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Effects of Inhomogeneity on the Causal Entropic prediction of Λ Daniel Phillips and Andreas Albrecht Department of Physics, UC Davis (Dated: March 9, 2009) The Causal Entropic Principle aims to predict the unexpectedly small value of the cosmological constant Λ using a weighting by entropy increase on causal diamonds. The original work assumed a purely isotropic and homogeneous cosmology. But even the level of inhomogeneity observed in our universe forces reconsideration of certain arguments about entropy production. In particular, we must consider an ensemble of causal diamonds associated with one cosmology, and we can no longer immediately discard entropy production in thefar futureof theuniverse. Dependingon our choices fora probability measure andourtreatment of black holeevaporation, theprediction for Λ may be left intact or dramatically altered. 9 0 I. INTRODUCTION may interpret this as an assumption that the number of 0 observers is proportional to the entropy increase within 2 Abroadlineofargumentintendedtoresolveoramelio- the causal diamond, but in the spirit of [1] we may sim- r a rate the notorious problem of the apparent smallness of plytakethisweightasahypothesisandremarkthat∆S M the cosmologicalconstant (ρ ≈1.25×10 123 in Planck has severaladvantages over some other weightings: 1) It Λ − is hearteningly generic, allowing at least the theoretical units)istorejectthenotionofafundamentalvalueforΛ 9 possibilityofapplicationtouniverseswithmuchdifferent altogether. In this approach,well-knownfrom the string low energy physics from ours. 2) It seems less contrived theory landscape as well as other “multiverse” notions, ] than typical “anthropic”reasoning;though we may con- c the problem is transformed to the search for a selection q principle that may explain why a value as small as ob- template observers in a universe with no galaxies, it is - difficult to imagine them without significant entropy in- r served is probable. In order to make this formulation g two broad decisions must be made, both of which can crease. 3)As shownin [1], it can actually reproduceand [ improve upon previous anthropic results. be controversial: the choice of selection principle, and 1 the probability measure. The first tends to be contro- Even after accepting the program to calculate likeli- v versial because a choice of selection principle is a choice hoodsofphysicalparametersfromsomeaprioritheoret- 2 abouthowtocategorizeourimaginedexperimentalsam- ical distribution and after fixing a probability measure, 2 ple of universes in which measurements occur, and thus a full calculation of the probability distribution for Λ 6 leads to difficult questions about observers. The choice is a formidable task. In an ideal case we would have 1 ofprobabilitymeasurehasitsownwell-knowndifficulties a background theory giving us some set of cosmological . 3 relating to defining probabilities across different infinite parameters and their prior distribution. We would then 0 spaces. Different choices for either selection principle or allowallparametersto varyandmakea predictionforΛ 9 probabilitymeasurecanleadtowildlydifferentprobabil- by marginalizing over the other parameters,in a scheme 0 ity predictions, easily changinga predictionof likelihood such as that in [3]. As a first step, Bousso et al. [1] fol- : v to an exponentially disfavoredone. low the usual simplification of holding all other physical Xi Boussoet al. [1]suggestedanovelcombinedapproach, parametersfixedwhile modifying only the positive value of Λ in a flat FRW universe. Other work has discussed theso-called“CausalEntropicPrinciple”(CEP).Forflat r a universes with a positive fundamental cosmological con- aspects of the CEP for Λ≤0 [4, 5], but in this work we stant, one can define the causal diamond for a particu- keepthe same Λ>0 assumption used in the first papers on this subject. lar world line λ(τ) as the intersection of interiors of the future cone at earliest times and the past cone at late A common drawbackof varying only Λ in such an ap- times1. Theresultingregionisfiniteincomovingvolume proach is the possibility that variation in other param- inthisflatpositive-lambdaFRWuniverse,anddiamond- eters could significantly affect the prediction for Λ it- shapedwhendrawnincomovingcoordinatesandconfor- self. TheclassicinstanceisthatWeinberg’spredictionof maltime. (SeeFig. 