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Electromagnetic Neutrino Properties and Neutrino Oscillations in Electromagnetic Fields 0 A.M. EGOROV,A.E. LOBANOV,A.I. STUDENIKINa 0 Moscow State University,Department of Theoretical Physics,119899Moscow,Russia 0 2 Introduction. The problem of neutrino from the time when this particle n was theoretically recognized (Pauli, 1930; Fermi, 1932-1934) as an important a element of the theory of weak interaction, still is closely connected with the J fundamentals of particle physics. That is why neutrino properties are espe- 3 1 cially interesting. However,inspite of greatefforts, there is a set of open basic questions about neutrinos (nonzero mass; number of flavours;mixing between 3 the neutrino families; behavior under particle-antiparticle conjugation; elec- v tromagnetic properties; the role in astrophysics etc.). For sure the answer to 7 any of these questions will substantially stimulate progress in understanding 4 4 of laws of micro and macro worlds. 2 Electromagnetic moments are among the most important properties of a 0 particle. Since neutrinos are neutral particles and there is no coupling to the 9 photoninthelagrangian,electromagneticmomentsariseentirelyfromvacuum 9 polarization loop effects. For neutrino as a spin-1 particle the matrix element / 2 h of electromagnetic current contains four independent form factors1: p - <ν(p)Jem ν(p)>=~u f (q2)γ +f (q2)(q2γ q q)γ p ′ | µ | f(cid:2) Q µ A µ− µ6 5 (1) e +fM(q2)σµνqν +fE(q2)σµνqνγ5 ui, q =pf pi, (cid:3) − h : where f , f , f and f are the charge, axial charge, magnetic and elec- v Q A M E i tric dipole moments, respectively. For Dirac neutrinos the assumption of CP X invariance combined with the hermicity of the electromagnetic current Jem µ r impliesthatoneoftwopossiblestaticmoments,f andf ,vanishes: f =0. a M E E For neutral Majorananeutrinos from a generalassumption of CPT invariance it follows that both magnetic and electric dipole moments vanish. However, in the case of the off-diagonal electromagnetic vertex the neutrino transition magnetic moment is not, in general, zero. Thus, one can conclude that the neutrino magnetic (transition) moment is the most important among the form factors. It should be mentioned here, that the discussion on the third non trivial electromagnetic characteristic of neutrino,f ,canbefoundin2. Themagneticmomentarisesfromtheoperator A σ qν and since Ψ~ σ Ψ = Ψ~ σ Ψ +Ψ~ σ Ψ , it follows that a chirality µν ′ µν ′L µν R ′R µν L change can appear when there are both left and right-handed particle states. aE-mail: [email protected] 1 Inthestandardmodelduetotheabsenceoftheright-handedchargedcurrents a massless Dirac neutrino cannot have a magnetic moment. In the standard model supplied with SU(2)-singlet right-handed neutrino ν the one-loop ra- R diative correction generates nonvanishing magnetic moment, proportional to m 3,4: ν µν = 83√eG2πF2mν =3·10−19(1meVν )µ0, µ0 = 2mee. (2) There are plenty of models5 whichpredict much largermagnetic moments for neutrinos. In some of these models6 the neutrino magnetic moment can be lifted up to the range µ 10 10 10 12µ that could be of practical interest − − 0 ∼ ÷ for processes in the vecinity of the Sun, neutron star and supernova. Experimentalupperboundsontheneutrinomagneticmomentsare7: µ νe ≤ 1.8 10 10µ ,µ 7.4 10 10µ ,µ 5.4 10 7µ . One could also obtain · − 0 νµ ≤ · − 0 ντ ≤ · − 0 morestringentconstraintsfromastrophysicalargumentslikeneutrinoemission from red giant stars8 or from supernovae and neutron stars9,10,11. Neutrinomagneticmoment in electromagnetic field. Itisnon-trivialresult shown for the first time in12, that the presence of medium and external mag- netic field change electromagnetic properties of neutrino. Thus the massless neutrino in the standard model due to the weak interaction with particles of themediumcangetaneffectivemagneticmoment. Inananalogywiththecase of charged lepton magnetic moment (see, e.g.,13) the non vanishing intrinsic neutrino magnetic moment also depends on the strength of external electro- magnetic field and the energy of the neutrino. The most systematic way in investigationofthe externalfieldandenergydependence ofneutrino magnetic moment is based on consideration of the neutrino mass