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Electric Words: Dictionaries, Computers, and Meanings PDF

291 Pages·1996·10.639 MB·ACL-MIT Series in Natural Language Processing
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ElectWroircd s ACL-MITP reSsse rieisnN aturaLla nguaPgreo cessing AravinKd.J oshiK,a reSnp arcJko neasn,d M arkY .L ibennan,e dirtso SpeakiFnrgo:m I ntenttioAo rnt iculabtyiW oinl,l eJm.M . Levelt PlaRne congitiionnN aturLaaln guaDgiea logbuyeS ,a ndrCaa rberry CognitMiovdee losf S peecPhr ocessPisnygc:lh ion guiasntdiC co mputatiPoenra­l spectievdeist,be ydG errTy. M . Altmann ComputatiMoonraplh oloPgrya:c tiMceaclh anisfmosrt heE ngliLsehx icobny, GraemDe. R itchGirea,h aJm. R usseAllla,nW . Blacakn,d S tephGe.nP ulman TheC oreLa nguagEen gineed,i tbeydH iyaAnl shawi MorpholoagnydC omputatbiyoR ni,c haSrpdr oat Generating Referring ExpresDseisocnrsi:p tiCinoao n nDssot mrauicontf iO nbg­ jectasn dP rocesbseyRs o,b ertD ale TheL ogicAaplp roatcohS yntaFxo:u ndatiSopnesc.ifi catiaonndIs m.p lementations ofT heoroifeGs o vernmeanntd B indibngyE, d warPd. S tablJerr., ExplanatainodIn n teracTthieoC no:m putGeern eratoifEo xnp lanatDoirayl ogues, byA lisCoanw sey ParticipiantE ixnpgl anatDoirayl oguIenst:e rpraentdiR negs pondtionQ gu estions inC ontexbtyJ, o hanDn.aM oore ElectrWiocr dsD:i ctionaCroimepsu.t earnsd.M eaningbsy, Y orickA . Wilks, BriaMn. S latoanrd,L ouisMe.G uthrie ElectricW ords YoricAk. W ilks, DictionaCroimepsu,t ers, BriaMn. Slatoarn,d andM eanings LouisMe. Guthrie A BradfoBrodo k TheM IT Press CambridgMe,a ssachusetts LondonE,n gland © 1996M assachusIentsttsio tfuT teec hnology Allri ghtrse serveNdo. p arotf t hibso okm ayb er eproduicnea dn yf orm bya ny electroornm iecc hanimceaaln (si nclupdhiontgo copyriencgo,r dianngdi, n for­ matiosnt oraagnedr etrieval) withouitn w prietrmiinfsgrs oimto hnep ublisher. Thibso okw ass eitn T imeRso manb yA scoT radTey pesetLttidn.Hg,o ngK ong andw asp rintaenddb ounidn t heU niteSdt aetso fA merica. Firpsritn ting. LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloging-in-PDuabtlai cation WilkYso,ri ck1,9 39- Electwroircd sd:i ctioncaormipeust,e arnsdm, e aninIgY so ricAk. WilkBsri,a nM . SlatoLro,ui sMe. G uthrie. p. cm.-(ACL-MPIrTe ssse riienns a tural-lapnrgoucaegses ing) "A Bradfobrodo k." Inclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecraelan ncdie nsd ex. ISBN0 -262-23(1h8c2)- 4 I.N aturlaaln guapgreo ces(sCionmgp utsecri ence) 2.C omputatiloinnaglu isIt.Si lcast.Bo rri,a nM . IIG.u thrie, LouisMe. IIIT.i tlIeV..S eries. QA76.9.N38W15959 5 413'.0285'5-dc20 94-49362 CIP Contents Prefacvei i Chapt8e r 121 Acknowledgmenitxs The ConstructioofnM odemL exicons Chapte1r Chapt9e r 137 Introduction AutomatiTce chniquesf orAn alyzing