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Preview Effects of Magnetic Coupling on Radiation from Accretion Disc around a Kerr Black Hole

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed5February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Effects of Magnetic Coupling on Radiation from Accretion Disc around a Kerr Black Hole Zhao-Ming Gan1, Ding-Xiong Wang1,2 and Yang Li1 7 1 Department of Physics, Huazhong Universityof Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 0 2 Send offprint requests to: D.-X. Wang([email protected]) 0 2 n 5February2008 a J 8 ABSTRACT 1 The effects of magnetic coupling (MC) process on the inner edge of the disc are dis- cussedindetail.Itisshownthattheinneredgecandeviatefromthe innermoststable 1 circular orbit (ISCO) due to the magnetic transfer of energy and angular momentum v between a Kerr black hole (BH) and its surrounding accretion disc. It turns out that 2 3 the inner edge could move inward and outward for the BH spin a∗ being greater and lessthan0.3594,respectively.TheMCeffectsondiscradiationarediscussedbasedon 5 the displaced inner edge. A very steep emissivity canbe providedby the MC process, 1 0 which is consistent with the observation of MCG-6-30-15. In addition, the BH spins 7 of GRO J1655-40 and GRS 1915+105are detected by X-ray continuum fitting based 0 on this model. / h Key words: accretion, accretion disc— black hole physics — magnetic field p - o r t s 1 INTRODUCTION between the BH and the disc, just like the energy trans- a portation between a dynamo and a motor (Macdonald & : As is well shown, disc accretion is a very efficient energy v Thorne 1982, Thorne, Price & MacDonald 1986). In other source in astrophysics, which is widely used to explain the i words,theBHexertsatorqueatthediscintheMCprocess, X high-energyradiationofAGNs,X-raybinariesandsoon.In resulting in the transfer of energy and angular momentum. r the model of standard accretion disc (SAD), the motion of The transfer direction is determined by the difference be- a theaccretingmatterisassumedtobeKeplerianwithasmall tweentherotationoftheBHandthatofthedisc,i.e.,ifthe radial velocity, and theinner edge of the disc lies at thein- BHrotatesfasterthanthedisc,energyandangularmomen- nermoststablecircularorbit(ISCO)ofradiusr ,within ISCO tumare extracted from theBH and transferred to thedisc, whichthematterplungesveryfastontotheblackhole(BH). otherwise thedirection is reversed. Inthiscase,therewouldbenosignificanttorquesexertedat the inner edge, and the “no torque boundary condition” is Recently, Li (2004, hereafter L04) studied the MC be- averygood approximation(Bardeen 1970, Shakura&Sun- tween a BH and its surrounding disc. It is argued that the yaev 1973, Novikov& Thorne 1973, Page & Thorne 1974). inner edge of the disc moves out to a radius where the an- gular velocity of the disc is equal to that of the BH for Not long ago, some authors discussed the possibility that magnetic fieldsmay inducea nonzero torqueat ISCO, a∗ < 0.3594. However, the inner edge remains at ISCO for whichinvolvesthemagneticconnectionofthematterinthe theBH spin with a∗ >0.3594. This result seems somewhat inconsistent. Why is the inner edge of the disc affected by plunging region inside ISCO with the matter in the disc outside ISCO (Krolik 1999; Gammie 1999; Agol & Krolik theMC for a∗ <0.3594, but not for a∗ >0.3594 ? 