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Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 86 (1993) 449-451 © 1993 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd. 0013-/4936 /4$069.0 0 Index of Authors VOLUME 86 (1993) (Authors from abstracts from Society Proceedings are not included) Abe, M., see Niiyama, Y. (86) 247 Dierks, T., Engelhardt, W. and Maurer, K. Alho, K., Kujala, T., Paavilainen, P., Summala, H. and Naatanen, R. Equivalent dipoles of FFT data visualize drug interaction at Auditory processing in visual brain areas of the early blind: benzodiazepine receptors (86) 231 evidence from event-related potentials (86) 418 Dujardin, K., Derambure, P., Defebvre, L., Bourriez, J.L., Jacques- Anderson, R.L., see Creel, D.J. (86) 138 son, J.M. and Guieu, J.D. Antal, A., Bodis-Wollner, I., Ghilardi, M.F., Glover, A., Mylin, L. Evaluation of event-related desynchronization (ERD) during a and Toldi, J. recognition task: effect of attention (86) 353 The effect of levo-acetyl-carnitine on visual cognitive evoked Dvorak, I., see Wackermann, J. (86) 193 potentials in the behaving monkey (86) 268 Arendt, G., Hefter, H. and Jablonowski, H. Eisenberg, H.M., see Rogers, R.L. (86) 344 Acoustically evoked event-related potentials in HIV-associated Engelhardt, W., see Dierks, T. (86) 231 dementia (86) 152 Erickson, B.J., see Lagerlund, T.D. (86) 7 Eskola, H., see Hakkinen, V. (86) 294 Balestra, V., see Sannita, W.G. (86) 275 Etlinger, S.C., see Petsche, H. (86) 385 Ball, D., see Wilson, S.J. (86) 69 Evans, B.M. Ball, W.A., see Sanford, L.D. (86) 438 Cyclical activity in non-rapid eye movement sleep: a proposed Basile, L.F.H., see Rogers, R.L. (86) 344 arousal inhibitory mechanism (86) 123 Beckmann, P., see Réschke, J. (86) 348 Begleiter, H., see Cohen, H.L. (86) 368 Fell, J., see ROschke, J. (86) 348 Blume, W.T. and Kaibara, M. Fenton, G.W., see Sloan, E.P. (86) 361 The start-stop-start phenomenon of subdurally recorded seizures Filz, O., see Petsche, H. (86) 385 (86) 94 Frank, S.A., see Towle, V.L. (86) 1 Bodis-Wollner, I., see Antal, A. (86) 268 Bolanos, J., see Towle, V.L. (86) 1 Galimberti, C.A., see Manni, R. (86) 322 Bourbon, T.W., see Rogers, R.L. (86) 344 Gallagher, B.B., see Murro, A.M. (86) 88 Bourriez, J.L., see Dujardin, K. (86) 353 Garreau, B., see Bruneau, N. (86) 213 Bruneau, N., Roux, S., Guérin, P., Garreau, B. and Lelord, G. Gasser, T., see Schreiter-Gasser, U. (86) 15 Auditory stimulus intensity responses and frontal midline theta Ghilardi, M.F., see Antal, A. (86) 268 rhythm (86) 213 Glover, A., see Antal, A. (86) 268 Burgess, A. and Gruzelier, J. Glue, P., see Wilson, S.J. (86) 69 Individual reliability of amplitude distribution in topographical Gordon, B., see Nathan, S.S. (86) 183 mapping of EEG (86) 219 Gordon, C.R. and Oksenberg, A. Busacker, N.E., see Lagerlund, T.D. (86) 7 Spontaneous nystagmus across the sleep-wake cycle in vegetative Buzsaki, G., see Jand6, G. (86) 100 state patients (86) 132 Gotman, J., see Qu, H. (86) 79 Cakmur, R., see Towle, V.L. (86) 1 Gregory, R.P., Oates, T. and Merry, R.T.G. Cerullo, A., see Sforza, E. (86) 161 Electroencephalogram epileptiform abnormalities in candidates Cicora, K.M., see Lagerlund, T.D. (86) 7 for aircrew training (86) 75 Cirignotta, F., see Sforza, E. (86) 161 Gruzelier, J., see Burgess, A. (86) 219 Coats, M., see Jabbari, B. (86) 145 Grzeszczuk, R., see Towle, V.L. (86) 1 Cohen, H.L., Porjesz, B. and Begleiter, H. Guérin, P., see Bruneau, N. (86) 213 The effects of ethanol on EEG activity in males at risk for Guieu, J.D., see Dujardin, K. (86) 353 alcoholism (86) 368 Guster, K., see Smith, M.E. (86) 335 Connolly, J.F. The influence of stimulus intensity, contralateral masking and Hakkinen, V., Hirvonen, K., Hasan, J., Kataja, M., Varri, A., Loula, handedness on the temporal N1 and the T complex