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Electricity in a climate-constrained world : data and analyses 2012. PDF

118 Pages·2013·4.666 MB·English
by  OECD
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2 1 0 2 Data and analyses Please note that this PDF is subject to specific restrictions that limit its use and distribution. The terms and conditions are available online at http://www.iea.org/ termsandconditionsuseandcopyright/ 2 0 1 2 After experiencing a historic drop in 2009, electricity generation reached a record high in 2010, confirming the close linkage between economic growth and electricity usage. Unfortunately, CO emissions from electricity have also resumed their 2 growth: Electricity remains the single-largest source of CO emissions from energy, with 11.7 billion tonnes of CO 2 2 released in 2010. The imperative to “decarbonise” electricity and improve end-use efficiency remains essential to the global fight against climate change. The IEA Electricity in a Climate-Constrained World provides an authoritative resource on progress to date in this area, including statistics related to CO and the electricity sector across ten regions of the world 2 (supply, end-use and capacity additions). It also presents topical analyses on the challenge of rapidly curbing CO emissions from electricity. Looking 2 at policy instruments, it focuses on emissions trading in China, using energy efficiency to manage electricity supply crises and combining policy instruments for effective CO reductions. On regulatory issues, it asks whether deregulation can deliver 2 decarbonisation and assesses the role of state-owned enterprises in emerging economies. And from technology perspectives, it explores the rise of new end-uses, the role of electricity storage, biomass use in Brazil, and the potential of carbon capture and storage for ‘negative emissions’ electricity supply. (61 2012 20 1P1) 978-92-64-17552-5 €50 Acknowledgements Electricity in a Climate Constrained World 2012 The publication would not have been possible without was edited by Richard Baron (OECD, former Head the contribution of IEA and other colleagues who of Environment and Climate Change Unit) and João authored concise and thought-provoking analyses on Lampreia (Environment and Climate Change Unit), a diverse and fascinating set of topics. Thanks also go with the support of Bo Diczfalusy (former Director to the following IEA colleagues for their comments for Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology) and and contributions to the finalisation of the publication: Philippe Benoit, Head of the Energy Efficiency and Rebecca Gaghen, Laszlo Varro, Cheryl Haines, Marilyn Environment Division. The regional statistics on Smith, as well as Muriel Custodio, Bertrand Sadin, electricity and CO were generated by Karen Tréanton Astrid Dumond and Jane Barbière. 4 2 (Energy Data Centre) and David Wilkinson (Directorate of Global Energy Economics).  Electricity in a climate-constrained world 001-010_electricity in a climate-constrained world.indd 4 25/01/13 10:34 Table of contents Introduction .........................................................................................7 P. Benoit and R.Baron Analyses Saving electricity in a hurry: an update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 S. Bryan Pasquier and G. Heffner How can we make an Internet-surfing microwave oven go to “sleep”? .......................................20 5 V. Roside State-owned enterprises and their domestic financial base: two keys to financing our low-carbon future . . . . . . . . . .25 P. Benoit From deregulation to decarbonisation of the electricity sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 M. Baritaud An emissions trading system for China’s power sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 R. Baron and A. Aasrud Managing policy interactions in the electricity sector for least-cost climate response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 C. Hood Tracking clean energy progress in the electricity sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 A. Gawel and U. Remme The role of electricity storage in providing electricity system flexibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 D. Elzinga, J. Dillon, M. O’Malley and J. Lampreia Potential for bioelectricity in Brazil from sugarcane residual biomass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 J. Lampreia Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage: the negative emission concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 C. Guivarch and W. Heidug Data World ............................................................................................ 88 OECD Americas .................................................................................... 90 OECD Asia Oceania ................................................................................ 92 OECD Europe ...................................................................................... 94 Africa ............................................................................................ 96 Non-OECD America. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Middle East ...................................................................................... 100 Non-OECD Europe and Eurasia ...................................................................... 102 Asia (excluding China and India) .................................................................... 