1). Ifwerestrictourprobabilitymea- ρΛ <10−121[6]undertheselectionprinciplethatgalaxies sure to the finite interior of this diamond, we can avoid must form is softened by allowing the density contrast thedifficultyindefiningaprobabilitymeasureoninfinite Q or the baryon-to-photon ratio to increase from that spaces. Moreover, the proposed selection principle is a observed in our universe. Greater early anisotropies or simple weighting proportionalto the entropy production matterdensitiesandreducedradiationpressurecouldal- ∆S occurring within the causal diamond. Loosely one low structure to form earlier and thus significantly push up the allowable value of Λ [7, 8]. Cline et al. [9] have shown that the entropic approach, at least for Λ, is re- silientwhen varyingQ. More recentlyit has been shown 1 The CEP has been recently extended to curved FRW universes that allowingthe curvatureof the universeto varyalong in[2] with Λ can dramatically change the CEP predictions for 2 Λ,dependingonexactlywhatpriorsonetakeonthecos- II. THE CAUSAL ENTROPIC PREDICTION mic curvature[2]. Other authors have suggested poten- FOR Λ tiallimitationsoftheCEPalongwithrelatedapproaches [4, 10]. Simply stated, the CEP [1] assumes that the proba- bilistic weighting for cosmological parameters is propor- Thispaperexaminesadifferentsimplificationthathas tional to the increase in entropy ∆S within a causal di- been made so far in all work on the CEP: that of an amond associated with that cosmology. Given a mul- isotropic, homogeneous universe. Our own universe’s tiverse populated with different cosmologies, the CEP small primordial fluctuations allow us to make these ap- thusbecomesatooltocalculateprobabilitydistributions proximations to great effect for the overall evolution of for measurements of the cosmological parameters them- theuniverse. Butastimeprogressesweknowthatstruc- selves. Although in principle one could ask the CEP to ture formation proceeds apace and entropy production, thus give predictions for a full range of cosmological pa- if it is associated with structure, becomes less spatially rameters,followingBoussoet al. wewillleaveallcosmo- homogeneous. Because the causal entropic approach ex- logical parameters fixed at their observed values except amines only the causal region surrounding a particular the cosmologicalconstant Λ. worldline,wemusttrytoformulatehowdeparturesfrom Thecausaldiamondisdefinedasthevolumecontained homogeneitymayaffecttheentropicweight,andwhether within the future cone of an early event (taken to be re- those variations can affect the prediction for Λ. (In the heating following inflation) as well as within the past processwe estimate entropyproductionwellinto the era cone of a late event on the same world line. The causal of cosmological constant domination, but we note that diamondisthus the regionofspaceinfullcausalcontact our approach is not directly related to the arguments in with a particular world line. Following the original ar- [4] about the cosmologicalheat death of observers.) gument we will also restrict ourselves to purely positive In section II we briefly review the CEP method. In Λ, so that all cosmologies will eventually be dominated section III we discuss the the resulting prediction for Λ by the cosmological constant. In every case a de Sitter andcommentontheincreasinginhomogeneityofentropy horizon will thus form and define the past light cone for producedatlatetimes,illustratedbyblackholeevapora- the causal diamond. tion. In sectionIV we describe the necessity of replacing The CEP choice to restrict entropy increase to that a single causal diamond with an ensemble given an in- within a causal diamond originated from a holography homogeneous cosmology. Section V discusses the nature argument: the universe simply does not consist of a re- of long-term entropy sources that might compete with gion larger than a single causal diamond. We will not stellar entropy production for causal diamonds contain- try and argue the pros and cons of this point here, but ing collapsed structures. In section VI we discuss effects simply take this restriction as one of our input assump- on the predicted probability distribution for ρ , and in tions. Thereishoweveranimportantextrastepwhichwe Λ section VII we summarize our conclusions. Throughout will talk about in greater detail. If an entire cosmology we use Planck units with h¯ =c=G=1. is represented only by a single causal diamond, we need some way to choose this causaldiamond, or equivalently defineaparticularworldlineassociatedwithaparticular setofcosmologicalparameters. Thereisnodifficulty do- ing so in a homogeneous,isotropicuniverse,as allcausal diamonds are identical. Such is clearly not the case for an inhomogeneous universe, and we will thus introduce the statistical notion of an ensemble of causal diamonds associatedwith aparticularcosmology. Itshouldbe em- phasized that this complication is required even with a very strictly holographic interpretation of the causal di- amond. Black holes immediately come to mind in calculations ofcosmologicalentropy. Theentropyassociatedwiththe formationofablackholehorizonisexplicitlyexcludedin the CEP, as is de Sitter horizon entropy. This exclusion isimportantasasinglesupermassive(107M )blackhole canhave anentropy of1091[11], exceeding a⊙ll other non- FIG.1: Acausaldiamond(depictedschematicallyhere)isthe regionwhichcancausallyimpactandbecausallyimpactedby horizon entropy sources. One might object, as noted in aworldlineλ(τ). Thefiniteentropyproducedintheresulting [1],thatthisentropycannotbehiddenforever,asonvery spacetimevolumeisusedintheCausal