2000). On the other hand, some authors argued that the In this paper, we intend to discuss the MC effects on torqueatISCOofathindiskisveryweak,sinceitdepends the inner edge of the disc. In our model the inner edge of on the vertical thickness of the disk (Paczynski 2000; Li the disc is not assumed to be ISCO in advance. The MC 2002a, hereafter L02; Afshordi & Paczynski 2003). effectsonthediscradiationlieinthefollowingaspects.The Recently,muchattentionhasbeenpaidtothemagnetic profileoftheradiationfluxandtheinteriorviscoustorqueat coupling(MC) betweenaBH anditssurroundingaccretion thedisccanbechangedduetothemagnetictorqueexerted disc (Blandford 1999, Li 2002a, hereafter L02, Wang et al. at the disc. It is shown that if the BH rotates faster than 2002), which can be regarded as one of the variants of the the disc, the disc radiation would be more concentrated at Blandford-Znajek(BZ)process(Blandford &Znajek1977). the inner disc in the MC process. This feature can be used By virtue of the magnetic field connecting the rotating BH to explain thevery steep emissivity index in the innerdisc, andthedisc,energyandangularmomentumaretransferred which is consistent with the XMM-Newton observation of 2 thenearbybright Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15 (Wilmset al. 2001; Li 2002b; Wang et al. 2003 hereafter W03). The disc radiation is derived by considering the mag- 1 netictransferoftheenergyandangularmomentumbetween a rotating BH and a relativistic thin disc (Page & Thorne 1974; L02), and a criterion of determining the inner edge 0.98 of the disc is proposed based on a reasonable constraint, i.e., a reasonable disc radiation should not be negative. It + is shown that the value a∗ = 0.3594 can be regarded as a E0.96 critical BH spin, which corresponds to the angular veloc- ity of ISCO equal to that of the BH. As the BH spin a∗ is less than 0.3594, i.e., the energy and angular momentum 0.94 are transferred from the inner disc to the BH, and the bal- anceofenergyandangularmomentumonthediscwouldbe 0.92 disrupted in the MC process. Thus the inner disc becomes 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 unstable, as the disc cannot suffer a negative interior vis- r(cid:144)M cous torque. It turns out that the MC effects on the disc radiation are so strong that the inner edge of the disc has 5.5 tomoveoutwardandinward fromISCOfortheBHspina∗ less and greater than 0.3594, respectively. 5 In order to facilitate the discussion of the MC effects ontheinneredgeofthediscwemakethefollowingassump- tions: M4.5 (cid:144) 1.Thelargescalemagneticfieldremainsconstantatthe + L BH horizon, while it varies as a power-law with the disc 4 radius as given in W03 ratherthan concentrated at ISCO. 2.Thediscisthin,perfectlyconductingandKeplerian, 3.5 lying in the equatorial plane of a KerrBH; 3.Consideringthatthe“notorqueboundarycondition” 3 remains controversial, we assume that no torque is exerted 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 at the inner edge of a thin disc in the MC with a central r(cid:144)M BH. This paperis organized as follows. In 2 theproperties Figure1.Specificenergyandangularmomentumoftheaccret- of the inner edge of SAD and the radial p§rofiles of specific ingmatterofSADversusthediscradiuswitha∗=0.5.Theblack pointsindicatethepositionradiusofISCO. energy and angular momentum are discussed in detail. In 3 a criterion for the inner edge of a disc is proposed by § consideringtheMCeffects.In 4someofthecharacteristics § and