator motor and controller optiovai; and gcared rotary hinge actuator con- figuration options. A weight compsrlacn it :Ivor between the hydraulic actuatit system for tbh F-100 and the al@ctcromechanical system studied. Reliability assea~e..tL &ad redundaccy managment considerations also are included. A pro- 11minary design of the electrosechanicsl actuition ayeteu and test plan are pre- sented. These data were developwd ujxng a selected baseline problem statement which was derived from existing hy,raulic actuator specifications. k O $11CU~I1IiY CLRSSLIPSCI&TION OP(cid:127) 714I5 PAGI~tI h.II(cid:127)l OI~r. JEne...t4 AFFOL-TR-76-42 FORE WORD This document is the tinal report of a Study conductecd for the United States Air Force under Contract Fý3615-75-C-305, Electronechanical Actuation Feasibility Study. The contract was aaministereu by the Air Force Flioht Dynamics Labcratory, hriaht-lPatterson Air Force 8ase, Ohio, Wr. Daniel K. bird (FUL), Project Engiveer. The technical etfort, performed tromi January 15, 1975 to Noventer 3D0 197), was undertaken by AiResearch kanufactur:no Company of Calito,'ni.). Wc'. Neal Wooo was principal investioator. Rockwell International, Los Anoeies Aircraft Uivision, contributed to this study as a subcontractor. Mr. John L. Schibler. Project Enoineer, provided detailed analyses. air frame data, and actuation system consultatiun for the figoht control requirements and interfaces based upon the F-100 aircraft. This document has been reviewed arid approved. (cid:127) .R(cid:127)qt %% ,, Si v i i !L_ I im .n . . . ,fu 'W I AFFOL-TR-76-42 TABLE OF CoNTLNrI Section Page I. INTROOUCTION I 1.1 Bakground 1 1.2 Program Objectives and Scope 2 2. SUMMARY 4 3. BASELINE SYSrEM REQUIREMENTS 6 4. ACTUATION SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS 9 4.1 Requirements Review 9 4.2 Baseline Actuat;on System Problem .laten.ent 9 4.3 Analysis of Actuation System Requirements 10 5. ACTUATION SYSTEM STUDIES 19 5.1 Power Source Options 19 5.2 Actuator Drive Options 25 5.3 Actuator Element Options 51 5.5 Aircraft Actuation System Integration 71 6. PRELIMINARY DESIGN 79 6.1 Design 79 6.2 Preliminary Performance Specification 93 6.3 Analog Analysis 104 6.4 Mockup 104 7. PROGRAM PLANS 108 7.1 Program Plan 108 7.2 Preliminary Test Plan ft)r Actuation System 111 Demonst rat ion 8. REFERENCES 121 A F-100 AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS 123 8 B-52 RUDDER AND ELEVATOR CONTROL SYSTEM 138 C F-15 RUDDER CONTROL SURFACE ,CTUATOR PERFORMANCE 141 o F-8 RUDIDER CONTROL SURFACE ACTL,NTOR PERFORMANCE 142 E TOROIJAL DRIVE ANALYSIS 143 !V AFF L-TR- 76-42 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page I Versatility of Electromechanical Actuation can be Fully 2 Realized Through Recent Technological Advances 2 The 10-Month Program Comprised Six Tasks 3 3 Generalized Ele-tromechanlcal Actuation System 6 4 Amplitude Ratio 8 5 Phase Lag 8 6 Characterization of Control Surface Velocity and Torque if 7 Load Acceleration Capability 13 8 liltial Screening of 0cwer Options 20 9 Control Approach Similarity 21 i Pc..r Svrca ChAracteristics 21 11 Alternator Characteristics 22 12 Rectifier 23 13 Power Transmission, Continuous Duty 24 14 Candidate Orive Options 26 15 Power Cap ibility of Stopper Designs 27 16 Typical Motor Perforimance 29 17 Comparison of Magnet Materials 30 18 Rotor Critical Speed 31 19 Motor Power Characteristics 33 20 Variable-Frequency Motor Drive 34 21 Ac Inverter Voltage Schedule 34 22 Motor Thermal Analysis for MtL Power Dash 56 23 Thermal Analysis Results for Parked Aircraft on USAF 37 Standard Hot Day vI I AfFCL-TR-Tb-42 ILLUSTRATIONS (C(cid:127)ontinued) F igure Pages 24 ThermAl Analysis Results for )50,000-fCt ruise 37 25 SCR Conmututlon Circuit 41 26 Transistor Comnutation Circuit 41 27 Dc Drive Functiona' Block Diagram 43 21 Ac Drive Block Diagram 45 29 4armOnic Contents of 5V Notching 3-Phase Inverter 47 .)C Ac and Dc Motor Thermal Management Compa,-Ison 49 31 Selcctedl Drive Sysem 52 32 initial Screening of Actuolor Elume~ts 53 33 HarmonIc Drive 54 34 Hinge:ine Actuator 50 35 Parametric Rotary Actuator Data 56 36 Harmonic Drive 57 37 Mechanical No-Brx-k Characteristics 58 38 Mechanical NI,- Bacl s 60 39 Ball Ramp Typo of NO-Back 60 40 Energy Absorbing No-Back: Input )riving and Opposing Load 61 41 [-orgy Absorbli.1 No-BacK: Input Driving and Aiding Load 61 42 Output rj.-que Limiting of F-100 Aileron 63 43 Power Reo~neration 63 44 Theermal Capablity of Energy Absorbing No-Back 64 45 Cor,trol Surtacoe Drive Redundancy Arrangement 68 46 Rellabi'ty Sys'em Model 69 47 Study Concept 70 vii - T AFFI IX-1 R-111-41 ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure pg 48 F-100 Electromechanica: Actuator Block Oiagram 74 49 F-100 Electromwctianlal Actuator Installation at 75 Aileron Station 199.250 50 Microprocessor Motor Controe 81 51 WMtor lhermal Analysis Results 87 52 Functions implemented by a Mlcrooroce~sor 89 53 Microorocessor Prograom Flow Chart for Dc Motor Controller 90 54 Nonracursive Digital Filter Mechanization Diagram 94 55 PWM Generator Functional 3txck 'iagram 94 56 Shaft Pcsition Sensr 95 57 Analog Input Encoder Mechanization Uiagram 96 J8 System Model 97 59 Motoi- Per formance 99 60 Actuator Servo-Loop Funk tlonM 3lock Diaqram 105 61 Amplitude Ratio vs Frequency 106 62 Phase Lag vs Frequency 106 63 EM Actuator Mockup 107 (4 Program Schedule for DOsiqn, tabrication, and Evaluation 109 Testing of Electromechanical Rotary Hl,'ge-Line Actuator 65 Test Logi: Olagraw 113 66 Performance lest and lost Setup 114 67 Frgquoncy Response 115 68 Stiffness Test 116 69 Power Efficiency Test 117 70 Acceleratioi Test 118 viii

ILLUSTRATIONS. Figure ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued). Figure .. onish i 1. Ine versatility o t the neIt'. tr urmech,.ficI jcttj,Itiorli approac:h kii scubsse.
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