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Effects of Soil Moisture on Ecophysiological Characteristics of Adiantum reniforme var. sinensis, an Endangered Fern Endemic to the Three Gorges Region in China PDF

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Preview Effects of Soil Moisture on Ecophysiological Characteristics of Adiantum reniforme var. sinensis, an Endangered Fern Endemic to the Three Gorges Region in China

on of Moisture Ecophysiological Effects Soil Adiantum Characteristics of reniforme var. sinensis, an Endangered Fern Endemic Three Gorges the to Region China in — stract. The effects of soil moisture (80%, 60% and 40% water holding capacity) on dry matter Auction and allocation, leaf morphological and physiological characteristics were examined in iantum reniforme var. sinensis, an endangered fern endemic to the Three Gorges region in ithwest China. Drought stress decreased leaf growth and photosynthetic capacity, and hence uced total mass, specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf area ratio (LAR). Dry matter allocation into the fraction, however, increased with decreasing soil moisture. Leaf relative water content (RWC) t :reased as soil water depletion, but the differences were insignificant. Such results might be the u of a physiological balance between the demand for water by the leaves and the water uptake It n by The soil the roots. decrease in stomatal conductance effectively controlled water loss (g s ) sic water use efficiency (WUEi) under drought The increase in proline stress. ute to osmotic adjustment, and hence sustained cytomembrane integrality in under drought conditions. i m reniforme var. sinensis, ecophysiological characteristics, fern, soil moisture Depending on environmental conditions, plants can morphology, alter their biomass and allocation, physiological processes adapt changing to to environments (Via et al., 1995; Sultan, 2001). In order to evade or decrease the influences of water stress, plants can alter various functional traits such as: root/shoot ratio (R/S), specific leaf area (SLA) (Turner, 1997; Marcelis et al, and 1998; Liu Stiitzel, 2004), stomatal regulation, and osmotic adjustment (Liu and Stiitzel, 2002a; 2002b). However, there are few studies that address the ability of ferns to respond to soil water deficiency. Adiantum reniforme var. sinensis Y.X. Lin, an evergreen fern of the family m Adiantaceae, only 80-480 Wanzhou is distributed at elevations in District and Shizhu County Chongqing The of Municipality 1993; Shi 2005). (Xie, et al., range of this species lies within the Three Gorges region of Yangtze River, China. Due to overexploitation and the Three Gorges number Project construction, the and distribution of A. reniforme and var. sinensis are decreasing quickly this now species is listed as endangered in the Chinese red data book (Fu, 1992). The main habitats of A. reniforme var. sinensis are or steeply sloped cliffs rocks with Such thin soil. conditions result in frequent water (mean stress soil Corresponding Ming Wuhan * author. Xi Academy Jiang, Botanical Garden, Chinese of Sciences, LIAO ET ECOPHYSIOLOGICAL AL.: R water content ± 2.2% 50% is 12.8 (w/w), approximately of water holding A capacity). Previous studies of reniforme var. sinensis have focused on spore and Xu propagation genetic diversity (Xie, 1993; et al, 1998; Pan et 2005). al., work has been done on Little the ecophysiological aspects of the species, especially as relates to ability to grow in such drought prone it its habitats. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of soil moisture on dry matter production and morphological and allocation, leaf physiological We characteristics. hypothesized that drought stress could change these ecophysiological characteristics differently, and these changes might compen- sate for the shortage of water during drought periods. The information A obtained will be useful in designing an effective conservation plan for Material and Methods and Plant material growth conditions.—Unlike members other of the genus, A cm reniforme var. sinensis a single-leaf fern, 5-20 The leaves are is tall. A cm kidney-shaped circular or (2-6 in diameter). Spores of reniforme var. Wanzhou sinensis were collected from 30'N, 108 Chong- District (30 17'E), qing, Southwest China, and germinated in October 2004 in the laboratory. When cm sporelings reached 2.5 (17 months after germinating), the healthy and uniform were and cm X plants selected transplanted into 21 (diameter) cm 15 (height) pots (six sporelings per pot), filled with a mixture of leaf mold, peat soil and sand v/v/v). The pots were placed in a growth chamber (2:1:1, 2 with a 13 h photoperiod, a photon flux density (PFD) of 360 jimol itT \ s 70% C humidity and These relative 24 air temperature. values represented the A mean values of natural habitats of reniforme var. sinensis. Three soil water treatments were started on March 25, 2006 and each treatment had three replicates. For the well-watered treatment, plants were watered to 20.6% (80% of water holding capacity (WHC)). Similarly, for the middle and severe water- WHC), stress treatments, water was added to 15.5% (60% of 10.3% (40% of WHC), respectively. The pots were watered every other day and the soil water were by commonly-used weight method. contents controlled May Measurements.