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Electromagnetic Fields and Waves PDF

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ElectromaFgineelatdnisdcW aves IncludEilnegc tCriircc uits ThiErddi tion PauLlo rrain UniverdseiM toen treaanldM cGilUln iversity DalRe.C orson CornelUln iversity Fran<;Looirsr ain rn w.H .F reeamnaCdno mpany New York Coveirm agLei:n oefsE anodf H ina no ptiwcaavle guSiedpeea .g6 e6 8. Backc oviemra gDei:ff erenctiiuraictStie.npe ga ge 144. LibraorfCy o ngrCeastsa loging-in-DPautbal ication LorirnaP,a ul. Electromfiaeglndest iacn d waves. Inlcudiensd ex. 1.E lectromfiaeglnd2es.tE. il ce ctromwaagvneest.i c I.C orsDoanl,Re . IIL.o rnr,aFi ran"ois IITIi.t le QC66E54.L671 897 5304.11 ' 86-83013 ISB0N- 716-71823-5 ISB0N7- 16-6791-(83p bk.) Copyr©i g1h89t8b y FreemaannCd o mpany W. H. Nop arotft hbioso mka yb er eprodbuyac nemyde chanical, photogroarep lheicct,pr rooncioecsr is nt, h feo romfa phonogrraepchoircnd oirn g,mib atye s torienadr etrieval systterma,n smoirto ttehde,rc woipsifeeo dpr u bloirc privatwei tuhwsoreui tt pteernm isfsriotomhn pe u blisher. Prinitnte hdUe n itSetda tofeA sm erica 2 3 4 58 69 07 V B 6 5 4 3 2 () H I) CONTENTS Preface viii 1 VECTOORP EARTORS 2 PHASORS 29 3 ELECTFRIIECL ID S 42 Coulomb'Gsa uLsLasaw'w s a nd 4 ELECTFRIIECL IDIS 64 TheE quiaootnfPs o isasnLodan p lCahcaeCr.og nes oenr.v ati Conductors 5 ELECTFRIIECL IDISI 84 EleMcutplrotilcie s ELECCT FRIIE LIDVS 6 101 Ene,rC gpayaictaanncFdeo ,r ces ELECTFRIIECL VD S *7 119 ElectrAi:cR C CC iirrccuuiittss 8 ELETCRICF IELVDIS * 149 EleCcitrrBciuc:Ci i ctruTsieh to rems ELECTFRIIECL VDISI 9 172 DielMeatcetrrAii:Bac ol usCn hda ragntedhEs el eFclturxi c DenDs ity 10 ELETCRICF IELVDISI I 192 DielMeactterBri:Ric ea Dalilse leCcotnrtiCiconsnu,di itatyti ons anI nfatcearen,Sd t oErnegedyr 11 ELETCRICF IELDS IX 211 ImagLeasp.lE aqcuieao'itnsRn e ctaCnogourldairn ates Astermiesaktnsh atth ceh aptcearnbs es kipwpietdh looustic nogn tinuity. • VI CONTENTS 12 ELECTFRIIECL XD S 225 Lap'lsEa qcueaitSniph oenrC iocoarld. Pi onoianssts' eEsquation froE *1 3 RELATIIV ITY 238 TheL oernTtrzao nrsmfaatnSidpao cnie m-et *41 RELA TIIVII TY 251 ThLeo reCnotnzt raanTcdit Dmiieo lna TthiTero anon.rs mfation ofaV leocity *51 RELATIIVIITIY 265 MasMso,m enFtour,mac ,neE dn geyr *16 RELATIIVVIT Y 284 ThFei elMdo voEifln egaCc htarrigce *71 RELATIVVI TY 308 MawxelElq'usa tTiheFo onusr.- PAo tential 18 MAGNETFIICE LID S 326 TheM agnFeltDuiexcn Bs ainttdyhV ece tPoort eAn tial 19 MAGNETFIICE LIDIS 348 TheV ecrPt ooteAn.At mpirea'elCs i uricLtaawl 20 MAGNETFIICE LDS III 360 MagnMeattieAcr :Tihe aM lasg nFeltDuiexcn Bs ainttdyh e MagnFeiteSiltcdr ength H *21 MAGNETFIICE LIDVS 374 MagnMeattiecBr :Fi earlrso maagnMndae gtniCesitmri ccu its 22 MAGNETFIICE LVD S 387 The MaFgonroecnCet hsia cra gnCedus r rents 23 MAGNETFIICE LVDIS 412 ThFea raIdnadyuL catwi on *42 MAGNETFIICE LVDIIS 437 