Electric-field-driven phase transition in vanadium dioxide B. Wu,1,2 A. Zimmers,1,∗ H. Aubin,1,† and R. Ghosh, Y. Liu and R. Lopez3 1Laboratoire de Physique et d’Etude des Mat´eriaux, UMR 8213, ESPCI-ParisTech-CNRS-UPMC, 10 rue Vauquelin, 75231 Paris, France 2National Laboratory for Superconductivity, Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, Peoples Republic of China 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,Chapel Hill,North Carolina 27599, USA (Dated: January 9, 2012) We report on local probe measurements of current-voltage and electrostatic force-voltage char- 2 1 acteristics of electric field induced insulator to metal transition in VO2 thin film. In conduct- ing AFM mode, switching from the insulating to metallic state occurs for electric field threshold 0 E ∼ 6.5×107Vm−1 at 300 K. Upon lifting the tip above the sample surface, we find that the 2 transition can also beobserved through achange in electrostatic force and in tunnelingcurrent. In n this non-contact regime, the transition is characterized by random telegraphic noise. These results a show that electric field alone is sufficient to induce the transition, however, the electronic current J providesa positive feedback effect that amplifies the phenomena. 6 PACSnumbers: 72.70.+m,72.20.-i,71.30.+h ] l e - Understanding the non-equilibrium transport prop- breakdown or Joule heating. While some experiments r t erties of strongly correlated systems such as Mott suggest that Joule heating could be responsible for the s . insulators[1] is a fundamental issue of condensed mat- transition[8], others suggest this is negligeable[12]. t a ter physics. This out of equilibrium many body prob- m To answer that question, we used an Atomic Force lempresentsaformidablechallengetotheory[2];further- Microscope (AFM) to perform local measurements on a - more, the non-linear current voltage characteristics I(V) d observedincorrelatedmaterialsareofinterestforthede- VO2 film in the conducting AFM mode and in the Elec- n trostaticForceMicroscopy(EFM)mode. Intheconduct- o velopment of new electronic components; as exemplified ingAFMmode,thetipisinclosecontactwiththesample c recently with the discovery of the memristors[3]. andswitchingintheI(V)curveisobserved. Whenthetip [ Remarkable non-equilibrium transport properties due isretracted,wefindthatswitchingeventscanalsobeob- 1 to electric field induced switching from insulating to a servedintheelectrostaticforce-voltageF(V)character- v conducting regime have been observed in manganites[4], isticsandinthetunnelingcurrent-voltagecharacteristics. 9 5 vanadium dioxide (VO2)[5–8] and magnetite thin films Intheselasttwomodes,wherenolargecurrentflows,the 4 or nanoparticles[9]. data present Random Telegraphic Noise (RTN), indicat- 1 The material VO is particularly interesting as it un- ing that the system is bi-stable, jumping randomly from 2 . 1 dergoes a first-order thermal induced Insulator to Metal the insulating to the conducting state when an electrical 0 Transition (IMT) at 340 K[10] where the resistivity field is applied. This shows that electric-field induced 2 changes by several orders of magnitude. The insulat- breakdown of a correlated insulating state is possible 1 ing state can be viewed as a solid of singlet vanadium without any electronic current. However, the observa- : v atoms dimers in the Heitler-Londonlimit, implying elec- tion of RTN in those data, not observed when a large Xi tron correlations[11]. The electrical field induced break- electronic current flows across the sample, suggests that down of this insulating state led to large current jumps the current plays a role in the transition through a posi- r a (switching) in the I(V) curves[5, 6]. tive feedback effect. The most important issue about this