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Elasticity of randomly diluted honeycomb and diamond lattices with bending forces 6 Danilo B. Liarte 1 0 LaboratoryofAtomicandSolidStatePhysics,CornellUniversity,Ithaca, NY, 2 USA InstituteofPhysics,UniversityofS˜aoPaulo,S˜aoPaulo,SP,Brazil r a M O. Stenull 1 DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofPennsylvania, Philadelphia,PA,USA ] n n Xiaoming Mao - DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofMichigan,AnnArbor,MI,USA s i d . T. C. Lubensky t a DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofPennsylvania, m Philadelphia,PA,USA - d January2016 n o c Abstract. We use numerical simulations and an effective-medium theory to [ study the rigiditypercolation transition of the honeycomb and diamond lattices when weak bond-bending forces are included. We use a rotationally invariant 2 bond-bending potential, which, in contrast to the Keating potential, does not v involve any stretching. As a result, the bulk modulus does not depend on the 7 bending stiffness κ. We obtain scalingfunctions forthe behavior of someelastic 2 moduli in the limits of small ∆P = 1−P, and small δP = P−Pc, where P 1 is an occupation probability of each bond, and Pc is the critical probability at 6 whichrigiditypercolationoccurs. Wefindgood quantitative agreement between 0 effective-medium theoryandsimulationsforbothlatticesforP closetoone. . 1 0 6 1 : Submitted to: J. Phys.: Condens. Matter v i X r a 2 1. Introduction Bending forces effectively couple next-nearest neighbor sites, thereby increasing the effective z Concepts associated with the rigidity percolation to values above the central-force critical value, z , c transition of random elastic networks [1, 2] have providing elastic stability, and eliminating all but the been applied in many branches of science, such as trivial zero modes of rigid translation and rotation. amorphous solids [3, 4], granular materials [5, 6], In contrast to Keating potentials [23], bending forces mineralogy[7],networksofsemi-flexiblepolymers[8,9] do not depend on the length of bonds and, therefore, and the mechanics of living cells [10, 11, 12] . The do not contribute to the bulk modulus at = 1. archetypeofthistransition[13,14,15,9,16,17]occurs The Keatingpotentialis rotationalinvariant. BPending inperiodiclatticesinwhichbondsconsistingofcentral- forces are also, as we show in the Appendix. force springs are populated with probability . For P below a threshold , the lattice loses rigidity, and (a) c P P some or all of its elastic moduli vanish because floppy regions prevent rigid ones from percolating. The homogeneous honeycomb and diamond lat- tices (Fig. 1) with only nearest-neighbor bonds are strongly under-coordinated. The average coordination number z of both the honeycomb and diamond lat- tices is less than the Maxwell limit [18, 19] z =2d for c central forces, where d is the spatial dimension, below which lattices under periodic boundary conditions de- velop zero-frequency “floppy” modes. The honeycomb lattice with 2 sites per unit cell and z = 3 has a defi- ciencyofonebond,andthediamondlatticewith2sites per unit cell and z = 4 has a deficiency of two bonds (b) per unit cellrelative to the Maxwelllimit. As a result, they have an extensive number of zero modes and no resistancetosheardistortions;butcuriouslybecauseof the specialgeometryoftheir lattices,they bothhavea non-zero bulk modulus B. Thus extra forces, such as next-nearest-neighbor central forces or bending forces favoringaparticularanglebetweenpairsofbondsshar- ing common endpoints, are required for mechanical stability. Here, using both effective medium theory (EMT) and numericalsimulations, we study the prop- erties of randomly bond-diluted central-force honey- comb