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Elections in Hard Times: Southern Europe 2010-11 PDF

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Elections in Hard Times: Southern Europe 2010-11 Southern Europe has been at the heart of the European sovereign debt crisis and in the vanguard of the programmes of radical economic austerity implemented to confront it. During the first two crisis years, the consequences for domestic political stability were dramatic. Across the region, 2010-11 saw the overthrow of incumbent governments, the breaking down of established political affiliations and the emergence of new political actors. The culmination was the simultaneous downfall of three South European gov ernments in the space of eighteen days in November 201l. This volume offers a collection of case studies of the twelve popular votes during this period in Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Cyprus and the Turkish Cypriot community. The contests include legislative, presidential and sub-national elections and a national-level referendum. In our control case, Turkey, there was no economic crisis and no government change. Elsewhere in Southern Europe, the studies indicate the progression of the crisis, from the limited disapproval of the Berlusconi government registered in the Spring 2010 Italian regional election to the electoral collapse of the Spanish socialists in late 2011. The volume indicates a build-up of popular frustration with the democratic process which can only be dangerous for the future of South Eur opean democracy. This book was previously published as a special issue of South European Society and Politics. Anna Bosco is Associate Professor of Comparative Politics and European Government at the University of Trieste and co-editor of the journal South European Society and Politics. Susannah Verney is Assistant Professor of European Integration at the University of Athens and co-editor of the journal South European Society and Politics. South European Society and Politics series Series editors: Susannah Verney, University of Athens, Greece Anna Bosco, University of Trieste, Italy The parallel regime transitions of the 1970s, when Southern Europe was the vanguard of the 'third wave' of democratisation, the impact of EU membership and Europeani sation and more recently, the region's central role in the eurozone crisis have all made Southern Europe a distinctive area of interest for social science scholars. The South European Society and Politics book series promotes new empirical research into the domestic politics and society of South European states. The series, open to a broad range of social science approaches, offers comparative thematic volumes covering the region as a whole and on occasion, innovative single-country studies. Its geographical scope includes both 'old' and 'new' Southern Europe, defined as Italy, Greece, Portu gal, Spain, Cyprus, Malta and Turkey. Voters and Parties in the Spanish Transformations of the Radical Left in Political Space Southern Europe Edited by Ignacio Sfmchez-Cuenca and Bringing Society Back In? Elias Dinas Edited by Myrto Tsakatika and Marco Lisi Elections in Hard Times: Southern Europe 2010-11 Edited by Anna Bosco and Susannah Verney Previously published in the journal South European Society and Politics Europeanization and the Southern Spain and Portugal in the European Periphery Union Edited by Kevin Featherstone and The First Fifteen Years George Kazamias Edited by Paul Christopher Manuel and Sebastifm Royo Who Governs Southern Europe? Edited by Pedro Tavares de Almeida, Nancy Bermeo and Antonio Costa Pinto Mobilising Politics and Society? Spain's 'Second Transition'? The EU Convention's Impact on The Socialist government of Jose Luis Southern Europe Rodriguez Zapatero Edited by Sonia Luearelli and Edited by Bonnie N. Field Claudio Radaelli Dealing with the Legacy of Reinventing Democracy Authoritarianism Grassroots Movements in Portugal The "Politics of the Past" in Southern Edited by fo[w Arriseado Nunes and European Democracies Boaventura de Sousa Santos Edited by Antonio Costa Pinto and Leonardo Morlino When Greeks think about Turks The View from Anthropology Perspectives of National Elites on Edited by Dimitrios Theodossopoulos European Citizenship A South