Efficient Feature Matching by Progressive Candidate Search SehyungLee JongwooLim IlHongSuh HanyangUniversity HanyangUniversity HanyangUniversity Seoul,Korea Seoul,Korea Seoul,Korea [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 7 1 Abstract itoftenfailsinchallengingsituations,suchasthepresence 0 2 of repetitive patterns, or large illumination or viewing di- Wepresentanovelfeaturematchingalgorithmthatsys- rectionchanges. n a tematicallyutilizesthegeometricpropertiesoffeaturessuch Most local features provide the scale and orientation in J as position, scale, and orientation, in addition to the con- addition to the feature position, and this information has 0 ventional descriptor vectors. In challenging scenes with beenusedinfeaturematching. Forexample,whenthefea- 2 thepresenceofrepetitivepatternsorwithalargeviewpoint ture descriptors are not discriminative enough, ambiguous change,itishardtofindthecorrectcorrespondencesusing matchcandidatescanberemovedbysuchadditionalinfor- ] V feature descriptors only, since the descriptor distances of mation. Several feature matching algorithms utilizing the thecorrectmatchesmaynotbetheleastamongthecandi- additional pairwise information between neighboring fea- C datesduetoappearancechanges. Assumingthatthelayout tures have been proposed, and achieved more robust fea- . s ofthenearbyfeaturesdoesnotchangedmuch,wepropose ture matching than simple descriptor matching approach. c [ the bidirectional transfer measure to gauge the geometric One of the popular directions is the graph matching such consistencyofapairoffeaturecorrespondences. Thefea- as the spectral clustering [13], Monte-carlo sampling [22], 1 ture matching problem is formulated as a Markov random and tensor decomposition [8]. Another direction is using v 6 field(MRF)whichusesdescriptordistancesandrelativege- theMarkovrandomfields(MRF)suchasdualdecomposi- 7 ometric similarities together. The unmatched features are tion[23,16]orgraphcut[9]. 6 explicitlymodeledintheMRFtominimizeitsnegativeim- In spite of success of these approaches, there are still 5 pact. For speed and stability, instead of solving the MRF severallimitations. Whenthereexistunpairedfeatures,the 0 on the entire features at once, we start with a small set of featureswhichdonothavetruematchesintheotherimage, . 1 confident feature matches, and then progressively search theerrorbytheirincorrectmatchcandidatesispropagated 0 the candidates in nearby features and expand the MRF through the whole graph, especially in MRF models, and 7 with them. Experimental comparisons show that the pro- 1 affectstheestimationoftheotherfeaturematches. Another posed algorithm finds better feature correspondences, i.e. : drawbackofthegraphoptimizationalgorithmsistheirhigh v morematcheswithhigherinlierratio,inmanychallenging computational cost. The recent algorithms with less com- i X sceneswithmuchlowercomputationalcostthanthestate- plexity[28,27,4]arestillnotfastenoughforsolvinglarge of-the-artalgorithms. r scalematchingproblems. Thesearethemainreasonswhy a most existing algorithms [8, 7, 26, 23, 13, 22] deal with a relativelysparseandsmallfeaturesetoffeatures. 1.Introduction In this paper we propose a unified feature matching Localfeaturesarewidelyusedinmanyapplicationsin- framework that considers both geometric and appearance cluding 3D scene reconstruction, image retrieval, image properties of commonly-used local features (Figure 1). stitching, and object recognition. Among them, SIFT [17] Similar to the MRF-based algorithms, the feature corre- and SURF [2] are the most popular due to their invari- spondences are found by solving an MRF on the feature ancetoilluminationandsmallaffinedeformation. Thefea- set,whoseunaryandbinaryenergytermsrepresentfeature turecorrespondencesbetweentwoimagesareusuallyfound descriptordistancesandrelativegeometricinconsistencies. by comparing the feature descriptors only. The incorrect Tomitigatenegativeimpactofunpairedfeatures,wein- matchesarefilteredbyRANSAC[10],andtheinlierfeature troduce the ‘unmatched’ label for each node in MRF