and diamond lattices with added bending forces characterized by a local bending stiffness κ, focussing in particular on behavior near zero dilution ( 1 ) P ≈ andneartherigiditythresholdat = . Wefindthat c P P thebulkmodulusofbothlatticescanbeexpressednear =1 as a scaling function of κ/(1 )n with n=1, Figure 1. a) Crystal structure of the honeycomb net. b) P −P Conventional cubiccellofthediamondlattice. muchliketheshearmodulusinthedilutedkagomelat- tice with bending forces [16] where n = 2 rather than 1. The shear moduli of the honeycomb and diamond 2. Model lattices, on the other hand exhibit, no simple scaling form and approach zero even at = 1 as κ 0 as P → The two-dimensional honeycomb lattice (Fig. 1a) is required. We find that the bulk moduli, much like the a triangular Bravais lattice with a two-point basis shear moduli in the Mikado model [20, 21, 22] and the [24]. It is defined by a set of primitive vectors, e.g. dilutedtriangular[9]andkagomelatticeswithbending a = √3(1,0), and a = (√3/2)(1,√3), along with [16],exhibitcrossoverfromstretchingdominatedaffine 1 2 the positions of the atoms within each primitive cell, responsetobendingdominatednonaffineresponsewith c = (0,0), and c = (0,1). The length of each decreasing , reaching a maximum nonaffinity at the 1 2 P bond in the lattice is ℓ = 1. The three-dimensional rigidity threshold. The shear modulus, which vanishes 0 diamond lattice can be represented as a face-centered withκ,ontheotherhand,alwaysexhibitsbendingand cubic lattice with a two-point basis (Fig. 1b). It can thus non-affine response. 3 be defined by the primitive vectors a =(1/2)(0,1,1), 1 a = (1/2)(1,0,1), a = (1/2)(1,1,0), along with (a) 2 3 (b) the two-point basis vectors c = (0,0,0), and c = 1 2 (1/4)(1,1,1). Bonds connecting nearest-neighbor sites are of length to ℓ =√3/4. 0 We consider the following lattice energy of interaction: E =E +E . (1) stretch bend The first term is a sum of central-force interactions between nearest-neighbor pairs of sites i and j, which in the harmonic limit are given by: Figure 2. a) Density plot in the qx×qy plane of one of the honeycomb’s acoustic modes for k = 1, and κ = 0.01. b) 1 Eij = k[(u u ) rˆ ]2, (2) Dispersion curves along some symmetry lines for k = 1, κ = 0 stretch 2 j − i · ij (dashedcurves),andκ=0.1(solidcurves). where rˆ is the unit vector connecting sites i and j ij in the undeformed lattice, and u is a displacement i vector. Each unit cell in the honeycomb lattice has three independent bonds (e.g., the blue lines of Fig. 1a), and in the diamond lattice, four independent bonds. The second term in Eq. (1) is a sum of bendingenergyinteractionsassociatedwithtwobonds, terminatingonacommonsitelandconnectingnearest- neighbor pairs of sites (l,m), and (l,k): κ Eklm (sinβ ∆β )2, (3) bend ≡ 2 0 klm where β is the equilibrium angle between bonds, and 0 ∆β represents the difference between the angle klm between the bonds (l,m) and (l,k) and β . There are Figure 3. Three-dimensional plot of the acoustic branch 0 frequenciesofthehoneycomb latticefork=1andκ=0.01. six such terms per primitive cell for the honeycomb lattice, and twelve for the diamond lattice. The bending interactions effectively couple next-nearest- lattice has six phonon branches, of which two are neighborssites,asillustratedbythereddashedlinesof floppy when κ 0. Figure 4a shows diamond-lattice Fig.1a. Thefactorsinβ0 isamatterofconvenience. It dispersion curv→es for κ = 0.01, along symmetry lines isequalto√3/2forthehoneycomblattice,and2√2/3 ΓX and ΓL. A sketch of the first Brillouin zone of for the diamond lattice. Equation (3) may be written the diamond lattice with five high symmetry points is asacombinationofdisplacementvectors,uptosecond displayed in Figure 4b. Notice that two largest and order in u, as the two smallest eigenvalues are degenerate in both Eklm = κ u [rˆ (rˆ rˆ )rˆ ] lines. These degeneracies can be broken along other bend 2ℓ2 lm· lk− lk· lm lm less symmetrical lines. 