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Efficiency and Political Economy of Pollution Control with Ancillary Benefits PDF

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The World’s Largest Open Access Agricultural & Applied Economics Digital Library This document is discoverable and free to researchers across the globe due to the work of AgEcon Search. Help ensure our sustainability. Give to AgE con Search AgEcon Search http://ageconsearch.umn.edu [email protected] Papers downloaded from AgEcon Search may be used for non-commercial purposes and personal study only. No other use, including posting to another Internet site, is permitted without permission from the copyright owner (not AgEcon Search), or as allowed under the provisions of Fair Use, U.S. Copyright Act, Title 17 U.S.C. Efficiency and Political Economy of Pollution Control with Ancillary Benefits: An Application to NOx Control in the Chesapeake Bay Airshed nits u .AdHivaD kcinpu r .KnJalA llennoC c .MaDinigriV 43 -r7e9 pnaoPissucsiD yaM7991 secruoseR rof ehterutuF 1616 P Street, NW 6 3C,0 Dn0o2tgnihsaW 0005-82 3e-n2o0h2peleT 0643-9 3x9a-F202 © 7991 secruoseR rof eht .erutuF llA sthgir .devreseroN noitrop fo siht repap yam eb decudorp etruohtinwoissimrep of the authors. Discussion papers are research materials circulated by their srohtua rof sesoprup fo noitamrofni dna .noissucsidyehT have not undergone formal peer review or the editorial tne mdteaderrotcca FFR skoob dna. srneohittoacilbup Efficiency and Political Economy of Pollution Control with Ancillary Benefits: An Application to NOx Control in the Chesapeake Bay Airshed llennoCc M. Dainigri Vdn a,kcinpur K. Jnal A,nitsu A. HdivaD Abstract slortn oncoitull o fpnooitacol leavitceffe-ts orc osfnoitacilp msienima xreep aspihT r osfecnerefe rogptnidroc cr,aosen illanoig egrno ldaezinag rsonoitila ofscoecnerefe rnpehw en si eado scetaarbap m eosrcta l.u r sdoeefRtnuo c ec,rasatnemevor pymtiil arueq t .arswiva e rsats olcat odt n,adradna tystila urqet ayawl nyofsit atss usmnoitcud esrnoissi mxe OhNcihw sts olcortn olcanigr atma httlus eersac-es a obetvita l. esRecru ossnoissi mree vdoeziminim lortn o fcgonitfi hyslp mri ira osfecnerefe repvital erregnor t,ssecru osssor claau q eetbsum y asmecnereff ildanoi g. eyRtila urq i oasttifen eybrallic nraetae regcudo rtpa hstecru odsrawot tcef ft aolnl iswi ht tu,bw oe lrsatifen eebre hnwoitarepo oeccud nosittnemy aepd iesriuqer .detacol ledabluo hssevlesme hstlortn owcoh ii Table of Contents I. Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 1 II. noitazimini MtsoC ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 4 III. stifene Bri Ayrallicn Aro fgnitnuoccA ................................ ................................ ........... 7 IV. se csr sunooorSictaa ctoslolCA ................................ ................................ ..................... 9 V. secru onSiht inwoitacol ltAsoC ................................ ................................ .................... 