EntropicPrincipleas long time scales the black hole will evaporate and return a cosmological weighting factor its entropy to the rest of the causal diamond. Bousso et al. [1] argued that a typical late-time causal diamond is empty and thus we may discount this entropy. We will 3 revisit this issue below. During the current cosmological era for cosmologies Itisalsoimportanttonotethattheweightingw(ρ )∝ similar to ours, calculations in [1] revealed stars to be Λ ∆S includes only entropy increase occurring within the the greatest contributor to ∆S due to photons absorbed causal diamond. Therefore various processes which one andreemitted by cooldust. This largecontributionmay might imagine to be strong contributors to entropy in- beseenfromestimatingentropyincreaseforaprocessby creaseturn outnot to be significant. For example,CMB ∆S = ∆E where ∆E is the energy released and T is the T photonsrepresentalargeamountofcurrententropy,but typicaltemperature (k =1). Forstars,typicalenergies B not of entropy increase within the causal diamond sur- released in fusion are about 7 MeV/nucleon. While typ- rounding our world line. The causal diamond at recom- ical stars produce visible light with an effective T ∼eV, binationenclosedamuchsmalleramountofmatter(and perhapshalfofthephotonsareabsorbedandreemmitted photons)thanaHubbleradiustodaydoes,somostCMB bycooldustwithaT ∼20meV. Itisthecombinationof photons within our horizon must have entered through highenergyper nucleon,ubiquity ofstellarburning,and the bottom cone of the causal diamond; these photons the low effective temperature of muchof the reprocessed do not contribute to ∆S. Other events in the early uni- starlight which gives stellar entropy the edge over other verse suchas nucleosynthesis likewise contribute little to processes. this measure of ∆S owing to the small size of the causal diamond. So Bousso et al. [1] restricted themselves to processesactiveduring the eraofrelativelylargecomov- III. COMOVING VOLUME OF UNIVERSE ing scale for the causal diamond. One of the purposes of this paper is to examine whether the very long times Stellar entropy production per comoving volume available for entropy production in the future of a Λ- reaches a maximum of 2.7 × 1063/Mpc3/yr comoving, dominateduniversecancompensateforthesmallvolume as shown in Fig. 2. The causal diamond gets as large as of matter in causal contact with an observer once a de ∼1013Mpc3. With∼1010 yearsthatgivesanintegrated Sitter horizon forms. stellar entropy production ∆S ≈1086 reachedby about 0 Varying the cosmological constant directly affects the 10 billion years. size of the causal diamond, with the comoving 4-volume Under the CEP with stars as the major source of en- containedproportionaltoΛ−1. Thereforeevenbeforeac- tropy production, one obtains a weighting and hence a counting for the effects of entropy production, the CEP predicted probability distribution for ρ . With several Λ rewards smaller values of Λ with greater weight, owing different star formation models [1, 9] the predicted 1-σ to their larger causaldiamonds, at least measuredin co- probability band of roughly 10−124 <∼ρΛ <∼10−122 easily moving volume. If we found entropy production to be contains our universe’s observed value. dominated by a process producing a constant entropy rate per comoving volume, such a process would trans- 73 Total ∆S per comoving volume x 10 late an a priori flat distribution of ρ 5 Λ dP =const 4 dρ Λ 3 into a flat distribution in log(ρ ) Λ S ∆ dP 2 dρ ∝w(ρΛ)=ρ−Λ1 Λ 1 dP ∝w(ρ )ρ =const 0 Λ Λ dlog(ρ ) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Λ log(t) (years) The reduction from a flat distribution to one flat in log space is an indication of how much work the causal dia- FIG. 2: Integrated stellar entropy production per comoving mond portion of the CEP is doing on its own. For real- Mpc3, calculated using the Nagamine et al. star formation istic entropy sources, the total entropy production (and model [12] considered in [1]. The long tail is produced by thus probabilistic weight) was calculated via low-mass white dwarfs with lifetimes up to 1013 years, but by 1010 years we have already seen a large fraction of stellar w(ρ )∝∆S(ρ )= ∞dtV (ρ ,t)∂2S(ρΛ,t) entropyproduction. Λ Λ Z c Λ ∂V ∂t 0 c A comoving volume of a particular scale contains a Here V is the directly calculable comoving 3-volume of fixedamountofmattersolongastheuniverseishomoge- c the causaldiamondas a functionof Λ andt and ∂S˙/∂V neousoverthe scaleof consideration. Buta flatuniverse c is the entropy production rate per comoving volume. with a cosmologicalconstantwill forma horizonof fixed 4 tropy produced by stars in the first 1010 years of cosmic evolution. The time scale is enormous: log (τ ) = 10 BH 0.4 83 + 3log [M /106M ], or about 1086 years in this r Vc case, but1w0e caBnHnot igno⊙re the situation out of hand as e p 0.2 any worldline which tracks matter has a high chance of R ultimately ending up near (or even in) a black hole. F S 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Vc r x 1063 IV. WHY WE CARE ABOUT PARTICULAR pe 4 WORLD LINES n o ucti 2 In the the formulation of Bousso et al. [1] the uni- d o verseis consideredto be exactly FRW homogeneousand r p 0 isotropic, which makes a distinction between comoving nt. