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Effects of reheating on leptogenesis F. Hahn-WoernleandM. Plu¨macher MaxPlanck InstituteforPhysics,Fo¨hringerRing 6, 80805Munich,Germany 8 0 0 2 Abstract n a We study the evolution of a cosmological baryon asymmetry in lepto- J genesiswhentheright-handedneutrinosareproducedininflatondecays.By 5 performingadetailednumericalstudyoverabroadrangeofinflaton-neutrino 2 couplingsweshowthattheresultingasymmetrycanbelargerbytwoorders ] ofmagnitudeormorethaninthermalleptogenesis,ifthereheatingtempera- h p tureTRH isofthesameorderastheright-handedneutrinomassM1.Hence, thelowerlimitonthebaryogenesistemperatureobtainedinthermalleptoge- - p nesiscanberelaxedaccordingly. e h [ 1 Introduction 1 v The observed cosmological baryon asymmetry can naturally be explained via de- 2 7 caysofheavyright-handedneutrinos(RHN),ascenarioknownasleptogenesis[1]. 9 Initssimplestform,thermalleptogenesis, thebaryon asymmetryisproduced dur- 3 ing the radiation dominated era and stringent limits on neutrino parameters are . 1 obtained. In particular, succesful leptogenesis requires the reheating temperature 0 8 8 oftheuniversetobelargerthanabout4 10 GeV.Inthefavouredstrong-washout 0 regimeanevenstricterlowerlimitonT×RH ofabout4 109GeVisobtained. This : × v maybeinconflictwithbigbangnucleosynthesis (BBN)insupergravity (SUGRA) Xi modelsduetothegravitinoproblem.TheresuccessfulBBNisonlypossibleifTRH islowerthanabout106−7GeV[2]. r a An alternative production mechanism is considered in non-thermal leptogen- esis models [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] where one assumes that right-handed neutrinos are produced directly in the decays of some heavier particle. That par- ticle could be the inflaton, the particle related to an inflationary phase in the very earlyuniverse. Supersymmetric [4,5,8,9,7,10,11]andgrandunifiedmodels[3] have been considered, the focus of all these studies being put on the underlying modelofinflationinordertoderivethecouplingbetweentheinflatonandtheright- handed neutrino1. Most of these models have in common that the decay width of 1Therearerecentattemptstocoupletheinflatontotheneutrinoinanondirectwaytoallowfor instantnon-thermalleptogenesis[13] the inflaton, ΓΦ, is much smaller than the decay width of the neutrino, ΓN, i.e. ΓΦ ΓN. Hence, the neutrino decay instantaneously follows the inflaton decay ≪ and the reheating temperature TRH is much smaller than the RHN mass M1. In suchscenariostheproducedbaryonasymmetrycaneasilybeevaluatedwithoutthe needforafullnumerical investigation. Inthisworkwewillalsoconsider thecase TRH M1 and show that here a full numerical study by means of Boltzmann ∼ equations is needed. We will discuss quantitatively the dependence of the final baryon asymmetry on ΓΦ and ΓN for a broad range of parameters. Furthermore, wewillseehowthe bounds onneutrino parameters and thereheating temperature derivedinthermalleptogenesis arerelaxed. In the next section we briefly review thermal leptogenesis in order to set the scene and introduce some notation that will be used in the rest of the paper. In section3weintroduceourmodelfortheinflaton-neutrinocouplinganddiscussthe case thatthe decay width oftheinflaton ismuch smaller than thatof theneutrino. If that is not the case, a more detailed treatment in terms of Boltzmann equations is needed, which are introduced in section 4. Finally, in section 5 we present and discuss our results and their dependence on the parameters of the inflaton and the neutrino. 