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Effects of Harvesting on Population Structure of Leatherleaf Fern (Rumohra adiantiformis (G. Forst.) Ching) in Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest PDF

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Preview Effects of Harvesting on Population Structure of Leatherleaf Fern (Rumohra adiantiformis (G. Forst.) Ching) in Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest

of Harvesting on Population Effects Structure of Fern [Rumohra Leatherleaf adiantiformis (G. Forst.) Ching) in Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest Baldauf* and Dos Cristina Mauri'cio Sedrez Reis em Nucleo de Pesquisas Florestas Tropicais- Universidade Federal de Santa Rndnvia CataririM Non-timber products (NTFPs) non-wood forest are biological resources/ which products, can be obtained from and managed natural forests for consumption NTFPs and/or trade (Peters, 1994). are a source of social and economic More benefits, particularly for local or traditional communities. adequate management regimes number NTFPs for the exploitation of a great of should, however, be determined (Shanley et al, 2002). Information about the and management autoecology on effects populations available only for a is number limited of species. economic Despite the importance around of several fern species the world, there is still surprisingly little information on the impacts of frond harvesting on fern populations (Ticktin et 2007). One of the most important NTFPs in al., Rumohra Brazil the pteridophyte Ching adiantiformis is (G. Forst.) (leatherleaf fern). This species is of particular economic importance among ferns and its * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. BALDAUF HARVESTING OF RUMOHRA & REIS: ADIANTIFORMIS 149 fronds are sold over the world arrangements. all for floral Leatherleaf fern fronds are particularly popular thanks to their long post-harvest life. In Brazil, the fronds are extracted mainly from the natural environment and harvested in Atlantic Rain Forest areas in the south and southeast of the country (Conte et al, 2000; Coelho de Souza, 2003). More than 50% of the R. adiantiformis traded in Brazil comes from Rio Grande do Sul (Anama, 2002) and the major source of income of about 2000 rural households in the northeastern region of Rio Grande do Sul based on harvesting and trading is R. adiantiformis fronds (Coelho de Souza et al, 2006). Although the plants are not collected (only the fronds), frond harvesting may cause impacts on R. adiantiformis populations by reducing rhizome growth, frond density and size, and effective population size (Milton and Moll, 1988; Geldenhuys and Van Merwe, der Baldauf 1988; et 2008). Detailed al., knowledge about the impacts of the management system used by local harvesters is therefore required to determine conditions of sustainable The extraction of this resource. purpose of this study was to evaluate the demographic managed structure of populations of R. adiantiformis in the south of Brazil, as well as to verify the sustainability of the harvesting activity in this region. Material and Methods Study area and sampled populations—Four populations were studied in Maquine, municipality a in the northern coastal region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Table This area considered the southern 1). is limit of the distribution of Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil. Populations one, two, and were managed three according knowledge, which to traditional in harvesting occurs any month maximum in of the year, with a of three annual collections permitted same cm in the area. In general, fronds longer than 30 all are harvested. Population was four evaluated in an area of species occurrence where fronds are not harvested; this population served as a reference of the population demographic without which structure exploitation, rare in the study is area. This population is located in a private area with the same ecological AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 100 3 No. of buds (BUD) No. of young fronds (YOU) No. of adult fronds (ADU) No. of dead fronds (DEA) Total no. of fronds (TOT) No. of fronds (PER) fertile Basal area (BA) conditions as the others, but owner decided allow regeneration its to forest to and take place maintain was the area for biological conservation. impossible It conduct to a replication of the unharvested area due to the lack of populations large enough for experimental studies and free from exploitation. — Evaluation demographic Demographic was of structure. structure charac- m X terized using four 5 5 plots in each of the four study populations. Since R. adiantiformis is a rhizomatous plant, the fronds were considered individual The units. fronds were counted each development at stage, in four categories: young buds, and dead The fronds, adult fronds, fronds. presence of fertile was fronds verified as well. The fronds were counted quarterly for one year, May with evaluations in August 2004, November 2004, February 2005, 2005 and August which 2005. In those cases in harvesting and monitoring occurred the same month, were in the evaluations carried out before frond harvesting. The respective environments of the sampled units were characterized based on data of the existing tree and shrub plants in the plots. The parameters number evaluated were: of plants (height of over 1.30m, independent of the - and (DBH species) diameter breast height 1.30m), the measured with at latter m a pachymeter. This evaluation was carried out in an area of 8 X 8 in the center of the plots described above and non-fern species were measured. all Data an aiysis.—Correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) were used demographic and for the data analysis possible relations with BUD The phytossociological descriptors. demographic descriptors were: (num- YOU ADU DEA ber of buds), (number of young fronds), (number of aduh fronds), TOT (number FER of dead (number and (number fronds), of total fronds) of fertile BA DBH The fronds). phytossociological descriptors were: (basal area), (diameter TRE and (number The at breast height) of trees). descriptors that contributed the most to axis formation, with correlations equal to or higher than 0.70, were used in the interpretation. The population structure was compared using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. analyses were performed using and Statistical Statistica 6.0 (StatSoft, 1998) MVSP d (Multivariate Statistical Package) version 3.12 (Kovach, 2001). BALDAUF & HARVESTING OF RUMOHRA ADIANTIFORMIS REIS: Results — number Environmental aspects. Large variations in the of fronds, as fertile number well as in the of fronds in each development category, were observed in the populations studied. The number of fronds was the most variable. fertile The coefficients of variation obtained for each category were: buds (75.1%), young fronds, (51.9%) aduh fronds, (47.7%), dead fronds 39.3%) and fertile ( The was fronds (144.8%). existence of seasonality verified in the formation of new fronds (buds). Bud emergence was more intensive the end of winter and at A the beginning of spring (between August and September). correlation between some climatic factors and frond production in the species was also The between number buds and mean monthly observed. correlation the of = < was and between number rainfall negative -0.58; p 0.01) positive the (r^ = < buds and months of rainfall in the three before evaluation 0.67; p 0.01). (r^ A number between and negative correlation the basal area the average of fertile = < was fronds throughout the studied period also verified -0.43; p 0.01). (r^ The Components 76.8% three axes of the Principal Analysis explained of first The showed between the variation in the data. axis (45.7%) a correlation the first R. adiantiformis population structure and the forest succession stage (Fig. 1). YOU ADU The (number young correlations of the descriptors of fronds), TOT (number and (number with main of adult fronds) of fronds) the total On component axis one were high and positive (Table the other hand, the 2). BA descriptor (basal area) was high and the correlation with axis one, negative. number and Consequently, the of young, adult total fronds higher in is environments of lower basal area of tree and shrub species, and vice- versa. AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 100 3 (2010) The second and third axes explained 19.4% and 11.7% of variance, respectively, but the only descriptors with values equal to or higher than DBH were 0.70 (Diameter and TRE Breast Height) at (No. of trees) in axis two. Thus, no associations between demographic and descriptors phytossociologi- shown cal parameters two and in axis three were above the value considered for interpretation (0.70). Harvesting and potential monitoring indicators ofR. adiantiformis popula- The tions.— patterns of population one and two were similar in terms of number and proportion of each development phase during the year (Fig. 2). The number of adult fronds dropped with the first collection, but in the following evaluations the values were similar those to prior frond to harvesting. Likewise, in population three, the recovery in frond number and proportion was Bud after harvesting production was fast. intensive in August sampled 2005, in populations all (including the non-harvested area). In general, frond regeneration was after the cuts rather managed in the fast populations, evidenced by numbers the aduft frond found after the collections was (Fig. also noticed demographic dynamism 2). ft that the of natural R. adiantiformis populations considerable, evidenced by is as the variations in number frond and proportion over the study year in different development phases non-managed of the population (population However, four) (Fig. 2). between August 2004 and August 2005, the frequency relative of aduft fronds decreased in this population. No significant differences were observed among the management traditional systems (populations two and one, three) in relation to the proportion of frond categories (Table However, populations one and two revealed 3). differences compared as population to four (non-managed), due to distinct proportions of and aduft dead fronds. In population two, the number was of aduft fronds higher than non-managed in the population (population Concerning four). the number dead of fronds, values were higher in population four (non-managed), from differing populations one and The two. proportion was of fronds fertile lower when in population one compared population The to four. other comparisons no for this indicated trait differences. Environmental aspects.