applications of the MC process are presented, includ- where M˙ is the accretion rate. The quantities F and D DA ing fitting the steep emissivity index of MCG-6-30-15 and g are the radiation flux and interior viscous torque of DA theBHspinsofGROJ1655-40andGRS1915+105.Finally, thedisc,respectively.Itisemphasized thatthesequantities in 5, we summarize our main results. Throughout this pa- canneverbenegativeinanyphysicalcases. E†,L† andΩ § D per Boyer-Lindquist coordinates (t,r,θ,ϕ) and the geomet- arerespectivelythespecificenergy,specificangularmomen- ric unitsG=c=1 are used. tumand angular velocity of thetest particles movingalong geodesiccircularorbitsintheequatorialplaneofaKerrBH (Bardeen, Press & Teukolsky 1972, hereafter B72). 2 INNER EDGE OF SAD WITH NO TORQUE Thequantity isthetotalluminosity,andg isthe DA in L BOUNDARY CONDITION exterior torqueexerted at theinnerboundary with angular velocity Ω = Ω (r ). Generally, the “no torque bound- Asiswellknown,thefulldescriptionofaKerrBHneedsonly in D in arycondition”isassumedinthetheoryofSAD,i.e.,g =0 two parameters, i.e., mass M and spin a∗ ≡ a/M ≡ J/M2 (Page & Thorne 1974). From equation (1)-(3) we findinthat (−1<a∗ <1). the radiation flux and interior viscous torque could be sig- Based on Page&Thorne(1974) andL02wederivethe nificantlydifferentinthecaseofg =0,bywhichanextra expressionsfortheradiationflux,interiorviscoustorqueand in 6 energy is provided. total luminosity of a relativistic thin disc as follows. The specific energy and angular momentum vary non- F = 1 −dΩD/dr [ r (E† Ω L†)M˙ dL†dr monotonically with the disc radius, attaining their minima DA 4πr(E†−ΩDL†)2 Rrin − D D dr (1) at ISCO indicated by a black dot as shown in Figure 1. +g (E† Ω L† )] The radial profile of E† and L† is very different from the in in− in in monotonous profile of these quantities obtained in Newto- g = E†−ΩDL†4πr F (2) nian mechanics. It is the radial feature of E† and L† in DA −dΩD/dr · DA generalrelativitythatresultsintwoconstraintstotheinner ∞ =2 E†F 2πr dr=M˙ (1 E† )+g Ω (3) edge of SAD: (1) it is always located at or outside ISCO LDA Z DA· · D − in in· in withoutextraenergyandangularmomentumtransferredto rin Effects of Magnetic Coupling on Radiation from Accretion Disc around a Kerr Black Hole 3 0 12 0 -25 10 HaL HbL -50 HcL 8 -10 F0 F0 F0 -75 (cid:144) (cid:144) (cid:144) FDA 6 FDA-20 FDA -100 4 -125 -30 2 -150 0 1 1.5 2 r(cid:144)2.r5in 3 3.5 4 1 1.5 2 r(cid:144)2.r5in 3 3.5 4 1 1.5 2 r(cid:144)2.r5in 3 3.5 4 Figure 2.RadiationfluxfromSADwithdifferentinneredges versusthediscradiusfordifferentBHspins,wherea∗=0.8,0.6and0.3 correspond to dotted, dashed and solid lines, respectively. The parameter λ=1.0, 0.90 and 0.85 correspond to panels (a), (b) and (c), respectively. the accreting matter, and (2) it could move inward within ISCO,providedthatsomeextraenergyandangularmomen- AstrophysicalLoad tum are transferred to the accreting matter. In 3 we shall § elaboratethispointindetail,andproposeacriterionforthe inneredge of a thin disc by considering the MC effects. Thelower limit r totheintegral inequations(1) and in (3)istheradiusoftheinneredgeofthedisc,whichisusually assumed to lie at ISCO in SAD. Abramowitz et al. (1978) argued that if the disc is geometrically thick,its inner edge locatesbetweenISCOandtheinnermostboundcircularor- bit. Aparameterλisintroducedtolabelthepositionofthe i inneredge, which is definedas r λ2 r , for λ> r /r , (4) ΘM i+1 in ISCO H ISCO ≡ p where r is theradius of theBH horizon (B72). H Combining equations (1) with (4), we have the curves BlackHole AccretionDisk of FDA/F0 versus r/rin for gin = 0 as shown in Figure 2, rin where thequantityF is defined as F =10−4 M˙ /r2 . 