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Effects of short-range electron-electron interactions in doped graphene Faluke Aikebaier, Anna Pertsova, and Carlo M. Canali Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden We study theoretically the effects of short-range electron-electron interactions on the electronic structure of graphene, in the presence of single substitutional impurities. Our computational ap- proachisbasedontheπorbitaltight-bindingapproximationforgraphene,withtheelectron-electron interactions treated self-consistently at the level of the mean-field Hubbard model. We compare explicitly non-interacting and interacting cases with varying interaction strength and impurity po- tentialstrength. Wefocusinparticularontheinteraction-inducedmodificationsinthelocaldensity 5 ofstatesaroundtheimpurity,whichisaquantitythatcanbedirectlyprobedbyscanningtunneling 1 spectroscopy of doped graphene. We find that the resonant character of the impurity states near 0 the Fermi level is enhanced by the interactions. Furthermore, the size of the energy gap, which 2 opensupathigh-symmetrypointsoftheBrillouinzoneofthesupercellupondoping,issignificantly affectedbytheinteractions. Thedetailsofthiseffectdependsubtlyonthesupercellgeometry. We n use a perturbative model to explain these features and find quantitative agreement with numerical a results. J 9 PACSnumbers: 73.22.Pr,71.55.-i,31.15.aq,71.10.Fd 2 ] I. INTRODUCTION spurious screening effects, e.g. dielectric screening from l l the substrate, should be avoided. This makes undoped a h Graphene–atwo-dimensionalallotropeofcarbon,has high-quality suspended graphene an ideal platform for - studyingtheeffectsoflong-rangeelectron-electroninter- s attracted considerable attention in recent years, largely e due to its remarkable electronic properties stemming actions.4 On the contrary, in the case of graphene on a m substrate or in the presence of disorder and impurities from the massless-Dirac-fermion nature of its low-energy these effects are less relevant. . quasiparticlestates.1 Mostoftheelectronicpropertiesof t a graphene that have been studied experimentally can be In particular, doping introduces a finite density of m well described by non-interacting single-particle theory. states at the Dirac point of graphene and the long-range - However, electron-electron interactions in graphene are part of the Coulomb potential is screened. In this case, d expected to be strong. In undoped clean graphene, the short-rangeinteractionsbecomecrucial. Iftheseinterac- n densityofstatesattheFermilevelvanishesandtherefore tionsarefairlystrong,theycanleadtointerestingeffects o the Coulomb potential is not screened.2,3 Recent experi- on the electronic structure, especially on the impurity c [ mentshaveshownthatunscreenedCoulombinteractions statesinthevicinityoftheFermilevel. Infact,estimates lead to reshaping of the ideal conical energy dispersion of the on-site Hubbard U parameter in carbon-based 1 expectedingraphene.4 Moreprecisely,theFermivelocity molecules9,10 suggest that the short-range Coulomb in- v 6 near the Dirac point acquires a logarithmic correction as teractions among π-electron in graphene can be indeed 2 a result of interactions. quite large, i.e. of the order of 10 eV. A similar value is 5 From a theoretical viewpoint, it can be shown that obtained by accurate ab initio calculations.11 7 this logarithmic enhancement arises from the non-local In this paper, we study the effects of short-range 0 exchange interaction, already at the level of the first- electron-electron interactions on the electronic structure . 1 orderHartree-Fockperturbationtheory.5 Hence,itisthe of doped graphene. We should note that the impor- 0 long-range nature of the electron-electron interactions in tance of impurity effects in graphene has been addressed 5 graphene that is responsible for the logarithmic correc- in many theoretical studies.12–18 A number of interest- 1 tion, the most striking interaction effect observed so far ing features have been revealed, including the opening : v inthismaterialintheabsenceofexternalmagneticfields. of the gap upon doping13,14 and the appearance of im- Xi Asaresult,theoreticalworkhasmostlyfocusedoninves- purity (acceptor or donor) states in the vicinity of the tigations of long-range interactions in graphene, using a Fermi level.12,17 There is also a great interest in ad- r a variety of techniques ranging from mean field6 to renor- dressing these properties experimentally19–21 since dop- malization group approaches.7,8 inggraphenewithimpuritiesisonewaytofurtherexplore Itshouldbenoted, however, thatthereareseveralim- and tune its electronic, magnetic and transport prop- portant conditions that need to be satisfied in order to erties. However, the interplay of short-range electron- observe significant long-range interaction effects exper- electroninteractionsandimpuritypotentialsingraphene imentally. It is necessary to be able to probe a wide has not yet been fully explored. range of carrier concentrations and to tune the Fermi We use a single-band (π orbital) tight-binding (TB) level sufficiently close the Dirac point, where the renor- model to describe the electronic structure of graphene. malization of the Fermi velocity is expected to be dra- A supercell method is employed to study the effects of matic due to the vanishing density of states. Moreover, finite doping. A substitutional impurity is introduced 2 in the TB Hamiltonian as a local modification of the tingtheTBbandstructurestodensityfunctionaltheory on-site potential at the impurity site. Here we focus on calculations, namely ε =0 and t =−2.97 eV.22 i ij attractiveimpuritypotentials,mimickingnitrogenimpu- ThethirdterminEq.