—The high found variation in the frond initial development phases has been reported in other studies on this species (Milton, Geldenhuys and Van 1987; Merwe, der 1994; Conte and may et 2000), al., reflect the remarkable seasonality of bud emersion in the species. According to Geldenhuys and Van Merwe der bud May (1988), production begins between and South and July in Africa reaches a peak between September and November. South In the of Brazil, the most intensive period of bud production in August and September (Anama, is 2002; Baldauf, bud 2006). Intensive production months was in these confirmed also in the first year of this study. This occurred in both harvested and non-harvested areas suggesting that this emergence not management is related to the regime employed (Fig. 2). AMERICAN VOLUME NUMBER FERN JOURNAL: 100 3 (2010) their experiments were positively associated with rainfall in the months prior Conte to evaluation. et (2000) also stated that in the spring of 1999 the al. new production of fronds in the Southwest of Brazil decreased remarkably, when due low was to soil moisture, rainfall less than half of the long-term same averages for the period in previous years. Ticktin et (2007) noted that al. changes and in frond density rates of frond production over time coincide with changes and closely in precipitation levels over time that seasonal rainfall were rates significantly correlated with rates of frond production in two Hawaiian number fern species. Thus, the lower and proportion of buds found in the evaluation carried out in August 2005 (when compared with 2004) are probably due to the average rainfall value of the previous three months, which was approximately measured half the value in 2004. In relation to the vegetative propagation of the species, water availability in months bud the prior to formation possibly results in water reserves for the which On plant, reduces the chances of bud desiccation after emergence. the new other hand, Stamps et (1994) claimed that the emergence of fronds al. is associated with soil temperature, which increases during the sunny periods; this explains the inverse and significant correlation between monthly and precipitation frond production observed here. Our show results further a probable reduction in adiantiformis R. shown populations caused by forest regeneration, as in the principal component showed when This analysis. analysis that the basal area of a number young and particular location increases, the of adult fronds tends to decrease. This tendency was confirmed by Milton and Moll who also (1988), observed that the density of R. adiantiformis populations in South Africa was negatively correlated with tree height and canopy cover. Local harvesters mentioned this aspect as a critical limit for leatherfern harvesting in the number Atlantic Rainforest (Baldauf et al, 2008). Additionally, the lower of fertile fronds registered for population one is probably related to the higher where The basal area of the plots this population occurs. results presented here show common more more that fertile fronds are in areas with solar radiation. This emphasizes need open canopy maintain fact the for areas to viable R. adiantiformis populations. BALDAUF RUMOHRA HARVESTING OF & ADIANTIFORMIS REIS: and Harvesting potential monitoring indicators adiantiformis.—One for R. of the most remarkable tendencies and of R. adiantiformis, highly relevant for management, species the rapid frond regeneration is after harvesting. In general, frond regrowth of populations as evidenced by the number and is fast, proportion of adult fronds in the evaluation carried out after the collection. The results for population three are particularly noteworthy, since they most commonly represent the used harvesting frequency in the region under study (Baldauf et al, 2007). The obtained here from results differ largely those of populations studied in South where seem Africa, R. adiantiformis plants unable maintain frond to when and density size harvested (Milton, 1987; Milton and Moll, 1988; Geldenhuys and Van Merwe, der 1988). According to Milton (1991), a period of five years is insufficient for R. adiantiformis, under natural conditions in the indigenous forests of the southern Cape, recover from to total or partial 50% may defoliation. In these forests, only of pickable fronds per plant be all harvested and the harvesting cycle was extended to 15 months to give plants sufficient time to recover (Geldenhuys and Van der Merwe, These 1994). may contrasting results be related to climatic differences between the areas. According Stamps to et al. (1994), R. adiantiformis grows faster under a high- temperature regime than under a low-temperature regime. In another study was new (Strandberg, 2003), observed that the production of fronds and the it time required mature were for leaves to also strongly associated with degree days, daylight hours, solar radiation, and soil temperature. However, there are no remarkable differences in the temperature regime of the areas in question. Thus, other factors might be involved. One possibility, already mentioned, the influence of rainfall on the is mm production Annual Maquine of fronds. rainfall in the area varies from 1400 mm to 1800 (Hasenack and Ferraro, 1989), whereas the annual rainfall in the mm mm South African area ranges from 920 1250 and (Milton Moll, to 1988). new Since the emergence of fronds shows a positive correlation with rainfall, this could be an explanation for the differences found. Milton (1991) attributes the slow recovery South African populations in in part to long leaf longevity in this species. In Brazilian natural populations, fronds are also very long-lived (Anama, 2002; Conte et 2000), but despite al. this fact they