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Electrically tunable transverse magnetic focusing in graphene Thiti Taychatanapat1,2, Kenji Watanabe3, Takashi Taniguchi3, and Pablo Jarillo-Herrero2 1Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 2Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA and 3National Institute for Materials Science, Namiki 1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan (Dated: January 10, 2013) Electrons in a periodic lattice can propagate collectortrajectory,withoutreflections),(cid:126)isthereduced without scattering for macroscopic distances de- Planck’s constant, e is the elementary charge, k is the F √ 3 spite the presence of the non-uniform Coulomb Fermi momentum, and where we have used kF = πn, 1 potential due to the nuclei [1]. Such ballistic mo- n being the carrier density. 0 tion of electrons allows the use of a transverse In order to study TMF in graphene, we fabricate 2 magnetic field to focus electrons [2]. This phe- Hall bar devices based on high mobility mono- (MLG), n nomenon, known as transverse magnetic focusing bi- (BLG), and tri-layer (TLG) graphene on hexagonal a (TMF), has been used to study the Fermi sur- boron nitride (hBN) substrates [8] (see Methods and J face of metals [3] and semiconductor heterostruc- Fig. 1c). The multi-terminal geometry required to study 9 tures [4], as well as to investigate Andreev re- TMF imposes a minimum mean free path of the order of ] flection [3], spin-orbit interaction [5], and to de- several hundred nm, which has only been possible with ll tect composite fermions [6, 7]. Here we report on the advent of G on hBN devices [8–10]. Figure 1d shows a the experimental observation of transverse mag- theresistivityofaMLGdeviceasafunctionofdensityat h - netic focusing in high mobility mono-, bi-, and zero magnetic field. The device exhibits a narrow Dirac s tri-layer graphene devices. The ability to tune peak with a strong temperature dependence, which in- e m the graphene carrier density enables us for the dicates low disorder [11, 12]. Its field effect mobility is first time to investigate TMF continuously from ∼100,000 cm2V−1s−1 at low temperature, correspond- . t the hole to the electron regime and analyze the ing to a mean free path of ∼1 µm. A similar behavior a m resulting “focusing fan”. Moreover, by applying is observed for BLG and TLG devices. The high mobil- a transverse electric field to tri-layer graphene, ity and low disorder enable us to probe TMF in these - d we use TMF as a ballistic electron spectroscopy devices. n method to investigate controlled changes in the We employ the measurement configuration shown in o electronic structure of a material. Finally, we c demonstrate that TMF survives in graphene up Fig. 1c to probe the focusing of electrons. Current Ii [ is injected through contact i while contact g is grounded to 300 K, by far the highest temperature re- andvoltageV ismeasuredatthecollector(contactc)rel- 1 ported for any system, opening the door to novel c v ative to contact f. The magnetic field is applied normal roomtemperatureapplicationsbasedonelectron- 9 to graphene. Figure 1e shows the normalized V (B,n) optics. c 6 in MLG, at 5 K. Two sets of features are immediately 9 The concept of TMF can be illustrated by consider- apparent: for |B| ≥ 2.5 T, we observe Shubnikov-de 1 ing electrons entering a two-dimensional system through Hass oscillations (SdHOs), forming a usual Landau fan, 1. a narrow injector (origin in Fig. 1a). In the presence as expected from the measurement setup, which is topo- 0 of a magnetic field B, electrons will undergo cyclotron logically equivalent to a longitudinal resistance measure- 3 motion with radius r and get focused on the caustic (a c ment. While the SdHOs are very pronounced in quad- 1 quarter of a circle with radius 2r ) on which the electron : c rants2and4(top-leftandbottom-right),theyarenearly v density becomes singular (Fig. 1a, top). Moreover, the invisible in quadrants 1 and 3, due to the interference