Downloaded from on: Jan 17, 2023 Electroacoustical simulation of listening room acoustics for project ARCHIMEDES Bech, Søren Published in: Acoustical Society of America. Journal Link to article, DOI: 10.1121/1.2027447 Publication date: 1989 Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link back to DTU Orbit Citation (APA): Bech, S. (1989). Electroacoustical simulation of listening room acoustics for project ARCHIMEDES. Acoustical Society of America. Journal, 86(S1), S2-S2. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. PROGRAM OF The 118th Meeting of the AcousticalS ociety of America Adam's Mark Hotel ß St. Louis, Missouri ß 27 November-1 December 1989 MONDAY EVENING, 27 NOVEMBER 1989 ST. LOUIS D, 7:00 TO 9:00 P.M. Tutorial on Architectural Acoustics Mauro Pierucci, Chairman Departmento f Aerospacaen d EngineeringM echanicsS, an DiegoS tate UniversityS, an Diego, California 92182 TUI. Architecturala cousticsT:h e forgodtitmene nsionE. wart A. Wetherill (Wilson, lhrig, and Associates, lnc., 5776 Broadway,O akland, CA 94618) The basic considerationso f architeclural acouslics---isolation from unwanled noise and vibration, control of mechanicasl ystemn oise,a nd room acousticsd escilgena-r-l-ya erxee amllp lifiedin Sabinc'sd esignf or BostonS ymphonyH all. Openedin ! 900,t hish all iso neo f theo utstandinsgu ccessiens m usicaal cousticsY.e t, asw e approachth e hundredtha nniversaryo f Sabine'sfi rste xperimentsa,c ousticacl haracteristicrse main one of the leastc onsidereda spectso f buildingd esign.T his is due, in part, to the difficultyo f visualizingt he acouslicaol utcomeo f designd ecisionsc,o mplicatedb y individuajlu dgmenta st o whatc onstitutegso oda cous- tics. Howlaecvke or,f tah ec omprehensivtee achingp rogramr emainst he dominantp roblem.S ignificant advanceso ver the past 2 or 3 decadesin measuremenat nd evaluationh ave refinedt he ability to design predictabilitya nd to demonsIratea cousticalc oncernst o others. New such as sound intensity measurementnse, wd escriptorfso r rooma cousticpsh enomenaa,n dt her efinemetn o f recordinga, nalysisa,n d amplificationt echniquesp rovidef reshi nsightsin to the behavioro f soundi n air and other media.T heset opics are reviewedw ith particulare mphasiso n the needf or a comparablea dvancein translationo f acousticp rinci- plesi nto buildingt echnologies. Sl J. AcoustS. oc.A m.S uppl.1 , VoL8 6, Fall1 989 118thM eetingA: cousticaSlo cietyo f America S1 TUESDAY MORNING, 28 NOVEMBER 1989 ST. LOUIS BALLROOM C, 8:00 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON SessionA . Architectural Acoustics I: Electronic Room Simulation for Production and Reproduction Elizabeth A. Cohen, Cochairman CharlesM . Salter AssociatesIn, c., 130 Sutter Street,S an Francisco,C alifornia 94101 J. ChristopherJ affe,C ochairman JaffeA cousticIsn, c., 114A WashingtoSnt reet,N orwalk,C onnecticu0t6 854 Chairman's Introduction4:00 SpecialT ribute--8:05 Theodore John Schultz--A Tribute Presentbeyd:E warAt .W ether(il Wl ilsolnh,r iga, ndA ssocia5t7e 7s6,B roadwOaya,k lanCd,a liforn9ia4 618) Invited Papers 8:15 A1. Electroacousticasl imulationo f listeningr oom acousticsfo r projectA RCHIMEDES. S6rcn Bcch (The AcousticsL aboratoryT, echnicaUl niversityo f Denmark,B uilding3 52,D K-2800 Lyngby,D enmark) ARCHIMEDES is a psychoacoustircess earchp roject,f undedu ndert he EuropeanE UREKA scheme. Threep artnerss haret he worki nvolvedT: he AcousticsL aboratoryo f The TechnicaUl niversityo f Denmark; Banga ndO lufseno f Denmark;a ndK EF Electronicosf EnglandI.t s primaryo bjectis t o quantifyt hei nfluence of listeningro oma cousticosn the timbreo f reproducesdo undF. or simulationo f thea cousticosf a standard listeningro om,a n electroacoustsice tuph asb eenb uilt in an anechoicc hamberT. he setupi s basedo n a computemr odeol f thel isteningro om,a ndi t consistosf a nmnbeor f loudspeakeprso sitioneodn a n imaginary spheres urroundintgh e positiono f the tests ubjectT. he setuph asb eend esignefdo r the highesdt egreeo f flexibility.T his includesth e possibilityo f simulationo f directivityc haracteristicosf normald omesticlo ud- speakerasn da bsorptiocno efficienotsf thes urfaceosf thel isteningro om.T hisp aperi s a presentatioonf the systemw, iths peciaelm phasiosn t hep sychoacoustibcaacl kgrounodf t hed esignT. hisw ill includea discussion of choiceo f experimentaplr ocedurete, sts timuli,a ndt ests ubjectass w ella sp urposbe uiltl oudspeakearsn dt he DSP system. 8:45 A2. The psychoaeousticosf loudspeakesr oundr eproduction--Pasta chievementasn dp resentp roblemsF. loyd E. Toole (Division of Physics,N ational ResearchC ouncil, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada) The designo f loudspeakeriss graduallyb eingp ut on a scientificb asisA. rt and intuitionh aveg ivenw ay to engineeringg uidelinesa st he relationshipbse tweenp erceptionasn d technicalm easurementhsa veb eene luci- dated.I ndeed,w ithin limitedc ircumstancelso, udspeakercsa nb e designedto meets pecifice ngineeringd esign objectivesw, ithc onsiderabcleo nfidencien howt heyw ill bes ubjectiveleyv aluatedI.n practiceh, owevera, ll of ther elevanct onditionasr en otc ontrolleda, nds everafla ctorsc onspirteo precludeu niversasla tisfactioanm ong listenersM. ost of the uncertaintya ppearst o bei n the interactionsb etweenlo udspeakersr,o oms,l istenersa, nd programm aterial.T his paperr eviewsth e presenst tateo f knowledgea,n d outlinesth e areasm osti n needo f furtherw ork.I t isc leart hat additionapl sychoacousticdaalt aa nds uitablete chnicailn novationcsa na lleviate someo f the remainingp roblems.O thers,t hough,m ay be better treatedb y standardization. 9:15 A3. RODS---An advanced approach to electronic reverberation enhancement. Peter W. Barnett (AMS AcousticsL, td., 52 ChaseS ideS outhgateL, ondonN 14 SPA, United Kingdom) This paperw ill brieflyr eviewt he recenth istoryo f reverberatioenn hancemenatn d then examineth e processiensv olvedin thed evelopmenotf t heR ODS ( Reverberation-on-DemaSnyds temc) oncepTt.h et heory and implementationo f the RODS conceptw ill be explainedf,o llowedb y examplesa nd resultso f recent installations. S2 J. Acoust.S oc. Am. Suppl.1 , Vol. 86, Fall 1989 118th Meeting:A cousticaSl ocietyo f America S2 9:45 A4. (cid:127)plali(cid:127)tion usingv oicea ndm usic(cid:127)s the sourceJ. ohn Meyer (Meyer SoundL aboratories2,8 32S an PabloA venue.B erkeleyC, A 94702) A source-independteencth niquteo measuraec curateltyh ea mplitudaen dp hasere sponsoef s ounds ystems in concerht allsi sd iscusseMd.e asuremenmtsa yb em aded uringli vep erformanceosr eventsu, singm usico r voicea st he tests ignalsC. orrelatioins shownb etweenth e impulse(cid:127)e sponsea ndt he resultso btainedu sing musics ignalsA. n equalizetrh atc orrectsfo r manyr oomr esonanceins b otha mplitudea ndp hases imultaneous- ly hasb eend evelopedT.h e effecot f thise qualizeor n concerst ystemisn an existingv enueis shown. 