University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository El Hispano-Americano, 1905-1908 (Mora County, New Mexico Historical Newspapers New Mexico) 4-17-1905 El Hispano-Americano, 04-17-1905 Mora County Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Mora County Publishing Company. "El Hispano-Americano, 04-17-1905." (1905). 12 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in El Hispano-Americano, 1905-1908 (Mora County, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected]. - .. . v It - I .M M Hispanoamericano El REPUBLICAN OFFICIAL COUNTY IN POLITICS. NEWSPAt t Dedicado a loa Intereses dot Pueblo do Nuevo Mexico. Publicado por la Morn County Publishing .Company. NO. 13 LUNES, ABRIL 17, A. D. 1905. VOL.1 rará dr buena fé con toda Imparei La atención de los Supervisores de LISTA DE JURADOS. alidad. DIRECTORIO OFICIAL. Caminos esta siendo Pnmada por los . , ..... Comisionados do Condado tic cum- 1"1 Independiente. La Corto de Distrito habrlrá su s -- TERRITORIAL. plir estrictamente eon los deberos, que POR ORDEN DEL GOBIERNO. sirtn en Mora el día 24 di Abril. Lo, W. H. Andrews,.. Dgdo al Congreso. les han sido confiados, por que mu- M, A. Otero Gobernador. chas quejas estnn siendo hechas por Los Registradores do lus Oficinas .Tilmitos habiendo sido ya oseojidos J. W, Raynolds Secretario. el publico. Al mismo tiempo el Cuer- do terrenos en Arizona, California, damos sus nombres, á saber: V. J. Mills Juez Superior. po de Comisionados llama la aten- Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Gun .Imuno. S. R Davis Procurador. ción di los .lueces de Pay. á que ha- Nevada, Nebraska, Nuevo México, K. S Orl'ir, Wagon Mound. Secundlno Romero Escribano. gan sus reportes trimestres o serán North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, TuanOlhas, San .los.. CONDADO. demandados en falta do cumplir con South Dakota, I'lah. Washington Alburio Mur.lm.., San .Tose .1. Leahy.... ..Miembro del Consejo. la suplica. Wyoming, han sido instruidos por el .lose Wallace, AaobJuse Comisionado de la Oficina General lohn Wasson, Cherry Valle Cristobal Sauchez Representante. -- Andres Medina Juez de Pruebas. LA CUESTIÓN DE ACUA do Terrenos de notificar á toda perso- Rudolfo Martínez, Tipton Villi E. II. Bierbaum Escribano. PARA LA PLAZA. na que halla entrado ó en lo de ade- .luán Padilla, Cleveland lante entre cualquiera de los terrenos Dorna rd Higgins. Mora JD.. DCasMsideydina colecAtolgruayciTl eMsoaryeroor.. LhaaE.dePc.edvV.idNo. eEs.caRrbaialrwayunaComnpoar-ni-ay que han sido segregados bajo los pro- Tose de Gracia Cruz, Holman vistos de el Acta de reclamación de Epifanio Espinosa, Cleveland R. T. Maes Asesor. aquí en la p'aza aún si se hace nece- MVo.dHes.toGGaranrecria...Supt. dAegErismcueenlsaosr. csoarnisoegdueir easgcuaarb. arlEetaJ,tmKHe)didpaieess pmaur-a Jcouhtronasisotep1re7rr,esno1no5as)0s2ó: qpuaqeruteheandeel ólaolseqsmutáiinlsamrcoosdni--á ..rTlrouasanénkO.l.oAsA.ébRLooyiyiva,n,, LaCChaujce0ovna Andrew Gander cho más perferida que la de pompear . ducíanlo tráfico en vevidas alcohóli- H. D.'Reinlcen, Watrou's F. A. Vigil Com. de condado. la agua á la plaza de un depósito J. de M. Mares ' distante. Esto atraerá un gusto y cas en dichos terrenos, principalmen- Rafiicl Romero, j(M a te á los empleados en los trabajos que L. V Warder, Golondrinas desenbolso de no menos quu $10,000 están conduciendo por el Gobierno: N.oises Gallegos, Mora en nuestra plaza. que el alquilar, sense por ellos mis- Pkuukso Jukaik) (NOT AS GENERALES! doPeolrpeuvetbalsopsreegvúenniousnakoAncottaifidcealaá tAo-sam-b-lou cmeineotnsrtaeódacpsaomrenaotlporaasralimpceiartesnoscnedaloasc,tiaólsnetreádrreesunlfoia-ss .SPlueaánlvndaednLocoirroenGSzaoollleaMgnooasn,,sias, Gascon, Legislativa del Territorio de Ocate usados ú ocupados. Nuevo Mexico, titulada, "l'na Acial .losé Celso Aragón, Watróus Se reporta bastante nieve en la con respecto á Casamientos," prove CONMUTADO A PRISIÓN PERPE- Guadalupe Esquibol, Moni parte Oriental del Territorio. En yendo para un sisU-m- a uniforme de TUA. PLaubcalos iMjuaien.stitians,u, Qcato Socorro principalmente se dice que Registrosel cual fué aprovado Marzo Mora Hufracio Vigil, quien tendría que ldiaíacs.aldo considerable por los últimos 1l!4H,)f)y. cuAahlotroam, aproár elfoecttaontoA,brsiel d1a4,avdi-e ser ejecutado en Raton por crimen de .AJudaonlfodeLDeiivoRs, Vigil, GuCadleavleulpaintda asesinato el dia 14 de Abrí', por últi- Ruben Valde, so que toda persona que tenga dere- Lu Cueva noFselpipoeblCadhoavreesz,deulnoterdriotolroios ytemcopnrsai-- cdheo ppraersaenctealrebruanracalsicaemniceiantodse dceabsae-n bmpiroeisnil,óanpsoenrpteqernupceeitautaal.lovezfCuéno lcteaonncomtonucteapiidalaóre' ceeál .JMluoiasgénueRCl ooTmlerieuirojoíul.loMS,ra.,rtínez, ClHevoellmanadn derado el hombre man rico en Nuevo mientos debidamente certificada por beneficio de la vida. Cuando un he- Sevecino Hurlado, Clev"eland MgaacAaétorxu.iadcleo,Asulma urmersiuóiydeaennvciaau,Hsealdeelan, dedíNaa.dM1d1.e, dlu7e-1l qctedoloeurneEiltzoenanncdcoirdoaibonucstrnupaomaernripaoddleíicccluheacaaloelcnqboAurractiloetroarsdcepeasresotraasPsmrqoráuunieieapnsbuitnataouoiss--s, eecsnoxhneoeiallcaocqmmauilioeotnarteosdltaeemvlsuaiudcchapeoadsáseióhodneet,rc-a-qhcuooosmy ouslenomaenehjpaaentcra--el SSADaenomrdnvnuaaeensiladnLPooaauFizGml,oubretaincechrre,e,z, - L, Cueva Los Comliionados de la Oficina ble bajo las penas de la ley. tleasppeurseodnean sauscíedceorn,v--eicstade ncoreedresbee ..lluoásén IAnpeodPaaccah,eco, Lucero General de Terrenos han ordenado á E. II. UlKKNUAUM, ufrir la pena de muerte. Mora todos los Registradores de las dife- Escribano de la Corte de Pruebas. PNo. rCfi.riNoeeAdlhcaomn,, WagonWM.itorounuds rentes Oficinas do Terrenos en Nue- ATENTO COMETER SUISIDIO. vo Mexico y otros Estados do la U-ni-ón DINERO QUE HARÁ PROVECHO. El dia 11 hubo un gran cuitamien- JOSE SANTISTCVAN prohibir la operación de venta La davidu de &0,()JO hecha por la to en la plaza de agon Mound ú ion-secuenc- ia PUESTO BAJO DANZA DE $S0O dpeúbleiscpoí.ritus alcohólicos en dominio Alnoesssamypbeplreajauradiprceaasdsgaoudsaarpdpooarreanluct.obteiitnnreuafnidcdaitociola-dse czoiudataednatandoodso, á.uquqoeunittPainrloaseciddlaeo vG.oida.svaebctauo,nnuwhui-n gonUlt.iNmoauluidantuenfujéovaernrcelsttoadollamenadWosao- Los pastores do borregas estarán crecientes será muy provechosa ,si cuchillo de cortándose el pos-euos-o; José Sumiste an por quebrar un. se- algún tanto más escasos para el tiem- fuera bien expendida. Aún ante de varias ile las arterias princi- llo de una puerta do un carro del fe- po del abijadero por razón do que los la venta do los bonos te- pales fueron cortadas , er. esto está rrocarril A. T. & S. P., y habiendo sueldos en Nuevo México son muy rritoriales que producirán lá canti- ni peligro. Este Señor ha sido siem- sido presentado ante ol Juez do Paz, reducidos y á consecuencia de esto la dad citada, se emprendieron trabajos pre uno do los ciudadanos más pací- Don Luciano Medina, y evadido la parle mayor están conduciéndose pa- en grande escala en ! Río abajo y ficos y hombres do buen conocimiento examlnaeióu fué puesto bajo una ra lugaro en donde so les paga do- se anticipa que para cuando llegue en el Condado de Mora. Los porme- ble á lo do aquí-- la creciente del Río Gratulo estarán nores ó causa que lo hi.o cometer es- fianza do jCiOO para esperar la acción concluido? los atarquos y diques ne- to terrible attntado .son dcscouo del Gran Jurado, cesarios paru que no haga mucho cidos pura todos; so rumora que él noEml iHnaodno CtrriasdtoubcatolrSadnochIeoz.vokhadosidloa dciaaf,loPeisearncaolirlrloientye.SanSdoocvonrlro,soVnalelnq-s rileiacrabyabfaaltáancderoclae dleaalfguúenrzaasutínotovofalumn-- Frank A. Roy, do esta plaza, está sesión legislativa. El Sr. Sanchez (pie regularmente han sufrido más tad que necesita generalmente un eu la lista del Gran Jurado para ol ha tenido d honor do Incumber esta daflo en las crecientes, poro con ol hombro en eso ú otros casos tomó es- presente término do Corto y también muy responsable pocision por la se- expendio de cerca de M0,000 que co- to medio para consuelo y apaciguar so halla on la listn del Pequeño Jura- qgpuuoenrdhaeizlvoezebnuyet,nradjiunccceoimómnbpaerltageonp,treimjuotsrgruabnadvjoooz rsareqerusáeplpolaonscdoileoórcoannlaidddaaedeelsl,adusfealoparnoqtpiuicaeicpiaópnueqdueaá smrueicloivabirddoao.suDoSsnaimluPpdlaatcdlikodiwonpuuoyossrodcgeoanumnolstaranqfsuao-e dpolidnouessutrsocritmouryDobnuoJnuaanmLig.oMyaecsutams- la segunda se puede asegurar será hnurel'ío este año por mayor tan peligroso. residente en nuestras cercanías, muy satisfactoria. que. s o a su o r e c l n t e. Gran numero do nuestros cludadn-no- s Los demás condado quu tuvieron NO MUY PESADO. lilráu a Mora sobre negocios do , G. W. Franks el notorio ladrón parto eu la apropiación tumbieu es Va que ambo lados criminal y ci- Corte. La cnust do Epifanio Archi-bceksM- 'á do Camino Roal y infernal desespera- aprovecharán de ella y pondrán en vil en el registro del Condado do Mo tomada bajo consideración do asosorlo con McGlnnls en el robo obra los trabajos requeridos para ra fueron casi barridos por el último por el prosélito Gran Jurado. del tren Colorado y Southern on las resguardo contra "la-- Inundaciones. cercanías de Folsom en 1801, fué Al mismo tiempo no debo icharso término do la Cort. de Distrito, y traído de Trinidad por ol .vlguuoil en olvido qt e parte del .dinero ap- considerando que Ja gente pornmno-ci-ó Ku o'ra columna decimos tocante , Mayor, Marion Littrol. Franks está ropiado o.s para beneficio de los que en su buen portamento durante his profi ilutas que fueron multada." aquerellado en aquel Condado con el sufrieron pérdidas un las crecientes ol año pa.sado, será muy poco tiempo on dio, posos cada una, mientras las crimen do asesinato. Esto sujeto sa- del arto pasado, pues la idea del dar- bía burlado y evadido Iiih autorida- les alivio fué el punto 'principal que el quo so invierta durante este tér'-min-o mismas fueron perdonadas con ex- des por los ú'ltimmos seis unos 'movió al pasaje del acta. Asi es que par investigar la causa pre- cepción de una cual fué reducida á confitónos qii" en este negocio se ob sentes cinco p'so-4- . Jv n - El Hispano Americano New Mounted Police Force. lam 8. Valentine of the Fifth United THOUGHT SHE WOULD DIE. States cavalry, stationed at Fort Win-gat- e, There were noticeable about the Inspected Company F of the First Mrs. S. W. Marine of Colorado Sprlnfl iNAiiMl on MiMnIíiv cf onrh Wock. Hired of Sniilu IV today, ways the regiment of Infantry and the First cav- Began to Fear tht Worst-Do-ai,'. New Mexican of April 11, Hevenil l'ulillKlH'd h Mtii.--i County PuhlluhlnK alry hand at Santa Fe. Kidney Pills Saved Her. Ciiiiipdiiv. oRflrnanlRtecnrHt Iownhboy atthtrenicrtemdanltyi Raonodd Idndeea-l Through the efforts of Prof. J. J. Mrs. Sarah Marino, of 428 St. Uraln AI.I.SI.4. ISll.l'IlllMlüHíSaiHiT,nKrKrlHIHIVMKIcIioTrrc.,i,rí.Hrrlor'rrnr.tltdlirlnrnlt HhmttAiI pawpeenprodeaernmatnecnbeenorwflihiRHic,throatniIKdndibccyahtentdhrnecitrtheaRrtenIcahrneadyl thVthhneeesrncboMoonloelensgialelfa.ohromvSreasudleflefiyacbmireeaonenntddgemrttoshh'neeeayfsfasahrocmaucsileatrybtsiooonoonff sdterneteto,fCthoelomC.dIoon HSpyrrllonsCs,luICbs,oulfwof.e,rrletoPdsre:sflo-r- III. S. .Ms..iWi.sIlnl!n7rrioSrrNi-IcMlnr-yIIiiirm. iicisinil A-mIm- IhiiI cncoheumorvl,deenaHraiwdnwedhoealonlwfdaettrhneaeanutitsRKreueedentalteowbcufoKiruektltrlddrtniionKogr,btrrlaoilnnpf-ide, spwFuurrie-lbeblrnes-ccdshroiobneCdoghaofocohrErs,aesstathnedtaopPsPueerrtr-ohlceerfoh-cenatsssetohremoVf.aemrntiwonoa Htathocrorheseve.etoyrloTedahromsebwadcomiktch-y- lint Yinr 12 00 handle a WincliPRter or a ColC HSiriitpi-M-wtth--s i'opy fr 1.00 accuracy witshhoutlhde gorcecaatseisotn Would Enjoin Relief Money. IV HV srvKiAa $W kfeidcnteedysanwdorepraof Al'pi ii'ion mude cniry iim hoc-on- 1 They proved to tic turinbers of the ncv An Injunction was asked for at , scribed m e d I-- i---s tiiMttvr mounted police force which organiza-- Santa Fe on the 1th Instant against . Eotnep for mc.but IImiuv w. Aitiljn, a rough rtder, has tlfiit was created recently by an enact- Territorial Treasurer John H. Vaughn i rm'Hjc&j2igmmii found that It .f1lfmitiisLi.'ifn:.'1i.imiuT11ttrii.iiI(tTaIMo,ccoFHulerl,to fAoIrrnriil'lliiupnrccatnoedurnStiabenys mmAseaHnlletymboolfyrgathnaienzdedThiwrty-thos-dialyx-rt.