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Elastohydrodynamics - '96 Fundamentals and Applications in Lubrication and Traction, Proceedings of the 23rd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology held in the Institute of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering PDF

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Preview Elastohydrodynamics - '96 Fundamentals and Applications in Lubrication and Traction, Proceedings of the 23rd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology held in the Institute of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering

TRIBOLOGY SERIES, 32 EDITOR: D. DOWSON ELASTOHYDRODYNAMICS '96 - FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS IN LUBRICATION AND TRACTION edited by D. Dowson", C.M. Taylor, T.H.C. Childs and G. Dalmaz, Y. Berthier, L. Flamand, J.-M. Georges, A.A. Lubrecht * Principal Editor Proceedings of the 23rd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology held in the Institute of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Leeds, UK 10th - 13th September, 1996. ELSEVIER Amsterdam Lausanne New York Oxford Shannon Tokyo 1997 For the Institute of Tribology, The University of Leeds and The lnstitut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 21 1,1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands ISBN 0 444 82809 5 Vol. 32) ISBN 0 444 41677 3 [Series) (0 1997 ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Science B.V., Copyright & Permissions Department, P.0. Box 521,1000 AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the USA. - This publication has been registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. Information can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publi- cation may be made in the U.S.A. All other copyright questions, including photocopying outside of the U.S.A., should be referred to the copyright owner, Elsevier Science B.V., unless otherwise specified. No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or pro- perty as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. pp. 37-48, 49-54, 81-90, 125-134, 175-182, 185-198, 261-268, 287-296, 511-522, 611-616: Copyright not transferred. This book is printed on acid-free paper Printed in The Netherlands V INTRODUCTION The 23rd Leeds-Lyon Symposium addressed the topic of “Elastohydrodynamics”. It was held at the regular UK venue, Bodington Hall, The University of Leeds from Tuesday September 10th to Friday September 13th 1996. The meeting was attended by 140 delegates fiom twenty countries and papers were presented in sixteen sessions with once again many parallel sessions in order to accommodate the large numbers of papers. The organisers from Leeds were magnificently supported by authors fiom the tribological community world-wide and we give our thanks to them, to other delegates and particularly to our colleagues from the Laboratoire de Mecanique des Contacts of the Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon who once again turned out in force. There have been three previous international meetings addressing the general area of elastohydrodynamic lubrication. - “Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication” A Symposium arranged by the Lubrication and Wear Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers from the 21st/23rd September 1965. “Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication” a meeting arranged by the Tribology Group of - the Institution of Mechanical Engineers from the 1 1 13th April 1972. “Elastohydrodynamics and Related Topics” - The 5th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology held from the 19th to the 22nd September 1978. All these meetings were at the University of Leeds and the Institute of Tribology within the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Leeds was particularly proud therefore to organise this fourth world-wide gathering of tribologists. Four authors at the first meeting in 1965 also - presented papers at the 23rd Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology Alastair Cameron, Duncan Dowson, Chris Hooke and Jerry Kannel. It was a particular delight to have these colleagues with us thirty one years to the month after the first EHL Meeting. Professor Stathis Ioannides presented the Keynote Address before the Symposium Dinner on the opening evening of the meeting. His paper “Tribology in Rolling Element Bearings, Recent Advances and the Wider Implications“ was a tour de force reflecting his wide experience of the influence of elastohydrodynamic lubrication studies on the development of rolling element bearing technology with particular reference to his experience at SKF Engineering and Research in the Netherlands. In addition to this Keynote Address there were fifteen other sessions covering the general areas, AnalyticaVNumerical, Experimental, Soft EHL, Lubricant Properties, Transmissions-Gears, Biotribology, Rolling Element Bearings, vi Boundary