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Effects of Insecticide Use on Abundance and Diversity of Tomato Pests and Associated Natural Enemies in Hawai'i PDF

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Preview Effects of Insecticide Use on Abundance and Diversity of Tomato Pests and Associated Natural Enemies in Hawai'i

45 Effects ofInsecticide Use on Abundance and Diversity of Tomato Pests and Associated Natural Enemies in Hawai'i MARY F. PURCELL', MARSHALLW. JOHNSON & BRUCE E. TABASHNIK DepartmentofEntomology,UniversityofHawaiiatManoa,Honolulu,Hawai'i96822,USA ABSTRACT.AsurveyofinsectswasconductedinFall 19S9plantingsof7commercial fresh market tomato farms in Maui, Moloka'i and Hawai'i islands. The primary pests whichattackedUiefruitwereHelicoverpazea,Keiferialycopersicella.Bactroceracucur- bilae(Coquillett).andSpodopteraexigua.Thekey foliarpestswereagromyzidleafmin- crs and whiteflies. Uriomyzasalivaeand L trifolii were the 2 leafminerspecies found attacking the foliage on all farms. Liriomyza salivae was the dominant species, and accountedfor68%oftheleafminersrearedfromtomatoleaflets.Ninespeciesofleafmin erparasitoids wereobserved in the7 farms. Diversity ofparasitoid specieswas 2to 3 timeslowerinfarmswhichusedinsecticidesonacalendarbasisthanfarmswhichapplied insecticides only when pests reached nominal thresholdsorused selective insecticides. Diglyphusbegini wasthedominantleafminerparasiloid,representing85%ofthepara sitesreared fromtomatoleaflets.Themeanparasitismralesofleafminersovertheplant ingperiodranged50-60%infarmsusinginsecticidesonanominalorselectivebasis,and 8-17% inthecalendaruse farms.Thepredominantwhiteflyspecieswasthegreenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodesvaporariorum,whichexceededeconomicinjurylevelsin2ofthe "calendar" farms forupto 33% ofthesampling periods. Irregularripening disorderof tomatoes,inducedbyBemisiatabaciBiotypeBwasobservedforthefirsttimeinthestate ofHawai'iin I siteonHawai'iisland.Potentialmanagementalternativesforkeypestsof tomatoesin Hawai'iarediscussed. INTRODUCTION FreshmarkettomatoesareaprincipalvegetablecropinthestateofHawai'i.In 1989, they were valued at 3 million dollars, acreage was 101 ha, and thetotal production was about 130metric tons (Anonymous 1990). Several pests inflictyieldreductionsindirect ly by foliar feeding. These include the agromyzid leafminers, Liriomyza salivae Blan- chard and L trifolii Burgess, greenhouse whilefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (West- wood),andtheswcelpoiatowhilefly,Bemisiatabaci(Gennadius).BemisiatabaciBiotype B isanimportant vectorofseveral plantvirusesandhasbeenassociatedwithotherplant disordersofunknownetiology(Brown&Costa, 1992,Costa& Brown 1991,Hoelmeret. al. 1991, Bharathanetal. 1990,Schusteretal. 1990). Irregularripeningisarelativelynew disorderoftomato,andwasfirstrecordedinFloridain 1987(Maynard&Cantliffe 1989). The disorder is characterized by incomplete ripening of longitudinal sections of fruit. Symptoms arc associated with feeding ofB. tabaciand symptoms are more severe with increasingdensityofwhiteflyfeeding(Schusteret al. 1990). About 17 parasitoid species were introduced by the Hawai'i Department ofAgri cultureinthe 1970stocontrolLiriomyzaleafminersandwhiteflies(Funasakietal. 