2 Thermal Leptogenesis In the standard thermal leptogenesis scenario the right-handed neutrinos are pro- duced dynamically by scattering processes in the thermal bath or are assumed to beinitiallyinthermalequilibrium.Usuallyahierarchicalmassschemeisassumed, M3,M2 M1. Then the lightest right-handed neutrino, N1, decays into a stan- dardmod≫ellepton-Higgspair,N1 → H+lLandN1 → H†+lL† generatingalepton asymmetryifCP isnotconserved inthedecay.ThedecayrateofN1 reads[14] K1(z) ΓN = H(M1)K , (1) K2(z) whereK1,K2 areBesselfunctions andH istheHubbleparameter. Theparameter K, ΓN(z = ) m˜1 K ∞ = , (2) ≡ H(z = 1) m ∗ separatestheregionsofweakwashout,K 1andstrongwashout,K 1.Here, m˜1 istheeffectivelightneutrino massand≪m∗ 1.1 10−3eV.Γ(z =≫ )isthe ≃ × ∞ decayrateintherestframeoftheparticle, i.e.thedecaywidthΓNrf = H(M1)K. ThemaximalCPasymmetryinthedecaysofN1 isgivenby[15][16]: ǫmax = 3 M1m3β 10−6 M1 m3 β, (3) 1 16π v2 ≈ 1010GeV 0.05eV (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) whereβ 1,withtheexactvaluedependingondifferentsee-sawparameters.This ≤ maximalCPasymmetry then yields themaximal baryon asymmetry ηmax that can B 2 beproduced inleptogenesis. Sinceǫm1ax M1,requiring thatthemaximalbaryon ∝ asymmetryislargerthattheobservedone,i.e.ηmax ηCMB,yieldsalowerbound B ≥ B onM1 [17], 116π v2 ηCMB M1 > M1min = B d 3 m κ atm f (4) ηCMB 0.05 eV 6.4 108 GeV B κ−1. ≈ × 6 1010 m f atm (cid:18) × (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) Hereκ isthefinalefficiencyfactorwhichparametrizesthedynamicsofthelepton f asymmetry and neutrino production [18]. Itisobtained bysolving the relevant set ofBoltzmannequations.Inthermalleptogenesisitsmaximumvalueisbydefinition 1forthecaseofathermalinitialabundanceofright-handedneutrinos.Inthefactor d= 3α /(4f) 0.96 10−2, f = 2387/86 accounts for the dilution due to sph ≈ × photon production fromtheonsetofleptogenesis tillrecombination andthefactor α = 28/79 accounts for the partial conversion of the lepton asymmetry into a sph baryonasymmetrybysphaleron processes. Since all this is assumed to happen in the thermal, radiation dominated phase oftheuniverse, thelowerboundonM1 translates intoalowerboundontheinitial temperature of leptogenesis, which corresponds to a lower limit on the reheating temperature afterinflation[18], T Mmin 4 108GeV . (5) RH 1 ≈ ≥ × Such a large reheating temperature is potentially in conflict with BBN in super- symmetric models, where upper bounds on the reheating temperature as low as 6 10 GeVhavebeenobtainedinSUGRAmodels[2].Thisandthedependenceofthe produced baryon asymmetry on the initial conditions in the weak washout regime are some of the shortcomings of thermal leptogenesis. Hence, it is worthwhile to studyalternativeleptogenesisscenarios.Inthefollowingwewilldiscussascenario wheretheneutrinosareproducednon-thermallyininflatondecays.Asweshallsee, the lower bound on the reheating temperature can be relaxed by as much as three ordersofmagnitude inthemostinteresting parameterrangeofstrongwashout. 3 Leptogenesis via inflaton decay In the following we will assume that the inflaton Φ decays exclusively into a pair of the lightest right-handed neutrinos, Φ N1 + N1. The decay width for this → processcanbeparametrized as 2 γ ΓΦ | | MΦ , (6) ≃ 4π γ being the inflaton-neutrino coupling. Further, we assume a hierarchical mass spectrum for the heavy neutrinos, M3,M2 M1, hence potential effects of N2 ≫ 3 andN3 canbeneglected2. Neglecting potential contributions from preheating [7, 20], which are generi- cally rather small anyway [21, 22], the decay considered above is kinematically allowedifMΦ 2M1,whichwillalwaysbethecaseinthefollowing. ≥ Aftertheinflatoncondensate hasdecayed away,theheavy neutrinos dominate