Lubrication, Friction, Traction and Wear, Metal Forming, Transmissions - CVT’s and Plain Bearings. Nine other invited technical papers supported these sessions and we are gratefbl to the Invited Authors for their carefblly prepared papers and valuable contributions. Those who chaired sessions are recorded in this Volume of Proceedings and to them likewise we would like to express our thanks. Not only did those who chaired the sessions keep the busy programme to its time schedule but they also ensured valuable discussions which are recorded along with the Written Discussion in this Volume of Proceedings. The Symposium Dinner was held at Nidd Hall Country House Hotel immediately after the Keynote Address of Professor Ioannides on the first evening. The dinner was graced by the presence of the Pro-Chancellor of the University of Leeds, Colonel A C Roberts, who has been a great supporter of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the aRer dinner speech was made by Professor David A Parkes, Director of Shell Research Limited who entertained and informed delegates in a sparkling presentation. On the afternoon of Thursday 12th September 1996 the delegates repaired to the new Royal Armouries Museum in the City of Leeds. The visit had been prepared by a presentation the previous evening by Mr Chris O’Boyle, Chief Executive of the Royal Armouries, and the visit to this new E42 million development was much enjoyed by delegates and rounded off in the evening by an excellent meal. After the meeting many delegates remained in Leeds to enjoy a walk in the Yorkshire Dales on Saturday 14th September. Two years previously those who had undertaken a similar walk had scaled one of the three Yorkshire Peaks, Whernside. On this occasion walkers scaled the second of the three peaks, Ingleborough, enjoying a repast and drink or two in the same Public House, The Old Hill Inn, as previously. It was observed that at the next Leeds-Lyon Symposium to be held in Leeds there would be some sense in addressing the third of the three - Yorkshire Peaks Pen-y-ghent. Yet again we are sincerely gratehl to our colleagues at the University of Leeds who have joined us in the detailed planning and execution of the Symposium. These have included, Mrs Cath Goulborn. Mrs Sheila Moore, Dr Peter Dearnley, Mr Ron Harding, Mr David Hawkridge, Mr Brian Jobbins, Mr David Jones, and other academic colleagues, clerical staff, technical staff,r esearch fellows and research students who have played their part. We would like in particular to note that David Jones retired from the Department of Mechanical Engineering on the 30th September 1996. His association with, and contribution to, the series of Leeds-Lyon Symposia since their inception has been exceptional including taking responsibility for all aspects surrounding the audio-visual presentations at Leeds. We should also like to record that one of our tribological colleagues Dr Chris Radcliffe has also left us but it is with pleasure that we wish to record that two new academic tribological colleagues have now joined us in Leeds, Dr Pascal Ehret on the 1st July 1996 and Dr Martin Priest on the 1st September 1996. Once again Elsevier Science Publishers BV, Amsterdam have supported our endeavours tremendously and we gratehlly acknowledge them and the following organisations vii who made financial contributions to the meeting. These financial contributions enabled us to achieve our goals and in particular to reduce the registration fee for many younger research workers. BP International Ltd - Charities Aid Foundation Unilever's Research and Engineering Division DePuy International Ltd Elsevier Science Publishers BV FAG OEM und Handel AG NSK Limited Shell Research Ltd SKF Engineering & Research Centre BV The range of topics covered by the Leeds-Lyon series of meetings is now extensive as will be seen from the following list. 1. 'Cavitation and Related Phenomena in Lubrication' 2. 'Superlaminar Flow in Bearings' 3. 'The Wear of Non-Metallic Materials' 4. 'Surface Roughness Effects in Lubrication' 5. 'Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication and Related Topics' 6. 'Thermal Effects in Tribology' 7. 'Friction and Traction' 8. 'The Running-In Process in Tribology' 9. 'The Tribology of Reciprocating Engines' 10. 'Numerical and Experimental Methods Applied to Tribology' 1 1. 'Mixed Lubrication and Lubricated Wear' 12. 'Global Studies of Mechanisms and Local Analyses of Surface Distress Phenomena' 13. 'Fluid Film Lubrication - Osborne Reynolds Centenary' 14. 'Interface Dynamics' 15. 'Tribological Design of Machine Elements' 16. 