European View Party Change in Southern Europe Edited by Nieolo Conti, Maurizio Cotta Edited by Anna Boseo and and Pedro Tavares de Almeida Leonardo Morlino Euroscepticism in Southern Europe The South European Right in the 21st A Diachronic Perspective Century Edited by Susannah Verney Italy, France and Spain Edited by foeelyn A. f. Evans Turkey and the EU: Accession and Reform Edited by Gamze A vei and Ali (:arkoglu This page intentionally le!; blank Elections in Hard Times: Southern Europe 2010-11 Edited by Anna Bosco and Susannah Verney First published 2014 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OXI4 4RN Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2014 Taylor & Francis All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN13: 978-0-415-70489-2 Typeset in Times New Roman by Taylor & Francis Books Publisher's Note The publisher accepts responsibility for any inconsistencies that may have arisen during the conversion of this book from journal articles to book chapters, namely the possible inclusion of journal terminology. Disclaimer Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders for their permission to reprint material in this book. The publishers would be grateful to hear from any copyright holder who is not here acknowledged and will undertake to rectify any errors or omissions in future editions of this book. Contents Citation Information 1X 1. Electoral Epidemic: The Political Cost of Economic Crisis in Southern Europe, 201 0-11 Anna Boseo and Susannah Verney 1 2. The 2010 Regional Elections in Italy: Another Referendum on Berlusconi Piergiorgio Corbetta 27 3. The Turkish Cypriot Presidential Election of April 2010: Normalisation of Politics ~A~ ~ 4. The Eurozone's First Post-bailout Election: The 2010 Local Government Contest in Greece Susannah Verney 67 5. The 2010 Regional Election in Catalonia: A Multilevel Account in an Age of Economic Crisis Guillem Rico 89 6. The 2011 Portuguese Presidential Elections: Incumbency Advantage in Semi -presidentialism? Car/os lalali 111 7. The Twilight of the Berlusconi Era: Local Elections and National Referendums in Italy, May and June 2011 Alessandro Chiaramonte and Roberto D'Alimonte 133 8. In the Whirlwind of the Economic Crisis: Local and Regional Elections in Spain, May 2011 Belen Barreiro and Ignaeio Sfmehez-Cuenea 153 9. Disengaging Citizens: Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Cyprus, 22 May 2011 Christophoros Christophorou 167 10. After the Bailout: Responsibility, Policy, and Valence in the Portuguese Legislative Election of June 2011 Pedro C. Magalhaes 181 vu CONTENTS 11. No Crisis, No Change: The Third AKP Victory in the June 2011 Parliamentary Elections in Turkey Senem Aydzn-Diizgit 201 12. The 2011 General Election in Spain: The Collapse of the Socialist Party Irene Martin and Ignacio Urquizu-Sancho 219 Index 237 V111 Citation Information The chapters in this book were originally published in South European Society and Politics, volume 17, issue 2 (June 2012). When citing this material, please use the ori ginal page numbering for each article, as follows: Chapter 1 Electoral Epidemic: The Political Cost of Economic Crisis in Southern Europe, 2010-11 Anna Bosco and Susannah Verney South European Society and Politics, volume 17, issue 2 (June 2012) pp. 129-154 Chapter 2 The 2010 Regional Elections in Italy: Another Referendum on Berlusconi Piergiorgio Corbetta South European Society and Politics, volume 17, issue 2 (June 2012) pp. 155-174 Chapter 3 The Turkish Cypriot Presidential Election of April 2010: Normalisation of Politics Sait Ak~it South European Society and Politics, volume 17, issue 2 (June 2012) pp. 175-194 Chapter 4 The Eurozone's First Post-bailout Election: The 2010 Local Government Contest in Greece Susannah Verney South European Society and Politics, volume 17, issue 2 (June 2012) pp. 195-216 Chapter 5 The 2010 Regional Election in Catalonia: A Multilevel Account in an Age of Economic Crisis Guillem Rico South European Society and Politics, volume 17, issue 2 (June 2012) pp. 217-238 Chapter 6 The 2011 Portuguese Presidential Elections: Incumbency Advantage in Semi-presidentialism? Carlos Jalali South European Society and Politics, volume 17, issue 2 (June 2012) pp. 239-260 IX

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