non-equilibrium A 80 nm VO thick film was deposited on a Si doped 2 transitionis to understandthe role of the electronic cur- substratebypulsedlaserablation[13]. AFMmicroscopy rent. Innon-equilibriumtransportmodelsbasedonelec- gives RMS surface roughness about 5 nm as shown in tric field assisted tunneling such as in Poole-Frenkel or the insert of Fig. 1b. Figure 1a shows the sample resis- Zenermechanisms,onlytheelectricfieldmattersandthe tance as the temperature is sweptacrossthe IMT. Local electroniccurrentplaysnorole. Inthesemodels,theam- probe measurements are carried out with a home-built plitudeofthecurrentcanonlyincreaseexponentiallyfast variable temperature AFM installed in Ultra High Vac- with applied voltage. The switching phenomena – which uum. The force detection is based on measurement of led to a faster than exponential increase of the current – frequency shift of a tuning fork[14]. Typical amplitude ispuzzlingasitimplieseitheramany-bodyeffect,suchas oscillation of the tuning fork is about 5 nm. The Pt/Ir a phase transition between an insulating and a metallic tips glued onto the tuning fork were preparedby electri- state, or some other non-linear effects due to avalanche cal etching or by mechanical cutting. 2 Figure 1 shows typical I(V) curves measuredwith the 0 tip in contact with the surface, at different tempera- tures. At 300 K, the first current jump is observed at voltage bias of 5.2 V, which corresponds to an electric -2 field threshold E = 6.5×107 Vm−1. As the tempera- z) H 0.04 ture is increased, this threshold is shifted to lower volt- f( -4 age; at T = 330 K, the first switching voltage is 4.5 V, 0.00 i.e. E = 5.6×107 Vm−1. These electric field thresh- olds are in good agreement with previous local probe -6 -0.04 measurements[7, 8] of switching current in VO . In con- 2 -7.2 -6.8 -6.4 trastto measurements performedwith macroscopicelec- -8 trodes, our data can present several switches per I(V) -8 -4 0 4 8 curve. Probably, each additional current jump in the Voltage (V) I(V)curvecorrespondstothespreadingofthetransition FIG. 2. Panel (a): Tuning fork frequency shift ∆f vs. tip- area below the tip. samplevoltagedifferenceV forthetiplocatedat35nmabove For temperature T = 360 K, no current jumps are thesurface. Itshowsthecharacteristicquadraticdependence of the electrostatic force with voltage. Small steps appear at observedasexpectedforthesampleinthemetallicstate. highvoltage,∼7V,asshownintheinsetwiththeparabolic background removed. They are the consequence of electric field induced IMT. 150 3 (a) (c) 330K )10 I k 2 300K ( R (101 100A) whweritehdthise tehffeecttiipv-esatmipp-lseamdipslteandciestaanncdeλz =thed +DeλbDye, 10 D 0 Screening Length (DSL). Following Ref. [17], the fre- 10 quency shift ∆f is : 50 300 320 340 360 2 3 4 5 6 T (K) Voltage (V) dF 1∂2C 1 1000 ∆f =− = ∆φ2 ∼− (2) (b) 360K 330K dz 2 ∂z2 z A)800 /10 The experimental quadratic behavior of the frequency I (600 shift vs. voltage is shown in Figure 2. 400 At tip-sample distance d = 35 nm and high voltage 200 300K ∼7V,oneobservessmalljumpsintheelectrostaticforce ∆f vs. V curve. According to formula 1, these jumps 0 2 4 6 8 10 could be interpreted either as changes in chemical po- Voltage (V) tential or as changes in tip-sample capacitance. As both the chemical potential and the DSL should be modified FIG. 1. (color online) Panel (a) Temperature dependence of thein-planeresistanceoftheVO2thinfilmdeposedondoped at the transition from the insulating to the conducting silicon;Panel(b)I(V)curvesmeasuredat300K,330K,and state, an electric field induced IMT provides a natural I(V)/10 measured at 360 K. Insert, AFM topography of the explanation for the observed jumps[18]. As a change in sample. Panel(c)Zoom onthecurrentjumps,indicatedasa the DSL induces achangeinthe