(1)representsthelocalimpurity rity atoms which are typical dopants in graphene.19 The potential,withU beingtheimpuritypotentialstrength im short-range interactions are described by means of the (U <0 for attractive impurity). In our calculations we im Hubbard model in the mean-field approximation, which use U =−10 eV and U =−20 eV in order to obtain im im isthesimplestwayoftreatingthemany-bodyinteracting visible trends for the impurity states in the vicinity of problem. Interactiontermsareintroducedateachsitein the Fermi level. the TB Hamiltonian. We use a numerical self-consistent Thelasttermdescribestheon-siteinteractionbetween schemetoaccountforaredistributionofelectroniccharge two electrons with opposite spins on site i (including the around the impurity caused by interactions. As the out- impuritysite), withU (U ≥0)beingtheHubbardU pa- put of our numerical calculations, we obtain the band rameter,whichexpressesthestrengthoftheintra-atomic structure and the local density of states (LDOS) around Coulomb repulsion. Here n is the number operator, iσ the impurity site. Furthermore, we calculate scanning defined as n = c† c . We consider U = 0, or non- iσ iσ iσ tunneling microscopy (STM) images by integrating the interacting case, and U =9.3 eV, which is the value ob- LDOSoverasmallenergywindowabovetheFermilevel. tainedforgrapheneusingtheconstrainedRandomPhase By using this approach, we show that short-range in- Approximation method.11 In order to extract the trends teractions introduce several remarkable features in the intheelectronicstructurewithincreasingtheinteraction electronic structure of doped graphene. Importantly, strength we also use a larger value of U =20 eV. they enhance the resonant character of states localized In the mean-field approximation, the two-body inter- in real space around the impurity, which are induced in action term in Eq. (1) becomes the vicinity of the Dirac point. The complex interplay between short-range interactions and impurity potential U(cid:88)n n =U(cid:88)(cid:16)(cid:104)n (cid:105)c† c +(cid:104)n (cid:105)c† c (cid:17), (2) is also responsible for non-trivial gaps at high-symmetry i↑ i↓ i↓ i↑ i↑ i↑ i↓ i↓ i i crossingpointsinthebandstructureofgraphene,inpar- ticular at the Dirac point. where (cid:104)n (cid:105) is the average electron occupation number, iσ The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we in- or density, for spin-up (σ =↑) and spin-down (σ =↓) troduce our TB model and describe how the impurity electrons. Here we consider a non spin-polarized case so potential and short-range interactions are incorporated that (cid:104)n (cid:105)=(cid:104)n (cid:105). i↑ i↓ in the Hamiltonian. We also provide some details of the InpristinegraphenewiththeFermilevelexactlyatthe self-consistent supercell calculations. Our findings are Diracpoint,theaverageelectronoccupationnumberisa described in Sec. III. In particular, in Sec. IIIA we fo- constant equal to 1/2. Adding a mean-field field on-site cus on the effects of interactions on the band structure potential does not break the translational invariance of of graphene and on some issues related to the super- the crystal and the average occupation number remains cell geometry. In Sec. IIIB we discuss the changes in constant. In fact, in orthogonal basis such a potential theresonantcharacteroftheLDOSaroundtheimpurity merely introduces a rigid shift of the energy bands (note for varying impurity potential strength and interaction that in non-orthogonal basis the interplay between the strength. The comparison between the simulated STM overlap integrals and the on-site interactions can lead to topographies for non-interacting and interacting cases is renormalization of the Fermi velocity23). provided. Finally, we draw some conclusions. However, the presence of both mean-field on-site in- teractions and impurity potential can lead to non-trivial effects in the electronic structure. In this case, the po- II. METHODOLOGY tential at each site depends on the average occupation number (cid:104)n (cid:105), which is not necessarily the same on all iσ Thesecond-quantizedHamiltonianforinteractingelec- sites. As a result, when a carbon atom is replaced by trons on a honeycomb lattice in the presence of impurity an impurity, there will be a redistribution of electronic can be written as charge in the system. In order to capture this effect, we need to perform self-consistent calculations for the (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) H = ε c† c + t c† c +U c† c +U n n . Hamiltonian in Eq. (1) and (2). i iσ iσ ij iσ jσ im 0σ 0σ i↑ i↓ At each step of the self-consistent cycle, the average iσ (cid:104)i,j(cid:105)σ i (1) occupation number for site i is calculated as Here c† and c are the creation and annihilation op- terataorresioσfno-rsieteleceitnσreorngieosnasnidtehiopapnidngwpitahrasmpeinterσs;, rεeispaencd- (cid:104)niσ(cid:105)= N1 (cid:88)occ(cid:12)(cid:12)bkiσ(cid:12)(cid:12)2, (3) ij k tively. Only hopping between nearest neighbors on the honeycomb lattice is included. We assume that the TB where N is the number of k-points in the Brillouin zone parameters are uniform, except for the on-site energy at andbk arethecoefficientsintheexpansionsofthewave- iσ the impurity site, and we use the values obtained by fit- functions of the Hamiltonian in terms of the localized 3 atomic orbitals |iσ(cid:105). These are obtained by diagonaliza- tion of the Hamiltonian at each k-point. The sum runs over all occupied states up to the Fermi level. Note that all calculations are done at half-filling. Asinitialvaluesweusetheoccupationnumberscalcu- latedforanon-interactingproblem,i.e. forasupercellof graphene with impurity (U (cid:54)=0) and with U =0. The im criterion of self-consistency is (cid:88)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:104)n (cid:105)s−(cid:104)n (cid:105)s−1(cid:12)(cid:12)<η, (4) (cid:12) iσ iσ (cid:12) iσ wheresistheindexoftheself-consistentcycleandη isa small parameter (we choose η = 10−7). We use a linear mixing scheme, in which the input density (cid:104)n (cid:105)s+1 at iσ in steps+1iscalculatedasalinearcombinationofoutputs (cid:104)n (cid:105)s and (cid:104)n (cid:105)s−1 from two previous steps iσ out iσ out (cid:104)n (cid:105)s+1 =(1−λ)(cid:104)n (cid:105)s−1+λ(cid:104)n (cid:105)s , (5) iσ in iσ out iσ out where λ is the mixing coefficient; we use λ = 0.25, which allows us to achieve self-consistency in less than 100 steps. In order to model the effect of finite impurity con- centration, we construct a p × p supercell by replicat- ing a graphene unit cell p time along each of the two- dimensional lattice vectors [see Fig. 1(a)]. The impurity atom substitutes a carbon atom in the supercell. In this work, we use two different supercells with p = 6 and FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) 6×6 supercell of graphene with p = 7. Atomic concentration of the dopants depends on a substitutional impurity. A magenta sphere represents the the size of the supercell so the concentration is slightly impurity atom. Dashed lines mark the unit cell of pristine differentforthetwochoices,namely1.0%fora7×7and graphene and arrows show the primitive lattice vectors. A 1.4% for a 6×6 supercell. It is known that for p = 3q, andBdenotecarbonatomsinthetwoequivalentsublattices. whereqisaninteger,theDiracpointsofgraphene,K and (b)Brillouinzonefoldingingraphene. Shadedarea(1)repre- K(cid:48), are mapped onto the Γ point of the Brillouin zone sentsthefirstBrillouinzoneofap×psupercellofgraphene. of the supercell.13,24,25 as illustrated in Fig. 1(b). This NumberedcurvescorrespondtothefirstBrillouinzoneofthe does not happen if p is not divisible by 3. Therefore, the unit cell for different p: p = 3q − 1 (2), p = 3q (3) and 6×6 supercell is special. As we explain in Sec. IIIA, p = 3q +1. For p = 3q the Dirac points of graphene (K, the effects of impurity potential and interactions in this K(cid:48)) are mapped onto Γ point of the folded Brillouin zone. In other cases, K and K(cid:48) are mapped onto K and K(cid:48) of the case are rather non-trivial. This is the main reason for folded Brillouin zone. considering two different supercell sizes. III. RESULTS respect to a reference case, i.e. non-interacting pristine graphene (U =0 and U =0). In order to examine the im A. Bandstructure features around the gap for different choices of parame- ters,wealignthepositionofthedoublydegeneratestate (seethediscussionbelow)inallcurvesinFig.2(a)-(b)to It is known that the finite amount of doping opens up an energy gap at the Dirac point of graphene.13,15,17 the value found for U =0 for a given impurity potential strength. Here we address the question of how the details of the bandstructure near the gap are affected by interactions. As we mentioned before, in the case of p = 6 both K Westartwithaspecialsupercellgeometryp×p,withp and K(cid:48) are mapped onto Γ point,13,24,25 producing four divisibleby3(p=6inourcalculations). Figure2(a)-(b) degenerate states at Γ in the absence of impurities and showsthebandstructureofthe6×6supercellwithimpu- interactions. When one carbon atom in the supercell is rity potential U =−10 eV and U =−20 eV, respec- substitutedbyanimpurityatom,agapopensupbetween im im tively,forthreevaluesoftheinteractionstrength,U =0, two states at Γ, however the other two states remain U =9.3 eV and U =20 eV. Note that in the bandstruc- degenerate. More precisely, for U = 0 three of the four ture calculations, different impurity potential and inter- states at Γ are degenerate while one of the states moves actionstrengthintroduceashiftoftheenergybandswith away from the Dirac point. This situation is referred to 4 A. Within our model, this effect is solely due to interac- tions (the contribution of sublattice B to the gap is zero in the absence of interactions13). We find the following values for the two gaps at Γ from analytical