components P. and Eskola, H. of the auditory N1 wave (86) 58 The effect of small differences in electrode position on EOG Creel, D.J., Holds, J.B. and Anderson, R.L. signals: application to vigilance studies (86) 294 Auditory brain-stem responses in blepharospasm (86) 138 Hallett, M., see Toro, C. (86) 167 Harding, G.W. Defebvre, L., see Dujardin, K. (86) 353 An automated seizure monitoring system for patients with in- Derambure, P., see Dujardin, K. (86) 353 dwelling recording electrodes (86) 428 Deuschl, G., see Toro, C. (86) 167 Hasan, J., see Hakkinen, V. (86) 294 DiBon, G., see Sannita, W.G. (86) 275 Hefter, H., see Arendt, G. (86) 152 450 INDEX OF AUTHORS 86, 1992 Heil, M., see Hennighausen, E. (86) 199 Manni, R., Ratti, M.T., Perucca, E., Galimberti, C.A. and Tartara, Hennighausen, E., Heil, M. and Rosler, F. A. A correction method for DC drift artifacts (86) 199 A multiparametric investigation of daytime sleepiness and psy- Hirvonen, K., see Hakkinen, V. (86) 294 chomotor functions in epileptic patients treated with phenobarbi- Hishikawa, Y., see Niiyama, Y. (86) 247 tal and sodium valproate: a comparative controlled study (86) 322 Holds, J.B., see Creel, D.J. (86) 138 Marotta, V., see Sannita, W.G. (86) 275 Horvath, Z., see Jand6é, G. (86) 100 Martin, A., see Jabbari, B. (86) 145 Masur, H., Papke, K. and Oberwittler, C. Inlow, M., see Makeig, S. (86) 23 Suppression of visual perception by transcranial magnetic stimu- Inouye, T., Shinosaki, K., Iyama, A. and Matsumoto, Y. lation — experimental findings in healthy subjects and patients Localization of activated areas and directional EEG patterns with optic neuritis (86) 259 during mental arithmetic (86) 224 Matsumoto, J., see Toro, C. (86) 167 Ito, M., see Mutoh, K. (86) 205 Matsumoto, Y., see Inouye, T. (86) 224 Iyama, A., see Inouye, T. (86) 224 Maurer, K., see Dierks, T. (86) 231 Meador, K.J., see Murro, A.M. (86) 88 Jabbari, B., Coats, M., Salazar, A., Martin, A., Scherokman, B. and Mecklinger, A. and Ullsperger, P. Laws, W.A. P3 varies with stimulus categorization rather than probability (86) Longitudinal study of EEG and evoked potentials in neurologi- 395 cally asymptomatic HIV infected subjects (86) 145 Merry,_.R.T.G., see Gregory, R.P. (86) 75 Jablonowski, H., see Arendt, G. (86) 152 Michel, C.M., see Wackermann, J. (86) 193 Jack, Jr., C.R., see Lagerlund, T.D. (86) 7 Mikawa, H., see Mutoh, K. (86) 205 Jacquesson, J.M., see Dujardin, K. (86) 353 Moe, K.E., Larsen, L.H., Prinz, P.N. and Vitiello, M.V. Jand6, G., Siegel, R.M., Horvath, Z. and Buzsaki, G. Major unipolar depression and mild Alzheimer’s disease: differ- Pattern recognition of the electroencephalogram by artificial neu- entiation by quantitative tonic REM EEG (86) 238 ral networks (86) 100 Montagna, P., see Sforza, E. (86) 161 Jonkman, E.J., see Veldhuizen, R.J. (86) 377 Morrison, A.R., see Sanford, L.D. (86) 438 Mosher, J.C., Spencer, M.E., Leahy, R.M. and Lewis, P.S. Kaibara, M., see Blume, W.T. (86) 94 Error bounds for EEG and MEG dipole source localization (86) Kataja, M., see Hakkinen, V. (86) 294 303 Kaufman, L., see Wang, J.-Z. (86) 36 Murro, A.M., Park, Y.D., King, D.W., Gallagher, B.B., Smith, J.R.., King, D.W., see Murro, A.M. (86) 88 Meador, K.J. and Littelton, W. Kitamura, J., Shibasaki, H. and Kondo, T. Localization of temporal lobe seizures with quantitative EEG A cortical slow potential is larger before an isolated movement of (86) 88 a single finger than simultaneous movement of two fingers (86) Mutoh, K., Ito, M., Tsuda, H., Shiraishi, H., Oguro, K., Shirasaka, 252 Y., Okuno, T. and Mikawa, H. Kitamura, J., Shibasaki, H., Takagi, A., Nabeshima, H. and Yam- Depth EEG in mutant epileptic El mice: demonstration of sec- aguchi, A. ondary generalization of the seizure from the hippocampus (86) Enhanced negative slope of cortical potentials