-lih forcOeLnewgthiaseslatlfiaovsre-t atmonodnreeTsyterrauriinntodretirhaelmthAeufrdMoitmaorrtipnWay.iHnCogo.doSuastrugfaefennryt BHftVE womfaosneotyinmlytooa wtaaasnktdoe .luí n day of the scon of the recent assem- ers' relief bill, which became a law two them, and began mmiiki t(hloeviTrIiIiorIn!J,aampepointWed CH.ay-imRl-.d mbwlytahde( aapftpeoriOncttemarroee.nfutsl Inocfotathicsecldooerldrlalactneorcnfei. am$nrnod.n(itohwnshifaicvegh-yeoa-,r wperroevitdesironrligdtorftiooarl tShc.eerStIipsfsiituczeateoosff twooutldearnevtehratgetI IIiiIm i uf Santa Ti-- a member of the and nun as follows; Captain, John F. Santa Fu at par. well. A friend terrditoFriianlncmlsocuonteAdpopdoalricae foofrroCutcohisulel-cop-,i Kullcrton, Socorro; leutcnant, Clprl The law provides Tor the building of advised me to try Donn'a Kidney Pilla. Siena rouui.v, resigned. ano Haca. Socorro; sergeant, H. W. dikes at Albuquerque, Socorro, San Within a week after I began using dkineoVd.wnAO.pcriiCtlizrce"lnglbshtonfini.oeiansotmetrh'ne oNefoffwecthtMseexobifecaont, LewisIC,lalPacSeyhortlocctanoa.:r.roA;JVul.aliip1na5ro.igvWDoartuededyosle,;ery.(l.1aIi.onnsrd.gt1a.enOcctlalr-iova-lI'pal-knh;ln-y--o.. ttlMeeieerafrnritcooiofarulytH.aoonofddtwseHuntlyfl-flfeBivr-heeorrsolaacsnotdunftfaiolelrs Itnohfethtihrre-e- ctwhidehemedn ItIowha'taseielspousumepducthhaobletirttettleaertmtoehvnaett,r Iatwdnedo- Hici'r roping ncclil nt the previous Fri- II. J. MeGrath, I.ordsburg; Francisco The petitioner Is T. 11. Catron of boxes I was entirely well. I have now day. The animal bad been roped and Apodaca, CuchUlo; William Taylor. Santa Fe, to Congress and enjoyed tho beat of health for more It lan around a chirle nml caught Mr. Deinlng. Of this force, Francisco Apo- a memberex-deleoga- fte tho council of the last than four months, and words can but Crclghton betwem ilu hirlat ami daca of Cuchillo found that he could Legislative Assembly. Judge John H. poorly express my gratitude." Ttwhhiein- -wIIin'CeiMasrMrdwilkaiswng,tishrhottfwnonimInwetrhiltyeh aevbdidoiotloemnrecneo.,f onsifogtnpeardoc.cpeeprltWytihIlleniateamrpepsotsiTn,atmaynledonrtthooefnrefaDocerceiouulnrneg-t CfMoorcuFtrlhteetoohfdeaatyrhiensgeNtoeAfwpthrielMp1ee7xttihitciooans.Sthuepredmatee cenFtosr. Fsosaterl-Mellbur-bny nil deaCloe.r,s.BuffPalrol,coN.TGO, tin' Hoxwi'll Iteplhter, and Inter of the wa not her today and therefore was KnMil Record. For thr hint yrnr hi- not Mvoru In. Italian kills His Sweetheart. Poor Farm Laborers. 7SlDpia-Mtruh-doAinmdnhoimnwrmAhe.inull:btulciqvouiulHneinogretqnypu,,iunebwllhulihcndnialinesrdpaonautcipcthCcohuluhlcMioidormrlflmnaogu'AKnp,e'hraoiealrf tteAwhexcenuTetrsiicehnluoegttrhisyvmwCeeeoianmrotvnorbegiitleralureIonsono'icrtzolwaoJintc.hikHooWntipit.twhoiHsnrweeacryaaavsnfphitoíceetlerordnfelso;oorotmIfonnadatltanlhhbyydyee caeiRnhmnAogotic,e,aRekdnLnoiee,ilsonlawecardeoAlltMlnmhAeedencxlilolsitpoclupuo,anabnttalyc(i.hctgr.vairoohilTntf.iighneAhgTreawpusrtIea,ritslyaadgla7aiegatyahdentdy,sePavswsieyhcenvaoas---:st blcttihralfieaseAcunttsaIrnwluthrtfEhivaetnreisgrokilftwiaonInnitrddhsdeo:Crdtomwor"aneaTnohltldhtuleelerrlrsmpspIolasIrarnyeienttshttyoanoatwfun,vdmnviIslnieltlarelaaorgdrgnineis-ed-as TInttiorPauiiiiauiliitpFIairwhiethre lJnuadtgOecIto'oblleeru,rploot uahered Into active existence and life. the result of a quarrel. The girl was can be expected to roallze, the agricul- Arinljn ami in tin iiirlrp Hashed iIip Deputy Sheriff Killed. ownayhlaeird.wayShteo hheard fabteheenr's thaormrieed,whheunt atureralhallafbsotraerrv,ehdisfrwomifetahnedbheigsincnhiinldgretno Jhuirtyterrewtuitrhnend lttatlnfo. ImTol-dlar-iyiiuMittluaggariannsdt A Uoswell dispatch of April Tlh was separated from hor hiusband. the cud of life." títulein z. The defendant wit count sns: Jap I. Ciar)--, ami V. A. .Me-Kca- n, Amello was captured and placed In romAiniiliAthllobiuMquTerqnupecrdntInypuetnorhi. say: Tin JcaoilnniKcotmuwn.otyC.cluomTwcub.eosd.dveap,yui.sxehvoietlnninralgnlfdaotfkiTlLloienrd-- Jilonaoigln. atmHaLeninIscoofilhnLe.inscoTonhlneo,rfewaIhswoell-tknaowwl-knasofInlybnucshsai--- WH.HOT. ONWcwNcSomTbHEof RtAheILRDOiAstDriScTt of police an' looking for FleHhmuii, rance, and attempted torklll J. C. (Il- ness there for eighteen years before Columbia Dar, has compiled statistics alliiH Willie St. Clair, a lad about hI licit. Citare and tlllbcrt wero wit- his death, which occurred last Feb- showing that 5,174,718 depositors In teen ijuh old. Hi came here about nesses against Clarke and MeKeoti In rilan . savings banks of six eastern states iwu month ago aifd tliuutgh (hr be-neilit-ii ennes pending In the Lincoln county aro directly Interested In tho joint ih' lmiiliiahrhof-lamiio-inll.. kMtKi-rlnrht'- uil hi nwaomrek aat nDeixsttriwcteeCk.ourTt,hewhcihcahrgweetr.egaslentstfoCrlatrrikael At the University. ownership of $4-t2,354.0S- G of steam aSltl.lilltii.i,.i1iMi wiT.iwthtio'UthwlMe'etrlutcsomKmpopahnahibeointwsahnsadlagaiuhidn-e- IIss i(iHhiManntgudeltdawsswlaihuitlhtInwtiemintthpetrdoseoakudiallylt.luwgMeaeapKnoennosf-llnc.- er actamAArplbbuousrquaeDtraqtyhuoe,wNaaesnwdcMIetleewxbiarcsaoteadUstnrioevnneurostiuhtyse rccnohlmulrsopeaatdntsieshsoedlcdouirnig$tiSe4sb5,.uSsSi9tn,h0e3as8ts IIonnfsMusrtaaesnsaacm-o IiiilK tiat he wan guitig to l.o Aligi-- I. Clarke opened lire on Chase Ilrst and adnady. fotorcesaoyf nthoothiwnigndof Tthhee bporessenatn.'d railroad stocks and bonds and 74 edu- It vt i IPS Ihe bm U the hOtl follow d him for L'iui yards after both some of tho men of the faculty divided cational Institutions depend on $47.-GS.32- 7 of Mi Pauline I'll b.hman of Hotel lto-lam-l. tm n had emptied their pistols. Clark? up in the morning, some digging holes, Invested In similar securities .Ni w YotU ( My. ami she oiler ?!,-(in-n and MeKenn ran to a saloon, secured others going to tho river bottom to lor a portion of their Income. Other ri ward for her son. rllli s and resumed shooting at Chase. get trees. In the afternoon several fiduciary Institutions own enough A l.n Vega dispatch of April Hh He fell mortally wounded ami died In dozen of trees wre planted with the railroad securities to bring such hold- sns: TIip governor and the Supremo a few hours. The shots that killed him help of tlu; girls, tin wind assisting to ing up to more than a billion and a were from I5callbre and yJltdhlhWHmCIi.roeipefaiIaottamiinimt,rl'nhn,leen'in.ldihtlmebaiitVdewaneOlPefdfoedmijjisulU..fiiplJailvthu.rIrfrb.cCtIoootsuwbVedoewintlenarnIuolWvJhoTkacHrHlorthielhaiieiehaAMtedrldalelnlileoprspt!ddgipidatrledua.euriawolttdirnfielebrtVimluoceSfivItteedvorahaeeyIdtft.oittanlhihnhildnPaebvor.omeXwtUr.refmdoeoKurIinriuettnr'HhfidudgddouraCitlohfeinptMnraiamatIr.foodonensoomnniddobrbmA(erJTtoavyvhhapari-hh-terrlrorlnhttaterioekoor-rthd-isdrrtl,yr. tccIimmtRbiMennhIolytroaoainCeiTmssrlmratmv.ieihwen1sia.a.dseic.barcnontIkCulfengofyltte.gtdw,efhSgtr(NsoaaheayInlhsmtloeveolomwfbbeloiobitoarpnDetehnhattwnerterioili.tnsyMd.rtowwtgeysrshrefsieeaeesxcacsIsaatprhtittachcewrouporcesuwtaaCethstashlpedhaCbboaseeaesooenu.lTlswefsdtria.rrtntmraoeaksgsmckpetehoCAinneoatlnlotmirs.lahuiT-czaatwlvlbrr-eewaetnoekchfnrddndberieeeegrsyrtaiouclmoswtnlwuerhan-fdebcIea-roosneiIIds-ees-s--sntrts appuaTitfMdwtbphnhoellonalalrsaaeeaosiaseneliosylrsslowvnmcees,teorveetspdterimar.wonn"PssslofougoaiaethaantefbesfirnayredrtevsnH.greatdtoeoadetwoolriohldnif.onnineden.sdAntceteggPhAroendlaeernImrctrrgKtMeehebahaspsieagfkotsetmiiaahdhtsidrertrsrtseoeeoeeohlhAdsaDdnaoiannoCsttloarfhednutbaysfuevsteecr.'on"rd.iesrulbner'nsvereIMClaeyegiutesnyssavhdDAtieg,"mshtecaanhsHfearrnyptsaeaeabnsediupHmanlaastdrssoutmtlacu.lokthdtiaogg.reaeoebPiwaitgwdnruncrtrirsehnclgeooaaatIts-e-tse-snenassl.t eesbhapIptmsnilenneuaorooaoTnildtsrnpnfnrlpaithsraetgyenooe,diartclrdthnrsteymowoweN.lwcaholeoeaaIdsierpnnrtbvpearhsoteerivs,yTltabneiiaohcsnaclfhmkioInagueingsabsikssrfevrloiiiilerteninuoieaomtsvegtIfotntineseamnIo.stnrnavththoenehsneet-oesnduihlxdsntl-etretdswuhmsamestmnhrraeIcacosunsbnorossmeteouetosrftrsphnrce,aIolortl-onacriirlflnflsyteifre-rhectlgpan,ioi-otrteewtduaehIrllnase--odyoy--,s . e Moiiiezuina Ilanch Hi-mhI- , near need to one year in the penitentiary and tuo wind. Tho wind and the now heads the list of candidates I as 'i as. opt in d for huMm-s-s April and lined $ The case was appealed students came out ahead with a pretty for hero medals. - f 11 Tbn-- e npii'i'ii ph slriniis (if mile, to ihe Supreme Court and Clarke was good score. The faculty was somewhat liu Indian Hi. !'. Y. Seward, pioprle-lo- t ri leased on $:S,i!iin bond. The Supreme crippled because of a failure to play More Flexible and Lastlnf, of Inii i rile-:- , ihe famous lesuri conn recently overruled the motion good enough ball to become victors. won't shake out or blow out; by uilnj of Ho-I-n n. Ni w YoiK. ate ai Hie bead foi a new trial and Clarke I now a Detlanco Htarch you obtain better of i In- - lii'.UIilHoll The splendid HotlP fuiiithe from Justice on thl charge New Incorporatlonc. than posnlblu with any othrmc-n-rult ewrhoivclhlloaiUi.notipeih Ita.nwderIehepulirncehaosleddcH;iMomlee al--oA. special from Santa Fe April Tlh Incorporation papers were filed at mbroannedy. mid one-thir- d more lor aAsi haMmcioniepe.Haii;eoA. ;:aAiurnlt1iaitiilluuamcuityIpheaoopfleln-eu-bnnlaimebitueidlt sTmaousrird:acnrceJeraspcooCfulnaDtrykeep,utthyolneShweoerfiefkfth,eCwhaaallsseegeador-f STitaaenllietzpaahtioFonene,M$Ca1o0rmc,0h1p1a02n,M0y0b0,ofbyTChtoheloerNaCodwool,o.rMcaaedxpo-- thaItt Ibisnwothygowolomfoernarmefaunsetotobeleatlohniem; wita rcacpupiriovseedssioap-bjdnii-y- d CCrelosaatrelkeder,sto-dwa-dyhroeswseaatds Cwtahopeuintádwnedo.unbDdyer.dCLhaalsweegs. ooff atichnoodInRchthioeoerapdOoaqrgruaaenatnidrottoenrissDpeJa.vaper1lee3o.rpsEamtldewneeArtr.lobCuoqfimuleepdraqnubyey. alone. TEA rbi'lniieneshtniltguodttivoooennrausnts,eoedr,HowlahmniinpthgiweohcielncaeohudvdsekrIonwvfmchsetihcnhetto. shttahhaleees A SantaCFavealdryispCathcahngeso.f April ad TOlLahotneserooLifnuoncSfoaosrcSpoaaornnrroadtat.oJruFsTdegh.eeaSrDoccl:aaopnmiietoa(lnlloiLzw.aLtuMioMncnaM. iÁloi-sf. lieHaloowngmthanaty wfoinred tohfouthgrhetes and h ase of .Mich lauds lor main- saws. Rev. 1 It iiry C. Pouget of the $;ioo,oU; headquarters, Albuquerque; itT1Hfomeuh-.nnnlei-ad'nsh(aocpotmeiwseotHhteaIlMn-focniire-uiddLelnnelwKglipaifsu.liaisitsacoautovurudeeotl.hindiuocip"reibnoT'enntiiltnllsulobssppyee(udldUrtphPioewfhtshlietitaaohts-iilinii.--elii saTwFIalthiroamryessn,teiatorn-sdates-uiyqsmciCugceaaendteahardtasooiiplonniptncghoaoitfcnRwhteaeotuvshfd.recSahJcec.thcecaoaWrelpnrpid.lttaMoeiRdrnLiiseaiyelaonuVtfote.clgdtathhvasO-ee.s. pdMH1)ai.urcnTerMLyhsc.ootiomldMlraSe,sncso,.MiMugMtn.ihl.alwatnAeWe.d.s.tWOELtF.neelrgoSnol.ude,r.SnSaot.norsyldlicoekrmarClaneoodrna,,,.. lHwu)ihcllToakerh.teetaertohrpseo:oimrpoltost-e-rt-aol wusbthilonegsayraerweimtuhossuttahloelylargteghrooostdoe Hi - i onk. niit inatl. tiwl- h- oIs)ei po;npiininio, nnt 1osf ththaet CH.ieNeFlsirosnt orfegRimosewnetll.of Cionmfapnatnryy, 11anodf aCsrawhfoeraddquItasrtNeresw, Maenxdico, Joangaetnhta.n j IthnetMpiorioviistimon--st 2oifiiihbue loabwtaicnaend bbeefcoarr-e-J SiconwdasLideeuttn.MeRd. Cf.orHteeldmpoofratrhye dcauv-tlrv-y cerTthifeicaCtietizoefnsst'ocRkanpkaiodf uApz,teacmofiulendtinItMg will uTsehonseo oWthheor. HDaveefianTcreiedColIdt, Wa led out. to Company 13. Tonight Cnpt. Will-- to $30,000. "b ' oterrQSutaalricthy1h6asozn.ofoerqu10alceinnts.QuaOntthiteyr brands contain only 12 oz. ' r A MrCfltt',,f (I- - i , w "- -'" , in--n a "W--T" -- "- XkJ OBSTINATE GASES WHY OLIVES ARE PICKLED. RENDERED VERDICT IN RHYME California Joke on Tenderfect From Foreman of Texas Jury "Dropped" Of lcucorrhea, excessive flowing, pninful but a specialist's prescription, having the Eait, into Poetry. periods, prolapsus, or falling of womb, as a single aim the cure of diseases nia",I" haaviod jtuhHot trraevtuerlneer,d "afrnodm foCraliyfoour-r toAancorIrnetsepreosntdinegnt vcearldlsictouWr haitcthentwioana asettnesnadtieodns,byulwceeraaktiobnafrko,f beWarinog-mdíowb-,n pain pecRuelliiaarbletodewaolemrsenr,ecommend " Favor- Information, In crho you over wander rendered In tho District Court of ito Prnunrinfinn." With íriekv one. thither, let me poHt you on ono of tho Travis county, Tex., In 1857. Tho de- something else that pay them better merry little joiit which the Inhabl-tant- H fendant, Frank H. Hafer, at that timo w"jiullst,proasbabgloyodb.e" urcPcedrhauppsonityiosu faosr love to rln In on tho Innocent a well known citizen of Austin, was ihnn hut, it. rnn't he for iilll. Some tenderfoot. accused of gambling, which was not saving may be made by purchasing our up"AabgoauintstthothtleiHtCtahliinfgornthiaey'rlilperunoliyvoeu. regarded as n very serious offonBO In nieutcmca in nau-uoze- n quantiues. Texas In those early days, especially it you are convinced inai me rn--! ICver eat them? You can hardly get " If tho offender chanced to bo a prom- vorile Prescription is the medicino them hero because they won't aland atTohh"lepMthmooriespnteot.rrdeoailAnlivaneordsylivthaeregeyree'arepetnlecrlmacplieigdcphkrtelyeafdelsgroo,oothldiyev.omeu. gibInneuentneetarwaranlclseyitsintz,eetrnve.aeanrttdehdTelaheoasssjupracyraoprsrcelieoceamudstpaioonthsnterdoJuwegsaoths,f onaaIffnlowitlaiDntytwres.aninndcPyeuirerqnercuecdaisests'eesb"yiaotFdfaeashvqfoaoouviuraarillrttdyieee,spt,,t i! yeyttohcooepuuitrniotdnniigueenceteedwsl,olnimvogdoeeononthncietneno,rogstdtonbTeeelussreoanc.uaijsryooTolaneuhnidre. ibinanasttctuoekltmaocpt-ont-' juentdebrlsatcakn.d, and come out of tho Urine ldaiwety:ers brought In tho following ven phase of nomo complicated case, Dr. OR. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PCU.BT5 Pierce always stands ready to offer "After you have eaten and approved, We. tho Jury, lawful men, valuable suggestions based upon years Cure biliousness, sick and bilious head- ywthotore"u"o'ylT'lll'Wllhwheeoainllulivllk,teetlhetIooefatnydhetyeh.owmy'euoiulollrbiolckeenheatadtbretdyrhyeorwmuofrmietohsatuhhrtk.malttonogJwao:unansdyet TLFAiheonutugesurtihltotowhyboeed'vdmedeifeeaefnnnestdanibaddsenaeytnrotvthnapidnadsyto,alfllrhalAeirem.sdzsoiOnetiel.lgbfnt;H,omourotn.ron,, ot(omKiffrMoedvlny'aMiecremiaeftiricdnemfel.aeSbxotrfipeoeAecrthidv,eadanrlrDcgueeueesfs.fwatolDhToir,thc.hhiNosUs.o.ehfYteVeu.n.dsioPnpeigresorvcehnee-ia,s actpmbrcoeaeehlatscinetsohe,tniduaRdoftoifSeztf,orzthnine"teghaeuehtselieasirntv,-,bbguerno,r-cs,w,"ooasensuttldori?vm,ekaslniotcneoshdssmpsr,aeaaoidncfnohdr,adapebnrcpowdaoewnnitgsndeiteitidls-e-s-y,. opfautsheeitro lroeumr;arlkanetshatofyooulivedontr'teeksn.ow1 The composition of thisFovreermdiacnt. Is eDnnDj.otyaItrrVoSoirdPi1hbeuuacnlktrh.olluatrltTft&oiudlnoc..hlNWTYh.aihttoiIuuMnifetvre(lr shPoeurlsdonsnesvuebrjecbte twoiatMnyouotf tahevsieaitroouiblmese mwehaant uonlitviol ygoruo'veen seaenndthoosleivocolborroswInn nthlterlbtuimUed otfo hAis. sWor.vtcToerroenll, thwohojurayt lmwiaiotdnhtdhwllnyotrmuHbssitcnikil?llsierbasusa,roliir-bUwnowro-knitatrhec,anpncuuolttiiai.tloipxiunpMlrnoofsiui,l 1 "ahPvlaevaaanatdoPpteeldlet"as aat hhaonudse.hoTldhoyremar-o thlohaoa"nkTtginhisngeligrmo,amamigrgoerhantcgtyheefuttlfehrmeelistphttligenorglait.yvreeesl.eYaaovlulesripgaihnctdk, aswetatravsiendaedaysoguranegaDt ilsdatiwrsitcyitnerc.ctioounArtftIneJurwdpgraear,cdtiacnhedo, mKaatwtlneilototrlutnei-ocdnnofwt-lud,Dahrih.sthaan"IdMCdoaoewnmirdaonpNtdolAuinnfFfrrdtraeevrtwoIarIa'iutthenaanlvdoltPtie-lwtTitlpiUlao-mnoknt,foresn.leiueafrtW-ltWieoldomi-lf." I'' egadllwaOysansv"easfvltieiftarrtelless,thin"-t-aiPgnehdtlltllreyrtte"litacriibosalrleka..elda,xPauttithveeru,epfotwrieon owmItn'oas"errWmkawhwllaoiotnwhodt!dhotbhIHiontqeiuttctlhenIoenrlnn?tfowoido1eirtnal.cdcna,edncortmhoaufsbtbietnaherobdIt eIyaannestdya. kvmwSseaaeyrsmWdubeUnesadrntcs,eihtreiwoedvfPheortdeShsetriaodrtsseeeeannsmotwteomCnjilbuneovriwsyetaelearrwnejduh.stoCotlhcOaaofTttrhelureeo-rsrf tPthheoeTlmlehrtfeeCatVmr,oSee14aadtllwhinliseoamsSsntysroeooennfmerttiioeJ,eripennIliondlyuefd;nm.voMIn,tu)oerrrlwsvic.uYd.olM.'o.lcaIeun.narrvdie1siAnr,oael'tsilbrwmHuaolanoViyrnyyw.lis.emottuNukutMshem.eeVit!pr ,' aabrmertoeleoiweteavecnelasdd.tihgthaceelrsetAtiiacosdn.nissa,etrtTe"atshdhkseeienylnaoirvrenieesergrin,uegplasaicttlohelfm,,r"odamiacntyhov.iogvpaorenoTrr---do-- nasty, haunting bitterness that hangs the Texas Supremo court, and F. W. narcotio in " lavorite Prescript ion." eating, nothing equals one of these ItthotoyIkocuaonrunneotriisllyyobauintdthearnveecsrseanntntehineasttwgoeotfms yeIaonlutsor. Cerhsanodflethr,ewTheoxabseenbamr.o1-ao-nwo ofNthootesl.ead- NoreIiotthtohefertrendionehtosaxpiitncecanonsnt.tathinat aclhcoilhdolel,ssnwehs'sskyis 1 llciaotriahpteedr,thPiadanltii--bnmilio--"ums ustarTdhngsvrea'ernedusl.etsi,nv.scsauriciaerl-y- mouth and won't bo washed out. due to conditions which may be cor- Doctor Pierce's great thousand-na- g "When you recover a little they ox-pla- in Some Fabulou Confabs. rected. Many women have found that "Common Sense Medical Adviser will that tho brine takes out tho bit- Zeus had been enthroned and an- the vitality ahd vigor imparted by Dr. be sent for the mere cost of mailing; terness, and that's why olives aro nounced that he could do up all tho Pierce's Favorite Prescription to the paper-boun-d for 'Jl one-cen-t stnmp. pickled." other gods by his sheer strength, but womanly organs, has been the one thing or cloth-boun- d for HI stamps. It is a tho king of heaven didn't nccmto bo needful to fulfill the Joyo! motherhood. grand and useful book. Addresi Dr. in a very good humor for all that, and This famous medicine'ia not a cure-al-l It. V. Pierce, tktt Main Üt., Buffalo, N.Y. In the Spring. tho rest of tlio divinities wondered Lowndes, Mo., April 10th. Mrs. II. what was wrong. C."HFoarrtyyeoafrsthIiswapslaIcne,vesrayysb:ad health. rieTda:king Hobo to ono sido, Zeus que- W. L. DOUUKz4a GLAS Every spring I would got so low that "What was that stuff l drank last S I was unable to do my own work. I night, and why under tho shade of S3 M& 3.22 SHOES US. eemod to bo worso In tho spring than Olympus do I fool like the second any other timo of the year. 1 was joint of a stowed owl this morning? V. I.. Ttuticlrva ahora iirr tit rentcac artlrra lit (tut Ymsacuwrcyh lw5poeadaidnk'sIannKdimdnyemybiascePkriallbaslnedadahvneedardti.sheadd1 yYoouu csaenrvteedll tmhoo dwrhinakt'ss, w1 rtohiiun.k", maybe fwHtVhonau.rrtlp1dwrft.-u.rrlnLo-lxtOmceamttaHeiiKriai,t.nlqlw.aMitirelilalttllaohl.Kll.r?'al.?a0ra..Ogrmaeti-riHrr.tlr,-unliaulaTmrhcloiitl'arilroaetnmJtlut-y-oftrtl"tt,lrnlrtllirtrute"11tl1iIjclIIoklitclnli,eliaeirhtlUnutililaitiirtlu-lt-piat(rhnihirincrlttyer.l "Huh!" snorted tho pert young dam- itttrrV.'l..Oahoe mi tttMitrkwt Ut.ttay. tiT.l,. tkttimltaa iiur. "ltmahfecomtre saEpnordiondgthtehayanndhaavbnoeygtcahenirntgaitnrcIlyahtmadvooonnotevmeoorf kskennloowwo.f tyhIoet'sstewryldnoaouyrcufupwn.aesra"lY.IonuaDuoogunug'trhattyiootnuo ttIIIItctlItnortltlwtirptcrtlrlamiuirnarttcrhtfirptrryllaator.clSuhOveliltllalamllhe,i-tan-t.ÍrrV.aIi--ttyLmu..LrlaotIiotfiyaikotiUiuathliduiuollrn(ueIiIttiIrl.taeItlIauIiTnclteoltiUairttiIa-ilmi-artHt--iTvtntaWu1t1iwiullrtlhiratttpenlyrrtileioKlr.uuarNr.tuo' used. day?" BF.TTtKrRr TIIAS' OTHER MiKI'V AT WrPlUT be"tIterwathsanallIrhigahvto lfaosrt ospvreirngtenandyeaferslt. Ze"uAsnIdn awsatasgeI wIhnisapuegru. ratc.l?" asked o'V"nfliv'joj.ritiUS0rt"l'aattrt.lrrbtutl,lMlttvtt.rinttrUht4iIkthtiitiurnJt"flrACtri'pWitt'.lLi)'K'MrP'-mrIi'.Ii-fht-t'-i4nitriy'ijia,WrIntnt'wtnlnuntpti-up-tnutetHt,.th"noi.t yIereaamtro-dsa-yfiafntyd tyhIoaagnrisveIofhDaaovgdood'asbnedeKniadmnfoerystrmoPnaignll-ys ha"nASdnusdrett;hoodhdoirnse'taadycohmuinogfneaerlbcrhloi,wkep,reiwts?so"inndgerhedis WBo.Lyb0a0twUteIGetra,LLrAh.WoSIlhd.u$yLtl4h,a.eD0i0uortu"esgSthlHAaCOspEro$,tS.2aiCn.5Adf0'Nw'NathOueadTnr$B"lto2En.A0Emg0QetUrSsAhth"oLoLa''EsnD"bote.tAchaTeufSrsAerNminYatihkPeeRysI.CfEit. credit for tho wonderful Improve- if tho gamo was worth tho candle Lull u contuiemt to i the Anal pnint inti'nr jniiluert, ment." after all. IMW.MI TDConai.lOn KtinKVtlurt.Il.iKrirTrtSnWhocl 1tn,.1ti.tNnOrlTT tSnum.A-- ltInIlIllIinANvrHnrlYil. The statement of Mrs. Harty Is only So irouliln to Kft h lit ly ttu i, iS". e tr iirepMr itrl.Terr If you ilrtitn one of a great many where Dodd's Blind People Use .Most Gas. Wfurt.hLrr. DliiOfoUrinGittLioiAi,Si,rrifBi RtOr CiK'uTirrOuNtí,t'Mii'nAvSwSAifCHv;UirnS;ET.Vi-T-S4 Kidney Pills havo proven themselves "When it comes to consuming as to bo tho very best spring medicine. In large quantities blind people can They aro unsurpassed as a tonic and beat their seeing brethren all hollow." Alabastine aro the only medicino used In thou- said an inspoctor of tho Consolidated HHa TreeNs,inafliltitt laimuiits.orimmoronH-tao-Hl, sands of families. Gas Company. "I know 'two families Your R KiittiliH, lnoH, bullís muí whero both husband and wife aro B liedle pl.iiitH We Horn! by i tnall nstuiUI uii'l imnranteo Postoffice Lights. blind. Every Jet is turned on full tilt Walls U HiitlNfiietliiu. I.iiik''!' Kent by Paris Is to have a spoclal kind of in their homes at night and is kept RI oxprexMfreoor SefmreilKfliitr. Itt.'atiSi-Iioxku--o street lights to Indicate tho where going at that rato clear up to 12 1 teen eui--H Two million abouts of branch postofllees. o'clock. Light and darkness arx.-- all Just ask tho doctor if there isn't I treewIlonInifter,rii(ntiMloo.unl .tirnrr-Ir- w, tho amo to tho allllcted ones, but danger of disease in your walls. H Don't take our word for it ask him. NO TONGUE CAN TELL thoy Insist upon illumination brilliant Make him tell you. 1 Howard E. Burton, Amuyrr HowBleIedSinugffeErecdzemwaithUntiIltchCiunrged and oan"woAuhgnimhd ftpoheractualpiraaerrcteitanoltilttoyhno.sfeortwligohtcoIusplneos.t TtahrTyahteariesndAishloaynKblyiaesnotincinoewpearllfmecac:dloyeversfiarnnogim-. MIBBI ffu'Iil'ill!f'I.'miJiiun.litiuilii'tlleifj;itiKilr'lfotto.nHn.KtiiMKl.ll"iiIlil1ll.Dia'CpIfip,illleierUlu.iinvt-nle-ollnooljolrPuCUMC'el.ioofpiniptlnrlJninotlrdl.;, by Cuticura. All blind peoplo feel that way. They Alabaster rock then colored with 9 mlUufíciuimiuioilreI'uWtlio"iikmtiiohNMutrl.oInnlI.chHiUunlkll.r. Culo. demand tho light and In all private mineral colorings. V Alarastine is cleanly, because it 1 for"Nfoivetoynegaures cwainthtealltehrorwiblyI spuafifnefrueld, hbolimndes araondcairnesdtituftoironsthe wghaesre btlühse irsocmkaadned fpruomre wpuarteer.rocIkt isAnolatbsatru.tcekr 1I A CLEBAanPrt,holHmE' ALETciHemYa SKIN itching, and bleeding eczema, my vouch for their strange fancy." New on with sour paste nor smelly glue. I and Skin Remedy body and face being covered with York Press. When your walls need covering, I M PoMPtutrreilfyieesu,ro ThhrezneinaH, el'lanlisp.lea. Boros. Never In my life did 1 experi- you don't need to wash ALaImstink Kriiptlnti. Iiikc 't Hltea aud all ill- - ence such awful suffering, and I Myth for Moderns. ofl. Just add another coat, for Ala-astin- e couasrceafoorfDtahnedrufxfltir SAcanlpadlialueluet.e longed for death, which I felt was Wounded Ares showed Zous tho Is antiseptic a:i well as SI.00 Per Bottle. Btndfor FREE BOOKLETS. cnienaers. w1ithhoadut tsruiecdcesds,ocbtourts mayndmmotehdie-r Iwmomunodrt,aland bbleogogded frleovweinngge ofnroAmthenhei.s bateiaountsifualr.e TpohsesibmleostwbiethautAiflualbadsetcinore-. BANAiD--kHOyLoMur dDnKiUKOKt0o0r.,lmDretaerMoroinicena,d Itoowa. Any decorator or pulnter can put It "n. tmmmmtmmmmtmimmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmm Insisted that I try Cuticura. I felt "Sit not by me and whine, thou V u could InIt rfiiiranlf. ,Iiil"l"n Ala. bcuetrtaerSoaafpterandthoonefirasptpbliactahtiownitohf CCuuttii-- riseneIngtaodlee!rablTe,ruleyventhyHemrao'sth;er'hserspciraint IbHiatafUcftllncnoiKi,liuohlIittiKiiiliailélulytivoinurroufuuwt.!rnyilliiilteí f'irelkKulurrm(ll f'IttCuc;cilolsOsTSu'iUiyPInp!roVjiHochulntKosiocu)i,niImt.csl. mine. Write fur beautiful tint card wcuerlal. O(Slnitgmneodn)t, aMnrds.wAas. sBotosonn,enBtiolrlee-ruley-, II sdcoaormce thrualto bwyithhewr oprdros.mptTinhgeretfhoorue faynolurfrndotamltirKxcotiinli'itnNitittlv i". Hf us his JIynrtantIu'r1ln1o1l1pwular,ExISAMmÜlnuadrlcu(t.l'uKH ii'lnmnunmlo,iu)tltlruraolnacuo.. "YoMuichha."ve quit complaining about abinrlats"maWtioinealtlomt,heit.AshreepnGsl,,io"gh"aIItmf.ft"aeprehrhctirenored!n"ittlayry.retoDrotend't i nammmAe iaL(NmiAroaiwnBuíAVAwoSmriklTíl.,IsóNtUntirtEcukeuu,itlMCIytouOujWiMMh,axoit,,tinemi troHmAnTI rLil1TOil WlforeranetoaoynTteair.muiUnoultoiew.m.tau,iuUPtfiatitveani(tUrAe.ft-.i- ktheopptrlscoothboeufsImyndeuahstu.t"sritoliu"nHsgacdfitoirtzoentqh.uoit',,'"1prlaan-cswmero-ed inAsnhdeetrhedeBtsornp-vlsaagoi-rd told Pncolaonud tojjahiheeerl W. l DKNVEH. NO. l'.-l?''- ". UetCtUvUiLUIKhVbIUyrbucp.,ILLfaEoLSEüofoildl,! üto that 1 no longer havo time to tho spear wound, whllo Hera chuckled When Answering Advorti:cmcnto In tiiuo. Bold uf drugnUtti. behind her fan. Kindly Msiition This Papor. j wr El .-v-v.