10:15 A5. A spatial soundp rocessofro r headphonea nd Ioudsl(cid:127)eakerr eproductionW. illiam L. Martens, Gary S. Kendall,a ndM artin D. Wilde (SoundSpherIen, c., 1030D avisS treet,E vanstonI,L 60201) A spatials oundp rocessofro r stereoh cadpbonea nd loudspeakerre productionis describedth at can posi- tion sounde lementsw ithin a threc-dimensionrael verberanst paces urroundingth e listener.S patialm otiono f sounds ourcesin three dimensioniss createdb y dynamicf ilteringb asedo n head-relatedtr ansferf unctions. Additionalf iltersa nd delayl inesc apturea ir absorptiona nd Dopplers hiftinga s the propagationti me is manipulatefdo r bothd irecta ndi ndirects oundT. he spatiotempordails tributiono f earlyr eflectioniss c aptured for a givens ource/listeneorr ientationT: he gain,d elay,a nd directionafli lteringo f simulatedre flectionasr e responsivteo changesin thes pecifiedp ositiona ndo rientationo f thes ounds ourcea ndt he listener'sh eadi n the simulatede nvironmenTt.h e spatiapl rocessocra nb eu sedf or headphonree productiouns inga head-tracking devicea, ndc ana lsob e usedi n moret ypicalr eproductions ettingss ucha sl ivingr oomsw ith stereolo udspeak- ers.I n the latterc asea, dditionapl rocessinigs e mployedto stabilizeth e stereoim agea ndp roducea spatially diffuser everberanst urrounde ffecto vera wide rangeo f listeningp ositions. 10:45-11.'00 Break Contributed Papers 11:00 11:15 A6. Binaural simulationt echniquef or scale modeling.N . Xiang and J. Blauert( Lehrstuhlf ar AllgemeineE lektroteehniku ndA kustik,R uhr A7. On the model order for the identification of acoustical systems. Universit(cid:127)it, D-4630 Bochum 1, FederalR epublico f Germany) Nobuo Koizumi (NTT Human Interface Laboratories, Tokyo 180, Japan}a ndR ichardH . Lyon (Departmento f MechanicaEl ngineering, Rooms imulatiofno r thep urposoef predictinagc oustibce havioar nd MIT, CambridgeM, A 02139) qualityh asr ecentlyb ecomea populart opici n rooma cousticsA.t the Ruhr Universityt,h ee xperiencoef theb inauralh umanl isteneirn a room The pole/zerom odela ndt hef initei mpulsere spons(eF IR) modela re simulationu singb othp hysicaal ndc omputemr odelingh asb eena uthenti- useda s systemm odelsfo r the identificatioonf unknowna cousticasly s- callyr ecreatedT. hisp aperr eportso n thel atests tageo f thep resenwt ork tems.T he size of the model is particularlyi mportanti n discrete-time in binauralr ooms imulationu singa scaledd ownp hysicaml odel,w herea implementatioans i t determinetsh e convergencrea teo f adaptationa nd sensitivem iniatured ummy head with accuratclys caledp innae( scale capacityo fr eal-timep rocessinTgh. eo rdero ft hep ole/zerom odeils r elat- factor1 :10)s ervesa sa receivetro picku p them odels oundfi eld.A versa- ed to modal distributiono f systemsw hile the order of the FIR model tile PC-baseds ystemm easuresth e binaurali mpulser esponseisn model dependosn its dampingfa ctor.E ffectiveo rderso f bothm odelsa ree sti- spacea ccordingto the m-sequencter ansforma nd alsoe arficao ut the matedf rom the statisticapl ropertieosf acousticasly stemsIn. a three- convolutiono f ther oom-impulsree sponsewsi th ancchoics peecho r music dimensionale nclosure,i ts volume and reverberationt ime are used for signalsA. n especiallyw ide broadbandu ltrasonictr ansmitters ystemis estimationI.t iss hownt hat, whenm odald ensityo f the systemis low, such necessartyo providet he desiredc omplexs timulationo f the soundf ield. asi n a smalle nclosurea, nd frequencyra ngei s narrow,p ole/zerom odel- After the necessarsyi gnalp rocessingth, e resultings ignalsc anb c listened ing can greatlyr educet he modelo rder. [Work supportedb y NTT Hu- to binaurally via headphones[. Work supportedi n part by Deutsche man InterfaceL aboratoriesT, okyo 180,J apan.] Forsehungsgemeinsch] aft. 11:30-12:00 Panel Discussion S3 J. Acoust.S oc. Am. Suppl.1 , VoL8 6, Fall 1989 118th Meeting:A cousticaSl ocietyo f America S3 TUESDAY MORNING, 28 NOVEMBER 1989 ST. LOUIS BALLROOM G, 8:00 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON SessioBn . PhysicaAl cousticIs: ScatteringP, ropagationD,i ffractiona, ndR eflection JulianD . Maynard, Chairman DepartmoefPn th ysiPcse,n nsylvSatnaitaUe niversUitnyi,v ersPiatyrk P, ennsyilav1 a6n8 02 ContributedP apers Kristenssoann dS . Strrm, J. Acoust.S oc.A m. 64, 917-936 ( 1978) ; G. S. 8:00 Sammelmanna nd R. H. Hackman, J. Acoust. $oc. Am. 82, 324-336 B1. Consequencoefs t hea coustibc ipolarc ouplingtso largea specrta tio ( 1987) ]. Thesea rticlesc onsidesr cattererisn nonattenuatingliq, uidm e- scatterersR. oger H. Hackman( PhysicalA cousticsB ranch,N aval dia.W heno bjectsb uriedin sedimenatr ec onsideredh,o wevers, ediment CoastaSl ystemCs enter,P anamaC ity, FL 32407) attenuationin troducedfu ndamentallny ewf eaturesin to the description of thes catterinpgr ocessT.h e interactiono f an incidenpt lanew avew ith It hasb eens uggestetdh at a planew avea xiallyi ncidento n a large the sediment-seawatienrt erfaced istortsth e phase-amplitudreel ationo f aspecrta tios catterecro upletso botht hei nsonifieedn do f thes catterer the wave incidento n a scattererin the sedimentT. he descriptiono f the andt ot hee ndi n theg eometrisch adowa,t lowk D/2 (Dis eithert hem inor scatterinogf thesein homogeneowuasv esr equiresth e introductioonf axiso f a spheroido r the diameteor f a cylinder)[ Williamse t al., J. new, suitably modified basiss tatesf or the solutiono f the scattering Acoust.S oc.A m. 85, 2372-2377 (1989) ]. This effecti s concretelye stab- problemT.h em odificatioonf t heT -matrixa ndw aveguidthee oriedse vel- lisheda, ndi tse xperimentcaol nsequencaeresd iscusseind s omed etailA. opeda t theN avalC oastaSl ystemCse nteris discusseadn da numerical novelc losed-formex pressioins d erivedf or t(cid:127)e axisymmetriecl,a sticr e- studyo f thes catterinbgy a thins phericaslh ellb uriedin an attenuating sponsoef a largea specrta tiot argetth atd irectlyin corporattehse b ipolar liquids edimenits presented. couplinogf thea coustiacn de lasticfi eldsT. hef ormo f thef inale xpression is,i n somer espectss,i milart o thato btainedfr omt heg eneralizegde omet- ric theoryo f diffractionin theh igh-frequencliym it for elastics phereasn d cylindersa,l thoughth ep hysicaals sumptioanrse q uited