UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TTeennnneesssseeee,, KKnnooxxvviillllee TTRRAACCEE:: TTeennnneesssseeee RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd CCrreeaattiivvee EExxcchhaannggee Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 6-1981 EElleeccttrroocchheemmiiccaall aanndd SSppeeccttrroossccooppiicc SSttuuddiieess ooff SSoommee LLeessss SSttaabbllee OOxxiiddaattiioonn SSttaatteess ooff SSeelleecctteedd LLaanntthhaanniiddee aanndd AAccttiinniiddee EElleemmeennttss David Edward Hobart University of Tennessee - Knoxville Follow this and additional works at: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss Part of the Chemistry Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Hobart, David Edward, "Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies of Some Less Stable Oxidation States of Selected Lanthanide and Actinide Elements. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 1981. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss/1600 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a dissertation written by David Edward Hobart entitled "Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies of Some Less Stable Oxidation States of Selected Lanthanide and Actinide Elements." I have examined the final electronic copy of this dissertation for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, with a major in Chemistry. Joseph R. Peterson, Major Professor We have read this dissertation and recommend its acceptance: Gleb Mamantov, M. H. Lietzke, Paul G. Huray Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.) Tot heG radutaeC ouinlc: I am sumbititngh erweiht dai ssertiaontw rittebny D aivdE dward Hobaernttti lde "Elcetrocmhiecaaln dS petcroscc oSputidieso fS ome LessS atblOexi daitno StatoefsS eletcedL anthaannidd et Aicdnei Eelmnets."I recmmeondt hati tb ea ccepedti np atrailfu lfilmlenotf ther equiemerntsf ort hed egroefeD ocot ofP hiolspoh,yw itha maojri n Chemitsyr. J Weh avree atdhi sd issertiaotn andr emcmoenidst accetpnace: Acceptfeodrt he Conuci:l ViceC hanecllor GradtueaS utdies andR esearch ELETCROCHCEAMLAI NDS PCETORSOCPCI STUDSI EOSFO MLEES SS TABLE OXIDIAOTNS TAST OEFS ELECLTANETDH ANAINDDE ACTINIEDLEE MENTS A Dissaetroitn Prensteefdo rt he Dotcro ofP hiolsophy Degree The Universiyt ofT ennessee,K novxille DaivdE dwaHrobda rt June 1981 3051973 DEDCIATION Thea uthwoisrh etso d ediactet hisw ortko h is loviwnigf ,e Barrba,a alnodvl eyd autgeh,rM ichelel,f ort heri patiencaen du nder satndidnurgni gt he coursoef t hise nedvao.r ii ACKNLOEWDGMENTS Thea uthowris hse toe xpershsi sg rtatiudaen da pprieaicton to Dr. Josehp R.P etesro,n taecehr,c ollegau,ea ndf rien,df orhe lpful advicaen ds upoprtt hrougthhoecu otru seo ft hisr eesar.c hThea uthor isi ndteebdt oD r.K amalS mahoufno rv albulea lcolbaoriaotna nd freindsihp. kHniolswde gea nd ntieccahalss itsnacea re greatly appercaietd. Sniceraepr peciiaotni se xtentdoeD dr. G lbe Mamantfoorv h elpful guidaen,cs ugegsiton,s and oeunrcagte.mDe