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 volumeandmassunnecessary. Indeedoverthesizeofthe E 12 x 10 causal diamond this assumption is quite accurate at the 10 beginning of our universe and well through the current time, as the universe is homogeneous well below scales 5 c approachingthe Hubble length or the current size of the V causal diamond. As mentioned above it is in the future 0 that differences among causal diamonds may arise. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Because of the assumption of homogeneity in [1], a log(t) (years) particular set of cosmological parameters resulted in a unique, representative causal diamond. Thus the proba- FIG. 3: A peak in star formation (top plot) is followed by bility is given by a peak in entropy production (middle plot) per comoving volume. In our universe the peak in comoving 3-volume of dP dp dN ∝w(ρ ) the causal diamond (bottom plot) is near the time of max- dρ Λ dN dρ Λ Λ imal stellar entropy production per Vc. The 3-volume Vc(t) of the causal diamond is determined by Λ; a much earlier where dN representsthedensityofvacuapervalueofΛ. peak (larger Λ) would not allow the diamond to capture as dρΛ much entropy production. Universes with smaller Λ would We may take dN to be flat if the landscape has values dρΛ give larger causal diamonds in late times, but would capture spaced tightly in the region of interest, and if 0 is not a little more stellar entropy production, and are less likely ow- special value. With these assumptions, the spacings of ing to our flat prior. All plots are assuming a homogeneous vacua can be assumed to be uniform for Λ near 10 123. − universe. The quantity dp is the term representing the theory’s dN prior probability for Λ. Following previous work, we as- sume prior probability is flat; in other words, the back- physical size. Eventually the the comoving radius corre- ground theory is indifferent to vacua, choosing among sponding to the horizon length will drop below the scale them with equal probability. of matter inhomogeneity. In physical terms, for a world Critically, in [1], the weighting w(ρ ) is the weight of line near a gravitationally collapsed halo, the amount of Λ asinglerepresentativecausaldiamondwithcosmological mass enclosed by a causal diamond will eventually ap- constant density ρ . If a particular set of cosmological proximate a constant value, rather than exponentially Λ parameters does not yield a single causal diamond, we emptying out. Comoving coordinates are no longer a mustreplaceoursinglecalculationofw(ρ )withaprob- particularly good choice within a collapsed halo. Λ ability distribution In our universe a large halo might have mass 1015M . Today’s ρ ≈ 3.3×1010 M⊙ gives a corresponding c⊙o- m Mpc3 w(ρ )= w(ρ ,λ)dλ moving volume of about 3×104Mpc3, which is nearly Λ Z Λ λ a factor of a billion smaller than the maximum comov- ing size. Any late-time entropy source must therefore where the integral over λ is one over all possible world compensate for effectively having a causal diamond 3- lines (and hence causal diamonds) given a particular set volume approximately 10 9 of that during peak stel- of cosmologicalparameters from our backgroundtheory. − lar entropy production. Whether this is possible de- This discussion may seem counter to the spirit of the pends upon details: the lengths of time available and causal diamond approach in [1]. Yet unless our back- the scale of entropy production. The most dramatic ex- ground theory is itself phrased in terms of causal di- ample would be the inclusion of Hawking radiation from amonds, we cannot skip smoothly from a distribution a black hole. Release of a 107M black hole’s 1091 en- of cosmological parameters to a distribution of results tropyasHawkingradiationwould⊙completelyswampen- for causal diamonds. Our prior distribution of Λ or the 5 spacing of vacua is phrased in terms of cosmological pa- world lines piercing each spacelike surface with constant rameters, not particular world lines. Assuming perfect cosmic time. In the homogeneous limit for comoving co- homogeneity simply means taking the weight function ordinatesthis gridsimply remainsfixedintime, yielding w(ρ ,λ)tobeproportionaltoadeltafunctionpeakedat a fixed world line density, and corresponding to the sim- Λ a particular world line λ that is “typical” of a perfect ple choice made in Bousso et al. [1] 0 FRW universe. Given the tremendous variety of world Things are more complicated as the universe becomes lines for any structure-forming cosmology, this assump- lesshomogeneous. A startingpointis toimagine placing tionseemsunrealistic: anextremecounterexamplewould test particles in a fixed, constant spatial density at an be a world line that runs directly into a black hole hori- early