calculations (seeAppendixAfordetails). Inthenon-interactingcase and U =−10 eV, the large pseudogap is -0.56 eV. For im U =9.3eV,thelargepseudogapdecreasesto0.39eV.At the same time, a small pseudogap of 0.05 eV opens up. For U = 20 eV, the large and small pseudogaps become 0.28eVand0.06eV,respectively. Thesevaluesareallin good agreement with the pseudogaps found in Fig. 2(a). Note that for the larger impurity potential, the trends with increasing U are the same, however for a given U both gaps are larger than in U = −10 eV case. Ana- im lytical calculations using the perturbative model in this case also agree with numerical results. Similar features are found for a regular 7×7 supercell [see Fig. 2(c) and (d)]. Note that the conduction band FIG. 2. (Color online) Bandstructure of doped graphene minima at Γ have been aligned with the reference U =0 along the high-symmetry lines of the Brillouin zone for 6×6 case. Themaindifferencefromthe6×6supercellisthat (a,b) and 7×7 (c,d) supercell, for varying impurity poten- in this case there is a real band gap at K (K(cid:48)). Our tial strength U and interaction strength U. Left panels are im perturbativeanalysisshowsthatthereisnocontribution for U = −10 eV, right panels for U = −20 eV. In each im im panelthreecasesareshown: U =0(black),U =9.3eV(red) from sublattice B to the gap at the Dirac point, if we and U = 20 eV (blue). Horizontal line in (a) and (b) is the assumed that the impurity is substituted in sublattice position of the doubly degenerate state at Γ, adjusted to the A. As in the case of the 6×6 supercell, the size of the value found for U = 0 (see text for details). Horizontal line gap decreases with increasing the interaction strength. in (c) and (d) marks the conduction band maximum, which Analytically, for U = −10 eV we find a gap of 0.20 im has been aligned with the value found for U =0. eV for U = 0, 0.14 eV for U = 9.3 eV and 0.10 eV for U = 20 eV. These values are in good agreement with numerical calculations. Somewhat smaller values of the as the pseudogap13 since there is still a pair of linearly gapscomparedtoa6×6supercellforthesameU andU im dispersed states crossing at the neutrality point. Hence, areexpectedsincetheatomicconcentrationofimpurities effectively there is no band gap for this special supercell is smaller. size. Bandstructure calculations presented in this section One can clearly see from Fig. 2(a) that the size of lead to a conclusion that short-range interactions ef- the pseudogap decreases with increasing the interaction fectively reduce the strength of the impurity potential, strength. On-site interactions cause a redistribution of which results in a decrease of the large gap (pseudogap) charge around the impurity. We find that in the case of at the Dirac point. In oder to see how the character, theattractiveimpuritypotentialU =−10eV,thetotal e.g. the energy and the spatial extent, of the electronic im average occupation at the impurity site decreases from states around the Dirac point is affected by interactions, (cid:104)n (cid:105) = 0.89 in the non-interacting case to (cid:104)n (cid:105) = 0.82 we need to look at the LDOS around the impurity. 0 0 for U = 9.3 eV. The on-site Coulomb repulsion pre- vents extra charge from accumulating on the impurity and therefore the strength of the impurity potential is B. Local density of states effectively reduced. For the impurity potential which is twice stronger, the pseudogap for the same values of U Calculations of LDOS at the impurity site reveal sev- is noticeably larger [see Fig. 2(b)]. eral important features. A substitutional impurity in- Inadditiontoalargepseudogap,forU (cid:54)=0thereisalso troduces electronic states at energies comparable to the a smaller pseudogap which opens up at Γ [see the insets impuritypotential(|U |∼10eV),i.e. farawayfromthe im inFig.2(a)-(b)]. Therearenowonlytwogeneratestates Fermi level. However, there are also states appearing in at Γ, while the other two states shift, respectively, above the vicinity (within ∼ 1 eV) of the Fermi level.12,13,26,27 and below the crossing point. Interestingly, the effect of These states are the most relevant for the low-energy interactions on the small pseudogap is opposite to that electronic properties of graphene and will be examined on the large one, e.g. its value increases with increasing in detail. theinteractionstrength. Aperturbativemodeldescribed Figure3showsthedouble-ormulti-peakimpurityres- inAppendixAsuggeststhatthesmallergapresultsfrom onances close to the Fermi level for the 6×6 and 7×7 thecontributionofthestateslocalizedonsublatticeB,if supercells, respectively, for different impurity potential we assume that the impurity is substituted in sublattice and interaction strengths. The multi-peak structure of 5 gion for U = 9.3 eV. Below we elaborate more on these findings. Increasing U reduces the overall strength of the im- purity potential, which is confirmed by decrease of the energy gap at the Dirac point due to the presence of impurities (Sec. IIIA). However, short-range electron- electron interactions controlled by U do not only change the potential directly at the impurity site but also affect the on-site potential and the