Machine-ReadaDbilceti onaries Chapt2e r II Chapt1e0r 161 A ShortHi storoyf M eaning GenuHise rarchiaesn dN etworks Chapt3e r 29 Chapt1e1r 183 SymboliAcc counotfsD efinitional Meaning NumericMaelt hodfso rL anguage Proescsing Chapt4e r 45 Chapt1e2r 207 Primitives inM eaningD efinition AutomatiPcr ocesisngo fB ilingual Chapt5e r 63 Dictionaries WordbooakssH uman Artifacts: Chapte1r3 223 DictionaarinesdT hesauri ConsumPerr ojeUcstsi nMga chine­ Chapt6e r 81 ReadabDlil:c tionaries EarlCyo mputatiAopnparlo aches: Chapte1r4 239 Tasksa ndT ools The Present Chapt7e r 97 Referenc2e5s7 TextAn alysiasn dI tsR elationsthoi p DictionarDiiesc:ti onaraisTes e xts Index2 81 Preface Itw aso nly2 0y earasg o,a longt imei nt hifise lbdu ts hortf orm ost things, "tchoamtp utianngdt hel exicowna"s a topitch arta isoendl y yawnsf rom muocfht hec omputatiloinnaglu istics coDmimcutniiot­y. narietsh emselwveerste h eb ookyso uw oulfidn do nloyn t hed esokf t hose whoc ouldsn'pte lTlh.e yw erekn own tob ep ronteo e rrolri,ka el hlu man endeavoarnsd,a reasonaabtltei ttuodt eh emm ighhta veb eent haotf Johnsotnoh iosw ng readti ctionaashr eyp ,u ti t",i nsenstiotp irvaeio sre blameS."u chb ookjsu swte rweh att hewye rea,n dt hadti dn otf,o rm ost oft hosienc omputational liinncgluuibdseeti inacgns o ,b jefcotrr esearch orc omputation. How ith asa lclh angeadsg, o vernmenatg encianedsl argceo rporations competteog ett heihra ndosn l arglee xictoons sp eetdh eg rowtohf t heir natural language (NpLrPo)sc yesstseimnnsga; t ionnaele dasr ea ppealed to,l exickanlo wledbgaes ehsa ves omethionfgt hec achetth arte cently attachteodr eal-wokrnlodw ledbgaes eOsf.m orei nterpeesrth,a ptsh,e continuoiftd yi ctionaarnidle esx icownist ht hee xploratoiffo unn da­ mentails suteods o w iht thee xpressainodrn e presentoafmt eiaonni nhga s agaibne ern ecognized. How hasa ltlhi sc omea boutF?i rsitth, a sb eent hroudgihs satisfaction witthh et rivsiizaelo fm ostN LP systeamnsd a realizatthiatothn i cso uld notc ontiniufte h erwee reev etro b es eriouNsL P applicatTihoennts h.e re wasg rowinrge spefcotrt hec onteanntd c onsistoefnr ceyad li ctionaries; nott hatth ewye rep erfecbtu tb ecausuen,l imkuec ha cademliicn guistics andp hilosopthhye,ia ru thohrasd t akerne aclo ncredteec isiaobnosu t meaninegv erdya yj,u sats j udgetsa kper actimcoarla dle cisieovnesr y dayw,h ileet hicpahli losopchoenrtsi ntuode e bataen dd iscuss. Noneo ft haptr ovetsh atth em eaninrge preseonntsia ntd iictiroineas, eveni ft hecya nb ee xtracatreedt ,h eo nesth ahtu manuss eo rt haNtL P viii Preface systenmese dB.u ts uddeniltayl sle emewdo rtah t rya,n dt hel argaen d colorsfuublj emcatt teorft hisb ookc amei ntboe inLgo. okinbga ckm,a ny researcwheerrsesl otwo r ecognizteh ep ioneering eofffto hrotswseh