ifferentS. imple, approximaetes timateosf thep arameteirnsv olvedin thise xpressioanre 8:45 obtaineda nd comparedw ith a T-matrixc alculation. B4. High-frequencayc oustiscc atterinfgr oma doublyp eriodice llipsoidal surface: Neumann boundary conditions. Garner C. Bishop and Judy Smith( Naval UnderwaterS ystemCs enter,N ewport,R I 02840) 8:15 An exacts olutioni s obtainedf or the scattero f an acousticp lanew ave B2. The acoustiscc atteringb y a submergeedl,a stics phericasl hell:T he from an infinites urfacec onstructefdr om a doublyp eriodica rrayo f infi- transitionf rom thin to thick shellsG. ary S. Sammelmanann d Roger nitea ndp aralleel llipticasl emicylindeNrse. umannb oundarcyo nditions H. Hackman( PhysicaAl cousticBs ranch,N aval CoastaSl ystems arei mposeadn dt heH elmholtz-Kirchhoifnft egraul sedto calculatteh e scatterepdr essurfeie ld.F redholmin tegrael quationosf thef irsta nds ec- Center, PanamaC ity, FL 32407) ond kind are used to calculate the surface field. Numerical calculations A fundamentalolyri enteadn alysiosf t hep oles tructuroef t hea coustic are performetdo determinteh e effectso f geometripca rameterosn the scatterinmga trixin t hel ow-t oh igh-frequenrecgyi on(0 <kay1<0 00a) sa scatterepdr essurfeie lda ndt hed ependenocfe t hes urfacfeie ldo nt het ype functioonf m oden umberd,e nsitya,n ds oundsp eefdo rs everaslh eltlh ick- ofF redholmin tegrael quationu sedR. esultsa rea lsoc omparewd itht hose nessehsa sb eenp reviousplyr esente[dJ. AcousSt. oc.A m.S uppl1. 83, for scatteringfr om a sinusoidasl urface. S94( 1988);S uppl1. 84,S 185( 1988);S upplI. 85,S 95( 1989)].T he threem ositn terestinrges ultosf thisa nalysiwse re:( 1) Duet o fluidl oad- ing,t hev acuuman tisymmetLraicm bm odaeo a ndt her igidF ranzm odes switcht ails top roducae s ubsonaioc _ m odeth atr esembltehse v acuum 9:00 antisymmetLriacm bm odea t lowk a anda na o+m odeth atr esemblaeo s ath ighk a;( 2) them id-frequenecnyh ancemeonfa t thins helils a ssociat- BS. Contributions to the form function for elastic spheresb ased on a edw ith thisb ifurcationo f thea ntisymmetriLca mbw ave[ J. AcoustS. oc. producte xpansiono f the S function:N umericalt ests.P hilip L. Marston Am. 85, 114--124( 1989)] ; and (3) the existencoe f strongt hickness (Departmento f PhysicsW, ashingtonS tateU niversity,P ullman,W A resonanceass sociatewdi th the existencoef regionso f negativeg roupv e- 99164) locityfo rt het hirda ntisymmetLriacm bw aveo na thins phericsahl ellI.n thisp resentatitohne,t rajectorioefst h ep oleosf t hea coustSic m atrixa sa Associatewd ith the scatteringp hases hift6 , of the nth partialw ave functiono f thet hicknesosf thes hella ref ollowedA. unifiedp ictureo f the fora s pheroef r adiuas ist hef unctioSn, (x) = exp[ 2i6n ] , wherex = ka. resonancsetr ucturoef a sphericaslh elal sa functioonf sheltl hicknesiss A theoremfr omc lassicaslc atteringth eoryl eadst o aproducet xpansioonf presenteadn, dt hei mportancoef tails witchinogf thee lastica ndd iffrac- Sn, which allows for multiple resonances[ P. L. Marston, J. Acoust. $oc. tlyed egreeosf freedomin thet ransitiofnro ma thickt o a thins helli s Am. Suppl.I 84, S185( 1988) ]. ThisS , remainsm anifestlyu nitarye ven for multipler esonancels a nd clarifiesim plicita ssumptionosf RST. The illustrated. elasticc ontributionfs,(cid:127) to the formf unctiond ependo n complexk a pole locationsx.(cid:127)=--X.t -- i(F(cid:127)t/2) and * whereX (cid:127)t >0 , F(cid:127)>O, and * denotesc omplex conjugation.I n the case of only two resonances (l = 1,2),i tmayb es hownth atf ,(cid:127) =f(cid:127)t +f,,2 d-f l,i (cid:127)l +f(cid:127). The f,,(cid:127) have 8:30 a Breit-Wigner form f(cid:127) B3. Acoustici nteractionsw ith buriedo bjects.R aymond Lim and Roger --x-- (i/2)F(cid:127)t ] and (cid:127), is the phases hifta ssociatewdi th the back- H. Hackman (Physical AcousticsB ranch, Naval Coastal Systems groundfa ctoro f S(cid:127). The term f(cid:127) is a terma ssociatewdi th the polea t Center, PanamaC ity, FL 32407) -- x,*,itn thel efth alfo ft hec omplekxa planew hilef (cid:127)i.(cid:127)l isa ni nteraction term.T he effecto f f(cid:127) is smalli f F(cid:127) <X,t. This approximatioonf f(cid:127) is The theoreticadl escriptiono f the scatteringfr om objectsn earm edi- confirmedb y numericalc omparisonw ith the f(cid:127), basedd irectlyo n the um boundariehs asb eent hes ubjecot f a numbero f recenta rticles[ e.g.,G . S4 J.A cousSt.o cA. mS. upp1l., V ol8. 6,F all1 989 118thM eetingA:c ousticSaol cietoyf A merica S4 producet xpansionT.h ec omparisoanls os howsth ato missioonf thet erm sentatiofonr s ource-excited-time-harpmreosnsiucfr iee ldisn t hep resence f((cid:127)., i canin troduscueb stanetriraol rfos rx betweXe,n(cid:127) a ndX ,2,. [Work of a thin elastics phericasl helli mmersedin differenti nteriora nd exterior supportedb y ONR. ] fluidsT. he newf ormulatioind entifiedsi rectlyth et ravelinwg avews ith theirm ultipleen circlemeonft tsh es helbl ye xtendinthge 0 domainfr om itsc onvention0a<l 0(cid:127)<(cid:127)r rangew ith periodicitcyo nstraintins tot he un- bounded( multisheeted)d omainw ithout thesec onstraintsT. he new for- mulatioanl sos ystematiztehset reatmenotf s phericcaal psa ndo thertr un- cateds ectionPse. riodicitfyo r thec losesdh elils r ecoverebdy s umming 9:15 contributionfrso ma ni nfinitea rrayo f images ourcelso catedin then on- physicalp ortion0 < 0 and0 > rro f thea ngulasr paceT.h er igorousso lu- B6. Lips causticsin light backscatterefdro m an acousticalllye vitated tion is obtainedb y synthesiosv er a complexs pectracl ontinuuma, nd sl(cid:127)heroidalw ater drop. Harry J. Simpsona nd Philip L. Marston variousa lternativree presentatioanrse d erivedfr omi t. Speciaalt tentionis (Departmenot f PhysicsW, ashingtoSnt ateU niversityP, ullmanW, A givent o rigorouhsi gh-frequencays ymptotifco rmst hatd escribteh ew ave 99164-2814) phenomenina t ermso fi ncidenatn dg eometricarlelyf lecterda yf ieldsa,n d Cuspd iffractiocna tastrophtehsa to penu pr oughlytr ansverstoe t he alsoi n termso f surfacgeu idedra yf ieldsT. hel attera ree xcitedb yp hase propagatiodnir ectionar ek nownto existf or bothl ighta nds ound[P . L. matchinogf thei ncidenrta yf ieldt o thet ravelinwg avem odeisn thes hell, MarstonJ,. AcousSt. ocA. m.8 1,226-232(1 987)].T heym ayb ep ro- andt heyr eachth eo bservebry p hasem atchedd etachmen[ st eea, lsoP, . L. ducedb y reflectingh igh-frequencsyo undf rom curveds urfacesIn. the MarstonJ, . AcoustS. oc.A m. 83, 25-37 (1988)]. The phasem atching presenrte searcah c, loselrye latedc austiicn whichth ec uspc urvejso int o appliesto directlye xcitedle akyw avesa s well as to wavesth at decay forma p airo fl ipsis s tudiedT.h isc austiwca sp redictetdoe xist[ J.F . Nye, initiallyin tot hef luid;t hel attera ree xcitedfr oma n exteriosr ourcbe y Nature3 12,5 31-532( 1984)] in lightb ackscatterferdo mh orizontally evanescenttu nneling.