before sequential 205 as compared with simultaneous extensions of two fingers (86) 176 Mylin, L., see Antal, A. (86) 268 Kondo, T., see Kitamura, J. (86) 252 Kujala, T., see Alho, K. (86) 418 Naatanen, R., see Alho, K. (86) 418 Nabeshima, H., see Kitamura, J. (86) 176 Lagerlund, T.D., Sharbrough, F.W., Jack, Jr., C.R., Erickson, B.J., Nathan, S.S., Sinha, $.R., Gordon, B., Lesser, R.P. and Thakor, N.V. Strelow, D.C., Cicora, K.M. and Busacker, N.E. Determination of current density distributions generated by elec- Determination of 10—20 system electrode locations using mag- trical stimulation of the human cerebral cortex (86) 183 netic resonance image scanning with markers (86) 7 Neubauer, U., see Schiiler, P. (86) 301 Larsen, L.H., see Moe, K.E. (86) 238 Niiyama, Y., Shimizu, T., Abe, M. and Hishikawa, Y. Laws, W.A., see Jabbari, B. (86) 145 Cortical reactivity in REM sleep with tonic mentalis EMG activ- Leahy, R.M., see Mosher, J.C. (86) 303 ity induced by clomipramine: an evaluation by slow vertex re- Lehmann, D., see Wackermann, J. (86) 193 sponse (86) 247 Lelord, G., see Bruneau, N. (86) 213 Nutt, D.J., see Wilson, S.J. (86) 69 Lesser, R.P., see Nathan, S.S. (86) 183 Levin, D.N., see Towle, V.L. (86) 1 Oates, T., see Gregory, R.P. (86) 75 Lewis, P.S., see Mosher, J.C. (86) 303 Oberwittler, C., see Masur, H. (86) 259 Littelton, W., see Murro, A.M. (86) 88 Oguro, K., see Mutoh, K. (86) 205 Loula, P., see Hakkinen, V. (86) 294 Oksenberg, A., see Gordon, C.R. (86) 132 Lugaresi, E., see Sforza, E. (86) 161 Okuno, T., see Mutoh, K. (86) 205 Lukashev, A., see Raeva, S. (86) 110 Onishi, S., see Saibara, T. (86) 329 Maeda, T., see Saibara, T. (86) 329 Paavilainen, P., see Alho, K. (86) 418 Makeig, S. and Inlow, M. Papanicolaou, A.C., see Rogers, R.L. (86) 344 Lapses in alertness: coherence of fluctuations in performance and Papke, K., see Masur, H. (86) 259 EEG spectrum (86) 23 Park, Y.D., see Murro, A.M. (86) 88 Makeig, S. Perucca, E., see Manni, R. (86) 322 Auditory event-related dynamics of the EEG spectrum and ef- Petsche, H., Etlinger, S.C. and Filz, O. fects of exposure to tones (86) 283 Brain electrical mechanisms of bilingual speech management: an Mann, G.L., see Sanford, L.D. (86) 438 initial investigation (86) 385 INDEX OF AUTHORS 86, 1992 451 Polich, J. and Squire, L.R. Shiraishi, H., see Mutoh, K. (86) 205 P300 from amnesic patients with bilateral hippocampal lesions Shirasaka, Y., see Mutoh, K. (86) 205 (86) 408 Siegel, R.M., see Jand6, G. (86) 100 Poortvliet, D.C.J., see Veldhuizen, R.J. (86) 377 Sinha, S.R., see Nathan, S.S. (86) 183 Porjesz, B., see Cohen, H.L. (86) 368 Sloan, E.P. and Fenton, G.W. Prinz, P.N., see Moe, K.E. (86) 238 EEG power spectra and cognitive change in geriatric psychiatry: a longitudinal study (86) 361 Qu, H. and Gotman, J. Smith, J.R., see Murro, A.M. (86) 88 Improvement in seizure detection performance by automatic Smith, M.E. and Guster, K. adaptation to the EEG of each patient (86) 79 Decomposition of recognition memory event-related potentials yields target, repetition, and retrieval effects (86) 335 Raeva, S. and Lukashev, A. Spencer, M.E., see Mosher, J.C. (86) 303 Unit activity in human thalamic reticularis neurons. II. Activity Spire, J.-P., see Towle, V.L. (86) 1 evoked by significant and non-significant verbal or sensory stimuli Squire, L.R., see Polich, J. (86) 408 (86) 110 Stefan, H., see Schiiler, P. (86) 301 Ratti, M.T., see Manni, R. (86) 322 Strelow, D.C., see Lagerlund, T.D. (86) 7 Rinaldi, R., see Sforza, E. (86) 161 Suarez, D., see Towle, V.L. (86) 1 Rogers, R.L., Basile, L.F.H., Papanicolaou, A.C., Bourbon, T.W. and Summala, H., see Alho, K. (86) 418 Eisenberg, H.M. Swerdloff, S.J., Ruegsegger, M. and Wakai, R.T. Visual evoked magnetic fields reveal activity in the superior Spatiotemporal visualization of neuromagnetic data (86) 51 temporal sulcus (86) 344 Rosadini, G., see Sannita, W.G. (86) 275 Takagi, A., see Kitamura, J. (86) 176 Roschke, J., Fell, J. and Beckmann, P. Tan, K., see Towle, V.L. (86) 1 The calculation of the first positive Lyapunov exponent in sleep Tartara, A., see Manni, R. (86) 322 EEG data (86) 348 Thakor, N.V., see Nathan, S.S. (86) 183 Rosler, F., see Hennighausen, E. (86) 199 Tinuper, P., see Sforza, E. (86) 161 Ross, R.J., see Sanford, L.D. (86) 438 Toldi, J., see Antal, A. (86) 268 Roth, B.J., see Toro, C. (86) 167 Toro, C., Matsumoto, J., Deuschl, G., Roth, B.J. and Hallett, M. Roux, S., see Bruneau, N. (86) 213 Source analysis of scalp-recorded movement-related electrical Ruegsegger, M., see Swerdloff, S.J. (86) 51 potentials (86) 167 Towle, V.L., Bolanos, J., Suarez, D., Tan, K., Grzeszczuk, R., Levin, Saibara, T., Maeda, T., Onishi, S. and Yamamoto, Y. D.N., Cakmur, R., Frank, S.A. and Spire, J.-P. Long-latency event-related potentials in acute hepatitis patients The spatial location of EEG electrodes: locating the best-fitting with severe coagulopathy (86) 329 sphere relative to cortical anatomy (86) 1 Salazar, A., see Jabbari, B. (86) 145 Tsuda, H., see Mutoh, K. (86) 205 Sanford, L.D., Morrison, A.R., Ball, W.A., Ross, R.J. and Mann, G.L. Ullsperger, P., see Mecklinger, A. (86) 395 The amplitude of elicited PGO waves: a correlate of orienting (86) 438 Varri, A., see Hakkinen, V. (86) 294 Sannita, W.G., Balestra, V., DiBon, G., Marotta, V. and Rosadini, Veldhuizen, R.J., Jonkman, E.J. and Poortvliet, D.C.J. G. Sex differences in age regression parameters of healthy adults- Human flash-VEP and quantitative EEG are independently af- normative data and practical implications (86) 377 fected by acute scopolamine (86) 275 Vitiello, M.V., see Moe, K.E. (86) 238 Scherokman, B., see Jabbari, B. (86) 145 Schreiter-Gasser, U., Gasser, T. and Ziegler, P. Wackermann, J., Lehmann, D., Dvorak, I. and Michel, C.M. Quantitative EEG analysis in early onset Alzheimer’s disease: a Global dimensional complexity of multi-channel EEG indicates controlled study (86) 15 change of human brain functional state after a single dose of a Schulemann, H., see Schiiler, P. (86) 301 nootropic drug (86) 193 Schiller, P., Neubauer, U., Schulemann, H. and Stefan, H. Wakai, R.T., see Swerdloff, S.J. (86) 51 Brain-stem lesions in the course of a presurgical re-evaluation by Wang, J.-Z., Kaufman, L. and Williamson, S.J. foramen-ovale electrodes in temporal lobe epilepsy (86) 301 Imaging regional changes in the spontaneous activity of the brain: Sforza, E., Montagna, P., Rinaldi, R., Tinuper, P., Cerullo, A., an extension of the minimum-norm least-squares estimate (86) 36 Cirignotta, F. and Lugaresi, E. Williamson, S.J., see Wang, J.-Z. (86) 36 Paroxysmal periodic motor attacks during sleep: clinical and Wilson, S.J., Glue, P., Ball, D. and Nutt, D.J. polygraphic features (86) 161 Saccadic eye movement parameters in normal subjects (86) 69 Sharbrough, F.W., see Lagerlund, T.D. (86) 7 Shibasaki, H., see Kitamura, J. (86) 176 Yamaguchi, A., see Kitamura, J. (86) 176 Shibasaki, H., see Kitamura, J. (86) 252 Yamamoto, Y., see Saibara, T. (86) 329 Shimizu, T., see Niiyama, Y. (86) 247 Shinosaki, K., see Inouye, T. (86) 224 Ziegler, P., see Schreiter-Gasser, U. (86) 15 Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology ,8 6 (1993) 452—455 © 1993 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd. 0013-/4936 /9$064.0 0 Index of Subjects VOLUME 86, 1993 (Abstracts from Society Proceedings are not included) Age Blindness, posterior areas and auditory processing, 418 — EEG and cognitive changes in geriatric psychiatry, 361 Book reviews, 78, 141, 217, 357, 446 — sex differences in age regression parameters, 377 Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials in blepharospasm, 138 AIDS, see HIV