0 0 · D in Asshown inFigure2a,theradiation fluxbecomeszero at r with λ = 1. However, an unphysical disc region Figure3.Thepoloidalmagneticfieldconfigurationinourmodel. ISCO with negative radiation flux appears for λ less than unity asshown inFigures2band2c,implyingthattheradiusr in cannot besmaller than rISCO. This unphysicalcase can be ones. In addition, as argued in the next section, the inner understood based on the radial profile of E†, L† given in edgeof an accretion disccan deviatefrom ISCO in theMC Figure 1. process due to the magnetic transfer of energy and angu- In SAD the accreting matter outside rISCO losses its lar momentum between a rotating BH and its surrounding energy and angular momentum dueto thedifferential rota- accretion disc. tion, and thus enters into the smaller circular orbit. Since the radius r corresponds to the minimum specific en- ISCO ergy and specific angular momentum as shown in Figure 1, 3 MC EFFECTS ON INNER EDGE OF DISC the accreting matter has to absorb rather than release en- ergy and angular momentum to get into the smaller orbit. The magnetic field configuration of our model is shown in TherealpictureinsiderISCO isthattheaccretingmatteris Figure3.Theparameternisthepower-lawindexindicating plungedintotheBHwithahugeradialvelocityduetolack the variation of the poloidal magnetic field with the disc of enough angular momentum. radius, BP r−n. The mapping relation between between D ∝ Thus we conclude that SAD with an inner edge within the angular coordinate on the BH horizon and the radial rISCO is not stable, while any radius larger than rISCO is coordinateonthedisccanbederivedfromtheconservation possible. Itisworth notingthat rISCO,theradiusof ISCO, of themagnetic flux(Wang et al. 2002, W03) and it reads idsisnco,totnhlyeubneiinqguethcheosimcealfloerstthraediniunsearmedognegoafllaosftathnedaprodsstihbilne cosθ= rrinG(a∗;r′,n) dr′+C0, (5) R 4 4 8 HaL HbL 2 6 0 F0 F0 (cid:144) (cid:144) F4 F-2 2 -4 -6 0 -8 1 1.5 r(cid:144)2rin 2.5 3 1 1.5 2 r(cid:144)2.r5in 3 3.5 4 Figure4. Theradiationfluxesversusr/rinwithFtotal/F0,FDA/F0andFMC/F0plottedinsolid,dottedanddashedlines,respectively. Theparametersn=6andκm=1aretakenwithλ=0.974,a∗=0.45andλ=1.000,a∗=0.10,inpanels(a)and(b),respectively. G(a∗;r,n)=(r/rin)1−n√1+a2∗M2r−2+2a2∗M3r−3 (6) Ftotal= 4π1r(E−†d−ΩΩDD/Ld†r)2Rrrin(E†−ΩDL†)× (11) 2 (1+a2∗M2ri−n2+2a2∗M3ri−n3)(1−2Mr−1+a2∗M2r−2) (M˙D dL†/dr+4πrH)dr FDA+FMC · ≡ p tflwhuhixse,rpeBaCpP0eari)sn.daAntchicneotrepdgorilnaoglidctaoolnmstthaaegnnctoe(ntwisceerfiavdealodtpiootnnCot0fh=ethhceoosrmi0za.o4gn5nπeBtiinc gMC = E−†d−ΩDΩ/DdLr†4πr·Ftotal (12) D H ∞ are related by (Wanget al. 2002, W03) =M˙ (1 E† )+4π HΩ r dr (13) Ltotal D − in Z D · dψ= B 2π(r2 +a2)sinθ dθ rin =−BPH2·π rH4+r2a2+2a2Mr· dr, (7) As the magnetic field on the BH is supported by the D· q r2+a2−2Mr · surrounding disc, there is some relation between BH and M˙ . As a matter of fact the relation might be rather com- where ψ = ψ(r,θ) is the magnetic flux through a surface D plicated,and would beverydifferentin differentsituations. bounded bya circle with r=constant and r=constant. One possibility has been suggested by Moderski, Sikora & Lasota (1997) and is