[ Work supportedb y the O(cid:127)ce of Naval Research illuminateodb lated ropso f waterp, rovidetdh ea xisr atioq = D/H was and David Taylor ResearchC enter.] withinc ertainra ngesT.h ea ssociaterady sa red iffracteadt thed rop's surfacea ndh aveo nlyo nei nternarl eflectionA. s q is increaseadb oveth e criticalv alueq 4(cid:127) 1.31a ssociatewdi tha hyperboliucm bilicf ocals ection, thec uspp ointsa t thee ndso f thel ipsc austiwc erep redictetdo mergein the backwardd irectiona t a lips event whenq = qL(cid:127)1.42. For qL(cid:127) < q < qc2 (cid:127) 1.58,n o causticfso r thisc lasso f ray aree xpectedw hilea 10:f10 seconldip se vento ccursa t qL2 - Observationosf f arfields catterinfgro m levitatedd ropss upportN ye's analysisa nd illustratea mechanismfo r B9. The opticali llusiono f sound.B radfordL . Swartz (Communication producinglip s causticsT.h e observebda ckscatterinisg w eakf or q DisordersC, entralM ichiganU niversity,M t. PleasantM, I 48859) betweenq L(cid:127) andq (cid:127)2. [Work supportedb y ONR. ] The graphicd epictiono f soundis nota straightforwarmd atter.S ta- tionaryr epresentationuss ingl ines,w aveso, r circlesle avet he notiono f movemen(te itherp articleo r energy)a ndp ressurfelu ctuationws ithint he wavet o ther eader'sim aginationT.h e commons inuouws aves hapee vi- denti n mosta ll sourceos f studyo riginatesfr om Lissajousa,n d resulted 9:30 fromh ist ransfeor f tuningfo rkm otionsin toa pointo f reflecteldig htt hat traverseda screenL. issajoupse rformedh is experimentwsi th finelyf o- B7. Quasiperiodo f variationsi n the backscatteringan d total cross cusede lectricla mpl ight,t uningf orks,a ndm irrorsS. imilare xperiments sectionos f sphericasl hellsS. tevenG . Kargl and PhilipL . Marston canb er eplicatetdo dayu singla serli ghta nda udios peakerTsh. uso nec an (Departmenot f PhysicsW, ashingtonS tateU niversityP, ullman,W A morer eadilyg aina na ppreciatiofno r thef amiliarw avep atternr epresent- 99164-2814) ing sound,a nd seeb y the simplei nstrumentsu sedt o createi t, how this waveformis n ota trued epictiono f thes hapeo f soundw avesin a medium. Quantitativrea ym ethodfso r leakys urfaceel asticw avesa rea pplied It isi n realitya displacemevnet rsutsim eg raphB. yu singm ultiplefo rkso r [P. L. MarstonJ,. AcoustS. ocA. m.8 3,2 5-37( 1988)]t o approximate speakerisn opposinpgl anesa ndt unedt o variousfr equencietsh, ec reation theq uasiperioodf s tructureins backscatterianngd t otals catterincgr oss of the singlea- ndm ultiple-ellipsLeis sajoupsa tternsth at are oftenp ro- sectionsT.h e relevanat mplitudeisn thism odecl ontaina Fabry-Perot ducedo n an oscilloscopsec reenc an alsob e accomplished. resonancdee nominatowr, hich for spheresis [1 +exp( 2tr/3(cid:127) + t2rac/c(cid:127)) ] for the lth classo f SEW;x = ka = (cid:127)oa/c andc (cid:127) (x) and /3,( x) aret heS EWp hasev elocitayn dr adiationd ampincgo e(cid:127)cient.T he incremenint x betweerne sonancfeosra givenl followfsr omt hec ondition A(xc/c(cid:127)) = 1. From the Taylor expansion[c ,(x+ Ax)]-(cid:127) (cid:127)c(cid:127)(x) (cid:127) + Axd(c(cid:127) (cid:127))/dx, the approximatree sonancsep acing Ax(cid:127)c(cid:127),/c forw eakldyi spersiSvEeW h avinag g roupve locitcy(cid:127) ( x) is 10:15 obtained(.T hisa pproximatiohna sb eenn otedb yo thers.T) heq uasiper- B10. Acoustic surface shape resonances. Alexei A. Maradudin iodo fa b roads tructurinet het otals catterincgro ssse ctioinsa lsoa pproxi- (Departmento f PhysicsU, niversityo f California,I rvine,C A 92717) mateda sA x(cid:127) (cid:127) 2(cid:127)r [ 2 cos0 , - (c/c,)( (cid:127)r - 20(cid:127) ) ] (cid:127), sin0 , = c/c,,w hen dispersioisnn eglecteTdh. isf ollowsfr oma conditioonn t hep hasien cre- Acoustics urfaces haper esonanceasr ev ibrationael xcitationsth at are mento f the forwarda mplitudeB. oth typeso f variationsd uet o Lamb localizedin thev icinityo f an isolatedp rotuberancoer indentationo n the wavec ontributioncsa nb es eenin exacta ndr ay-synthescisa lculationfso r otherwisep lanar,s tress-freseu rfaceo f a semi-infinitee lasticm edium.T he a sphericasl hell. [Work supportedb y ONR. ] protuberancem ay be fabricatedf rom the samem aterial as the substrate, or froma differenmt aterialI.n generalt,h erei sa n infiniten umbero f such resonanceass sociatewdi th a givens urfacep erturbationT.h eir frequen- ciesa red iscretbee causoef thel osso f translationsayl mmetrcya usedb y thes urfacpee rturbatiotnh;e ya rec omplebxe causteh eyo verlapth er ange of frequencieasll owedt hev ibrationso f thes ubstratein, tow hicht heyc an 9:45 decaya; ndt heyd ependo n thes hapeo f the protuberancoer indentation, B8. New rigorous and ray-acoustict raveling wave formulations for ando n the relationo f the materialp ropertieos f the protuberanc(em ass source-excited thin elastic spherical shells immersed in fluids. L. density,e lasticm oduli) to thoseo f the substrateM. ethodsf or calculating B. Felsena ndJ . M. Ho (Departmenot f ElectricaEl ngineerinagn d the frequencieosf the acoustics urfaces haper esonanceass sociatewdi th ComputeSr cienceP, olytechniUcn iversityF, armingdaleN, Y 11735) protuberanceosr indentationos f simplef ormsa re describedR. esultsa re presentetdh ats uggestht ata coustiscu rfaces hapere sonancecsa nb es tud- A continuouLse gendr6tr ansforms panningth e polara ngle( 0) do- iede xperimentallbyy thes catteringo f acousticw avesfr om thes tructure main - o(cid:127) < (cid:127)9< o(cid:127) is employedto derivea rigorousn ewi ntegrarl epre- supportingt hem. S5 J.A cousSt.o cA. mS. opp1I., V ol@. 