cosmic time, and watching the particles trace out zon at an early era. Nonetheless it remains to be seen geodesicsastheuniverseevolves. Ofcourse,ouruniverse whether consideringanensembleofworldlinesfora cos- seems to have performed this very experiment, and as Λ mology rather than a single one makes a difference in dominates we have a picture of most matter eventually predictions for ρ . residingwithinisolatedgravitationallyboundhalos,with Λ In order to calculate the entropy production probabil- exponentiallyemptyingspaceinbetween. Inthispicture, itydistributionoveranensembleofworldlinesλ,weneed atlate times the spatialdensity distributionofgeodesics to describe how the density of a bundle of world lines parallelsthatofmatteritself,soatleastroughly,aproba- behaves over time relative to the coordinates in which bilitydistributionforentropyproductionoverworldlines we wish to measure entropy production. We argue that would be equivalent to integration over the matter dis- for an inhomogeneous universe there are multiple ways tribution. to parametrize these world lines and that the choice of There are other choices that yield dramatically differ- parametrization directly affects the results of CEP cal- ent answers, however. If we choose a slice at late cosmic culation. timeandparametrizeworldlinestohaveaconstantden- It should be noted that even in the case of a per- sity in physical coordinates, the vast majority of world fectly homogeneous FRW universe not all world lines linesatlatetimeswillbelocatedinnearlyemptyregions (and hence causal diamonds) are created identically, as withalmostnoentropyproduction. Whenwetraceback one could imagine arbitrary boosts or even accelerated theworldlinestothebeginningoftheuniverse,theywill paths relative to a comoving observer. Even with mod- notbehomogeneouslydistributedrelativetomatter,but est boosts, observers on these paths would have a dif- for the purposes of calculating entropy increase at early ferent experience of the universe owing for example to times there is no significant difference since the entropy a strong CMB dipole. Since the group of boosts is not production itself is homogeneous in space. compact, one might expect a “typical” boost to be ar- On the other hand, with this second choice, any en- bitrarily far from the comoving rest frame, with corre- tropyproductionatlate times will be exponentiallysup- spondingly anisotropic physics. Given a homogeneous, pressedby the rarity of worldlines that are located near isotropicuniverse,thepreservationofsymmetryafforded matter,andsogiventhischoiceitisjustifiabletodiscard by the choice of a comoving observer seems an enticing late-time entropy sources. It is important to observe, motivation for picking a comoving causal diamond. But however, that the second choice seems at best no better it must be emphasized that this is indeed a choice, and motivatedthanthefirst,andindeedthatonecouldimag- any appeal that comovingcoordinates are natural in the ine many other intermediate choices for parameterizing sense that they follow typical matter distributions (and worldlines. Forthe remainderofthe paperwe treatthis perhapsthusobservers)hasimplicationsfortheinhomo- choiceasanopenquestion,andwillestimatetheeffectof geneous case. late-time entropy production where it seems to matter: that is, under the assumption that typical world lines When we move to an inhomogeneousuniverse we can- follow matter distribution from an early time. Therefore notevenappeal to a notionofpreservingsymmetry. For webeginbyaskingwhatastrophysicalprocessesmaypro- the purposes of simplification we will leave out acceler- duce substantial entropy well into the future. atedworldlinesanddescribeourcollectionofworldlines as a congruence of timelike geodesics, with each space- time point lying on a single geodesic. One can construct V. LONG-TERM ENTROPY PRODUCTION such a congruence by specifying a spacelike slice and examining geodesics orthogonal to this slice. Different slices, however, typically result in different inherited pa- A. Black holes rameterizationsfor the worldlines. We will describe two suchchoicesinwhatfollows,butthereareofcoursemany Black holes contain much more entropy than all other others. astrophysical sources. In [1], black hole horizon entropy Foraslicepickedataconstantcosmictimeinthevery as well as that associated with the formation of a de homogeneousearlystagesofauniverselikeours,there is Sitter horizon were explicitly excluded from the tally of a natural parametrization: our entropy production can entropy increase. Maor et al. [10] raise the possibility be measured on a per-mass or, equivalently, comoving thatgravitonsproducedduring blackholemergerscould coordinate basis, and so we can simply imagine a gridof by themselves exceed stellar entropy increase. But even 6 if one does not count a significant early-time increase in a process with a combination of high energy released, entropy from black holes, on the very long time scale loweffectivetemperature,andnearuniversaloccurrence. of