-jr" du corto y advocarán acusaciones on-cont-ra drd quo por.scjrUir con ellos híiHta A-br-il NOTICK POR l'PIH.ItMTKSN. do los violantes, acomodado-r- w primero do lirOti. liso arto será II. 10. No, 105;"), Hispmrvo Americano, toloradores do tal obuso escan- un estrenuo politico en la historia de daloso do nuostraH leyes. oste territorio: hnbni elecciones do Dopartmeiit oí tho Interior, i 'Periódico Semanal, ciudad; miembros do la convención Land Oillce M f . constitucional tendrán quo ser electos ELLAS Y SUS OREJAS. Clayton, N. Mex. ir y una convención constitucional será I'uMlnndn Las prostitiUas con todo y "orójas" tenida; convonciones y nominacio- March .'Mth, 1IKIÚ. La- Compañía Publicista (lei fueron presentadas anto ln Corto del Notice is hereby given that follow - nes para toda clase de boletas serAn Condado do Mora. .T1107. do Paz, Toribio Lucero, ol lil-n-os llamadas, y en Noviembre de ese nflo ing-nam- ed settler has filed notice of din 10 do Abril, l'or medio do un his intention to make final proof lu loMiarú lujrar en toda probabilidad Alr.i. S. Hiulikcvltz. lrst A Mnnurlrw TA. Jurado do buenos ciudadanos fueron humana no solo elecciones territoria- support of his claim, and that, .said F. S. Orictra, Vice Prett. A-- Trcfoniroi". halladas culpables i siiitonoiadns les, pero lambion una elección para proof will be made liofore V. IL Hlw Sunfehc. Scat A Ansí. 111tor. prrla Corto con multa de 10 peos Wilcox. P. S. C. Com., at hiv olllco CONDIcioni:s.,o ottoafd,icoi,asleuersníaidyobLióeengsiesplpaautruraardao,lodsellc'oinurudealvodoantaoens-s- iKna.Kmooyn NM. aMhy..inoinw,Moayf S20atnhchlieKiV,i,Nv.Mlr..: PPoorPrruenceilousnomrsrr.HSuicrialon non. , nnu kltrucf:s1.n0o0 doabdsdtoannocteafnaelaltlnlmnaalbtorerijcneómdraopsloú qqeuuseetaaepcsotraumeubenlnei-s-n- o pa'nrotitcunllaurimenetentey, ptaorma arguuian bpueonlítilcaor-s afnrd tNhIeO. W1,.S , NIO, .Sec,. S,UT.p. .17N, NV.. H.' (inrartubltMiicntc Adi'nntn1o) go descanso durante el presento uno J(1 10. r.mirrR y Ofloln en Ko Ke Mexico. opi'imbo'Tcho.logFa.rstosserterlcoesrosirodseebcíuatnndoesn y dumn.lo el inrno venidero en- prHoveenhamisescotnhteinfuoolluoswirnegsidweintnceessuespotno Todo, tooruunlcMlo 'onocnil;ntr a cat por vía justa. Poro no, estas hacen carnar Mis lonuN para la refriega en tho cultivation of said land, 'r. pFu.tillRSH.clonOR(lTli1i0nGcAn celomdiunneirdoadc,oncsueygauidgoanapnocriamuslelo vduoelvloa eSlanatafioFódNeewnuMeesxtriocni. Señor ItKXi. JGoaslélegdeosl.aJoCsruéz.MMa.arStianelazs., yJCoíióprianao. Wagon Moil ml Now Mexico. ltnr'nn del diablo convertida en sa- Lujan, all of Sanchez, New Mexico ABRIL LUNES 17, 1905 lvad. Fst'w pujaros lo mal afuero CORTE DE DISTRITO CN MORA. 10il. V. Fox, doWnn do sor prosecutados por la bv La Corte tío Distrito se leuniní en Register. con la nyoda del buen pueplo y no de Mora el dia LM de Abrí;. Di esta NOTAS LOCALES I hablantinas, so desea 'ecir 'o per-sítir-'s plaza se adela ntariln algunos sujetos $300 qn vordaderaiinMite consideren con el solo Ib de ir ú decir antes de 10. H. Raker, n 'sta piau. l,a to- qilulou toaoleiusuporidonpdodsfroocsialhaynmeoorrarlu.tnpido qduadeoleeon igalnl).s: K"xCtouxandcoanaelllasd,iacbuli-o Per Cartas Tocante al nudo cargo do !a cantina tint", ocu- rexa engañarte uioro." Sudoeste. pada por D. (J. Martlnor. DZ"ALCO rJCrONDOS PÚBLICOS El Western Trod Magazine ofrece Don F.lfldo Ruca, V Albert. N. M. KN COLORADO. FELIZ ALUMBRAMIENTO. soi.s premios agregando al valor M hallaba on Ih plaga en Jransaelón Vid? i ' lo, n jovon Won cono- Kl día II le Abril entro las 7 y S di 'ii ira norte do ferrocarril, poú-$30-r0 1 negocios la remana pasada cido n Trinidad, Colorado, quien on la muiitiua arrlhó on rohusio y her-tno-- o cartas de residente, du Arkansas, Ron Narciso Trujillo acompañado su estancia on oso )l7. se granjeo la nlfilto al i oi:úv lo nuestro edi- Fastern Colorado, Missouri, Kansas, do sti esposa puno por lu i 1n7.ti ikiii buena opinion 'o lu n ejor gont', so tor y inanji'or le esta reda'-eióii- . Indian Territory, uklahoina, Texas y dirección Santa Rosa n principios lo acusa do habr mnlusndo ronlos I I ndvenliitJ.,io j,, lt f,. t,j Nuevo Mexico. do In soinunn. public s on el Condado do. Ins Ani- hogar í'omA.stleo dH,oiHs:i--o o(.itr y Requiero cartas que imlusoan hom- mas, bajo In administración do Fox, s.l osfii ada s.ioxa la Sra. Adela bres i mujeres enérgicas y ambicio. ol pr - nto IncM.inbonlo on lu ofioinn IJn-H''-vtijr- . Qf ..u joya sagrrtda as lo colocarle en el Sudoeste, y iilli A fin homos logrado conseguir lo quo du to.froro 'o Condado, So 'ier quo l"s viva y los hajra UU es por leu-gu-os empeñarse en agricultura, cria do tan inalaueMilo necesitábamos. 101 Do-partatno- nto ol dofulc lutclondc ú mil poso. F.I aflis s c hlncero deeo do nsta lecherías, cultlviudon lo íiuiAre-M'-ys, ha extendido ordenes al Nr. Si oblo so traln''ó roolcutoiuontc redacción. ocupaciones siuillares. contratista, Ciirinno Solano, do co-inons-fir para California ucompuAitno de sú Para mcitier el propuesto ue thi- un servicio ib or.rroo diario familia, on dondo s die fué nttren-- ' . t INO C CCLAH CCRRADO. ne en mira, El Wostcrn Trad ofnv-I- dig-Sphr-inrt'craalc.MiHall.soNnO.alI1HDiI.leIHpIl--auIM.rvta'AmU1UntedOntrItlUeowIH's'Oind.equPAciIeo'lIUnurriCiexIonImO-si-s, ((soai'.(nllni,b'r.e.ircvno,ln,a.o,ucniudConahol-lnWiplDdoto-(ri(rpuol'a,fd.Uiool.hrepnr-n-)lnitooolori,lrMl,nduidio-lo'- ts!"errLmrnuóiuneeos-l-teriVdoieis'hlurpcniiupeulisdioadldiirnalt!Hínio7.ies.dn (a--Aslsitieabsnrtiilelu,rnogupnamorreersenoel ctpeiónient.e,seilngoseulfiaeedrnerotPoep'crsimanriirponirenlenmpleiomorsuenbjoeisnrjum-arít-ir.daoscppeootumarrptdtaeua--ssh presento los ciudadanos peticima-río- s y conduclrii jU aprendido ú Trinidad Iis ejeroisios le conclusión y t)d.s it .oís requerimientos: edCitooudrmeanlduaoessctarbamezepasleusdr.en.peasstoadom' ovniumeisetnro- iMl SérexhsiocpobolondhoeusrbblaeilennedsotcaodneolocpindouoreideelondyeNfauslecivdooo. enráxiñppoirdessoadnuprraonbgtureeesnnoai tésynantihisncfoaocl.ncuióton deoen loesl 231 PRC""MIO, JIC7O5o ea Tru.sjiurtf .,le 1-Vrrucrnt-V .', to levantó una petición, relatando to-d-ai creado en este Condado. 3 2b las verdades hacia el mal servi- - 6 2d cio ó inconvenencia, pidiendo un ser-- Para las madres expec- icio do corr) diario. 1 cual nos hi ASESINATO EN COLORADO. tantes. LAS CONDICIONES SON FÁCIL. sillo ahora obtenido. Ltts cartas lebn participar con U S nos conmuten' de Tipton Vllle, tfreacCghueaddDioaeSsopdcaouchrAroibdraKils,epneaeinuulncdliuaegaTlrur.intirdiJsaotdee Sbielñi'do'arodar,noCd.pcDlsa.icievOr.uheUn.i. reemxcpéoodmriiceoanrediaar lai hal-a cocouxlaponectró ldoDe.eslbdleuugnóq,uelepchilére emdFASd.í'lubaarrdfiMiió1lnddae1edp0Doo,1Ao0rUnbcidarüuoiñTlrso.tjeasjddluoeresp1sf1IqaoPuriHtielni.ecoeMuúnvhlnoaleanrasbtseyoec.r0ovlutna.".gieAas.ftrúleaicadMhsleoaa.l d.dyploeeoilruiTiisóCiromidiloilniiincc.eiidodnoeaatsldrldaaooD,ssdiodlpiiqesouuiptneuaLatadnrr--Fóooa.od.tA;uAmi,njnolnegitimliuvraeraKoncnsxi,.mlltcaa"loteMsá'-irfdue-oto-nera qttSeroaauuenisfñuqtee'ouidiismrieaoacs,úerloeitníinmsllUaimshlhtvaooscaddeirmaeralvreaaissucddeniroogdeasuusp:-.áeirlicpi-'imua.deexpraxsudp1o0eehsnco-t--aya, Odillnuuooifpédcísfiaauoldqelolroudase.qoesupJeiMoLldorhateccssnicidoóiecesnmaorreoátdnascelsteilo-ó-npnphnciaeeaovsi.edlcn,e.yeo)ibndoreooopn,nucpausdaapoololirareebommr'msaedtei-áse. icmmoenpsfeoissniabdcloeonráeoulanoahcrangurrrloinepnoeornfodebrumsrtaan'ndttaeeil dJfoousé drloaoeLnqauesel Aacndtieomt.earsmFs.ilynpaeubxeacbnitlóoiddieelotanClaoanmsdaandedo-e c.tsaoennSíeiIacñiuoo.raaool,iibtotseeunicbeorlon.lvoesnsseoe.rúihniia'hbd'lseol dmnedejerose-r cdaertlaarsgod.s,ee ayrneMqu-ril-unniceiraernusealndoaSsusdopolanernsatiece.nlt"prLo-paistl-se) et--msíiiesurhotrsisilit--.lselpmabrialcifóancuslMu veox.posLa'lDllioenla i laientcihiaér nii uaisleósridnoe:l props-eenrt-eo debiAdolguáacliul experiencia rupia." Mu respee-tuostimeut- e. taagmribciéunltolre',coymeesrpcoisaanste,,le mesateosst,ro.sinloe Frnncisquita C Mon'ova. cuatro ni-'Ma-or su fuerza el asesino e es-no- s escuela, clérigos; L-- quti u pilera sus padres Don Nasario Mon-- capó lío linchamiento, l'ntr-- n e;pi. Mt-s-. A. S. lívshkcvilz. quo toiun una hUtoria para decir toja i Doila No.toru ile Mouto.i a. ' eial del i olorndo Southern se ordenó Todas mis paciente le.s daiau la piien sopa contarla. Contri WucUmt ,i Siiitemo" muí ho tu separaciitti que .1 comSupi o' Alguacil , mi fucra ion misma opinion de mi habilidad en '-- los poéticales no i,e piioren. Dm di ri ame sobre estiM los medios su prlsiouero'al Pueblo. ca.sos. Ilagaci'iue un 'Xp'iimento No tolis pueden ganar pivmloi., pe de cousiipIo son lo deseos ilr i-s-ia Se dieo que ningún crimen en el Con-rodaccn'- ii. l .s Cnvellsereik. Docijause 'i ro por medio de mis contribuciones daity de Las 'Auimiih habí'a excitado Mrs. C. D. Ubis. plu(dn asiniic al Western Trail n lauto il la comunidad. Lu tragedla I toy. N. Mex. sus osfuersos en y ongrai-- , ' resulta que Fox so oponía a que John-Nmgui-ia decer el sudoo.sle. pla.n endonde la gente son fusoá Ciüiforula i n pos de Slioblo LE HALLO TACHA La contesta so cierra en Junio .'!, qil pr. srr .i bien la le vive, toleía-- 1 l'.io."). .Lo premios serán donados lia una cisu tto prostitución' en su T. I Catron ha puesto una orden después tan pronto couu los resulta- c antiiruoin:--a i ulidioniaidrá i.iil,iecraasaqueon eulncoenvtra-o- PREPARACIONES190P6A.RA EL ANO DE dUnrciisotsrlccaipóinopmiai!dores lapodristurnibuAcicótan dlee dos pauleTdahne,, 7.DHort-.j,as.-e negoiüil d' la p'u.i. s ni;ir.' está No !t ibi .1 el.-c- i ioii"s niunicipa'es en a 1 11 linn legislatura titulada. ,,l'n Van Huron Slroet, Chicago, Illinois. afui'iaili la pla.ii N.ositos chula- - j este ti rritmio el mes entrante, excep-dano-- .veta para Aiív.o de lo Sulro ntes cm..Mveti.'ti.ritiMiuajimeluacrhoon sAoblraes eaus-!illt''g-oio to en --SilvisepricCiuilt.y, cMuailenttireanse líoins preg-ou-btuur-i-ivi. ál lious iiulIicaialleoss.Vteiritoi rniia.pese idei .pna;'ul ,r Sra. C, D. Olds, i'i locah-- s por protección biei nos de ciudades ahora n fuera due ros i'ji conformidnd con las pri-licum- es SOLICITA ESPECIALMENTE TOÜC Aho-:-i - ins.i i-ii--rta que un cuerpo en las mix gr.iiu'.es i unlades i plazas d tal Acta hasta qui os CASO, DE PARTO, ETC orga. i ' 'i. i iMladauos u:in nnt.' ! l --S t ri dorio no e con-luci-- u como pi oiediiuii ntos iiil uiaiulmniis si ,in MSeEdGAiReANTIZAPSArTIa3KcACuCIOcN u t cl tiran .lio aio en la siguiente esiiu ' m-bia-n te sor, con'inuo Ja gente ten-- i . 'o.n.uailos. ív ' tfr CV-- mL 5tfftMiÍtfttPftrifc v TC.ifaffc. 4 I .-- v i iMUMkUK HS: mm?Mw doing all It could to rescue people Every housekeeper ehould know and fell Into a brown study, from that If they will buy Defiance Cold which Captain McLeod made no move Water Starch for laundry use they to arouso him. will save not only time, because It The salvage awarded Captain Mc- never sticks to the Iron, but because Cllesh was a generous one, and Cap- each package contains 16 oz. one full j- tain McLeod called to congratulate poundwhile all other Cold Water - S:CaZ&?JZZ2 him. Starches are put up In --pound pack- "Yo're a navigator, Davie," re- ages, and the price is the same, 10 - 5 marked Captain McCllesh with a grin. cents. Then again because Defiance "A hundred yards abovo or below Starch is free from all injurious chem- whero tho Curlew grounded she'd ha icals. If your grocer trica to sell you (Copyright, 1005, by Dally Story Pub. Co. been smashed like an egg. Mon, ye'ro a 12-o-x. package it is because he has Mr. Philip Thompson's eyes strayed place for tho daughters of a godly a navlcator." a stock on hand which he wishes to over to a map oí the United Kingdom man." Tho board did not agree with Cap- dispose of bofore he puts in Defiance. hanging against the ofllco wall. "Bo very careful, Captain," said Mr. tain McCllesh as to tho ability of Cap- He knows that Defiance Starch has "A dangerous coast tho northeastern Thompson as he bade the skipper tain McLeod as a navigator. They printed on every packago in large let- part of Scotland, Captain McLeod," he faiowell. "Don't let anything happen deemed his being so far out of his ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De- Bald carelessly, "a likely placo for a to the old Curlew." course ground for the removal of his fiance and save much time and money wreck." "Ees sho eeusurcd, sir?" inquired certificate. Oddly enough, this mis-loitun- o and the annoyanco of the iron stick "Ferry," assented Captain McLood. tho skipper. did not depress Captain Mc- ins. Defiance