'Mechanics of Coatings' ... Vlll 17. ‘Vehicle Tribology’ 18. ‘Wear Particles : From the Cradle to the Grave’ 19. ‘Thin Films in Tribology’ 20. ‘Dissipative Processes in Tribology’ 2 1. ‘Lubricants and Lubrication’ 22. ‘The Third Body Concept: Interpretation of Tribological Phenomena‘ 23 ‘Elastohydrodynamics- ‘96’ Over the years the organisers of the meeting and the editors of the Volume of Proceedings have taken great care to ensure the quality of the papers presented orally and included in the final Volume of Proceedings. A view on the quality of all material is taken at the presentations and all manuscripts are reviewed by international tribological authorities in Europe and occasionally from elsewhere. The editors would like to acknowledge the support of referees and to record their commitment to the continuation and improvements of the high quality of papers which appear in the Proceedings. Exceptionally in 1997 there is to be a World Tribology Congress held from the 8th-12th September in London, the organisation being led by the Tribology Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. All major tribological research societies have committed to the support of this World Tribology Congress in different ways. This includes the Leeds-Lyon Symposium which on this unusual occasion will be held at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine from September 4th-6th immediately preceding the World Tribology Congress. We are grateful to our colleagues in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the - Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College Professor Brian Briscoe, Dr Philippa Cann and Professor Hugh Spikes for their positive and energetic support of Leeds and Lyon on this occasion and we are already looking forward to this 24th Leeds-Lyon meeting which will be entitled “Tribology for Energy Conservation”. Duncan Dowson, Chris Taylor, Tom Childs Elastohydrodynamics '96 / D. Dowson et al. (Editors) 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 3 EHL in rolling element bearings, recent advances and the wider implications. E Ioannides SKF Engineering & Research Centre, and Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Rolling element bearings were introduced industrially in the latter part of the nineteenth century and rapidly became the main machine element used in the support of rotating shafts and machinery, mainly because of their low frictional losses. Todays' demands for increased reliability and downsizing, combined with the requirement for high speed development of equipment, have encouraged the development of predictive tools rather than following the usually more expensive and slower testing approach. This in turn has spurred the refinement of EHL predictions that model more realistic operational conditions in rolling bearing and other machine elements. In this paper, lubrication of real surfaces with roughness or damage from solid contaminants is discussed, together with frictional losses. The implications of treating a rolling element bearing as a full dynamic system are considered and the need for further research is identified. 1. INTRODUCTION The rolling element bearing is the most widespread machine element (after nuts and bolts) with some fifty billion bearings in operation throughout the world. The origin of rolling bearings can be traced in antiquity where bearings supporting platforms in Roman ships had rolling elements made of bronze and wood. Even earlier a Celtic cart was found with hubs. having spacing for supporting wooden elements, rolling or possibly sliding [l]. Despite these early origins rolling bearings were introduced industrially only during the latter part of the nineteenth century after a flurry of patents during the previous century. The chief reason for this is that low surface roughness of the rolling elements and the contacting raceways is needed to ensure satisfactory separation of these components by the very thin lubricant film formed Fig.1: Photoelastic model of a radially loaded during rotation of the bearing. This, together with bearing the use of special steels of high cleanliness, is necessary to ensure long and trouble-free operation As a consequence the modem rolling element under the high contact pressures that develop in the bearing is a precision machine element, usually minute contact areas between the relatively small mass produced at high speed with very demanding rolling elements and the raceways, asmay be seen dimensional and working contact surface in the photoelastic model of Fig. 1. Thus, requirements. The high demand on dimensional commercialization of rolling element bearings had accuracy of the different bearing components to await the capability of manufacturing smooth originates from the requirements for running surfaces made of strong steel. accuracy of machinery whilst, as indicated above, 4 the need for low roughness originates from the need dominant in field studies of causes of failure, Fig 2, to build a separating lubricating film. see for example [lo]. It should however be noted in this connection that the vast majority of Optimising the selection of rolling bearings in bearings, 99.5%, are either scrapped with the machinery is an important issue, not only because equipment or replaced during maintenance without of the large numbers of bearings involved, but