black hole evaporation, this entropy increase can no One possibility is annihilations of dark matter. Dark longer be avoided. Hawking radiation returns entropy matter masses perhaps 6 times baryonic matter, so the to the matter sector, and it will typically dominate the totalavailable energyis ≈ 6 GeV per baryon. If WIMPs early-timestellarentropyproductionasestimatedinsec- have weak scale masses, the typical handful of annihi- tion (III). lation products by themselves cannot produce anywhere near enough entropy. So the interesting case is if the annihilation happens in a low-temperature context so B. Stellar entropy that many low-energy products (typically photons) can be produced by a single annihilation. Adams et al. [13] explore WIMP capture by white Low-mass white dwarfs may continue burning for as dwarfs. Over the long term white dwarfs make up the longas1013years. Moreover,eventhoughstarformation bulk of collapsed stellar objects, and they have densities is already dropping dramatically in our universe due to greatenoughto capturemassive WIMPs overtime. Due depletionofcoolgas,somesmallbutfinitestarformation toDMannihilationsthedwarfshaveaveryextendedpe- ratewilllikelyexistfarintothefutureowingtocollisions riod of low luminosity and low temperature. Adams et amongsub-stellarmassesandwhitedwarfs. Further,one al. give typical T ≈ 63 K, or about 5 meV for DM an- might wonder about the time behavior of star formation nihilations, which with 6 GeV/baryon energy gives only in universes with very different values of Λ. 1012 entropy from annihilating all DM. Canstars in a collapsedregionfar into the future ever exceedthe1086entropyproducedbythestarsinthefirst 1010 years? We can calculate an upper bound by simply D. Proton decay imagining all baryons within a halo are converted into stars and burned. Consider a massive halo (1015M ). Baryons make up about 1/6 of the matter content,⊙or One can also ask about proton decay within white 1o.r6p×er1h0a1p4sM1⊙071=h2y×d1r0o3−g×2e71nk0g4a4/kbtagormyosn. ≈ 1.5×1071 baryons, mddweacataeryflyssur(8ecl8he%aasseodfp.fi→Tnyapel+iscta+ellllyπa0ra,bm1ouaGstse1)V./3FpioesrrlonasuttcytloepoincneaulistGruiUnltoTis- Each instance of fusion releases about 7 MeV per whichfreelystreamoutofevenwhite dwarfsratherthan baryon. At a temperature of 20 meV for dust- thermalizing. Thus we need a temperature of T ≈ 10 6 − reprocessing, that is about 3 × 108 entropy per dust- ev or about 10 2 K. For proton decay in white dwarfs, − processed baryon. Even if over very long times 100% T ≈ .06 K with proton decay lifetime Γ = 1037 years. of baryons are burned to hydrogen, and half are repro- Using the same bounds on proton decay as Adams et cessed by dust (an overestimate as dust is depleted over al.[13], 32 < logΓ < 41, but since T4 ∝ Γe Γt, we can − time), that allows only ≈1079 entropy, 7 orders of mag- only push that temperature down another order of mag- nitudelessthanisproducedbystellarentropy∆S0 upto nitude with the simplest proton decay models. But a 1010 years. It would seem that for the observed cosmo- protondecay mechanismoriginatingfrom a higher order logical parameters future stellar entropy production can operator could produce much longer lifetimes and cor- not compete with that in the past. respondingly lower temperatures, perhaps allowing this Varyingthe cosmologicalconstantaffects the estimate process to compete with early stellar evolution. in two ways: increasing Λ leads to earlier vacuum domi- nation and a smaller value of ∆S . However, it simulta- 0 neously leads to a smaller typical halo size as discussed E. Dynamical effects later. Eventually large Λ will lead to a severe drop in star formation rates at both early and later times. Sim- Given the approximations involved, either proton de- ilarly, small values of Λ will push vacuum domination cay or WIMP annihilation might be considered reason- later and later, eventually leaving less stellar entropy to ablecompetitorstostellarentropyproduction∆S inthe 0 be produced inthe vacuum-dominatedera. Thus it does matter-dominated era. In order to calculate the maxi- not appear that stellar entropy in late eras is a strong mum entropy for each we have simply given each pro- competitorto∆S0,evenwhenthecosmologicalconstant cess a maximal value assuming complete conversion of is varied. a certain large halo. But halo masses themselves may not be stable on the time scales considered (τ ≈ 1024 years for WIMP annihilation and ≈ 1037 years for pro- C. Dark Matter annihilation ton decay). There are two competing dynamic processes within halos over the very long term ([13]). Interactions To compete with∆S weneedapproximately1015 en- between starslead to dynamic relaxationandejection of 0 individual stars on a time scale of τ ≈ 100τ ≈ tropy per baryon. With the possible exception of Hawk- evap relax ing radiation, this appears to be a tall order. We need 100Rv 12lnN(N2) ≈1019−1020 years for typical galactic ra- 7 dius R, random velocity v, and number of stars N. At tle