Original article Effects of innovative packaging materials on apricot fruits ® (cv Tom Cot ) CristianaPEANO,NicoleRobertaGIUGGIOLI,VincenzoGIRGENTI* Dep.Agric.For.FoodSci., Effectsofinnovativepackagingmaterialsonapricotfruits(cv.TomCot®). viaLeonardoDaVinci Abstract – Introduction. Innovation in the management of perishability/freshness is an essential 44,10095GrugliascoTorino, themeofthefuturefruitsector,notonlyforcommercialanddistributionsystemsbutalsoforproduc- Italy,[email protected] tion.Plasticfilmswithmodifiedatmospheresrepresentapostharvesttechnologythatcanbeusedto store stone fruits, such as apricots, that have a short shelf life when maintained in a normal atmos- phere under cold conditions. The aim of our work was to evaluate the effect of several packaging materialsonthepostharvestqualityofapricotfruitsstoredfor21daysbyconsideringthemostimpor- tant qualitative traits. Materialsandmethods.Modified atmosphere technology with different pac- kaging materials was used to store apricot fruits cv. Tom Cot® at (+1 ±0.5)°C and 90–95% relative humidity (RH). Different passive modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) conditions were developed becauseoftheinteractionbetweenfruitrespirationandthedifferentoxygenandcarbondioxidebar- riersofthefilms.TheeffectsofMAPwereevaluatedonthepostharvestqualityofthefruitsbymoni- toring the headspace gas composition, weight loss, fruit flesh firmness (FFF), total soluble solids content(TSS),titratableacidity(TA)andskincolour.Resultsanddiscussion.Changesinpackaging headspacegascompositionwereobservedforallfilmsused,butonlymultilayerfilmsandbiodegra- dable film maintained the MAP conditions until the end of storage. Wrapped fruits lost less weight thanfruitsmaintainedundernormalconditions;inparticular,multilayerfilmsmaintainedthehighest FFFvaluesafter21days.Thebiodegradablefilmexhibitedgoodperformanceintermsofmaintaining theCO andO equilibriuminsidethebasketsbybalancingthefruits’respirationandthefilm’sper- 2 2 meability. Traditional plastic materials, such as multilayer films, and more sustainable films, such as thebiodegradablefilmusedinourstudy,canbesuccessfullyemployedtostoreapricotfruitscv.Tom Cot®forupto21daysinpassiveMAPconditions. Italy/Prunusarmeniaca/fruits/keepingquality/film(packaging)/controlled atmospherestorage/quality Effets de matériaux d’emballage innovants sur la conservation de l’abricot (cv.TomCot®). Résumé–Introduction.L’innovationdanslecontrôledel’altérabilité/fraîcheurestunthèmeessen- tieldusecteurdesfruitsdufutur,nonseulementpourles systèmescommerciauxet dedistribution, mais également pour leur production. Les films plastiques avec atmosphères modifiées représentent unetechnologieaprèsrécoltequipeutêtreutiliséepourstockerdesfruitsànoyau,telsquelesabri- cots,quiontunecourteduréedevielorsquemaintenusdansuneatmosphèrenormaleenconditions réfrigérées. Le but de notre travail a été d’évaluer l’effet de plusieurs matériaux d’emballage sur la qualitéaprèsrécolted’abricotscv.TomCot®stockéspendant21joursens’intéressantauxcaractéris- tiquesqualitativeslesplusimportantes.Matérieletméthodes.Latechnologiedel’atmosphèremodi- fiéeadaptéeàdifférentsmatériauxd’emballageaétéutiliséepourstockerdesabricotscv.TomCot® à(+1±0.5)°Cet90–95%d’hygrométrie.Différentesconditionsd’emballageenatmosphèremodifiée (EAM)ontétédéveloppéesenraisondel’interactionentrelarespirationdufruitetlesdifférentesbar- *Correspondenceandreprints rièresàl’oxygèneetaudioxydedecarbonedesfilms.LeseffetsdesEAMontétéévaluéssurlaqua- lité après récolte des fruits en évaluant la composition du gaz de l’espace libre dans l’emballage, la pertedepoids,lafermetédufruit,leteneurensolidessolublestotaux,l’aciditétitrableetlacouleur Received18June2013 