charge density around the impurity (primarily nearest and next-nearest neighbors of the impurity atom). Hence, both the amplitude and the spatial extent of the impurity potential is modified by interactions. Let us assume that an attractive impu- rity can be described by a delta-function potential well. Wheninteractionsareincluded,theshapeoftheimpurity potential is smoothed out (it acquires, say, a Gaussian FIG. 3. (Color online) LDOS of doped graphene at the im- shape). Therefore, although the strength of the poten- purity site for 6×6 (a,b) and 7×7 (c,d) supercell, for vary- tial is reduced by a certain amount with increasing U, ing impurity potential strength U and interaction strength the potential can become more long-ranged (in a certain im U. Left panels are for U = −10 eV, right panels for parameterspace). This,inturn,willincreasetheoverlap im Uim = −20 eV. In each panel three cases are shown: U = 0 of the potentials from neighboring cells and enhance the (black),U =9.3eV(red)andU =20eV(blue). Verticallines inter-supercell interaction. mark the position of the Fermi level (see text for details). This seems to be the situation for U = −20 eV and im U =9.3eV,forbothchoicesofthesupercell. Inthiscase, the impurity potential decreases slightly due to interac- the impurity resonances most likely originate from the tions (U < U ), leading to a small decrease of the gap im long-range interaction, or interference, between the im- attheDiracpointcomparedtoU =0case[Fig.2(b)and purity potentials, caused by the periodicity of the super- (d)]. Atthesametime,wefindasignificantdifferencebe- cell geometry.13 tweentheaverageoccupationnumbersofthenearestand With increasing the impurity potential strength, the next-nearest neighbors for U = 0 and U = 9.3 eV (this resonant peaks move closer to low energies. This is very can be also partly seen in the STM images in Fig. 5(a)- similar to the case of strong potential impurities on the (b)and(d)-(e),forstatesinasmallenergywindowabove surfaceofatopologicalinsulator.28 AsshowninFig.3(a) the Fermi level, where the neighbors of the impurity site and (b) with U = 0, the double-peak resonance in the appear brighter in the U = 9.3 eV case compared to 6 × 6 supercell approaches the Fermi level as U in- U = 0). As a result, the amplitude of impurity res- im creases. At the same time its amplitude decreases. This onances in LDOS increases but their position shifts to finding is in agreement with semi-analytical calculations lower energies. inRefs.12,26,and27. Theeffectoftheimpuritypoten- In contrast to this, for U =−20 eV and U =20 eV, im tialismorestrikinginthecaseofaregular7×7supercell theaverageoccupationnumbersofthenearestandnext- [Fig. 3(c) and (d)]. In this case, in addition to shifting nearest neighbors of the impurity site do not change ap- the peaks to lower energies, a stronger impurity poten- preciably compared to U = 0 case. The strength of tial U = −20 eV also makes the peaks narrower, thus the impurity potential for this value of U is significantly im enhancing their resonant character [see in particular the reduced, leading to a large decrease of the energy gap first peak in Fig. 3(c) and (d) with U =0]. [Fig. 2(b) and (d)]. As a result, the amplitude of impu- Intheinteractingcase,theamplitudeoftheresonances rity resonances increases further, however their position increases with U. This can be seen in all panels in Fig. 3 remain close to the U =0 value. These features strongly with U = 9.3 eV and U = 20 eV, with the exception of suggest that the position of the impurity resonances is the 6×6 supercell with U = −10 eV and U = 20 eV, sensitive to the spatial extent of the impurity potential, im where the amplitude of the peak decreases slightly. In namely the resonances move closer to zero energy when the case of U =−10 eV, for both supercells the impu- the potential becomes more long-ranged. im rity resonances move further away from the Fermi level To further clarify the changes in the intensity and with increasing U. This is perfectly consistent with our the spatial character of the low-energy impurity peaks, observationsforthenon-interactingcasewithdecreasing brought about by interactions, we present the simulated impurity potential. However, in the case of a very large STMtopographiesinFig.4andFig.5forU =−10eV im impurity potential U =−20 eV, the trend in the posi- and U =−20 eV, respectively. For this we plot LDOS im im tion of the resonances is less obvious. The peaks either for each atom in the supercell,29 integrated over the do not move appreciably as in the case of U = 20 eV energy window ∆E above the Fermi level (we choose oreven seemtomoveslightlytowardsthelow-energyre- ∆E = 0.25 eV). This gives an estimate of the tunnel- 6 FIG. 4. (Color online) Simulated STM topographies (LDOS FIG. 5. (Color online) Same as Fig. 4 but with impurity forallatomsinthesupercell)for6×6(leftpanels)and7×7 potential strength U =−20 eV. im (rightpanels)supercell,forafixedimpuritypotentialstrength U =−10eVandvaryinginteractionstrength: U =0(a,d), im U = 9.3 eV (b,e) and U = 20 eV (c,f). Arrows mark the neighbors is even stronger than in the U = 0 case. This position of the impurity atom. Note the logarithmic