6F, all1 909 118thM eetinAg:c ousticSaolc ietoyf A merica $5 10:30 11:15 Bll. Diffractiono fa points ourcea bouta disk.J .J. Dlubac,C .W. Jiang, B14. Predictiono f bendingr esonanceosn elastics pheroidsd uet o oblique and B. Yim (David Taylor ResearchC enter, Bethesda,M D 20084- incidenpt lanew avesfr ome xactb eamt heorya ndc omparisoton T-matrix 5000) calculationsM. . F. Werby (NORDA, NumericalM odeling,S tennis SpacCe enterM, S 39529)a ndG . C. Gaunaurd(N avalS urfacWe arfare Computationosf diffractiono f an acoustipc oints ourcea bouta hard Center,W hite Oak Laboratory,S ilver Spring,M D 20903) ands oftd iska rep resentedT.h es olutiong, ivena sa serieso f oblates pher- oidalw avefunctionsis,b asedo nt hec lassicaaln alysis[ J . J. BowmanT, . B. Exactb eamt heoryp redicttsh ep resencoef bending or flexurarle - A. Senior,a ndP . L. E. UslenghiE, lectromagnetaicn d,qcoustiScc attering sonancefrso mo bliquein cidenpt lanew avesI.n an earlierp aperT, imo- by$ impleS hapes(N orth-Holland,A msterdamT, he Netherlands1, 969), shenkoth eory,w hicha ssumeas constanmt omento f inertiaa longt he Chap. 14]. In the limit as the sourceg oest o infinity,t he plane-wave beam,w ase mployedto derivea n approximatteh eoryt o predicftl exural solutionis r ecoveredC. omputationws ith thef ieldp ointo n thed iskv erify resonanceGso. oda greemenwta sf ound( for thel owerm odesw) ith the the boundaryc onditions.P arameters tudiesa re presenteda, nd conver- exact T-matrix calculationsb asedo n exact3 -D elastodynamicsIt. is pos- gencec riteria are discussed. siblet os olveth ee xactb eame quationu singp hasem atchingte chniquetos predictb ending resonancleo cationsS. uchc alculationasr ep erformed for spheroidfso r aspecrta tiosf rom 1.5t o 10,w ithe xtremelyg ooda gree- mentb etweenb eamt heorya nd the exact T-matrixc alculationfso r all modes. 10:45 B12. Reflectivity of monolayerso f bubblelikes catterersa t water/solid 11:30 interfacesI.v an Tolstoy (KnockvennicC, astleD ouglasD G7 3PA, SW Scotland) B15. Sounds catteringf rom a submergedfi nite cylinderw ith ribs. Philip J. Moser,J ian-RenY uan, and Herber(cid:127)bt erall (Departmenot f By redistributingth e energyf lux of an incidentp lanew ave,a toorio- PhysicsC, atholicU niversityo f America,W ashingtonD, C 20064) layero f identicalb ubblelikes catterersa t an interfacem ay, at frequencies closet o the monopolcre sonancteo t,d, rasticallya ltert he reflectivityo f the The effectso f an almost-periodicallsyp aceds eto f ribso n the scatter- surfaceR. eflectivitcya lculationasrc g ivenf or a wavei ncidennt ormally ing of soundf rom a submergecdy lindero f finitel engtha rei nvestigated. uponi nfinites quarela ttices( of basisl) for threem odels(: 1) air bubbles The cylinderi s eithera ssumedso ft( correspondintgo a veryt hin air-filled in a liquidf ullspac(e2,) ' airb ubbleast a water/harsdu rfacoer water/ shell)o r rigid (correspondintog a heavyt hicks hell),a ndi ts scattering elasticp latei nterfacea, nd (3) air-filledc avitiesin a rubberl ayera t such amplitudeis o btainedu singth eg eometricathl eoryo f diffractionT.h e rib an interface.T hesei llustratet he essentiarlo le of multiple scattera nd, scatterinagm plitudeis f oundf romc urvaturec orrectedre sultso f thet heo- mosti nterestinglyt,h ep ossibilityo f reflectivityn ullsf or incidentf requen- ry for a flat platec arryinga rib. Numericalr esultsa res hownf or thec ase ciest o-(cid:127)too-F or case( 3), useo f rubberc onstantgsi venb y earlierw riters of softc ylinderst;h eye xhibitt he onseta nd emergencoe f rib effectso ver [Gaunaurde tal., J. Acoust.S oc.A m. 65, 573-594 (1979) ] showsth at it the backgrounodf scatteringfr om the bodyo f the cylinder. is theoreticallpy ossiblteo selecvt alueso f kl sucht hat a hardw all (or an elasticp late) becomesfu lly anechoicfo r given to(cid:127)-too. For the rubber typesc onsideredth, ee ffectivbe andwidtho f thise ffect( 99% anechoicity) ,xco/coo v ariesb etween0 .01 and0 .05. [Work supportedb y ONR.] 11:45 B16. Diffraction tomographiei nterferometry, a new imaging technique. Woon S. Gan (Acoustical ServicesP te Ltd., 29 Telok Ayer Street, Singapore0 104, Republico f Singapore) A new imagingt echniqued, iffractiont omographicin terferometry 11:00 (DTI), is proposedD. ouble-exposurDeT I and time-averageDd TI are consideredT.h e Borna pproximationis usedt o obtaint he scatteredw ave B13. Acoustical imageso f a submergeda luminum sphere. Char]cs and the filtered-backpropagataiolgno rithmi n the reconstructionF.o r F. Gaumond,B rian H. Houston( Codes5 132a nd 5136,N aval Research double-exposuDrTeI , summatioonf t het wot omogramgsi vesth ed iffrac- Laboratory,W ashingtonD, C 20375-5000),a nd SheilaW oo (Sachs tion tomographiicn terferogramR.e constructiogniv esa cross-sectional Freeman Associates,L andover, MD 20785) imagec overedw ith interferencfer ingesF. or time-averageDdT I, the in- Acousticailm agesu singr eflectionto mography[P . B. Abrahama nd tensityo f ther econstructeimd agei se xpresseidn termso f thec haracteris- C. F. Gaumond, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 82, 1303-1314 (1987)] wcrc made tic function.T his givesa cross-sectioncaol ntouredim ageo f the object from 3-D acousticasl catteringd ata. The data were taken from a 7.6-cm modulatedb y a systemo f interferencefr inges.F or the proposede xperi- (3.0-in.) solida luminums phereu singa semicirculahr oopa rray with mentals etupf or thed ouble-exposuDrTe I, thei nterferogramof theo b- radius0 .85 m, which rotateda round the sphere.T he clements pacingi n ject,a turbineb ladei n its unstressesdta tea nds tressesdt ate,i s recorded the hoopw as2 ø .T he hoopw asr otatedi n 2ø i ncrementfsro mt he back- with the objecti lluminatedf rom variousd irectionsF. or the proposed scatteredd irectiont o the forwardd irection.T he frequencyr angeo f the experimentasle tupfo r thet ime-averageDdT I, a diffractionto mogramis data was 2.7-25 kHz. Thesea cousticailm agesw ere comparedw ith ana- exposefdo r a periodo f timeb y rotatingt he illuminatings ourcea round lytically produceda cousticailm ages. the objects everatl imes,d uringw hich the objecte xecutesa motion. S6 J. Acoust.S oc. Am. Suppl.1 , Vol. 86, Fall 1989 118thM eeting:A cousticaSl ocietyo f America S6 TUESDAY MORNING, 28 NOVEMBER 1989 ST. LOUIS BALLROOM H, 8:00A .M. TO 12:15P .M. Session C. Underwater Acoustics I: Acoustic Fields John Perkins, Chairman Code5 160,N avalR esearchL aboratoryW, ashingtonD,C 20375 Chairman's Introduction--8:00 ContributedP apers 8:05 Can matchedf ield processinbge usedt o determinet he sound-speed environmentg ivena knowns ource?R ecentc omputationsa re very prom- CI. Three-dimensionaml atched-fieldp rocessingw ith an eigenvalue isingi n spiteo f expectedd ifficultiesr elatingt o the nonuniquenesosf solu- methodM. ichaelD . Collins,W . A. Kuperman,J ohnS . Perkins,L aurie tions.I n the range-independencta se,t he essencoe f the approachis to find E. Tinker (Naval ResearchL aboratory,W ashingtonD, C 20375), and the sound-speepdr ofilet hat will maximizet he powers eena t the array. John Glattetre (NorwegianD efenseR esearchE stablishmenPt, .O. Box Thish asr esultedin a profilet hati sc lose to thet ruep rofilea ndf oundb y 115, N-3191 Hotten, Norway) meanso f an exhaustivsee archo f the parametesr paced escribintgh ef am- ily of potentiapl rofilesT. he