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CAMBRIDGE COAL ELEVATORS. HORATIOW ELLINGTO&l' dC O., Anthracitse and Bitumixgouas’ eglhf&gi* wood, Lime, and, Cebent, BOSTON OFFICE, ll- BILBY ST. Wharf and Elevators, Cragie’s Bridge, East Caibridgs. Communication hy Teleplm~e between Boston Office and Wharf. Fl I co CRAPES REDRESSED TO LOOK LIKE NEW. OnlyH ousei n New England for Dry Cleansing, Kid Gloves Cleaned in one day, 10 Cents. RID QI;OVES DYED, 26 CENTS. MAIN OFFICE,6T5E MPLEP LACEB, OSTON, BRANCH Ol?RRICES, 3900 Washington Street, Boston, 306 A Sroadway, Soalh Boston, a Pnrk square, Lynn, PO3 Westmiu*ter Street, Providemae a. I.9 And at DYE HOUSE, GALEN STREET, WATERTOWN. 256 WATERTOWN DIRECTORY. WATERTOWN POOR FARM. Orchard street. Zachariah Boodey, Supt. Number of inmates, 14. POST OFFICE. Barnard’s block, Main street. Samuel S. Gleason, Postmaster. Mails arrive 7.40 and 10 A.M., 12.30 and 6.10 P.M. Mails close 8.04 A.M., 1.10, 5.20 and 6.25 P.M. Mt. Auburn station, Mt. Auburn bridge. J. H. FI agg, SuperintencZent. Mails arrive, 8.15 and 11.45 A.M., and 5.50 P.M. Mails depart same time as arrival. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Abbott T. Grafton, Priest Geo. E., Andrew Geo. W., Snow Geo. K., Barry Chas. J., Stevens James, Bemis Isaac V., Stickney John K., Derby Henry Clay, Stone Chas. W., Huckins David T., Sullivan Jeremiah J., Kidder Geo. R., Wheeler Jesse F., Noyes George L., Whitney Hiram. NOTARIES PUBLIC. Kidder Geo. R., Wheeler Jesse F. Anthracaitned B ituminoCuosa l, HARKI AND SQFT WOOD, Hay, Straw, Brick, and Sand, FRANCISB UTTRICK, " Dealer in and Manufactnrw of all kids of LU L u k i,‘, GREENO-UGH'S J ‘.,’ DIRECTORY, OFTHE / INHABITANTSI,N STITUTIONSM, ANUFACTURING ESTABLISHJIENTSSO, CIETIESB,U SINESS, BUSINESSFI RMS,E TC.,E TC,, INTHE TOWNS OF : . 8:' " W. A. FREENOUGH & CO., .:: COMPILERS AND PUBLISHERS, BOWDOIN BUILDING, 31 MILK ST., BOSTON. '_, . 3, 1880. ;L: &' $7 1. ! I... 2 ADVERTISEMENT. “The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM Ever Offered to Business Men.” THE BQSTONR AILROAD IME TABLES.@ W. A. GREENOUGH& CO., . . . Publishers, 31 MILK STREET, BOSTON. e These POCKET TIME TABLES are published as often as the changes in time on the different roads demand. This is the fourth year of their publication and the annually increasing demand for them is a sure guarantee of their popularity and supply a long felt public want. This is the only publication (in this form) that gives a complete time table of all the different roads and steamers running out of Boston. These Time Tables are distributed free, at all the FBaeO5@@oQ 8t@tBsm$;, RebO5G@d Qftla@$. e0st@os, ‘BeobOOa PO8668~ and principal business houses in the city ; also as many are given to the different business firms who patronize the work, as they can conveniently distribute to their customers. Application for advertising spaces should be made to the publishers as early as possible to insure insertion. W. A. GREENQUG&H CO.,P ublishers, 31 MILK STREET, ROOM 39. PREFACE. THREE years having passed since our last issue,we here- with present No. 5 of the regular series of the WALTHAM AND WATERTOWN DIRECTORY to our patrons, with the confidence of its welcome reception by them, as well as . by the public generally. i As cities grow in importance and population, the direc- tory increases in value, as a book of reference, until large cities could not possibly get along without their annual publication. A good directory is a great benefit to a place, not only to the citizens, but to strangers and visitors, who are constantly referring to its pages for information of some kind. We also often receive orders from distant parts of the country for our directories, which shows that their circulation is not necessarily limited to the cities they represent. We wish especially to call the attention of persons using the directory, to the importance of knowing the precise spelling of a name, before looking for it, as names, pro- nounced the same, but spelled in various ways, will appear on different pages, and at quite a distance from each other. 