color correlates with the corresponding features in the LDOS scale. discussed above. ingcurrentaselectronstunneloutoftheoccupiedstates of the STM tip into the unoccupied states of graphene. IV. CONCLUSIONS The increase of the electronic density of states in this energy window gives rise to a bright triangular feature We have presented a theoretical study of the effects around the impurity. Note that for the 6×6 supercell of electron-electron interactions on the electronic states theimpurityislocatedinsublatticeA,whileforthe7×7 of graphene in the presence of substitutional impurities. supercellitislocatedinsublatticeB.Thereforethebright Using a self-consistent TB model with on-site interac- triangular features in the two supercells appear rotated tions treated at the mean-field level, we have shown that by 180◦ with respect to each other. the size of the gap, which opens up at the Dirac point The difference between non-interacting and interact- in graphene upon doping, and the character of the low- ing cases is clearly visible in the STM images. In all energyelectronicstatesaremodifiedbyinteractions. The casesconsidered,theimpuritysitebecomesprogressively mechanism for these effects is provided by the interplay brighter compared to its neighbors with increasing U. between the impurity potential and the on-site repul- Thismeansthattheelectronicstatesinthesmallenergy sion, which leads to significant re-arrangement of the window above the Fermi level become more localized on electronic charge around the impurity compared to the the impurity site as a result of interactions. This is most non-interacting case. evident in the case of the 7×7 supercell [Fig. 4(d)-(f)]. In particular, we found that the size of the gap de- For U = −10 eV, the overall intensity of the images creases with increasing the interaction strength. Intu- im decreases with U. For a stronger U = −20 eV impu- itively, this can be understood as follows. In the case of im rity potential, the trend is similar with the exception of an attractive impurity potential, which mimics nitrogen theintermediateinteractionstrengthU =9.3eV.Inthis dopants in graphene, adding the on-site Coulomb repul- case, the contribution of the nearest and next-nearest sion effectively reduces the strength of the potential, i.e. 7 the depth of the potential well decreases. This is due Appendix A: Band gap in doped graphene supercell tothefacttheon-siterepulsionpreventsextraelectronic in the presence of interactions charge from accumulating on the impurity site. We use a simple perturbative model, based on the model proposed in Ref. 13 for non-interacting graphene, Foraspecialsupercellsizep×p,wherepisdivisibleby to explain how the impurity potential and electron- 3, bothK andK(cid:48) aremappedontoΓpointofthefolded electron interactions affect the band structure of doped Brillouin zone. Therefore, in the case of undoped non- graphene. interacting graphene, there are four degenerate states at Wefirstreviewthismodelforthenon-interactingcase the neutrality point. It is known that when the impu- with impurity.13 The Hamiltonian for such a system can rity potential is included, a gap (pseudogap) opens up be written in Dirac’s notation as between two of these states while the other pair remains degenerate.13Wehaveshownthatthesizeofthispseudo- H =H +H , (A1) 0 1 gap is reduced by interactions. Interestingly, in addition to this, a small gap opens up between the second pair where H is the Hamiltonian of non-interacting pristine 0 of states at the Γ point, which are otherwise degenerate graphene in the absence of interactions. We explain these features (cid:88) (cid:88) both qualitatively and quantitatively, using a perturba- H = |u(cid:105)E (cid:104)u|+ |u(cid:105)t (cid:104)v|, (A2) 0 u uv tive model based on the generalization of the approach u u,v developed by Lambin et al.13 to the interacting case. and H is the perturbation introduced by the periodic 1 arrangement of impurities Furthermore, we have studied the behavior of the (cid:88) impurity-induced electronic states with and without in- H = |u(cid:105)U (cid:104)u|. (A3) 1 im teractions. There are two groups of states which can be u∈1 detected in the density of states when a carbon atom in the supercell is replaced by an impurity atom. First, Here |u(cid:105) is the atomic orbital associated with site u there are states which emerge far away from the Fermi ((cid:104)u|u(cid:48)(cid:105) = δuu(cid:48)), Eu and tuv are the on-site energies and energy, with their energies of the same order of mag- the nearest-neighbors hopping integrals, respectively; nitude as the impurity potential ( ≈ 10 eV in our cal- Uim is the impurity potential and the sum over u ∈ 1 culations). Second, there are states appearing close to refers to all impurity atoms belonging to sublattice 1, the Fermi energy and are therefore of particular inter- whichsubstituteonecarbonatomineachp×psupercell est. Although the way the electron-electron interactions . affect the LDOS at low energies in general depends on In pristine graphene [Eq. (A2)], there are four states the impurity concentration, we found clear trends in the with zero energy, two for the two sublattices and two behavior