with matches are kept for further processing. This framework properunaryandbinarycosts.Alsothe‘bidirectionaltrans- hasbeensuccessfullyusedinmanyapplications, however, fer measure’ computes the relative geometric consistency 1 Our algorithm Progressive Compute initial Find new Update skeletal RANSAC or Feature extraction min-sum message seed features candidate features features other processing passing image pair correspondences Figure1: Overviewoftheproposedalgorithm. betweentwofeaturecorrespondencesmorerobustly. much smaller than the number of features. Note that the The‘progressivecorrespondencesearch’process,which followingstagesafterfeaturematching,suchasRANSAC, identifiescorrespondencesofmoreconfidentfeaturesfirst, furtherfilterinconsistentfeaturematches, thusitiscritical then expands to other features, also helps reducing the tohavesufficientnumberofgoodfeaturecorrespondences chanceofhavingincorrectlymatchedfeaturesinthegraph. inthefeaturematchingstage. Ourprogressivecorrespondencesearchalsogreatlyreduces Our approach is related to several previous works. search time by starting with good initial matches at each Leordeanu and Hebert [13] introduced pairwise geometric stage.Inmatchingaroundtwothousandfeaturesineachim- informationtobuildtheaffinitymatrix.Torresanietal.[23] age,theproposedalgorithmfindshigherqualityfeaturecor- designedacomplexcostfunctionbasedontheappearance respondences within 0.4 s, whereas other algorithms take and spatial proximities which can be efficiently optimized severalsecondstominutes. Extensiveexperimentalevalua- by dual decomposition. Cho et al. [6] employed the ag- tiondemonstratesthatourapproacheffectivelyhandlesthe glomerativeclusteringalgorithminsteadofspectralcluster- limits of conventional approaches and achieves significant ing[13].Theirworkintroducedvarioussolvers,reweighted improvementinchallengingfeaturematchingproblems. randomwalks[7]andMonte-Carlosampling[22]. Inthese Themaincontributionsofourworkaretwofold. algorithms,theaffinitymatrixisconstructedbycombining • TheproposedMRFframeworkwiththeunmatchedla- the descriptor similarity and Euclidean distance between bel and bidirectional transfer measure can handle the features. Zhou and Torre [27] factorized the affinity ma- challenging scenes better and yields much improved trix as a product of smaller matrices. Because of this ma- featurematches. trix factorization, there is no need to explicitly store the • ProgressiveconstructionandoptimizationoftheMRF full-size affinity matrix. Zaragoza et al. [25] proposed a basedonspatialneighborhoodandmultiplecandidacy techniquetocomputeanas-projective-as-possiblewarping achieveshigheraccuracy,betterrobustness,andmuch that aims for the feature locations to be globally projec- fasterprocessing. tive. This method is developed for image stitching appli- cation in which the correspondence algorithm is based on 2.RelatedWork the multiple-homography fitting using their previous work [5].In[15],proposedbyLinetal.,startingwithasetofini- After SIFT [17] and SURF [2], many novel feature de- tialmatches,theiralgorithmcomputesanaffinemotionfield tection algorithms such as BRISK [14], BRIEF [3], ORB betweentwoimagesbyexploitingthat eachmatchdefines [21]andKAZE[1],weredevelopedtoimproveSIFT’sper- alocalaffinetransformation. Giventhemotionfield,more formance. Inthesealgorithms,feature-to-featurematching correspondences are then recovered by finding the nearest with descriptors is the most common method for comput- neighboringmatchindescriptorspaceforeachfeature. ing correspondences. In spite of the distinctiveness of the Theproposedworkdiffersfromthesealgorithmsinsev- proposeddescriptor,itisstillinsufficientformatchingfea- eral ways. We directly measure the geometric dissimilar- turesinthepresenceofseveretransformation. Tocompen- itybetweencorrespondencesusingtheposition, scale, and sateforthelimitationsofsimpledescriptormatching,many orientation provided by local features, instead of the dis- algorithms have been proposed. We briefly review related tances between neighboring features and their