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Electromagnetic and Acoustic Scattering by Simple Shapes PDF

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m m ^m W^^M^^M 699H59 % lUmMmw mSmÄ SJJSP&BB T f..^. H:'n^^^^^|g^^s^K^^«^i?'- ;? APCRL-70-00UT «1 J ELECTROMAGNETIC AND ACOUSTIC SCATTERING BY SIMPLE SHAPES Edited by J. J. Bowman, T. B. A. Senior, P. L. E. Uslenghl Radiation Laboratory The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan H8105 Contract No, AF19{628)-lv328 Project No. 5635 Talk No. 563502 Work Unit No. 56350201 D D C \nfr1r ; :?r, , ■ f' FIHAD MPORT ": ■: Ls F(.li s •9; 0 i! l'i J«nu»ry ITfU [J m\iD Ü V—w-. A IMHN ili^MttneMi has \mm\ approved for public MiMMMH mid ialet IU distribution ii unlimited. Cnnt.rant M«»nUuri rhlilpp Blackemith Mlt!rt»wave Hiyslce Laboratory Prepared for AIR FORCE CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH LABORATORIES OFFICE OF AEROSPACE RESEARCH UNITED STATES AIR FORCE BEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS 01730 ELECTROMAGNETIC AND ACOUSTIC SCATTERING BY SIMPLE SHAPES Ed tied by J. J. BOWMAN, T. B. A. SENIOR, P. L. E. USLENGHI Radiation Laboratory, The University of Michigan, USA Authors j. S. Asvestas D. L. Sengupta J. J, Bowman T. B. A. Senior P. L, Christiansen F. B. Sleator O. Einarsson P. L. E. Uslenghi R. E. Kleinman N. R. Zitron H- 1969 NORTM-MOI.LANf) IHBLISHIMG ( OMPANY - AMSTERDAM C) NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, AMSTERDAM, 1969 AH Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may he reproduced, sto ed in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Copyright owner. PUBLISHERS: NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY - AMSTERDAM SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE: WILEY INTERSCIENCE DIVISION JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. - NEW YORK Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 78-97199 North-Holland Publishing Company SBN: 7204 0152 6 John Wiley <$ Sons SBN: 47! 0929J 2 Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government PRIMED IN llll M IHI.RI \NI)S ... THIS DOCUMENT IS BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE. THE COPY FURNISHED TO DTIC CONTAINED A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF PAGES WHICH DO NOT REPRODUCE LEGIBLYo PREFACE For almost twenty years the Radiation Laboratory of The University of Michigan has been actively engaged in predicting the radar scattering behavior of a wide variety of targets, both simple and complex, and out of this work a wealth of material has grown. Much of it has been published in the open literature, but some has remained bound in the experience of the individual investigators or has appeared only in techni- cal reports with limited distribution. The suggestion that this material be collected together and, in conjunction with an exhaustive review of the literature, be made available to a wider audience, was the factor that led to the writing of this book. In considering the form that such a book might take, it was apparent that a rigid limitation of objectives would be necessary to keep the manuscript to manageable size. Because of the several treatmentb of the methods of scattering and diffraction theory that have appeared in recent years, it was felt that the main focus should be placed on the presentation of results, but even so, a further restriction on the type and material composition of the scattering body was still required to permit a reason- ably complete coverage of each particular case. We therefore decided to confine ourselves to bodies which are soft or hard in the acoustical sense, or are perfectly conducting to electromagnetic waves, and fifteen geometrically simple scattering shapes were selected for the study. Except in one instance (the wire), these shapes arc determined by the coordinate system in which the wave equation is separable, and are the ones for which extensive mathematical results are available. The information about the scattering behavior of these fifteen dilTerent shapes was collected, revised and systematically organized, and is here presented in chapters divided according to the shape. Many new formulae and computations are included, especially for the wire (Chapter 12) and the cone (Chapter 18). Fach section of »he book is as self-contained as possible compatible with a tolerable amount of repetition, and the contents of each chapter are presented in a standard, styli/ed format to facilitate ready reference, ['inphasis is placed on results in the form of formulae and diagrams, but a brief outline of the methods for the solution of scattering problems is given in the Introduction, together with the main properties of those special functions which are used extensively throughout the book. The bibliography is selective and critical, rather than exhaustive, and every elfort has been made to correct errors in the source material. It is our hope that a handbook such as this will prove valuable to radar und antenna specialists, and to all interested in scattering theory. VI PREFACE We are grateful to the United States Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories for financial support of the project under Contracts AF 19(604)-6655 and AF 19(628)-4328, and lo Mr. Carlyle J. Sletten of that