effective tip-sample dis- dashed box on panel (b). tancez,itseffectonthefrequencyshiftcanbeestimated from δ∆f/∆f = −δz/z obtained from the derivation of Eq.1. The magnitude of the jumps are in the range With this setup, one can now lift the tip and perform 0.01−0.05 Hz. As the full frequency shift due to elec- electrostaticforcemeasurements. Ifthe tip is farenough trostatic force is ∼ 5 Hz, the relative change is about (more then 25nm), no currentcan be detected; however, 0.2−1 %, which implies, with the tip-sample distance the electrostatic force causes a shift of the tuning fork d=35nm,achangeoftheDSLabout≃0.07−0.35nm. resonance frequency. Given that the electrostatic energy ofthetip-samplecapacitorCisU =(1/2C)∆φ2,where The DSL for VO2 can be estimated from the carrier el ∆φ=φ −φ +V is the electrochemicalpotential density n : tip sample difference between the tip and the sample added to the ǫǫ k T applied voltage V, the electrostatic force is[15, 16]: λ = 0 B (3) D r ne2 1∂C 1 At the thermal-tuned IMT, the electron density changes F =− ∆φ2 ∼ln (1) by several orders of magnitude. In the metallic state, 2 ∂z z 3 metal Pt surface, see Fig. 3a, and second, RTN disap- pears when the temperature is increased at 370K above the IMT transition of VO . In those last two cases, 2 we find instead that the noise has a Gaussian distribu- tion, Fig. 3b. RTN such as observed here is the charac- teristic signature of a two-states fluctuator. Two-states fluctuatorscanemergefromlocalizedstatesofnanoscale devices or nanoparticles[22], where fluctuations between the two states is due to trapping-detrapping of single charges. However,two-statesfluctuatorscanalsoemerge from systems with many degrees of freedom. Typical examples are provided by Josephson junctions[23] or su- perconducting nanowires[24] where the system switches from the superconducting to the normal state when the superfluid current exceeds some critical value. Further- more, RTN has also been observed in transport mea- surements of strongly correlated material such as un- derdopedcuprates[25]andmanganites[26],interpretedas two-levelsfluctuatorsemerginginsystemswithmanyde- greesoffreedom. Inoursystem,thetwo-statesfluctuator is built upfromthe twomacroscopicstates ofVO : one FIG. 3. (color online) Panel (a): Tuning fork frequency shift 2 is insulating, one is conducting. vs. time. From bottom to top, the first two curvesare taken attwodifferentplacesontheVO2sampleat300K;thethird It has a double potential well structure [26, 27], as curve shows a time trace at 370 K in the metallic state, and drawn schematically in the insert Fig. 3b. RTN is pro- finally, the upper curve is a time trace on a simple Pt thin duced as thermal excitations drive the system randomly filmat 300K. Panel(b)Histograms ofalltimetraces(using inonestateortheother. Inthismodel,theaveragetime the same color code as panel (a)). Curves are normalized to spentinonestateiisgivenbytheArrheniuslaw[28]: τ = set their maximum to 100 counts for each histogram. Insert i τ exp Ei whereE istheenergyofthestateiandτ isa panel (b): two-states fluctuatormodel discussed in text. 0 kBT i 0 microscopicconstantwhichdepends onthe thermalcou- pling to the external bath. Using this formula, one finds the energy difference E −E = k T ln τU = 17 meV, U D B τD Hallconductancemeasurements[19]giveacarrierdensity where the occupation times τ =5.5 s and τ =2.9 s U D about n = 1022 cm−3, while capacitance measurements are obtained[28] from counting the occupation times in give n = 1019 cm−3[20]. Using the dielectric coefficient the lowest time trace Fig. 3a. ǫ = 30[20], this led to a DSL in the range λD ≃ 0.07− Note that this energy level difference should depend 2nm. Intheinsulatingstate,capacitancemeasurements on temperature and applied electric