never sticks. "Then thero's tho Orkneys and the "All my ships aro insured," replied Leod. He deposited In tho bank of Shetlands, bad places those in a fog, Mr. Thompson. "Tho Curlew Is In- Aberdeen a check for several hun- Men who do nothing but take up Captain." sured for five thousand pounds." dred pounds, which chock bore tho sig- room In the world usually overdo the The Captain nodded and looked at Mr. Philip Thompson, who had been nature of Fergus McCllesh. With this thing. Mr. Thompson, then ho looked out of for a wholo year vainly trying to sell sum the skipper bought an Interest tho window. tho steamer Curlew, watched her In a fishing business and gavo up the Washing Blankets. -d-eparture "You aro going to take tho Curlew thoughtfully. sea. llave ready three tubs of moderately to Gottcnburg," continued Mr. Thomp- Capt. McLeod, standing on tho "Davie," said Mrs. McLeod, as she Warm water; for tho first water make a son, "and you'll como buck In ballast. bridge, looked back at Mr. Thompson and her husband walked to kirk with strong1 suds by using plenty of Ivory You'll probably take a northern routo standing on tho wharf and shook his their two daughters, most becoming- Soap. In this put a pair of blanket which will about bring you off that lead, thoughtfully. ly attired, in front, "I hope ye did na and Btlr with the clothes stick until clean; then rinso through the other two const. It's autumn and the season for Two days later tho Moray, Captain waters, putting a little soap in each. fogs, so be careful, Captain." McCllesh, cleared for Ileval. Wring by hand anil htrctch carefully on "Kt wad bo a bad thing for mo, a Tho Curlew had a prosperous pass-ag- o the line, ELEANOR It. PAKKElt. ahcepwreck," said Captain McLeod. to Gottcnburg, but she wan slow "Aw might be n year finding another in discharging cargo. When sho had An amiable bachelor says that al- sheep." taken on ballast and was ready to re- most any miss is bettor than a mile, "No, no," replied Mr. Thompson," I turn to Shields Captain McLood wlted MA providing sho Is neither too old nor know you aro a careful skipper, and if that fact to hla friend Captain Mc- too young. Providence ordains that tho Curlew Cllesh. who was then at Ueval and should be lost I'd see you'd another ready to sail on his return to Encland. How1 Thii ? W efftr Osa Hundred Dollar Iteward tor any uhlp. More, I'd obligate myself to Tho shilling which Captain McLeod of Catarrh tfahi cannot t cured iy Halt a pay you a hundred pounds to tldo you had spent In having Mr. Philip Thomp- Catarrh Car. Y. J. CHKNEV A CO., Toledo, O. oyovuercouunltdil pyaoyuitdibdacgke."t a ship. Then sttocnnbuInrgsurtoe SilhlsieMldisfedipdasnsoatgeapfpreoamr sGucoh- foWrIt.itUtloaiettuiIlnSdlreiertaualtirro,nretdín,iltrabbmacttalecrtelkonnboaiwtas mpFel.rffJeic.ntalCynlciimlaionl-oelraby-?lt "Wad ye put that in wrliing?" In- a bud investment that night of tho tbl to carry ouWt aanlydioxboli.gaKtiio.nn.nanudiieMbyashviika,rm. quired the skipper. twentieth of October when tho Cur-lo-w, TUll'i Catarrh CurWe tiloaletnatkrenDruInctcelrMna.llTyo,led.cot,lnOv. A tai"nC."ertainly. Give me a shilling, Cap- eer cernawelloodpedoveinr tahso tGhiecrkmana foocgeana,s, dtbyoirittetelceitf.lly. SuTojxladfieilbtnylboaBlltbaDll!oroudagenaitnlidufr.eme,ucol'uriicmer7f5acceatUof Mth Mr. Thompson wroto rapidly and tossed In an ugly swell off the north-ens- t Take UaU'i Fatally 1'IUi for coeitlpatloa. coast of Scotland. then handed the pape, to the skipper. Rich relations usually muko pour Captain Mcl.eod read, "For tho sum That Cautalu McLeod was a care- friends. of ono shilling, received, I lnsuro Cap- dfueln.cecdonFbcyientthloousfactsktihpapterwhwenas niegvhi-t TEA s ' tain David McLood against the wreck of the steamer Curlew on the passage added ItH blackness to the fog he ftom Gottcnburg to Shields, in tho would trust the helm to no one savo The bulk of people prefer sum(Sigofneodn)o "hPuHndILreIdP rToHunOdMs.PSON." hlyimtoseltfh.o Hdnogltuecleegrrathphatedhosomfursetquheanvt-e get tShwisormeondeeyeplIyn aansdlnfpur'ofwanaye.l"y, to be humbugged yet; we been nalgatlng with great care, but "There," ho said, "you seo what a "Woman," exclaimed Captain Mc suppose they will always. accidents will happen to tho most careful skipper think you." Captain Leod, "wnd ye think It slnfu' to hit 1 careful, and tho Curlew took tho McLeod read tho paper carefully, put giound with a jar which threw tho the dell wP a chunk of his own brcem-stone?- " Your fTtK.r rtlurm ywu masuty f )ou don't ffia it in his pocket and went down to tho Scli.!liiif't 1U.U . mate prostrate on tho deck. docks. Mrs. McLeod's countenance cleared Mr. Thompson put on his overcoat Sailors and stokers rushed on deck and sho smiled with pride at tho ex- haIbfitsa hmisanheadlothesnw'tll w.sionodn ruupndhoiws and attended a meeting of tho vestry panic-stricke-n, for a grounding on that cellent appearanco of her two daugh- ofTSht.atBeavrnenabinags Cchnuptracihn. McLeod went lpya,rtdeoafththtoo Salclotocrhpcaortasotf maecarnowt,.usual- ters fPloaarjcnhiiUMldiruer,n.aWltleaeyltnhiiiplnaogiwn,,'acoufrtBec!nowotlInhlidlencoliliunBny,'rr.noaptlburoeiiiIls. aboard the steamer Moray, loading for "There's na use In standing by her," Faith. snld tho Captuln, "get awa the boats." We will not weep; for God Is standing by Insist on Getting It. With remarkablo luck" or skill Cap- AndUSt.erin will blind us to the blcssi! DeSfoiamnece grSotacrecrit- sbaeycnutsheejthedyon'htavkeeepa tcarienw' MovcLereotdhaptiluogteldy shwisellBhsalpfwelryeciknetdo We wKitlrllyvinuuo;ht, doubt. If datknesa Mill dotli sthtoecyk kInnowhancdanno-fot12beoz".sobldratnodsa, rwuhsitcoh n small fishing harbor and then it was Our hoijIh have promise of acrenest mer who has once used the 10 oz. light. pktf, Defiance Starch for oume money, that Mr. Philip Thompson heard that otrheldaedsCeouafrmletewhno vwwiasrsietciknlogsat,Lndlao,nyddshssamkiniinlegLdo,nthdaeonindr .WoThewyouilunln,pnrbeonotsarf,aniont lIifunhleernvythabnurdoeunrs oboiunlds greofPiunuagHohotuotalonoiiRfn-oo-fruiinHchellonsnll.ovvthHa1et'raei'isaklHwauthyIenlcgren--. Imv grizzly heads, wondered what a ship Tho thitnloHt way Is IvIriR still behind tin. hound for Shields was doing so far to Wo hall be braver for the pant despair. IMso's Cure cinwot be too highly upoken of as tí a couxh cure. J. V O'Hiukn, :cJ TMrU Ave. WIHmwwi Mm the north. O not In doubt shall b our Journey's N'., Mtuneupoll.s, Minn., Juu. U, 1W0. Capt. McLeod was not tho only nav- ending; igator who, for somo reason, lay a Sin with ItH ionr shall leave uj at tho p;ig Inst, Most people would tathor preach course to tho northward. When tho All Its best hopes In lad fulfilment half a day than practico half an hour. -- Moray came out of the Bnltlc instead blending, Life Hhnll bo with us when tho Death Is of clearing or even west, past. sou-wes- t, VITA' permanently cured. Ko fit or nerronine" after Captain McCllesh pointed her noso v nrrut dAT'i uhof Or. Kline' (IrratNerTu Iteatui. nor-we-st as if ho had a cargo to de- Help purse.ssiOngFathor! when tho world Is mlr... URR.onUt. KIforluFbH,LKttdC.,MlaA.(Krc)hHtrtiraclotb,olt'tblellwaJnudlptUrrUat,l1 liver at the Shetland islands. On our fruil 'hearts, that fulnt without tholr friend; MuWl. "No one win hurting1 Fldo. It Mr. Philip Thompson was astound- Help uh. O Father! let thy constant bless. wuh the iiuihc tdappliiK one of the ed to recoivo tho news that the steam- StrenIngthen our weakness till tho Joy- children'." Mr. HlKhtoue. "I'm mo io-Ilevu- d. er Moray had arrived at Aberdeen ful end. with tho Curlew in tow, having pulled William Henry Ilurlbert. Iyld Dr. Kennedy' TsYorlt Itemedy, the her ofT the shoro on tho northeast Great Kidney and I.IrerCure. World KamouK. Wrlto(r. coast of Scotland. That the news was Teacher Beat School Board. KanueOy'i Hoot, Honduut, N. Y., for free mudpi bolll. not altogether welcome to Mr. Thomp- Nothing daunted because padlocks ChlouKo hnH u whlMtllnK choir. Count son mav bo Inferred from tho fact woro put on tho door, tho stovepipe on riiluiuo to take to anything that "Wad ye put that In writing?" Inquir- that, though a vestryman, he sworo taken away and no fuel furnished to utilizes wind. ed the skipper. deeply and profanely when he heard It keep the building warm, Miss Jennie Reval. She was commanded and and oven shocked Captain McLood, Mowcll, a plucky young schoolmistress TEA owned bv r. fellow Scot. Fercus Mc-Clles- h. who had arrlvod in Shields that morn- of Low Beach, Sullivan county, N. Y.. Tho two skippers talked earn- ing, by swearing in his presence. succeeded in finishing her term of What is good tea? Tea estly until lato in tho night and part- "There's na man has tho luck of Fer- school, though the trustees had off- ed with a gleam in tholr eyes, gus McCllesh," muttered Captain Mc- icially declared tho school discon- that tastes good and feels Tho morning oí his departure Cap- Lood. "Everything turns to siller In tinued. With tho help of hor pupils good afterward. tain McLeod read prayors with his his hands. Aw've no sheep, ami ina Miss Mnwell got new stovepipe and family and cautlonod his daughters to oensurance eefi na guld slnco the Cur- fuel, but she could not got hor pay. ' Your goier rrttonu your monay if )ou doa't 1JU avoid invltallonq to places whero lew's Havod." Sho appealed to tho stato department thoro was dancing. Mr. Thompson commended Captains of education, which has just ordered .rslí"úE,e"t'asndthowhidtoevellt''ss goowinng goanmeee,"s nhoa MIrpcmLeowdM,paJniJd3 MrjacCrnlalebsahs tcohuar,chre.gwioans tchoontitnruuesteethsetoscphaoyol.hor full alary aad nutAjiJs, biwut ipuafnooblaancsaelir thuun .ethtlorutntho.,há, tur TEA THE BRAVE OLD OAK. "Did he have to go?" ing, and It's the only hope. See, Beth, "Oh, yes! It was tho last day of I will take this lit:' covered tin pall, Go by the book A song to the oak, tlio brave old oak, grace, and the money for the corn half fill it with astoa, and then put In Who hath ruled tho greenwood long: was paid Into the bank yesterday some Hvo coals from tho stove. I will Go by the book Here's health and renown to hi broad afternoon. Tho farm Is safo now, take a bottle of coat oil In my pocket And ghriesenfifctyrowarnm, s so strong. safe for you and mo, if anything hap- We must hurry! No timo to lose." Go by the book There's fear In his frown, when the pens to him, Undo Will said as he ThLs time two stout sheets wore Go by the book sun coca down, rodo away." torn up for a lino, which Jack colled And the Are In the west fades out; Tears stood In her eyes and her around his walBt. Ho tied tho end Wriu tt tirrKdno.wltdj. Wool. A chti A And he fihowcth his might on a wild voice choked with sobs. She was only of his first cabio to a post by tho door Cmnj, Sim midnight, sixteen. For tho last year she and and taking tho buckot of coals plunged When tho storms through his her orphan brother bad learned to forth once more. brnnches shout. JtiilKlng by (he rats In the Illustrated lovo their big, bluff, bachelor "Uncle Another slow half hour wont by. imnern nomo of the Polish Immlgrunta In tho days of old, when tho spring Will who had offered them a home on Beth watched tho south kitchen win- don't look particularly polished. Had whitehighctoelnded his branches gray, hhiosuaNekecborpasekraandfarhme.r unBcloet'hs cwonasfidtahnot dow ffiroer. tDhoeapfairlsrt cglluotacmhedofaJtachke'rsheboaa-cro-tn Through tho grass at his feet, crept in business matters. as the momeuts crept along. Hnd she OPERATION AVOIDED maidens sweet, To gather the dews of May. "Oh, what Is to be done, Jack?" sho lost brother aa well as uncle? Half ., ' And on that day, to tho rebec gay cried again. "How can Undo Will frantic with Buspcnse, her wild eyes EXPERIENCE OF MISS MERKLEY They frolicked with lovesome how could anybody reach us In this stared hopelessly forth at tho white They asrwoaignosn;e, they are dead, in the cnotomrmpl?etelyH. e Hwoillmilgohsto whaisndebrearroiunngds btileunrceofwthaoa srteowrmar.dedAt leAngstlhowherglopaw- BhIneeWvitaanbleT.oldHTowhatShaenEOspcaepraetdionIt Wm ' churchyard laid, and round within a few feet of tho grow In tho southeast, deepened, But tho tree It still remains. , door and never find It," sobbed tho mounted and fought with the spirit of When a physici1an tolls a woman suf i Ho saw raro times when tho Christ girl. tho Btorm. Plainly vlslblo from tho ferlny with ovarian or womb trouble mr.s chimes "A horso surely