Springer Series on Social Work Albert R. Roberts, D.S.W., Series Editor Graduate School of Social Work, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Advisory Board: Gloria Bonilla-Santiago, Ph.D., Sheldon R. Gelman, Ph.D., Gilbert J. Green, Ph.D., Jesse Harris, D.S.W., Michael J. Smith, D.S.W., and BaRbara Berkman, Ph.D 1984 Battered Women and Their Families: Intervention Strategies and Treatment Programs, Albert R. Roberts, D.S.W. 1984 Social Policy and the Rural Setting: Julia M. Watkins, Ph.D., and Dennis A. Watkins, Ph.D. (out of print) 1984 Clinical Social Work in Health Settings: A Guide to Professional Practice with Exemplars, Thomas Owen Carlton, D.S.W. 1984 Social Work in the Emergency Room Carole W. Soskis, M.S.W., J.D. (out of print) 1984 Disability, Work, and Social Policy: Models for Social Welfare Aliki Coudroglou, D.S.W., and Dennis L. Poole, Ph.D. (out of print) 1984 Foundations of Social Work Practice Joseph Anderson, D.S.W. (out of print) 1985 Task-Centered Practice with Families and Groups Anne E. Fortune, Ph.D. (out of print) 1986 Widow-to-Widow Phyllis R. Silverman, Ph.D. (out of print) 1986 Elder Abuse and Neglect: Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention Strategies, Mary Joy Quinn, R.N., M.A., and Susan K. Tomita, M.S.W. 1986 Law and Social Work Practice Raymond Albert, M.S.W,, J.D. 1987 Information and Referral Networks: Doorways to Human Services, Risha W. Levinson, D.S.W. 1988 Social Work in the Workplace: Practice and Principles, Gary M. Gould, Ph.D., and Michael Lane Smith, Ph.D. 1988 The Human Bond: Support Groups and Mutual Aid, Harry Wasserman, D.S.W., and Holly E. Danforth, M.S.W. 1988 Social Work: The Membership Perspective Hans S. Falck, Ph.D. 1990 Social Work Practice in Maternal and Child Health Terri Combs-Ome, Ph.D. 1990 Program Evaluation in the Human Services Michael J. Smith, D.S.W. 1990 Journeys to Recovery Milson Trachtenberg, A.C.S.W., C.A.C. 1990 Evaluating Your Practice: A Guide to Self-Assessment, Catherine Alter, Ph.D., and Wayne Evens, M.S.W. 1990 Violence Hits Home: Comprehensive Treatment Approaches to Domestic Violence, Sandra M. Stith, Ph.D., Mary Beth Williams, L.C.S.W., and Karen Rosen, M.S. 1991 Breast Cancer in the Life Course: Women's Experiences, Julianne S. Oktay, Ph.D.. and Carolyn Ambler Walter, Ph.D. 1991 Victimization and Survivor Services: A Guide to Victim Assistance, Arlene Bowers Andrews, Ph.D. 1992 The Family Functioning Scale: A Guide to Research and Practice, Ludwig L. Geismar, Ph.D., and Michael Camasso, Ph.D. 1994 Dilemmas in Human Services Management: Illustrative Case Studies, Raymond Sanchez Mayers, Ph.D., Federico Souflee, Jr., Ph.D., and Dick J. Schoech, Ph.D. 1994 Managing Work and Family Life, Viola M. Lechner, D.S.W., and Michael A. Creedon, D.S.W. 1996 Total Quality Management in Human Service Organizations, John J. Gunther, D.S.W., and Frank Hawkins, D.S.W. 1997 Multicultural Perspectives in Working with Families, Elaine P. Congress, D.S.W. 1997 Research Methods for Clinical Social Workers: Empirical Practice, John S. Wodarski, Ph.D. 1997 Elder Abuse and Neglect: Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention Strategies, 2nd Edition Mary Joy Quinn, R.N., M.A., and Susan Tomita, M.S.W., Ph.D. Mary Joy Quinn, RN, MA, is the direc- tor of Probate Court Services for the Cali- fornia Superior Court, City and County of San Francisco. She is a public health nurse and since 1973 has focused exclusively on frail elders. She formerly directed a gero- psychiatric day treatment center and has published numerous articles and book chapters on elder mistreatment. Susan K. Tomita, MSW, PhD, is an associate director of social work at Har- borview Medical Center, Seattle, Wash- ington. She is also the manager of the Medicine-Surgery Social Work Unit and social worker in the Senior Care Program. Her current research acivities are in the