correspond- works to clarify the differences between the proposed and ing features [13], the length and direction differences of existingmethods. correspondences[23]orhomographytransformationusing To quickly find a good initial matches using feature additional affine region detector [6, 7, 22]. The proposed descriptors, several heuristic algorithms have been devel- algorithmcanbeusedwithmostavailablelocalfeaturesas oped. Thenearestneighboranddistanceratio(NNDR)al- long as the geometric properties are provided, not limited gorithm [17] is based on the insight that the match is am- to a few specific local features. Also, unlike the previous biguousifthebestandthesecond-bestmatchcandidatesof approaches [27, 8, 7, 23, 13] that perform estimation on afeaturehavesimilardescriptors. Amatchisacceptedonly the entire feature set at once, our algorithm incrementally iftheratioofthetwodescriptordistancesisbelowathresh- finds the geometrically reasonable matches in whole fea- old.NNDReffectivelydiscardstheambiguousmatches,but turesetfromtheinitialsetoffeatures. Becauseofthis,the as a consequence the number of feature matches are often proposed algorithm can handle a large number of features 𝐼𝑟 𝐼𝑡 𝐱 𝑠′|𝐜 Transfer 𝑇𝑡𝑇𝑠−1𝐱𝑠′ 𝜏 𝐜′;𝐜 𝑡 𝑠′ 𝐜′ 𝑡′ 𝑠 𝑡′ 𝑠 Transfer 𝑇𝑡′𝑇𝑠−′1𝐱𝑠 𝐱 𝑠|𝐜′ 𝜏 𝐜;𝐜′ 𝑠′ 𝐜 𝑡 Figure 3: The bidirectional transfer measure. The color points representthedetectedlocalfeatures. Thearrowsanddottedrect- Figure2: TheMRFmodelforfeaturecorrespondence. Thecir- anglesaretheorientationsandscalesofthefeatures. Theneigh- clesrepresentthedetectedfeatures. TheMRFisconstructedon boringfeatureiswarpedintotheoppositeimage,andthetransfer thefeaturesinthereferenceimage(left),andthesolidlinesinthe errorismeasuredbythedistancebetweenoriginalandtransferred reference image are the MRF edges. Each node i has its poten- locations,xˆs(cid:48)|candxˆt(cid:48). tialcorrespondencec whichisshownasdottedarcsbetweentwo i views. The pairwise energy between (s ,t ) and (s ,t ) affects n i i j j (cid:88) theMRFcost,theredcirclesrepresentthefeaturesthattheirtrue Eφ(C)= eφ(ci), and (2) correspondencesdonotexistinthetargetimage. i (cid:26) (cid:107)d −d (cid:107) ift (cid:54)=∅ and produce more accurate matches with minimal compu- e (c )= si ti i , (3) φ i α otherwise tationalcost. whered andd arethefeaturedescriptorvectorsofthe si ti 3.ProblemFormulation features s and t . The unary energy term penalizes dis- i i similar feature correspondences, and the penalty term for The feature matching task can be formulated as an en- unmatchedfeaturesαissetto0.5. ergyminimizationproblemoftheMRFconstructedonthe features.Giventwosetsoffeaturesdetectedinthereference Bidirectional Transfer Measure. In most local features andtargetimages,theMRFmodelisconstructedonthefea- the scale and orientation of each feature point is available turesinthereferenceimage. Thevariableineachnoderep- as a by-product in realizing the scale and orientation in- resentsitscorrespondenceinthetargetimage,andtheentire variance. Although the scales, orientations, or positions costoftheMRFmodelrepresentstheoverallconsistencyof of the features change according to camera pose or scene thecurrentcorrespondencesbetweentwoimages. Figure2 changes, theirrelativedifferencetendstoremainsimilarif visualizestheformulation. thefeaturesbelongtothesameobject.Weproposethebidi- The energy function of MRF is comprised of the unary rectional transfer distances between neighboring features andpairwisepotentials. TheunarypotentialE represents to measure the relative difference between their geometric φ theappearancemodeltomeasurethedescriptordissimilar- properties. ity of the current correspondence. The pairwise potential Let T be the transformation that maps a unit patch, i E models the relative geometric inconsistency between whichiscenteredattheorigin,axis-aligned,andunit-sized, ψ the pairs of correspondences. Then, the best correspon- onto the patch of the feature i. In case of SIFT or SURF, dencesetC∗ isobtainedthatminimizestheoverallenergy, each feature patch is represented as x-, y-position, scale, whichiswrittenas