0 n 2 +ulk [rˆlm (rˆlk rˆlm)rˆlk] , (4) a) · − · where ulk =uk ul. o b) − The honeycomblattice hasfour phononbranches, L Γ corresponding to the four degrees of freedom within Ω K X each unit cell. In the limit κ 0, one of the two W → acoustic branches is floppy with zero frequency for all wavenumbers q = (q ,q ) in the Brillouin Zone. L G X x y Figure 2a shows a density plot of one of the acoustic q branch frequencies for homogeneous k = 1, and for κ = κ˜ = 0.01. Hereafter k = 1 is assumed unless Figure 4. a) Dispersion curves of the diamond lattice along symmetry lines L−Γ and Γ−X The dashed lines represent otherwise noted. Figure 2b displays dispersion curves κ=0andthefulllinesκ=0.01. b)SketchofthefirstBrillouin along symmetry lines ΓM, ΓK, and KM, κ = 0 zoneofthediamondlatticeandhighsymmetrypointsΓ,L,X, (dashed curves), and κ = 0.1 (solid curves). Figure K,andW. 3 show a 3d plot of the two acoustic branches as a function of q and q , for κ = 0.01. The diamond x y 4 3. Effective-medium theory and simulations analysis,asinglepairofbonds,sharingacommonsite, contributesoneconstraintduetobendingforces. Each We use an adaptation of the EMT developed in additionalbondsharingthatsiteisconstrainedtohave Ref.[25,10]inwhichthespringconstantsofindividual a particular orientation,and thus adds a total of d 1 bonds and the bending constants of individual bond constraints, which is the number of angles needed−to pairs are treated as independent random variables . specify a unit vector in d-dimensions. Therefore, the ‡ Theprobabilitythatagivenbondisoccupiedis ,and total number of bending-force constraints (for r 3) the probability distribution for the spring constaPnt for reads, ≥ any bond is nTh(r+1)=d 1+nTh(r) (9) P (k′)= δ(k′ k)+(1 )δ(k′). (5) B − B ⇒ spr P − −P nTBh(r)=(d−1)r−(2d−3), (10) Both bonds of a bond pair must be occupied in order with for there to be a bending energy associated with the z z pair. Followingthe approximationofRefs.[25, 10], we r = in n , (11) i i set the probability that a given bond pair exists equal !, ! i=2 i=2 to 2. The probability distribution for the bending X X conPstant of an individual bond pair is where ni is the number of i-coordinated sites. Note that inapplyingEq.(10), one hasto ensurethat there Pbend = 2δ(κ′ κ)+(1 2)δ(κ′). (6) are neither isolated nor 1-coordinated sites. Thorpe’s P − −P The joint probability for both k′ and κ′ is then counting, including r/2 stretching constraints, gives P(k′,κ′)=P (k′)P (κ′). rc = 6(d 1)/(2d 1) = 2 and 12/5 = 2.4 for the spr bend − − honeycomb and diamond lattices respectively. Inthis EMTtheory,eachoccupiedbondandeach In effective-medium theory, the diluted lattice occupied bond pair constitutes a constraint. Thus if is modeled by a homogeneous lattice with stiffness each site has z neighbors, there are (z /2)N bond constraintsand(z(z 1) 2/2)N bond-paPirconstraints constants km and κm satisfying a set of self-consistent − P equations that depend on a probability distribution in a diluted lattices of N sites. Since each site has d P(k′,κ′). We use an adaptation of the effective- translationaldegrees offreedom, the Maxwellcountof medium theories proposed in Ref. [13] to derive the the number of zero modes per site is set of effective-medium theory equations for k and m z z(z 1) f =d P − 2,. (7) κm [25, 10, 16]: − 2 − 2 P k a∗ The EMT rigidity threshold is obtained by setting m = P − , (12) k 1 a∗ f =0 to produce − κ 2 b∗ m = P − , (13) 1 8d(z 1) κ 1 b∗ = 1+ − 1 . (8) c − P 2(z 1)"r z − # where − aTvheursa,geincotohredihnoantieoynconmubmblaetrtiacte tPhcres≈ho0ld.6,0zan=d