i specular reflection of electrons at the boundary of the X of different trajectories of electrons propagating coher- two-dimensional system causes a skipping orbit motion r ently to the collector [4, 13–15](see supplementary infor- a which results in focal points at integer multiples of 2rc mation). along the x-axis (Fig. 1a, bottom). This basic behav- In the low field regime, |B| ≤ 2.5 T, we observe three ior still holds for electron motion in a solid as long as unusual peaks which do not resemble SdHOs. For posi- the Fermi surface has cylindrical symmetry [3]. Hence, tive density, these peaks appear on the positive B side. the magnetic field, B , required to focus electrons at a f The location of these features in the B −n plane (see distance L is √ Eq. 1) indicates that these peaks can be associated with (cid:18)2(cid:126)k (cid:19) (cid:18)2(cid:126) πn(cid:19) B(p) = F p= p (1) TMF. The peaks arise when electrons are focused onto f eL eL the collector, resulting in a build up of V . The first c where p−1 is the number of reflections off the edge of peak corresponds to electrons propagating directly from the system (e.g. p = 1 corresponds to direct injector to the injector to the collector while for the higher order 2 a y c e 2rc V f Vc / Ii (Ω) 0 40 80 120 B = Bf c W L i 3 2 -rc 0 x rc 2rc y g 500 nm 2rc’ B’ = 2Bf -2m) 1 c d 6 1210 0 y ( -2rc’ 0 x 2rc’ 4rc’ 5 71 0K0 K ensit -1 Ω) 4 205 K D k b E E y ( 300 K vit 3 -2 rc esisti 2 R -3 k k k k B 1 x y x y 0 -2 -1 0 1 2 -5.0 -2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 E > 0 E < 0 Density (1012 cm-2) Magnetic field (T) F F FIG. 1: Transverse magnetic focusing schematics. a, Classical trajectories of electrons injected isotropically from the originatB =B (top)andB(cid:48) =2B (bottom,includingonebounceofftheedge). Electronsarefocusedatanintegermultiple f f of 2r along the x-axis. b, Cartoons depicting the band structure of MLG at positive (left) and negative (center) electron c density. Electron’s trajectories at a finite B are shown on the right for Fermi energy E > 0 (orange line) and E < 0 (blue F F line). c, False color atomic force microscopy (AFM) image of a TMF device. In the TMF measurement, contact i injects current I into graphene and the voltage V is measured at the collector (contact c) relative to contact f. L is the measured i c distance between the centers of contacts i and c. d, Resistance versus gate voltage of MLG at various temperatures measured intheusual4-probeHallbargeometry. e,TMFspectruminMLGat5K.TMFpeaksfromfirst,second,andthirdmodescan beobservedclearlyfor|B|<2.5T.Thetopinsetsshowrepresentativetrajectoriesforeachcorrespondingmode. AthigherB, SdHOs are also present. peaks electrons reflect off the edge before reaching the the determination of L and subsequently B . However, f collector (Fig. 1e, top insets). For negative B, electrons a more plausible explanation is the effect of charge ac- propagateawayfromthecollectorandhencenofocusing cumulation near the edges owing to the finite size of our peak is observed (Fig. 1e, top left inset). As we tune to graphenedevices[16]. Wefindthatchargeaccumulation negative density (E < 0), the sign of the charge carri- reduces B by the same order of magnitude as that re- F f ers flips, and therefore B has to be reversed in order for quired to correct for the discrepancy and, in addition, it the carriers to be focused at the collector. The ability alsoexplainsthedecreasingB(p)/pbecause,forhigherp, f to tune density in graphene enables us to investigate the the carrier’s trajectory is closer to the edge, which fur- √ n dependence of the focusing fields, or “focusing fan”, ther reduces B(p) (see supplementary information). We f continuouslyfromtheelectrontoholeregimesinasingle also note that density fluctuations and small-angle scat- device over a broad density range, which was never done tering [14] due to impurities could also affect the car- in other systems. rier’s path and its focus. However, a lack of knowledge The values of B can