based upon the balance between the Based onMacdonald&Thorne(1982)andW03weex- pressure of the magnetic field on the horizon and the ram press theMC torqueand power as follows, pressure of theinnermost parts of an accretion flow, i.e.,  dTMC =2(cid:0)d2ψπ(cid:1)2 (ΩHdZ−HΩD), (8) BH2 (8π)=Pram∼ρc2 ∼M˙D 4πrH2 , (14) (cid:14) (cid:14)(cid:0) (cid:1)  dP =2 dψ 2 ΩD·(ΩH−ΩD). Considering thatequation(14)isnotacertain relation MC 2π dZH between BH and M˙D, we rewrite it as follows,  (cid:0) (cid:1) awnhdere ΩH = a∗/(2 rH) is the angular velocity of the BH BH ≡q2κmM˙D/rH2 , (15) dZ = RH rH2 +a2cos2θ dθ dr (9) whereκm isaparameter indicatingtherelativeimportance H 2π (r2 +a2)sinθ dr of the MC process with respect to the disc accretion. The (cid:16) (cid:17) H (cid:16) (cid:17) MC process dominates over disc accretion for κ 1, and m In equations (8) and (9) Z is the resistance of the BH ≫ H itisdominatedbythelatterforκ 1.Weemphasizethat m horizon with the surface resistivity given by R = 4π/c ≪ H ≈ equation (15) is independentof (14),one can always fixκm 377 ohm. with any given relation between B and M˙ . H D Incorporating the MC effects with the conservation of AsshowninFigure4a,thetotalradiationfluxfromthe energy and angular momentum, we havethefollowing rela- disc with the inner edge within r (λ = 0.974) can be ISCO tions: positive, though more energy and angular momentum are d (M˙ L† g )=4πr(F L† H), neededtokeeptheKeplerian orbitsof theaccreting matter  dr D − MC total − (10) within rISCO. The reason is that the energy and angular  ddr(M˙DE†−gMC·ΩD)=4πr(FtotalE†−HΩD) 0m.3o5m9e4n(tBumlanadrefotrrdan1s9f9e9rr)e,danfrdomthethpeoBsiHtivteoctohnetdriibscutfoiornad∗u>e  where H (1/4πr) dT /dr is the angular momentum to the MC effects exceeds the negative one due to the disc MC ≡ · flux due to the MC effects, and gMC is the interior viscous accretion.TheBHspina∗ =0.3594correspondstoΩH equal torqueof thedisc in theMC process. to Ω at ISCO. D Thus we can derive theradiation fluxand thetotal lu- On the other hand, as shown in Figure 4b, the total minosity of a thin disc by resolving equation (10). radiationfluxfromtheinnerdisccouldbenegativefora∗ < Effects of Magnetic Coupling on Radiation from Accretion Disc around a Kerr Black Hole 5 1.5 10 1 8 M 6 (cid:144)LF0 0.5 (cid:144) F r Hg o l 0 4 2 -0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 a* 0.6 0.8 1 1 1.5 2 r(cid:144)2.r5in 3 3.5 4 Figure 5. Curves of the radius of the inner edge (solid line), Figure 6. The curves of FDA/F0(dotted line) and FMC/F0 theradiusofISCO(dottedline)andtheradiusoftheinnermost (solidline)versusr/rin fora∗=0.75,n=6andκm=1.0. bound orbit (dashed line) versus the BH spin with n = 6 and κm=1. Incorporating equations (11) and (16), we have the ra- dius of the inner edge of the disc, r /M, varying with the in 0.3594,givingrisetoanunphysicalradiantregion,although BHspina∗asshowninFigure5.InspectingFigure5,wefind theinneredgeislocatedatISCOwithλ=1.000.Thisresult thatthedeviationofrinfromrISCOdependsontheBHspin arises from the magnetic transfer direction of the energy asfollows: (1)rin>rISCO fora∗ <0.3594, (2)rin<rISCO and angular momentum from the inner disc to the BH for for a∗ >0.3594 and (3) rin =rISCO at a∗ =0.3594. a∗ <0.3594. Based on the criterion (16), we can evaluate the FromtheabovediscussionwefindthattheMCprocess influence of the parameter κm on the deviation of rin from is a very efficient mechanism in transferring