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Efficient Numerical Methods and Information-Processing Techniques for Modeling Hydro- and Environmental Systems PDF

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Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics Volume 21 Series Editors Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedrich Pfeiffer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Wriggers Efficient Numerical Methods and Information- Processing Techniques for Modeling Hydro- and Environmental Systems Reinhard Hinkelmann - Springer Professor Dr. REINHARDH INKELMANN Technische Universitat Berlin Institut fiir Bauingenieurwesen Fachgebiet Wasserwirtschaft und Hydroinformatik StraRe des 17. Juni 144 10623 Berlin, Germany With 179 Figures LibraryofCongresr Control Number: 2W4116864 ISSN 1613-7736 ISBN 3-540-24146-9 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York This workissubject to wpyright.Allrightsarereserved,whether the wholeor part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag.Violations are liable to prosecution under the German Copyright Law. Springer is a partofSpringerScience+Business Media springeronline.com B Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2005 Printed in Germany Theuseofgeneraldescriptive names,registered names.etc.In this publicationdoes not imply,even In theabsenceofa spec~fics tatement, that such names areexempt fron~therelevanpt ro~ecl~velaws and regulanonsand free for general use. Cover design: design & productton GmbH, Heidelberg pperetting: Dlgital data supphed by author Printedon acid-free paper 62/3141/Rw -5 43 2 10 Preface In recent years, numerical simulation models have become indispensable in hydro-andenvironmentalsciencesandengineering,mainlyformakingpredic- tions and improving process understanding. For many problems, a physically correct and mathematically accurate simulation of the coupled complex pro- cessesrequirespowerfulnumericalmethodsaswellashighresolutionsinspace and time. In information processing, many techniques have been developed for setting up systems with complex geometries and parameter distributions, and high-performance computer systems are available for fast computations. Overall, there is an urgent need for the further development and application of efficient numerical simulation models in environment water which consist ofefficientnumericalmethodsassociatedwithefficientinformation-processing techniques. After a general introduction to numerical simulation in environment water, the basic equations for groundwater flow and transport processes, for mul- tiphase / multicomponent flow and transport processes in the subsurface as well as for flow and transport processes in surface waters are briefly deduced from the general form of the balance equation. The state of the art of dis- cretization and stabilization methods (e.g. Finite-Difference, Finite-Element and Finite-Volume Methods), parallel methods and adaptive methods as well asfastsolvers(e.g.ConjugateGradient,MultigridMethods)ispresentedwith particular focus on explaining the interactions of the different methods. Par- allel, adaptive and Conjugate Gradient or Multigrid Methods can collabo- rate well and should be chosen to solve large-scale problems. An overview of various information-processing techniques, which must work efficiently to- gether is provided, briefly dealing with preprocessing (e.g. Computer Aided Design, databases, mesh generation, geostatistical methods), processing (e.g. High-Performance Computing, modeling system MUFTE-UG) and postpro- cessing tools(e.g.advancedvisualization)as wellas Internet-based Collabora- tive Engineering. Eventually, the interactions of the numerical methods with the information-processing techniques in order to achieve efficient numerical VI Preface simulationsaredemonstratedfor awide rangeofapplicationsin environment water. The work includes contributions to an improvement of process un- derstanding, to further developments of numerical methods and information- processing,aswellastonewapplicationfieldsforexisting simulationmodels. Finally, future perspectives are pointed out. This book summarizes about a decade of my work in the field of numerical simulation of flow and transport processes in hydro- and environmental sci- encesandengineeringcarriedoutatthreedifferentinstitutesinGermany,the Institute for Fluid Mechanics and Computer Applications in Civil Engineer- ing, University of Hannover,the Institute for Computer Applications in Civil Engineering, Technical University of Braunschweig, and the Department of Hydromechanics and Modeling of Hydrosystems, Institute of Hydraulic Engi- neering, University of Stuttgart. This book is based on the similarly entitled habilitation which I made at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engi- neeringattheUniverstiyofStuttgart.Asthingschangewithtime,Iswitched to the Department of Water Resources Management and Hydroinformatics, Institute of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Berlin. Iwouldliketothankmostspeciallymyformer’boss’andfriend,Prof.Rainer Helmig, for numerous fruitful discussions, permanent support and great free- dom in carrying out my work. Thediscussionswiththecolleaguesofthethreeaforementionedinstitutescon- tributedagreatdealtothe progressofthiswork.Theirhelpfulness,qualifica- tions and collaborationas well as the longstanding goodworking atmosphere will always remain in my mind. I specially want to thank several colleagues from Braunschweig and Stuttgart for their excellent help and support: An- dreas Bielinski, Thomas Breiting, Dr. Holger Class, Dr. Ken Kobayashi, Dr. Lina Neunha¨userer, Steffen Ochs, Ulrich O¨lmann, Dr. Maren Paul, Dr. Hus- sam Sheta and Bjo¨rn Witte. Many, many thanks to Prudence Lawday for correcting my English drafts and to Brigitte von der Ohe for designing many figures, improving the layout etc. Finally, I very specially thank my partner Christine Barlag and my children Timon and Schirin Barlag for their understanding and support, and I apolo- gize my frequent absence from home in the last years. Berlin, Hannover September 2004 Reinhard ’Phillip’ Hinkelmann Contents Preface .................................................... V Contents...................................................VII Nomenclature ............................................. XI 1 Introduction............................................... 1 1.1 Systems and scales ...................................... 1 1.2 Numerical process simulation ............................. 6 1.3 Model concepts and modeling systems...................... 8 1.3.1 Model concepts ................................... 8 1.3.2 Modeling systems ................................. 11 1.3.3 Need for laboratory and field experiments ............ 13 1.4 Deficits and objectives of the work......................... 15 1.4.1 Deficits .......................................... 15 1.4.2 Objectives of the work ............................. 16 2 Physical and mathematical model concepts ................ 