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EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Electromagnetic KY production from the proton in a Regge-plus-resonance approach T. Corthals1, T. Van Cauteren1, J. Ryckebusch1, and D.G. Ireland2 7 0 1 Department of Subatomic and Radiation Physics, Ghent University,Proeftuinstraat 86, B-9000 Gent, Belgium 0 2 University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, United Kingdom 2 n Received: date/ Revised version: date a J Abstract A Regge-plus-resonance (RPR) description of the p(γ,K)Y and p(e,e′K)Y processes (Y = 9 Λ,Σ0,+) is presented. The proposed reaction amplitude consists of Regge-trajectory exchanges in the 1 t channel, supplemented with a limited selection of s-channel resonance diagrams. The RPR framework containsaconsiderablysmallernumberoffreeparametersthanatypicaleffective-Lagrangianmodel.Nev- 1 ertheless,itprovidesanacceptableoveralldescriptionofthephoto-andelectroproductionobservablesover v anextensivephotonenergyrange.Itisshownthattheelectroproduction responsefunctionsandpolariza- 7 tion observables are particularly useful for fine-tuningboth thebackground and resonance parameters. 5 0 1 PACS. 11.10.Ef LagrangianandHamiltonianapproach12.40.NnReggetheory,duality,absorptive/optical 0 models 13.60.Le Meson production 14.20.Gk Baryon resonances with S=0 7 0 / 1 Introduction invarianceissuesplaguingtraditionaleffective-Lagrangian h models [19]. t - Recent measurements performed at the JLab, SPring-8, In this work, the RPR prescription from Refs. [20,21] l c ELSA and GRAAL facilities have resulted in an exten- is appliedto the electroproductionprocessesp(e,e′K+)Λ, u sive set of precise p(γ,K)Y [1–7] and p(e,e′K)Y [8–10] Σ0.Itwillbedemonstratedthattheelectroproductionre- n data in the few-GeV regime. These experimental achieve- sponsefunctionsareparticularlyusefulforfine-tuningcer- : v ments have motivated renewed efforts by various theoret- tainmodel choiceswhich the photoproductiondata failed Xi ical groups. A great deal of attention has been directed to determine unambiguously. towards the development of tree-level isobar models, in r which the scattering amplitude is constructed from a se- a lection of lowest-orderFeynmandiagrams [11–16],as well as to coupled-channels approaches [17–19]. While the lat- 2 Constructing the RPR amplitude ter successfully address a number of issues, the multitude of parameters involved constitutes a complicating factor. 2.1 Background contributions It is therefore our opinion that ambiguities related to, for example,formfactors,gauge-invariancerestoration,orpa- rameterizationof the background,can be addressedmore Regge theory rests upon the proposition that, at ener- efficiently at the level of the individual channels. gies where individual resonances can no longer be distin- In Refs. [20,21], a tree-level effective-field model was guished, the reaction dynamics are governed by the ex- developed for KY (Y = Λ,Σ0,+) photoproduction from change of entire Regge trajectories rather than of single the proton. It differs from traditional isobar models in its particles. This high-energy approachapplies in particular description of the background contribution to the ampli- totheforwardorbackwardangularranges,corresponding tude, which involves the exchange of a number of kaonic to t- or u-channel exchanges, respectively. This work