ofi rst investigdaitcetdi onacroimepsu tatioonna plrilmyi timvaec hineOsl:n ey, Amslera,n dW alkerT.o Don Walkeri,np articuwlea dre,d icatthei s book. Acknowledgments We thanka ltlh osweh oo fferehde lpfcuolm mentosn e arliderra ftasn d providheedl pfmualt erieaslp,e ciBaelclkyy B ruceN,i coleCtatlaz olari, JimC owieThi,e rry FonteneRlilceh,a Frodw lePra,t riHcakn ksa,n dP aul ProctMearn.y t hankfso ro urd iscussoivoentrsh ey earasr eo wedt ot he NaturLaaln guaRgees earGcrho upa tt heC omputiRnegs earLcahb ora­ toryN.e w MexicSot atUen iversTirteym.e ndohuesl wpi tthh efin alp ro­ ductioofnt heb ookw asg ivebny B eaG uzmana ndV enuRsa ulOsn.e o f thea uthors tthhaenM kass tearn dF elloowfsT riniHtayl lC,a mbridge Universwihtoy,sf ee llowaslhliopwh eidmt ow rithei psa rotf t heb ook. ElectWriocr ds Chapter 1 Introduction Dictionaanrdci oemsp utaatriteow nos ubjencoottfs t berno ugthotg ether int hsea mbeo oko,re veinnt hsea mper oposuinttirioelnc enTthleay i.m oft hisb ooikst oe xpltohrgeer owirnegl atbieotnwset ehnea mn di,np ar­ ticutloia nrv,e stwihgeatthweeh rai tfs o unidnt raditdiiocntailo cnaanri es beo fs ervtioct eh ocsoen cernwietdhg ettcionmgp utteopr rso caensds, somewo ulsda yu,n dersntaatnudlr aanlg ualgiekEsen gliJsahp,a nese, Spanisahn,ds oo n. Artifiicnitaell l(iAgIew)ni clbelea s ubjneecvtfe arfr r otmh ceo ncerns oft hibso okM.o sotf i tasd herheanvtcesl aitmheadct o dekdn owleodfg e three awlo rlwda sr equiirfme adc hinweesr teou ndersltaanngdu iang e anys eriosuesn sTeh.ep roblweamsa lwahyosw t og eitt t:h ewreer neo suitsaobulreac nedns o t imteoh andciritan fA.t r eceandtv ertifsoerm ent anO xforddi ctiorneaaryd" sS:oi fy oudri ctiodnoaersykn n'otw w ho JohnM ajoirsi ,s ni'ttti myeo us wappieftdo orn eth adto esT?h"a sth ows thatth dei stinbcettiwoednei nc tioannaderi necsy clompaeydb ieha asr der tod ratwo datyh awnh en Tcoodudwl rdi itnet hper eftaochi esr evision ofJ ohnsong'rse adti ctio(n[a1r7y5 5]t/h1a8"t2h 7ew) h om ake[sd ic­ tionamriuessot]f twerni otfwe h ahte d oenso utn derstDaincdt.i"o naries, likeen cyclopaerdneio awos f,s omiem mediianttee troea snty ownheo shartehske n owledge-gdoiarolefsAc It.e d Patrick uSsuetpdops easy2 ,5y eaargso t,h ahtew oulodn lbyei nter­ estiendm achitnrea nsl(aMtTiw)oh ne pnr ogrcaomuspl rdo caew shso le bookI.nf actth,ea yl recaoduyla dn dd iwdh ehne s iadt habtu,ht i rse ­ marwka si nt hrei gshpti rAiltt.h oMuTg,hb ym ethondoswc onsidered superficbiyma ols wth ow orikn A Ip,r ocelsasrevgdoe l umoefts e xbty thmied -196t0hso,As Ier esearwchhoae irmse fdos ro methdienegpf eorr, am odeloifnw gh amto speto plweo ulcda "lul nderstaant deixwntrg,o" t e progratmhsap tr ocesosnelady f ews entenac feasco,tf tdeins guised in

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