rn.M amantvo andD r.sM .H . Litezk,eP .G .H uray,a ndJ .P .Y ounga rea ckwnloedgfeodhr e lpful discuisosnasn d rfeoadrni ga nd itcirqinugt hism ancurisp.t Sepcial thantkosM issC arol Proafposrt ypitnhigs d isrsatetoin. The authoirs g rateuflt ot he Deaprmtenotf C hmeitsr,yU nviersyi t ofT ennsesee (Knolxelv)if orf inainaclsu ppto frisrti nt hef orm of a teaicgnh assisntthasip andt heans a reesarcahss sitanhtisps,p onsdo re byt heU .SDe.pa rtmenotf E nerugnyd ecro nttr DaEcA-S0-75E6R04474. Apperciatoini sa lseox tnedetdo t he ROiakd get oiNnaaLlab orayt or (RONL),o peradt efor U.St.hDe e partmoefnE tne rguyn decrot narct W-740e5n--g26w itthh eU nionC aribdeC oropraito,na ndt ot he TransuranRiesumer achL aobraotry( RTL)f ort heu se oft heirf aicilty. Thes uprptoa ndc oorpaeitono ft heO RNCLh meitsryDv iiiso,nu nder thed iretciono fD r. 0.L .K elelr,J r.,i sr ecnoigzeadn d ackwnlodeged. The tahuoirs i nedbtd etot hee ntries tafoff tThReL fort hierp atiencaen dt echincaslu popr.t Inp articlura,t hea uthor iii iv isg rtaeuflt oD rs.R . HLah.n ,R .G .H air,e G.M .B egnu,D .D . Ens,o Sr.E .N avea,n dG .D .O 'eKlelyf orh elpufla sssitnacea nd discuisosn;sM r. E.L .E alre,yC aptna iT. MCi.tn o,nM r. K. So,w der Mr.A .M assye,M r. J.H . iOvle,rM r.J .B urhkaletr,a ndM r. J.R . Tarranftor tecihcnaalss iasncte;M s. JH.am bya ndM rs.B .M ercefror thoutgufhlenssan dp ateince; atnodM r. CE..H aysn,eM r. WD.. Card,eM nr.T .C ollnis,M r. J.S miht,a ndM r. B.A .P owresf orh ealht physicssup pto.r Apperciaitoni se xtdeendt ot hea uth'oscr olleaegs,u cowoerr,ks andf rien,d Dsr.L ieeuntanDt. HMe.bm re,eM r. MK..P asotricc,h Mr.V .E .N orevl,lD rs.F .D avi,d BG.ui lalum,eJ .B oursg,Ge .B eal,l B.A llrad,M .H ara,M s. I.S hcau,eM rs. K.l lKyMe,r. J.M otetr,nM r.s S.A .M orirsa,n dm anoyt hefrosr ssiatsnace ands upoprt. Speicamle tnoini sm adoef p ersontsh ea uthhoasr a dmiraendd emulateadn d Who phrvaovied elde aedrhsipa nde ncoaugreemn,t Mr.D .B .H obatr,M r. AE..D empsye, S.F rom,eD r. G.C oTc.ah nr, Dr. ande spceaill,y H.E .H elwlege. Dr. ABSRTACT Thet echnioqfu mesu tilnaeouosbs evratoino fe lcertocmhiecaaln d sepctrocsopicp rorpteeis( psetcreolercotcmhietsrya)t o ptcially trapnasreeneltct rod(eOsET 's)h asb eeanpp iledt ot he genreaitona nd chartaecriizoanot fs omlees ss atbleo xidaitons tatoefss eledc te lnahtanidaen da ctniidee lemetns( eC,P r, Sm, Eu,Y b, U,N p, Tb, Am, andC m)i nc moplienxga ndn onmcpolxeing aqsuoleuotuniss.o Optcially tarnspareelcnettr oduesesd i nt hiss utdy inculderdet ciulaetd viteroucsa bron( VRC)a ndm etalsrc eeOnTE 'asn d neaw OT E mafdreo m poromuetsa lfoa m( MPF.) Cylcivco ltammetyr atm icrloeecotdrse wasu sedi nc onujntcoin witshp cetroleetcorchmeitsyr fort hes utdy ofo xidation-rteoidnu c (erdo)x copule.s Ins omcea seadsid itonala nlatyicateclh niqwuerees appleidf ori dneticfaitonio f eectlorchiecmlayl genreateodxd iaiton statsep eiecs;t hesienl cudesdo liuotnab sroptino,s oldi-satte refclteacne,a nd lRaasmearsn p etcroscso,pX i-erapyo wddeifrf