fo- Reggetrajectoriesinthetchannel,anapproachpioneered cuses on the forward-angle kinematical region which, for by Guidal and Vanderhaeghen [22]. To this Regge back- electromagnetic KY production, implies the exchange of ground, we added a number of resonant contributions. kaonic trajectories in the t channel. Such a “Regge-plus-resonance” (RPR) strategy has the An efficient way to model trajectory exchanges in- advantagethatthebackgroundcontributioninvolvesonly volves embedding the Regge formalism into a tree-level afewparameters,whichcanbelargelyconstrainedagainst effective-field model [22]. The amplitude for t-channel ex- thehigh-energydata.Furthermore,theuseofReggeprop- change of a linear kaon trajectory agators eliminates the need to introduce strong form fac- tors in the background terms, thus avoiding the gauge- α (t)=α +α′ (t−m2 ), (1) X X,0 X X 2 T. Corthals et al.: Electromagnetic KY production from theproton in a Regge-plus-resonance approach with m the mass and α the spin of the trajectory’s 2.2 Resonance contributions X X,0 lightestmember(or“firstmaterialization”)X,canbeob- tainedfromthestandardFeynmanamplitudebyreplacing Although Regge phenomenology is a high-energy tool by the Feynman propagatorwith a Regge one: construction,theexperimentalmesonproductioncrosssec- tions are observed to exhibit Regge behavior for photon 1 energies as low as 4 GeV. Even in the resonance region, −−→ PX [s,α (t)]. (2) t−m2 Regge X theorderofmagnitudeoftheforward-anglepionandkaon X electromagneticproductionobservablesisremarkablywell The Regge amplitude can then be written as reproduced in the Regge model [22]. It is evident, though, that a pure background ampli- MX (s,t)=PX [s,α (t)] × β (s,t), (3) tude cannot be expected to account for all aspects of the Regge Regge X X reaction dynamics. At low energies, the cross sections re- with β (s,t) the residue of the original Feynman ampli- flect the presence of individual resonances. These are in- X tude,tobecalculatedfromtheinteractionLagrangiansat corporatedintotheRPRframeworkbysupplementingthe the γ(∗)KX and pXY vertices. reggeizedbackgroundwithanumberofresonants-channel In our treatment of K+Λ and K+Σ0 photoproduc- diagrams. For the latter, standard Feynman propagators ∗ are assumed, in which the resonances’ finite lifetimes are tion[20,21],weidentifiedtheK(494)andK (892)trajec- taken into account through the substitution tories as the dominant contributions to the high-energy amplitudes. The corresponding propagators assume the s−m2 −→ s−m2 +im Γ (7) following form [23]: R R R R in the propagator denominators, with m and Γ the R R s αK(t) 1 mass and width of the propagating state (R=N∗,∆∗). PK(494)(s,t)= Regge (cid:18)s (cid:19) sin πα (t) Further, the condition is imposed that the resonance 0 K amplitudes vanish at large values of ω . This is accom- πα′ (cid:0) (cid:1)1 lab × Γ 1+αKK(t) (cid:26)e−iπαK(t)(cid:27) , (4) aptlisthheedKbyYiRncvluerdtiincgesa: GaussianhadronicformfactorF(s) (cid:0) (cid:1) (s−m2)2 F(s)=exp − R , (8) PK∗(892)(s,t)= s αK∗(t)−1 1 (cid:26) Λ4res (cid:27) Regge (cid:18)s0(cid:19) sin παK∗(t) A single cutoff mass Λres is assumed for all resonances. × Γ πααK′K∗(∗t) (cid:26)e(cid:0)−iπα1K∗(t)(cid:1)(cid:27) , (5) frAreelsoeonngpaanwrcaeimt-hreetgteihroenwdrheasetonan.aoOnpuctreimmciozoiutnipvglaitntihgosen,fmΛororeadssesliusamguiansiegndsataGstahuaes- (cid:0) (cid:1) sian shape