be readily calculated, since both of the detailed disorder potential landscape prevents us f nandLcanbeobtainedfromHallmeasurementsandthe from determining the change in the value of the focusing AFMimageofthedevice,respectively. Figure2ashowsa fields. zoom-inplotofFig.1e, wherewehavesuperimposedthe We have observed multiple focusing peaks in all of our calculated focusing fields (dashed lines) using the mea- devices,includingBLGandTLG(seebelow),whichindi- sured LMLG = 500 nm. A discrepancy between the cal- cates that a significant fraction of the electrons get spec- culatedvaluesandthemeasuredpeaklocationsisclearly ularly reflected off the graphene edge. From the peak present. Moreover, we find that the observed B(p)/p de- amplitudes, we can calculate the measured specularity, f creases as p increases (Fig. 2d). The finite width of our the ratio between the amplitude of the second mode to injector and collector (∼100 nm in MLG and BLG and that of the first mode, which offers information on the ∼240 nm in TLG, see below) could introduce an error in specular reflection of electrons at the graphene edges. 3 V / I (Ω) V / I (Ω) V / I (Ω) c i c i c i a -200 0 200 400 b -100 0 100 c -200 -100 0 100 3 3 6 2 4 -2m) -2m) 2 -2m) c 1 c c 2 120 120 1 120 1 0 1 1 y ( y ( y ( 0 nsit -1 nsit 0 nsit e e e -2 D D D -2 -1 -4 -3 -2 -6 -2 -1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) d n = -2.79 x 1012 cm-2 0 B 2B e n = -2.78 x 1012 cm-2 0 B 2B 3B f n = 7.51 x 1012 cm-2 0 B 2B 3B f f 200 f f f f f f 200 150 Ii Vc 150 20 Ω/ ()VIci 105000 Vc Ii Ω / ()VIci150000 Ω / ()VIci -200 -50 -40 -50 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) FIG.2: transverse magnetic focusing in MLG, BLG, and TLG at 5 K.a-c,TheTMFspectraasafunctionofdensity and magnetic field for MLG, BLG, and TLG respectively. The dashed lines are calculated focusing fields using L =500, MLG L = 775, and L = 950 nm, determined from AFM images. d-f, Onsager reciprocal relation in MLG, BLG, and TLG BLG TLG respectively. The red and black traces are measured with current and voltage contacts switched (Fig. 2d, insets). In these figures, B is the observed focusing field of the first mode. f We find that the value of specularity ranges from 0.2 therefore the carrier’s trajectory. Hence, in principle the to 0.5 (see supplementary information). It is worth not- values of B now dependon thecrystallographic orienta- f ingthatspecularitymeasurementsinsemiconductorhet- tion with respect to the sample axis, and can vary by a erostructures have shown values less than 1 for focused- few tens of mT (see supplementary information). ion-beam etched devices which is similar to our oxygen- plasma-etched graphene devices but greater than 1 for Even though TMF cannot be used to differentiate electrostatically-defined edges [3, 4]. MLG from BLG, the TMF spectrum of TLG is remark- ably different because of the multiband character of its We now turn to TMF in BLG. Figures 2b and e dis- band structure. Figure 2c and f show TMF spectra of play TMF fans for BLG at 5 K. Evidently, the TMF TLGat5K,measuredatzeroelectricdisplacementfield. spectra of MLG and BLG are very similar, even though Takingonlyγ andγ intoaccount,thebandstructureof 0 1 their band structures are different (Fig. 2a-b, insets). TLGconsistsofamasslessMLG-likeandamassiveBLG- The similarity arises from the fact that, when only the likesubbandatlowenergy(Fig.2c,inset)[9,18–21]. Ina nearest intra-layer γ and inter-layer γ hopping param- magneticfield,bothsubbandsgiverisetotheirownTMF 0 1 eters are considered, both MLG and BLG have circular spectra, with the BLG-like subband having a larger B(1) f Fermi surfaces, resulting in the same circular orbit and duetoitslargerFermimomentum(foragivenE ). This √ F n-dependence of kF. The dashed lines in Fig. 2b are allows us to identify the subband corresponding to each focusingfieldscalculatedfromEq.1. Forthisdevice,the peakobservedinthedata. Athighdensity,thepeakfrom calculatedB(1) forthefirstorderpeakareingoodagree- theMLG-likesubbandcanbeseenat∼250mT(Fig.2c, f