energy and rISCO: (1) the turning point of the deviation a∗ = 0.3594 angular momentum between the BH and its surrounding is independent of the value of κm; (2) the greater κm disc. The inner region of the disc would be eventually corresponds to the greater MC effects, and thus to the disrupted for a∗ < 0.3594, because too much energy and greater deviation, and (3) we haverin =rISCO for κm =0, angular momentum are transferred to the BH via the whichcorrespondstoSADwithoutMCeffectsaccordingto MC process. Thus we infer that the inner edge will move equation (15). outward beyond ISCO. On the other hand, the inner edge can be extended within ISCO for a∗ >0.3594, because the Inspecting equations (11) and (12), we find that the excess energy and angular momentum can be transferred MCtorquealwaysvanishesattheinneredge,implyingthat magnetically from therotatingBH totheinnerdiscviathe the MC of the BH with a thin disc does not disrupt the no MC process. torque boundary condition. However, there is an exception that the closed field lines concentrate at the inner edge of Fromequation(12),weinferthatgMChasthesamesign thedisc,wheretheMCtorquerelatedtogMC atrin canbe as the total radiation flux. Combining the MC effects with written in the form thefactthatanaccretiondisccannotsustainanegativevis- dT /dr 4πrH =(g ) δ(r r ), cboeucsotnosrtqrauien,ewdebsyuaggpeosstittihvaetraadrieaatsioonnaflbulex.inJunsetrleikdegethsehocuaslde (cid:26) (gMMCC)in =≡τ0·sign(ΩHM−CΩiinn·). − in (17) This situation has been discussed in L04, where the MC of SAD, one can always find some reasonable radii for the inner edge of the disc, as long as they are far away enough torquedoesnotvanishattheinneredgeofthedisc.Fora∗ < 0.3594, the criterion for the inner edge can be equivalently from the BH, to keep the radiation flux positive through- written as out the whole disc. And what we have to do is to find the smallest radius as the inner edge. Following Wang (1995), ΩH(a∗)=ΩD(rin,a∗). (18) we consider that the inner edge of the disc is the position wherethetransportation ofenergyandangularmomentum Equation (18) implies that the inner edge is located onthediscjustbeginstoexceedtheadjustablerangeofthe at the radius where the disc matter has the same angular interior viscous torque. However, this criterion can hardly velocity as the BH, which is consistent with the conclusion in L04. beformulatedaccurately.Alternatively,wesuggestthatthe criterion for the inner edge of a thin disc with a smoothly distributed exterior torquecan be written as 4 MC EFFECTS ON DISC RADIATION dF d2F total =0, total >0 (16) TheMCprocesshasasignificanteffectonthediscradiation. (cid:16) dr (cid:17)ri+n (cid:18) dr2 (cid:19)ri+n Compared with SAD, the radiation flux is much more con- 6 closertotheinneredge.Incorporatingequations(19)—(21) withthecriterion(16),wehavetheBHspinsofGROJ1655- 40 and GRS 1915+105 as shown in Table 1. 5 In Z97, the factor Q(a∗) is set to unity, and it is ar- guedthattheapproximationisaccuratetowithin10%fora Α 4 widerange ofthemodelparameter space.In thispaper,we x e check the relation in equation (21) carefully and find that d in theapproximationmadeinZ97workswellonlyforthenon- 3 y relativistic discs. Oncethe relativistic effects are taken into t i iv account,thecorrection fromQ(a∗)woulddeviateunitysig- ss2 nificantly by a factor of several orders. On the other hand, i m the correction above in our paper is also partially from