EleCcitrrCciuc:Mi u ttasun aSdlfe- lnIductance *25 MAGNETFIICE LVDISI I 452 EleCcitrrDciuc:Idi n utscC tiirvacenu Tdiart nfossr mers 26 MAGNETFIICE LIDXS 471 MagnEentgeiyarc n d MacMraogsnFceootrpicicec s 27 MAXWELELQ'USA TIONS 492 ('ONTENTS Vll 28 PLANEEL ECTROMAGWNAEVTEIISC 514 UnifromP lanei FnWr aSevpaeec Nseo n,c ocntdoaurnsd, Conductors *29 PLANEEL ECTROMAGWNAEVTEIISCI 536 WavieGnso oCdo ntdouarcnsid Pn l asmas 30 PLANEEL ECTROMAGWNAEVTEIISCI I 554 RfleecatniRdoer nfa cAt:Tihe oB na sLiascwa nFdr neessl ' Equations 31 PLANEEL ECTROMAGWNAEVTEIISCV 578 RecflteainoRdnfer acBtN:iono unf nroimP laWnaeva ensTdot al Rfleection 32 PLANEEL ECTROMAGWNAEVTEIVSC 594 RfleecatniRdofer na cCt:Rifl eoenc atniRdoer nfa catttih oen Sufcaroefa G ooCdo nductor 33 GUDIEDW AVEIS 610 GenePrraiplnl.c eT ishCeo aaxniMadil oc srtLriinpe s 34 GUIDEWADV EISI 626 TheH olwRl eoctaWnagvuelgauri de *35 GUIDD EWAVEISI I 646 TheP laOnptairWc aavle gAu:Tihe Ed ieeg nvEaqluuaet ion *36 GUIDD EWAVES IV 662 TheP laOnptairWc aavle gBu:Tihe Gd uedi eWdav e 37 RADIATII ON 675 ThPeo teVna tniAdaa nltdshF ei eEla dnBsd 38 RADIATIIIO N 692 TheE leDcitprToirnlcase m iAtntteinnnga 39 RADIATIIIOIN 712 ThHeaf l-aWvAen teAnnntaeA,nrr na,aya sntdhM ea gnetic DipAontleen na AppenA diSxIP REFIXAENSD T HEISRY MBOLS7 30 AppenB diCxON VERSITOANB LE 731 AppenCd iWxAV ES 732 ANSWERS 739 INDEX 745 1 CHAPTER VECTOR OPERATORS 1.1V ECfORA LGEBRA 2 1.1I.N1V ARIANCE 3 1.2T HEG RADIENVTf 3 ExapmleT:H EE LEVATIOOFNA POIONNTT HES URFACE OFT HEE ARTH 5 1.3I NVARIANOCFET HEO PERATOVR 6 14. FLUX 7 ExapmleF:L UIFDL OW 7 1.5T HED IVERGENVC E. B 8 16. THED IVERGENTCHEE OREM 9 Examples 10 1.7T HEL INIEN ETGRALf �'B CONSERVATFIIVEEL DS 10 dl. 18. THEC URLV xB 11 ExapmleF:L UISDT REAM 13 19. STOKEST'HSE OREM 13 Exapml:eC ONSERVATIFVIEE LDS 15 1.0 1THEL APLACIOAPNE RATOVR2 15 1.1O1R THOGONACLU RVILINCEOARO RDINATES 15 1.1C1Y.L1I NDRICCOAOLR DINATES 17 1.21 S1P.HERICCAOLOR DINATES 18 1.31T 1H.EG RADIENT 20 1.41 T1H.ED IVERGENCE 20 1.51 T1H.EC URL 22 1.61 T1H.EL APLACIAN 23 11.2 SUMMARY 24 PROBLEMS 26 This incthraopidtsue crmtt eoohar entylth p o se wrheaoar nedtoy e erts profiictnih euenso tefv ecotpoerr ators. Wes hfarlueleq nrtelftyeot r hfi ee ldesl eoccfht arraigncced us r rents. Foerx amwpesl heca,ol nls tihfdeoe rbrce et wteweeoln e cchtarrtigoce s arfirsoea mni nterbaecttweieioetonnhn eoerft hceh aragntedhs fie e ld oft hoet her. 2 Fig1.- 1A. v ecAtoa rn idt tsh ree componveencttA oxrxAs,, .Ay,,z whi,cw hhetnh eayrp el aceendtd o enda,re eq uivtaolA e.Tnh teu nit vectoyr,s p oiinntt h peo sitive X, Z direcotfti hoceno so rdianxaetse anadr oefu nimta gnitude. field Mathceam,la ltayi iasf unctthidaoetns carp ihbyesqsiu caanlt ity scafilealrd s aatl plo iinsntp sa Icne . thqiusa nitsi tsyp eacs iifinegdl eb y numbfeoerra pcoh.i T netmper,red aetnu,sa inetdly epcottreiancrt ei al examopfsl ceasql uaarn tthicatativn ea sfrr yoo mnp eo inatn