delapeau.Résultatsetdiscussion.Deschangementsdelacompositionengazdansl’espacelibre Accepted12November2013 des emballages ont été observés pour tous les films utilisés, mais seuls les films multicouches et le film biodégradable ont maintenu les conditions d’EAM jusqu’à la fin de la période de stockage. Les fruitsenveloppésontperdumoinsdepoidsquedesfruitsmaintenusenconditionsnormales;enpar- ticulier, les films multicouches ont permis d’obtenir les valeurs de fermeté du fruit les plus élevées Fruits,2014,vol.69,p.247–258 après21jours.Lefilmbiodégradableaétéperformantpourmaintenirl’équilibreCO /O àl’intérieur 2 2 ©2014Cirad/EDPSciences desboitesenéquilibrantlarespirationdufruitetlaperméabilitédufilm.Desmatièresplastiquestra- ditionnelles,telsquelesfilmsmulticouches,etdesfilmsplusdurables,telquelefilmbiodégradable Allrightsreserved utilisédansnotreétude,peuventêtreutilisésavecsuccèspourconserverdesabricotscv.TomCot® DOI:10.1051/fruits/2014014 jusqu’à21joursenconditionspassivesdestockageenatmosphèremodifiée. www.fruits-journal.org Italie/Prunusarmeniaca/fruits/aptitudeàlaconservation/film(emballage)/ RESUMENESPAÑOL,p.258 stockageenatmosphèrecontrôlée/qualité ArticlepublishedbyEDPSciences Fruits,vol.69(3) 247 C.Peanoetal. 1. Introduction benefitsofincreasedCO inimprovingthe 2 shelflifeoffruitduringdistributionandstor- age[6].TheuseofaMAisadynamicprocess Apricots (Prunus armeniaca L.) are stone that includes an alteration of the gases fruit;theirproductionplaysakeyroleinthe within the packaging [7]. The modified agricultural sector of the European market. atmosphere extends the benefits of an In Europe, apricot production remains increased CO preservation environment concentrated in Mediterranean-type areas; 2 throughout the supply chain [6]; it is influ- Italy is the largest producer in the EU-27, followed by France, Greece and Spain1. encedbythepermeabilityofthefilmtothe gas, the rate of respiration of the fruits and Fruits are generally destined for fresh temperature[8–10].Storingapricotsincon- consumption, and current advances in centrationsbetween(10and15) kPaofCO logistics and packaging technologies allow 2 hasbeenfoundtodecreasedecaydevelop- the consumption of fruits even in distant markets.Asthemarketforfreshproduceis ment and gel breakdown. Two modified growing steadily, the need to guarantee atmosphere packaging (MAP) treatments quality is increasing. thatproduced(13to15) kPaCO2andeither 3 kPaor10 kPaO preventeddecaydevel- 2 Shelflifeiscloselyrelatedtofruitvariety, opmentin‘Canino’apricotsafter35 daysof and apricots, which are the most widely storageand4 daysat20.8 °C,whereascon- marketedstonefruit,arehighlyperishable. trol fruits exhibited 30% decay [11]. Inparticular,oneofthemostimportantfac- torslimitingapricotqualityisthereduction Polymeric films for MAP are most often of pulp hardness [1], which influences the found in flexible package structures and, commercialisation period before the prod- althoughanincreasingchoiceofpackaging uct reaches the consumer. materials is available to the industry, poly- vinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene tereph- Apricots are climacteric fruits; they are thalate (PET), polypropylene (PP) and occasionallyharvestedintheearlystagesof polyethylene (PE) are the typical polymers development (preclimacteric) to prevent usedtostorefruits[12].Forcommercialand deterioration problems in the postharvest mechanicalreasons,thefilmmustbe(15to supply chain [2]. 100) µm thick [13]. Quality indices include fruit size, shape Theevolutionoftheheadspacegascom- andabsenceofdefects.Apricotswithasol- position and ethylene in three varieties of ublesolidcontenthigherthan10°Brix,low apricot stored at 10 °C under four micro- acidity (0.7–1.0%) and high pulp hardness perforatedfilms(30-µmthick)wasstudied. (9–13.5N)areconsidered“readytoeat”[3]. Asthefilmpermeabilityincreased,theCO 2 Modification of the atmosphere and the concentrationatequilibriumdecreasedand relatedpackagingtechnology(MAP)canbe the O concentration increased [14]. 