also having failed. because of the critical role these components play in many applications, including safety, for CAUSES OF FAILURE FOR BEARING LIFE c L1 example in transport systems. Today's high % performance and reliability requirements are also a result of keen competition for all manufactured equipment combined with the need for high speed development from concept to finished product. This in turn implies that numerical modelling is usually preferable to testing because of both speed and cost. Considerable effort has therefore been put into modelling bearing performance in increasingly realistic terms by including, for example. effects of roughness and lubricant contamination. This is particularly important in modem machinery where the trends of higher speed and increased power density (downsizing) have been eroding the Fig. 2: Main Causes of Bearing Failure traditional safety factors built into earlier designs. The issue of rheology is also further discussed The paper discusses three of the main in the next section in relation to the friction torque performance criteria of bearings, life, friction and of bearings. This aspect of bearing performance is dynamic behaviour, concentrating on EHL-related gaining importance in the world of today with the issues affecting these. The current issues of life keen interest in cnergy conservation. calculation are addressed first, including the introduction of a fatigue limit for bearing steels Finally, in addressing the overall and the representation of realistic rough or performance of bearings, the dynamic effects of contaminated lubrication conditions. Some recent the whole bearing operating as a system are contributions to these topics may be found in Refs. discussed. Again, as forces are transmitted through 12-61. EHL contacts, these contacts dctcrmine the dynamic behaviour of the rolling elements and thc In addition, advances in EHL calculations and cage. A 'systems approach' to modelling the rheology modelling, which extend the dynamics of the complete bearing therefore relies understanding of asperity interactions and more heavily on EHL simulation. Results from the generally the effects of topography on film building dynamic modelling of complete bearings at various and contact stresses, are also discussed. Some of levels of complexity are reported in Refs. [ 11 -12 1. the difficulties and the progress in understanding grease lubrication are also addressed, as sealed or 2. LIFE AND LUBRICATION greased-for-life bearing applications have been steadily increasing in past years. Recent work in As indicated in the Introduction, the this area is described in Refs. [6-91. commercialization of rolling bearings had to wait These broad issues of life, lubrication and until manufacturing practices could deliver surfaces contamination of rolling bearings, are also smooth enough to be sufficiently separated by EHL 5 films. This is necessary to guarantee long life for 2.1. EHL of rough surfaces rolling bearings which are expected to survive Lubricated rough contacts are characterised by typically lo9 contacts at each point of the pressure oscillations which describe the pressure contacting surface of the raceways, each at a high increase at the top of the asperities and the pressure contact pressure between 1 to 4 GPa. With decrease in the intervening valleys compared to a microslip present (Heathcote - i.e. curvature smooth contact. The EHL solution for a rolling - originated slip, slip from manufacturing engineering rough surface must in most cases tolerances etc.) such separation is necessary since involve a simplified description of the surface or of when a degree of metallic contact occurs, reduction the roughness, [15-181, as the solution must be time of service life of the bearings has been observed. dependent to *account for the varying amounts of Empirically this has been introduced into bearing entrained lubricant and its squeezing by the asperity life calculations, [13], and into bearing approach velocities. In contrast, pure sliding of a manufacturers' catalogues. rough surface against a smooth one produces a steady state, where there is no approach velocity. Bearings are selected (type and size) such that The problem is time independent and many the percentage probability (n) to fail in an solutions exist, [ 19-2 11. application within a prescribed number of Millions of revolutions L,, i.e. the expected life of the Estimating the life of such real rough surfaces bearings, is known. A number of conditions is of primary interest in the effort to predict the life influence the bearing life L, such as steel quality, of rolling bearings. The approach to this, given the contacting surface quality, lubricating conditions, present day calculation limitations described above, load, operating temperature, internal stresses from is to use expressions or design curves derived from fittings, bearing kinematics, etc. and an increasing test [ 131 or to utilise stress fields