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ISSN: 0272-6343 Electromagnetics Volume 25 2005 i< \ Taylor & Francis eee Group electromagnetics EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H. Y. David Yang Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Illinois at Chicago EDITORIAL BOARD Franco De Flaviis Hisamatsu Nakano University of California, Irvine, USA Hosei University, Japan Daniel Du Zutter Peter Russer University of Ghent, Belgium Insitut fur Hochfrequenztechnik, Germany Roberto D. Graglia G. Ya Slepyan Politechnico Di Torino, Italy Institute of Nuclear Problems, Belarus Wolfgang J. R. Hoefer Oleg A. Tretyakov University of Victoria, Canada Kharkov State University, Ukraine Jianming Jin Sergei Tretyakov University of Illinois at Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Urbana-Champaign, USA Ching-kuang Tzuang Akhlesh Lakhtakia National Chiao-Tung University, Pennsylvania State University, USA Taiwan, ROC Yehuda Leviatan Nikolaos K. Uzunoglu Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Is:uel National Technical University of Athens, Greece Le-Wei Li Wen Xun Zhang National University of Singapore, Singapore Southeast University, China Abstracted and/or Indexed in: CSA Electronics & Communications Abstracts; CSA Solid State & Superconductivity; Engineering Information, Inc.; Sci Search; Science Citation Index; Research Alert; Current Contents/ Engineering, Computing & Technology. Electromagnetics (USPS permit number pending) is published eight times per year in January, February, April, May, July, August, October, and November by Taylor & Francis Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Periodicals postage paid at Champlain, NY, by US Mail Agent IMS of New York, 100 Walnut Street, Champlain, NY. US Postmaster: Please send address changes to UEMG c/o IMS, PO Box 1518, Champlain, NY 12919, USA. Annual Subscription, Volume 25, 2005 Print ISSN 0272-6343. Online ISSN 1532-527X Institutional subscribers: US $928, UK £562 Individual subscribers: US $638, UK £386 An institutional subscription to the print edition includes free access to the online edition for any number of concurrent users across a local area network. Production and Advertising Office: Taylor & Francis Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Tel -215-625-8900, Fax- 215-625-8563. Production Editor: Chery! Hufnagle Subscription offices USA/North America: Taylor& Francis Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Tel: 215-625-8900, Fax: 215-625- 2940. UK/Europe: Taylor & Francis Ltd., Rankine Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8PR, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1256 813 000, Fax: +44 (0) 1256 330 245. For a complete guide to Taylor & Francis Group’s journal and book publishing programs, online subscriptions, and details on advertising in our journals, visit our website: www.taylorandfrancis.com. Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved. 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The appearance of advertising in this journal does not constitute an endorsement or approval by the publisher, the editor, or the editorial board of the quality or value of the product advertised or of the claims made for it by its manufacturer. Electromagnetics Volume 25 Tables of Contents Volume 25, Number | Electrostatic Excitation of a Conducting Toroid: Exact Solution and Thin-Wire Approximation Robert W. Scharstein and Howard B. Wilson Scattering of Plane Waves at the Junction of Two Corrugated Half-Planes A. Hamit Serbest, Ali Kara, and Ernst Liineburg Optimization of the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS) for Scattering by an Infinite Cylinder Under Oblique Incidence N. L. Tsitsas, E. G. Alivizatos, H..T. Anastassiu, and D. I. Kaklamani Field Characteristics from an Eccentric Dielectric Coated Circular Cylinder with Two Axial Slots Muhammad A. Mushref The Thickness Dependence of Resonance Frequency in Anisotropic Composites with Long Conductive Fibers L. Liu, S. M. Matitsine, Y. B. Gan, and K. N. Rozanov Volume 25, Number 2 An Efficient Procedure for the Projection of a Given Field onto Hierarchical Vector Basis Functions of Arbitrary Order L. E. Rickard Petersson and Jian-Ming Jin Implanted Spherical Head Model for Numerical EMC Investigation S. M. S. Reyhani and S. A. Ludwig Equivalent Circuit for Antenna-Cavity Coupling in Wheeler’s Cap Technique Yeqin Huang, Ram M. Narayanan, and Govind R. Kadambi Effects of Multiiayers Superstrates on Microstrip Leaky-Wave Antennas Radiating Characteristics and Performances Zahera Mekkioui and Henri Baudrand Closed-Form Green’s Functions for Finite Grounded Dielectric Substrate Gélge