1988). Asacomplex,severalparasitoidspeciesappeartoprovideeffectivecontrolinwatermelon (Johnson 1987). Ofthese,Chrysonotomyiapunctiventris(Crawford),Halticopteracircu- lus(Walker) werethe predominant parasitoidsin watermelon. However,extensiveuseof insecticides has been reported to adversely affect them (Johnsonet al. 1980). In tomato, theeulophids, Diglyplmsbegini(Ashmcad) and D. intennedius(Girault) werecommon lyobserved intomato fieldsinO'ahu (M.W. Johnson, unpubl. data). Parasites such as EncarsiaformosaGahan and E. transvenaTimberlake have been introduced forthe control ofgreenhouse whitefly, but appeartobe rare in tomatoes and 1.Presentaddress:Tropicall-'ruitandVegetableResearchLaboratory.USDA-ARS.P.O.Box4459.Hilo.Hawai'i 96720.USA. 46 Proceedings ofthe Hawaiian Entomological Society Vol. 32 othervegetablecrops(Gcrling 1983).Preliminaryobservationsinthegreenhouseindicate thatthehemipteranomnivore, Cyrtopeltismodesius Distant, maybeanimportantpreda tor of the greenhouse whitefly. It is predaceous on a variety ofother insects including Helicoverpa (= Heliothis) zea (Boddie) eggs and larvae, and Uriomyza larvae (Illing- worth 1937, Parella& Bethke 1982). However, C. modesius feedsboth on thestemsand blossomsoftomato plants anddecreases fruitset(Illingworth 1937). Theprimarydirectpestsoftomatofruitincludethetomatofruitworm,H. zea,toma to pinwonn, Keiferia lycopersicella (Walsingham), beet army worm,Spodoptera exigua HUbner,thesoutherngreenstinkbug,Nezaraviridula(Linnaeus),andthemelonflyBac- trocera cucurbitae (Coquillclt). In general, natural enemies do not reduce levels offruit infestationbelow3%,andinsecticidesareusedtocontrolthesepests.Applicationofpes ticidesoften result insignificantoutbreaksofpests suchasthe whitefliesand leafminers viadevelopmentofpesticideresistanceand/orsuppressionofnatural enemies. Theobjectivesofourstudy wereto: I)classify therelativeimportanceofthe major pestsofcommercial tomatoesin Hawai'i; 2)determinethespeciesdiversityofimportant natural enemy species; and 3) evaluate the impact ofgrower management practices on pestand natural enemy populations. MATERIALS ANDMETHODS Studies wereconducted in 7 commercial tomato plantings: Kula, Maui (450 m and 900melev.); Ho'olehua,Moloka'i;Glenwood,Volcano,CaptainCook,and Kealakekua, on Hawai'i Island, beginning 22 September 1989 and ending 23 January 1990. Surveys wereinitiatedfromthesecondtofourthweekaftertomatoesweretransplantedintheHeld andcontinueduntilthefourth-sixthtomatoharvest.Thesizeoftomatoplantingssurveyed rangedfromca.0.4-4ha. Blackplasticmulchanddripirrigationlineswerelaidalongthe rowsandtomatotransplantswereplantedinholesmadeintheplastic.Alltomatoesexcept plantings from the2 farms inMauiwerestakedandtrcllised.Tomatoeswereprunedto2 mainbranchesatleastonceduringtheplantingcycle.TomatoesinGlenwoodandVolcano weregrown incommercial shadehouses. InSeptember 1989,growersfromeachof7 farmswereinterviewedtodetermineihe typeand frequencyofchemicalandbiologicalcontrol used.Thefarmswereclassifiedby 3 main types ofmanagement tactics, and included: I) Calendar, insecticides toxic to a wide range ofinsects (e.g., mcthomyl, oxamyl, dimethoate, endosulfan, fenvaleratc and esfenvalerate)wereappliedonaregularbasis. Decisionstoapplyinsecticidesweremade without regard to insect pest infestation levels; 2) Nominal thresholds: broad-spectrum insecticides wereonly applied when insect populations approachedorsurpasseddamag ing levels. Thresholds were based on growers' experience, not scientific determination. Timingofcontrol tacticswasbasedonperiodicsamplingandassessmentsofinsectnum bers by the grower; and 3) Selective: the microbial insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Bt) which is specific to a few lepidoptcran pests (e.g., H. zea ) was applied. Naturallevelsofparasitesandpredatorswererelieduponforleafminerandwhiteflycon trol. Each farm was divided into 4 randomly selected sections, forweekly sampling for insects. Within each ofthe 4 sections, 15 tomato leaflets were collected at random and takentothelaboratoryforcountingandidentification. Usingalightmicroscopewithback lighting,activeleafminerlarvaeandparasitizedlarvaewerecounted.Immaturewhiteflies werealsocounted by placing aclearacetategrid with 1 cm2 squaresoverthe leafunder- surface(Johnsonet al. 1991),andcountingthenumberofwhitefly nymphsandpupaeat random on four I cm2 sectors. Whitefly pupae were examined forthepresence ofpara- sitoids. Aftercounting, leaves wereheld in papercartons (Johnsonetal. 