raicont andt hergmroaimvetr-miascss epctarla nalyss,er adiomcihceal measuernetmsa,n ds petcorhpotmeotirca ndp otenitomterirce dox titmretiry. Thef orlm raedtuoicnp otentia(l0E' )va leuso ft heM (III)M/(II) rdeoxc oulpesin 1 KMC la tp H6 w erfeo unbdyv otlammteryt ob e -0.34 � 0.10 V fro Eu,- 11.8+ 0.0V1 forY b, and-1 .5+0 0 .10 V for Sm. Spectrpootentisotact dietmeinratoino fE 0' fort heE u(IIIE)u(/II) redocxuo plyeie dleda valueo f V. -0.319� 0.005 Spetcorptoenitsotact mieasumreenotf t he (VCI)ee/C(IIIr)e docxo ulpe inc onecntreadct arbonsaotleun t giaovEe01 e qula to V, 0.051 0�. 005 v vi whihc isa bou1t. V7 l ess poistviet hatnhe E01va leu inn onomcpelxing solunt.iT ohiss maed ifefrencien p otentiwaasl o bservefdo r Et10h e valuoefst heP r(VI)/Pr(IIIa)n dT b(VI)/bT(IIIr)e docxo ulpesin cabronastoleu ito,na ndt huPsr I(V)a ndT b(VI)w erset albziiedi nt his meduim. Thes oluitona bsoripotn ectsrpaa ndr edopxr oeprtesio ft hese aqueso supceies arer eoprte.d sAol di Tb(VI)c-ontianincgo mpowuasn d alspore paraetda nR VCe lcetordei nc arnbaotseol ution. The UV(I)U/V()/UI(V)a ndU (VI)/U(II)Ir edox cowuerpesl utedise d in1 MK Cl atO TE'.s 237Np, 24A3m,a nd24 8cmw eres tduiedi n contanmeint glvoedb ox cifatleiis. Spcetrpootnetitoasct miesaumreetn of tNhpe( )VN/IpV()r edocxo ulpei n1 MHC l40 gavaen E 0'v aleu of 1.410+ 00.05V . Np(IVIw)as geenratbeyde letcrloysoifsN p(VIi)n 2M Na2C30 atp H1 3, and stolheu otnia bsoprtoina ndl aseRamra ns petcar werer ecor,d aendda nE 0v1a leu o0f.6 4 0.0V1 ftohre Np(IVI)N/p(VI) + couep wlas founbdyv olatmmetyr. Oxiadtiono fAm (III)w ass utdiedi nc ocnentratedt ec arbona soltuio,na nda revresbile cylcci volatmmorgma for theAm (IV/A)m(III) copule yileeddE 01= 0.29� 0.0V1 i nt hism eidumt;h ivsal eu was used toe stmiatteh es atndarredd tuicopno teinalt (E0)o ft he coulpea s 2.26 + 0.0V1. T hes oluitona bsoprtions petcurma ndr edobxe hiarov of Am(IVw)e rec ompatroet dho seo fAm (V)an dAm (VI)i nt hiss ammeed ium. Attempst too xidie zCm(IIIi)nc onecnttreadc arnbaotseol utni o weren ot scucefsuslwh ichs ugegsttsha tt hep reidcteEd0v aleu for the Cm(VI)/mC(IIIr)e docxo ulpem ayb ei ne rr.o r TABLOEF CONTENTS CAHPTER PAGE I.I NTROTDIUOCN 1 • A. Backrgoun.d 1 B.P rospdeo Resaerch 3 Spetcroetlreohcecmsirty. 4 c. • 1.D esrcipiton 4 2. Theo.r y 6 . 3. LiteruarteR eivew 9 D. TheL anthaannidAd ceti nideE lmeetns. • 11 1.E lcetronSirtcu tcur.e . • • 11 2. OxidaitonS tat.e s 12 3. Oxidatn-iRouectdionP otenitals 23 4.S oliuotnAb soripotnS petcar. 27 II.E XPERTIAMLED NETAILS • • 29 A. Inrtodtuoicn• • • 29 1.S petcrpohotmoeter• s• 29 2. Voltmmaeter 29 • 3. GloveBdo xe. s• • 29 4.A ccesorsyE quimpent 31 B.E lcertodeasn dC ells• • • 33 1.C onvteoinnla WorkinEglc ertodes 33 2. Optciayl Tlranpsarte Enlcetroeds. • 34 3. Refenrcee Eelctrosd •e • • 36 4.C ounteErle ctordes. 36 s. Teflno CellH oldre • . • 36 c. Reagtesn • • • 37 D. Procureeds 40 • • • 1.G enearlP roecduers. • • 40 2. Lanhtainde Eleemnts • • • 41 3. ActniidEeel metns • 44 4.D ataT reatmetn . 48 vii