zthe, a∗ = z1 dv˜qTr Ds,q·Dq−1 , (14) c P Z1BZ 0 is1.8;inthe diamondlattice, 0.56andz 2.24. (cid:0) (cid:1) c c P ≈ ≈ 1 dq The EMT threshold should be compared with b∗ = Tr D D−1 , (15) two other estimates of zc based on the Maxwell (z−1)z Z1BZ v˜0 b,q· q zero-mode count. Phillips [27, 28], who considered where v˜ is the volume o(cid:0)f the first B(cid:1)rillouin zone. In 0 general off lattice networks, also treated bond pairs Eqs. (14) and (15), D is the translational invariant q as independent and obtained an equation identical to dynamical matrix in Fourier space: Eq. (7) but without the factors and with z r interpreted as the averagePcoordination number,→r = Dq,q′ =Nδq,q′Dq, (16) z. His estimate leads to r = √2d or r = 2 ( = c c c D =D +D , (17) P P q s,q b,q 0.67)andr =2.45 ( =0.61)for the honeycomband c P where D , and D are contributions from the diamond lattices, respectively. Thorpe later showed s,q b,q stretchingandbending interactionsrespectively. They [1] that treating each bond pair independently over- may be written as counts the number of bending constraints. In his z ‡ ThisversionofCPAiswidelyusedandacceptedintreatments D =k Bs Bs , (18) of rigidity percolation. We divide the interactions up into s,q m n,q n,−q equivalency classes and average, so our effective Hamiltonian is nX=1 writableasasumofhomomorphicparts. ThisversionofCPAis where, equivalent to what Yonezawa and Ogadaki call the HCPA [26], whichyieldsananalyticalphysicalsolution. Bns,q = e−iq·fnen,−en , (19) (cid:8) (cid:9) 5 and, 2 off-diagonal elements to be equal to γ, where γ is κ the magnitude of the deformation which we set to D = m Bb(i) Bb(i) b,q ℓ02 1≤mX<n≤z(cid:16) mn,q mn,−q cγon=jug0a.0t1e. grTahdeienntwealrgeolraixthtmhethδauti pursoinvgideassutasndwaitrhd +Bb(ii)Bb(ii) , (20) the equilibrium non-affine displacements δuna in the mn,q mn,−q i presence of applied deformation. Feeding these back (cid:17) where ℓ is the lattice spacing, and 0 into the elastic model energy density (1), we obtain Bb(i) = e−iq·fme⊥ +e−iq·fne⊥ , the shear and bulk moduli as function of and κ. In mn,q nm mn P addition to the elastic moduli, we also compute the (cid:8) −(e⊥mn+e⊥nm) , (21) so-called non-affinity parameter Γ which measures the Bmb(nii,)q = −(e⊥mn+e⊥nm),e(cid:9)iq·fme⊥nm degree of non-affinity in the system under the applied (cid:8) +eiq·fne⊥mn . (22) deformation, 1 The vectors en and fm (cid:9)connect nearest-neighbor sites Γ= Nγ2 (δunia)2 , (27) and cells, respectively, , and i § X e⊥ =e (e e )e . (23) where N is the total number of sites. Our numerical mn m− m· n n results will be displayed and discussed together with These definitions imply thata∗ andb∗ arefunctions of our EMT results as we move along. the dimensionless ratio: κ m κ˜ , (24) m ≡ k ℓ2 4. Results m 0 rather than of κm and km separately. Equations (14), In our EMT, the bulk and shear moduli of the (15), and (17) lead to the following important relation honeycomb and diamond lattices have the same form between a∗ and b∗: asfunctionsoftheeffectivemediumspringandbending a∗+(z 1)b∗ =(2d)/z. (25) constants km and κm: − 1 At the rigidity threshold, km = 0 and κm = 0. B =ABkm = (C11+2C12), Equations (12) and (13) then require a∗ = and 3 b∗ = 2, and Eq. (25) reduces to Eq, (7) at Pf = 0 µ =A kmκm/ℓ20 and yiPelds Eq. (8) for c. µβkm+γκm/ℓ20 P A = µk κ˜ (1+(γ/β)κ˜ )−1 =C 3.1. Simulations β m m m 44 A κ In the numerical portion of our work, we generate µ m, if κ˜ 1, β ℓ2 m ≪ diluted honeycomb and diamond lattices on a = 0 (28)  A µ computer. The systems sizes that we simulate range  γ km, if κ˜m ≫1, up to 1002 unit cells for the honeycomb lattice and 203 unit cells for the diamond lattice. In all our whereCij are the standard Voigt elastic constants for simulations, periodic