parametesr pacec onsistosf thec oefficienotsf An eigenvalume ethodf or three-dimensionmala tched-fielpdr ocess- the major empiricalo rthogonalf unctions( EOFs) computedf rom the ing with a verticala rrayh asb eend evelopedfo r localizationo f multiple covariancme atrixo f sound-speepdr ofiles amplesS. ubsurfaceosf the pa- sourcesin rangea nd depth (bearingc an also be determinedw ith the rameter spacea re easily plotted and show well-defined,i nformative methodif thee nvironmenista symmetricT).h em ethodin volveasp plying trendsU. nfortunatelyit, erativete chniqueisn vestigatesdo f ar haves hown the Bartlettb eamformetro the eigenvectorosf the cross-spectrdael nsity convergencdei fficultiesin that they findl ocalm aximaw hichc orrespond matrix. This approacha ppearst o be more effectivet han the standard to profilesw hich are not closet o the true profile.R esultsw ill showt he eigenvaluea pproachin volvingb eamformingo n a linearc ombinationo f procedures ensitivitya sa functiono f arrayl ength,s ourcer ange,d epth, severael igenvectorsE.i genvalueb eamformingm ethodsa re basedo n the andf requencyT.h e keyt o succesfso r thet echniquies thec omputatioonf orthogonatla rgetsa pproximation[R . F. Oragg,N RL Rep. 9143, Naval good EOFs. ResearchL aboratoryW, ashingtonD, C (1989) l- The spatiacl orrelation over a horizontala rray of two sourcesis small providedt he sourcesa re sufficientlys eparatedin bearing.O n the other hand,t he spatialc orrela- tiono vera verticala rrayo f two points ourcems ayb e relativelyla rgef or somes ourcel ocations( i.e., the Bartlett matched-fieldp rocessofro r a 8:50 verticala rrayh asr elativelyla rges idelobes)H. owever,s imulationssu g- gestt hat thise ffectd oesn ot seriouslyd egradet he eigenvaluep rocessing C4. Low-frequencya coustict omographyu singm atchedf ield processing. methodf or verticala rrays.S ourcem otionw ill furthere nhanceth isp ro- II. A. Tolstoy (Code 5120, Naval ResearchL aboratoryW ashington, cessingm ethod. DC 20375) Part I discussetdh e difficultiesa nd successeosf the MFP techniquein a range-independeenntv ironmenPt.a rt II discussepsro grestso d ata( sim- ulationso nly) concerninag range-dependeendtd ye nvironmentF. irst,a 8:20 sound-speesdtr uctureis computeda s the sumo f two Gaussiane ddys. Next samples ound-speepdro filesa re computeda longa selectedra dial C2. A perturbationm ethodf or normalm odet heoryw ith variablev elocity and used to calculate the basic EOFs for the entire environment. The profile. M. F. Werby (Schoolo f Physicsa nd Astronomy,U niversityo f EOFs themselveasr e fairly insensitiveto how the samplingi s donea l- MinnesotaM, inneapolisM, N 55455a ndN ORDA, NumericaMl odeling thought heirc oefficienctsa nc hanges ignificantlyG.i vena seto f EOFs, StennisS paceC enter,M S 39529},a ndP aul Ellis (Schoool f Physicsa nd plotso f theirc oefficienatss a functiono f rangea ndc rossra nges howw ell- AstronomyU, niversityo f Minnesota,M inneapolisM, N 55455) definede, asilyin terpolatebde haviorM. oreovero, nlyt woE OFsa ren eed- ed to describea sound-speepdr ofilet o a highd egreeo f accuracyR. esults Normalm odet heoryi sa veryw ell-developetde chniquefo r predicting will be presenteedx aminingth e sensitivitoy f MFP to changesin the the propagationlo ssi n the oceanf or most stratifiede nvironmentsa nd coefficientsR. egionso f high sensitivityr equiref requentp rofilee stima- velocityp rofilesa, s well as somer ange-dependenent vironmentsS. o why tionsa nd increaseden vironmentasla mplingP. rogressto date suggests another method? The reason is that sometimes it is desirable to retain the that the largef amilyo f parametevr alues( at leastt wo parametersi.,e ., simplet rigonometricfu nctionso btainedf rom constantv elocityp rofiles. EOF coefficientsp,e r profile) plus iteratived ifficultiesa s seeni n Part I This is usuallyd oneb y employingth ea pproximates chemeo f usingm ulti- mayr equiret hea pplicationo f computationalliyn tensivtee chniquessu ch ple layersi n eacho fwhich the velocityp rofilei s assumedco nstantI.n this as simulateda nnealing. work, it is shownt hat this can be carriedo ut nicelyb y representingth e velocity profile in terms of a mini-max fil usingT schebyschefpf olynomi- alsa nd a first-orderp erturbationt echniqued erivedf rom Sturm-Liouville theory.T he derivationle adst o a compactc losede xpressiotnh at is easily programmableT.h e resultsfr omt hef ormulationa rec omparedw ith other methods. 9:05 C5. Environmental mismatehinge ffectso n sourcel ocalization processing in mode space. E. C. Shang and Y. Y. Wang {CIRES, University of Colorado/NOAA, Wave PropagationL aboratory, Boulder, CO 80303) 8:35 The performanced egradationo f the matchedf ieldp rocessing(M FP) causedb y environmentaml ismatchingh asb eena n intriguings ubjectA. C3. Low-frequencayc ousticto mographuys ingm atchedfi eldp rocessing. greatd ealo f studyh asb eend oneb y numericasl imulationsI.n thisp aper, I. A. Tolstoy( Code 5120, Naval ResearchL aboratoryW, ashington, this problemi s studieda nalytically.A nalytic investigationis important DC 20375) becauseit revealss omeo f the physicailn sightsa nd providesg uidelinesfo r S7 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Suppl. 1, Vol. 86, Fall 1989 118th Meeting:A cousticaSl ocietyo f America S7 9:50 a self-coherent scheme[ H. Bucker,J . Acoust.S oc.A m. Suppl.1 84, S19 (1988) ]. It hasb eeni llustratedth at the sourcera ngei nformationis C8. Effect of internal soiltonso n shallow-waters oundp ropagation.J i- associatewdi th them odalp hased ifferencaen dt hes ourced epthi nforma- xun Zhou,X ue-zhenZ hang,a ndP eter Rogers( Schoool f Mechanical tion isa ssociatewd ith them odala mplituder atio whenM FP is performed EngineeringG, eorgiaI nstituteo f TechnologyA, tlanta,G A 30332) in modes paceT. herefore,t he modalw avenumbepr laysa key role in sourcel ocalization.M ismatchinge ffectsc an be investigateda nalytically Thereh aveb eenm anyr eportso n observationosf naturallyo ccurring by takinga dvantageo f calculatingth em odalw avenumbeerr rorb y modal internals olitaryw avetrains(s oiltons)i n the coastz one,e specialliyn the perturbationth eory.