infection Brain-stem lesions Alcoholism — risks of re-evaluation in temporal lobe surgery, 301 — risk for alcoholism and ethanol effects on EEG, 368 Alertness Categorization — performance fluctuations and EEG spectrum, 23 — P3 varies with stimulus categorization, 395 Alpha rhythm Cholinergic mechanisms — ethanol effects on EEG, 368 — effects of scopolamine on flash-VEP and EEG, 275 Alzheimer’s disease — levo-acetyl-carnitine and visual P300 in monkeys, 268 — EEG and cognitive changes, 361 Clomipramine — quantitative EEG, 15 — cortical reactivity in REM sleep, 247 — quantitative REM EEG, 238 Coagulopathy Amnesia, P300 and hippocampal lesions, 408 — ERPs in acute hepatitis patients, 329 Antiepileptic drugs Cognitive deficits — sleepiness and psychomotor functions, 322 — in geriatric psychiatry, 361 Arousal — in HIV-associated dementia, 152 — cyclical activity in NREM sleep, 123 Cognitive processes Arterial ketone body ratio — and levo-acetyl-carnitine in monkeys, 268 — ERPs in acute hepatitis patients, 329 — event-related desynchronization and memory, 353 Artifact elimination Coherence analysis — correction method for DC drifts, 199 — performance fluctuations and EEG spectrum, 23 Attention Computed EEG topography, see Topographic mapping — EEG and bilingual speech management, 385 Correlations — event-related desynchronization and memory, 353 — effects of scopolamine on flash-VEP and EEG, 275 — posterior areas, auditory processing and blindness, 418 Current density in electrical stimulation, 183 Auditory evoked potentials Current dipole or source, see Generators — auditory event-related spectral dynamics, 283 — auditory stimulus intensity responses, 213 DC potential shift correction method, 199 — factors affecting auditory N1 components, 58 Dementia Auditory processing — EEG and cognitive changes in geriatric psychiatry, 361 — and posterior areas in blindness, 418 — ERPs in HIV-associated dementia, 152 — EEG and bilingual speech management, 385 Depression Auditory stimuli — in geriatric psychiatry, 361 — P3 varies with stimulus categorization, 395 — quantitative REM EEG, 238 Automatic detection Depth EEG in mutant epileptic El mice, 205 — automated seizure monitoring system, 428 Dimensional complexity of multichannel EEG, 193 — improvement in seizure detection, 79 Dipole localization — pattern recognition of EEG by neural networks, 100 — electrode locations and cortical anatomy, 1 — equivalent dipoles and benzodiazepines, 231 Back-propagation — error bounds for source localization, 303 — pattern recognition of EEG by neural networks, 100 Discriminant analysis BAEPs, see Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials — qEEG and temporal lobe seizure localization, 88 Benzodiazepines and equivalent dipoles, 231 Discrimination Bereitschaftspotential — P3 varies with stimulus categorization, 395 — and sequential movement, 176 — single vs. two finger movements, 252 EEG — sources of movement-related potentials, 167 — and cognitive changes in geriatric psychiatry, 361 Bilingual speech management and EEG, 385 — auditory event-related spectral dynamics, 283 Blepharospasm and BAEPs, 138 — auditory stimulus intensity responses, 213 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 86, 1993 — bilingual speech management, 385 Fast Fourier transform — calculation of Lyapunov exponent, 348 — equivalent dipoles and benzodiazepines, 231 — correction method for DC drifts, 199 Finger movements and cortical potentials, 252 — determination of 10-20 system electrode locations, 7 Flumazenil and equivalent dipoles, 231 — dimensional complexity of multichannel EEG, 193 Foramen ovale electrode — during mental arithmetic, 224 — risks of re-evaluation in temporal lobe surgery, 301 — effects of scopolamine, 275 Fourier analysis — electrode locations and cortical anatomy, 1 — qEEG and temporal lobe