andorientation(tx ,ty ,σ ,θ ),andthenT iswrittenasa i i i i i C∗ =argminE (C)+λE (C), (1) 2Dsimilaritytransform φ ψ C σ cosθ −σ sinθ tx whereC ={c }isthesetoffeaturecorrespondences,c = i i i i i (s ,t ),s isthiefeatureindexinthereferenceimageandi t Ti =σisinθi σicosθi tyi. i i i i 0 0 1 iseitherthefeatureindexinthetargetimageor∅ifs isan i unmatched/unpairedfeature. λistheweightparameterfor Depending on the geometric properties provided by local leveragingtheunaryandpairwisemodels(λissetto0.1). features,T canbeanytypeof2Dtransformationincluding i Toreducethesearchspace,foreachfeaturesweonlycon- similarity,affineorhomography. siderthetop-κdescriptormatchesinthetargetimageasthe For a feature correspondences c = (s,t), the warped candidate matches, i.e. c ∈ {(s ,t )} ∪{(s ,∅)} position of a nearby feature s(cid:48) in the target image can be i i k k=1...κ i (κissetto15). NotethatthesizeoftheMRFgraphisnot written as xˆ = T T−1x . If the relative geometry be- s(cid:48)|c t s s(cid:48) affectedbyκ,butbythenumberofneighborfeatures. tween two feature correspondences c and c(cid:48) = (s(cid:48),t(cid:48)) is TheunarytermE measuresthedescriptorsimilaritybe- approximatelypreservedbetweentwoimages,theposition φ tweencorrespondingfeatures. ofthematchedfeatureinthetargetimagex mustbeclose t(cid:48) toxˆs(cid:48)|c. Thereforetheone-waytransferdistanceτ(c(cid:48);c)is Seed features Corresponding features thendefinedas 𝐜2 𝐜4 τ(c(cid:48);c)=(cid:26) (cid:13)(cid:13)xˆs(cid:48)|c−xt(cid:48)(cid:13)(cid:13)2, ift(cid:54)=∅andt(cid:48) (cid:54)=∅ , 𝑠1 𝑠2 𝑠4 𝐜3 𝑡1 𝑡2 𝑡3 𝑡4 0 otherwise 𝑠3 𝐜1 andthepairwiseenergye (c,c(cid:48))isdefinedas ψ Consistency check e (c,c(cid:48))=τ(c(cid:48);c)+τ(c;c(cid:48))+τ(c(cid:48)−1;c−1)+τ(c−1;c(cid:48)−1), ψ where c−1 = (t,s) represents the inverse correspondence 𝑠2 𝑠4 ofcdefinedbyflippingthereferenceandtargetfeatures. It 𝑠1 𝑠5 considers the differences not only by the forward warping 𝑠3 butalsobythebackwardwarping. andthepairwiseenergy Eψ oftheMRFisasfollows: Extended MRF Inconsistent match Consistent match n m Figure 4: Overview of progressive feature matching. After the (cid:88) (cid:88) E (C)= e (c ,c ), correspondences of seed features (blue circles) and their corre- ψ ψ i j spondences are computed (black dotted lines), our MRF model i j∈N(i) isexpanded.Bycomparingthecandidatematchesoftheextended whereN(i)isthesetofneighborsofthei-thfeature. featureswiththenearbyseedcorrespondences,onlygeometrically Ourbidirectionaltransfermodelisbasedonthesimilar- consistentmatchesareconsideredascandidatematchesintheex- ity transform obtained by the relative changes of potential pandedMRFmodel. matches. When affine-based features such as [18, 20] are used,thebidirectionaltransfermodelcanbeeasilyextended riskandachievefasterconvergence,weproposeaprogres- totheaffinetransformation.However,theyaremuchslower sivefeaturematchingscheme. Oncetheseedfeatureswith thanotherwidelyusedalgorithms[14,1,21,3,17,2],and goodcorrespondencesareavailable,thentheycanguidethe inthispaperweonlyusethesimilaritymodel. matching process of the nearby features from similar part ofthescene. Thismotivatestheprogressivesearchoffea- Belief Propagation. The problem of Equation 1 is NP- ture correspondence. Starting from a small set of highly hard, thus in general it is not possible to find the optimal confident candidate matches, the BP algorithm finds the solution. Insteadweemploythebeliefpropagation(BP)al- convergedcorrespondenceassignments,andtheunmatched gorithmtofindtheapproximatesolution. Amongthemany features are excluded from the MRF. Then the MRF is it- variantsofBPalgorithms,themin-summessagepassingis eratively expanded by nearby features around the existing usedduetoitscomputationalefficiencycomparedtosum- features,followedbyBPoptimizationandfiltering,untilall product or max-product methods. The message from the featuresareconsidered. nodeitothenodej forthecorrespondencec is j Initial Seed Features. To reduce the chance of selecting (cid:104) (cid:88) (cid:105) m (c )=min e (c )+λe (c ,c )+ m (c ) . unpairedfeatures,weselectthefeatureswithhighdescrip- i→j j φ i ψ i j k→i i ci tor similarity scores as the initial seed features. Among k∈N(i)\j the features in the reference image whose NNDR ratio is Afterconvergence,thebeliefofacorrespondenceciineach smallerthanθ,thetop-r featuresintermsofthedescriptor nodeiiscomputedas score are used as the nodes of the initial MRF model, and (cid:88) each node is connected with its K-nearest neighbors (we b(c )=e (c )+ m (c ). (4) i φ i k→i i use θ = 0.9, r = 100, and K = 5 in our experiments). k∈N(i) Although we selected high-quality matches for the initial The optimal feature correspondence set C∗ is determined MRF,aftertheBPprocess,theremayexistunmatchedfea- byindividuallyselectingthelabelhavingminimumcostin tures (the cost of ‘unmatched’ is the smallest). These fea- eachnode. turesareexcludedfromtheMRFgraphandputbacktothe candidatefeatureset. 4.ProgressiveFeatureMatching Progressive Candidate Search. The features in the MRF ItispossibletobuildanMRFwithalldetectedfeatures of the previous iteration are called as the ‘seed’ features atonceandtrytofindthesolutionofEquation1usingBP, in the current iteration. In our framework, their feature but it often converges to a wrong solution and takes long correspondences are used as the guides to find the corre- time to converge due to the large amount of incorrect or spondencesofneighboringfeatureswhentherearemultiple confusing initial feature correspondences. To reduce this candidate matches with similar descriptor scores. Among allfeaturesnotintheMRF,theK-nearestneighbor(KNN) Algorithm1:ProgressiveMin-SumMessagePassing featuresofthe‘seed’featuresareselectedandaddedtothe Input:seednodesS,seedcorrespondencesC ={p }. S i MRFasthe‘extended’nodes. TheKNNnodesofeachex- Output:extendedcorrespondencesC . S∪Q tendednodesareconnectedwithedges. Intheprogressive Q←{} ...theextendedfeatureset. iteration,thecorrespondencesoftheseedfeaturesarekept foreach f do fixed,andtheseednodesonlyemitthemessagestowardthe if f ∈/ Sthen neighboring extended nodes in the BP process. By com- FindK-nearestseednodesNS(f). paringthecandidatematchesoftheextendedfeatureswith γf ←{∅} ...candidatematchsoff toconsider. the nearby seed correspondences, geometrically inconsis- foreach candidatematch(f,gk)k=1...κoff do ifmin (e ((f,g ),p ))<θ then tent matches are quickly excluded in the message passing. n∈NS(f) ψ k n seed Q←Q∪{f} Forspeed-up,theinconsistentmatchcandidateswithanyof γ ←γ ∪{g } f f k nearbyseednodesareexplicitlyexcludedfromtheconsid- end eration. By fixing the seed correspondences and reducing end the number of candidate matches of extended nodes, it is else possibletokeepthecomputationalcomplexityinareason- Addseedfeatureanditscorrespondence. ablelevel.Theabove-mentionedprocessisdescribedinAl- Q←Q∪{s } f gorithm 1 and illustrated in Figure 4. We provide detailed γf ←γf ∪{tf} descriptionofthealgorithminthenextparagraphs. end GiventheseedsetS = {s }andtheircorrespondences end i C ={p =(s ,t )},everyleftoverfeaturef ∈/ Sistested BuildtheMRFusingQ. S i i i repeat if it has any nearby seed correspondence that has similar foreach extendednodef ∈Qdo relativemotion,i.e. foreach K-nearestneighbornodenoff do (cid:0) (cid:1) min min (e ((f,g ),p )) <θ , (5) foreach c=(f,g),g∈γ do l=1...κ k∈NS(f) ψ l k seed f m (c)← min (e (c )+ n→f φ n where NS(f) is the KNN seed features of f, gl is the in- c(cid:80)n=(n,∗) λe (c ,c)+ m (c )) dexoftop-κcandidatematchesoff,andθseed issetto80. ψ n l∈N(n)\f l→n n The extended feature set Q contains the features that sat- end isfytheabovecondition. TheMRFisbuiltuponS∪Qby end connectingeachnodeinQwithitsKNNnodes. Notethat end foreach extendednodef ∈Qdo the correspondence of the seed nodes are fixed, thus it is foreach c=(f,g),g∈γ do not necessary to perform any message passing to the seed (cid:80) f b(c)←e (c)+ m (c) nodes. Only the messages toward the extended nodes are φ l∈N(f) l→f end computedandupdated. end IntheMRFoftheinitialseedfeatures,allκcorrespon- until convergence; dencecandidatesareconsidered,butintheprogressivecan- C ←C didate search, only