boundary conditions areapplied. a cubic crystal, κ˜m = κm/(kmℓ20), AB ≡ AB,H = 3/4, To facilitate the computations, we split up the elastic Aµ AµH = 27/2, β βH = 2, and γ γH = 9 ≡ ≡ ≡ displacement ui into an affine and a non-affine part, for the honeycomb lattice, and AB ≡ AB,D = 1/12, A A = 144, β β = 27, and γ γ = 192 u =ηx +δu , (26) µ ≡ µ,D ≡ D ≡ D i i i for the diamondlattice. Thus B andµ aredetermined where x is the equilibrium position of site i in as a functionofκ and once the EMTequations (12) i P the absence of any applied deformation, η is the and (13) are solved. deformation gradient tensor, and δu is the non-affine Figure 5 shows plots of numerical solutions of the i displacement. We fix the non-affine displacement of EMTequations(solidlines)andsimulations(symbols) an arbitrarily chosen lattice site to be zero so that for the bulk (left) and shear (right) moduli of the spurious zero modes associated with rigid translations honeycomb lattice, as a function of the probability , P ofthe lattice aresuppressed. We apply shearandbulk for κ = 1, 10−2, 10−4, and 10−6 (in blue, red, yellow, deformations by choosing η accordingly. For example, and green respectively). We will keep the same color to apply shear to the honeycomb lattice, we chose definitions in all subsequent plots. Figure 6 shows the 2 diagonal components of η to be zero and its similar plots for the diamond lattice. In both cases, simulationsandtheEMTresultsagreewellnear =1. § Wehavechosene1 =−c2,e2=a2−c2,e3=a2−a1−c2, P In the vicinity of the rigidity threshold = , the f1=c1,f2=a2,andf3=a2−a1 forthehoneycomb lattice, P Pc and e1 = a1−c2, e2 = a2−c2, e3 = a3 −c2, e4 = −c2, simulations display a decay that is different from that f1=a1,f2=a2,f3=a3,f4=c1 forthediamondlattice. 6 PHLΚB, 0111.000000---.11975 ææææììòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàììòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòææàòôæà PHLΜΚ, 0111.000000---.11975 ææìæìæàìæàìæàìæàìæòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàììòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàòæà 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 P P Figure 5. Bulk (on the left) and shear (on the right) moduli of the diluted honeycomb lattice as a function of P, for k =1, and κ=1(bluecircles),10−2 (redsquares),10−4 (yellowdiamonds),and10−6 (greentriangles),frombothsimulations(symbols),and effective-medium theory(solidlines). 1 PHLΚB, 1110000.0---1864 ææìææàìæàæìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàììòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòææàòôæà PHLΜΚ, 1110000.0---11864 æææææææìæàæìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàìòæàììòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòæìàòæàòæà 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 P P Figure6. Bulk(ontheleft)andshear(ontheright)moduliofthediluteddiamondlatticeasafunctionofP,fork=1,andκ=1 (bluecircles),10−2 (redsquares),10−4 (yellowdiamonds),and10−6 (greentriangles). foundintheEMT.Wefind 0.5inthesimulations at small κ˜ where κ˜ is approximately equal to κ˜. c m P ≈ for the diamond lattice. We can use Eq. (11) and, Thus we expand a∗ and b∗ to linear order in κ˜ . m When κ˜ = 0 exactly, a∗ is ill defined because D z z m s,q z = in n , (29) has a nullspace [dimension 1 (2) for the honeycomb i i P !, ! (diamond) lattice)], and its inverse does not exist. i=0 i=0 X X When κ˜ is small, the projection of D onto the along with a combinatorial calculation: m q null space of D is proportional to κ˜−1, but the z s,q m n =N i(1 )z−i, (30) contribution of this projection to the trace is zero i i P −P (cid:18) (cid:19) because by definitionDs,q is zeroinits ownnullspace. to show that at P = Pc, r = rc ≈ 2.5, which is close Thus, a∗(κ˜m) has a well-defined limit as