is explained in Ref. [20]. withtrajectoryequationsgivenbyαK(t)=0.70(t−m2K), Theleadingdiagramscontributingtothereactionam- αK∗(t)=1+0.85(t−m2K∗)[20].Foreachofthese propa- plitudeareassumedidenticalforthephoto-andelectroin- gators, a constant (1) or rotating (e−iπα(t)) phase can be ducedprocesses,as arethe variousmodel parameters.In- selected. steadof employing the standardphenomenologicaldipole It is argued in Ref. [22] that, for the sake of current parameterization,wecalculateallelectromagneticN∗ and conservation,theamplitudeforthecharged-kaonchannels ∆∗ form factors in the context of the Lorentz-covariant shouldinclude the electric (∼eNγµNAµ) contributionto constituent-quark model (CQM) developed by the Bonn the s-channel Born term: group [24]. M (γ(∗)p→K+Λ,Σ0)=MK+(494)+ Regge Regge 3 Results for p(e, e′K+)Y MK∗+(892)+Mp,elec×PK+(494)×(t−m2 ). (6) Regge Feyn Regge K+ In Refs. [20,21],the RPR prescription was applied to the Eq. (6) applies to electro- as well as photoproduction. It variousγp→KY reactionchannels.Anumberofvariants turns out that the measured Q2 behaviour of the σL/σT of the RPR model were found to provide a comparably ratiocanonlybereproducedprovidedthatthesameform good description of the Λ, Σ0 and Σ+ photoproduction factorisusedattheγ∗ppandγ∗K+K+ vertices[22].The observables.TheirpropertiesarelistedinTable1.Inciden- unknown coupling constants and trajectory phases con- tally, the parameters of the K+Λ variants from Ref. [20] tained in MRegge are determined from the high-energy havebeenslightlyreadjustedinorderto describethe new p(γ,K+)Y data. singly-polarizedGRAAL data [5]. Amonopoleelectromagneticformfactorisassumedfor The background contribution to the RPR amplitude theK+(494)andK∗+(892)trajectories,withcutoffvalues involves three parameters: one for the K(494) trajectory chosen so as to optimally match the high-Q2 behavior of (g ) and two for the K∗(892)one (Gv and Gt , cor- KYp K∗ K∗ the Λ and Σ0 electroproduction data: ΛK+ = ΛK∗+ = responding to the vector and tensor couplings). In ad- 1300 MeV. dition, for each trajectory propagator, either a constant T. Corthals et al.: Electromagnetic KY production from theproton in a Regge-plus-resonance approach 3 KRP+RΛ2 rpBohata.cKske,,grGrootKtu.∗Kn<d∗ 0 D13(1⋆–900) P11(1⋆–900) 32χ..272 sm (b/sr)L 00..46 K+L CCCMEooorrAhnnr eei[n2llllg 811 ][99877]47 [[2390]] 000.1..125 K+SR0PR 4¢ RPR 3 rot.K, cst.K∗ – ⋆ 3.1 e + T 0.2 0.05 RPR 4 rpohta.Kse,,GcstKt.∗K>∗ 0 ⋆– ⋆– 33..12 s 0.030 1 2 3 4 0.010 1 2 3 4 RKP+RΣ40′ rpohta.Kse,,GcstKt.∗K<∗ 0 ⋆– –– 32..10 m (b/sr)L 00..12 RPR 2 FFBuuGllll ,,c iionnncctllr.. ibDPu11t13i((o11n990000)) 00.0.0755 RPR 4¢ FBuGll caomnptrliibtuudtieon phase, GtK∗ <0 s 0.025 0 0 Table 1. RPR variants providing the best description of the 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0.6 0.2 p(γ,K+)Λandp(γ,K+)Σ0data.Allmodelsincludetheknown AS1p1a(r1t65fr0o)m, Pt1h1e(s1e7,1e0a)c,hPK13+(1Λ72v0a)riaanntdaPss1u3m(1e9s00e)ithNer∗astmatisess-. b/sr) 0.4 00.1.15 ing D13(1900) or P11(1900) resonance. A good description of m (T 0.2 0.05 theK+Σ0 channelcouldbeachievedwithouttheintroduction s 0 0 of any missing resonances. The K+Σ0 amplitude further con- 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 tains the D33(1700), S31(1900), P31(1910) and P33(1920) ∆∗ Q2 (GeV2) Q2 (GeV2) states. The last column mentions χ2 in comparison with the Figure 1. Q2 