theenergydensityoftheuniverse,ascenarioknownasdominantinitialabundance. When the right-handed neutrinos have become non-relativistic they decay in the standardway,therebyproducingaleptonasymmetry,andreheattheuniversesince their decay products, standard model lepton and Higgs doublets, quickly thermal- ize. Thereheatingtemperatureisusuallycomputedassumingthattheenergystored intheinflatoncondensateisinstantaneouslytransformedintoradiation.Thisyields 1 1 90 4 200 4 TRH = 8π3g∗ ΓΦMPl = 0.06 |γ| g∗ MΦMPl, (7) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) p p where g∗ is the number of relativistic degrees of freedom at T . Analogously, RH one can define a reheating temperature for the reheating process due to neutrino decays: 1 90 4 TRNH = 8π3g∗ ΓNrfMPl = M1 √K. (8) (cid:18) (cid:19) q In the decay chain considered the real physical reheating temperature is given by Eq.(8),sinceonlyaftertheneutrinos havedecayed isthethermalbathoftheradi- ationdominated universe produced. T fromEq.(7)willbeusedtoparametrize RH the inflaton-neutrino coupling. Only in models where ΓΦ ΓN, does TRH cor- ≪ respond to the real physical reheating temperature since then the neutrino mass M1 is much larger than TRH and, therefore, the right-handed neutrinos decay in- stantaneously after having been produced in inflaton decays. The resulting lepton asymmetry in such scenarios can easily be evaluated [3, 4]. After reheating the baryonasymmetry, definedhereastheratioofbayon numbertophoton density, is givenby: n n T T B = αsphǫ1 N1 = αsphǫ1 RH 10−8 RH. (9) nγ nγ 30M1 ≃ M1 Here,wehavesetκ = 1sincewashout processes arecompletely negligible inthis case. Furthermore, wehaveassumed thattheenergy density oftheheavy neutrino is instantaneously converted into relativistic degrees of freedom, yielding a tem- 2 4 perature for the thermal bath ρ = ρ = (π /30)g T . Again demanding that R N1 ∗ the baryon asymmetry is atleast equal to the observed value one gets aconstraint onthereheating temperature TRH 10−2M1 , (10) ≥ 2Note,however,thatthebaryonasymmetrymayalsobegeneratedbythesecond-lightestheavy neutrinoincertainareasofparameterspace[19]. 4 which corresponds to a lower limit on the inflaton-neutrino coupling γ through Eq.(7). 4 The Boltzmann equations In this work we shall consider a more general range of parameters. In particular we shall discuss in detail the case when the reheating temperature is of the same orderastheheavyneutrinomass.Then,thesimpleapproximationdiscussedabove does not hold anymore, and the asymmetry has to be computed by solving a sys- tem of Boltzmann equations. We shall study in detail the dependence of the final efficiency factor κ on the inflaton-neutrino coupling, again parametrized by the f reheatingtemperatureT .Wewillseethatinthismodelthereisastrongcorrela- RH tionbetweenthereheatingtemperatureandtheneutrinomassviathedecaywidths ΓNrf andΓΦ. The relevant Boltzmann equations for the energy densities of the inflaton, the lightestoftheheavyright-handedneutrinos,theB Lasymmetryandtheradiation − energydensity, respectively, readasfollows3: ρ˙Φ = 3HρΦ ΓΦρΦ − − eq ρ˙N = −3HρN +ΓΦρΦ −ΓN(ρN −ρN) (11) eq n˙ = 3Hn ǫΓ (n n ) Γ n B−L − B−L− N N − N − ID B−L eq ρ˙ = 4Hρ +Γ (ρ ρ ) . R − R N N − N Hereweconsider onlydecays andinverse decays andneglectscattering processes of the right-handed neutrinos and the inflaton. Further, in the Boltzmann equa- tionforρ weassumedthattheright-handed neutrinosarenon-relativistic. Surely N this is an assumption which is not guaranteed and, depending on the mass of the inflaton, the produced heavy neutrinos can have energies much larger than their rest mass. But, this