— weeks Photosynthetic PFD- Six later (10 2006), response curves were measured with a portable gas exchange measuring C0 system USA). and temperature (LI-6400, Li-Cor, Lincoln, air in the leaf 2 moP PFD chamber were maintained 360 umol 1 and 24 C, respectively. at -1 m~ 2 m" 2 A 800 umol 1 and decreased stepwise umol started s" to at s . new was time interval of 90 given for the leaf to equilibrate to the conditions s in each measurement. Saturation PFD, compensation PFD, and PFD-saturated were Leaf water use photosynthetic rate (P estimated. intrinsic efficiency max ) was P and conductance (WUEi) calculated using stomatal saturation max at (g s ) PFD. Chlorophyll (Chi) was extracted using ethanol and acetone v/v). The (1:2, concentrations Chi a and Chi b in extracts were determined from of absorbances 663 and 645 nm, respectively, with a UV-2100 spectrophotom- at eter (Unico, Shanghai, China). Leaf relative water content (RWC) was AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 98 1 < indicate significant differences (P 0.05). Dry matter accumnlation (g) LA 2 (cm (%WHC) Root Stem Leaf a Total plant ) i 5:5 ESS S±Kf 3 izr^ 0.273 W measured -W as [(W )/(W X100] according Bans and Weatherley r to d d s ) Membrane (1962). stability index (MSI) was calculated (1-CVC X100 as 2 ) according to the method of Sairam et (1997/1998). Five leaf discs cm al. (0.7 diameter) were immersed in twice-distilled water 24 C 30 min. The at for was DDS-11A electrical conductivity (CJ recorded by conductormeter a min (Shanghai, China). After 15 boiling water bath, the conductivity was when measured the temperature reduced about 24 C to (C Proline content in 2 ). 3% was leaves extracted aqueous in solution of sulphosalicylic acid and determined by method Zhang the of et (1990). After measurements were al. all made, were six intact individuals harvested from the three replicate pots. Total was leaf area (LA) determined using a portable leaf area meter (Li-Cor-3000, NE, USA) Lincoln, before samples were C all dried in an oven 80 at for at least 72 h. Leaf area per unit leaf mass (specific leaf area, SLA), leaf area per unit of mass total (leaf area ratio, LAR), root mass per unit of mass mass total (root RMR) and mass/shoot mass ratio, root (R/S were determined according ratio) to Hunt (1978). Statistical analysis.— Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 13.0 for windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). All means were expressed with their ANOVA standard and compared error (± SE) using one-way by followed least < significant difference (LSD) post-hoc analysis (P 0.05). Results Dry matter production and The allocation.— and stem differences in root mass between the water treatments were and mass insignificant, but leaf total WHC were WHC 40% significantly lower under 80% than under that (Table 1). LA was significantly smaller under lower water The treatments. ratios of leaf area to leaf mass (SLA) and to total mass (LAR) were also smaller under lower RMR water treatments and (Fig. 1). R/S, however, increased with the decrease Photosynthetic and characteristics water use For efficiency.— three soil water treatments, net photosynthetic rate (P increased rapidly and reached n ) their constant PFD at similar saturation Table P however, (Fig. 2, 2). max , decreased as soil moisture decreased and was there a significant difference WHC between 40% and 80% treatments (Table compensation Contrarily, 2). LIAO ET ECOPHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES TO SOIL WATER AL.: 275 •Q in 220 65 "I' III ~ 0.4 ill ill 60% 40% 80% 60% 40% 80% WHC) Water (% treatments Effe isture on leaf and root characteristics of A. reniforme var. sinensi Fig. 1. LAR, RMR, mass R/S, root/shoot Data are the specific leaf rea; le if area ratio; root ratio; ratio. ± SEofsixreplicates. Di fferent letters in each graph indicate significant differences (P<0.0 3 — •— 60% — \ *— 40% 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 100 m"V) PFD umol ( moisture on photon flux density (PFD) response curve of net photosynt Fig. 2. Effects of soil CO rate of A. nuufnrnw var. sinensis. P„ were measured at concentration of 360 umol n (I'J z 2 and temperature of 24 C, with PFD values ranging from to 800 umol in s~\ Data are the n ± SE of three replicates. 