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E(cid:30) ient light oupling into a photoni rystal waveguide with (cid:29)atband slow mode 08 a,∗ b a,c b 0 A. Säynätjoki K. Vyn kc M. Mulot a D. Cassagne 2 J. Ahopelto H. Lipsanen n a a J Helsinki University of Te hnology (TKK), Department of Mi ro and 1 2 Nanos ien es, Mi ronova, Tietotie 3, FIN-02015 Espoo, FINLAND b Groupe d'Etude des Semi ondu teurs, UMR 5650 CNRS - Université Montpellier ] s II, CC074 Pla e Eugène Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 05, FRANCE c c i VTT Information Te hnology, Mi ronova, P.O. Box 1208, FIN-02044 VTT, t p FINLAND o . s c i s y h p Abstra t [ We design an e(cid:30) ient oupler to transmit light from a strip waveguide into the 1 v (cid:29)atband slow mode of a photoni rystal waveguide with ring-shaped holes. The 9 oupler is a se tion of a photoni rystal waveguide with a higher group velo ity, 5 2 obtained by di(cid:27)erent ring dimensions. We demonstrate oupling e(cid:30) ien y in ex ess 3 of95%overthe8nmwavelengthrvan≈gecw/h3e7rethephotoni rystalwaveguideexhibits . g 1 a quasi onstant group velo ity . An analysis based on the small Fabry- 0 Pérot resonan es in the simulated transmission spe tra is introdu ed and used for 8 studying the e(cid:27)e t of the oupler length and for evaluating the oupling e(cid:30) ien y 0 : in di(cid:27)erent parts of the oupler. The mode onversion e(cid:30) ien y within the oupler v i is more than 99.7% over the wavelength range of interest. The parasiti re(cid:29)e tan e X in the oupler, whi h depends on the propagation onstant mismat h between the r a slow mode and the oupler mode, is lower than 0.6% within this wavelength range. Key words: Guided waves, Integrated opti s materials, Opti al systems design, Waveguides, Photoni Integrated Cir uits, Dispersion, Photoni rystals. PACS: 42.15.Eq, 42.70.Qs, 42.82.-m, 42.82.Cr, 42.82.Et, 42.82.Gw ∗ Email address: antti.saynatjokitkk.fi (A. Säynätjoki). PreprintsubmittedtoPhotoni sandNanostru tures-FundamentalsandAppli ations2February2008 1 Introdu tion Photoni rystal waveguides (PhCWs) exhibit slow opti al modes with group velo ities at least one order of magnitude smaller than in onventional waveg- uides [1,2,3,4,5℄. Enhan ed nonlinearity e(cid:27)e ts have been demonstrated for slow modes, whi h may allow s aling down the size of a tive integrated opti s devi es [6,7℄. Slow modes an be used in tele ommuni ations systems pro- vided that they have su(cid:30) iently low group velo ity dispersion (GVD), and PhCWs with su h (cid:29)atband slow modes have re ently been designed [8,9,10℄. We have designed a waveguide based on a photoni rystal with ring-shaped v ≈ c/37 g holes(RPhCW)withlowGVDandgroupvelo ity overawavelength range of several nanometers [11℄. The feasibility of the RPhCW was shown in [12℄, where we observed slow light propagation in an RPhCW fabri ated on a sili on-on-insulator substrate. E(cid:30) ient oupling between waveguides with di(cid:27)erent group velo ities is not trivial [13,14,15,16℄. Transmission from strip waveguides (SWs) to slow modes in PhCWs has been improved by optimizing the termination of the PhCW [13℄, tapering the PhCW [15℄ and by using high group velo ity PhCWs at both ends of the slow light PhCW [16℄. In these examples, e(cid:30) ient oupling into slow modes in PhCWs was a hieved with ouplers signi(cid:28) antly shorter than required for adiabati mode onversion. De Sterke et al. [17℄ and Velha et al. [18℄ showed that perfe t oupling ould be a hieved by utilizing the interferen e between the forward and ba kward propagating modes in the oupler. Hugonin et al. [19℄ noti ed the appearan e of a transient zone a few latti e periods long at the interfa e between PhCW se tions of di(cid:27)erent group velo ities, where light is smoothly slowed down as it penetrates the slow- light waveguide, and they demonstrated e(cid:30) ient mode onversion in su h a stru ture. This approa h therefore makes it possible to optimize the di(cid:27)erent interfa es of the slow-light devi e independently. In this paperwe designan e(cid:30) ient oupler intotheslow,dispersionengineered v g mode with a nearly onstant in the RPhCW presented in [11℄. We present a simple way of studying oupling e(cid:30) ien ies in di(cid:27)erent parts of the oupler, based on the small F-P resonan es in the transmission spe trum. 2 R out R in w d a Fig. 1. S hemati of a W1 RPhC w ith an input strip waveguide. 