the e MCeffects.Weemphasizethattheresultsinourpapercon- 1 tainsfullyrelativisticeffects,whichisdifferentfromtheones in Z97. And one can also find that the derived spins of the 0 black holes in Z97 would be much smaller if the correction 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 r(cid:144)rin Q(a∗) is considered seriously. Accordingtotheobservation,jetsappearbothinGRO Figure 7. The curves of α ≡ −dlnFtotal/dlnr versus r/rin J1655-40 and GRS 1915+105. As shown in Figure 3, two fora∗ =0.998 and κm =10. The dotted, dashed and solidlines kinds of magnetic field configurations are contained in our correspondton=6,7and8,respectively.Theemissivityindexof theSeyfert 1galaxy MCG-6-30-15inferredfromtheobservation model. The closed field lines connecting the BH and the ofXMM-Newtonisshownbytheshadedregion. disccorrespondtotheMCprocess.Theopenfieldlinescon- nectingtheBHtotheremoteastrophysicalloadcorrespond to BZ process, which is widely used to interpret the jet- production in X-ray binaries, AGNs and GRBs (Blandford centratedattheinnerdisc.Byusingequations(1)and(11) & Znajek 1977, Blandford 1999). Based on the argument wehavethecurvesofF /F andF /F versusr/r as DA 0 MC 0 in given in W03 we find that the BZ process can coexist with shown in Figure 6. the MC process for the parameters in Table 1. Thus the From equation (11) we obtain a very steep emissivity jet-productioninGROJ1655-40andGRS1915+105canbe indexupto4.3 5.0asshowninFigure7,wheretheemissiv- ∼ interpreted naturally based on this model. ity index is defined as α dlnF /dlnr. This result is total consistentwiththeXMM≡-N−ewton observationofthenearby brightSeyfert1galaxyMCG-6-30-15 (WilmsJ.etal. 2001; Branduardi-Raymontet al. 2001). 5 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION Zhang et al. (1997, hereafter Z97) firstly invented an approachtomeasuretheBHspinbydeterminingtheradius In this paper the MC effects on the radiation from a rela- ofISCOinfittingthespectrumoftheX-raycontinuumfrom tivistic thin disc are discussed, and some issues related to athinrelativisticdisc.Consideringthedeviationoftheinner thistoy model are addressed as follows. edgefrom ISCOduetotheMCeffects, wemodify equation (1)AsarguedbyUzdensky(2005),theMCofarotating (3) in Z97 as follows, BH with its surrounding disc can be regarded as a stable magnetic connection, which is dramatically different from 1/2 2 r =ηD Fearth fcolfGR(θ,a∗) (19) the magnetic connection of a rotating neutron star with a in (cid:20)2σg(θ,a∗) Q(a∗)(cid:21) (cid:20) Tcol (cid:21) disc. Since a BH does not have a conducting surface, the · magnetic field lines frozen into a rotating conducting disk whereg(θ,a∗) and fGR(θ,a∗) havethesame meaning given can slip on the horizon. Compared with the BH, a neutron inZ97.Weignoretheeffectofmagneticfieldonthegeodesic stars is a highly-conducting star. Therefore, each field line ofphotons,sotheyareonlydeterminedbythemetricaround connecting the star to the disk is subject to a continuous the BH. In this paper, we use the values of g(θ,a∗) and twisting, and no steady magnetic connection exists in the fGR(θ,a∗) from Table 1 in Z97. η rin/rpeak. And the case of a rotating neutron star with a disc (Ghosh, Lamb ≡ other quantitiesare defined as follows: & Pethick 1977, Ghosh & Lamb 1979a, b; Eksi, Herquist & Fearth=g(θ,a∗)Ltotal/2πD2, (20) Nara(y2a)nT2h0e05M).C discussed in this paper involves a large- Tcol=fGR(θ,a∗)fcol Tpeak · scale magnetic