2 selectively used in postharvest handling to Recently, a commercial multilayer film improvetheshelflifeoffreshfruitsandveg- usedforMAPperformedwellinmaintaining etables with good results [4]. thequalityforthecoldstorageperiodforup Alteration of the atmosphere around to20 daysinoldItalianplumcultivars[15]. fruits during postharvest by decreasing O2 TheuseofPVCtostoremangofruitsatroom levelsandincreasingCO2levelscanincrease temperatureallowedtheskinandpulpcol- the storage life of different produce, and ourtobemaintainedfor13 days,compared refrigerationisakeytoolforextendingthe with 9 days for unpackaged fruits [16]. commercial life of stone fruit [5]. The properties of these materials that Modified atmosphere (MA) technology makethemidealforpackagingincludethe can be more flexible than controlled weldability of the packs and their anti- atmosphere(CA)methodsforextendingthe fogging characteristic. However, the intro- ductionofenvironmentallyfriendlymaterials 1FAOSTAT data, FAO, Roma, Italy, http:// and new filming processes, such as coex- apps.fao.org/; seen in 2011. trusion, allows the use of biodegradable 248 Fruits,vol.69(3) Packagingmaterialsforapricot polymersfromrenewablesourcesasalter- –TreatmentF1:multilayerfilmobtainedfrom natives to petroleum-based polymers [17]. coextrusion of PET, ethylene vinyl alcohol Studies have compared the effects of bio- (EVOH)andpolyethylene(PE)(90-µmthick). degradable laminates and films on the – Treatment F2: multilayer film obtained quality of fresh produce [18, 19]; the shelf from coextrusion of PET, EVOH and PE lifeofpeachandcherrytomatoesimproved (65-µm thick). withuseofpolylacticacidwhencompared – Treatment F3: polypropylene (Trepack, withconventionalorientedpolypropylene Italy),continuous,flexible,thermoformable (OPP) [20] and the qualitative character- and commercial film (25-µm thick). istics of raspberry fruits stored in MAP werebettermaintainedwithbiodegradable – TreatmentF4:biodegradablefilm(Mater- film than with polypropylene film [21]. Bi, Novamont, Italy). However,bio-basedmaterialshavenotyet – Treatment F5: macro-perforated film in been evaluated for apricot fruits. polypropylene(Trepack,Italy)with 6-mm- Packaging attributes can affect the deci- diameterholesandatransparentandcom- sion of consumers to purchase fresh mercialfilm.Thefilmhasatypicalisotactic produce in general, and the successful structure (in which the substituents are commercialisation of fresh produce is arrangedononeside)andhighcrystallinity relatedtotheuseofbio-materials[22].Thus, (25-µm thick). the aim of our study was to evaluate the The oxygen (O ) and carbon dioxide 2 effects of MAP on the storage of apricot (CO )filmpermeabilityaccordingtoASTM fruits (cv. Tom Cot®) by evaluating the F26222-08andASTMF2476-05measuredat performance of different films used in unit 23 °C and 50% relative humidity (RH) is flowpacks that yielded “ready-to-eat” fruit. indicated (tableI). The water vapour bar- rierofthemultilayerfilms(F1andF2treat- ments) and the polypropylene film (F3 2. Materials and methods treatment), as suggested by Van Tuil etal. [23], is classified as a high barrier, whereas 2.1. Fruit samples for the biodegradable film (F4 treatment), the water vapour transmission rate (WVT) Fresh ripe apricots (Prunusarmeniaca L.) of 147 cm3·m–2 for 24 h was directly pro- oftheTomCot®cultivarwereobtainedfrom vided by the supplier. the Agrifrutta Soc. Coop. S.R.L. (Piedmont, A set of trays was left unpackaged and Italy) commercial orchard at the ripe stage used as the control. For the flowpack of maturity (3.0–2.5 kg·cm–2 of pulp hard- equipment, an electronic horizontal wrap- ness).Apricotswerepickedbyhandatthe ping machine (Taurus 700, Delphin, Italy), endofJuneandimmediatelytransferredto including a take-up reel with translational the laboratory under cold conditions [(4 ± movementoftheclampingjaws,wasused. 