104 China ........................................................................................... 106 India ............................................................................................ 108 Geographical coverage ............................................................................. 112 Acronyms and abbreviations, units of measure ........................................................ 113 Table of contents 001-010_electricity in a climate-constrained world.indd 5 25/01/13 10:34 001-010_electricity in a climate-constrained world.indd 6 25/01/13 10:34 Introduction: electricity and climate change “as time goes by” Philippe Benoit, Energy Efficiency and Environment Division and Richard Baron, Environment and Climate Change Unit The sobering story continues Cleaner electricity key to the two- degree goal Electricity in a Climate Constrained World opens with a 7 sobering message: the latest IEA energy statistics show that The electricity sector needs to get cleaner, and needs to total energy-related CO emissions reached their highest 2 do it quickly. Observations from the last two decades are global level at 30.5 gigatonnes (GtCO ) in 2010, a 5% 2 ambiguous: today’s CO emissions level corresponding to increase from 2009. The 1.8% drop in 2009, largely a 2 one kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity is higher than it was result of the global economic crisis, was unfortunately not in 1990, but this indicator has been going down, albeit indicative of a new trend. Electricity accounted for about slowly, since 2007. Despite the impressive deployment half of the global growth in emissions in 2010. of renewables, at 507 grams of CO per kWh the global 2 The growth in electricity demand (and associated heat average fuel mix for power generation (and associated production) rose again in 2010, reaching an estimated heat) remains much too CO -intensive.1 According to the 2 23 192 terawatt-hours (TWh), 6.5% above the 2009 level. most recent IEA Energy Technology Perspectives’ scenario Unsurprisingly, much of the growth comes from the most for a two-degree average global temperature increase vibrant economies, especially China and India, where coal (the “2-degree scenario” or 2DS), electricity generation contributes most of the additional electricity supply. The should emit 60 grams of carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour rapid expansion in non-hydro renewables (with a record (gCO /kWh) in 2050 and provide approximately 2 annual growth of 17.6% in 2010, an addition of 108 TWh), 40 000 TWh of energy, 70% more than in 2010. Fossil combined with additional hydro and nuclear generation fuels would only supply a quarter of total output (half (up 244 TWh), was unfortunately insufficient to match the coal, half gas), and 63% of the coal and 18% of the gas additional demand for electricity: a staggering 1 412 TWh, capacities would have to be fitted with carbon capture and more than twice the entire production of the African storage (CCS) (IEA, 2012). The imperative decarbonisation continent. As fossil fuels still dominate power generation of electricity would also promote biomass-based electricity on the global scale, 2010 broke another record in CO fitted with CCS (BECCS), a means of generating electricity 2 emissions from electricity generation at 11.8 GtCO . while removing CO from the atmosphere (see Guivarch 2 2 and Heidug, 2012 in this volume). The same message is being repeated year after year: greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions are growing, and more Although not without its challenges, the roadmap for quickly than anticipated. This growth is taking us further global decarbonisation is well known. Energy Technology away from the trajectory needed to limit the global Perspectives 2012 illustrates this roadmap and also average temperature increase to two degrees Celsius, the explores alternative routes in case certain technologies do goal set by the Parties to the United Nations Framework not deliver as expected (IEA, 2012). Delivering effective Convention on Climate Change at their meeting in Durban and least-cost decarbonisation of power generation will in December 2011. Accounting for existing policies, and require effective energy efficiency measures to curtail assuming that countries meet the emission pledges made demand growth; stable research and development (R&D) in Copenhagen in 2009, the latest World Energy Outlook and investment frameworks to encourage low-carbon projections indicate that the world is currently headed for technologies; and a price on CO to discourage fossil fuel 2 a four-degree temperature increase (IEA, 2011b). Much of the source of this problem continues to lie within 1. The growing percentage of renewable sources added to the energy mix represents progress, but we need to look beyond electricity the electricity sector where, despite an impressive increase in generation to measure the CO emissions intensity of our overall energy 2 renewable energy sources, coal dominates new generation, usage. Looking at the carbon intensity of primary energy use reveals followed by gas. The implications are numerous. that the energy sector’s carbon intensity – or ESCI, measured as the ratio of energy-related CO emissions to primary energy demand – has 2 remained largely stable over the last twenty years, notwithstanding the advent of climate policies and the