seizure localization, 88 — epileptiform abnormalities in air crew candidates, 75 Frontal lobe — equivalent dipoles and benzodiazepines, 231 — auditory stimulus intensity responses, 213 — error bounds for source localization, 303 — periodic motor attacks during sleep, 161 — ethanol effects and risk for alcoholism, 368 — factors affecting auditory N1 components, 58 Generalization of seizures — improvement in seizure detection, 79 — depth EEG in mutant epileptic El mice, 205 — in Alzheimer’s disease, 15 Generators — in HIV-infected patients, 145 — error bounds for source localization, 303 — pattern recognition of EEG by neural networks, 100 — imaging regional changes in brain activity, 36 — performance fluctuations, 23 — of movement-related cortical potentials, 167 — quantitative REM EEG in depression and AD, 238 — visualization of neuromagnetic data, 51 — reliability of EEG amplitude distribution, 219 Global correlation dimensions in multichannel EEG, 193 — sex differences in age regression parameters, 377 Handedness — start-stop-start phenomenon, 94 — factors affecting auditory N1 components, 58 — temporal lobe seizure localization, 88 Hemispheric lateralization and mental arithmetic, 224 Elderly, see Age Hepatitis and ERPs, 329 Electrical stimulation and current density, 183 Hippocampus Electrode placement — depth EEG in mutant epileptic El mice, 205 — and cortical anatomy, 1 — P300, hippocampal lesions and amnesia, 408 — and EOG signals, 294 HIV infection — in 10—20 system, 7 — EEG and EPs in asymptomatic patients, 145 Electrode stability — ERPs in HIV-associated dementia, 152 — correction method for DC drifts, 199 EOG Indwelling electrodes — and electrode positions, 294 — automated seizure monitoring system, 428 — nystagmus, vegetative state and sleep, 132 Information measure during mental arithmetic, 224 — saccadic eye movement parameters, 69 Intracranial recording Epilepsy — risks of re-evaluation in temporal lobe surgery, 301 — antiepileptic drugs and sleepiness, 322 Irregularity index — automated seizure monitoring system, 428 — EEG patterns during mental arithmetic, 224 — depth EEG in mutant El mice, 205 — EEG abnormalities in air crew candidates, 75 K complex — improvement in seizure detection, 79 — arousal inhibition in NREM sleep, 123 — pattern recognition of EEG by neural networks, 100 — periodic motor attacks during sleep, 161 Language — gEEG and temporal lobe seizure localization, 88 — EEG and bilingual speech management, 385 — risks of re-evaluation in temporal lobe surgery, 301 Lateral geniculate body — start-stop-start phenomenon, 94 — amplitude of elicited PGO waves, 438 Equivalent dipoles and benzodiazepines, 231 Lesions Ethanol effects on EEG and risk for alcoholism, 368 — nystagmus, vegetative state and sleep, 132 Event-related desynchronization and memory, 353 — P300, hippocampal lesions and amnesia, 408 Event-related potentials , — risks of re-evaluation in temporal lobe surgery, 301 — auditory event-related spectral dynamics, 283 Levo-acetyl-carnitine and visual P300 in monkeys, 268 — decomposition of recognition memory ERPs, 335 Lyapunov exponent in sleep EEG, 348 — effects of levo-acetyl-carnitine in monkeys, 268 — factors affecting auditory N1 components, 58 Magnetic field — hippocampal lesions and amnesia, 408 — role of temporal cortex during visual processing, 344 — in acute hepatitis patients, 329 Magnetic resonance imaging — in HIV-associated dementia, 152 — and electrode locations, 1, 7 — posterior areas, auditory processing and blindness, 418 — current density in electrical stimulation, 183 Evoked potentials Magnetic stimulation and visual suppression, 259 — auditory, see Auditory evoked potentials Magnetoencephalogram — BAEPs, see Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials — error bounds for source localization, 303 electrode locations