of the impurity-resonances as both parameters, for the non-equivalent points K and K(cid:48) in the Brillouin i.e. the interaction strength and the impurity potential zone (we omit the spin indices for simplicity). The cor- strength, are modified. responding Bloch functions can be written as (cid:12) (cid:69) 1 (cid:88) (cid:12)KA(B) = eiK·u|u(cid:105), (A4) Regardlessoftheinteractions,theimpuritylevelsmove (cid:12) (cid:112)N A(B) u∈A(B) closertothelow-energyregion(e.g. totheoriginalDirac point) with increasing the impurity potential strength. whereKisavectorinthereciprocalspacecorresponding This finding is consistent with previous calculations for toeitherK orK(cid:48),uisthepositionofsiteuinrealspace, graphene.12,26,27Similarresultwasfoundinanotherclass and N is the number of atoms in sublattice A(B). A(B) of Dirac materials, namely in three-dimensional topolog- The task is to calculate the first order corrections to icalinsulatorsinthepresenceofstrongpotentialimpuri- the energy states at the Dirac point due to the impurity ties on the surface.28,30 However, our self-consistent cal- potential, byusingdegeneratestateperturbationtheory. culations for graphene in the presence of both impurities Let us assume that the impurity is substituted in sub- and interactions reveal novel features. For a fixed im- lattice A. Then the states (cid:12)(cid:12)KB(cid:11) and (cid:12)(cid:12)K(cid:48)B(cid:11) have zero purity potential, sort-range interactions tend to enhance amplitudesonatomsinsublatticeAandthesestatesare the amplitude of the impurity-resonances in the vicin- eigenstates of zero energy. Therefore, we only need to ity of the Fermi level. The position of the resonances is consider the subspace of degenerate eigenstates formed also affected by the spatial extent of the effective impu- by the states (cid:12)(cid:12)KA(cid:11) and (cid:12)(cid:12)K(cid:48)A(cid:11). We use Eq. (A3) and rity potential, which is modified by interactions. As the Eq. (A4) to calculate the following matrix elements interaction strength increases, the states become more lsopcaatliiazleddisotnribthuetioimnpoufrtihtye alotwom-e.neTrghyeidmiffpuerreitnycesstaitnesthine V11 =(cid:10)KA(cid:12)(cid:12)H1(cid:12)(cid:12)KA(cid:11)= UNiAm = Upi2m, (A5) tthecetanbolne-iinntethraecstiinmgulaantdedinStTerMacttionpgogcraaspeshiaerse. clearly de- V22 =(cid:10)K(cid:48)A(cid:12)(cid:12)H1(cid:12)(cid:12)K(cid:48)A(cid:11)=V11 = Upi2m, (A6) 8 V12 =(cid:10)KA(cid:12)(cid:12)H1(cid:12)(cid:12)K(cid:48)A(cid:11)= N1A (cid:88)ei(K(cid:48)−K)·u tthraectretshuilstsshtioftt.hLeentouns-ianstseuramcetinthgactaiste,iswperonpeoerdtitoonaslubto- u∈1 anaveragequantity(cid:104)n¯ (cid:105),whichisaconstant. Thenthe U uσ = imδ , (A7) energy that needs to be subtracted is U·(cid:104)n¯ (cid:105). p2 K(cid:48)−K,G uσ We now calculate the first-order corrections to the en- V21 =(cid:10)K(cid:48)A(cid:12)(cid:12)H1(cid:12)(cid:12)KA(cid:11)=V12 = Upi2mδK(cid:48)−K,G, (A8) ethrgeyssatmateespraotctehdeurDe.iraScinpcoeintthdeuseumto iinnteErqa.ct(ioAn1s1)uscinang be decomposed into the sum over u ∈ A and the sum whereN =p2 sinceforp×psupercell,wehaveN =2p2 A overu∈B,wecancalculatecorrectionsduetothesetwo atoms and N = N = p2 atoms in each sublattice. A B terms separately. For each of them we need to consider V (V ) in Eq. (A7) is not zero only when the vector 12 21 eitherthesubspaceformedbythestatesKA andK(cid:48)A,or K(cid:48)−K is equal to the reciprocal lattice vector G. This by the states KB and K(cid:48)B. Let us assume for simplicity condition is satisfied only if p is divisible by 3, i.e. if p= that all occupation numbers for atoms in sublattice A 3q, where p, q are integers. This is essentially the result are approximately the same and equal to (cid:104)n¯ (cid:105), except obtainedinRef.13anditisconfirmedbyourcalculations uσ for the impurity site. Then the corresponding matrix presented in Fig. 2 for U =0 case. elements are give by The first corder corrections E(1) to the energy states amraetrtihxenelegmiveenntsbVyijth(ei,jeig=env1a,l2u)esdeofifnemdatarbixovVe., Twhitihs W1A1 =(cid:10)KA(cid:12)(cid:12)H2(cid:12)(cid:12)KA(cid:11)= 2N1A (cid:88) U((cid:104)nuσ(cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯uσ(cid:105)) gives E(1) = 0 and E(1) = 2U /p2 if p = 3q, and u∈A,σ im Eis(d1)ivi=sibUleimb/yp32,iafllpfo(cid:54)=ur3sqt.ateHseanrceem, ianpptehdeocnatsoeΓwphoenintp. = pU2 ((cid:104)nu(cid:48)σ(cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯uσ(cid:105)), (A12) Three of these states, two of which are localized on sub- W1A2 =(cid:10)KA(cid:12)(cid:12)H2(cid:12)(cid:12)K(cid:48)A(cid:11) lattice B and one on sublattice A, have zero energy. The U remaining state is shifted down in energy by 2U /p2 = ((cid:104)n (cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯ (cid:105))δ , (A13) im p2 u(cid:48)σ uσ K(cid:48)−K,G (U < 0 for attractive impurity), producing a pseudo- gapimof magnitude 2Uim/p2. This is exactly the situation W2A2 =(cid:10)K(cid:48)A(cid:12)(cid:12)H2(cid:12)(cid:12)K(cid:48)A(cid:11)=W1A1, (A14) shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b) for the 6×6 supercell. In the W2A1 =(cid:10)K(cid:48)A(cid:12)(cid:12)H2(cid:12)(cid:12)KA(cid:11)=W1A2, (A15) casewhenpisnotdivisibleby3,thedegeneracybetween