the candidates that are consistent with S∪Q S foreach extendednodef ∈Qdo anyoftheconnectedseednodes(Equation5)areinvolved if argmin (b(c))(cid:54)=(f,∅)then c=(f,∗) inBPprocess. Thisreducesthesizeofthemessagemi→j CS∪Q ←CS∪Q∪argminc=(f,∗)(b(c)) drasticallyfromκ2toκi×κj whereκiandκj arethenum- end berofcandidatesofnodeiandj (includingunmatched∅) end respectively. Ifanodeisaseednode, itonlyhasonecan- didate, and in practice most extended nodes have around 5 candidates. The min-sum BP algorithm is then run on • Computethecorrespondencesoftheseedfeaturesus- theMRFtofindthebestfeaturecorrespondencesoftheex- ingourMRFmodel. tendedfeatures,excepttheunmatchedfeatures(thecostof • Computenewchildfeaturesandtheirpossiblematch- ‘unmatched’ is less than those of any candidate matches). ing hypotheses by comparing them with their parent Since the time complexity of the BP algorithm scales lin- features. earlytothemessagesize,thereductionfromκ2 toκ ×κ i j • Compute the correspondences of the child features (κ ,κ (cid:28)κ)greatlyimprovestherunningspeed. i j throughalgorithm1. Overallalgorithmflow. Theproposedalgorithmproceeds • Updatetheparentfeatures,anditerateSteps3to5until asfollow: newcandidatesarenotfound. • Computetheinitialseedfeaturesbyselectingthefea- Once the feature correspondences are computed, further tureshighlyrankedindescriptormatching. post-processingsuchasRANSACcanfollowasaconven- 100 NNDR1 NNDR2 BMF 90 MDLT Non-Prog Prog 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 avg L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 avg L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 avg PMR Precision MS Figure5:Comparisonsoffeaturematchingalgorithms(unit:%).Itcanbeeasilyverifiedthattheproposedalgorithmoutperformstherest byalargemargin. tionalapproach. PMR L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 avg NNDR1 40.39 32.53 23.00 13.34 6.92 23.24 NNDR2 52.71 45.44 35.68 25.48 17.61 35.38 BMF 59.22 49.41 37.97 27.16 16.07 37.96 MDLT 62.78 54.55 39.68 26.45 14.59 39.61 5.ExperimentalResults Non-Prog 53.11 45.98 35.71 26.15 18.01 35.79 Prog 66.88 58.16 45.98 32.63 21.67 45.07 Precision L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 avg We conducted extensive experimental evaluation of the NNDR1 97.91 96.58 93.06 88.29 77.13 90.60 proposedalgorithmonvariousdatasets. Thefirstsetofex- NNDR2 88.56 83.71 74.07 61.08 44.70 70.42 periments shows the quantitative comparison of the sim- BMF 94.00 93.34 85.50 74.57 54.07 80.30 ple NNDR-based algorthms, the state-of-the-art methods MDLT 91.44 84.85 79.99 66.41 54.72 75.48 Non-Prog 91.17 85.43 75.98 64.95 50.07 73.52 [25, 15], and the proposed algorithm. In the second set Prog 95.81 94.80 91.02 87.94 81.75 90.26 of experiments the improvement by the proposed method MS L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 avg on several popular local features. We urge readers to see NNDR1 39.62 31.61 21.77 12.18 5.74 22.18 the supplementary material for complete experimental re- NNDR2 47.95 39.59 28.25 17.06 8.78 28.32 sults and detailed explanations. All experiments are con- BMF 56.80 47.20 33.37 20.75 9.09 33.44 MDLT 58.06 47.01 33.94 21.00 9.77 33.96 ducted in MATLAB on a computer with i7 4.0 GHz CPU Non-Prog 49.09 40.43 28.81 18.26 9.56 29.23 and 32GB memory, and our algorithm is partially imple- Prog 64.52 55.36 42.33 29.29 18.12 41.92 mented as MEX functions. The source codes and dataset Table1:PMR,Precision,andMSofBMF[15],MDLT[25],non- willbeprovidedtopublic. progressive (Non-Prog), and progressive (Prog) methods on the Heinly et al. [12] proposes three different quantita- testdataset(unit: %). Thedataset[19]contains5differentlevels tive evaluation metrics: putative match ratio, precision, ofgeometricandphotometrictransformation. Fromlefttoright, theaverageperformanceofeachlevel(L1-L5),andtotalaverage and matching score. The putative match ratio, PMR = #putativematches, the ratio of computed matches to all detec- areshown. #features tions, represents the selectivity of the matchers. A less re- 5.1.ComparisontoExistingAlgorithms strictive