κ˜m → 0 and to the value r = 2.4 that was obtained by He and a well-defined power series in κ˜ . To linear order c m Thorpe [14] using a different protocol. a∗ =1 ακ˜ + (κ˜2 ), (32) The EMT equations provide analytic expressions − m O m whereαis3.39and4.62fortheHoneycomblatticeand for κ andk as a function ofκ˜ and inthe vicinity m m P diamond lattices, respectively. A similar analysis can of =1 and = , where P P Pc be applied to b∗(κ˜m), but with Db,q rather than Ds,q κ κ˜ , (31) having a nullspace. It is easier, however, to use the ≡ kℓ20 relation, Eq. (25) between b∗ and a∗ to obtain is a unitless measure of the bending stiffness. We 2d z α b∗ = − + κ˜ + (κ˜2 ). (33) begin with near one and seek expressions valid z(z 1) z 1 m O m P − − 7 For small ∆ =1 and κ˜, these results imply inresponseto isotropiccompressionandthatresponse P −P km ∆ is nonaffine. Figure 7 plots B/B0 as a function of τ =1 P forthehoneycomblatticeobtainedfromfullnumerical k − 1 a∗ − solution of the EMT equations, the scaling function ∆ =1 P + (∆ κ˜m) of Eq. (40), and numerical simulations. The three − ακ˜ O P m curves agree extremely well near = 1. In addition, ∆ k ℓ 2 P =1 P m 0 + (∆ κ˜ ,∆ 2), (34) the simulation and full EMT curves follow each other m − ακ O P P closely, and both break away from the scaling curve whereinthe lastlinewehaveusedEqs. (13),(24)and at increasing values of ∆ as κ˜ decreases. The shear P (33). Thus, modulus µ cannot be expressed as a scaling function −1 of τ. It approaches k 1 m k ≈ 1+ ακ˜∆P , (35) µ0 =(Aµ/β)k(1+(γ/β)κ˜)−1 (41) (cid:18) (cid:19) (36) as ∆ 0. → To obtain analytic expressions for the bulk and and similarly, shear moduli near the rigidity threshold at = c κ 2z(z 1) P P m 1 − ∆ . (37) [given by Eq. (25)], we begin with the fact that km = κ ≈ − z2 2d zακ˜ P κ =0 at that point. Thus − − m a∗(κ )= , b∗(κ )= 2, (42) c Pc c Pc where κ ( 0.91 for the honeycomb lattice and c ≈ ≈ 0.30 for the diamond lattice) is the value of κ˜ at 0.11 ìììììììììààààààààààìàààààààààààààààààæàææææææææææàææææææææææææææææææ eitnhqteuearretiisgotinedditfyoinrthκwrchesawhtoithlhdapoPpbcetnagsiinvteeodnlbobywyessEotlqvo.i(nr2dg5e)rt.hienWaδe∗m(κarc=e) (cid:144)BB0 0.00.0011 òòòòòòòòììòìììììììììòìììììììì Path∗e−=cPoPeccffi−acscie(itnκ˜t)iδncPc(rκ˜ea)ansadessby∗fer=tomuPnc2zd(eeκ˜rto)e.r+mTci(onκ˜e)tdδh.PisT/e(hnzed−n,1ww)eePwusitsehet 1100--54 æòòòòòòòòòòò aEthqfesu.nli(cm1t2iiot)naδnodf δ(P13.)0.tTohBoisubttraabitneioctahmuesuersatotifaopEκpqmrso/.a(c(κ˜h4k2κm),cℓ/20bκ˜)otaihns 10-6 10-4 0.01 1 100 P → the numerator and the denominator of this ratio are Τ proportional to δ and the ratio itself depends on c P but not δ in the limit δ 0. This limit equation P P → Figure 7. Scaling collapse for the bulk modulus of the determines c(κ˜): honeycomblatticenearP =1. Thesolidlinesarethenumerical κ 2(z 1) s κ˜ solutions to the complete EMT equations, the dashed line the c(κ˜)= c− − Pc c (43) scaling solution of Eq. (40), and the data points are from κc+κ˜sc simulations. where is a fκumnctisioanfoufntchtieonraotifo∆P and κ separately, but km sc = (z 11)−(1Pc 2) (44) − −Pc κ˜ The equations for k and κ then become τ = (38) m m ∆ k 1 c(κ˜) P m only. We can then define a scaling function Ξ for the − δ , (45) k ≈ 1 P c bulk modulus B near =1: −P P and B =B Ξ(τ), (39) 0 κ 2(z 1) +c(κ˜) m c − P δ . (46) where, κ ≈ (z 1)(1 2) P − −Pc 1 −1 Equations (45) and (46) predict linear behavior of Ξ(τ)= 1+ (40) the elastic moduli near = . However, scaling ατ c (cid:18) (cid:19) collapse plots of the simPulationPresults suggest that and B0 = Aµk. When τ → ∞, [∆P ≪ κ/(kℓ20)] , B and µ scale with δ 1.6, for both honeycomb and B approaches the undiluted, κ-independent limit of P diamond lattices, as it is shown in Figure 8 for the B = A k characterized by affine