ottiohn e r vecfiteolrd s spaIcne . thpeh ysqiucaaniltasv i ettcoysr p,e cbiybfi oeatd h numbaenrd d iatr ieocWni.nv de loacnigdtr ya vitfaotraicroeen al examopfsl uevcseh c fiteo.lr d s unit Vecqtuoarn wtiibltedli e essi gbnyba otledidfta actylepi eac, n d vectors wiclalra r yc irXcy,u, m flex: Z. lighitftaatycpleei. c Scaqluaarn tibtedi eessi gbwnyia ltle d Wes hafloll tlhoew cuussutaoolfum s irnigg htC-ahratneds ian coordsiynsatatesiem Fng si 1. - t1hp:eo sizt-idvieri etsch dteii roenc tion ofa dvaonfac r ei ghts-chrraeonwtd ai tnte hsdee ntsheta utr tnhse posixat-xiiivnsett hope o siyt-xiaitvshe r otuhgeah n 9.g0 l°e 1.V1E CTORA LGEBRA Fig1u-rs1eh oawv se cAt aonrid tt sh rceoemn peosnA xt>A yA,z .I wfe defitnwevo e ctors (11-) univteo crts wheXry,e, arteh e alotnhge y,oa nzd- axes, z X-, respleytc,ht einv e A + B= (Ax+ B x)+x (A y+ B y)+Y( A z+ Bz)i, (21)- A -B= ( Ax- Bx)+x (A y- By)+Y( A-zB z)i, (31)- A .B AxB+xA yB+yA zB=z A B co1>s, (1-4) = 3 Fig1.- 2T.w ov ectAoa rnsBd a nd thuen ivte ctonro rmtaotl h e placnoen taCA,i an niBdn.g T he posidtiirveec ftoi4Jroa nnsd C follthorewi ghntds- chrareuwl e. Thev ectporro dAuX cB t i esq ual toA Bs i4Jn anBd X A -AX c, = B. x y z AXB= A( Av Az = A Bs i<pnc= (1-5) C, Bx By Bz 1-2, aisF ni g.w here (61)- magnitAu,d e B. is the of ansdi mifloarr ly Thqeu anAt i,.wt hyBi icsh readB ,i""tsA h secd aooltrad ro,t porduocfAt a nBd,w hiAl BeX, r e"adAc roBs,is"ts h eviecrot ro r, cropsrso duct. 1.1I.n1va riance A,B , The quanatni<pdta irieens d epoefn dctehhnoeoti fc c oeo rdinate �yms.tS eucqhu ansta irstea itieodb ei nva.rA i vaencttsoatryh ,e graviftoartocinaeo b nra,iil cis kn vabruiitatc nsot m,p oanreneno; tt s tehyd epoennt dhc eo ordsiyntaetme. A,B , Bothd oattnh cder opsrso daurfceut nsc otofin olnys a n<pda nd <ltrheau lsis nov a.r iant A B A B-, Thseu amn tdh deie ffre,n +c eand arteh emsveelcvteosr s anidn variant. 1.T2H EG RADIENT VI scaploaifrnnu ctt-ion iass caqluaarn staityte ym,p e,rt ahitaaust r e A f funcotfi octnoh oer dCionnastaies dsce.arp l oairn t-ftuhnactt iiosn 4 y /1 / , ,',' ------- +t" il . -----/- .r - I dx ! I I I I I Fig1.- A3 .sc alar-point function changesft off rdofom v etrh e + distdaln.c e ()'- -- -- "--- ,-+'-,c-,,-- f contianndudio effunesbtr l.iWe aew itsohk nohwo wc hanogveteshr e dl 1-3. infinidtiesstiaimnFnagci l.e Thdei fferential of of of df=-dx+ -dy+ -dz ox oy oz (-17) is stchapelr aord utchttew vooe fc tors =d xi + d yY+ d zi (-18) dl and of of of Vf= + y+ i. oxi oy oz (-19) f Thsee cvoencd,wt hoorcsoem poanretenhr teas to fce hsa onfgw ei th gradient distantchceeo oarldaoeixnnsgia,c sta elt lheed offT. h sey mbol (1-10) irse "add.e "l Nottehv ea lutehm eao gfn iotftu hgdere an dti:e IVfl_- [(-oOxf)2 + ( -oOfy)2 + ( -oofz)2 ]1/2. (1-11) Thus df= V f·d l=I V fldlllc o8s, (1-12) 8 Vf wheriets h aen gle tbheet wveeeacnntd dol .r s

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