area of cultural variables and their rela- tionship to elder mistreatment. Elder Abuse and Neglect SECOND EDITION Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention Strategies MARY JOY QUINN SUSAN K. TOMITA Springer Publishing Company Copyright © 1997 by Springer Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Springer Publishing Company, Inc. Springer Publishing Company, Inc. 536 Broadway New York, NY 10012-3955 Cover design by: Margaret Dunin Acquisitions Editor: Bill Tucker Production Editor: Susan Gamer 01 02 15 4 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Quinn, Mary Joy. Elder abuse and neglect: causes, diagnosis, and intervention strategies / Mary Joy Quinn, Susan K. Tomita.—2nd ed. p. cm.—(Springer series on social work) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8261-5121-3 (HB) ISBN 0-8261-5122-1 (PB) 1. Abused aged—United States. 2. Social work with the aged— United States. 3. Abused aged—Services for—United States. I. Tomita, Susan K. II. Title. III. Series. HV6626.3.Q56 1997 362'6—dc21 97-2104 CIP Printed in the United States of America In memory of Frank A. Quinn E. Joy Stine and Walter T. Stine Susumu Tomita and to Hiroko Miura Tomita Clifford J. Barda Jason Rabbitt-Tomita Whose love sustains us and whose caring continues to teach us to care for others This page intentionally left blank Contents Foreword to the First Edition by Congressman Claude Pepper ix Foreword to the Second Edition by Lisa Nerenberg, MSW, MPH xi Preface xvii Part One The Phenomenon of Elder Mistreatment \ 1 Aging and Elder Mistreatment 3 2 Victims and Their Abusers 21 3 Types of Elder Mistreatment 47 4 Why Elder Mistreatment Occurs 86 Part Two Diagnosis and Intervention 127 5 Diagnostic Phase: I. Preparation for Assessment 129 6 Diagnosis Phase: II. Assessment 150 7 Intervention Phase: I. Considerations and Crisis Treatment 180 8 Intervention Phase: II. The Many Forms of Treatment 201 9 Intervention Phase: HI. Legal Intervention 255 10 Epilogue 295 Appendixes A Harborview Medical Center Elder Abuse Diagnostic and Intervention Protocol 301 B Dementia Scale 312 VII viii Contents C Mini-Mental Status Exam 313 D ADL Evaluation Form 315 E Symptoms of Depression 317 F Powers of Attorney 318 G California Penal Code 368 330 References 333 Index 353 Foreword to the First Edition Congressman Claude Pepper Elder abuse. The phrase still sends shock waves among the majority of Americans. Most find it hard to believe how widespread and frequent this problem is. Most would prefer not to acknowledge that elder abuse, which flies in the face of traditional American ideals, exists. Eight years ago the Select Committee on Aging began an investigation into the problem of elder abuse. A series of field hearings and consider- able research revealed the sad truth—elder abuse was far from an isolated and localized problem involving a few frail elderly and their pathological offspring. The problem was a full-scale, national epidemic which existed with a frequency few dared imagine. In fact, abuse of the elderly by loved ones and caregivers existed with a frequency and rate only slightly less than child abuse. Subsequent work in this area has shown that the prob- lem has increased dramatically through the years. Our latest figures show that 1.1 million, or one out of every 25, elderly persons are victims of abuse each year. I think Ms. Quinn and Ms. Tomita are to be congratulated for their very comprehensive work on elder abuse. A recurring observation in the Com- mittee's 1985 survey of state adult protective service workers was the dearth of information on elder abuse—particularly how to spot victims and pro- vide appropriate intervention. I feel Elder Abuse and Neglect: Causes, Diagnosis, and Intervention Strategies will prove useful to anyone con- cerned with elder abuse—social worker, scholar, legislator, caregiver, or ordinary citizen. IX