1877 1880 Increase. Names in Waltham, 3,259 4,346 1,087 Names in Watertown, 1,714 2,084 370 4,973 6,430 1,45‘1 Our agents have received the usual courteous attention from all with whom they have come in contact, while ob- taining the information for this number, and with many thanks for the same, We remain, very respectfully, W. A. GREENOUCH & CO., September,,l@O. Editors and Pu6lishers. I I II 4 ADVERTISEMENT. II II X3RETT’S I/ EUREKAS ALVE! PURELYV EGETABLE. This remarkable cleansing and healing agent having been used by the dis- coverer and his family, employes, friends, and neighbors for many years, in nrtmberless cases wit.h the most satisfactory reslllts, we feel the utmost confi- dence in offering it to the public, (which we do by the earnest solicitations of those who have used it), for the immediate Relief and Permanent Cure of BURNS, SCALDS, RRUWES, Cnrs, CATARRH, FROST BITES, CORNS, CRILBLAINS,OLDSORES, SORE THROATS,DIPHTHERIA,PNEUXONIA,SCAR- LET FEVER HAY FEVER, PILES, BAD COLDS IN THE HEAD, RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC PAINS; also, PAINS IN THE THROAT AND LUNGS, BACK, SIDE, AND BREAST, NUMRNESS OF LI~IBS, COLD F’IEET, CHAPPED HANDS, SORE EYES, VARICOSE VEINS, SORE LIPS, BOWEL COMPLAINT, DYSPEP- SIA, FELONS, AND ULCERS. It produces circnlation, and prevents and re- moves inflammation, and stagnation of fluids, and maturation in sores, which is the cause of pain and soreness; and also prevents mortification from set- ting in, if applied in season, used freely, and renewed often. @P See Directions for use with BOX. REFERENCE8 BY PER;nIBSION. BOSTON. CAMBRIDGE, [sore feet. Mrs. T. K. Homer , "@USC o mI,.l-u-"-ll-i - * street ~.-wmn,43 Essex st., cramp & lame Mrs. A. J. Abbott 69 Myrtle street. H&l-c+, 259. H. a.r vard street. B. K. Swift, 75 DC 3er street. C. Seabury. 95 C,I urt street. Mrs.E.Harwood,P 4 London at., rheun 1a’m. Mm. Joslyn, 684Tremont street. ‘OS, drugs, 641 Main street. G. H. Floyd, 267 Washington. phens, 13 Cottage street.. Mrs. Latimer, 12 Milford street. ‘0.89 Spring st., E. Cambridge. Mm. Purington, 44 Clarendon street. Ile, 1 Sixth street. Mrs. R urnham, 104 Dartmouth street. :alf, 154 Mt. Auburn st. Mrs. Parker, 41 W rarr~n avenue. Metcalf, 164 Mt. Auburn at. Mr. John C. Gras ‘ea. 94 West Newton et. ward, 5 Sixth street. MMrrss. CCu. rleNyo, yes, 33 W10 2X dWi* rww=sn rb-*.8,a t:.so-~oeton. Mr. DKo.l lofKf,. Hu1d4s3o n.O tis-&8w2e t.I nmno street Mary Ewln 28 Jwnun..lA.. ng street. “ ‘1 Mrs. J. L. S_m-i.t.h-. , _12- S--n-t_m.lb- sI_tra_a“t __. Robert I)ar%.m, 289 E street. I‘ “ CBARLESTOWVN. Mrs. R. C. Hobart, 401 4th St., “ “ $.i.rlyt$ ng, 58 Harvard street. WMrms.. BHu. rnsC, ovelv1-,% -- -K2- 1 2~- t-rwW-t-. -. -7.t h at. I‘ “I‘ %:.” z;;,^d KIe()l leIyr,v ing 421p ,a,&ol(a,*in Bt. Mrs. Wentw ,orth, 18 Oakland, Brighton. G;i: c:‘i:‘, Qooclrich. 104 BweFtr Hill Et. SOIERVILIJ3. Mrs. Randall, 78 Balhwin at lm\lrsr..Iq aLllsO,oO_oKr. S0, 1 z.prSmchgoonnl e.m a. usp weBqerkt.e leyata. M.r,r . 1Gr reeDn.o_u*gAh^,_ C^II 13 lBea7l dw~in_ __I. street. Mrs. Caleb Page, Webster av.. Uninn RO. __ __ _ _ _ .__ _ , _I B. T. White, postmastc :r, Coliege Hill.* Geo. A. Fitch, R. R. ofiice. Mrs. Orcutt, 3 Cla Sk at., Medford. Mrs. E. Emery, 1CI Prescott. NEW PORK. C. T. Renmn.14-, -- 1W allis et. D. S. Thomas, the celebrate1 d Aeronaut. M. B. Harrington, 1 Bolton st. LiAVBROOK, ILLINOIB. Mrs. Wm. Mathews, 1 Wyatt at. Oliver C. Sabin, Attorney at Law. Orders filled at wholesale and retail, by W. A. GREENOUGH & CO., 31 Milk Street, Bowdoin Building, Boston,room 39. Use r.he Elevator. Also, at 247 Washington Street, Boston, room 2, by 5. G. BRETT. Yroprietor. ASKY OURD RUGGISFTO RI T. PRICE 25 Cts., 50 Cte., and tjjSl.00 PER BOX. SENT BY MAIL ON R.ECElPT OF PRICE. ,. CONTENTS. PAGE ABBREVIATIONS ....................................... ........ 17and177 ADVERTISINQ DEPARTMENT .................................. follows 266 AMERICAN LEQION OF HONOB; WALTHAM .......................... 167 AMERICAN LEQION OF HONOR, WATERTOWX ........................ 254 ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBEBNIILNS, WALTHAM.. ...................... 169 BANKS, WALTHAM .................................................. 