19 2.1 Physical model concepts.................................. 19 2.1.1 Continuum-mechanical consideration................. 19 2.1.2 Subsurface systems ................................ 20 2.1.3 Surface-water systems.............................. 24 2.2 General form of the balance equation ...................... 27 2.3 Mathematical model concept for groundwater flow and transport processes ...................................... 29 2.3.1 Flow processes .................................... 29 2.3.2 Transport processes................................ 32 2.4 Mathematical model concept for two-phase flow processes in the subsurface .......................................... 37 2.4.1 Continuity equation ............................... 37 2.4.2 Momentum equation............................... 38 VIII Contents 2.4.3 Constitutive relations .............................. 39 2.4.4 Two-phase flow equations .......................... 42 2.5 Mathematicalmodelconceptfortwo-phase/multicomponent flow and transport processes in the subsurface............... 44 2.5.1 Continuity and momentum equation ................. 45 2.5.2 Constitutive relationships .......................... 45 2.5.3 Two-phase / three-component flow and transport equations......................................... 46 2.6 Mathematicalmodel conceptfor flowandtransportprocesses in surface water ......................................... 48 2.6.1 Flow processes .................................... 48 2.6.2 Transport processes................................ 53 3 Efficient numerical methods ............................... 55 3.1 Discretization and stabilization methods.................... 55 3.1.1 General requirements .............................. 55 3.1.2 Time discretization ................................ 58 3.1.3 Finite-Difference Methods .......................... 62 3.1.4 Finite-Element Methods............................ 72 3.1.5 Finite-Volume Methods ............................ 84 3.1.6 Some other methods ............................... 94 3.2 Parallelmethods ........................................ 97 3.2.1 Development of High-Performance Computing ........ 98 3.2.2 Parallelizationstrategies ........................... 98 3.2.3 Parallelizationof basic tasks ........................100 3.2.4 Load balancing....................................107 3.2.5 Particle Methods and series.........................112 3.2.6 Recommendations .................................114 3.2.7 Examples ........................................114 3.3 Adaptive methods .......................................118 3.3.1 Different methods and techniques of adaptation .......118 3.3.2 Error estimators and indicators .....................123 3.3.3 Refinement and coarsening .........................130 3.3.4 Examples ........................................135 3.4 Fast solvers.............................................139 3.4.1 Introduction ......................................139 3.4.2 Single-grid solvers .................................140 3.4.3 Preconditioners ...................................147 3.4.4 Multigrid solvers ..................................151 3.4.5 Non-linear solvers .................................160 3.4.6 Examples ........................................162 Contents IX 4 Efficient information-processing techniques ................167 4.1 Preprocessing ...........................................167 4.1.1 Introduction ......................................167 4.1.2 CAD systems .....................................170 4.1.3 Database-managementsystems......................172 4.1.4 Tomography and scanning..........................173 4.1.5 Geographical Information Systems...................175 4.1.6 Geostatistical methods .............................178 4.1.7 Mesh generation ..................................180 4.2 Processing..............................................184 4.2.1 High-Performance Computational Architectures .......184 4.2.2 Networks and communication in HPC................187 4.2.3 Performance numbers ..............................189 4.2.4 MUFTE-UG......................................191 4.3 Postprocessing ..........................................196 4.4 WWW-based Collaborative Engineering....................199 4.4.1 Introduction ......................................199 4.4.2 Software tools and hardware requirements ............200 4.4.3 HydroWeb........................................202 5 Applications ...............................................205 5.1 Groundwater flow and transport processes ..................205 5.1.1 Motivation of the equidimensional modeling approach for fracture-matrix systems .........................206 5.1.2 The numerical algorithm ...........................208 5.1.3 Extension of the mesh generator ART................208 5.1.4 Comparisonof the low- and equidimensional modeling approaches .......................................209 5.1.5 Comparison of upwind methods .....................212 5.1.6 Adaptive methods .................................212 5.1.7 Evaluation and future work.........................217 5.2 Two-phase flow processes in the subsurface .................218 5.2.1 Numerical algorithm...............................218 5.2.2 Example: Methane migration processes in coal mining areas ............................................219 5.2.3 Example: Gas-water flow processes in dike systems ....232 5.2.4 Example: Multi-step outflow experiment..............236 5.3 Two-phase / multicomponent processes in the subsurface .....238 5.3.1 Numerical algorithm...............................238 5.3.2 Example: Two-phase / multicomponent flow and transport processes in the interaction area groundwater - surface water ........................238 5.4 Flow and transport processes in surface water...............248 5.4.1 Vertically-integrated flow and transport processes in shallow water .....................................248 X Contents 5.4.2 Three-dimensional flow and transport processes in shallow water .....................................263 6 Summary and conclusions .................................277 References.....................................................283 Index..........................................................301 Nomenclature terms with Latin letters symbol dimension definition b [m] constant aperture c [m] correlation length c [mg/l] tracer concentration c [m/s] wave velocity c unknown variable cˆ nodal value c˜ [mg/l] approximated concentration c [−] wind-stress coefficient D d [m] characteristic length on the microscale e error e [−] scalar entity e [%] parallel efficiency p f [−] damping function f quantities water level h g [−] damping function g [m/s2] gravity g exact solution of the partial differential equation g numerical solution of the discretized equation g [m/s2] gravity vector (0,0,−g)T gx exact solution of the discretized equation h [m] piezometric head h [m] water level h˜ [m] approximated piezometric head k [−] relative permeability rα l [m] discretization length of element i i l [m] mixing length m

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