field. Furthermore, givea carrierdensity rangingfromn=5×1015 cm−3 to the detailed characteristics of the noise may change n=5×1018 cm−3[20]. This leads to a DSL in the range from one sample location to another one, as exempli- λD ≃ 3−90 nm. With those values, we find that the fied by the time trace 1 taken on another location of changein DSL at the thermaltuned IMT is in the range thesample,shownFig.3a. Interestingly,recenttheoreti- [1−90 nm]. Thus, a change of DSL of one nanometer calworks[29]haveshownthatelectronicinhomogeneities duetotheelectricfieldinducedIMTisquitepossibleand such as stripes could lead to RTN, whose detailed char- provides a plausible explanation for the observed jumps acteristics could reveal whether such noise is due to cor- in the frequency shift. related fluctuations rather than independent switcher. In contrast to the contact mode, we find that the However, such an analysis will require a more detailed electrostaticforce detected transitionis characterizedby spatial mapping of RTN than presented here. non-Gaussian noise in the frequency shift measured as Figure 4 shows that RTN only appears above some function of time. Many time traces, for fixed tip posi- electric field threshold. For a tip-sample distance of tion 35 nm above the surface, lasting about one hour, 35nm, RTN disappears for voltage values lower than have been taken which all present RTN [21] as shown ∼ 4 V. On the other hand, for a fixed voltage value by the bottom curve of Fig. 3a. A histogram of each ∼ 8 V, RTN disappears for tip-sample distance larger time trace, Fig. 3b, shows that this noise is obviously than 90 nm. Using for the DSL the value estimated non-Gaussian at 300K with two peaks corresponding to above,wefindthattheelectricfieldthresholdisoftheor- two stable states. We checked that the observed RTN derofE ≃108Vm−1, whichiscomparableto the electric couldnotarisefromthe instrument. First,RTN isnever fieldthresholdfoundforcurrentswitchinginthe contact observed when measurements are performed on simple mode. 4 ofthecurrentinthetransition. Whentheelectroniccur- 0.3 (a) Constant tip/sample distance 35nm 8V (b) 8V rent is allowedto flow,it induces some positive feedback 6V 6V f (mHz)00..12 40VV malized counts10500 40VV –dcueperorpesensritbiinlsytnotohttrhoaeullmgohweteJadolultilcoeflshtoeawatet,i.ansOgtn–heatrhneediosdtorhinvelreyshatahsnmeds,aylilsftftrehemee or energy difference between the insulating and conducting N states,thesystemkeepsswitchingbetweenthetwostates 0.0 0 on a large electric field range. 0 50 100 150 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 time (s) f (m Hz) To conclude, we have presented conducting AFM and 0.2 (c) Constant tip/sample voltage 8V 3600nnmm (d) 3600nnmm EFM on VO2 thin film. In the contact mode, current 9103n0mnm unts100 9103n0mnm switchingisseeninthe I(V)curves. WithnoJouleheat- Hz) d co ing (tunnel mode and EFM mode), the system does not f (m0.1 Normalize 50 hdaavtae.aTnyhepoosbisteivrevafteieodnboafckthaensde fRaTstNswisitocbhsinergveedveinntsthine 0.0 the absence of Joule heating indicates that many-body effects should be at the origin of this phenomena. Such 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -0.02 0.00 0.02 time(s) f (mHz) a many-body phenomena could involve an electric field induced IMT or possibly some many-body versions of FIG.4. (coloronline)EFMtimetracesfordifferentelectrical Zener tunneling as recently studied theoretically[2]. fieldvaluesat300K.Panel(a),thetip/sampledistanceisset to35nmandvoltageischangedfrom8Vto0V.Panel(c),the A.Z. and H.A acknowledge support from ANR grant tip/sample voltage is set to 8 V and the tip/sample distance 09-BLAN-0388-01. R.G,Y.L.andR.L.acknowledgesup- isvariedfrom30nmto130nm. 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