evolutionoftheunseparatedandseparated dif- low- and high-energy data from Refs. [1–6,25–27]. ferential cross sections for the K+Λ (left) and K+Σ0 (right) finalstates.ThedataforσT+ǫσLweretakenatW ≈2.15GeV and θK∗ ≈ 0, and those for σL and σT at W ≈ 1.84 GeV and θ∗ ≈ 8 deg. For the K+Λ channel, results of the two RPR-2 (const.) or rotating (rot.) phase may be assumed. As can K variants from Table 1 are displayed, whereas for the K+Σ0 be appreciated from Table 1, in the K+Λ channel two ′ channel, the prediction of the RPR-4 model from Table 1 is ∗ ∗ combinations (rot. K, rot. K /rot. K, const. K ) lead to shown.ThedottedcurvescorrespondtotheReggebackground. a comparable quality of agreement between the calcula- Thedata are from [8,28–30]. tions andthe combinedhigh-energyand resonance-region data. Furthermore, for the latter combination, the avail- able photoproduction data do not allow one to determine the sign of GtK∗. With respect to the quantum numbers <W> = 1.69 GeV <W> = 1.84 GeV <W> = 2.03 GeV of a potential missing N∗(1900) resonance, both P and 1 11 K+L RPR 2 D13 emerged as valid candidates. P'x 0 Withoutreadjustinganyparameter,wehaveconfronted theRPRvariantsfromTable1withtheelectroproduction -1 1 data.Inthisway,theirpredictivepowercanbeestimated. A seTlehcetiloenftopfatnheelsreosfulFtsigi.s1codnitsapilnaeydtihneFQig2s.ev1o-3lu.tion of P'z 0 FFBuuGllll ,,c iionnncctllr.. ibDPu11t13i((o11n990000)) the unseparated (σT +ǫσL) and separated (σT and σL) -11 p(e,e′K+)Λ differential cross sections. The RPR variants 3 and 4 (not shown) are incompatible with these data, P'x' 0 as they predict an unrealistically steep decrease of σ as T -1 a function of Q2. As seen from the figure, both RPR-2 1 variBanectsaudseescthriebuentphoelaslroizpeedoefletchtirsoopbrosedruvcatbiolenwdealtla. donot P'z' 0 allow to discriminate between the RPR-2 amplitudes as- -1 -1 0 1 0 1 0 1 struamnisnfegrraedmpisoslianrgizaDt1io3nofrorPt1h1es−→teatpe→, wee′Kal−→sΛopcoroncseidsse.rFtihge- cosq *K cosq *K cosq *K tuoreth2ecdoamtpaa[r9e]s. IotuirsccallecaurlatthiaotnsthfoerRPPx′R,-P2z′a,mPpx′′litaunddePinz′-′ aFnidguPrz′e′ f2o.rtThreanKsΛferfirendalpstoalaterizaastaiofnunccotmiopnoonfecnotssθPK∗x′,,foPrz′,WPx≈′′ 1.69, 1.84 and 2.03 GeV. Line conventions as in Fig. 1 (left cluding a D (1900) state produces results far superior 13 panel). Thedata are from [9]. to those of the one assuming a P (1900). Our combined 11 analysis of the photo- and electroproduction data thus leads to the identification of RPR2 (Table 1) as the pre- ferred model variant, and of D (1900) as the most likely 13 missing-resonance candidate, in the K+Λ channel. observables, the data are well matched by the computed For the p(e,e′K+)Σ0 process, only unpolarized data curves. It turns out that σ +ǫσ and σ can be reason- T L L are available. In the right panels of Fig. 1, the separated ably well described in a pure background model, whereas and unseparatedcross sections are comparedwith the re- reproducingtheslopeofσ clearlyrequiressomeresonant T ′ sults of the RPR-4 variant from Table 1. For all three contributions to the amplitude. 4 T. Corthals et al.: Electromagnetic KY production from theproton in a Regge-plus-resonance approach W = 1.875 GeV W = 1.875 GeV References 0.4 0.2 sr) b/ 0.3 K+L 0.15 K+S 0 1. J.W.C. McNabb, et al. (CLAS Collaboration), Phys. 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