1980) to allow Purcell et al.: Effects of Insecticides on Tomato Insects 47 foremergence of adult leafminers and parasitoids. After S weeks, adult leafminers and parasitoidspecies were identified. Cynopellismodesius, wassampled byshaking5 flowerbearingbranchesatrandom withineachofthe4sectionsofeachfarm,andcountingthenumberofnymphsandadults fallingontoabeating tray (3S.S cm.diam.). Wing-style phcromone traps, each with a specific lure (Ecogen Inc., Goodyear, Arizona) wereused to monitorthe lepidoptcransK. iycopersicella, H. tea, andS. exigua. Asingle trap was hung froma stakeortrellis wire within thecenterofeach farm.Traps werehungatthecenterofthetomatocanopyandraisedastheplantsgrewinheight.Trap bottomswerereplacedweekly,andmothswerecounted. Lureswerereplacedineachtrap every4weeks. When tomatoesreached the maturegreen stage,30fruit fromeachofthe 4sectorsofallfarmsexceptKula900mwererandomlyselectedandthefruitwereexam inedforevidenceoffeedingdamagecausedbyIhclepidoptcransandsoutherngreenstink bug. In addition,a numberoffruit withoviposition scars ("stings") from melonfly were counted. Fruit samples werecollected weekly for4-8 weeks, dependingon theduration ofharvesting in each farm. Numbersoffruit damaged by each species was converted to percentages. Statistics Themeannumberofunparasitizedand parasitized Icafminerlarvaeperleafletandwhite- flics percm1on each leaflet foreach sampledate were calculated, and alsocombined to calculate the mean numberofinsects recordedduring theentire planting cycle. Species diversityofIcafminerparasitoidsinthedifferent farms wascalculatedusingtheShannon index ofdiversity (Magurran 1988): H'="IPi\nPi (1) where H' = index of diversity, andpj is the proportion of individuals found in the «th species.Tocalculatedifferencesindiversity indicesamongthedifferentfarms,wecalcu lated the varianceofH' and thetstatistic(P£0.05; Magurran 1988): VarH'= { [IPi(l/ip^2-(Ip Inp()*]/V" } + [(S- I)(2fiPy'] (2) t=(H', - H'2)(VarH', +VarH'2)" ' (3) Differences in percent parasitizationofleafminers wereanalyzedusingtheGeneral Linear Models Procedure and Sheffe's Ftest (SAS 1988) for pairwise comparisons be tweenthe3 managementcategories. RESULTSANDDISCUSSION Insecticide Use Ofthe 7 farms, insecticides wereappliedon acalendarbasis in 3 farms: Glenwood, Volcano and Kula 900 m (Table I). In these farms, primarily organophosphate and py- rcthroidinsecticideswereusedweeklyorbiweekly.Morethan20treatmentswereapplied duringtheplantingcycleinthesefarms.Threefarmsin Ho'olehua,Kealakekua,andKula 450mused"nominalthresholds."In2ofthe"nominal"farms,alternativetreatmentssuch asinsecticidalsoap,Btandthematingdisruptant,lycopersilurefortomatopinworm,were applied.The Kula(450m)farmer'ssprayequipmentdidnotadequatelycoverthefoliage 48 Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society Vol. 32 Table1. InsecticideuseatseventomatofarmsinHawai'i. Pesticide No.or Use FarmSite Chemicalsused Targestpcst(s) applications Calendar Clenwood esfenvalerate lepidoptera1 8 methomyl leafminer 5 oxamyl whiteflies,leafminer 7 endosulfan whitefly 2 Total:22 Volcano dimethoate leafminer 6 oxamyl whitefly 5 methomyl lepidoptera,leafminer 1 fenvalerate leafminer,whitefly, 5 lepidoptera insecticidalsoap whitefly 6 Total:23 Kula900m mevinphos lepidoptera ■ 9 methomyl leafminer 9 fenvalerate lepidoptera 4 Total:22 Nominal Kcalakekua esfenvalerate lepidoptera 2 endosulfan whitefly 4 methomyl leafminer 2 oxamyl whitefly.leafminer 2 B. l.k2 tomatofruitworm 6 insecticidalsoap whilefly 5 Total:21 Ho'olehua lycopersilure3 tomatopinworm 2 malalhion+bait• melonfly 2 methomyl leafminer,lepidoptera 2 esfenvalerate lepidoptera 1 B. i.k. tomatofruitworm 4 Total: 11 Kula450m disyston leafminer 1 azinphosmethyl leafminer 1 methomyl whitefly,leafminer 2 mevinphos lepidoptera 2 oxamyl whilefly,leafminer 1 Total:7 Selective CaptainCook B. t.k. tomatofruitworm 2 1. Lcpidoptcranpests:tomatopinworm,tomatofruitworm,andbeetarmyworm. 