K and K(cid:48) is lifted and there are now two states at each whereu(cid:48) istheimpuritysite;2inthedenominatorstands ofthesepoints,separatedbyagapofU /p2. Thisisthe for spin. As before, first order corrections to the energy im situation for the 7×7 supercell in Fig. 2(c) and (d). states are given by the eigenvalues of matrix WA, with Combining the results for p = 3q and p (cid:54)= 3q, to the matrix elements WA (i,j = 1,2), and differ for p = 3q ij lowestorderinthe perturbationtheorythegap(pseudo- and p (cid:54)= 3q. These corrections give the following contri- gap) induced by the impurity potential can be written bution to the energy gap at the Dirac point as U Eint(A) = ((cid:104)n (cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯ (cid:105))(1+δ ). (A16) E = Uim + Uimδ . (A9) gap p2 u(cid:48)σ uσ K(cid:48)−K,G gap p2 p2 K(cid:48)−K,G Inasimilarway,wecalculatethefirst-ordercorrections ForU =−10eV,E =−0.56eVifp=6andE = in the subspace formed by states KB and K(cid:48)B. The cor- im gap gap −0.2 eV if p = 7. These values coincide with the gaps responding matrix elements are given by found numerically [see Fig. 2(a) and (c) with U =0]. ThBeeHloawmiwlteoneixatnenodftthheisintmeroadcetlintgostyhsetemintcearnacbteinwgrcitatseen. W1B1 =(cid:10)KB(cid:12)(cid:12)H2(cid:12)(cid:12)KB(cid:11)= 2N1B (cid:88) U((cid:104)nuσ(cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯uσ(cid:105)) u∈B,σ as U (cid:88) = ((cid:104)n (cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯ (cid:105)), (A17) p2 uσ uσ H =H +H +H , (A10) 0 1 2 u∈nnofu(cid:48) where H and H are given by Eq. (A2) and Eq. (A3), W1B2 =(cid:10)KB(cid:12)(cid:12)H2(cid:12)(cid:12)K(cid:48)B(cid:11) 0 1 respectively, and H is the perturbation introduced by U (cid:88) 2 = ((cid:104)n (cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯ (cid:105))δ , (A18) short-range interactions which is given by p2 uσ uσ K(cid:48)−K,G u∈nnofu(cid:48) H =(cid:88)|u(cid:105)(U·(cid:104)n (cid:105))(cid:104)u|. (A11) W2B2 =(cid:10)K(cid:48)B(cid:12)(cid:12)H2(cid:12)(cid:12)K(cid:48)B(cid:11)=W1B1, (A19) 2 uσ u W2B1 =(cid:10)K(cid:48)B(cid:12)(cid:12)H2(cid:12)(cid:12)KB(cid:11)=W1B2, (A20) In accordance with Eq. (2), (cid:104)n (cid:105) is the average elec- where we assumed that all atoms in sublattice B have uσ tron occupation number on site u corresponding to spin approximatelythesameoccupation(cid:104)n¯ (cid:105),exceptforthe uσ σ. Whenthemean-fieldinteractiontermisincluded,the nearest neighbors of the impurity atom. This is a rea- energy bands acquire a rigid shift. In order to compare sonable assumption since these atoms are most strongly 9 Let us now summarize what happens to the four zero TABLEI.Valuesofbandshiftsandaverageoccupationnum- energy states, when both the impurity potential and in- bers used in Eq. (A22) for U =−10 eV and U =9.3 eV. im teractions are present. When p = 3q, all four states are mapped onto Γ point. As one can see from Eq. (A22), Band shift (cid:104)n¯uσ(cid:105) (cid:104)nu(cid:48)σ(cid:105) (imp.) (cid:104)nuσ(cid:105) (nn of imp.) one of the states, corresponding to sublattice A, remains 4.60 eV 0.49 0.82 0.46 at zero energy, while the other one shifts by Eint(A) = gap (cid:104) (cid:105) 2 Upi2m + pU2 ·((cid:104)nu(cid:48)σ(cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯uσ(cid:105)) . We can estimate this quantity by taking the values of the rigid band shift affected by the impurity. Then the contribution to the andtheaverageoccupationnumbersforimpurityandits energy gap, stemming from corrections to the states lo- nearest neighbors from our numerical calculations (see calized on sublattice B, is given by Table I, numbers are similar for the two supercells). For U (cid:88) Uim = −10 eV, U = 9.3 eV and p = 6, this energy shift Eginatp(B) = p2 ((cid:104)nuσ(cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯uσ(cid:105))(1+δK(cid:48)−K,G). is negative and is equal to −0.39 eV. This corresponds u∈nnofu(cid:48) to the large pseudogap (below the Dirac point) that we (A21) identified in Fig. 2(a) for this choice of U. In a similar Finally, combining the corrections due to the impurity way, one of the states localized on sublattice B remains potential [Eq. (A9)] and due to interactions [Eq. (A16) at zero energy, while the other one shifts up in energy and Eq. (A21)], we obtain the expression for the energy byEint(B) =2U (cid:80) ((cid:104)n (cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯ (cid:105))=0.054eV. gap at the Dirac point gap p2 u∈nnofu(cid:48) uσ uσ Thissmallenergyshiftisidenticaltothesmallpseudogap (cid:26)(cid:18)U U (cid:19) (cid:27) (above the Dirac point) found in Fig. 2(a). Eint = im + ((cid:104)n (cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯ (cid:105)) (1+δ ) gap p2 p2 u(cid:48)σ uσ K(cid:48)−K,G When p (cid:54)= 3, the degeneracy between K and K(cid:48) (cid:40) (cid:41) U (cid:88) is lifted. There are two states at each of these + ((cid:104)n (cid:105)−(cid:104)n¯ (cid:105))(1+δ ) , p2 uσ uσ K(cid:48)−K,G points, one localized on sublattice A and the other one u∈nnofu(cid:48) on sublattice B. 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