134 BANKE, WATEBTOWN ................................................ 238 BLOCKS, BUILDINGS, ETC., WALTHAN ............................ .: .. 15 BLOCKB, BUILDINOS, HALLS, ETC., WATERTO~X ..................... 176 BUSINESS DIRECTORY, WALTHAM.;. ................................. 133 BUSINESS DIRECTORY, WATERTOWN ................................ 237 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PATRONS .................................. 9 CEMETERIES, WALTHAM ........................................... 16' CEMETERIES, WATERTOWN .......................................... 176 CHURCHES, WALTHAM ............................................... 163 CHURCHES, WATERTOWN ............................................ 252 FIRE DEPARTMENT, WALTHAM ....................................... 158 FIRE DEPARTMENT, WATERTOWN .................................... 250 GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, WALTHAM ....................... 16’7 GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, WATERTOWN ...................... 254 INDEX TO ADVR.RTISEDZENTS. ....................................... 7 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, WALTHABX ................................ 172 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, WATERTOWN .............................. 256 KNIQHTS OF HONOR, WALTHAM ..................................... 166 KNIGHTS OF HONOR, WATERTOWN ................................... 255 MASONIC, WALTHAM ................................................. 165 MASONIC, WATERTOWN .............................................. 254 MILITARY,~ALTHAY ............................................... 169 NOTARIES PUBLIC, WALTHAM ....................................... 172 NOTARIES PUBLIC, WATERTOWN ..................................... 266 ODD FELLOWS, WATXHADI .......................................... 166 ODD FELLOWS, WATERTOWN ........................................ 254 POET-OFFICE, WALTHAM ............................................. 172 POST-OFFICE, WATERTOWN. .......................................... 256 PUBLIC LIBRARY, WALTHAM ........................................ 163 RAILROAD STATIONS, ETC., WALTHAM .............................. 16 RAILROAD STATIONS, ETC., WATERTOWN ............................. 176 ROYAL ARCANUM, WALTHAM ........................................ 166 .SCHOOLS, WALTH~M ................................................ 159 SCHOOLS, WATERTOWN.. ............................................. 250 SOCIETIES, WALTHAM ............................................... 170 SOCIITIES, WATERTOWN ............................................ 255 STREETS, WALTHA?~. ................................................ 12 STREETS, WATERTOWN ............................................. 174 TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES, WALTHAX ................................. 168 Tows OFFICERS, WALTHAM ........................................ 157 TOWN OFFICERS, WATERTOWN ...................................... 249 UNITED ORDER PILC~RIM FATHERS, WALTFI~ ...................... 167 WALTHAM DIRECTORY .............................................. 17 WATEXTOWN DIBECTOBY ........................................... 177 1 ADVERTISEMENT. CA3?ALOGWIE -0 F- -ISSUEDBY- . W: A. GREENOUCH & CO. American Railway Manual and Supply Directory ................... .$4.00 tLugusta, Hallowell and Gardiner Directory .......................... 2.00 Bangor City Directory ............................................ 1.50 Bath, Brunswick and Richmond Directory .......................... 1.50 Biddeford and Saco Directory ....................................... 1.50 Boston Business Directory (annually). .............................. 1.50 Boston & Maine Railroad Business Directory ........................ 2.50 Boston and Providence Railroad Directory .......................... 2.50 Brockton and Bridgewaters Directory. .............................. 2.00 BrooklineDireotory ................................................ 1.50 Cambridge City Directory’ (annually). ............................... 2.50 Concord City Directory ............................................ 