2. Bacillusthuritigiensisvar.kurslaki 3.NoMale®(Ecogen.Goodyear.AZ) 4.Proleinbail(Nulure®)addedtoinsecticideandappliedtowindbreakvegetation(Sudangrass) Purcell et al.: Effects of Insecticides on Tomato Insects 49 300 Selective Calendar Nominal Fig.1.RelativenumberofUriomyzasativaeandL irifolii adultsemerged fromleavesthroughout entireplantingcycleineachofseventomatofarmsinHawai'i. orfruit; and spray records were notavailable afterthefirstmonth ofplanting(Table 1). In Ho'olehua, Sudan grass windbreaks were treated with maiathion and protein bait to control melon flies, which commonly roost in weeds andothernon-host plants(Nishida & Bess 1950). In theCaptain Cook farm, Bl was applied early in the season forH. zea control andthereforeclassifiedin the"selective" managementcategory. Leafminers Twoagromyzids,LsativaeandL trifolii,wereobservedinthe7tomatofarms(Fig. I). Liriomyza sativae was the dominant species in 6 ofthe sites, accounting for 68% of theleafminerspeciescollected. Incontrast,L. trifoliipopulationswereabout50%higher than L. sativae in the Volcano, which was a "calendar" farm. L trifolii has developed resistancetoinsecticidesmorerapidly than L sativae(Masonetal. 1987), andmayhave reachedhighlevelsbecauseofahistoryofintensiveinsecticideuseatthisfarm(Table I). Leafminerlevels in Kula 900mand Ho'olehua werebelow 0.2perleafletthrough outthe sampling period, and werenot included in Fig. 2. In general, leafminernumbers were below 1 perleafletin 2 ofthe3calendarfarms, indicating susceptibilitytoinsecti cides. However, in the Volcano farm, levels exceeded 4 per leaflet for 3 weeks, despite morethan6applicationsofinsecticidesfor leafminers.Thissuggeststhatresistantpopu- A) 'CALENDAR' (II o Gtenwood,HI Volcano,HI 2 5 5 57 i t fi-3 i IW ++ [ ft first harvest V..: o o I ■ 263 277 291 30S 319 333 347 361 010 024 256 270 284 298 312 326 340 354 003 017 031 Julian Julian B)'NOMINAL' 0 X Kealakekua,HI Kula, Maui (450m) ,12 4 9 9 9 9 9 3 1 4 0.6 ' 4 3 2 4 2 7 S. 7 7 7 &r 0.S f 4 H m 0.4 I * J first>harvect o 0.3 o 5" 0.2 A I 0.1 V - s CO 0.0256 270 284 296 3t2 326 340 354 Julian Fig.1.Densityofunparasitized(opencircles)andparasitized(closedcircles)larvaeinCalendarandNominalfields.Arrowsindicatetimesofinsecticideapplication. 1 =esfenvaleraie,2=methomyl,3=oxamyl,4=endosulfan,5=dimethoate,6=fenvalerate,7=insecticidalsoap,8=mevinphos,9-B. thuringiensiskurstaki(Btk), 10=disyston, 11=mevinphos, 12=azinphosmethyi. Purcell et al.: Effects of Insecticides on Tomato Insects 51 Table 2. Leafminer parasitoids collected in fresh market lomato farms in Maui, Moloka'i and Hawai'i. Calendar NominalThreshold Selective Glen- Volcano Kula Molokai Kcalakekua Kula Capt. Parasiloidspecies: wood 900m 450m Cook Larvalparasitoids: Chrysonotmayia 0 0 0 0 0 46 1 puncliventris (Crawford) C.formosa 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 (Westwood) Closiemcerus 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 utahensisCrawford Diglyphus 0 9 1 1 15 39 48 intermedius(Girault) D.begini(Ashmead) 22 21 17 3 21 374 87 Hemiptarsenus 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 semialbiclavus (Girault) Larval-pupal parasitoids: Ganaspidium 0 0 0 3 0 16 2 utitis(Beardslcy) Chrysocharis 1 0 0 1 10 14 4 oscinidis(Crawford) Haliicoprera 0 0 0 0 3 1 4 cinulusWalker Grandtotal 23 30 18 8 52 490 148 No.species 2 2 2 4 6 6 7 H'(diversityindex)/' 0.18a 0.56b 0.43b 1.00c l.41d 0.80c 0.87c I. Meanswiihinarowfollowedbydifferentlettersaresigniilcantlydifferent (Pi0.05,Itest,Maguiran1988). Table3. TotalparasitismratesofUriomyzaleafminers. PesticideUse/Farm Mean % parasitism!SEM Peak % parasitism Calendar Glenwood 17.8±6.1 b 66.7 Volcano 8.2+4.1 b 61.1 Nominalthreshold Kealakekua 52.0± 11.4a 100.0 Kula450 62.2±8.4a 100.0 Selective CaptainCook 57.8±8.1 a 92.6 Means withinacolumnfollowedbythesameletterarenotsignificantlydifferent(P< 0.05:Scheffe'sFicst:SASInstitute1988). 