0.260 R =0.385a luancy ( = / ) 000...222555468 outR=0.315aouRt=0.360a out Rout=0.375a e Normalized frequ 000...222455802 Decrgev=ca/3.8sing vg vg=c/37 0.246 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 Propagation constant b [2p/a] FRig. 2. Dispersion relaRtion o−f Rthe e=ve0n.1m5aode in RPhCWs with di(cid:27)erent outer radius out out in . The ring width for all waveguides. In the normvali=zedc/f3r.e8- g quen yRrang=e0w.3it1h5ian thevfra=mce/,3t7heaveraRge gr=ou0p.3v8e5loa ity de reasesfrom out g out when to when . 2 Coupler design 2.1 Group velo ity in RPhC waveguides Figure 1 shows a s hemati of an RPhCW de(cid:28)ned by one missing row of holes in an otherwise perfe t RPhC. The RPhC is a triangular latti e of rings with a a latti e onstant . The ring is de(cid:28)ned by two parameters, ring outer and R R out in inner radii and , respe tively. The RPhCW is oupled to SWs with w d width at the interfa e. The parameter de(cid:28)nes the position at whi h the RPhCW is terminated. Band stru tures of the RPhCWs are al ulated using the plane wave expan- sion (PWE) method des ribed in [20℄. The PWE simulations yield dispersion u(β) u u = a/λ β relations , where is the normalized frequen y and is the v g propagation onstant. The group velo ity is de(cid:28)ned as ω 2πc u v = d = d . g β a β (1) d d v g Therefore, is dire tly proportional to the slope of the dispersion urve in 3 Rout<0.36a Rout=0.385a Inputdete tor Outputdete tor Sour e Fig. 3. S hemati image of the oupler design. A slow-light RPhCW is oupled R v out g to SWs through RPhCWs with smaller , i.e. with higher . The inset shows the beginning of the RPhCW. The sour e and dete tor on(cid:28)guration in FDTD simulations is also shown in the s hemati . Fig. 2, where we plot the dispersion relation of the even TE-like mode in R out RPhCWs with di(cid:27)erent values of . The ring width is kept onstant at R −R = 0.15a out in . The simulations were arried out in 2D for the TE polar- n = 3.178 eff ization. An e(cid:27)e tive index of the diele tri material equal to was used, orresponding to the e(cid:27)e tive refra tive index of a 400 nm thi k sili on slab on sili a at the wavelength of 1550 nm. R = out We have demonstrated in our previous work that an RPhCW with 0.385a R = 0.235a in and exhibits a (cid:29)atband mode with a quasi onstant and v ≈ c/37 g relatively low group velo ity over a wavelength range of 8 nm [11℄. v g The frequen y range orresponding to the nearly onstant is highlighted in v g Fig. 2. The values in this paper are given for this frequen y range, unless the frequen y or propagation onstant range is expli itly spe i(cid:28)ed. For all waveguides in Fig. 2, the even mode is in the index-guided regime v ≈ c/3.8 β < 0.32(2π) with g when a . When approa hing the Brillouin zone β = 0.5(2π) v edge at a , the mode be omes di(cid:27)ra tion-guided: g de reases and β = 0.5(2π) R eventually vanishes when a . If out is de reased, the air-(cid:28)ll fa tor of the RPhCW de reases, therefore the dispersion urve of the guided mode is shifted to smaller frequen ies. Consequently, the average group velo ity v = c/3.8 g within the frequen y range of interest an be hanged from with R = 0.315a v = c/37 R = 0.385a out g out to with . 2.2 Optimization of the oupler The stru ture we onsider is shown s hemati ally in Fig. 3. The slow-light waveguide is sandwi hed between two ouplers, whi h onsist of RPhCWs R < 0.36a out with and are oupled with strip waveguides. As the (cid:28)rst step in the oupler design, we optimize transmission from SWs to the ouplers. T Thetransmission ofthe ouplersissimulatedusingthe(cid:28)nite-di(cid:27)eren etime- domain (FDTD) method [21℄. The 2D FDTD simulations were arried out for 4 0.30 1.0 0.25 0.9 0.20 0.8 Tn o vc / g0.15 0 .7 nsmissi a 0.10 0.6 Tr T 0.05 v / c 0.5 g 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 R / a out 10a Fig. 4. Group velo ity in the RPhCW (solid line) and the transmission of a long RRPhCW sandwi hed between twous=tri0p.2w50aveguides (dashed line) as a fun tion of out at the normalized frequen y . n = 3.178 eff the TE polarization using an e(cid:27)e tive refra tive index , as in the ase of the PWE simulations. The sour e and dete tors are pla ed into the SWs, as shown in Fig. 3. First we optimize the termination of the RPhCW w = 1.6a