approximation works well for the computation of κ , which f is our main purpose. The reason is that for all values of K the final asymmetry is determined by right-handed neutrino decays when they are fully non-relativistic. Therefore theultra-relativistic stage isnotimportant forthefinalefficiency factor. An exact treatment would be relevant for the description of the evolution of the universeintheinterval betweeninflationandthedecayoftheright-handed neutri- nos aswellas forthe computation of the maximalvalue ofthe temperature, T , max after inflation. As is shown in [23], T can be much larger than the reheating max temperature. However,thisgoesbeyondthescopeofthisinvestigation. In the actual numerical integration of these equations it is useful to use quan- tities in which the expansion of the universe has been scaled out. The relevant variables aswellasthetransformed Boltzmannequations andsomenumerical pa- rameters are discussed in Appendix A. For definiteness we will always assume a 3Notethatweareneglectinganinversedecayterm∼ ΓΦρeΦq sincethereheatingtemperatureis assumedtobemuchsmallerthantheinflatonmassandhencetheinflatonnevercomesintothermal equilibrium. 5 100 10 1 0.1 (cid:20)f 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 K Figure 1: The final efficiency for thermal (short-dashed),zero (point-point-dashed)and dominantinitialN1 abundanceforTRH = 109 GeV(solid),TRH = 5 108 Gev(long- dashed), T = 3.75 108 GeV (point-dashed and T = 108 Ge×V (point-dashed- RH RH × dashed)) 9 13 neutrino mass M1 = 10 GeV and an inflaton mass MΦ = 10 GeV and only vary the reheating temperature, i.e. the inflaton-neutrino coupling, and K in the following. 5 Results and Discussion In this section we shall present our results for the final efficiency factor κ , as f shown in Fig. 1. In particular, we will discuss the dependence on the reheating temperature T ,i.e.theinflaton-neutrino coupling, andK. RH 5.1 General Observations In Fig.1 wehave plotted our results for the finalefficiency factor as afunction of K for various values of the reheating temperature as well as the standard results 8 obtained in thermal leptogenesis [17]. As one can see, for T 5 10 GeV RH ≥ × ourresultsareingoodagreementwiththeonesobtainedinthermalleptogenesisin thestrong washout regime,asonewouldnaivelyexpect. Ontheother hand,inthe weak washout regime κ is enhanced by up to two orders of magnitude. Further, f 9 thecurves forT 10 GeVareinagreement withtheresults obtained in[12], RH ≥ wherevaluesTRH M1 werenotconsidered. ≤ In the strong washout regime, i.e. for K > 1, the neutrino Yukawa coupling is large enough to keep the system close to equilibrium, thereby erasing any de- pendence ontheinitialconditions, aslongasthephysicalreheatingtemperature is of order ofthe neutrino mass or larger, sothat the right-handed neutrinos still can thermalize. 6 9 Forreheating temperatures aboveTRH = 10 GeVκf fordominant initial N1 abundance isingoodagreement withthose forzeroandthermal initial abundance in the whole strong washout regime for K & 5. When the rehating temperature 8 becomessmallerthantheneutrino mass,e.g.forT = 5 10 GeVoneseesan RH × 8 agreementonlyforverystrongwashout,K 40.ForT = 3.75 10 GeV,the RH ≥ × washouteffectsaresoweakthatthefinalefficiencyfactorislargerthantheonefor thermalandzeroinitialN1 abundance forallvaluesofK. In the weakwashout regime, on the other hand, one can see that κ for domi- f nant initial N1 abundance is quite independent of TRH and much larger than one, which is by definition the largest value for thermal initial N1 abundance. This is duetothedirectproductionofneutrinosviainflatondecayswhichleadstoneutrino abundances largerthantheequilibrium value. 