different except that they generally avoid the partic- the same time, gravitational radiation should cause or- ular dynamics that over time seem to eject matter from bits to decay and eventually drop matter into a central the halo or collapse it into black holes. Such an ap- black hole, on a time scale of ≈1024 years. Adams et al. proachmightseemartificial,butitwouldstillbejustone estimate perhaps 1-10% of matter remains bound to the of many parameterizations, and would immediately re- central black hole while the remainder is lost from the storetoimportanceHawkingentropyorthatfromcertain galaxy. models of proton decay. Subtle changes in parametriza- Matter ejected from the gravitational bounds of a tion clearly can yield very different ideas of what consti- galaxywillingeneralbelostfromthedeSitterhorizonas tutesatypicalworldline,andwenowmaketheargument well. Taking the point of view of a world line following that if there is a significant late-time entropy source in an example white dwarf ejected this way, within a few our parametrization, it can drastically affect the CEP Hubble times the former host halo will have redshifted prediction for a cosmologicalparameter. beyondthehorizonandtheonlycontinuingsourceofen- tropy increase within an observer’s horizon and causal diamond would be that produced from the single white VI. EFFECTS ON PREDICTION FOR ρΛ dwarfstar. Eventhecompleteprotondecayofsuchastar wouldproduceacompletelynegligibleamountofentropy All of our late-time effects are at approximately fixed compared to ∆S given the small matter content within mass within a horizon. Assuming we are examining an 0 the horizon. On the other hand, we may still wonder astrophysical process which is independent of halo scale about a single large black hole ejected in this fashion, (whichiscertainlytrueforprotondecayitself,butshould since Hawkingradiationoverextremely longtimes could be considered a simplification for black holes and white compete with early entropy. dwarfprocesses,since largerhalosmayhavedifferentas- If this picture of dynamical effects is correct, for a trophysics), the only determinant of entropy production world line near the leftover central black hole in a halo, isthemassofthehalo. Thuswecanframeourlong-term of the processes considered again it is only Hawking ra- entropy weight as a function of the mass of the halo, diation that could compete with ∆S0, as on time scales w(ρΛ,λ) → w(ρΛ,Mhalo). If we assume matter fairly much shorter than proton decay, essentially all matter tracesworldlines(i.e.,splitupphasespaceevenlyatearly will have either been ejected from the halo or have al- times),thenwecantakeadvantageofthePress-Schechter ready collapsedinto the centralblack hole. WIMP anni- mass function[14] to estimate the probability for each hilation within white dwarfs has a time scale of ≈ 1025 worldline(andthuscausaldiamond)tobe withinahalo years, so the story is relatively similar: rather than con- of mass M and hence to have a weight w(ρΛ,M). If tribute appreciably to entropy gain within a single halo, we are calculating total entropy, to a first approxima- this process will take place mostly within isolated white tion the weight for a worldline within a mass M halo is dwarfs. proportional to M in the scale invariant approximation. Dynamical effects may also have important implica- If f(M,t)∝ exp(− δc ) is the P-S differential mass √2σ(M,t) tions for counting entropy from Hawking radiation. We function, then the integrated weight function intentionally made the choice to parametrize world lines so that they essentially followedtypical paths of matter. w(ρ )≡ w(ρ ,λ)dλ We claimed that this choice was in essence arbitrary, if Λ Z Λ straightforward. But having made this choice, we must accept that the long-term dynamical behavior of matter would also be that for a typical world line. Our picture = MP(M)w(ρ ,M) Z Λ has two basic fates for matter on time-scales well before blackholeevaporation: eitheritiswithinablackhole,or insomesmallchunkofmatterwithnoblackholeswithin the de Sitter horizon. = Mf(M,∞)dM Z With our parametrization choice it then seems that it is quite common for world lines themselves to intersect where f(M,∞) is the P-S mass function evaluated at a black holes, but that it is not common for world lines to late time. In a Λ-dominated universe, these mass frac- staywithinaHubbleradiusofablackholelongenoughto tions approach a fixed value on the timescale of t ≈ Λ observeblackholeevaporation. Classicalworldlinesmay 16.7 billion years for our universe, as the cosmological end at the singularity of a black hole, but our approach constant freezes structure formation[3]. The final halo ofignoringhorizonentropyis not nearlyso obviousonce mass fraction and differential P-S function are given in thehorizonitselfiscrossed. InthispicturetheCEPmay Fig. 4. be safe from the need to count Hawking radiation, but Thus the weighting for this kind of constant late-time the details are far from immediate. entropy source turns out to be proportional to