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Electrochemistry Volume 15 1 0 0 P F 5- 9 8 3 1 0 8 8 7 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d g | or c. s s.r b u p s:// p htt n o 8 1 0 2 er b o ct O 5 1 n o d e h s bli u P View Online 1 0 0 P F 5- 9 8 3 1 0 8 8 7 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d g | or c. s s.r b u p s:// p htt n o 8 1 0 2 er b o ct O 5 1 n o d e h s bli u P View Online A Specialist Periodical Report Electrochemistry Volume 15 1 0 0 P F 5- 9 8 3 1 0 8 8 7 Editors 1 8 7 Craig Banks, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK 9 39/ Steven McIntosh, Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA, USA 0 1 0. 1 oi: g | d Authors or Prashanth S. Adarakatti, Indian Institute of Science, India sc. Elena A. Baranova, University of Ottowa, Canada s.r b Lynn Dennany, University of Strathclyde, UK u p s:// Suresh K. Kempahanumakkagari, Dayananda Sagar University, India http MonaA.Mohamed,NationalOrganizationforDrugControlandResearch, n Egypt o 18 Evans A. Monyoncho, University of Ottowa, Canada 0 er 2 Edward Randviir, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK ob Tom K. Woo, University of Ottowa, Canada ct O 5 1 n o d e h s bli u P View Online Print ISBN: 978-1-78801-373-4 PDF eISBN: 978-1-78801-389-5 1 0 ePUB eISBN: 978-1-78801-583-7 0 P F ISSN: 0305-9979 5- 9 DOI: 10.1039/9781788013895 8 3 1 0 8 8 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library 7 1 8 7 9 9/ r The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 3 0 1 0. 1 All rights reserved oi: d org | Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of research for non-commercial sc. purposes or for private study, criticism or review, as permitted under the bs.r Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and the Copyright and Related u s://p Rights Regulations 2003, this publication may not be reproduced, stored p or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission htt n in writing of The Royal Society of Chemistry or the copyright owner, or in o 8 the case of reproduction in accordance with the terms of licences issued by 1 0 2 the Copyright Licensing Agency in the UK, or in accordance with the terms er b of the licences issued by the appropriate Reproduction Rights Organization o Oct outside the UK. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the terms 15 stated here should be sent to The Royal Society of Chemistry at the n o address printed on this page. d e h s bli Whilst this material has been produced with all due care, The Royal Society u P of Chemistry cannot be held responsible or liable for its accuracy and completeness, nor for any consequences arising from any errors or the use of the information contained in this publication. The publication of advertisements does not constitute any endorsement by The Royal Society of Chemistry or Authors of any products advertised. The views and opinions advancedbycontributorsdonotnecessarilyreflectthoseofTheRoyalSociety ofChemistrywhichshallnotbeliableforanyresultinglossordamagearising as a result of reliance upon this material. The Royal Society of Chemistry is a charity, registered in England and Wales,Number207890,andacompanyincorporatedinEnglandbyRoyal Charter (Registered No. RC000524), registered office: Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BA, UK, Telephone: þ44 (0) 20 7437 8656. Visit our website at www.rsc.org/books Printed in the United Kingdom by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY, UK Preface DOI: 10.1039/9781788013895-FP005 We are pleased to introduce volume 15 of Specialist Periodical Reports in Electrochemistry, which presents comprehensive and critical reviews 5 0 covering some of the most impactful areas of electrochemistry. In this 0 P F volume, Randavir discusses electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as 5- 9 aquantitativetoolforsensorsforawidevarietyofpotentialapplications. 8 3 1 Baranova and co-authors provide a comprehensive and critical dis- 0 8 8 cussion around our current state-of-the-art understanding of ethanol 7 1 8 electrooxidation kinetics in alkaline media. They point to the excellent 7 9 9/ progress made to date, and the challenges remaining, as we move to- 3 10 wards high performance direct ethanol fuel cells. Dennany contributes 0. 1 anextensivediscussionofelectrochemiluminescencesensors,fromtheir doi: fundamental principles to their application in analytic systems, par- org | ticularlyformedicaldiagnostics.Thechapterdiscussesthedevelopment sc. of the most commonly utilized ruthenium base systems, emerging new bs.r materials,andtheirincorporationincompositenanomaterials.Wearable u s://p electrochemical sensors are discussed in a chapter by Mohamed, with p consideration of sensors that monitor sweat, breath, saliva, tears and htt n skin to monitor our health and provide diagnostic signals. Finally, o 8 Adarakatti and Kempahanumakkagari consider techniques for electrode 1 0 2 modification to enhance both kinetics and stability, and the character- ber ization and application of the electrodes in electro-analysis. o ct O 15 Craig Banks and Steven McIntosh n o d e h s bli u P Electrochemistry,2019,15,v–v | v (cid:2)c TheRoyalSocietyofChemistry2019 Author biographies DOI: 10.1039/9781788013895-FP006 6 0 PrashanthS.AdarakattireceivedanM.Sc.in 0 P F Chemistry from P. C. Jabin Science College 5- 9 (Autonomous) at Karnatak University, 8 3 1 Dharwad, India in 2012. He has recently 0 8 8 obtainedhisPhDfromBangaloreUniversity, 7 1 8 Bengaluru, India and has published over 7 9 9/ 20 papers and is currently a Postdoctoral 3 10 Researcher at the Solid State and Structural 0. 