and (cid:28)nd that optimal oupling is obtained with parameters and d = 0.625a . u = 0.250 R out In Figure 4, group velo ity at is plotted as a fun tion of , to- 10a gether withthe transmissionthrough a longRPhCW sandwi hed between R = 0.385a out two SWs. For the RPhCW with , transmission is only 52% at u = 0.250 T . in reases with in reasing group velo ity, being more than 98% R ≤ 0.315a v > c/4 R = 0.315a out g out when and . Therefore we hoose for the oupler. n < 40 g With in our RPhCW, e(cid:30) ient oupling is expe ted with an abrupt transition between the RPhCW se tions [19℄. Therefore, we study a simple oupler, where the interfa e between the oupler and the slow-light waveguide R out is realized with an abrupt hange of . In our initial stru ture, we use 5a oupler length of . We will dis uss the e(cid:27)e t of the length of the ouplers later in this paper. 3 Results and dis ussion 3.1 Transmission properties a Figure 5 shows the transmission spe tra of a 50 long slow-light RPhCW with T T opt ref and without ouplers ( and , respe tively). Transmission through the R = 0.315a T out cpl RPhCW with sandwi hed between SWs ( ) is also plotted intoFig.5inordertoshowthetransmissionbetweentheSWsandthe ouplers. n = c/v R = g g out The PWE al ulated group index in the RPhCW with 5 1.00 100 0.95 TTTorepft T > 95% 80 TTransmission 00..8950 ngcpl Quasi constant ng 6400 nGroup index g 0.80 20 1550 1555 1560 1565 1570 1575 Wavelength (nm) 50a Fig. 5R. FD=TD0.3si8m5aulatedatr=an3s9m2ission spe tra through a long RPhC waveguTide out opt withT andT nm, with and without oupl1e0ras at both ends ( ref cpl aRnd = 0,.r3e1s5pae tively). isthetransmission spe trum of a long RPhCWwith out n(i=.e.,c/avwaveguide similar to the ouplers) sandwi hed between SWs. g g Group index is dedu ed from the PWE simulations [11℄. 0.385a , presented in [11℄, is plotted into the same graph. All the urves are λ a = 392 plotted as a fun tion of wavelength with a latti e onstant nm, whi h yields a ut-o(cid:27) wavelength of 1575 nm. T v opt g is higher than 95% over the wavelength range of nearly onstant be- tween 1560 nm and 1568 nm, orresponding to a bandwidth of about 1 THz. Our devi e provides both high transmission e(cid:30) ien y and low group velo - ity dispersion for a broadband opti al signal, whi h is important if slow-light waveguides are onsidered to be used in data transmission systems. 1567 T T opt cpl Uptothewavelength nm, isvery loseto .Onlysmallos illations are seen in the spe trum, with their period varying as a fun tion of the group index of the RPhCW. These os illations are F-P resonan es due to re(cid:29)e tions between the two oupler-RPhCW interfa es. In the next se tion we will show that these F-P os illations are a sensitive indi ator of mode onversion e(cid:30)- ien y and re(cid:29)e tions in the oupler and therefore onstitute an e(cid:30) ient way of studying the various oupling me hanisms in su h stru tures. 3.2 Fabry-Pérot analysis PhCW modes withinthe photoni band gap are ne essarily lossless in 2D sim- ulations, as out-of-plane losses do not exist and in-plane losses are prohibited by the PhC. Therefore, non-ideal transmission in our simulation is indu ed by in-plane s attering and/or by parasiti ba k re(cid:29)e tion at ea h waveguide interfa e. 6 1.00 0.95 Tcpl T / R0.90 Quasi constant n 0.85 g m = 10 m = 5 0.80 m = 3 m = 2 1550 1555 1560 1565 1570 1575 Wavelength (nm) T /T opt,R cpl Fig. 6. A measure for mode onversion e(cid:30) ien y, , with di(cid:27)erent oupler T opt,R lengths. is the linear interpolation between the points orresponding to F-P m resonan es in the transmission spe tra with a oupler with a length of latti e T cpl periods, and is the transmission spe tra of the oupler sandwi hed between strip waveguides. 3.2.1 Mode onversion e(cid:30) i ien y The transmission of a lossless F-P avity is equal to unity at resonan e [23℄. T T opt cpl should therefore be equal to at ea h resonan e, provided that the oupler onverts the slow mode properly into the oupler mode; this is the ase in the transmission spe trum shown in Fig. 5 for wavelengths up to 1572 T < T opt cpl nm. For resonan es at longer wavelengths, , suggesting that mode onversion is not perfe t. The e(cid:30) ient mode onversion experien ed between PhCW se tions of sig- ni(cid:28) antly di(cid:27)erent group velo ities has been explained by the reation of a transient zone within a few latti e periods of the slow-light waveguide result- ing from interferen es between propagating and evanes ent Blo h modes. To get more insight on the mode onversion along the oupler, we repeat the T m m opt FDTD simulation of with di(cid:27)erent oupler lengths , where is the a oupler length in latti e periods . The results are shown in Figure 6, where T /T T opt,R cpl opt,R we plot , where is the linear interpolation between the points T opt orresponding to F-P resonan es in . Perfe t mode onversion should yield T /T = 1 opt,R cpl . 