compression of all 0 B shear modulus. The exponent 1.6, which is near the bonds. When τ 0 [∆ κ/(kℓ2)], B κ˜/(α∆ ), → P ≫ 0 → P value 1.5 found by He and Thorpe [14], is obtained indicating that bonds in the diluted lattice are bent as the best fit of our data near δ = 0. However, P 8 4 ìò ìàò 1.0 ìò à à ìò à ìò 3 à 0.8 ìò à ŽΚ ìàò ŽΚ ìò à ŽHL(cid:144)Μ+Κ1.3 012 ìæàòìæàòìæàòìæàòìæàòìæàòìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò æ æ æ æ ŽHL(cid:144)Μ+Κ0.15 0000....0246 ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò ìæàò æà æ æ æ æ æ æ 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 ∆P ∆P Figure 8. Scaling collapse for the shear modulus for the honeycomb (left) and diamond (right) lattices near P = Pc, for k = 1, and κ = 1 (blue circles), 10−2 (red squares), 10−4 (yellow diamonds), and 10−6 (green triangles). The red line is a best fit near δP =0. Thesmallervalues atκ˜=1areconsistent withtheEMTexpressionforµ(Eq. (28)). Thesimulationspower-lawdecay is characterized byanapproximateexponent of1.6forbothlattices. we note that a log-log plot of this data is very noisy The Poisson ratio at threshold of the honeycomb neartherigiditypercolationthreshold,andthatamore lattice, precisedeterminationoftheexponentrequiresacareful 1 (µ/B) analysis of finite-size scaling, which is beyond the goal σP = − = 0.233, (49) 1+(µ/B) − of this manuscript. Finally, the simulation nonaffinity is thus negative. The Poisson ratio of the diamond ratio for the bulk modulus Γ , as a function of , is B P lattice, which continues to have macroscopic cubic shown in Fig. 9. symmetryintheEMTdependsondirectionofstresses, and we do not calculate it. 1 PHLGΚ,B 01.000.000-.1114ìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàììòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàòôæàììòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôæàìòôàìòôàìòôàìòôàììòôàìòôàìòôàìòôàìòôàìòôàìòôàìòôàìòôàòôà 5Tpwainpr.oitotpehSprrsoaeuurxcnmmttieimimeaomsranaeatsrsoi.riotzfy-neTn,tehhiawegensheedbhholoaarnrtvoeteiyitncacetstoestimoruaandbrcaieteliladouynnndpsdihneiodrvnn-iaacoromtinahoonreandtndihndabalretaementldatdoi,sicntnieiingccs æ òô the sense that their average coordination numbers are æ æ 10-5 æ ææ smaller than the isostatic limit zc = 2d. They present 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 oscillation modes which reduce to floppy modes over P the entire Brillouin zone when the bending energy coupling constant vanishes. We implement disorder byassigningaprobabilitydistributiontothe existence Figure 9. Nonaffinity ratio of the bulk modulus ΓB for the honeycomb latticeasafunctionoftheprobabilityP. of each bond in the lattices. When the number of diluted bonds hits a critical value, there is a In our effective medium theory, the ratio of µ to rigidity percolation phase transition at which both B is a function of κ˜ : bulk and shear moduli vanish. We employ numerical m −1 simulations and an effective-medium theory to study µ A β = µ +γ . (47) scaling behavior near = 1, where the effective- B A κ˜ P B (cid:18) m (cid:19) medium theory reproduces the exact results for the At the rigidity threshold at which κ˜m = κc, this ratio undiluted lattice, and near the critical probability becomes = . The scaling behavior predicted by the c P P µ 1.608 Honeycomb EMT near = 1 is fairly well satisfied by the = (48) P B 6.097 Diamond numerical simulations. However, the EMT predicts a (cid:26) different decay near = , with the elastic moduli c P P 9 proportional to δ , in contrast with the simulation where i and j are Cartesian indices x,y,z. The final results, where B,µP δ 1.6. forms are the long-wavelengthcontinuum limits with ∼ P 1 u = (∂ u +∂ u +∂ u ∂ u) (A.5) Acknowledgement ij 2 i j j i i · j the usual rotationally invariant nonlinear