ment with the measured data, but higher order modes orange dashed line, and small sharp peaks at low field show a discrepancy, similar to the MLG case. An addi- in Fig. 2f) while the peaks from the BLG-like subband tional possible source of mismatch in BLG, which does are visible from ∼250 mT onward (Fig. 2c, blue dashed not exist in MLG, is trigonal warping [17] of the Fermi lines). We do not observe higher order modes from the surface due to the next nearest neighbor inter-layer hop- MLG-like subband, probably because they are masked ping term γ . This term transforms the BLG circular by the much stronger peaks from the BLG-like subband, 3 Fermi surface into a partly triangular surface, altering which contains most of the charge density. 4 U = U =U = 0 meV U = -30, U = 0, U = 30 meV 1 2 3 1 2 3 a 100 b c 100 d EF = -42.2 meV 2 EF = -42.0 meV 2 Energy (meV) -55000 β α β 0-11y(10 /)πk a-2 Energy (meV) -55000 1-01y(10 /)πk a-2 α n = -2 x 1012 cm-2 -2 n = -2 x 1012 cm-2 -2 -100 -100 -2 -1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2 k (10-2 π/a) k (10-2 π/a) V / I (Ω) k (10-2 π/a) k (10-2 π/a) x x c i x x -200 -100 0 100 e f g h 1 1 1 1 -2cm) 0 -2cm) 0 -2cm) 0 -2cm) 0 120 120 120 120 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 y ( y ( y ( y ( nsit -2 nsit -2 nsit -2 nsit -2 e e e e D β α D D D -3 -3 -3 -3 D = 0 D = 0.18 D = 0.34 D = 0.49 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) Magnetic field (T) FIG. 3: Visualizing in-situ band structure changes in TLG with TMF. a-b, Band structure and Fermi surface of TLG at zero D (electrostatic potential of each layer equal to zero). The band structure consists of MLG-like and BLG-like subbands, with a small band overlap. The bands α and β are MLG-like and BLG-like valence bands. The trigonal warping effect can be seen in the BLG-like subband. The lattice constant a is 2.46 ˚A. c-d, Band structure and Fermi surface of TLG at finite D (for this case, with potential difference between adjacent layers equal to 30 meV). The potential difference induces the hybridization between MLG-like and BLG-like subbands and also shifts down in energy the top of the α band. e-h, The TMF spectra in TLG at D=0, 0.18, 0.34, and 0.49 V/nm respectively. As D increases, the α band starts to disappear while the β band remains visibly unchanged. Earlier studies have shown that higher order hopping bands as α and β bands, respectively. The application parameters in TLG significantly modify its band struc- of a finite D induces a potential difference between the ture [9, 18–21] by introducing subband overlap and trig- TLG layers, breaking the mirror symmetry and causing onal warping in the BLG-like subband (Fig. 3a). We use ahybridizationbetweentheMLG-likeandBLG-likesub- this full parameter model for the TLG band structure to bands. Figures 3c and d show how a finite D results in simulatethecarriertrajectoriesanddeterminethefocus- a shift down of the top of the α band . Consequently, ing fields (see supplementary information). The results for a fixed density, the Fermi momentum of the α band are shown as dashed lines in Fig 2c. Although we can shrinks with D while that of the β band barely changes reproduce the focusing field for the MLG-like subband due to its much higher density of states. very accurately, we obtain a mismatch in the BLG-like subband, similar to those above mentioned in MLG and Figures3e-hshowtheTMFspectraofTLGatvarious BLG. D’s. We observe a relatively strong focusing peak from the α band at D = 0 V/nm. However, as D increases, We now focus on the previously unexplored potential the peak starts to shift downward and it eventually dis- of TMF as a ballistic electron spectroscopy method to appears at low density. The disappearance of this peak investigatein-situchangesinthebandstructureofama- istheresultofthetopoftheαbandshiftingdowninen- terial. One of the remarkable properties of TLG is that ergy and leaving the β band as a lone contributor to the its band structure