ought to find his window, a mass of dull red through that an operation Is necessary, the very WhWenorectohtnotagmseqeurirsryme'assllowunidde tohalh'eaarn,d the hwoaynghalonmeto,"oksahiids sJtaactkio,nanaxtitohueslyso,utahs athgoainssitftinthgo swnaorwri,ngit elehmeledntsU.s Aonwdn, ottuhuborluehgohssttprioiktfaelstsheuterkcrnrfoiufrelltuoonfdhwetorhmeheoenaprectro,amtaiinnngdg Were flllod with good English cheor window of tho kitchen. "Black Joo is shortly afterward, tho kitchen door for ovarian or womb operations. Now hath tho way wo all obey. old, but ho la smart. If Undo Will was thrown wide once moro and two Andf,-ol-da ruthless king is he; gives him his own way ho ought to snow covered figures Instead of ono Hut he never shall Ecnd our ancient find tho stnblc. Beth, is thoro a rope tumbled within. Uncle Will hnd got friend about tho house a long ono? I might safo homo at last! To bo tossed on tho Btormy sea. try to get ns far ay tho stable and sco HIa story was that ho had left town Then here's to tho oak, tho bravo old If they are there, and throw down Just boforo tho atorm broke and had oak, some feed for tho stock. Tho poor traversed perhaps half tho dlstanco Who stands In his pride alone; cattlo will novor got homo. They will when ho lost his bearings. For near- And Hllll IlourlBh he, a halo green tree suffer I'm afraid." ly thrco hours ho and his horso had to-nigh- t, When a hundred years aro gone. "There la tho clothesline," said his wandered about in a clrdo, how wido Henry Fotherglll Chorley. sister. "But I fear It's too short. Wo ho could not tell. Half frozen with can try It after supper. You must cold and all but exhausted with the have some hot coffee If you aro going buffeting of wind and snow, ho had, When Wits Won out Into the storm. I am afraid you as a forlorn hope, given his horse cannot stand on your feet against thLs free roln. Suddonly a dull light ap-pearo-d, wind." scarco a rod distant. He A Trti Story of tltCrt Western But when tho supper had boon eaten turned townrd It, fearing tho houso , BUxtxrá they got tlio clothesline and length- might bo on fire, and discovered bis J ened It with stout strips of denim nophow and tho burning stack. AftftAfarsf7i'etMrf(fey ( from some old overalls. Jack tied one "I had a timo gottlng that stack to Tho little clock on the mantel had end around his wnlot, and taking a burn," eald tho boy. "It was a mass (Mined the hour of four, when Hoth lighted lantern, went bravely forth of snow, of course, Just like a hugo There nrc cases where an operation hItaryangob,ecadmisetanatuddreonalry, wawhiacrho ogfrowa IntTohothogresatotrmba.rn nnd the stock Bhods dthreift.sideI mopapnonsgletod ttohoacwraipnod asonmdebuorf-f soIsivdtaehrreiaaontnhlaeynrdegsroewuaortmcenb,ubmturboteuwrbhleoefn ccouanr.eseedsconbo-yf u.iiiuentarlly louder. She passed Into stood south of tho house, nearly a rowed a bolo In the straw. I did It by Lydla K. I'inkham's Vegetable Com- iIn kitchen and opened the outer door. quarter of a mile. Jack had to fight fooling, for I couldn't seo a wink. The pound after physicians have advised All day the sides had been tho wind all tho way. Ho groped his lnntorn was no good. Then I uncorked operations, no woman should submit to threatening, with aullen, gray way along tho sido of tho fonco, nnd tho oil, poured It Into tho hole, and ono without first trying the Vegetable colored clouds banked In tho west, In then by qienns of n lino of small ce- dropped tho flro In on It. It blazed Compound nnd writing Mr.s. Pinkham, ono angry somber-lookin-g mass. Tho dars, until ho reached tho gato of tho In my faco boforo I could dodgo, but I Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is free. wind had risenIt was rising moro corral. Not an Inch of tho way was was snow clad and It didn't hurt. In MissMargret Morklcy of 27fi Third. and more; It moti'tcd around tho cor- visible, for It had grown rapidly dark, a moment tho whole thing was on flro Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: ners of tho house, blending with that and tho snow was tailing so thick and and tho wind was scattering It so I Dear Mrs. Pinkham: distant imifllod roar, tho sourco of fast that tho air was llko ono moving, was afraid tho barn would go, but I " Im of strength, extremo nervommce which Iloth could not understand. mullllng, terrlblo snow bank. Ho guoss thoro was too much snow for Bbehaoroitningg tpoawinns ptharinosughmidthcoramwjwlvieeomorxgallnfsa, As Alio stood In tho kitchen door- stumbled into huge drifts, fell nnd that. I'd have felt foolish If tho barn mid to peek medical udvki, Tlio doctor, after way, braving the keen air, hor brother rose, only to fall again and yet ngaln, had burned," said Jack. making an examination, wild I had ovarian .lack came Hying up the south drive. while tho wind stung his face, nipped "Oh, barns!" cried Both, scornfully. ttlroonu.bleTaontdhiuslcIesrtarotinognlyanodbjeacdtveidsedimdandeopceirda-e-d' , His head was bent, his warm cap pow- his ears, and seemed to fill his eyos, "Who cares for barns! I'd burn a to try Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com-intui- d. dered thick with snow flakes. As ho oven beneath tho protecting Ilda dozen barns for lanterns to guide Un- Thu ulceration quickly healed, all reached the door ho drew ono arm which ho kept closed. Blindly the do Will homo." Sho had holped him tohnocobmadoresysmtropntogm, svigdoirsoaupspeaanrdedwealnl.d" I am around his sister's waist, pulled her slight, boyish figuro fought Its way off with bin overcoat and opened tho idnotoor, tshoottinkgitcIhiIehn,baacnkd ogslaalmnmste.ldt. thAet thrIotusgchorntheod fteoarBfuolthstothrmat. she waited ohvimen todoowrnromf thhois khltaclhfonfrozsteonvofefootr. itlhyOeovmnarotihannethlaiynndcpreweraoisomedbsamtarrooeunbgvleewsryonmrpceansit.nefaud-lI,f that very moment tho force of tho hours, kneeling on tho floor closo to Undo Will laughed. or. too frequent and excessive-- if you storm broke upon them. Tho house tho kitchen door, tho ond of tho ropo "Well, chlckon, I suppose you think have pain or swelling low down in the shook In tho blast; tho air was denso In her hand. Again and again she wo could build another, now that tho left side, bearing down pains, leucor-- wwiitnhdowwshirltihneg tsenroriwfi.ed Teyhersougohf tthhoe othpoenewdildth'ostodromor, ofonlwyintdo bnondm'osntowby. mdoonrt'tgaghoavoIs ptoa,id foofrf. thBout fIa'mthogrladofwea rEh.ePcain, kdhoanm't'nscgVleegcteytaobulreseClfom. ptroyunLdv.di children saw nothing exi'úpt one swirl- When Jack Anally staggered against promising family of youngatora has u ing blur of white Jio door was tho door, having made tho roturn trip lot of expenses." wrenched back by tho torrlfle wind; with much greater facility, by fasten- "Tho cows woro In the stock pen. NORTH- - all .lack's young strength tfauld hardly ing his end of the rope to tho gato SOUTH-EAST-WES- T (shloaskeinigl algoackin aanndd Ftluiprnthtohobkoelty. in tho othfatthethocororavle,rwthroourgehltiefnewravsessoofgrethaot dgBooewtthnt,hebsmeolmloeawllifneIgondto.wittThhohceobylda'lrlnabnundnadflrligthrhirgto.hwtI reufCwWikEtbIfyni "A eloso shave, Heth," ho said, his girl gave way, and sho fainted. A if this storm holds for two days." volco a trillo unstoady. "I ran every dash of cold wator brought her to. I stop of tho way from school a good Jack had reached tho nam In safety, It was a happy family that sat down fun mtf to Beth's hot, savory supper a half half mllo and Just made It. Where but found no trace of Black Joo and hour Inter. To bo safe and warm and WATLRPROOir swtrouucldk IfihveavembineuentesIf stohooners?tormLohoakd, hheis Bpruotceheodedhadtoaupnlfaonld.which together ngaln served to show them IIXP CLOTMIN3 Hpth, look! Thoro ia nothing noth- "There's a small straw stack at tho how precious they woro to ono an- KVLRYWHKRt. ing but drifting snow In all tho world east end of tho corral," ho said. "It oCthhreorn.icleE.lslo Robertson In Little mThteybolenmaytfcifvílwjpUrnIfJicwerriiivwtarotdret oNuottsldoov.en Ethvoerwyellt-chur-inb g Is Isswtaollobwoesdeenup.". shtaoscka rfarocmk bsucilat,ttep.-or-unding It,Itytooukereempemth-e When Bossy Comes Marching Home, fTfcaOMneWowr.EytNrU:'w3m'i'tiK6ci:i"eroTCrid.m7jc(a.'a?enrdtwr&oVriikbr Doth wrung her hands in sudden, ber, nnd tho rack la of groen willow Ono summer day Hule John and T0IÍR5 art everyffMnfi--í tyr'V JIGNOr acu"UtencdleistrWesisll. wont to town to pay off smaoplimngask millilneed Iftoyoureaccahn hthelapt tMryarayndweernejohyainvgingthea frridesehnInessthoascoounnl-y ÜI07I uTfAHeUJEJ'o0nFW.IAUj'HClr0cMluki3cliTtwWtoa.rlfUrr'idji.'UjrtJfaAitvS.cerVtA. tho mortgage," sho said wildly. "He Btack-r--I shall have to grope and city children can. Finally they met JiiOTIEK TWIÍCAKMNC0 Utj108010 rode Black Joe. He has been gone grovel like a mole to do It I will try a largo drove of cattle which were ni i I two hours Oh. Jack, what If h.o start- o sot It afire. If Uncle Will and Joo vigorously switching their tails ed home again In tho teeth of tho are anywhere close they will seo It against the liles. Instantly little John, 'Rawwhoformerlysmoked 10ÍCigars now srntáé, htorm? That lonely etretch of road and make for It. ' used to parades, exclaimed: LEWIS'SiNGLE BINDERI aeróse the prairie' He will be lost!" "But the storm the snow!" object- "Wave, Mary! Wave! They're Tears of affright stopped ' further ed Beth, aghast at tho daring project. waving to usi" Llttlo Chronicle. STRAIGHTS CIGAR speech.- - Jack's bright young face "You could not light U, brother; It Your Jobber or dlrft from Factory, LVorl, lit clouded with anxletv. He was only 14. would not. burn If you did. It must His Fillure. Pbreeusettrienhdgo ftoeenlttUhailsllasaloligmthaetnsshetooruerrlsdop.eorn.solbaslltt.hyo be"Iostntoecuamntl.yabses d"oAofnuefvn."woowiyn,sbiysutetdhi,swhan-brootht--riemtr,be.t"ry THheHBtoutrtrreiemn1d1eiposfsnte?odprokItUlt?,Isiyoohutethhraweyoawnnsatayyt--,ht.oe fcc.uhor-wek, . BCUERGEGS Sc'atBarLrhOOofDthPeUatRoIrFacItEnR i tmmmsiffsm í ktw4di-immn"b t" mj t ' . . --v Htr iw:,",, - Er - re l -- -- . -- :.. f Somo brides do not wish to bo "My dnrllng, I can seo that you are DiSPEPSpELDS known ns such and actually talco pains suffering. This Is no fit nest for such í to conceal tho fact. I, on tho con- a tender bird. 1 was wrong In bring- A Question Settled i trary, wished it to bo known. I am ing you hero. I was solflsh, brutally A NINE YEAR8' VIOTIM FINDS A ; hapWpoy dtoidnsa'ty recognized. sdeellnlBsh,bytosathcirnifkicionfgJlgyhoutornltnygoumngy lbiufer-. REMEDY THAT CURES. ; ! What plensuro Is thoro In being a You woro happier in your childhood's For Two TeamTooWck toWork A Doien I i brido if pooplo do not know It? home. It Is still open to you. You Doctor Unt Tried to Chock I)lcas can go " Treatment That Succeeded. ' My father has peculiar ideas about Tho Professor's sistor welcomed me "And leavo you! Leave my noblo marriage. Ho has been heard to say kindly to my now homo. Sho soom3 husband! And bo tortured night and Allosfuftfheorerdsigforaotmivowoeragknnuessswoirlldisrore-dnor-ds that no woman should remain with to mo a colorless sort of person Just day by tho sight of your sad eyes? II with lively intoront tho story of tbo com- her hiiBband longer than It pleased a background, you know. The Profes- I can lighten your toll ever so little, If pleto rocovery of Mm. Nettlie Darvonx her to do so. She should be freo to sor Is not the sort of man that needs 1 can bring one ray of light into yoir from chronio dyspepsia- which waa return to her father's house. a background. hard life " - thought to I incurable. Tho Professor has eagorly assented Ho doesn't stand out himself. "My precious dove!" " To bo ailing for nino years is not a' to this doctrine. Far bo it from htm Now, I do. .very pleasant experience, u said Mrs. to keep any woman by his side against I choso my husband with that dis- Tho Professor asked mo to-da-y If 1 Darvoux, when asked for somo necount her will. Even now that ho is to be tinctly in mind, and I am glad to find liked old mahogany furniture. I don't of her illness. " For two years I ws married to my father's daughtor, ho that his sister is like him. exactly doto on It, but it is hotter thnn critically ill and could not attend tojnyr Is still stanch in that belief. what we havo; so ho took mo up to household duties, and at ono timo I was Tho Professor is a mild and affec- I havo been all through tho house tho attic, and thoro wore