operator Mˆ(x,x) in ′ electromagnetic field that accounts for the field radiative corrections to the neutrino motion and defines the righthand side of the Schwinger equation (ip m )Ψ (x)= Mˆ(x,x,F)Ψ (x)dx. (3) ν ν ′ ν ′ ′ 6 − R We consider the lowest-order standard model contribution (i.e. the contribu- tion of the virtual loop process ν e+W ν) to the Dirac neutrino mass → → operator in external crossed electromagnetic field (E~ B~, E = B). The de- ⊥ tailsofcalculationsofaleptonmagneticmomentintheexternalmagneticfield can be found in14. Finally, for the neutrino magnetic moment in the external field we find µWν (χ) = g2 mν ∞ du u1/3[2(2+u) η + (2u+1)]Υ(z),η = m2ν, µ0 25π2 me R0 (1+u)8/3χ2/3 u − λ λ m2e (4) λ= m2W,z =(u)2/3(1+u)1/3(1+ λ η ),Υ(z)= ∞sin(zx+ x3)dx, m2e χ u u − 1+u R0 3 2 whereg isthe couplingconstantofthe standardmodel,χ=[ (eFµνp )2]1/2 ν − · m 3 is the field dynamical parameter, p is the neutrino momentum. The · −e ν received expression for µW(χ) exactly accounts for dependence on the field ν parameter χ and also on masses m , m , and m . If in (4) one neglect the ν e W terms m2e , m2ν , then the result of15 is achieved. It is possible to extract ∼ m2 m2 W W the vacuum field and energy independent part of µW: ν µW(0)= g2e mνF(λ,η), ν (8π)2 m2 e F(λ,η)= 1 2+ η + 1 +[1( 1 λ+ 1) 1 + 3]lnλ ηn λ λ η 2λ − 2 − 2λ 2 (5) +[η(3 + 1 )+ 1 1 5λ+ 1(λ2 3λ+ 1 )]I(λ,η) , 2 2λ 2 − λ − 2 η − 2 2λ o I(λ,η)= 1 lnǫ √∆,∆=ǫ2 4η,ǫ=1+λ η. −√∆ ǫ−+√∆ − − Inthecaseofsmallm ,η 1,thefunctionF isF(λ,0)= 3λ 1 + λ lnλ. ν ≪ (λ −1)2 (λ 1)3 − − In the limit λ 1 we get F(λ,0) 3/λ, that together with (5) reproduce ≫ ≈ the result of eq.(2). In analogious way we have also considered16 the other possible contributions to the neutrino magnetic moment, that are predicted within extensions of the standard model. Neutrino conversion in electromagnetic field. Consider a system, ν = (ν ,ν ), of two neutrino chiral components in a magnetic field B~. The evolu- R L tion of ν can be written as a Schr¨odinger like equation ( see17 and also18) i∂ ν =Hν, H =(~σ~n)(∆m2A V) µ~σ B~ ~n(B~~n) , (6) ∂t 4E − 2 − (cid:16) − (cid:17) where ~n is the unit vector in the direction of neutrino speed ~u, ~σ is the Pauli matrixes, V is difference of neutrino effective potentials in matter, A is a function of the neutrino vacuum mixing angle θ which is determined by the considered type of neutrino conversionprocess (for example, A= 1(cosθ 1) 2 − for ν ν ). In the Hamiltonian (6) the term that is proportional to the eL eR ↔ unitmatrixisomitted. Equation(6)canbereceivedintheframeofgeneralized standard models of electroweak interactions. However, it can be derived from some general arguments within quaziclassical approach. It is well known that inthe classicalapproximationthe evolutionofparticlespincanbe determined by the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdiequation19. Onthe basis the BMT equation one can get20 the following equation for the spin vector Sµ of the neutral particlemovingwithconstantspeed, u =const, inelectromagneticfieldF : µ µν dSµ =2µ FµνS uµ(u FνλS ) +2ǫ F˜µνS uµ(u F˜νλS ) . (7) dτ (cid:8) ν − ν λ (cid:9) (cid:8) ν − ν λ (cid:9) HereF˜ isthedualelectromagneticfieldtensor,andweaccountforpossibility µν ofnon-vanishingelectricdipolemoment,ǫ. Notethatthesecondtermineq.(7) 3 violate T invariance. Let us generalize eq.(7) for the case of models with CP invarianceandP nonconservation. AP-noninvarianttheoryimploysexistence of a prefered direction that can be determined by the constant vector~k. The Lorentzinvariantgeneralizationoftheeq.(7)isgivenbythesubstitutionF µν → F +G ,whereG isanantisymmetrictensororganizedasfollows: G = µν µν µν µν (ξ~k,ρ~k) . If one demands that the generalized equation should be linear over field F then the only possibility is to identify vector ~k with unit vector ~n: µν ~k =~n = u~. The quantities ξ and ρ are pseudo scalar and scalar, respectively, u and they do not depend on F . In the rest frame of particle for the model µν with T invariance we can get dS~ =2 S~ R~ , R~ = µ (B~ +ρ~n) (8) dt h × i u0 0 where B~ = u B~ +[E~ ~u] u~(u~B~) is the magnetic field in the rest frame. It 0 0 × − 1+u0 follows that even in the absence of electromagnetic field spin precession exist if the spin S~ is not exactly parallel with velocity ~u. If for description of the neutrino spin states we use the spin tensor S =(~σS~) the evolutionof which is determined by S(t)=US(t )U+, then we can obtain21 0 dU =i(~σR~)U. (9) dt Thisequationwillcoincidewithonefortheevolutionoperatorthatdetermines solutions of the Schr¨odinger eq.