1.50 Eastern and Maine Central Railroads Business Directory. .......... 2.50 Haverhill City Directory ........................................... 2.00 Lewiston and Auburn Directory .................................... 2.00 Maiden, Medford, Xelrose, and Everett Directory .................... 2.00 Massachusetts Cities Business Directory ............................ 2.5C MerrimackRiverDirectory ......................................... 2.OC Milford Directory .................................................. l.SC Nashua City Directory ............................................. 2.oc New Bedford City Directory. ...................................... 2.0( Portsmouth City Directory ......................................... 1.6( Rockland, Belfast, and Camden Directory .......................... 2.0( Somerville City Directory .......................................... 2.0( United States Iron, Hardware, and Metal Trades Directory .......... 5.0( Waltham and Watertown Directory ................................. 1.5( Washington Street Directory ....................................... .21 PUBLICATION OFFICE, Bowdoin Building, 31 Milk Street, Room 39! BOSTON, Use the Elevator. W. A. GREENOUGH& CO., Editors and Publishers. @-Directories of the Principal Cities of the United States kept on hand, for reference, to accommodate patrons and friends, without charge, INDEX. 7 INDEX TO WALTHAMA DVERTISEJfENTS, . Allin H. N., counselor at Iaw.. . . . . . . 7 Barry E. L.,proprietor W&ham Weekly Record.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Bean Henry O., box manufacturer.. . . . . ; Bell Hugb, custom tailor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston Manufacturing Co., Edmund Dwight, treasurer.. . . . , . . . . .,,........ 8 Brown Rufus ci. 8c Co.. steam heating snrmratus. . . . . . . . : . . . . . . .back coier B&ick Francis, lumber, opp. inaide front cover Fiel Gee. T., crockery, glassware, etc.. . . 2 Fisher W. L. & Co., newspapers, perlod- icals,eto............................... 9 Qibbs $ Co.. W&ham & Boston Ex.. . 2 Hamlin E. L., surge& dentist.. . . . . . . . 6 Harrineton & Parks. real estate anents.. 4 %loveyk. L.; woodlindcoal ..... ..a.. ... 1 Hughes Thomas F., provisions ........... 6 Hunnewell Wm. A., F. P. Rutter, agent, coal, wood, etc .............. .front cover Lme & Poole, house painters ............ 7 Leon Z. H., sewing machines.. . . . . . . . . . a Lincoln John A., job printer.. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 McParland & Harrington, provisions.. . . 6 Moore Brothers, u holfiterers.. , . . . . . . . . 6 Murphy Edward $ ., fiunituae and up- _ holatery goods.. ....................... I Nason J. R., carriage painter ............ 8 Nutting & Co., machinists., ............. 7 - INDEX TO WATERTOWNA DVERTISEMENTS, . PAGE PAGE 83tna Mills, woolen manufacturers. . . . .12 PI&ted E. 8..protisons.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Carrier S. F., plumber.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I1 Rsyworth J. A., carriage and Wagon Gleason 9. S., pot&her Watertown En- mnnufactarer.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . terprise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..lO Shaw L. A., provisions. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:t Gleason & Co., auctioneers . . , . , . . . . . . . . . 9 St$-&g~$; CQ Co., Mt. ,~uf,y’12 Gregg Alexander, undebker. . . . . . . . .ll Howes Alfred, hardware and cutlery.. . . .I0 Thompson T. W.; ‘*;;s’t&&l%‘and jeW- Lewaudo’s French Dye Works, eler....................................l2 lnside front’cover Tripp D. F., concrete paving.. . .,. . ,.. . . . 7 Mt. Auburn Granite Works, Stokes,Don- Watertown Enterpriue, S. S. Gleason, ahoe & Co.. proprietors.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .la publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I0 Perear & Russell, coal, Woodward James I!., apothecary. . . . . . . .lO opp. ill&% front cover

Woodward James I!., apothecary lO Woodward Joshua L., farmer, house Winter, near West wo01hy Beginners are received. Evening
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