GGeenneerraall oovveerrvviieeww oonn mmeetthhooddss ffoorr mmoonniittoorriinngg eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall eelleeccttrroommaaggnneettiicc ffiieellddss ((eemmff)) GG.. dd’’AAmmoorree EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall PPrrootteeccttiioonn AAggeennccyy ooff PPiieeddmmoonntt RReeggiioonn ((AARRPPAA PPiieemmoonnttee)) Main activities of ARPA Piemonte in electromagnetic field protection • Measurements of electromagnetic fields for compliance with standard limits (broad band and narrow band instrumental chains) • Theoretical evaluation of electromagnetic fields emitted by sources to be installed on regional areas (non occupational exposures) • Managing of a regional register of emf sources by a data base sources (non occupational exposures) • Generation of standard fields in metrological laboratory for calibration of small antennas and broad band meters (national calibration service accredited laboratory) EXPOSURE EVALUATION Exposure evaluation provides information necessary to perform risk assessments. Two methods are available: THEORETICAL ESTIMATION Theoretical calculation of exposure levels by provisional models MEASUREMENTS Inspection on site with instrumental chains EXPOSURE EVALUATION THEORETICAL ESTIMATION Theoretical exposure estimation is necessary: before construction of new installations for certifying compliance with limits; to determine georeferred map of field values emitted from one or more sources all over the investigated area; to determine the places where high levels of field exposure are expected. ELF ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS POWER LINE CHARACTERISTICS t sag h g i e h n o minimum height l y p span length Line conductors approximate the path of a catenary curve (wire strung between two points x x e e k k (x) k 1 2 k – is the ratio between horizontal mechanical tension [N] and the weight per unit length [N/m] Typical magnetic field profile for power lines with different pylon shapes V = 380 kV ; I = 1000 A dl r B 0 I 3 4 r Double Circuit Three Phase Power Line Different phase conductor arrangments Magnetic field profile for different conductor arrangements Power line characteristics necessary to calculate magnetic flux density • Effective current value • Span geometry to find catenary curve equation • Number and position of conductors (pylon shapes) • Span length • Phase conductor arrangements in double three phase power lines Typical electric field profiles for power lines campo elettrico 6000 5000 380 kV 4000 m) V/ 3000 ( E 2000 380 kV 1000 0 220 kV -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 distanza da asse linea (m) Valutazione del rischio da esposzione a campi elettromagnetici in ambienti di vita e di lavoro e tecniche di misura ISPRA - Roma 4 - 6 giugno 2013