1) °C]. Damaged and mouldy fruits were The gas composition inside the packages eliminated (by hand) prior to analysis. The changed from the atmospheric value different storage treatments were initiated (0.2 kPaCO / 21.2kPaO )becauseofthe approximately 3 h after harvest. 2 2 gas permeability of the film and apricot fruit respiration (passive MAP). 2.2. Packaging and storage All fruits were stored at (1 ± 0.5) °C in a conditions coldroomheldat90–95%RHfor21 days. The apricots were packaged into rigid polyethylene terephthalate (PET) trays 2.3. Sampling method for analysis containing0.500 kgoffruiteach.Eachtray (9.5 cm × 16 cm × 8 cm) was hermetically The gas analysis and quality control were sealed with a flowpack machine using five performedattheendofeachstorageperiod different films (treatments). The following [(7, 14 and 21) days], and, for each treat- materials were used: ment, three random baskets were used Fruits,vol.69(3) 249 C.Peanoetal. (1.5 kg of apricot fruit). The headspace balance (SE622, WVR Science Education, composition analysis was performed on U.S.A.)withanaccuracyof10–2.Theweight wholebaskets.Thefruitfleshfirmness,total ofeachbasketwasrecordedatharvestand solublesolidscontentandfruitcolourwere at the end of each storage period. The obtained for 30 fruits. Fifteen apricots per weight loss was expressed as the percent treatment were pressed at 20 °C to obtain loss of the initial weight. juice to measure the titratable acidity (TA). The fruit flesh firmness was measured Three replicates per measurement were using an Effegi hand-held penetrometer used.Threelotswereusedtodeterminethe (Facchini, Alfonsine, Italy) with a 7.9-mm- quality properties at harvest (0 days). diameterplungerinaccordancewithstand- ard industry practice. Two measurements 2.4. Methods and analysis weremadeonoppositesidesofthefruitand averaged.Noskinwasremovedfromeach measurement site prior to the measure- 2.4.1.Headspace gas composition ments, which were reported in kg·cm–2. Thecarbondioxideandoxygeninthehead- The total soluble solids content was space space of the packaging were meas- measured using a digital pocket refractom- ured using a CO and O analyser (PBI 2 2 eter(Mod.PR-101,Atago,Tokyo,Japan)cal- Dansensor, Italy). The composition values ibrated at 20 °C to 0% with distilled water. weremeasuredovertheentiretrialperiod. The prism surface and light plate were To prevent modifications in the headspace washed and dried with clean soft tissue gas composition caused by gas sampling, paper between readings. Two readings thesameairvolumewasmaintainedinthe were taken from each fruit and averaged. packagesacrossthetrialperiod,astheana- Thevalueswereexpressedas°Brixat20 °C. lyserintroducedthesamequantityofairthat itremovedfortheanalyses.Topreventgas The titratable acidity was determined by leakage during measurement, an adhesive automatic titration (Titrino plus 484, septumwasplacedonthepackagesurface. Metrohm, Switzerland ) with 0.1 N NaOH Thecalibrationwasperformedwithair[24]. to an end point of pH 8.1 using 5 mL of Theresultswereexpressedasanaverageof juice diluted in 25 L of distilled water. three replicates. The colour was evaluated just after har- vest and again after each storage period of 2.4.2.Fruit quality parameters (7, 14 and 21) days. The colour was meas- The weight (water) loss of each apricot uredonthesideofaslightlyflattenedwhole basket was measured using an electronic fruit using a tristimulus colour analyser TableI. Characteristicsoffilmusedformodifiedatmospherepackagingtostoreapricotfruitcv.TomCot®. Treatment Filmgaspermeability Filmthickness at23°Cand50%HR (µm) (mmol·cm–1·cm–2·h–1·kpa–1) O CO 2 2 (ASTMF2622-08) (ASTMF2476-05) F1:Multilayerfilmwith90-µm-thickPE 6.738E-13 9.430E-12 90 F2:Multilayerfilmwith65-µm-thickPE 1.752E-12 6.811E-12 65 F3:Polypropylenefilm 6.241E-13 1.979E-12 25 F4:Biodegradablefilm 9.756E-13 1.907E-11 25 F5:Macro-perforatedfilminpolypropylene – – 25 Multilayerfilmwasobtainedfromcoextrusionofpolyethyleneterephthalate(PET),ethylenevinylalcohol(EVOH)andpolyethylene(PE). 250 Fruits,vol.69(3) Packagingmaterialsforapricot (Chroma Meter, Model CR-200b, Minolta, Figure1. Germany)equippedwithameasuringhead EvolutionofO2headspacegas withan8-mm-diametermeasuringarea.The compositionofapricotscv.Tom Cot®storedinmodified analyserwascalibratedtoastandardwhite atmospherepackagingat reflective plate and used CIE (Commission +1°C.Multilayerfilmwas Internationale de l’Eclairage). The illumi- obtainedfromcoextrusion nant colour was recorded using the CIE L*, ofpolyethyleneterephthalate a*,b*uniformcolourspace(CIELab),where (PET),ethylenevinylalcohol L* indicates lightness, a* indicates chroma- (EVOH)andpolyethylene(PE). ticity on a green (−) to red (+) axis and b* indicates chromaticity on a blue (−) to yel- low(+)axis.Thesevalueswereusedtocal- culatethechroma[C*= (a*2+b*2)1/2],which indicates the intensity or colour saturation andthehueangle[h°= arctangent(b*/a*)], where 0° = red-purple; 90° = yellow; 180° = bluish-green and 270° = blue [25]. Figure2. EvolutionofCO headspace 2 2.5. Statistical analysis gascompositionofapricotscv. TomCot®storedinmodified atmospherepackagingat AllstatisticswereperformedusingtheSPSS +1°C.Multilayerfilmwas software for Windows version 17.0. The obtainedfromcoextrusion dataobtainedweretreatedusingaone-way ofpolyethyleneterephthalate analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the (PET),ethylenevinylalcohol means were separated using Tukey’s test (EVOH)andpolyethylene(PE). (P ≤ 0.05).Itwaspossibletoperformapar- ametrictestforthepercentagesbecausethe sample sizes were identical. 3. Results and discussion The O and CO levels detected in the 2 2 a faster decrease in the headspace O con- sample package headspace during storage 2 centrationandafasterincreaseinthehead- showedthattheapricotrespirationandthe space CO concentration were observed different gas permeability of the films 2 during the first 7 days of storage as a con- were able to create and maintain the mod- sequenceofhighrespirationactivity.Pack- ified atmosphere packaging conditions aging of apricot fruit in the two multilayer (figures1, 2). The temperature, the fruit films (F1 and F2 treatments) concurrently weight and the exchange area through the producedsimilarCO values;nosignificant film were kept constant during the entire 2 differences were observed between the storagetime,sotheevolutionoftheinternal levelsofthegascompositionestablishedin atmosphere inside each basket was influ- the two treatments because of the similar enced and controlled by the interaction values of gas permeability of the film betweenthefruits'respirationandthefilm’s (tableI). According to Pretel et al., as the permeability. The initial atmospheric com- filmpermeabilitydecreased,theCO values position(0.2 kPaCO / 21.2 kPaO )inthe 2 2 2 increased[14].Inparticular,thehighestCO baskets changed rapidly in all the treat- 2 values were obtained after 21 days of ments.Fromtheharvesttime,asexpected, storagewiththeF1(19.2 kPa)andF2treat- a decrease in the headspace O