organization for his advice and encouragement. We acknowledge with thanks the particular assistance provided by our colleague. Dr. Ralph E. Kleinman, during the conceptual and planning stages of the book, and are indebted to Miss Catherine A. Rader and Mrs. Katherine O. McWilliams for the typing of the manuscript, and to Mr. August Antones for the art work. Finally, we wish to thank Drs. W. H. Wimmers of North-Holland Publishing Company for his continued interest during the preparation and printing of this book, and the manv authors and publishers for their kind permission to reproduce copyrighted material. JOHN J. BOWMAN THOMAS B. A. SENIOR PlERGIORGIO L. E. USI.ENGHI Ann Arbor, June 1969 L LIST OF SYMBOLS unless otherwise stated, the symbols most commonly used in the book have the following meaning: n = electric permittivity (dielectric constant) in vacuo. /< - magnetic permeability in vacuo. 1/vA'/' - velocity of light in vacuo (ä 2.9979 X 108 m/sec). Z - Y~l = yj'n/c = intrinsic impedance of free space (= 120/1 Ü}. (0 = angular frequency. i = V ~ ' ~ imaginary unit. c-'"' = lime-dependence factor (omitted throughout). A - 2n/A - lOyJ'm = wave number in vacuo (k = o;/r in the acoustical case, where c is the velocity of sound). v. - Neumann symbol (ß = I; £„ == 2, for « = 1, 2, 3, ...). H 0 ,v, \\ z = rectangular Cartesian coordinates. />, 0, r = circular cylindrical coordinates. r. 0, (f) = spherical polar coordinates, log = natural logarithm. V = grad = gradient operator. V- = div = divergence operator. V A = curl = rot = curl operator. V2 = V • V = div grad = Lanlace's operator. R = \r ~ r \ = distance between the source point r and the observation point r. 0 0 V1 = incident velocity potential. Vs - scattered velocity potential. i = r1-!- j s - i ( | velocity potential. 0 a £' - incident electric field vector. W - incident magnetic field vector. Es - scaltercJ electric field vector. Hs - scattered magnetic tleld vector £ /T^iT = total electric field vector. // //' f //s total magnetic li:!d vector. /' far-field coetlicient in two-dmensional problems. 1 .. . ... ..... ,. . .. - . sec Section 1.2.4 S tar-tield coeliicienl in three-dimensional probL1lems.! nifi) bistalic radar cross section, with separation angle // i between transmitter and recei\ er. .. ,-. .scv Sec lion 1.2 5 a c[K)) hack scattering or monostalic radar cross section. n , tDi.il scattering cross seciion. /„ .'/-ih /en» of \i( - -/). sec Section 1.3.2. />'„ n-\h zero o! \i ( />). Ml CONTENTS Preface V List of symbols VM Introduction J. J HimMAN, I. B. A. SENIOK and P. L. E. USLENGHI 1.1. f JIM KAI (ONSIDIKAIIUNS 1.1 I liMMMF.NTAL COM H'lS I 2.1. MuxwclPs equations 2 2 2.2. Acoustical equations I.}. SVavc propagation 3 2.4. Bouiulary and radiation conditions 4 2.5. Kadar cross sections 7 2.6. l-lcctromagnctic potentials 8 2.7. Green's functions II 2.8. Reciprocit) theorem 13 2.9. Babincfs principle 14 2.10. Integral equations 15 2.11. Separation of variables 17 2.12. Low frequency methods 20 2.13. Hii.h frequency methods 21 1.2.H.I. Geometrical optics 22 Keller's theory 24 Lüneburg-Kline expansion 26 Physical optics 29 lock's theory 31 Watson's transformation 34 1.2.14. Other method 36 Con formal mapping 36, Variational techniques 37 function theo.Jtic methods 41 1.2 14.4. Numerical rncihods 49 1.3. Sm IAI i IM iioss 50 I.VI, Ikssel fimctions 50 1.3.: \II\ fuivvtions 60 LM. I Ovk funclKms 63 IA4. I icsncl integrals .... 6? I *.5 I cgetu'.re functions 6S llihlioui iph> i\ X CONTENTS PART ONE - INFINITE BODIES Chapter 1 - General considerations Chapter 2 - The circular cylinder T. B. A. SENIOR and P. L. E. üSLENUHI 2.1. CIRCULAR CYLINDRICAL GEOMETRY 92 2.2. PLANE WAVE INCIDENCE 93 2.2.1. £.polarizotion 93 2.2.LI. Exact solutions 93 Low frequency approximations 94 High frequency approximations 99 2.2.2. //-polarization 103 Exact solutions 103 Low frequency approximations 108 High frequency approximations 109 2.3. LINE SOURCES 112 2.3.1. f-polarization 112 Exact solutions 112 Low frequency approximations 114 High frequency approximations 114 2.3.2. //-polarization 115 Exact solutions 115 Low frequency approximations 117 High frequency approximations 117 2.4. DIKLE SOURCES IH 2.4... Electric dipolcs 119 Exact solutions 119 Low frequency approximations 123 High frequency approximations . 123 2.4.2. Magnetic dipoles 123 Exact solutions 123 Low frequency approximations 124 High frequency approximations 125 2.5. POINI sovRt'ES 125 2.5.1. Acoustically soft cylinder 125 Exact solutions 125 Low frequency approximations 125 High frequency approximations 125 2.V2. Acoustically hard cylinder 126 2 5.2 1. Exact solution 126 Low frequency approximations 127 2.5.2 3. High frequency approximations 127 Hihltography 127 Chapter 3 The eSliptic cylinder I», I I . UsUNtiin and N. R. ZIIRON 3.1. I'ltllPIK ( Y1INIH.R CiEOMIIR) 129 V? Pi AM WWt IM HUM I 131 3.2.1. /.-polarization 131 3.2.LI. Exact solutions 1^

Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1969. — 728 p. — ISBN-10: 0891166726, ISBN-13: 978-0891166726A detailed analytical discussion is presented of electromagnetic and acoustic scattering by infinite, finite, and semiinfinite bodies. The shapes considered include the circular cylinder, elliptic cylinder, st
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