2a The oupler with a length of just is enough to improve transmission om- T ref pared to the waveguide with no ouplers ( ompare to in Fig. 5). A oupler m = 3 with provides nearly perfe t oupling in the quasi onstant group in- m = 5 λ = 1566 dex range. With , transmission is enhan ed between nm and λ = 1574 nm. Further in rease in the oupler length maintains the ex ellent transmission, whi h shows that e(cid:30) ient oupling o urs when the evanes ent modes ex ited at the two oupler interfa es do not overlap and interfere destru tively [19℄. 5a The oupler length needed for this is . The weak transmission variations that are observed for longer ouplers orrespond to F-P os illations in the 7 0.02 Quasi constant n g R 0.01 0.00 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 D b R F∆iβg. 7. Para5saiti ba k-re(cid:29)e tan e as a fun tion of propagation onstant mismat h witha long oupler.Thewavelengthrangeofthe(cid:28)gureisfromabout1555nm n g to about 1570 nm, the quasi onstant region is drawn between 1560 nm and 1568 nm and the s atter symbols have an interval of 1 nm. oupler [17℄. However, these os illations are not dominant in our ase. For a 5a oupler length of , we see that the mode onversion losses are lower than n T g opt,R 0.3% in the wavelength range of quasi onstant . drops near ut-o(cid:27) for all oupler lengths, indi ating that a more ompli ated oupler might be n g needed for higher [15,19℄. 3.2.2 Ba k-re(cid:29)e tan e The signature of the ba k re(cid:29)e tions are the F-P os illations in the transmis- T opt sion spe trum, whi h an be seen in . In this ase, the RPhCW an be R regarded as a symmetri , lossless F-P avity. The re(cid:29)e tan e at the ends of su h a avity an be dedu ed from the F-P os illations in the transmission spe trum as [22℄ T /T −1 q R A R = , T /T +1 (2) q R A T T R A where and are the transmission at resonan e and antiresonan e, respe - tively. The amplitudeof the F-P os illationsinFig. 5 in reases at higher wavelengths n g already within the nearly onstant regime. The os illation amplitude is indeed a fun tion of the propagation onstant mismat h between the slow ∆β mode and the oupler mode, . Figure 7 shows the ba k-re(cid:29)e tan e as a ∆β n R g fun tion of . In the wavelength range with onstant , is lower than 0.6%. Although the ba k-re(cid:29)e tan e is very low, phase mat h between two stru tures is ru ial in the design of ouplers for slow-light devi es. 8 4 Con lusion We present a highly e(cid:30) ient oupler into a slow mode with low group ve- lo ity dispersion in a photoni rystal waveguide with ring-shaped holes. The oupler is a se tion of a waveguide with a di(cid:27)erent ring parameter and with an optimized interfa e with the strip waveguide. The slow mode of interest 37 ± 3 exhibits a quasi onstant group index of on a bandwidth of 8 nm at tele ommuni ations wavelengths. We introdu e simple and e(cid:30) ient methods based on the study of transmission spe tra to evaluate the oupling e(cid:30) ien ies in di(cid:27)erent parts of the oupler. The oupling e(cid:30) ien y at the interfa e between the strip waveguide and the oupler is higher than 98%. We show that the mode onversion e(cid:30) ien y in a 5a long oupler is more than 99.7% over the wavelength range of interest. The parasiti ba k-re(cid:29)e tan e in the oupler, whi h depends on the propagation onstant mismat h between the slow mode and the oupler mode, is smaller than 0.6% in the same wavelength range. On the te hnologi al point of view, the oupler is very ompa t and it is manufa turable with a pro ess des ribed in our earlier work. The total trans- mission of the slow-light waveguide oupled to strip waveguides is higher than 95% over the 1 THz bandwidth of the dispersion tailored slow mode. 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