52 Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society Vol. 32 lations ofL trifolii were present. Populations were also below economically damaging levels in 2 of the nominal farms, which suggests that less frequent applications (i.e., Ho'olehua)werejustaseffectiveascalendarapplications. Preliminarydataindicatesthat tomato yields are reduced only when peak seasonal density exceeds 6 live larvae per leaflet, (M.W. Johnson, unpubl. data). Based on these levels, treatments for leafminer were probably unjustified in the calendar and nominal farms, and that leafmincrs may have been developing resistance to some ofthe materials used inVolcano and Kula 450 (i.e.,methomyl,oxamyl;Fig. 2). Indeed,in theselectivefarm,whichdidnotapplyinsec ticides for leafminer, levelsdid notexceed0.8 miners per leaflet (Fig. 2), which indicat edthatnatural controlswereeffective. Nineparasitichymenopterousspeciesassociatedwiththelcafminerswereidentified whichincluded6larvaland3larval-pupalparasitoids(Table2).Larvalparasitoidsinclud ed Diglyphus begini (Ashmead), D. intermedius (Girault), Chrysonotomyia fonnosa (Westwood),C.punctiventris(Crawford),Closterocenisutahensis(Crawford),andHemi- ptarsenus semialbiclavus (Girault). Larval-pupal parasitoids were Ganaspidium utilis Beardsley, Chrysocltarisoscinidis(Crawford),andHallicopteracirculus(Walker).The2 mostcommonparasitoidswereD.beginiandD. intermedius,whichaccountedfor84.8% and 14.6% respectively ofthe parasitoids collected from tomato leaflets overthe entire plantingcycle(Table2).Diglyphusbeginiisalsoreportedlythemostcommonparasitoid associatedwithtomatoesinCalifornia,whileC.fonnosaandD. intermediusarethedom inantspeciesin Floridatomatoes (Johnson & Hara 1987). High levelsofresistanceinD. begini to pyrcthroids and 2 organophosphate insecticides have been documented (Rath- manetal. 1990).ThepresenceofD. intermediusin2ofthe3 calendarsitessuggeststhat itmayalsobedevelopingresistancetotheseinsecticides. Significantlyfewerparasitoidspecieswereobservedinthecalendarfarmsthaninthe nominal threshold orselective farms (t = -5.04; df= 5, P=0.004;Table2).Absenceof many species such as C.punctiventrisand C. oscinidisfromthecalendarfarmssuggests that these species were adversely affected by frequent insecticide applications. In addi tion, thediversity index ofspecies in eachofthecalendarfarms wassignificantly lower thanin thenominalthreshold ortheselective farms(Table2). PercentageparasitisminGlenwood(calendar)climbedtoamaximumof38%or0.5 parasitoidsperleafletbytheendoftheplantingcycle(Fig.2). Insecticidetreatmentswere haltedfor2weeksatthissite,whichcouldhaveaccountedforthisincrease. But,D. begi niatthissitewas alsoshowntoberesistanttoconcentrationsbelow field ratesofoxam ylandmethomyl (Rathmanetal. 1990). Diglyphusbeginiappearedtobesuppressedini tiallybyintensiveapplicationsofoxamyl,methomylandesfenvalerate(Fig.2). However, the 2 week break in applications may have allowed these populations to increase. Parasitism levels continued to risedespite 2applications ofesfenvalerateand methomyl inthefinalweeks,suggestingthatresistantpopulationsmighthavebeenpresent,although furtherwork is neededtoverifythisresult. Interestingly, the farm with the highestdiversity levels was Kealakekua, a nominal thresholdsite(Table2), whichrestricteditsuseofbroadlytoxicinsecticidesto3applica tions in the first 3 weeks after planting (esfenvalerate, oxamyl and endosulfan), and 3 applications during harvest when whitcflics exceeded perceived economic