1 Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science oi: d (IISc),Bengaluru,India.Hiscurrentresearch org | interests include electrochemical sensors, sc. electroanalytical chemistry and materials bs.r chemistry for energy storage applications. u p s:// p htt n Elena Baranova is a Full Professor in the o 8 Department of Chemical and Biological 1 0 2 EngineeringattheUniversityofOttawa.She er b received her M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering o Oct (1999) and Ph.D in Chemistry (2003) from 15 the Ukrainian State University of Chemical n o Engineering.Shethenpursuedhergraduate d he studies at EPFL, Switzerland, where she s bli completed her Ph.D. in Chemical Engin- u P eering (2005). She became an NSERC post- doctoral fellow in 2005 and later a Research Associate at the National Research Council, Canada.She joinedtheUniversity ofOttawa in2008asatenure-trackAssistantProfessor.Herresearchinterestsarein the area of electrocatalysis and electrochemical promotion of catalysis. vi | Electrochemistry,2019,15,vi–ix (cid:2)c TheRoyalSocietyofChemistry2019 View Online Dr Lynn Dennany has attracted Bd1M in researchfundingtodevelopelectrochemical sensors for chemicaland biomedical sensor applications. She is making pioneering contributions to three core areas: (1) novel electrochemiluminescence (ECL) materials; (2) 6 0 development of robust surface attachment 0 P F strategies for enhanced ECL sensitivities and 5- 9 multiplexed detection; (3) devising of novel 8 3 1 advanced methodologies for ultrasensitive dis- 0 8 8 ease biomarker detection, thus making an 7 1 8 impact on improving clinical practice. In 7 9 9/ particular, the detection of oxidative stress 3 10 leading to mutagenesis, neurological diseases and aging and the early 0. 1 detection of biomarkers for disease detection are continuing themes oi: d withinherresearch.SheiscurrentlyaSeniorLecturerinChemistryatthe org | University of Strathclyde, where she has established the electrochemical sc. analytics group consisting of a postdoctoral fellow and 4 PhD students. bs.r Her vision is to establish rapid and portable electrochemical sensors u s://p for real world applications through understanding of electrochemical p behaviour and event recognition events, particularly biochemical inter- htt n actions. She has published over 40 publications and has successfully o 8 supervised 5 PhD students to completion. 1 0 2 er b o Oct KempahanumakkagariSureshkumarreceived 15 BSc.,MSc.,andPh.D.degrees(Chemistry)in n o the years 2004, 2006 and 2012 respectively d he fromBangaloreUniversity,Bengaluru,India. s bli He then worked as postdoctoral fellow in u P Jain University, India from 2012–2014. He workedaspostdoctoralfellowinChungnam National University, South Korea, from 2014–2015. Then he worked as Research Assistant professor in Hyanyang University, South Korea from 2016–2017. Presently, he isworkingasassistantprofessorinSchoolof Basic and Applied Sciences, Dayananda SagarUniversity,Bengaluru,India.Hiscurrentresearchinterestsinclude development of electrochemical/optical sensors, fuel cells and synthesis of functional organic molecules for thermochromic applications. Electrochemistry,2019,15,vi–ix | vii View Online Mona A. Mohamed received her PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Cairo University, Egyptin2012.Sheisaresearcherofanalytical chemistry in the pharmaceutical chemistry department, NationalOrganizationforDrug ControlandResearch(NODCAR).Sheisnow 6 0 a postdoc researcher at institute of elec- 0 P F tronics microelectronics and nanotech- 5- 9 nology(IEMN),France.Hercurrentresearch 8 3 1 interests are lap-on-chip applications, elec- 0 8 8 trochemical sensors, and the preparation 7 1 8 andcharacterizationofnewdopedgraphene 7 9 9/ basedmaterialsforelectrochemicalsensing. 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d Evans Monyoncho earned a PhD in Chem- org | istryfromtheUniversityofOttawaunderthe sc. co-supervision of Professors Tom Woo and bs.r Elena Baranova in 2017. The PhD project u s://p focused on the rational catalyst design for p ethanol electrooxidation using in-situ and htt n computational studies. Evans currently o 8 holds Mitacs Elevate Post-doctoral fellow- 1 0 2 ship at the University of Ottawa working er b with Prof. Elena Baranova and GBatteries o Oct Energy Canada Inc. Evans is originally from 15 Kenya where he earned a Diploma in Ana- n o lytical Chemistry at The Kenya Polytechnic d he University College. He obtained Bachelors and Masters in Chemistry s bli from Saint Mary’s University and University of Prince Edward Island, u P respectively. viii | Electrochemistry,2019,15,vi–ix View Online Edward Randviir is a post-doctoral research fellow at Manchester Metropolitan Uni- versity. His interests range from using ana- lytical methods to inform public policy, through to the design of new processes to recycle waste materials, and the develop- 6 0 ment of electrochemical sensors. Edward 0 P F has contributed 21 academic articles in the 5- 9 field of electrochemical sensors and 4 book 8 3 1 chapters since the beginning of his PhD in 0 8 8 2011. He has a h-index of 12. 7 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 10 Tom Woo received both his B.Sc. and Ph.D. 0. 1 (1998) in Chemistry at the University of oi: d Calgary in Canada. He did postdoctoral org | research at ETH Zurich and in 2000 started sc. his independent career as an Assistant Pro- bs.r fessor of Chemistry at the University of u s://p Western Ontario in Canada. In 2005 he p becameaCanadaResearchChairinCatalyst htt n Modelling and Computational Chemistry at o 8 theUniversityofOttawa,wherehecontinues 1 0 2 his research today. His research has been er b recognized by several awards, including the o Oct 2016 Canadian Society of Chemistry’s Tom 15 Ziegler Award in theoretical and computational chemistry. n o d e h s bli u P Electrochemistry,2019,15,vi–ix | ix View Online 6 0 0 P F 5- 9 8 3 1 0 8 8 7 1 8 7 9 9/ 3 0 1 0. 1 oi: d g | or c. s s.r b u p s:// p htt n o 8 1 0 2 er b o ct O 5 1 n o d e h s bli u P

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