13 VI. snoisulcnoC ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 16 secnerefeR ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 19 xidneppA ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 21 iii EFFICIENCY AND POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POLLUTION CONTROL WITH ANCILLARY BENEFITS: AN APPLICATION TO NOX CONTROL IN THE CHESAPEAKE BAY AIRSHED * David H. Austin, Alan J. Krupnick, and Virginia D. McConnell I. INTRODUCTION efcor uro os e j rraa eiamoha ttsneid inxeogor tsfinonoiss itm aedhettpe c wctsoaIin e h ft%o 0 o4%t 0m1o refrehwy nganisirpm o,cy aeBkaepase heC h nttinemhcir nteneirtun ev axh O fNsonoissi mre ieacud e orsteicil o,ptlu s .e sasrAgnida o)lxO Ne(di xnoegort isn'yaB noissi mr eieasu a.c selBev etlneirt uy naeBcud eosrttpmet tfsaouc otfnatrop mneiamoceb e httuo beasi rsaeus stinatrop m,iytila urqet ad wnr aihat ontbocap mneiav ashnoitcuder r inaeewt elbortn ofscots oe chfntooitacol le ahttuo b,asecru or siflaoortn oflcoev etlneiciffe .noitacol leavitceffe-ts o rctoneicif f neganiveih c fayomono cleacitil oep httuo bda n,aret adwna e reare hnte hswts ofncooitacol le ahnktor oewlbaredisn once es baehre hhtguohtlA gnuo Y.P (muide mlatnemnorivn eelgni san istnemevorpm if oseiraicifene belpitlum et al., noitacol ltaneicif fee hgtninima xker oewltt inle esb aehre h,t)stifen erbet a fweos aec h nt2i891 r,oslortn oecso hydtbetcef fe araaid eemlpitl unme hr,wosecru oeslpitl usmsor csalortn ofco e hfntooitacol le ahfto costse rtaa hstmelbo rnpoitazimit ploanoitnevn oeck i.l lnoUrtn ofco ylpm ies rwaoll otfa hsttcef fleanoitubirts ied hhtci hrw odf n,aemoct utoneicif fee hrt odfevlos n adc nlaed oem h ntdietneserp eer rsanrecn olcanoitubirts ied hstisyla nra u no,idebircsed * ls le yec r tnrs;o,i n uiefnsooeof ro rsChs ohuiyelctet ttstvaMRniuiiie wFvlnmfiaUnoD uoeQrhitvnE Maryland, Baltimore County. 1 ,nitsuA ,kcinpurK dnallennoCcM 4 3F-F7R9 ot nmielbo rep hstmrofsna rntoitacol ltas o fcsoisyla n ea. heTmoct utoneicif fee hetcneulfni .ycneicif f fenoa hrteht ayrmono cleacitil o fpeono d n,aseus seise hetnima xoyettinutrop peouq i snaeudivo reps ay caeBkaepase heChT sts oectacol losaty aewtairporp ptauo bsathg i.s knrIowema rlfacityla ndaeif i nooonaisdtu gnillortn ofscots oe chntgis sow atothuo beatab eydcil otpnerr ue chngtonira eebv alhliw y asmts o fctonemngis se.a hdTetcef fea raaid ermet adw nra ihat onbe hxw OeNnrobria -e-cru ohsc atdeaetutits nstiia hltortn oscnoissi mfteonuo me ah,tnr un,tiecneulf nyiltcerid snoitalucl ascsenevitceffe-ts oe chott nriet nheci hswts o)cdengis sr aod(etacol lease hstrtiiof .ecru ohsc atsealortn oscnoissi mtenuo mlaamit pe ohetnimret etdaht seav ayhtila urqet a nwsolortn oscnoissi mre i fasotcef fee h ntsoeidu tssuoiverP ll adengis ytil a rusniqloaort neosc esfhtotca p emghintiro n,gsitife nreeb t ealohwottrt nsfotoc s eofhcot nahc e.PH .tEnese rexpwidne p .pnn saaIl(ev eeltalucitr ad pneano ztoneib mdaecud ehrguorht )s. i yheaTkBaepas e ehnnhCoititcu deetrar tsfiton sdoectami t)s6e9 9'1s(etaico sdsnAa .lsol ro trw ntosonHncooci s hsrgiium aoenrohittu lr legotnpa iw sc stuefesdhotoetacrtsrevo ,secru ossnoissi meetaraps indeewt eslbal esrwaet ad wnr ainaeewt e,bdetacol ledabluo hsstsoc .snoits edueqrewsn anniua m,eercr uho csntaeaekatre ddenlbuu olhosrt nho cc wudomnha pol e.v seeedWus seise hfetom ogsnivlos edrraw ostpe ttssr iefm ossek artep aspihT le d toacmurts n. osectWniartsn oscuoir arved nluortn oscnoissi mleamit pfsooled olmareves stifen erb iyarallic neare htw u,bed irset aew h nt sodiradna tlsatnemnoriv nyel neo hetrehw ere hews ae chetnima xo es. lre aoWdfetnuoc cd andaezingoc ee rrlaortn oscnoissi mmeorf sis a sabeavir e. edsWdradna tystila urqet adw nra ihat oebveih ctas ulmortn oscnoissi mxeON elp m riaesd nsutnemevorp