concen- 2 ments (18.5 kPa) (figure2). tration and an increase in the headspace CO concentration were observed because The polypropylene film (F3 treatment) 2 ofthefruitmaturationprocess.Inparticular, did not establish an acceptable modified Fruits,vol.69(3) 251 C.Peanoetal. weight loss that occurs in unwrapped fruits [12].Infact,alltreatmentsmaintained values below 2% throughout the cold stor- age period. Thereductioninweightlossisrelatedto the water vapour barrier of the packaging material, which is completely independent of its gas permeability properties [27]. This mayexplainwhytheuseofpolypropylene film(F3treatment)alsoreducedtheweight lossbutdidnotaffecttheattainmentofopti- malvaluesfortheheadspacegascomposi- tion (figure2). As reported by Martinez- Romeroetal.[28]andPerez-Pastoretal.[29], the water vapour barrier of the packaging materialsaffectedapricotweightlossduring storage. In fact, the F1 and F2 treatments maintained the lowest weight loss values duringtheentirestoragetimebecauseofthe high water vapour barrier effect of multi- layer films [23]. Lossesofapproximately5%to8%ofthe fruit’swatercontentcancausevisualshriv- elling and limit the marketability of stone Figure3. atmosphere until the end of storage. After fruit [30]. In our study, losses that occurred Evolutionofweightloss(%) 14 days, values of 4.6 kPa CO and only in the control treatment affected the 2 ofapricotscv.TomCot®stored 18.5 kPa O were measured inside the cosmeticappearanceofthefruitasearlyas 2 inmodifiedatmosphere packages,butthesevalueswerenotsimilar in the first week of storage. packagingat+1°C.Multilayer topreviouslyreporteddata[11].Fungi,most filmwasobtainedfrom Among all of the quality parameters likely Monilia sp., developed on fruit coextrusionofpolyethylene (tableII), the fruit flesh firmness was the wrappedwiththeF3treatment;therefore,it terephthalate(PET),ethylene most affected by the storage process in wasnotpossibletostoreapricotsforupto vinylalcohol(EVOH) modified atmosphere packaging. Firmness andpolyethylene(PE). 21 days. decreasedincontrolapricotsfromaninitial The biodegradable film (F4 treatment) value of 2.4 kg·cm–2 to 0.7 kg·cm–2 after was the only treatment that was able to 21 days of storage. This trend was also reach and maintain the equilibrium state; observed for the other treatments, but the theamountofO enteringthepackageand fruits stored in modified atmosphere pack- 2 the amount of CO permeating out of the aging exhibited a slower decrease. 2 package were equal to the amount of O 2 After 21days, the fruit flesh firmness consumed and the amount of CO evolved 2 values of apricots in modified atmosphere bythepackagedfruit,respectively[26].This packaging were similar to those of control condition was achieved at 14 days of stor- fruits. However, the highest values agewith10.1 kPaCO and10.7 kPaO and 2 2 (1.3kg·cm–2)wereobservedforfruitsstored agreeswiththerangeofvaluesreportedby with multilayer films (F1 and F2), which Pretel etal. [14]. maintained the highest state of hydration Theweightlossparameterisparticularly (figure3) and the highest CO concentra- 2 usefulforevaluatingthesuccessofstorage. tions (figure2). In fact, softening during Generally,theweightlossoftheapricotfruit prolongedstoragemayberelatedtoβ-galac- increasedovertime,butitsratewasdepend- tosidase and polygalacturonase (PG) activ- ent on the treatment (figure3). According ity,whichhaslongbeenassociatedwithfruit to the literature, the modified atmosphere softening, but with varying amounts and packaging storage conditions decrease the activity across species [31]. High CO and 2 252 Fruits,vol.69(3) Packagingmaterialsforapricot TableII. Evolutionofqualitativecharacteristicsofapricotfruitcv.TomCot®storedinmodifiedatmospherepackagingat +1°Cfor7d,14dand21d.Valueisthemean±standarddeviation. a)Fruitfleshfirmness(FFF)(kg·cm–2).Atharvest,FFF=(2.4±0.3)kg·cm–2 Treatment 7d 14d 21d F1:Multilayerfilmwith90-µm-thickPE 1.9±0.6bc 1.9±0.8a 1.3±0.3a F2:Multilayerfilmwith65-µm-thickPE 1.5±0.4c 1.5±0.6bc 1.3±0.2a F3:Polypropylenefilm 0.9±0.2d 1.3±0.7c – F4:Biodegradablefilm 2.4±0.7a 1.8±0.7b 1.1±0.2b F5:Macro-perforatedfilminpolypropylene 2.1±0.9ab 1.5±0.4bc 0.9±0.3bc Control 2.0±0.8ab 1.3±0.3c 0.7±0.2c b)Totalsolublesolidscontent(TSS)(°Brix).Atharvest,TSS=(10.1±1.4)°Brix Treatment 7d 14d 21d F1:Multilayerfilmwith90-µm-thickPE 9.0±1.2bc 9.0±1.3c 10.3±1.1a F2:Multilayerfilmwith65-µm-thickPE 10.0±1.6a 10.2±1.5b 10.3±0.9a F3:Polypropylenefilm 9.3±1.5b 11.9±1.5a – F4:Biodegradablefilm 8.5±1.5bc 9.2±1.4bc 10.1±1.1a F5:Macro-perforatedfilminpolypropylene 8.2±1.1c 8.9±1.7c 10.2±0.8a Control 8.7±1.1bc 8.9±2.1c 9.2±1.1b c)Titratableacidity(mEq·L–1).Atharvest,titratableacidity=(17.3±0.2)mEq·L–1 Treatment 7d 14d 21d F1:Multilayerfilmwith90-µm-thickPE 11.0±1.3ns 11.4±0.2a 10.3±0.3a F2:Multilayerfilmwith65-µm-thickPE 9.9±0.1ns 10.5±0.4a 10.2±0.4a F3:Polypropylenefilm 9.0±0.1ns 10.5±0.7a – F4:Biodegradablefilm 10.3±1.7ns 10.5±0.2a 10.4±0.5a F5:Macro-perforatedfilminpolypropylene 9.4±0.2ns 7.5±0.1c 7.3±0.2c Control 8.7±0.3ns 9.0±0.1b 8.5±0.5b d)L*.Atharvest,L*=57.7±1.8 Treatment 7d 14d 21d F1:Multilayerfilmwith90-µm-thickPE 54.0±2.6bc 54.0±3.4ab 55.9±6.2a F2:Multilayerfilmwith65-µm-thickPE 52.7±3.4b 52.7±3.8abc 56.1±3.2a F3:Polypropylenefilm 55.5±2.9c 55.8±3.6a – F4:Biodegradablefilm 52.9±2.7b 48.2±6.4d 54.4±4.2ab F5:Macro-perforatedfilminpolypropylene 52.2±2.3ab 50.9±2.3bcd 53.8±6.5ab Control 50.4±3.8a 50.3±2.0cd 53.7±4.8ab e)C*.Atharvest,C*=31.9±1.5 Treatment 7d 14d 21d F1:Multilayerfilmwith90-µm-thickPE 29.9±1.7b 28.5±1.9b 36.1±5.1a F2:Multilayerfilmwith65-µm-thickPE 30.3±2.0b 28.9±2.4b 34.8±2.0a F3:Polypropylenefilm 35.6±2.0a 33.4±3.4a – F4:Biodegradablefilm 28.2±1.7c 25.0±5.9c 31.3±4.0b F5:Macro-perforatedfilminpolypropylene 27.4±1.5c 27.3±1.6bc 28.9±6.1bc Control 26.8±2.4c 26.5±1.3bc 29.2±4.5bc Fruits,vol.69(3) 253 C.Peanoetal. TableII.(Continued) Evolutionofqualitativecharacteristicsofapricotfruitcv.TomCot®storedinmodifiedatmospherepackagingat +1°Cfor7d,14dand21d.Valueisthemean±standarddeviation. f)h*.Atharvest,h*=70.8±5.5 Treatment 7d 14d 21d F1:Multilayerfilmwith90-µm-thickPE 67.27±5.2b 69.93±5.9a 69.5±3.6a F2:Multilayerfilmwith65-µm-thickPE 63.49±3.3c 64.48±4.1b 68.8±4.8a F3:Polypropylenefilm 56.60±3.1d 57.86±4.5c – F4:Biodegradablefilm 68.92±3.6ab 69.24±6.4a 61.9±7.2b F5:Macro-perforatedfilminpolypropylene 68.26±4.7a 67.80±4.1ab 65.7±8.5ab Control 68.67±4.5ab 69.92±3.6a 66.3±6.3ab Multilayerfilmwasobtainedfromcoextrusionofpolyethyleneterephthalate(PET),ethylenevinylalcohol(EVOH)andpolyethylene(PE). Meanswithdifferentlettersaresignificantlydifferentata0.05levelofsignificanceusingTukey’stest. low O in the storage environment could (figure3). Fruit wrapped with these films 2 reducethesynthesisofenzymes,suchasPG, exhibitedthehighestTAvaluesatboth(14 whichwouldresultinareductionofpolymer and21) days.Fruitexposedtoair(F5treat- breakdown in the cells of the apricot mentandcontrol)stillexhibitedsignificant tissue[32]. TAdifferencesbecauseofthedevelopment of fungi (Botrytis cinerea) inside baskets The total soluble solids (TSS) content wrappedwiththeperforatedfilm(F5treat- fluctuatedduringstorage(tableII).Apricots ment),whichcorrespondedtothelowestTA donotcontainstarch[33],sonoconversion values [(7.5 and 7.3) mEq·L–1] at (14 and from starch to sugar occurs. The 10.1 °Brix 21) days, respectively. measured at harvest decreased during the first two weeks of storage because of the For the chromatic characteristics of the