[ Work supportedb y NOAA and NOSC.] summerT. he mechanismfo r the generationo f thesen onlinearin ternal wavesh asb eeni nvestigateidn the geophysicasn d fluidm echaniccso m- munity. Little attention,h owever,h as beenf ocusedo n their effecto n soundp ropagationw ith the exceptiono f the work of Baxter and Orr, which was basedo n ray theory [L. Baxter and M. H. Orr, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 71, 61-66 ( 1982) ]. In thisp aper,t hep arabolice quation( PE) model 9:20 (IFD or PAREQ code)i s usedt o numericallys imulatet hee ffecto f inter- nal solitonso n low-frequencsyo undp ropagationin the coastz one.T he C6. Nonlinear biaso f travel time in modalo ceana coustict omography.E . resultss howt hat soundt ransmissionlo ssi s sensitiveto solironp arameters C. Shang( CIRES, Universityo f Colorado/NOAA, WaveP ropagation (sucha sw avelengtha,m plitudee, tc.) andw avep acketp arameter(s p osi- Laboratory,B oulder,C O 80303) tion, number,a nd propagationd irection).T he resultsc an be usedt o ex- plain,a t leastp artly,a n interestinegx perimenpt henomenaT:h e frequen- In a previousp aper[ E. C. ShangJ, . AcoustS. oc.A m. 85, 1531-1537 cy responsoe f shallow-watesr oundp ropagationu ndert he conditiono f a (1989) ], oceana coustitco mographbya sedo n thea diabaticn ormalm ode thermoclined uring the summeri s often a strongf unctiono f spacea nd theoryh asb eend evelopedM. esoscalset ructurec anb ei nvertedb y usinga time,a nd soundp ropagationo verc ertainf requencyra ngesh asa n abnor- linearr elationshicpo nnectintgh em odalt ravelt imep erturbationan dt he mal attenuationth at cannotb ee xplainedb y usingc onventionaml odelso f sound-speepde rturbationT. his linearr elationshipis only an approxima- soundp ropagation[.W ork supportedb y ONR. ] tion duet o the followingt wo facts:( 1) neglectingth e differenceb etween perturbedm odale igenfunctioann dt heb ackgroundm odele igenfunction; (2) takingth ef irst-ordeerx pansioonft hep otentiafl unctionA K: (z,r) to calculatet he modalw avenumbepr erturbationC. omparingw ith ray 10:05 tomographyit,e m(1 ) is thet ermc orrespondintgo ther ay pathp erturba- tion. It has beenf ound that item (1) is not significanta nd the problem C9. Measurement of shallow-water sound transmission on the New causedb y item (2) can be recoveredb y a post-correction procedure Jersey continental shelf. Lynne Maiocco, William Carey (Naval proposedin thisp aper.[ Work supportedb y NOAA and ONR.] UnderwaterS ystemCs enter,N ew London,C T 06320), Edwin Parssinen (Kildare Corporation,9 5 Trumbull Street,S uite D, New London,C T 06320),and James Doutt (WoodsHoleOceanographicInstituteW, oods Hole, MA 02543) Calibrated acoustic transmission measurements were made on the 9:35 New Jerseyc ontinentasl helfi n the vicinityo f the AMCOR 6010 bore- hole,a n areaw ith knowng eophysicaplr opertiesT. he waterd epthw as7 0 C7. The normal mode theory with bottom elasticity and range m andt he experimenwt asc onductedu nderk nowno ceanographcico ndi- dependenceJ.u anI . Arvelo (Code U25, Naval SurfaceW arfare Center, tionsa ss hownb y measurementosf salinity,t emperaturea, nd sounds peed 10901N ew HampshireA venue,S ilver Spring,M D 20903-5000)a nd versusd epth.T he acousticm easuremenwtse rep erformedw ith a vertical Herber0t befall (Departmenotf PhysicsC, atholicU niversitoyf arrayo f 24 equallys pacedh ydrophoneos,n eo f whichw aso n theb ottom. America, Washington,D C 20064) A calibrateds ourcew asu sedt o obtaint ransmissiolno ssd atat o rangeso f 26 km at discretef requenciesfr om 50 to 600 Hz. The data from three The theoryo f normalm odesh asb eene xtendedt o accommodatteh e hydrophonews erep rocessefdo r a 4-km rangeu singt echniquedse veloped effectso f shearw avesi n the elastico ceanf loor. The effecto f absorption by Frisk and Lynch [J. Acoust.S oc.A m. 76, 205-216 (1984)] to yield has alsob eeni ncludeda s the imaginaryc omponenot f the sheara nd wavenumbesr pectraT. he transmissiorne sultso f threeh ydrophoneast 50 compressionawla venumbersA. semi-infinitee lasticb ottomb asement layer hasb eeni ncludeda nd it was foundt hat the absorptionc ausesth e Hz weref oundt o havea n interferencep atternc learlyr esultingfr om two modesL. ow-frequencdy ata (20 to 50 Hz) wereo btaineda t discretelo ca- wavenumbers pectrumo f the radiatingm odest o be inherentlyd iscrete, tionsf rom the buoyt o yieldv alueso f normalb oundaryi mpedanceT. rans- hence,t he numbero f radiatingm odesis drasticallyr educedr elativet o the oneso btainedw ith the deepf alseb oundaryT. he ranged ependencoef the missionlo ssd ataw ereo btaineda t eightf requencies5,0 to 600 Hz, alonga constandt eptha ndg raduallyc hangingd epthr adial.T he constandt epth acousticp ropertiesa nd of the boundarieso f the oceanh asb eeni ncluded by a modifiedv ersiono f the adiabaticn ormal mode theory. Comparisons radial resultsw erec omparedt o calculationsp erformedw ith IFD-PE and SAFARI usinga geoacoustimc odelb asedo n measuredg eophysicapl rop- are made with experimentaml easurementosf the transmissionlo sso f erties.P redicteda nd measuredl evelsg enerallya greed,h owever,d iffer- underwatere xplosivesa nd with resultsf rom Collins' HEPE mode. [Work supportedb y the IndependenRt esearchB oardo f the Naval Sur- encesin thec omputeda nd them easuredm odali nterferencpe atternsw ere observed. faceW arfare Center and by NORDA. ] 10:20-10:30 Break 10:30 This paperw ill describeth e resultso f a models calee xperimenot n soundp ropagationin a penetrablteh ree-dimensionwale dgew ith a fluid bottom. The wedgem odel is 1.2X2.4 m and has a Mylar-kevlar mem- C10. Experimental results of sound propagationi n a penetrable wedge branet hat separatestw o fluids (water and ethyleneg ylcol) with sound with a fl.uidb ottom. Stewart A. L. Glegg and Ian House (Center for speedso f 1500m /s alad1 700m /s. The modeli s suspendeidn a largew ater Acousticsa nd Vibration, Department of Ocean Engineering,F lorida tank so that reflectionsfr om the edgeso f the model are not significant. Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431) S8 J. AcoustS. oc.A m.S uppl.1 , Vol.8 6, Fall1 989 118thM eetingA: cousticaSlo cietyo f America $8 Thee xperimenhta sc oncentrateodn acrosssl opep ropagatioant several modes pacem atched-fieldte chniquems orea pplicableto actualp hysical differendt ownslopraen gesu,s inga high-frequenpcuyl seT. hep ulses pec- environment[sT . C. Yang,J . AcoustS. oc.A m. 82, 1736-1745( 1987}] . tra haveb eenc omparewd ith Buckinghamt'hs eoreticaml odelf or sound A fresha pproachis broughtt o thisp roblemh ereu singc omputers imula- propagatioinn a penetrablwe edge.