myitila urqet ar woyfgetar tlsortn olcamit pe ohntosirapm orcof 2 ,nitsuA ,kcinpurK dnallennoCcM 4 3F-F7R9 cost-minimizationy byln odeniartsno cs idn aytilau qri an istifene byr allicn aserong itah temiger the water standard. xO Neh tf orebmu ntnacifingi saesuaceB r ae fry aaeBkaepase he Chgtnitcef fsaecruos y aemre h,tsnoissi mreie h ntsolortn omco rsftifen eeb h ftroew eyfoj nlel idw n,a t fidoniwpu ret ayw adBevorp mri osfnoissi mgenillortn o ocstnoig edrniw pmuo refcnatsis eerr oemb . mAelbo rep h otsttniartsn oycmono cleacitil ogpnid d yaybtilibiss ospi hstserd d. eayWtilauq r osfecnerefe rgpnireff itdneserp e ordte s sutiniartsn oycmono cleacitil o fpdon itknereffid ytilau qri an istnemevorpmi versus feocneulf n ei hettagitsev n oi stsuwol lsa i. hyTtila urqetaw n o)psuecud ostrtipife nreeb t d arntwiana i eorhjet veoc (rn uiaoh stsinwoitaco ltl saloocrtnoc t oe nrsanoitacol l ta.s soeCcru osssor csalortn oscnoissi mfneooitubirts id dnsalev ellamitpo e. hsTecru onseewt esbtnemy aepd iesvlov nois lna atc u,bsesicre xgenitnuoc chac u osdtetimil lortn oe chgtnic aefso hfstoecnerefe re phndtonep eldl idwe sduoht enmoitacol ltas ofdconik e r,asnoisic endoitacol ltas oncrev ohgci h,wstniartsn o"cssenria fd "n"aytilanoita r.e "shtTsoc .noitull o fptoropsna rrt ilaanoiger-sna rmto rgfnisi rsaeus sginisserd d natinavel eyrllaicepse fnooitacol le ahttcef fsatniartsn olcacitil oepse hw toe heosestir ethseret nriuO emissions controls across sources. sisa beh ts ades ue byletamitl ulli were hdetneser psledo mehT sisylan alaciripm en arof dnet xlel iswisyla n ea. hyT aeB h otstgnida otlneirt uencud e orsteicil oepvitceffe-ts ofco edul cdo,nntsiaevitanre tylcai ltfroeoeps d k at o)oaoao6rtl9b 9k1 r(roewil rsa'enahceP laciteroe hrt udo n,asetamit stes osc'nahc e nPdoe s. asBisyla nea h ntsitifen e)bri ay(rallicna lanoitida retr o omdterapm odc nyallacirip mdeetamit s eenb asceicil olpamit p,osledom sdradna tlsatnemnoriv ne e hf"toseci rwpodah se "h,tnoiti d. dsnaeIicil olportn od cndanammoc 3 ,nitsuA ,kcinpurK dnallennoCcM 4 3F-F7R9 tneirt ufsnoeci rwpoda hodsterapm od cndaetamit sen ebascecru or simao rsfgnida ox lOrNof . ssln oo f riodxtte On c sfeNoyu naIr cede,ob ueherei-ttutr actruud onceofftautoldaaewbr feoci rwpoda hrsew oel hst ahhci h)wret a rwroi am(uid eem hmto rtfsr iefm odcluo hssgnidaol control. II. COST MINIMIZATION floortn oec httfi h os etlbl i"wstifen eybrallicn ad"ellac- ors ogfnitnuoc c fatocef feehT ftonuo mnaev irag osftifen eybrallic nraetae rggnitaren esgecru odsraw ostnoissi mxeON t o snyitila urq ieare hew nmoo rrfeff iyd aemmoct uso i. hrTet aew h ntnioitcud esrgnidaol stcef fee hgtnitagitsev ndino y. edBradna ttase eoms ltas utm u,btifen eybrallic n nadaeredisnoc suoir a fvsotcef fee hrtedisn oocs l ea,wsdradna tlsatnemnoriv n fesonoitanibm otcnereff ifdo snoissi myrnebooitac oydlbezinag rsopuo rtgser e.t sntIs olcortn ogcnitacol lfsaodohtem neiviec eyre hsttifen eeb hhtct a omntoitapicitr arpie httim i olntetaer hytlbide ryc aemcruos r oyf a opstsengnill irwe veotab e sdeire h ft,iylevitanre t. leAcru orsie h t tranooig errieht ,r odfetnuoc c eoadbte ey nasmecnerefe rlpaudivid n,istnemevorp myitila u)q-r ir ao-(retaw hsttiswoc withinstifen erbet adw nra idae cudorp-yltni oej h otdtetacol lsaecru olsaudividni nfooitaco lllaami tet phs.otaer ct r n eut odWoatceshactud osrlpe veevlit a gleonehtirtdrocca noissime controlsled