really some so weak and nnsernblo that I could not tionate man. looking for that fine old mahogany lino piece. Wo havo It down now and oven walk. My troublo was chromic dys-pep-i. With tho most submisslvo of wives ftirnlturo that Cousin Elsio saw. Thoro I don't disllko It. I bewune extremely ÜiÍh and ho could novor becomo tho domestic is not a piece to bo found. All tho fur-nltur-o Elsio was right, after all, about tho had a allow ooapUxion. I k4 bo tyrant. Ho himself gives way uncon- is cheap, tawdry stuff that silver, but It was put Into tho bank and could tako any NA witaph-pot-i- to sciously before a stronger will than might havo been picked up at tho for safo-keopln-g whon tho Profossor out suffering frkt distress." his own. second-han-d stores. Thero Is not a was away, and hadn't bcon takon out. Did yon hare a physician?" I havo considered that decent room in tho house. Even the Tho Professor had quita a sum of " Yes, I took Medicino from écm His blue eyes over rest tondcrly on Professor's study la painfully shabby. money paid to him unexpectedly to- different doctors, but without feHUg; me. His voice, always low and gen- Thoro Is no silver, no cut glass, no day and ho hns given it to me to fur- any benofit whatever." f' tío, can find still Boftor cadences In china; and (indeed, I blush to say it), nish in modern stylo my own particu- "How did you get ou tho traok f al , which to speak my namo. I rest so thoro is scarcely anything to cat. I lar rooms. I wonder he didn't want cure?" euro In his lovo. No shadow of a doubt don't bellovo tho professor Is proporly to keep It toward thoso heavy debts, "Abook about Dr.WilliarasTink Tills has ever crossed my mind. nourished. but he has never mentioned thorn to rr tkrown in our doorway ono day. Do I lovo tho Professor? What docs it mean? me himself, so I didn't llko to spoak My husband, picked it up aud read it Why will that question eternally Why am I not given tho keys and of It. through carofully. Ho wns so impressed como up? put In chargo7 Do they expect mo I am going to surprise him by refur- by tho stntomentsof thoso who hud been I havo chosen him of all men to be to occupy a subordínate position In nishing his study. cured by thnt romedy that he imme- my husband. 13 not that enough? 1 my own homo? Do they tako mo for Many of tho best people hnvo called diately bought threo boxcJ of tho pillrf ' ! bollovo in opposltes. Do I want an- a child? on mo and wo havo received sovcral aud insisted on my taking thorn." other pair of black oyos, flashing Into When will all my now drosses be invitations. Did they holp you at once?" mino? My namo may bo Kato, but I worn? Shall wo bo Invited anywhere? I I began to feel hotter tho second day know better than to marry a Petm-- Could wo ever entertain In such a Mrs. Kent was horo to-da- y. Sho has after I started to uso the pills and by tho chlo. houso as this? known the Professor nil his life. Sho ttmo I had taken tho threo boxes I war Tho Professor's tastes are very sim- What can It mean? ipoko so highly of him. When his eutiroly well. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ple. When his duties aro over, books, I must know or I shall lose my father died, six years ago, tho Profes- can ouro oven when doctors fail, and 1 music, a quiet ovenlng at homo; these mind. sor immediately paid all his debts, thoy euro thoroughly, for a long timo arc all ho cares for. whether they wero secured or not. It has passed sinco my restoration to health What do I like? I have hail a talk with the Profes- was so honorable of him, she said. and I know it is completo and lasting." At prosont I am occupied with sor about his Income. Ills salary Is Tho surest way to mako sound diges- . dressmakers and milliners, and they only two thousand dollars. Cousin Tho most humiliating thing nas tion is to give strength to tho organs con- do not nccuso mo of Indlfforonco. Elsio was mistaken about that, as she transpired humlllntlng to me. I cerned. Dr. Williams' Pink Pill give y I am fond of society wan about tho furnlturo and 3llvcr. forced tho Professor to confess It. now vigor to tho blood. No other rom I am not unobservant of house-furnishing-s. I havo been docolved. Tho debts were nil paid years ago. edy yields such radical results. Cousin Elsio has boon I told tho Professor so. This appoaranco of poverty was nil Mrs.Dirvoux lives at No. 107 Sixth through the Professor's house and sho Things aro much worso hero than put on. Tho Professor had seen 1 street, "Detroit, Mich, Dr. -W- illiams' tells mo that ovorything is good, but they wero nt homo. I had better re- know It tho things that my Binall Pink Pilla aro sold by all druggists in I havo no tasto for tho mained there far better. heart was set on, but ho bolioved every part of tho world. Dyspeptics oald-fashnione-tid.que. I hnvo told the Professor not I said so. that I loved him hotter;, ho bolleved should send to tho Dr. Williams Med- to fit up tho houso for mo. I profer Tho Professor looked Infinitely sad, I would sacrifice everything for him; icine Company, Schenectady. N. Y., for to select each ortlclo myself. but he mudo no roply. ho know it. Ho trusted mo fully all tho a new booklet entitled " What to Eat And shnll I gratify my tasto for timo, ho says. It was not to prove It and How to Eat." dress, socioty and a beautiful home r hnvo talked with his sistor also. to himself that ho did it; it was to The parting words oí a "barber aré by marrying a college professor? Sho begs mo to lot her keep tho place prove it to me. Ho know that I loved "Which Hide, please?" Thoro Is another ghost that will not sho occupies, as tho many petty econ- him, but I didn't know it. bo laid. omies sho finds necessary would bo How well ho understood mo. No chromos or cheap premium, but In tho namo of common nenso who too humiliating for me. n better quality and one-thir-d more else is thero? Sho told mo more. Of course the Professor's salary Is of Defiance Starch for the lamí price Am I going to wait forovor? I am When tho Professor's father died ho only two thousand dollars, but that la oí other starches. , towfenmtyy nfoawth,ora'nsd hthoouusog,h Iwahmat mciasntresbse Tlohfotrohiswoosrtoataolsoencmuamnbyerdeedbtswiothf hdoenbotrs. bteyr nIonsmisetsansonallrahyistainkcinomge.conHtriosl siso-f wuKhdntius:hln"gI darnedamleadndelidtHt anighwthotphpaetr. I i ( i done with tho poverty-stricke-n twelve Tho Professor insisted that they everything. Sho wishes to visit her May: "What wuh IiIh namo?' houfnmdryedfatdhoerll'Barssawlhaircyh? isAallll tIhoovheorussee-e sphoovuelrdtyalalllbohispaliidf,e iftohedohaIdt. to-llvA- olso, hine moIthfionrd. tho profossor and I havo more ' TEA keeping oxpenses to be paid out of supports his mother and an Invalid tastes in common thnn I supposod. Ho loves to' seo mo beautifully drossed that, too! sister. If weary, tea is rest good, Can't I do moro with four thousand Instead of having two thousand dol- Ho Ib far from being Insenslblo to ole-ganc-o ; ,lf I havo tho handling of it? Ana can lars for tho houbohold expenses, wo and tasto In houso-furnlshln- g. tea. If wakeful, sleep. If the Professor refuse mo anything? nro living on two hundred, for any- Ho Is delighted with his study. Wselofurldatnh'terhothamnalltoot amnoy gsoacbriafcickotohimm-y 1 know. I am awe It looks llko somOno othfethoothehraphpíiíerisdt eIvaemningsusroofthmayt lull, animation. If silent, fathor's? Now, Indeed, Is tho timo to act. llfo will bo quiet evenings at home; talk. Tho samo questions always coming Let mo consider. aud whon tho Professor reads to me utop,boandalonneev.erI Bwoitltllegdo, mauadkolomoko adtremady goIinfgthetoro swaye:ro "aInywidlliffirceutultriens, toI wmays sInomiie tbheaatu1tifduidl pnooetmk,nIowUncmi yaseplflcacsaupar-o w. aArilypoulisHhiendootghenotrltelmcloan. Isn't , nocos-- gtwiooeHwndondwsiin.sgdaodliagwyhetdfudIli,nngehvoewdraycf!ualrledoOfntoesa'rstitshfoaowcs-on ftfthahetasihnst.eogrr'sfWowrehhromaeutos.owt.h"iWlelinhn?gaWtotiSolslu,pIstapsucotrphsiopfaiotcsetoIhosohIvoPousrraolydy- bthleoDIHoookHwfn.IoowulhosaveptokhpeyehepiamIenr?!r nEovwa. Herrlck In aIsvnttoee1rda0yUd.0t0IaHn0hohFn,oteAIhrHwtRolIa'yIiMHln.lUHdSDibnoomotGfanahoI'ktVpIoCeEyOInnNoyduaoicaurfAwnoorHsWraenRlAfteoeYasutc.aoeohr,uvhhpaoohatmm!niUooeohny.,'' 1 of others. I lovo to bo tho "cynosure askRehpiumdiatotedoal?l debts of honor? Traililninglandand1m ftahremibnegnt ndaptody ltoa"tooikn oefvTearhyllathteinIysgesw,"rheyvthoIolvwecsios!hnetedr toabomuatrrwy.hichIt poSoernhdoushei?s mother and sister to the IntWeroestlilnnMgdadInaeccHtohiuomntBHooosfmtoenasicJkdo.ougrnatalkeann hUtootlmalihne.gsteSaaedTbnHodaKunt2d5UtcrhIoNeounTtteAscHtofoournPgtOherytoL,oOtkoNYtahhnoedwClOam.n,adtpo, was all very well to bo tho heud of Could I do that? from Medford, Mass., to Durham, N. IJox 498, Denver. Colo. mbuyt ftahtehroor'swohroousodrafworbaacksf.ew Fyaetahresr. onIsena'trthth?o Professor tho noblest man q1Iuarwtehrisch urnetmilaionneod dqauyietalyhIanndhisorngeawn knTohwen paesopflaeHtwpheooplsot.and fast are not ewxapsenddicittautroersi,alh.o cIfouwldo kdeiseapgrbeaecdkaobvoeunt woBuuldt Ibomipglhotasgaontehromtoheraen.d wait. It amnadn pclaamyeed tothotho afriront' Hoofmtoh,o Showueseot mSusutpewriino.r TqhulBaliItsywahnyd DeexfllraancoquSatnatrictyh tho paltry twelve hundred and what Would it? Home," which tho dog hud frequently la taking the place of all ethers. cdoifuflidculItiedso obcucturs,ubImciat?n sNayo,w,"Iif wanilyl fesCsoour'lsd oIyfoosrgleatstthnaitghlto?ok In the Pro- Shwehhaoerrrdtelyabinoafuthtesirs twhoawastnhoohnolyvmaondiissnhcteodvMeraeendddforhbdiys. toTehairsnwaonrldhoonwesets leivvienrgy. man a chanoa go back to my father." Do I lovo him? a letter from a family In Choleen, I shall never need to sny It. That question has been asked be- Mass. (who had kindly taken caro of I knew the Professor was fond of fore. him), to his owner at Medford, whoso me, but sine we have been married "Kate, my dove, can you come to name was inscribed on his collar. It isn't merely the taste of I have been astonished at the dopth Ho had cvidontly walked all tho dls-tanc-o and sincerity, of his love. p . meT?h"o Professor íb always calling mo attemptfromto Dfiunrdhamhis toMCedhfeolsreda hinomaon, . tea ; the taste is only the 'Our wedding trip was delightful, his dove. Is thero anything dove-lik-e whore he Is again now happily rest-In-s foretaste. aUo. Two happy weekzi about mo? from his Ions Journey, a , n pensato "tho deaths" for tho loan ot El Hispano Americano! their shadow. A most curious test Is still applied Insumí on Monday o( cae) Week. The Brotherhood of Ob In the caso of a death In which obeaB Published by Mora. County IubUhJiuí Is supposed to havo played a part A --Compuny. member of the funeral party carriel the lid of tho deceased's coilln on hit AI.1JX. .S. IHMn.NnInIKgIlSaiVrITKZ,ilterrr.onldrat nn head whllo ho dances through the vll 1', N. OHTKOA. Vic lrrMrnt Mil lago singing or howling a mournful TrrniiMrrr. (Special Correspondence) dirge, in which every minuto clrcun HI.AH, NANClir.X, Hrcrrimry aad I'd or. A-nln- tnnt i.tnnco of the late lamentod'a llfo It 11 In Jamaica, the most beautiful of The obeahmau is well versed In all recited. It was supposed thnt tho cof-I-I UJIIM'HIITIOV l'llICKl tho West Indian Islands, there slum- the vegetable poisons of the lsloud, u lid would Impel Its bearer to th One Your $2.00 bers boueath tho smiling exterior of and sometimes cultivates in some re- gtillty person, who was regarded nol HMlixnKMhtonCtohpy 1.000 things a olonno of dark superstition mote valley In the mountains a patch u. a murderer, but a personago on Application tundo for entry ns and avago fanaticism, which occa- of deadly plants. Ho knows that the titled to consideration and respect, a mutter sc-onil'i-laH- M sionally become. uotho with deadly pii sonco of vegetable poison Is much obeahmau. results. Tho high priest of Obi, or harder to detect than that of mineral. lull-HedgeH- dowever childish the obenhman and MADE ROUND OF WORK. the obenhman, as ho Is more com- One of his favorito methods of pois- his dovlcos may appear to tho em outhey't Literary Compositions Dcrx lmanodnly tchaaltled,thweieldstsrinagepnotwemr eaInsurtheos oning, wIhsictho sIosakdiathbeoliucnadlerIgnarimtsenInt-p.esnult-y. l.ghii-iw-d Aim i loan reader, he Is a In Regular Hour. j.dopted against him by the British ot an intended victim in a strong do II government have been unable to put coction of poisonous herbs. Tho puis rapSioduthlictyerawryrb carnaoftthsmeranm.tth"oIdlcaaml anda down. on i of course absorbed by the per On may read In the Jamaica papers ypirtng body of the owner of tho quiet, pationt, easy-goin-g hack of the quite frequently of the Imprisoatcen:. "i.wi.i.' ' 'unli inil Ills. mK mulo breed; rotular mi clockwork In and, where murder can be provsNl tre Ur:vus úe:h soon follows. my pwacheicI,nhsurca-ilohoiteoc-ol,asiidngonmybmeeoa,wriannngdptaohtnhol,y"buorb-h-Uteaa--eaU ecxeeacduiytiobnrotohfershoomode usi i ft i--Ar coSíotrloUn:- - obheoahmnans nraemceendt IjEboox-rnc-t-oi Tho practice of obeah is to i Moatccv Day, confessed to Wrote to a friend. Dut his method pwoaeat,feayn nhoistmoreiaanns, Baltcnrpiltei.c aHndo awamsis-a nhaamvee ffirrosmt atrhiesenIdoIlnOEb.gypFtr,omtaKtaitsreItus 'tner-oyis-ts .