[ Work supportedb y ONR.] tionso f matched-fieldp rocessinign a Pekerisw aveguideto demonstratae new methodf or extractingm odala mplitudesfr om data.T heses imula- tionsd emonstratteh at thisn ewm ethodo f modala mplitudee xtraction allowss uccessfuml odes pacem atched-fieldde tectiona ndl ocalizationa t array aperturess ignificantlys mallert han thosea llowedb y previously 10:45 useda lgorithmsF. inally,t he algorithmw ill be discusseidn the general C11. The resolutiono f modal Doppler shifts in an acousticw aveguide. contexto f dimensionarle ductionte chniques. Hee Chun Song and Arthur B. Baggeroer( Department of Ocean EngineeringM, assachusettIsn stitute of TechnologyC, ambridge,M A 02139) A methodf or estimatingth e sourc(cid:127) velocityf rom the acoustics ignal 11:30 fieldp ropagatinign a dispersivoec eanicw aveguidies presentedT.h e sig- nal is observeda t an omnidirectionarle ceiverin the presencoe f additive C14. Combinedo ceanographica nd acousticm odeling.M ichael Porter, whiten oiseT. he sourcetr ansmitsa continuous-wav(ec w) signala, ndt he Steve Piacsek, Laurel Henderson, and Finn Jensen (SACLANT source motion is assumedt o be uniform (unaccelerated). The ocean is Undersea,R esearchC entre, I-19026 La Spezia,I taly) modeleda s a waveguideth at is horizontallys tratifiedw ith an arbitrary An importantc lasso f oceanographmic odelsis them ixedl ayerm odels sound-speepdro filei n thev erticalT. he acoustifci eldg eneratebdy a mov- that, simplys tated,p rovidedp redictionso f mixedl ayer deptha nd tem- ing points ourcein termso f normalm odesp redictst hat eachm odeh asa peratureT. hesep redictionsta kei nto accountt hes urfacew indst hat drive differentD opplers hift, whichc ontrastsw ith a singleD opplers hift in a the mixinga nd the solarr adiationt hat heatst he mixedl ayer.A s interest homogeneouusn boundedm edium.T he modesa re consideredto remain has increasedin usings uchm odelsa s a stepi n the processfo r making phaselo ckedw ith eacho ther,i .e., coherentT. he sourcev elocity,i nclud- acousticfo recastos r nowcastsa, recurringq uestionh asb eent hat of what ing the numbero f modesi nvolved,c an be estimatedt hroughr esolving informationi s neededf or accuratea cousticp redictionsF. or instanceh, ow Dopplers hifts.T he methodi s a time-domainin terpretationo f a recently preciselyd o mixed layer depthsn eed to be calculated?! s mixed layer developede igcnstructurtee chniquef or multitargetd irectionf indingw ith temperatureim portant?T hesea ndo therq uestionasr ea ddressetdh rough passivea ntenna arrays, in conjunctionw ith smoothingp reproecssing a parameters tudyu sings ynthetics ound-speepdr ofilesa s input to an schemet o deal with coherentm odes[ Shan et aL, IEEE Trans. Acoust. acousticm odel.T he implicationasr ed emonstrateidn a somewhamt ore SpeechS ignalP rocessA. SSP-33 (4) (1985)]. Simulationr esultst hat concretefo rmi n a two-stepp rocessT:h e SSPi sp redictedu singp articular illustratet he performanceo f the methoda re presented. mixedl ayerm odels( Niiler, Mellor-YamadaG, arwoode, tc.) andp assed toa na coustimc odelt o providetr ansmissiolons sc alculationsT.h e results are alsoc omparedt o predictionsb asedo n both measureda nd historical SSP measurements. 11:00 c12. Impulse responsef or propagation in the ocean sound channel. StanleyM . Flattr, John Colpsi,T imothyF . Duda, Galina Rovner,a nd Jan Martin (PhysicsD epartmentU, niversityo f California,S antaC ruz, CA 95064) 11:45 Usingt he SDSC/CRAY and the parabolice quationp, ulsep ropaga- C15. The transportc oherenceo f acousticf ields as a criterion for range tion wass imulatedi n the oceans oundc hannel.P ulsesw ith 200 frequen- dependencein an ocean channel. B. G. Hurdle (Naval Research ciesb etween1 0 and 50 Hz weres ynthesizedg,i vinga pulsew idtho f ap- LaboratoryC, ode5 103, WashingtonD, C 20375) proximately2 5 ms, and a pulser epetitiont ime of 5 s. The wave fronts createdb y thist echniquhea vea simplea ndi ntuitivec haracteru, nliket he A paperw as presentedlB . Hurdle, J. Acoust.S oc. Am. 55, 452 fieldsf or singlef requenciesP. ictureso f wave frontso ut to 1000k m, and (1974) ] on the natureo f acousticin terferencefi eldsi n a geometricd isper- possiblay moview, ill bes hownW. avef rontr econstructiobny meanso f a siveo ceanc hannel.T he structurea nd multiplec omponentos f the fieldsa s muchf asterc alculationi n termso f ray theoryw ill be demonstratedT. he a functiono f the velocityo f the source,t he geometryo f the boundaries, effects of internal waves on the wave fronts will be described in terms of andt he sound-speesdtr uctureo f thec hannewl ered iscusseTdh. is paper wavef rontc orrugationsa,n dt he useo f impulsem easuremenotsv erv erti- reviews the nature of the fields and, based on the field characteristics, cal arrays to measuret he propertieso f the internal-wavef ield will be providesa criterionf or determiningth e degreeo f ranged ependencoef an discussed[.W ork supportedb y ONR, Code 1125OA.] oceanc hannel.T his criterioni s basedo n the transportc oherenceo f the field and is measured in terms of the correlation coefficient of the trans- portedf ielda sa functiono f thes eparationd istanceb etweentw o receivers ast he fieldi s transportedth ed istanceb etweenth em.T he differencein the transporct oherencaen dt hec oherencien thef ieldf or beamf ormingw ill 11:15 be discussedS. omeo ther applicationso f this conceptw ill also be dis- cussed. C13. Modal matched-fieldp rocessinwg ith smalla (cid:127)rture verticala rrays. G. B. Smith, G. M. Frichter, IV (Naval Ocean Research and DevelopmenAt ctivily, Code 244, StennisS paceC enter, MS 3952% 5004), C. Feuillade( SyntekE ngineeringan d ComputerS ystemsI,n c., 2101 East JeffersonS treet, Rockville, MD 20852), and C. L. Byrne (Departmenot f MathematiesU, niversityo f Lowell,L owell,M A 01854) 12:00 In the past years, much attention has been given to mode space C16. The use of neural networks in acoustic coherence measurements. matched-fielpdr ocessinign shallow-watelro, w-frequenceyn vironments. Mark J. Beran (Department of Electrical Engineering, Catholic In thist ypeo f situationm, odes pacem atched-fielpdr ocessinhga ss everal Universityo f America,W ashingtonD, C 20064) advantageosv er conventionaml atched-fieldp rocessinsgu cha s: lower procc(cid:127)ing dimension, better sidelobe rejection, and the ability to dis- The tntensity dlstnhuuon of an incoherent target may he determined criminates ignala gainsmt odaln oiseH. owevere, xtractiono f modala m- from coherence measurements. It is shown here how a neural network plitudesfr om datab y the methodp ioneeredb y Shang[ J. AcoustS. oc. may be developedto solvet his inversep roblemT. he effecto f random Am. 77, 1413-I 418 (1985) ] is not veryr eliablef or smalla perturea rrays. phasev ariationsre sultingfr omo ceant emperaturfel uctuationiss c onsid- Attemptsh aveb eenm adet o overcometh is problemin ordert o make ered in the formulation. S9 d. Acoust.S oc. Am. Suppl. 1, Vol. 86, Fall 1989 118th Meeting:A cousticaSl ocietyo f America S9