onmoitazimin itms oecsac-es a yabdbeilp m sitia hhwt iswecru osssorca .tegr ayttila urqe t yyaablw ndoeniartsnoc 4 ,nitsuA ,kcinpurK dnallennoCcM 4 3F-F7R9 led okmramhcn ee bhn,ti)589 1g(rebneti endTie snuoitat oe nhgtnitpodA we seek to re vsots olcortn olcat oetziminim J sed inxeogor tsfieoncruos 1 l aet c o tu ntta deeshewvutrimg stim idlehsilbatse-e repm o osgtnida oxl OyNaB W h fctoaae I .f sIn(oitac otlnemerusaem i timi len odn anoitaco lelgni sayln oe blli wereh t,dexi mylmrofin uer asgnidaol W , but for ).snoitaco lelpitlu memuss alli we wytilareneg gnitteL c ( r ) tn ee shtgetsnro ipcfceourder j j ecru o tssanoissi mxeON j tnuo mea h ytb r leve lsnoissim eenilesa bemo smor f- - e --dna j j noitcn uef hgtnittel L ( (cid:215)) pam xON ecru o tssanoissi me j et i tssagnida oyl aoBtni i, eht ji secru ols lsasor csanoitcud eerso h fttos oectagerg gea hetzimin i omytlpm i sseivitcejbo : seivitcej b.e oshtTegr ayttila urqet ae whgtniveih cotatcejbus J ( ) (cid:229) nim C( R) =nim c r , (1) j j rj rj j=1 subject to J ( ) (cid:229) - W + L e - r £ 0 (2) i ji j j j=1 sgnida otla hgtnirus sfya oaewvisnep xtesa ee lhdtn iosftke ersotalug ee rh, tstiahT L ji ( ) ,dellats nei rsalortn orcet fganiniam esrnoissi mee hfto e - r , are no greater than the j j 1 tI si na ne pnooitseu qwoh esoht J ee hv dti el rob uke t nordrfowou oiwo.sdn ee ttncxAe e leseresacruos optimal extent of a regulatory region. ,hrrcoeitwh aowgnlp n eueifeg vdfwesdlaotrilorehuvtbTonwi ylbamuser psi retaerg eht rewe fsecruos taht tsum e,bdellort ndonca stsoc l afton elmonrotrniovcne --sa gnidnetxe eht yradnuob dluoc rewol stsoc yb gnitaerc desaercni sniag morf gnidart revo a regral ,tekram sallew sa ylbissop gnignirb egral snoissime secruos rednu eht lortnoc fo eht.rotaluger 5 ,nitsuA ,kcinpurK dnallennoCcM 4 3F-F7R9 dradna tystila urqet adwesopmi Wnev ieg r,asecru ossnoissi mle lrae vdoemm u,ssts olca t. oT i yb C(R). snoitcud etra hntev imgumit p noeaveih c oaT r etbs u s-mea-vitagen-n oetnbsum j reilpitl uemgnarG aeLht l snoitidn orcekcuT-nh ue Kh-) t-2nd(iradna tlsatnemnoriv ne ehnto i (see, e.g.,,noitazimin itms orc onfoit idn orcedro-tsr iyf ee.k hdTeifsit a estbs u)m29 9,1nairaV :s i,wole bnialpx ee whcihw ¶ c I j - (cid:229) l L ‡ 0 . (3) ¶ r i ji j i=1 osl as inoitidno cssenkcal syratnemelpmo casseln udeveihc ae bto nlli wnoitazimini mtsoC snoissi mxe OsN tsiecud eyrllamit ptoa hetcru oysre vre otfa hgtnieetnara u,gdeifsitas (i.e., r esreacr u lo,lstan imoupmi t e,pthsoatd r.roye w thnitIloa uhq t e t)isne3wiom(itid n,o)c0> j "sec iwropda h es mfh" euotlhsat usqte sloocrt nloacnig rraim eehrt edohetwllortnoc l feoht i sgnida oel h ytdbethgi e,wsdradna tlsatnemnorivne Ly ahBc a tesanoissi mxe OrNie h fto ji ta hsteilp m) i3,(es a)cgnix immrofi nr uor(otpec eerlgn ie .shr rtooFtpecer sources are controlled to where the ratios of their marginal control costs, MC , to their Bay loading j factors L are all equal: j MCj = l = MCj¢ Lj Lj¢ for any sources j and j' tdoln uso iwehvtei hhoc gta oisohtt sloacnig rha tmsiew c.r uoS .snoissi mreie hetcuder taa hetrehwes lnewo hnse esb a thti u,bta iyfrotalug e yrdbeveih c eanb aecmoct usoihT fsognida ollat ogtnicudo rspnoissi mr eosftimr eepre h,whcaorp ptaimr eeplbada r,tdesab-tekram W at each receptor ilaiti nr io)f279 1y(remogtn o eM.e eSm(oct ueom ae shetveih cn aac i 6

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