formidable expansion of renewables. The IEA is exploring how this measure can be used as an effective metric to measure our progress towards a low-carbon future. Introduction 001-010_electricity in a climate-constrained world.indd 7 25/01/13 10:34 plants (unless they rely on carbon capture and storage) less developed, it is clear that domestic resources must play in electricity policy environments where an economic a critical role in the larger emerging economies. Recent instrument makes sense. estimates, such as the Climate Policy Initiative’s useful attempt to measure current climate financing flows (less than USD 90 billion) or that of the Green Climate Fund Making room for all: decoupling global (with its target taken with other Copenhagen pledges inclusive growth from increased GHG to total an additional USD 100 billion per year), are emissions dwarfed by estimated low-carbon investment needs of over USD 1.5 trillion per year beginning in 2021 (IEA, 2012). Economic growth, an expanding middle class and poverty China, India and other emerging economies will be focal alleviation must be decoupled from GHG emissions growth. points in the mitigation effort, and Chinese, Indian and We have seen over the last 20 years a marked and welcome other domestic funding will be central to financing those 8 increase in the number of people living above the poverty investments. line. According to World Bank estimates, there are currently 2.7 billion more people living above the poverty line than What goes around comes around: how in 1990 (World Bank, 2012). With our current energy climate change will impact electricity supply and overall consumption patterns, this increase in population and attendant increase in consumption has and the need to build resilience inevitably led to an increase in GHG emissions. Much of the discussion over the past decade has rightfully In negotiations under the United Nations Framework been dominated by the expected change in climate Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), this challenge triggered by emissions from electricity and other energy of increasing emissions had been cast in equity terms activities. But we must also better understand how changes between developed countries, the ‘historical emitters’, in climate – even under a two-degree scenario – will affect and developing countries, including many countries with the electricity sector and how to make this sector more large and growing economies that are projected to become resilient to these climate-induced impacts. major emitters in the future (the ‘emerging emitters’). The Durban UNFCCC meeting has initiated an important shift The reality of climate change cannot be ignored. The global away from the developed/developing taxonomy that average temperature has already risen by 0.7 degrees underpins “common but differentiated responsibilities and Celsius in the last 100 years, and the projected increase respective capabilities”, to one that recognises that these in greenhouse-gas concentrations commits us to more capabilities are changing dramatically and will continue to in the coming years; the global mitigation effort will, in do so. How to achieve an equitable result is not obvious, all likelihood, only affect the magnitude of the increase. but is clearly needed in order to move to more aggressive Climate change is anticipated to affect our electricity sector emissions reductions. Improving the quality of life of all, through a variety of means: and particularly reducing the number of people in poverty, f Electricity demand is expected to change, perhaps remain global priorities. Global inclusive growth should dramatically in some areas, as a result of increasing be our aim, but advancing in a manner that limits GHG temperatures, changing weather patterns, etc. This will emissions remains a challenge. particularly affect cooling demand and other end uses. f Electricity supply will be subject to changing conditions Change which starts at home will and production, including reduced efficiency of thermal need to be financed from home: the plants, cooling constraints on thermal and nuclear plants, importance of domestic finance and pressure on transmission systems; electricity generation from hydro, wind and biofuel production will also be Energy Technology Perspectives 2012, World Energy affected. Outlook 2011 and other IEA publications indicate that f Electricity infrastructure could be exposed to more the greatest low-carbon investments will be needed in numerous/intense extreme weather events that damage China, India and other non-OECD countries, as they will generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure and account for the vast majority of growth in primary energy lead to outages. consumption. Consequently, policies promoting low-carbon investments in these countries will be key. Although there is Strengthening the resilience of the electricity sector to much discussion in international forums on how to increase climate impacts – ‘climate-hardening’ our assets – needs financial flows from Annex I countries to support mitigation to be initiated today in order to be adequately prepared and adaptation in developing countries, especially those for tomorrow’s changes, even under a 2-degree scenario.  Electricity in a climate-constrained world 001-010_electricity in a climate-constrained world.indd 8 25/01/13 10:34

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