5.2 WeakWashoutRegime In the weak washout regime, i.e. K < 1, κ is much larger than in thermal lepto- f genesis, by a factor 10 100 for all considered reheating temperatures and is ∼ − almost independent of the reheating temperature. The physical reheating temper- ature, given by TN = M1√K, is smaller than the right-handed neutrino mass RH in the whole weak washout regime. Hence, the neutrinos decay strongly out of equilibrium. The maximum value of κ is reached at K 0.4 and is almost independent f ∼ of T . This is due to the fact that the entropy produced in each neutrino decay, RH ∆S ∼ M1/TRNH,corresponding toanincrease ofthenumber ofphotons, ∆Nγ ∝ ∆S,becomes larger at small K, since the neutrinos decay later and hence carry a greaterfractionoftheenergydensity oftheuniversewhentheydecay. In figure 2a one can see that for T = 109GeV and K = 10−2 the inflaton RH 9 starts decaying when the scale factor y, defined in Appendix A, reaches 10 10 ∼ whileaty 10 ithascompletely decayed. Figure2bshowsthatwhentheinfla- ∼ 9 ton starts decaying at y = 10 the energy density of the heavy neutrinos becomes 10 constant and dominates the energy density of the universe. At y 5 10 the ∼ × heavyneutrinos startdecaying andtheassociated entropy release triggers atransi- tionfromamatterdominated toaradiation dominated universe asonecandeduce from figure2cwhere therescaled radiation energy density becomes constant. The evolution of the efficiency factor is plotted in figure 2d. It remains constant at a value κ 80 as long as the universe is (matter) dominated by the inflaton and ∼ getsreducedwhentheuniverseisN1 (matter)dominated.Aftertheneutrinoshave decayed the efficiency factor reaches itsfinalvalue ofabout κ 30. Infigures 2e ∼ and 2f we show the evolution of the temperature. The difference in the two plots isthatinfigure2ewehavetakenintoaccountonlythecontributionfromradiation, 1 30ρ 4 R T = . (12) π2g∗ (cid:20) (cid:21) Thisgivesthetemperature aslongastheheavyneutrinos, produced intheinflaton 7 100 100 10-10 10-10 10-20 10-20 10-30 10-30 E=E(cid:8)(cid:8)I 10-40 E=EN(cid:8)I 10-40 10-50 10-50 10-60 10-60 10-70 10-70 10-80 10-80 100 101 103 104 105 107 108 109 1010 1012 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 y y (a) (b) 80 1015 1010 70 105 60 100 50 E(cid:8)I 10-5 (cid:20) 40 R= 10-10 30 10-15 10-20 20 10-25 10 10-30100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 y y (c) (d) 1012 1012 1011 1011 1010 1010 T[GeV℄ 110089 T[GeV℄tot 110089 107 107 106 106 105100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 101500 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 y y (e) (f) Figure2:TheevolutionofEΦ/EΦI,EN/EΦI,Rκ,T andTtotisshownforTRH =109 GeVatK =10−2 decays,arenon-relativistic.WhenMΦ M1theproducedright-handedneutrinos ≫ arerelativisticparticlesandtheirenergydensitycontributestotheenergydensityof radiationthatdeterminesthetemperature.Thiseffectisincludedinfigure2f.Here, wehaveassumedthatalltheproducedheavyneutrinosarerelativisticparticlesand definedthetemperature as: 1 30(ρ +ρ ) 4 R N T = . (13) π2g∗ (cid:20) (cid:21) 8 This, of course, is a rather rough approximation, since in the Boltzmann equa- tions,Eqs.