Ogiicii, Lale Alatan, and Ozlem Aydin Civi Corrections to “Electromagnetic Scattering from a Dielectric Sheet Using the Method of Moments with Approximate Boundary Condition” Guangdong Pan and Ram M. Narayanan Electromagnetics Volume 25 Tables of Contents Volume 25, Number 3 Alternatives to the Perfectly Matched Layer for Waveguide Simulation Using the FDFD Method Carl M. Arft and Andre Knoesen Calculable Dipole Antenna for EMC Measurements with Low-Loss Wide-Band Balun trom 30 MHz to 2 GHz Alireza Kazemipour and Xavier Begaud Image Reconstruction for a Perfectly Conducting Cylinder Buried in Slab Medium by TE Wave Illumination Yi-Shian Lin and Chien-Ching Chiu Convergent Galerkin MoM Solver for the EFIE in Two Dimensions Alexander G. Tyzhnenko Mitigation of Power Frequency Fields by Proper Choice of Line Configuration and Shielding Hassan A. Kalhor and Mohammad R. Zunoubi Radiation from Dielectric-Filled Thick-Walled Parallel-Plate Waveguide Junction Loaded with a Dielectric Half-Plane Yakup Hames and Ismail Hakki Tayyar Volume 25, Number 4 Finite-Element Analysis of Scattering From a Complex BOR Using Spherical Infinite Elements Jin-Kyu Byun and Jian-Ming Jin On the Investigation of Phase Error of Cubic Wavelet-Like Functions in a Finite Element Time Domain Algorithm W. Elliott Hutchcraft and Richard K. Gordon Performance of Compact Integratable Broadband Microstrip Antenna Sheikh Sharif Iqbal, Jawad Y. Siddiqui, and Debatosh Guha Convergent Galerkin MoM Solution for 2-D H-Scattering from Screens Alexander G. Tyzhnenko and Yevgen V. Ryeznik Applications of Shielding Techniques to Enhance the Antenna Performance of Mobile Communications and Reduce SAR Induction in the Human Head Yu-Ting Hsiao, Shih-Chung Tuan, Hsi-Tseng Chou, and Jin-Song Wang Electromagnetics Volume 25 Tables of Contents Special Issue Exotic Electromagnetics Guest Editor Akhlesh Lakhtakia Volume 25, Number 5 Special Issue on Exotic Electromagnetics: Guest Editorial Akhlesh Lakhtakia Negative Refraction in Perspective A. D. Boardman, N. King, and L. Velasco Natural and Nanoengineered Chiral Reflectors: Structural Color of Manuka Beetles and Titania Coatings Lakshman de Silva, lan Hodgkinson, Petra Murray, Qi Hong Wu, Matthew Arnold, John Leader, and Andrew McNaughton Selective Reflection and Transmission from Perturbed Chiral Sculptured Thin Films John A. Polo, Jr. Superlattice Properties of Helical Nanostructures in a Transverse Electric Field O. V. Kibis, S. V. Malevannyy, L. Huggett, D. G. W. Parfitt, and M. E. Portnoi On One- and Two-Dimensional Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures in Rectangular Waveguides at Microwave Frequencies Alvaro Gémez, Angel Vegas, Miguel A. Solano, and Akhlesh Lakhtakia Linear and Nonlinear Homogenized Composite Mediums as Metamaterials Tom G. Mackay Some Rare Peripheral Implications of Electromagnetism Evert Jan Post Volume 25, Number 6 On the Applicability of Simplified Spherical Human Heads for Implanted Antennas in Biomedical Communications Jaehoon Kim and Yahya Rahmat-Samii Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in the Presence of a Tropospheric Duct Above a Sea Surface with Periodicity Toannis Kassotakis and Nikolaos Uzunoglu Currents Induced in a Human Body Standing Inside a Metallic House Near a Large Wire-Array Transmission-Line NEMP Simulator Hsing-Yi Chen and Ruei-Shen Wang Determining Resonant Frequencies of Various Microstrip Antennas within a Single Neural Model Trained Using Parallel Tabu Search Algorithm Seref Sagiroglu and Adem Kalinli Microwave Imaging of Immersed Dielectric Bodies: An Experimental Survey A. Oral Salman, Sergiy P. Gavrilov, and Alexey A. Vertiy Electromagnetics Volume 25 Tables of Contents Special Issue RF Effects on Digital Systems: Part I Guest Editor Danilo Erricolo Volume 25, Numbers 7-8 Preface Danilo Erricolo Electromagnetic Topology—Based Analysis of Coupling through Small Aperture on Cables of Communication Systems Phumin Kirawanich, Nakka Kranthi, N. E. Islam, and S. Joe Yakura A Network Formulation of the Power Balance Method for High-Frequency Coupling Isabelle Junqua, Jean-Philippe Parmantier, and Francois Issac Including Apertures and Cavities in the BLT Formalism Carl E. Baum An Efficient Hybrid Method for Calculating the EMC Coupling to a Device on a Printed Circuit Board inside a Cavity by a Wire Penetrating an Aperture Chatrpol Lertsirimit, David R. Jackson, and Donald R. Wilton Coupling onto Wires Enclosed in Cavities with Apertures Taesik Yang and John L. Volakis Analysis and Reduction of Electromagnetic Field Leakage through Loaded Apertures: A Numerical Study Omar M. Ramahi and Lin Li

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