obtained from dry number of these are taken into account in the contact solutions to estimate the expected life. prediction methodologies for L, [ 141. The latter approximation is valid for thin films where the pressure distribution approaches The lubricant in the bearing is the low shear asymptotically the dry contact one as the film strength "third body" which is used to separate the thickness diminishes. In the absence of pressure two otherwise contacting bodies. Thus shearing fluctuation attenuation by the lubricant film the takes place in the lubricant and the shear stresses dry contact pressure distributions provide a exerted on the metallic surfaces are reduced as the conservative limit for the purposes of life separation grows. Under a variety of operating calculation. Such dry contact calculations have conditions, the real engineering (rough) surfaces in been reported by a number of authors, [22-231, and rolling bearings experience different degrees of more recently the extension of the methods to metallic contact. Traditionally this has been layered contacts has been reported [24-251. The described by the ratio, A, of the film thickness to dry contact subsurface stress fields were used in [26] to assess the relative effect of roughness the composite roughness or by the viscosity ratio K parameters on life. In Fig. 3, from this reference, preferred by bearing manufacturers. Loss of bearing the computed surfaces show that averaged L,, life has been empirically related to these values increase dramatically when the rms slope of parameters. In fact, this is the major cause of the surface is reduced or when the skewness is bearing failure as can be seen in Fig 2, showing the made more negative. The benefit deriving from a percentage share of the major causes of bearing & reduction in the roughness amplitude itself is, by failure. Efforts to model real surface lubrication contrast, more modest. have thus intensified in recent years. Three areas of Moreover, in attempting to model the rough this effort are discussed below. rolling and sliding lubricated contact present in rolling bearings the non-Newtonian rheology of the 6 lubricants must be addressed. At the typical In general, the complexity of EHL pressures and temperatures of the contacts in these calculations for real rough surfaces is prohibitive. bearings such lubricants can solidify and react to However, in recent times progress in this direction the small amounts of sliding present in bearings by has been greatly assisted by Multigrid techniques leaking sideways from the top of the asperities, which have resulted in dramatically shorter allowing oil film collapse, [27-281. This behaviour computational times and smaller memory can also be modelled by treating the lubricant film requirements. It is therefore expected that these as a perfectly plastic solid, [29]. Fig. 7 shows the computational techniques will further expand the calculated collapse of the oil film thickness with ability to understand film formation and stress passage time through the contact for a smooth on levels at the asperity contact level (micro EHL) rough surface combination with four different within a rough lubricated contact, e.g. [30]. asperity wavelengths (h) in the direction However, the true performance of rolling bearings transverse to the rolling/sliding [29]. under mixed or boundary lubrication conditions depends also on the chemical composition of the oil and any additives, which can have a profound effect on life. Thus, for the foreseeable future, additional experimental work will be needed to support life predictions. 2.2. EHL of damage In the past, a considerable amount of experimental work has been reported in which contaminated lubricants were used in rolling element bearings and rolling contacts. An overview of this work is given in [3]. In geneml, such experimental work points to a wide range of life reductions, usually severe, indicating the need for a predictive model which can account for the effects of such realistic conditions. For this reason theoretical studies have recently been emerging in which an effort is made to systematize the many ,parameters that govern the effects of particulate contamination. These studies have concentrated on two main aspects: (a) the mechanisms and the prediction of damage by particles to the raceways and rolling elements [4-71. and (b) a theoretical confirmation of how such localised damage can reduce the fatigue life of a bearing [8-131. For the latter, fatigue models such as the one reported in [14] have been used to predict the life reductions associated with damaged raceways and rolling elements. An alternative approach has been the use of Fracture Mechanics and Micromechanics modeling, e.g. [6]. Fig. 3: Relative life L,, variation versus roughness, Again in many cases the starting point for life slope and skewness predictions is the dry contact stress calculations.

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