EIB’s investment in the water sector in ACP countries Malawi Peri-Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project Alfonso CHIKUNI Wellington MITOLE 12 September 2013 1 1. Background Lilongwe Water Board Supplies water to the City of Lilongwe with population of approximately 700,000. Incorporated under Malawi Water Works Act No. 17 of 1995. Under Govt. of Malawi, Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development. 555555555333333333 555555555222222222 555555555555555555 555555555444444444 Meter connections: 44,000. 222222222666666666 222222222555555555 222222222777777777 222222222999999999 555555555111111111 222222222888888888 444444444999999999 333333333000000000 444444444333333333 2013 coverage is 75%. 555555555666666666 444444444888888888 111111111888888888 222222222000000000111111111000000000 444444444444444444 444444444777777777 666666666333333333111111111222222222444444444111111111999999999 333333333111111111444444444222222222444444444111111111 444444444666666666 999999999333333333333333333777777777444444444222222222111111111333333333888888888333333333777777777222222222111111111 333333333555555555 555555555777777777 222222222222222222 444444444555555555 222222222333333333 555555555888888888 333333333666666666 222222222444444444 333333333888888888 2 National Water Development Programme Duration 2009-2015; o Government of Malawi (GoM) ; the purpose is to increase o access to sustainable water supply and sanitation services through the NWDP II implemented through Ministry of Water Development and Irrigation; Budget of US$258 Million; o Development partners: EU, EIB, AfDB, OPEC fund, o UNDP, JICA, IDA, Netherlands/Unicef, GoM 3 2. Situation Physical Investment: Treatment Works 1 and reservoirs Conditions Before rehabilitation Treatment Works could not operate at design o capacity of 35,000m3/day; Hier water losses, as the penstocks and o valves could not close; Concrete structures and equipment dilapidated o sludge blanket system could not function; o The settling tank slightly tilted; o Cracks and leaks from The chemical room was in bad condition. o a rigid connection Construction Year: 1966 4 Issues and Effects of the problems Utility level Inefficient billing system: current o consumption and arrears not well reconciled No network monitoring system o Slow response to system problems and o community complaints Old clarifiers before rehabilitation Inefficient Infrastructure o Effects of the Problems People paid more for water as higher o tariffs were charged to make up for poor payment; Disconnection of supply by the utility; o Households reverted to unsafe and o expensive sourc5e s Malawi Peri Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project The EIB, Lilongwe Water Board, Blantyre Water Board, o WaterAid are the Partners in the application of ACP Facility The project’s measurable impact on the living conditions by o bringing safe drinking water to 723,000 additional people and basic sanitation to 468,000 people in low income areas in the cities of Blantyre and Lilongwe in a sustainable manner by 2013. Total Project Cost: €32,000,000 € Million o Contribution from borrower 1,069,568 Loan by the EIB to Borrower 15,750,000 14,930,432 Grant ACP-EU Water Facility 250,000 Technical Assistance 6 3. Project Approach and Objectives The Project’s action focus ; Physical investment in upgrading infrastructure 1. Institutional capacity development 2. Cooperation with local organisations for distribution in the 3. low-income areas Improve access to improved sanitation 4. Objectives; To assist the Water Boards of Lilongwe and Blantyre in 1. providing water and sanitation services to the people living in low-income areas of both cities, and To improve service delivery and efficiency of the two 2. Water Boards. 7 4. Key Activities – Water Supply 1. Implementation of Investment Programme: Contract Value: €5,917,260.28 (Rehabilitation and renewal works of treatment works and reservoirs) 2. Extension of water supply service and Sanitation to Low Income Areas (LIAs) 3. Reduction of Non Revenue Water Hydraulic Model o Illegal connections o GIS Mapping o Active leak detection and leak repair Measures for loss reduction o o Procurement of Non-Revenue Water Customer metering o o Goods Integrated Accounting Software o 4. Financial & Customer Database o commercial mgt Tariff Calculation Model o Meter Reading Process o Revenue Collection o 8 Implementation Approach Ministry of Irrigation/Water EIB Loan / EUWF Grant Ministry of Water Boards PIU Finance WaterAid SC KMD CWRB (KMU) Local Implementing Construction Contractors Partners Kiosks Independent Water Providers WUAs Key PIU – Project Implementation Unit SC – Service Contract Network LIAs – Local Leaders, KMD – Kiosk Management Division Extension & House Owners, Renters LIUAs – Low Income Unplanned Areas Rehab WUAs – Water User Associations Sanitation 9 5. Key Outcomes Non revenue water (NRW) at 35% (Baseline:39% ) o % Increase in collection ratio at 95% (Baseline: 72%) o No of staff per 1000 connections at 8 (Baseline: 16) o Tariff Model: Done and used in new tariff (Baseline: Not available) o No. of VIPs constructed: 45,866 o WUAs ability to manage water supply successfully, reduce arrears o Good practice in peri-urban water & sanitation management o 10