matching algorithm yields higher putative match ratios,whereasveryrestrictivematchermaydiscardpoten- Theproposedmethodiscomparedwiththreealgorithms, tially valid matches and end up with a low putative match NNDRwithtwodifferentthresholds(0.9forNNDR1,and ratio. Theprecision,Precision= #inliermatches ,denotesthe #putativematches 0.8 for NNDR2), MDLT [25], and BMF [15] using their ratio of correct matches out of the putative matches (the implementations1. InthisexperimentASIFT[20]featureis inlier ratio). It measures the ‘quality’ of feature match- used since BMF only works with ASIFT. Evaluation with ing, i.e. how many are correct among the declared feature otherfeaturesarediscussedinthenextsubsection. matches. Forexample,averyrestrictivematchermayhave For quantitative comparison, the well-known dataset a low putative match ratio but the precision can be high if constructedbyMikolajczyketal.[19]isusedsinceitpro- most incorrect matches are filtered. The matching score, videstheground-truthhomographytransformation. Itcon- MS = #inliermatches, which is equivalent to PMR × Preci- #features sists of 8 sets of 6 images, one reference and 5 target im- sion, show how many true matches are selected among all ages, whose geometric and/or photometric properties are featuredetections.Wecannowquantifyhowmanyfeatures werematched(PMR),andhowmanyaretruematches(Pre- 1BMF[15]:http://mmcheng.net/bfun/ cisionandMS). MDLT[25]:https://cs.adelaide.edu.au/jzaragoza/doku.php?id=mdlt #matches: 287, #inliers: 185, ratio: 0.6446 SIFT Nearest NNDR1 NNDR2 Prog PMR 100 23.67 9.49 20.49 Precision 2.52 16.94 42.91 45.49 MS 2.52 4.72 4.70 10.13 SURF Nearest NNDR1 NNDR2 Prog PMR 100 25.25 8.36 26.95 Precision 3.01 11.36 27.81 31.54 MS 3.01 3.40 2.93 9.51 KAZE Nearest NNDR1 NNDR2 Prog #matches: 341, #inliers: 199, ratio: 0.5836 PMR 100 20.67 8.12 36.29 Precision 5.60 22.99 44.18 35.23 MS 5.60 5.68 4.13 13.60 Overall Nearest NNDR1 NNDR2 Prog PMR 100 23.20 8.65 27.91 Precision 3.71 17.10 38.30 37.42 MS 3.71 4.60 3.92 11.08 Table2: Thefeaturematchingperformanceonvariouslocalfea- tures: SIFT[17], SURF[2], andKAZE[1](unit: %). Thepro- #matches: 900, #inliers: 745, ratio: 0.8278 posedmethodand3basicmatchingcriteriaareusedforcompar- ison. The quantitative evaluation is based on averages of PMR, Precision,andMSmetrics. 1078SIFTfeaturesare0.54, 4.82, 0.62, and0.21seconds, respectively.Inthetestwithmorenumberoffeatures(2430 and 2196), the processing times are 3.92, 9.81, 7.27, and 0.36seconds,respectively. Theproposedalgorithmismore Figure 6: From top to bottom, the feature matching results of efficient and effective than conventional feature matching BMF,MDLT,andProgontheL5pairof‘graf’inthedataset[25]. algorithmsandthenon-progressiveversion. Theproposedalgorithmfindsmoreandbetterfeaturematchesthan others. 5.2.ExperimentswithVariousLocalFeatures gradually changed. The label from L1 to L5 denotes the Anotheradvantageoftheproposedmethodisitsgener- amountofdeformationordegradation.Thefeaturematches ality - it can be used with any local features. In this ex- areconsideredascorrectifthedistancetothewarpedpoint periment, SIFT [17], SURF [2], and KAZE [1] features in bytheground-truthhomographyissmallerthan10pixels. OpenCV3.0aretested. Wecomparetheproposedmethod Figure5andTable1showtheaveragedperformancein withNNDRofthreedifferentthresholds: 1.0(Nearest),0.9 eachlevel(L1-L5)andtheaverageoveralllevels. Thepro- (NNDR1), and 0.8 (NNDR2). Similar to the previous ex- posed method (Prog) outperforms BMF and MDLT by a periments,PMR,Precision,andMSofthefeaturematching large margin in PMR and MS metrics in all levels, and in resultsarecompared. Precisionitperformsslightlybetterthantheothers.Wealso In addition to Heinly’s dataset [12], we constructed an testanotherversionofouralgorithm(Non-Prog)whichruns extended dataset of 40 images with planar and non-planar withouttheprogressivecorrespondencesearchtoshowthe sceneswithlargegeometricandphotometricvariations.Es- effectivenessofourprogressivealgorithm. pecially,theimagepairscontainingmanyrepetitivepatterns In many tasks