can be tuned and controlled by us- carrierdensity(Fig.3c-d). Therefore, withinourdensity ingatransverseelectricdisplacementfield[22], D. TMF range, we end up observing only a single focusing peak, is sensitive to the occupation of each of the TLG sub- from the β band, at high D. The onset in the density bands, enabling us to use TMF as a probe of the change of the focusing peak of the α band allows us to deter- in the TLG band structure with D. Figures 3a and b mine the potential difference among the TLG layers as a show the band structure and Fermi surface of TLG at function of applied D. As a result, we can estimate the n = −2×1012 cm−2 for the case D = 0. We denote effective dielectric constant of TLG which we find to be the valence bands of the MLG-like and BLG-like sub- about 3.5±0.2 (see supplementary information). 5 a 200 200 T (K) 1st mode V / I (Ω) 2nd mode V c i 150 0 50 100 150 ci/ ( IΩ c 0 50 100 100 ) VIΩ / ()ci 50 0 T (K) 1500 3 T = 300 K 0 2 -50 -2m) b 200 120 c 1 1st mode 1 110500 2nd mode ci / (VIΩ Density ( 0 ) Ω) -1 V I/ (ci 50 0 T (K) 1500 -2 0 -50 -1.0 0.0 1.0 Magnetic field (T) -2 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 Magnetic field (T) FIG.4: Temperature dependence of the TMF in MLG and BLG.a-bTheTMFspectraasafunctionoftemperature from 300 mK to 150 K for MLG and BLG, respectively, at n=−2.8×1012 cm−2. Insets show the amplitudes of the first and second modes as a function of temperature (Data taken before current annealing). c transverse magnetic focusing in MLG at √ 300 K. The TMF peak as well as the n dependence of the focusing field can be clearly observed (Data taken after current annealing). We now look at the temperature dependence of the saturatesatlowtemperatureanddecreasesfasterthanin TMF spectra in MLG and BLG. The TMF spectrum is MLG at higher T. A similar temperature dependence of affectedbytemperature,T,atleastintwoways: through thefocusingpeakshasalsobeenobservedinInGaAs/InP the increase in dephasing (which smoothes the quantum heterojunctions [25]. Further theoretical work is needed interference fluctuations), and through the loss of ballis- to understand the temperature dependence of the focus- tictransportduetonewscatteringchannelsactivatedat ing peaks as well as the difference between MLG and highT. Figures4aandbshowtheTMFspectraofMLG BLG. andBLG,respectively,atn=−2.8×1012 cm−2 from0.3 to 150 K. We first concentrate on the fine structure ob- servedatlowT (bluetraces). Thisstructureistheafore- mentioned quantum interference between different paths We end by commenting on the remarkable robustness on which electrons propagate to the collector [4, 13–15]. ofTMFingraphene. Fig.4cshowstheTMFfanofMLG When the temperature-induced broadening of the Fermi at room temperature (T =300 K), where the first mode momentumisontheorderof1/L,electronsbecomeinco- is clearly visible, indicating room temperature ballistic herent and the quantum interference is washed out [23], transport well into the micron regime. This lower bound resulting in smooth focusing peaks. For our devices, this temperaturefortheobservationofTMFingrapheneisat lengthcorrespondstoatemperatureofabout15K,which least three times higher than the highest temperature at is in good agreement with the data. which TMF spectrum has been observed in semiconduc- tor heterostructures [25], the main reason probably be- In addition, the focusing peaks also decrease as T in- ing the lack of remote interfacial phonon scattering [26] creases. The amplitudes of the first and second modes from hBN. The ability to manipulate ballistic motion are shown in the insets of Fig. 4a and b for MLG and in graphene at room temperature, coupled with recent BLG, respectively. We observe that the focusing ampli- developments [27] in large area growth of graphene on tudeinMLGdependslinearlyonT. Apotentialscatter- hBN, paves the way towards novel applications based on ing mechanism includes longitudinal acoustic phonons, electron-optics. 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