increase in the respiration rate, which was stored fruits,there were significant differ- demonstratedbytheCO2valuesinthemod- encesintheL*,C*andhvaluesamongtreat- ified atmosphere packaging treatment. ments (tableII). The decreased L* value However,attheendofstorage,theTSSval- reflectsthedarkeningoftheapricotvarieties uesweresimilartothoseattheharvesttime caused by carotenoid accumulation and forallwrappedfruitsbecauseoftheincreas- indicates the occurrence of fruit ripening ingweightloss(waterloss).Statisticallysig- [34]. After 21 days, apricots wrapped with nificantdifferenceswereobservedbetween the perforated film (F5 treatment) and fruit the modified atmosphere packaging treat- maintained under the normal atmosphere mentsandthecontrol;inparticular,thelow- (control)lostbrightnessmorethanthosein estvalues(9.2 °Brix)weremeasuredforthe the modified atmosphere packaging treat- unwrapped fruit because of the combined ments, which exhibited lower L* values of effect of respiration and weight loss. 53.8 and 53.7, respectively. No statistically Thehightitratableacidity(TA)levelsob- significant differences were observed served at harvest (17.3 mEq·L–1) decreased amongfruitstoredwiththemultilayerfilms throughout storage according to consumer (F1 and F2 treatments) because of the preferences[3].Withupto7 daysofstorage, extremely similar headspace gas composi- no statistically significant differences were tion.Thesetreatmentsdisplayedthehighest observed among the samples, and, as de- L*values because of the high CO content 2 scribed in a previous study [14], no statisti- in the headspace composition. After cally significant differences were observed 21 days,thelowestC*valueswereobserved amongthemodifiedatmospherepackaging fortheperforatedfilm(F5treatment)andfor treatments (F1, F2 and F4) that yielded the fruit maintained under the normal atmos- highest CO headspace gas composition phere. When compared with the harvest 2 254 Fruits,vol.69(3) Packagingmaterialsforapricot time(29.9),theobserveddecreaseindicates apricotswithlowacidity.However,thegas anincreaseinthetonalityofthefruitcolour concentration at equilibrium is another because of a decrease in chlorophyll and importantaspectthatmustbeconsideredto carotenoids.Themultilayerfilms(F1andF2 managemodifiedatmospherepackaging,as treatments)werenotsignificantlydifferent. reportedpreviously[37].Theconcentration Attheendofstorage,alltreatmentsreduced inside the packages was at equilibrium the h values compared with the values when the gas quantity (CO and O ) 2 2 observedatharvest.Thelossoflightreflec- exchanged through the fruit skin was the tion was reflected by a reduction in the L* same as that exchanged through the film value (the photometric parameter propor- wrapping. An equilibrium was reached tionaltothelightreflectedbytheobject)and whenthegasconcentrationinsidethepack- was directly correlated with the humidity age stabilised, and this condition was duringstorage[35].Infact,thehighesthval- observed only for the biodegradable film ues(69.5and68.8)weremaintainedbythe (F4 treatment); it was maintained until the multilayer films (F1 and F2 treatments, end of storage. In conclusion, our work respectively),whichcorrespondedtoahigh confirmsthehighperformanceofmultilayer water vapour barrier. films as traditional materials and identifies biodegradable film as a new flexible pack- aging material for storing apricots in modi- fied atmosphere packaging. As suggested 4. Conclusion byWeberetal.,toimprovetheapplications of bio-based packaging, biodegradable Ourstudyconfirmsthefindingsofapre- films could be used to improve the water vious study that suggested that using mod- vapour barrier [38]. 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