using features, having more inliers is suchaswindowsanddecorativeelementsareincluded. For as important as having high inlier ratio. For example, in quantitative evaluation, the inlier matches are found using structure-from-motion,theinlierratiodeterminesthenum- the RANSAC algorithm with 8-point algorithm [11], fol- berofRANSACiterationsandthenumberofinliersaffects lowedbymanualeliminationofafewobviousoutliers.Fig- thequalityandfidelityofthe3Dreconstruction.Thebenefit ure 7 displays one of the test images and the matching re- ofutilizingrelativegeometricinformationbecomessignif- sults using SIFT features. As shown in these images, our icantwhenthereexistsalargedeformation(inL5orL4)- methodproducessignificantlybettercorrespondenceswith allmetricsincludingPrecisionoftheproposedmethodare higher precision (162 inliers and 32.93% precision vs. 49 much higher. Figure 6 shows a representative example of inliersand25%precisionofNNDR2). Weencourageread- featurematchingbydifferentalgorithms. erstoseemorematchingresultsinthesupplementaryma- Alsointermsoftheprocessingtime,theproposedalgo- terial. rithmismuchfasterthantheotheralgorithms.Theprocess- Figure8summarizestheexperimentalresults(averaged ingtimesofBMF,MDLT,Non-ProgandProgon1115and over the 40 image pairs). One can see significant perfor- #matches: 650, #inliers: 43, ratio: 0.0662 #matches: 196, #inliers: 49, ratio: 0.2500 Figure9: Theresultsonfeaturematchinginthepresenceofin- #matches: 492, #inliers: 162, ratio: 0.3293 dependentmotions. TheMRFedgesacrossmotionboundaryare effectlydisabledautomaticallybythealgorithm.Theyarebyfea- turematchingonlywithoutanypostprocessing. veryhighprecisionandMSatthesametime. 5.3.FeatureMatchinginIndependentMotion Onemaywonderiftheproposedrelativegeometriccon- Figure 7: ThefeaturecorrespondenceresultsonSIFTfeatures. straint may cause problem when there exist independent EachsetofimagesshowtheresultsofNNDR1,NNDR2,andour motions. Although the relative geometry between features method. Theproposedalgorithmproducedmuchmoreinliercor- in the same object will remain similar, the features from respondences.Simplematchingmethodsfailtofindgoodmatches duetomanyrepetitivepatternsandlargeviewpointchange. different objects would not have such geometric consis- tency.Intheproposedalgorithm,ifanedgeisonthemotion boundary,themutualcontributionofthenodestotheother 50 100 100 100 100 Nearest nodesbecomesveryweakduetothemotioninconsistency. 45 NNDR1 Thisineffectcutstheedgesonthemotionboundaries,thus 40 NNDR2 Prog onlythefeatureswithsimilarmotioncontributestothees- 35 timationofcandidatematchscore. 30 Theproposedalgorithmistestedwiththeimagesofpub- 25 licdataset[24],andtworepresentativeresultsaredisplayed 20 inFigure9(moreresultsareinthesupplementarymaterial). 15 Fromtheexperimentalresultsitisshownthattheproposed 10 algorithmcanhandletheindependentmotions. 5 0 SIFT SURF KAZEOverall SIFT SURF KAZEOverall SIFT SURF KAZEOverall 6.ConclusionandFutureWork PMR Precision MS Figure 8: The feature matching performance on various local In this paper, we propose a feature matching algorithm features: SIFT [17], SURF [2], and KAZE [1] (unit: %). The thatutilizesbothgeometricpropertiesanddescriptoroflo- proposedmethodandNNDRwith3differentthresholdsarecom- cal features. The feature matching problem is formulated pared.Refertothetextformoredetail. as an MRF model, and the solution is found by the min- sum BP algorithm. Bidirectional transfer measure com- mance improvement by the proposed algorithm compared putes the relative geometric consistency of a pair of fea- to basic approaches. The proposed algorithm achieves the ture correspondences, and it is used to filter the similar- best MS in all local features, finding 2-4 times more in- looking match candidates in the target image. Progressive liermatchescomparedtoanyofNNDR-basedmethods. In correspondencesearchisintroducedtofindthesolutionef- termsofprecision,theproposedmethodshowssimilarper- ficiently and robustly. Through extensive experiments, we formancetoNNDR2. 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