( :N--h.isr emneeamniseso.f Hridodianlgso hre-ia;s,--! cellaneous writer; he turned out aa spread over the whole couttatct oí n:a curious secret of his craft enormous quantity of matter, and suc- Africa, and with tho importation of H - deadly polron. he Mild, was ceeded In doing bo by working four slaves from tho Guinea cmt to I. umpoin-'ti- l from maggots bred in a teen hours a day and diversifying hla West Itulle was transplanted to a r truti. bitter cassava. These wore labors within hla dally round. Ho had soil In which It nourishes with tver-increasin- g i ried and then reduced to powder. six tables In his library. Ho wrote virulence. Tho old plant-e-n H's eoufeasion revealed the fact that pciosemtrynattaonteh,irhdi,staonryd astoanonothwerit,hcrtithi-e charawceteror owfetlhl eaowbaeraehmoafu.thaend.deaasdlyit amonogf hthise cmlioesnttsrewsepreoctendumpblearnetderssov-uon-fl i'uivT'' ki f ' .jt 'aBH other subjects upon which ho was was supposed that ho curried hie the Island. He had a large collection tssXLVlaaVktwfwBiflBn en-page-d, mngle, or obeah, under his hair, all and when ho wan tired of spin- ot jewelry and watchus, all given him, ning his bruins Into verso ho turned hlnves wero shaved before being ho asserted, lu payment for obenhs landed. to history and criticism. There Is a and poisons. lory that he once described to Mmo. Whole Family Poisoned. Equally dreaded with the obeah-me-n do Staol the division of his time two are the "Mini people." or the One of the most noted men of Ja- hours beforo breakfast for history, maica, Judge Joseph Hurlburt, in sen- "Kan-eyed.-" The mlalmau Is believed two hours for reading after, two hours tencing to death an obeahmau con- to Injure his own or his clients' en- Jamaican Washerwoman. for tho composition of pootry, two emies by depriving them of their shad- ery real and very serious menace In victed of the poisoning of an entire hours for criticism, and so on through latnlly recently, said: "It Is my belief ows. It Is believed that onco the the vVest Indies. nil his working day. "And pray, Mr. tl at r. special statuto should bo put shadow of anyone Is taken ho can With u compound of tho fino fur Southcy," queried tho French woman, into effect against this baneful prac- never be healthy, and In the event of from the inside of tho bamboo he In- somewhat unkindly, "when do you his falling to recover it ho must Inev- oculates his white enemies with the think?" Cornhll Magazine. tice. 1 do not. doubt that many men itably pine away and die. Tho shad- seeds of tuberculosis. With ground c.uito us dangerous ns this prisoner FRUIT NO LONGER A LUXURY. amroestatserliaorugse pto-dray-o.blem Otbheoah mIsodetrhne oitws whahbointattiaokneninIs tshuoppogsieadnt tocottatokne uopr gthlaosswapylacfeodr iannthnegiornlfzolondg hdeenptrhe.parSeso West Indies have to face. No man can ceiba tree. bklllfully does ho work that tho vic- Demand and Improved Methods Have bo said to be safo from sudden death The ceremony of recovering the tim, whllo conscious of fooling 111, Made It a Necessity. until this thing is stamped out by the "t alten" shadow Is very curious. Tho does not realize till too lato that he Fruit Is cheap In America. Oranges most stringent measures " "xhndow-cntchorK- " are known as has Incurred some servnnt's hatred and bananas aro no longer luxuries. Outwardly there is nothing to dis- "angel mem" They charge exorbitant for some probably fnucied Injury, and Improved methods of packing and tinguish tho obeahmnn from tho ordi- prices lor tholr work, and are tho that the obeahmnn has been culled In. shipping havo shown u result In de- nary villager, It Is perhaps his aristocracy of their profession. Tho Dr. Wlllnrd's Dry Feet. creased prices, and both hnvo become Some years ago Dr. Horaco Mann a necessity whero they wero formerly Wlllard purchased tho mansion houso a luxury. I3ut they havo not displaced apples, ond Northern apples, at that. and grounds of the Hon. Joslah Quln-c- y at Wollaston, and after ranking Wo havo tho King, ern Spy, Bald-- many improvements established a win, Winter Sweo ussct, Spltzen-bor- g Hrstclnss private school for young and a dozen moro that , whon properly grown and picked at tho ladies. One unusually wet spring tho right time, aro a greater Joy to tho (itetor noticed quito an epidemic of tasto than any orango that over coughs and colds, and found that reaches this part of tho country. New many of tho young Indies were taking York state still furnishes tho bulk of thrir morning walks without rubbers the apples for export. That Is because and getting wet feet, and consequent- tho farmers ami applo grower of that ly coughs and colds. tato havo devoted timo and money to At n convenient timo the doctor applo culturo and made It pay. Nash- ao tho pupils a lecture on the folly ville (Tcnn.) News. and danger of wet feet, declaring It entirely uncalled for. "Look at me," SOME TRICKS OF LIGHTNING. ho said, "I never havo a cold, and I Iium n't wet my feet for moro than t.wnty years." Dolts, It Would Seem, Were Sent to Do Their Work. rl here was an ominous silence, a A man In Mississippi wan cutting a giggle, und then u wavo of tumultuous chow of tobacco when a bolt of light- laughter swept over thy school, and ning struck hln hands. They wero the doctor, realizing his mistake, join- so badly burned that they had to be aMMMMMMMeaWMIWMaHaiHMiiNHMMHapaMHMBawMWpa ed In Boston, Herald. p amputated. Two quarrymen wero proparlng a fuse in a Georgia marblo Negro Huts. Afraid of the Cold. qcminhugeaanrrgrtssyec.hToawnhohdeneenmrthaewltyoiagshowtfnedriarenungnbkAleotnlswaltyrnnuticctIkonvcofirtaatishngt-o-g gsscitoaniincitkts,ateianrasin,ndglcoaolrbukriytsitanhngoodf iobnptrhoedekcureuonliaahhraocntosdttltiooeuna,chlcobiannat1ggg p-ewrsoomrnnulsdtwenseieerkiotshu.esrofdrriengkainnoinrgsmhioskeshadf-o-ri M1o3f.lOalcsCnes.aeamcohpIfunbsethelaletdtsdobifetisSotthtnaoktnotooadwjuHthannito-sgeucneslrmaeel'-rasknsIys aotJtohthhener" aeIptanhatineroldsulcaaeciskStlts,rooomaraltalhtcllhwoualolghmobCemfenotfaararottoedemnloaitgnwhdaaaenagatebdcdsow.aoalntaialdAIssintnogfabbBwtoeUhylyaicosaghrcchstuaeokettdtnnialiltlnneeottdggdfoof, ooddcisrfoeetaaueddlrcnsloltyogrtyitsnhn'm,uriltlosoeuesavetidcotohs.on.,f.pohnhrdiaelBeitbleaesartss,chsihdk,ubeafosfnttlnrhdeeahsesiil,rsshao.pmlbioorleuonmnnsrghe,ssmobstmaihinntI-oest "tiaConanhgndWagtnhaehhteleirsnionmnfceglahai,tneorhn,ede"tsa,Itsnt"hccAcohedonasetgntwcoeatlhilnbanorogelMuetdrtaeevnet"iwh.,l"lleieaatig"nr"eddw,bostyrtrfrookaoretmiphnr-s"e. cdtaafhoecegiirmcesvmoneamtdenvrdpiocloftiihnnsboahiyttmyhs.efeumonblbutlusoasLr,wsibcasaihasnnoltdgruoIbssmrcuagan,maardndam:snikzediafrlrltIfoinuomhlnegsrpteerhaerI--ent by a bolt or lightning, while the yacht Is, too, a well-know- n fact that in can's Faster and faster tho ring circles "Friend John: Tho orders for camp was not damagec. Aa mnbolleving ot lawsuit an obeahmau Is retained as till many fall exhausted. When tho are as follows: ,Bo at muster Held cfaornmtroorveIrnsyInwdiiathna awnasitinenergaangtedmiinnis-a avteihloamseaolnawtyheor,casue,subaulltyohcoca"swioonraklsly" g"aonngeelfarmaenn"ougcho,nchleudegsivesthitnhgos sihganvaol aSatublrudeay shmiortr.ning, 8:30 a.HAinR. RYW."ear ter when ho was struck dead by he accompanies his client to court for ti stop and declares his client restored John Immediately wired hack: llghtnlns whllo snaking a blasphe- tho purpose of easting spells on the to health. Then the cotton treo Is "Friend Harry: Order received, Can't mous remark. jiiOROCUtor and his witnesses and in-(lucncln- g peltui with eggs and newly killed I wear a pair of pants? Anxiously, the jmlgo and jury. chickens placed at Its roots to com-- "JOHN" x r. ÍWW5WH1'ívMfrt,'N, wtmHmrmwws Xfwlí. -- !"( nkniM i I Notice For ftiMlcatlon TORIBIO LUCERO. Dctmrtnient of ttie Interior. Justice of trje Peace l LRtiilOrnaiiulMuCrehliiyt)DuQnís.New Mexico. Juei da Paz v iran r mta j--i tLj jvi ta Notice is licniliv irivcn that the following OHiee in A. S. Bushkovitz, nldir noamttemdV.osnfllnluerr hpimrooffileindstnuoni.iteirnt ooff.lihllvHelIunltmen.tuionnd OflctnuconA. s. iiush!covit. if a 1 ercan w i thalHind pr inf u lie in iil hefore W. II Wll-e.o-x. H. H. Crawford Tí P U H Conn Conn . uner tit hN oniee In RofoyI.toNy NM.. oMn. fMormt5heiws.WMi& ANlWiru'nin, thLeuooNrKo RoyPRBOaPrRbIAeTrsOhRop -1-"" m -- 0r - Hi SwMandSKW SVt Seo riT.aiN. K.ttK. Roy, Never Mexico He names the following witmsmea to prove The nest of service ,nd satis- bin contlnious residence upon and cultivation faction auar.'ititeeri. of nald land, viz SHOP IN A. S. HUSHKKVITZ Juan II. Lucero and Doroteo Martinet of Hoy New Mex. Mariano Chayes, an4 Camlllo HUII.DINU. DEALERS IN ALL CLASSES OF Qallciroj), of Albert New Mexico. Roy N.M. General Merchandise. Kd. W. Fox. Hcirister. m z Annual Meeting. Send orders now for Plows, Cultivators, JRakes The N. K. N. M. Cattle Grower and Proetcotor Asst. will meet at Hoy N. M. m X Mowers, Wagons and Buggies. May 1st 1905. All members are requested to attend aa business of Importance shall come upbefore the meeting. 2- COMPLETE STOCK OF 1! C, Abbott. Frank A. Hoy' - Dry Goods and Groceries. . . Sect. DO IT Terriotry ofN.M. 9 DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF County of Mora. Mora N. M. Murch 1st loctt rn U H Native Products, Grain and Wool Bags, Bale Tics and Tlie undersigned Treasurer of Mora County from this date offers forsale the miiii of Two Fence Wire, Nails, Ranch Supplies, THhoondutsaonfdscahnodol fDiviestrhiuctndNreod. :adoofllt.uiiild 2C.MoXu)ntin m Hay, Grain and Feed. Hoy N. M. Sealed proim-tul-s will be received from bidders up to April 1st jwtt. Said llonds go It WOOL, HIDES AND will be awarded to the highest bidder. 3 Daniel Casstdy Sr Treasurer Mora County f. Mcflrthur Co. "THE BEST EVER" Traficantes En Mecancias THE CALIFORNIA LIMITAD Generales WD Wagon Mound, New Mexico. Through train daily without charge Kan Kranc.inco, Los Angele lu-iwee-n PAKTIOII'O a todos mí antiguo Amigos como También al Iubllcoen General, luo en ml i and Kl J'hm, and Kniwi City, Si Louis hikI Chicago, EEstabfleecimcienttooittesmpreyencAontrabranauxrlarrloasrtdees de Gvr T e Pimi ar SANTA FE RAILWAY Calidad Superior Huffet-Librar- y, Dining, Tour st, Double and Single Drawing - Kootns InolU)endo Ferretería y Guarniciones y todo lo que concierne a an Kntableclrok'rlo bien and Oh'.-v-a mi Sleeping t'ars. Electric Light. Steam Heat. abastecido. Mis precio. win tan Heducidos, (juoel maTdste CAMPESINO podra .suplirle delo Insist on a ticket via tho California L1MITKU. necesario con poco Dinero. Pago el mas Alto Precie por lana, cueros, zaleas y toda clase d Produ- J, W. BLACK, ctos del palz. tienl. Pa. Agt. Topeka, Kas. Ivoenl contiguo la linóa del Ferrocarril. HjT Every Salesman '"Aorenberg Mercantile Co. wc have la thorouly expe- rienced arte capable man. Thavt'a why we reeJize for you the TRAFICANTES EN Uat penny your atock will bring on the market. KVKKY YARD, mercancías genearles. man we have is wide awake ami takes an interest in handling the cattlr consigned to ua That's why we hecure for you the very best "fill'' jour APAGAN EL PRECIO MAS cattle will take. Our office methodH are absolutely reliable. Wo believe V tKote things make it worth jour while to ship to us don't you, too? ALTO POR. CLAY ROBINSON & CO., Rescs, Carrjeros, Zacate, Grarjo. Madera, Live Stock Commisson Stock Yards. LANA, CUEROS Y ZALKAS. Chicago, South Omaha, Kanaaa City, Wagon Mound, N.M. DeQer, Sioux City, S. St. Joseph. SUBSCRIBE NOW TO El Hispano 5he Americano $2.00 Per Y A ear in "dvarvce Apply for Subscription to, p S Ortega, treasurer WAGON MOUND N- MEX - if