30 AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 98 (2008) 1 Table Effects of moisture on photosynthetic 2. soil characteristics of A. reniforme var. sinensis. PFD, photon flux density; P PFD-saturated photosynthetic and WUE,, max rate; stomatal g , s conductance and intrinsii watei ua effi( iency at saturation PFD, respectively. Data are the means column indicat, significant differences (P<0.05). i 3 P PFD PFD Saturation WUEi max g s m (%WHC) m (Limol 2 s" 1 (umol m" 2 s" 1 (mol 2 (umol mol s *) *) ) ) E2 80% Sis §2" BIB 60% 40% ± a 30.67 3.10 P-Value PFD WHC was 40% under the highest condition. At saturation PFD, water WUEj stress significantly reduced but was not changed. significantly g s , Chlorophyll membrane content, relative water content, index and stability content— proline Content of Chi a and Chi a+b decreased with the decrease of soil moisture and there were significant differences between 40% and 80% WHC treatments (Table 3). Soil water status, however, did not affect Chi b content and Chi alb. RWC Leaf and MSI among did not differ the water treatments, but proline content increased with significantly water soil depletion (Table 4). Phenotypic plasticity plays an important role in the ability of plants to adapt changing environments by to buffering the on effect of natural selection acting genotypes Ge (Scheiner, 1993; et al, 2004). In the present study, water soil status strongly affected the growth and physiological characteristics of A. LA reniforme and var. sinensis. photosynthetic capacity declined with decreasing which moisture, soil resulted in a decrease of leaf mass and thus mass under total drought However, stress. the decreases and mass in leaf total were SLA LAR less than in LA, so and reduced under drought stress too. In contrast, dry matter (RMR allocation into the root fraction and R/S) was significantly higher under drought than under stress well-watered treatment. These might be the result of a physiological balance between demand the for Table Effects of moisture on 3. soil chlorophyll (Chi) content of A. reniforme Data var. sinensis. means are the ± SE m of three replicates. Different each column letters indicate significant d ffe (P<0.05). (%WHC) g'DW) Chi a (mg Chi o (mg g~ 7 DW) g^DW) Chi Chi a+b (mg i ¥ ± a 0.07 ! 4.89 0.46 60% ab ± 0.19* 4.32 0.22 llb a °' D.12 ± b 3.94 0.12 E, oL* P-Value o LIAO ET ECOPHYSK STATUS AL.: lTER ) RWC (%WHC) MSI Treatments (%) ( RWC, water by the leaves and the water uptake from by the The the soil roots. common index for estimating water status in leaves (Hsiao, 1973), did not decrease significantly under drought further indicated maintaining stress, A may water balance be one strategy for remforme var. sinensis to acclimate to changing water conditions. In this study, and P decreased significantly under drought stress, max g s WUEi whereas did not change and the values increased. This statistically A under drought indicated stomatal regulation of reniforme sinensis var. With decreased photosynthesis but effectively controlled water the stress loss. increase of water Chi a decreased but Chi b did not change soil stress, Therefore, the decreased Chi a content might be another reason significantly. under photosynthesis decrease drought. for many Water the accumulation of proline in species (Delauney deficit triggers and Verma, 1993; Yin et 2005; Bertamini et 2006). Significantly higher al., al., proline contents in lower soil moisture were also found in A. reniforme var. may sinensis. The accumulation of proline contribute to maintaining proper between and osmolarity under water balance extra-cellular intracellular stress. cytomembrane and Therefore MSI, an indicator of integrality in structure compared normal water remained almost unaffected treatment, function, to could osmotic adjustment such as proline. partly attribute to and morphological physiological In conclusion, dry matter allocation, leaf A and were acquire responses of reniforme var. sinensis beneficial to utilize soil However, water and hence survive under critically drought conditions. the and such mass, photosynthetic capacity chlorophyll fitness-related as total traits, 80% WHC, content, were highest under which revealed that A. reniforme var. higher moisture photosynthetic carbon gain. This sinensis favors soil for its is A which showed reniforme consistent with previous investigation, that var. grew moist but well-drained slope habitats than others (Xie, sinensis better in The however, few and dispersed and 1993; Shi et 2005). favored habitats, are al., are disturbed by human activities and the ongoing construction of the Three A mainly on Gorges Project. Currently, reniforme var. sinensis is distributed cliffs or steeply sloped bare rocks with thin soil, which water stress appears frequently and few human disturbances (Pan et al., 2005; Shi et al., 2005). Thus, for the management effective conservation of the endangered species, a of the remaining should be taken provide conservation to sufficient natural habitats or ex-situ which biomass accumulation. water essential for efficient availability is AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 98 1 (2006BAC10B01). i D Barrs, H. and P Wi in i.n \, xamination oflh latne I'll, turgidity I rt te estimating of water deficits in leaves. Aust. Biol. Sri. 15:413^128. J. minimw Bi:ki wiim. M.. I, Zi um, k. M, and N. Ni m.hkxiuav 2006. in Effect of \ photosynthetic and other physiological responses in grapevine vinitrra \ 'itis ( plants. Photosynthetica 44:151-154. Dklai nkv. A. and D. P. S. Verma. 1993. Proline biosynthesis and osmoregulation J. ir data book- endangered i plants. Pp. 438. and Gi an . by iffected soil moisture. Photos., nthelii a Rev. Plant Physiol. 24:519-E Plant Growth Edwa Analysis. . to soil drying. Eur. Agron. i 1 J. Stutzel. 2002b. Leaf expansion, [Amaranthus i sp.) in response Soc. 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