and cortical anatomy, 1 — in spontaneous brain activity, 36 in HIV-infected patients, 145 — spatiotemporal visualization, 51 — visual, see Visual evoked potentials Mapping, see Topographic mapping Evoked unit activity in human nucleus reticularis, 110 Meige’s syndrome and BAEPs, 138 Eye movement Memory — nystagmus, vegetative state and sleep, 132 — and event-related desynchronization, 353 — saccade parameters, 69 — decomposition of recognition memory ERPs, 335 454 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 86, 1993 Mental arithmetic and EEG patterns, 224 Psychiatric illness, EEG and cognitive changes in AD, 361 Microelectrode recording in human nucleus reticularis, 110 Psychomotor functions, sleepiness and antiepileptic drugs, 322 Midazolam and equivalent dipoles, 231 P300 Minimum-norm least squares — and stimulus categorization, 395 — imaging regional changes in spontaneous brain activity, 36 — effects of levo-acetyl-carnitine in monkeys, 268 Modelization — ERPs in acute hepatitis patients, 329 — current density in electrical stimulation, 183 — hippocampal lesions and amnesia, 408 — error bounds for source localization, 303 Monitoring Quantitative EEG — automated seizure monitoring system, 428 — and temporal lobe seizure localization, 88 — improvement in seizure detection, 79 effects of scopolamine, 275 Monkey in Alzheimer’s disease, 15, 238 — levo-acetyl-carnitine and visual P300, 268 in depression, 238 Motor attacks during sleep, 161 sex differences in age regression parameters, 377 Motor cortex — potentials preceding sequential movement, 176 Recognition — sources of movement-related potentials, 167 — decomposition of recognition memory ERPs, 335 Movement-related cortical potentials — event-related desynchronization and memory, 353 — MRCPs with single vs. two finger movements, 252 Reference-free data — preceding sequential movement, 176 — equivalent dipoles and benzodiazepines, 231 — sources of MRCPs, 167 REM sleep, see Sleep Multichannel EEG, dimensional complexity, 193 Multi-infarct dementia Saccadic eye movement parameters, 69 — EEG and cognitive changes, 361 Scopolamine effects on flash-VEP and EEG, 275 Multiple sleep latency test Seizure — psychomotor functions and antiepileptic drugs, 322 — automated seizure monitoring system, 428 Mutant epileptic El mice, depth EEG, 205 — depth EEG in mutant epileptic El mice, 205 — improvement in seizure detection, 79 Negative slope — periodic motor attacks during sleep, 161 — movement-related cortical potentials, 252 — start-stop-start phenomenon, 94 — MRCPs with single vs. two finger movements, 252 — temporal lobe seizure localization, 88 Neural network and pattern recognition of EEG, 100 Sensorimotor hand area and finger movements, 252 Non-linear dynamics and nootropic drugs, 193 Sex differences in age regression parameters, 377 Normative data Sleep — saccadic eye movement parameters, 69 — amplitude of elicited PGO waves, 438 — sex differences in age regression parameters, 377 — calculation of Lyapunov exponent in sleep EEG, 348 Nucleus reticularis neurons, evoked activity in human, 110 — cortical reactivity in REM sleep, 247 Nystagmus, vegetative state and sleep, 132 — cyclical activity in NREM sleep, arousal inhibition, 123 N1 wave — performance fluctuations and EEG spectrum, 23 — auditory stimulus intensity responses, 213 — periodic motor attacks, 161 — factors affecting auditory N1 components, 58 — quantitative REM EEG in depression and AD, 238 Sleepiness, psychomotor functions and antiepileptic drugs, 322 Occipital cortex Sleep-wake cycle and nystagmus in vegetative state, 132 — auditory processing and blindness, 418 Slow vertex response in REM sleep, 247 — visual suppression by magnetic stimulation, 259 Society proceedings Old age, see Age — American, San Francisco, September 1992, 57P Optic neuritis — American, Richmond, May 1992, 28P — visual suppression by magnetic stimulation, 259 — Australian, Southport, September 1992, 52P Orienting — Belgian, Brussels, March 1992, 13P — amplitude of elicited PGO waves, 438 — Belgian, EMG 7 meeting, Brussels, March 1992, 19P — Czech, Banska Bystrica, October 1992, 79P Pattern recognition of EEG by neural networks, 100 — Dutch, Utrecht, May 1992, 11P Performance fluctuations and EEG spectrum, 23 — Dutch, Utrecht, October 1992, 55P Phenobarbital, sleepiness and psychomotor functions, 322 — English, Oxford, April 1992, 8P Pitch discrimination — English, Glasgow, June 1992, 17P — P3 varies with stimulus categorization, 395 — English, London, October 1992, 34P Ponto-geniculo-occipital wave amplitude, 438 — French, Paris, December 1991, 1P Premotor potentials — French, Paris, March 1992, 15P — and finger movement, 252 — French, Bordeaux, May 1992, 46P — and sequential movement, 176 — Nordic, Bergen, May 1991, 30P — generators, 167 — Spanish, Madrid, December 1991, 38P Presurgical re-evaluation in temporal lobe surgery, 301 — Swedish, Stockholm, November 1992, 89P Principal component analysis — Swiss, Merligen/Thunersee, May 1992, 23P — dimensional complexity of multichannel EEG, 193 Source localization — evoked activity in human nucleus reticularis, 110 — error bounds, 303 Probability — in spontaneous brain activity, 36 — P3 varies with stimulus categorization, 395 — of movement-related cortical potentials, 167 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 86, 1993 Spatial distribution, see Topographic mapping Topographic mapping Spatial organization — determination of 10-20 system electrode locations, 7 — EEG and bilingual speech management, 385 — EEG patterns during mental arithmetic, 224 — error bounds for source localization, 303 electrode locations and cortical anatomy, 1 — of neuromagnetic data, 51 event-related desynchronization and memory, 353 Spectral analysis — qEEG in Alzheimer’s disease, 15 — auditory event-related spectral dynamics, 283 reliability of EEG amplitude distribution, 219 — performance fluctuations and EEG spectrum, 23 — visualization of neuromagnetic data, 51 Spherical coordinate system, 1, 7 Spike-wave recognition by neural networks, 100 Spindles Unit activity evoked in human nucleus reticularis, 110 — cyclical activity in NREM sleep, arousal inhibition, 123 Stimulus intensity auditory responses, 213 Subdural recording Valproic acid, sleepiness and psychomotor functions, 322 - risks of re-evaluation in temporal lobe surgery, 301 Vegetative state, nystagmus and sleep, 132 — start-stop-start phenomenon, 94 Verbal command Supplementary motor area — evoked activity in human nucleus reticularis, 110 — cortical potentials preceding sequential movement, 176 Verbal task — EEG and bilingual speech management, 385 T complex Vertex sharp waves in NREM sleep, arousal inhibition, 123 — factors affecting auditory N1 components, 58 Vigilance Temporal lobe — electrode positions and EOG signals, 294 — and visual processing, 344 — performance fluctuations and EEG spectrum, 23 — qEEG and seizure localization, 88 Visual deprivation — risks of presurgical re-evaluation, 301 — posterior areas and auditory processing, 418 Temporary threshold shift Visual evoked potentials — auditory event-related spectral dynamics, 283 — effects of levo-acetyl-carnitine in monkeys, 268 Thalamus — effects of scopolamine, 275 — evoked activity in human nucleus reticularis, 110 Visual processing and temporal cortex, 344 Theta rhythm Visual suppression by magnetic stimulation, 259 — auditory stimulus intensity responses, 213 Voluntary movement Tolerance — evoked activity in human nucleus reticularis, 110 — risk for alcoholism and ethanol effects on EEG, 368 — premotor potentials and sequential movement, 176

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