the mass Itshouldalsobementionedthatwemighttrytotweak of the halo a typical piece of matter finds itself within. our matter-following geodesic parametrization to be lit- One expects this typical halo mass to decrease for larger 8 Final halo mass fraction F(M) ρΛ in logarithmic space: 1 F(M)0.5 10 ρΛρΛ 0.1 ρΛ0.01 ρΛ dlodgP(ρΛ) ∝w(ρΛ)ρΛ ∝const 100 ρ Λ Inthecaseoflate-timeentropyitisnottheactualsize 0 ofthe causaldiamondvolumebutratherthemassofthe 0 5 10 15 20 typical halo that controls the entropic weight. Smaller 15 cosmologicalconstants result in larger structure, so that the mass-weighted“typical”halo(andhence the weight) F/dmu) 105 scaTlehseaopvperroaxllimwaetigelhytiansgρf−Λo1r.a cosmology will be ∆S + d 0 0( 0 ∆S . Wherethe latetimeentropyincreasedominates, log1 −5 100 ρ1Λ0 ρρΛΛ0.1 ρ0Λ.01 ρΛ thelflataetpriorin ρΛ is thus transformedto aflatdistribu- −10 tion for log(ρΛ). While this result addresses the cosmo- 0 5 10 15 20 log10(M /M ) logicalconstantproblemtosomedegree(asweneedonly halo sun explain the smallness of log Λ), compared with earlier work we have lost the peak in the probability distribu- FIG. 4: Top: Fraction of total mass at late times in halos tionassociatedwithapredictionoftheactualvalueofΛ. smallerthanmassM,plottedforarangeofcosmological con- Unless we can definitively rule out significant late-time stants relative to the observed value ρΛ. Bottom: the late- entropy sources, such a result would undermine some of timedifferentialPress-Schechterhalofractionf(M).Notethat asΛincreases,thehalofractionshiftsapproximatelyinversely thesuccessoftheCEP.NonethelesstheCEPstillbenefits to smaller masses. to an extentfrom the suppressionof structure formation for large values of ρ , which shows up in the weighting Λ 2 dropping below the ρ−Λ1 form (as can be seen in Fig. 5). 0 VII. CONCLUSIONS −2 ))Λ Standard treatments of the Causal Entropic principle ρ w( −4 considera one-to-onemapping betweencosmologicalpa- og( ∝ ρ−1 rameters and causal diamonds. The inhomogeneity of l Λ −6 a realistic universe introduces additional complexity be- cause different observers can experience very different −8 causal diamonds, even with the same cosmological pa- rameters. One must have some method of picking a typ- −10 ical causal diamond, or of characterizing an ensemble of −126 −125 −124 −123 −122 −121 −120 −119 log(ρΛ) causal diamonds for a given cosmology. We have shown that with one reasonable choice of parameterizations for FIG. 5: Unnormalized weight w(ρΛ) ∝ Mf(M,∞)dM as- the ensemble of causal diamonds, we are forced to con- signed to a constant entropy productionRafter Λ domination sider very slow entropy sources in the far future. Dy- for cosmologies near ours. Over this range of Λ our typical namical effects on the typical halo over long times may halo size, and hence entropic weight, is approximately pro- prevent these slow entropy sources from being impor- portional to ρ−Λ1 (dashed curve). tant contributors to the overall measure, but it is easy toimagineparticularparameterizationswherethisisnot the case. The entropy associated with black hole evap- Λ. Indeed, from Fig. 4, we can see that for Λ within a oration or certain models of particle decay could then few orders of magnitude of the observed value, f(M,t) ruin CEP predictions for the value of the cosmological scales approximately inversely in mass with increasing constant. ρ . Thus at least in this vicinity, Λ It shouldalsobe noted that ina universe with enough inhomogeneity and with smaller causal diamond sizes, Z Mf(M,t)dM ∝ρ−Λ1, the effect of the inhomogeneity would be pushed to ear- lier time scales and we would need to worry about the as plotted in Fig. 5. clumping of stellar entropy production itself rather than Recalling from section II, a flat prior on ρ combined merelylate-timeevents. Anexamplewouldbeauniverse Λ withaconstant-rateentropysourceandacausaldiamond with much larger Λ and also much larger initial fluctua- volumeV ∝ρ−Λ1 leadsto aflatpredicteddistributionfor tions. 9 There are methods to parametrize causal diamonds CEP-specificissue. Anditisonethatmustbeaddressed that seem to avoid the late-time entropy production is- to be confident of CEP predictions for nonidealized cos- sue discussed here for universes similar to ours. But this mologies. ambiguity seems to point at least to an incompleteness inthe CEPascurrentlyformulated. Onecouldofcourse simply make a felicitous choice of parameterizations and add it to the CEP. But for a wide range of cosmological Acknowledgments parameters it may be still be difficult to be sure of cap- turing a “typical” causal diamond in this fashion. The reliance on entropy associated with a single causal dia- We wish to thank Steve Carlip, Damien Martin and mondmakesthis issue muchmore difficultthanit would Brandon Bozek for many fruitful discussions. This work befor(e.g.) aper-baryonmeasure,andinthatsenseisa was supported by DOE grant DE-FG03-91ER40674. [1] R. Bousso, R. Harnik, G. D. Kribs, G. 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