Lagrangian This work was supported by the Brazilian agencies straintensorandu(x) the displacementfieldatspace- Fapesp and Capes (DBL), and the NSF under Grants point x. These limits were obtained using r 0 No. DMR-1104707 (TCL) and No. DMR-1120901 ≡ x as the reference point and u r ∂ u(x) and a ai i (OS). DBL thanks James Sethna for useful comments → u r ∂ u(x). v and v are the forms that b bi i a b and suggestions. → normally appear in central-force models and v is ab the quantity that Keaton introduces. The continuum Appendix A. Derivation of the bending energy limits guarantee that a continuum elastic energy in terms of displacements constructed from the bending energy of Eq. (A.4) will be a function of u only, as it must be to be ij Thisappendixwillshowthatbendingpotentialscanbe rotationally invariant. It should be noted, however, castasamanifestlyrotationallyinvariantcombination that the complete bending energies have terms higher of displacement vectors that obey the Keating Rules order in derivatives. [23]. First some notation: Let r be the equilibrium µ We expressthe quantities in Eq.(A.4)interms of reference position of site µ, and let R = r +u be µ µ µ v , v and v : a b ab the position of site µ after distortion, where u is the µ R R 2 =R2R2 (R R )2 = r r 2+2V displacement vector. Now, consider two bonds, which | a× b| a b − a· b | a× b| ab welabelaandb,sharingacommonsite,whichwelabel Vab =(ra2vb+rb2va−2ra·rbvab)+2(vavb−va2b) (A.6) as site 0. Bond a connects site 1 to site 0 and bond b Theformofthisexpressiondependsonwhetherr and a connects site 2 to site 0. Then define r are parallel or not: if they are parallel, r r = 0 b a b × ra =r1 r0; rb =r2 r0; (A.1) and β0 = 0,π. This limit applies to models for − − filamentous lattices [8, 20, 22]. The other limit β =0 R =R R r +u ; u =u u 0 a 0 1 a a a 1 0 6 − ≡ − applies to the honeycomb and diamond lattices. It R =R R r +u ; u =u u . b 2− 1 ≡ b b b 2− 0 is important to note that Eq. (A.6) and thus the r is the equilibrium vector and R the stretched bending energy E depends on both the Keating part a,b a,b b vector for bond a (b). v and the “central-force” parts v and v , but by ab a b We seek an energy that depends on the angle β construction it depends only on the the rotation angle ab between bonds a and b. To define the β , we assume between bonds and not on any stretch in the bonds. ab that it lies between 0 and π so that its sine is positive The Keating energy depends on stretching as well as (extensiontonegativeβ is possiblebut notrelevantto bending and contributes to both the bulk and shear our current interest). Then moduli. The bulk modulus does not depend on a pure bending energy of the type we discuss. There is R R r r a b a b sinβab = | × |; sinβ0 = × , (A.2) no change in the angle between bonds under uniform R R r r a b a b compression. With the above definitions, whereR = R andr = r ,andwesetthebending a a a a energy of the| bo|nd-pair ab|to| Ra Rb 1+2Vab/ra rb 2 1/2 | × | = | × | (A.7) E = 1κ˜(β β )2, or (A.3) RaRbsinβ0 (cid:18)(1+2va/ra2)(1+2vb/rb2)(cid:19) b 2 ab− 0 and 1 R R r r 2 V v v = κ˜ sin−1 | a× b| sin−1 | a× b| . β β tanβ ab a b (A.8) 2 R R − r r − 0 ≈ 0 r r 2 − r2 − r2 (cid:18) a b a b (cid:19) (cid:18)| a× b| a b(cid:19) It is clear that this energy is rotationally invariant. in the small-displacement limit. We can now express these energies in terms of EquationsEq.(A.4)and(A.6)provideacomplete 1 1 expression for bending energies in terms of nonlinear v = (R2 r2)= (2r u +u u ) r r u a 2 a− a 2 a· a a· a → ai aj ij functions of the nonlinear “discrete” strain functions 1 1 va,vb,andvab. Weareofteninterestedintheharmonic vb = 2(Rb2−rb2)= 2(2rb·ub+ub·ub)→rbirbjuij limitofthesefunctions. 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