field connecting a rotation BH with a thin Compared with Z97, the MC effects are taken into ac- disc. As argued in L02, this type of MC is very different countinourmodel.Inaddition,weintroduceafactorQ(a∗) fromthoseinvolvingasmall-scalemagneticfieldconnecting tomodify theapproximate relation between thebolometric the matter inside ISCO with the matter outside ISCO luminosity of the disc and the peak emission region (Mak- (Krolik 1999; Gammie 1999; Agol & Krolik 2000), and the ishima et al. 1986) as follows, “no torque boundary condition” is assumed based on the Ltotal≡4πσrp2eakTp4eak·Q(a∗) (21) consideration of this MC with a thin disc. The MC effects on the data fitting behave at least two ThecontributionofthispaperliesintheMCeffectson aspects:(1) theinneredgedeviatesfrom ISCO,and(2)the discradiationbasedonthedeviationoftheinneredgefrom radius r of the peak value of the radiation flux is much ISCO,and themain results are summarized as follows. peak Effects of Magnetic Coupling on Radiation from Accretion Disc around a Kerr Black Hole 7 Table1.MeasuringBHspinsofGROJ1655-40andGRS1915+105basedonX-raycontinuumwiththeMCeffects(n=6.0andκm=1.0). Observedparameters Source BHspin Fearth(erg·cm−2·s−1) Tcol(k/Kev) θ(deg) M(M⊙) GROJ1655-40 3.3×10−8 1.36 70 6.0∼6.6 0.932∼0.960 GRS1915+105 4.4×10−8 2.27 70 10∼18 0.927∼0.996 ItisshownthattheinneredgeofSADshouldbelocated Ghosh,P.,Lamb,F.K.,&Pethick, G.J.,1977,ApJ,217,578 atoroutsideISCO,whichisregardedastheinnerboundary Ghosh,P.,&Lamb,F.K.,1979a, ApJ,232,259 of SAD. 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Interna- radiusrin couldbegreaterandlessthanrISCO fora∗ being tionalConf.,RelativisticJets inAGNs.Krakow,p.110 less and greater than 0.3594, respectively. Novikov,I.D.,&Thorne,K.S.1973,inBlackHoles,ed.Dewitt C,(GordonandBreach,NewYork) In addition, the MC effects on the boundary condition Paczynski,B.,2000,preprint(astro-ph/0004129) of the disc are discussed. It is argued that the “no torque Page,D.N.,&Thorne,K.S.1974,ApJ,191,499 boundary condition” is not affected at the presence of the Shakura,N.I.&Sunyaev, R.A.1973, Astron.Astrophys,24,337 MC process except that the magnetic field is concentrated Thorne,K.S.1974,ApJ,191,507 completely at theinneredge. Only in thisextreme case the Thorne,K.S.,Price,R.H.&Macdonald,D.A.1986,Blackholes: MC effectscan betreated effectively as a“non-zero bound- TheMembraneParadigm(New Haven:YaleUniv.Press) ary torque”. Uzdensky,D.A.,2005,ApJ,620,889 It has been argued that no stable geodesic circular Wang,D.-X.,Xiao,K.2002, MNRAS,335,655 orbits exist within ISCO (B72). The conclusion is derived Wang,D.-X.,Ma,R.-Y.,Lei,W.-H.andYao,G.-Z.2003,ApJ, based on geodesic of atest particle in theKerrmetric. It is 595,109(W03) Wang,Y.M.1995,ApJ,449,L153 worth notingthattheorbitsof theaccretingmattercannot WilmsJ.etal.2001, MNRAS,328,L27 be regarded as geodesics because of the interior viscous Zhang,S.N.,Cui,W.&Chen,W.1997,ApJ,482,L155(Z97) torque and the presence of a strong magnetic field related to the MC process, and the result that r is less than in r for a disc around a fast-rotating BH seems not in ISCO conflict with theconclusion given in B72. Acknowledgments. This work is supported by the Na- tional Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Numbers10573006and10121503.Theanonymousrefereeis thankedfor his (her) helpful comments and suggestions. 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