(11),theright-handed neutrinos aretreatedasnon-relativistic particles. However,thisshowsthat,cf.figure2f,themaximaltemperatureachievedinthere- heating process ismuchlarger than thephysical reheating temperature[23],which inthiscaseisTN 7 107GeV,ascanbereadoffdirectlyfromfigure2e. RH ∼ × 5.3 Strong WashoutRegime Inthestrongwashoutregime,i.e.K > 1,thefinalefficiencyfactorκ isinperfect f agreementwiththeresultsobtainedinthermalleptogenesis,aslongasTRH & M1. This is what one would expect, since all reactions involving N1 are in thermal equilibrium, hence theneutrinos rapidly thermalize andanyinformation about the initial conditions is quickly lost. For reheating temperatures smaller than M1 this 8 is not necessarily the case anymore, e.g. for T = 5 10 GeV and K . 50, RH × the reactions involving N1 arenot strong enough tobring them into thermal equi- librium,i.e.theneutrinosdecayratherstronglyoutofequilibrium.Hence,thefinal efficiencyfactorisenhanced comparedtothermalleptogenesis sincewashoutpro- cessesaresuppressed. 9 As an example, let us again consider the case T = 10 GeV but now with RH K = 500 in some detail. As one can see in figure 3a, the inflaton again starts to 9 10 decay at y 10 and has decayed completely at about y 10 . The rescaled ∼ ∼ right-handed neutrino energy density, cf. figure 3b, becomes constant already at 7 y 3 10 and, due tothe larger value ofK,the N1 start todecay much earlier ∼ × 9 thanintheweakwashout,alreadyaty 10 .Becauseofinversedecayprocesses, ∼ whichinthermalequilibriumbalancethedecayprocesses,thedecreaseoftheneu- trino abundance ismuch slower than in the previous example. The neutrinos have 10 fullydecayedaty = 5 10 ,i.e.somewhatlaterthanintheweakwashoutregime. × 9 Thetransition to aradiation dominated universe occurs aty 10 as can beseen ∼ in figure 3c. At this point the rescaled radiation energy density R/EΦ becomes constant.Thestrongerinteractionsoftheheavyright-handedneutrinowiththeSM particleshaveastrongimpactontheefficiencyfactor.Itrisesquicklyto 160and ∼ remainsconstantforalongtime.Whentheenergyoftheright-handedneutrinobe- 7 comesconstant aty 3 10 theefficiencyfactor decreases. Thisdecrease even ∼ × accelerateswhentheneutrinosstartdecaying,andoncetheneutrinoshaveentirely decayed away, the final efficiency factor reads κ 4 10−3. In figure 3e one f ∼ × can see that the temperature of the thermal bath of standard model particles rises 9 quickly andthenremains constant atT ∼ 3×10 .WhenEN/EΦI becomes con- stantthetemperature startstodecrease slowlyandbecomesinversely proportional tothescalefactoroncetheuniverseisradiationdominated.Thephysicalreheating temperatureisnowTN 109GeV,approximatelyoneorderofmagnitudelarger RH ∼ thanintheweakwashoutexamplewehadconsidered previously. 9 100 100 10-10 10-10 10-20 10-20 10-30 10-30 E=E(cid:8)(cid:8)I 10-40 E=EN(cid:8)I 10-40 10-50 10-50 10-60 10-60 10-70 10-70 10-80 10-80 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 y y (a) (b) 1015 102 1010 105 101 100 100 R=E(cid:8)I 1100-1-05 (cid:20) 10-1 10-15 10-2 10-20 10-3 10-25 10-30100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 10-4100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 y y (c) (d) 1012 1012 1011 1011 1010 1010 T[GeV℄ 109 TGeV℄tot 109 108 108 107 107 106100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 106100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 y y (e) (f) Figure3:TheevolutionofEΦ/EΦI,EN/EΦI,R,κ,T andTtotisshownforTRH =109 GeVatK =500 5.4 BehaviourforT M RH 1 ≪ ThebehaviourofthefinalefficiencyfactorforreheatingtemperaturesTRH M1 ≪ issomewhatdifferent thanforthevaluesofT discussed above.Asanexample, RH 8 letusdiscussthecaseT 10 GeV. RH ∼ Aswecanseeinfigure1,κ isnowalmostindependent ofK andoforder10. f OnlyinthelimitK 0doesoneobtainthesamevalueforκf asforTRH & M1. → Forlarger values of K we see that washout is now completely negligible and that κ remainsalmostconstantevenforverylargeK,whereoneonlyobservesasmall f 10

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