(6) if we take ρ = u0(V ∆m2A) and the µ 2 − 4E transversalmagnetic field B~ =B~ ~n(B~~n) is substituted by B~0. ⊥ − u0 Now we considerthe neutrino spin processionina field ofelectromagnetic wave with frequency ω. We will denote by ~e the axis that is parallel with ~u 3 andbyφthe anglebetween~e andthe wavevectorofthe wave. The magnetic 3 field in the rest frame is given by B~ =u [(cosφ β)B ~e +(1 βcosφ)B ~e sinφB ~e ], (10) 0 0 − 1 1 − 2 2− u0 1 3 where β = u , ~e are the unit orthogonal vectors. For the wave of circular u0 1,2,3 polarization B =Bcosψ, B =Bsinψ, and the phase ψ =gωt(1 β cosφ) 1 2 − β0 depends on the wave speed β (β 1, g = 1).Expanding over small param- 0 0 eter 1/u 1 and neglecting term≤s which a±re proportional to µB, we get 0 ≪ u0 R~ = V ∆m2A ~e µB(1 βcosφ)(~e cosψ ~e sinψ)+O(µB). (11) (cid:16)2 − 4E (cid:17) 3− − 1 − 2 u0 In this case the solution of eq.(9) can be written in the form U =U (ψ ψ )U (χ χ ), U (χ)=exp(i(~σ~l)χ). (12) ~e3 − 0 ~l − 0 ~l l 2 4 The evolution operator is a combination of the operator which discribes rota- tion on angle χ χ =2l(t t ) around the axis~l, and the rotation operator 0 0 − − on the angle ψ ψ around the axis~e . For the vector~l we get 0 3 − ~l = V ∆m2A ψ˙ ~e µB(1 βcosφ)(~e cosψ ~e sinψ ). (13) (cid:16)2 − 4E − 2(cid:17) 3− − 1 0− 2 0 The conversion probability among the two neutrino states, ν and ν , could L R became sufficient when the vector~l is orthogonal or nearly orthogonal to the axis~e .This will happen when the condition 3 V ∆m2A ψ˙ µB(1 βcosφ) (14) (cid:12)(cid:12)2 − 4E − 2(cid:12)(cid:12)≪ − (cid:12) (cid:12) is valid. This unequality binds together the properties of neutrino (µ, ∆m2, E, θ) and medium (V), as well as the direction of propagation and the other characteristics of the electromagnetic wave. Condition (14) predicts the new type of neutrino resonances ν ν in the electromagnetic field. L R ↔ In our previous studies10,17 we discussed neutrino conversion and oscilla- tionsamongthetwoneutrinospeciesinducedbystrongtwistingmagneticfield, B~ =B~ eiψ(t). We introduced the critical magnetic field B˜ (∆m2,θ,n ,E, cr eff ψ˙(t)) a⊥s a function of the neutrino properties and the angle ψ specifying the variation of the magnetic field in the plane transverse to the neutrino motion, that determines the range of fields (B B ) for which the magnetic field cr ≥ induced neutrino conversion become significant. For the critical field we got B˜cr =(cid:12)(cid:12)21µ(cid:16)∆m2E2νA −√2GFneff +ψ˙)(cid:12)(cid:12). (15) (cid:12) (cid:12) Remarkably, this result follows from (14) if cosφ = 0. It was also pointed out10,17 that effects of the magnetic field induced neutrino conversionbecome important if the following two conditions are satisfied: 1)the magnetic field exceeds the critical value B ( B B ) and 2)the length x of the neutrinos cr cr ≥ pathin the medium must be greaterthanthe effective oscillationlengthL , eff x Leff. We used this criterion to get constraints on µ. In particular, ≥ 2 to avoid the loss of a substantial amount (25%) of energy that could escape during the supernova explosion22 together with the sterile neutrinos ν , we eR has to constrain the magnetic moment on the level of µ 10 11µ . More − 0 ≤ stringent constraint µ 10 15µ is also obtained11 from consideration of the − 0 ≤ magnetized neutron star cooling. Oneoftheauthors(A.S.)shouldliketothankJ.DiasdeDeusandA.Mourao forhospitalityduringtheMeetingonNewWorldsinAstroparticlePhysicsand J.Pulido for fruitful discussions. 5 References 1. J.Nieves, Phys.Rev.D 26, 3152 (1982). 2. E.Bukina, V.Dubovik, V.Kuznetsov, Sov.J.Nucl.Phys. 61, 1129 (1998). 3. B.Lee, R.Shrock, Phys.Rev.D 16, 1444 (1977). 4. K.Fujikawa, R.Shrock, Phys.Rev.Lett. 45, 963 (1980). 5. J.Kim, Phys.Rev.D 14, 3000 (1976); M.Beg, W.Marciano, Phys.Rev.D 17,1395(1978);M.Voloshin,M.Vysotsky,L.Okun,JETP91,754(1986); M.Fukugita, T.Yanagida, Phys.Rev.Lett. 58, 1807 (1987). 6. 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