levels. Leafminerparasitoids mayhavebeenableto survivethisregimeofapplications,perhaps because residues of insecticides on the leaf surface had decreased to sublethal levels. Overall parasitism rates were fourfold higherin the nominal and selectivefarms than in thecalendarfarms (F= 11.95;df=4,54; P-0.0001;Table3). However, nodifferences inparasitismoccurredbetweenthenominal thresholdandselectivefarms(Table3). In addition to the relatively high rates of leafminer parasitism observed in the Purcell et al.: Effects of Insecticides on Tomato Insects S3 Captain Cook, HI 1.0 9 9 unparaslized I I 0.8 first harvest g 0.6 I 0.4 J2 0.2 0.0 256 270 284 298 312 326 340 354 Julian date Fig. 3. Density ofunparasitized (opencircles) and parasitized(closed circles) leafminerlarvae in SelectiveHeld.Arrowsindicatetimesofinsecticideapplication.9=0. ihuringiensiskurstaki(Btk). Captain Cook (selective) farm, large numbers of Cyrtopeltis modestus Distant were observed at this farm (Fig. 3). Cyrtopeltis modestus was sporadically observed in the Kealakekua farm, but was absent from thesamplesofthe remaining5 farms suggesting high susceptibility to insecticide applications. In the Captain Cook farm. C. modestus increasedasthe leafminerpopulationsinitiallydeclined.ThesedatasuggestthatC.mod estus also contributed to mortality of the leafminer larvae. As a gcneralist predator, it probably does not discriminate between internally parasitized and unparasitized larvae; this could also account for mortality ofparasitoids as well. In the Captain Cook farm, theredidnotappeartobeanumericalresponsebetweenparasitoidsand larval Ieafminers. Perhaps C. modestus was reducing the impact ofthese parasitoids.There are no studies thatdocumenttheimpactofC.modestusonleafminerpopulations,butithasbeenreport edasa facultativepredatorofIeafminers inCalifornia(Parrclla& Bcthke 1982). Whiteflies Thegreenhousewhitefly,Trialeurodesvaporariorum (Westwood) waspresentin all farms(Fig.4). IntheGlenwood,Volcano,and Kealakekuafarms,despiteintensiveinsec ticide use(up to 23 applications), whitefly populations exceeded economic injury levels fora 10 and 20% yield loss as defined by Johnson et al. (1992) for2-8 weeks (Fig; 4). Otherstudiesshowthatthegreenhouse whitefly is resistant toseveral classesofinsecti cides and it is increasingly difficult to control whiteflies with chemicals (Omer et al. 1993). Whiteflies werepractically absentinthe Ho'olehuaand Kula(900 m) farms, and thusare notincluded inFig.4. 54 Proceedings ofthe Hawaiian Entomological Society Vol. 32 Captain Cook ('selective') Total miner Whitefly nymphs 6 " per 4 cm2 -M- Cyrtopeltis per bran 4 " w 2 " 270 284 298 312 326 340 354 Julian day Fig.4.Densityofwhiteflynymphsvs.densityofCynopellismodestus(CaptainCook). Table4.Meaninfestationoftomatoesbyfruitpestsatharvest. MeanPercentInfestedFruit1 Pesticide No. TPW TFVV BAW Total FruitFly SGSB Total use/Farm Harvests Ltps stings punctures damage Calendar: Glenwood 4 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.0 1.0 Volcano 4 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.6 Nominal: Kealakekua 7 0.2 0.8 0.0 I.I 0.1 3.3 4.5 Moloka'i 6 0.6 0.6 1.2 2.3 1.0 0.0 3.3 Kula450m 4 3.1 8.9 1.7 13.8 0.6 0.0 14.4 Selective: Capt.Cook 8 0.0 2.4 0.2 2.6 0.0 7.8 7.8 Totals 33 4.1 13.1 3.7 21.0 2.1 11.1 I.TPW=Tomatopinworm.TFW=Tomatofruitworm,BAW=Beetarmyworm,SGSB=southerngreenstinkbug. Whitefly densities in theselectivefarm inCaptainCookonlyslightlyexceeded the 5% economic injury level for 2 weeks. Large populations ofthe predator, C. modestus may havehelpedregulate populationsofthewhitefliesinthis farm(Fig. 4). Greenhouse whiteflynumbersinthenominalthresholdfarminthe2Kulasitesdidnotexceedtheeco nomic injury level, although C. modestus was absent from the samples, which suggests

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