can recover rapidly. Additionally, the higher harvest rates applied to Brazilian populations as compared with the rates employed in South Africa could cause reductions in frond production, as reported by Milton (1991), but such reductions do not occur in Brazil least not when the (at traditional management system employed). Geldenhuys and Van der Merwe is (1988) point out that frond production in South Africa appears be nutrient to and limited, frond removal also reduces nutrient availability. Therefore, another would possibility is that, in Brazilian populations, there be no nutrient limitation to the species growth. Nevertheless, further studies are necessary to confirm the influences of edaphoclimatic conditions on the population structure of R. adiantiformis. AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 100 3 (2010) Conte suggested et al. (2000) that a cutting cycle of five events each year two months (cycles of during the rainy season and months of three in the dry season) could maintain the sustainability of R. adiantiformis populations in the Sao State of Paulo, in the southeast region However, an of Brazil. in experimental study conducted in Rio Grande do Sul, in the south of Brazil, Anama (2002) applied different harvesting frequencies and concluded that which maximum traditional harvesting, consists of a of three annual was cuts, the only treatment that would not frond number and affect size. Differences in ideal harvesting frequencies between the South and Southeast regions of Brazil reinforce the influence of rainfall on frond production, since the annual rainfall in the area where Conte et al. (2000) conducted thefr study mm 2300 (CEPAGRI, is 2010), higher than the values observed in other areas where the species harvested These is in Brazil. differences in appropriate show harvesting regimes also that monitoring indicators must be determined on a regional scale. The Anama results reported here agree with those obtained in the study by (2002), since they reinforce the absence of negative impacts of traditional harvesting on the species population The dead structure. differences in frond among proportions found populations one and two and population four probably (control) reflect the fact that the harvesters are removing adult fronds from populations one and two. Thus, dead would less fronds be expected in these populations than where in the confrol, fronds die naturally or remain on the plant for a long time. Nevertheless, no differences were observed on the proportions buds and young among of fronds the populations under may which investigation, be considered a sign of harvesting sustainability. According to Peters (1996), the first sign of over-exploration of a plant population expressed most is in its size class distribution. In species, the most visible effect of over-exploration is a reduction in the number of seedlings and young plants. Since R. adiantiformis a rhizomatous species, the frond is initial development phases (buds and young fronds) are understood as equivalent to and young seedlings plants of tree species in order to monitor the harvesting activity. view managed In of the fact that in populations the variation in the young proportion of fronds lower than of buds, the former was considered is a better indicator of the demographic dynamism, characteristic of the species and of possible impacts of frond harvesting. The reference values for this indicator are variable, due to a period of intensive frond formation the end of at the winter (August and September). Based on no the fact that there is difference in the proportion of young fronds in the managed populations when compared with non-managed the population, references values were estab- lished for monitoring. These values comprise the range of proportions obtained in all studied populations plus a safety margin. Therefore, the value young 10% 20% of fronds should be between and in the period between September and December bud whereas (after formation), in other periods of the 5% year a proportion between and 15% would be expected. BALDAUF RUMOHRA & HARVESTING OF ADIANTIFORMIS 1 : The demographic structure of leatherleaf fern largely influenced by climatic is factors and forest succession and must therefore be continuously monitored over several years. also important to consider that the results and monitoring It is indicators presented here are based on studies carried out few and at sites should be revised periodically. In cases that require a more in-depth analysis, it possible to analyze the genetic diversity of the managed populations, based on is By allozyme markers. main this technique, the genetic diversity indexes can be may determined; in case of population overexploitation, these values be reduced Once (Baldauf demographic et al., 2008). the data are relatively easy to may obtain, evaluations include the local harvesters of the collection areas, helping to evaluate the populations in a participatory monitoring process. should be emphasized low Finally, that the ecological impact of the it management traditional systems not maintenance is sufficient for the of a leatherleaf fern population, since is a pioneer species that tends to disappear it during and forest succession. Hill Silander (2001) studied the pteridophyte Jr. species Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Michx.) Moore and understood any T. that event that maintains or results in canopy openness death caused by (tree windthrow disease, or forest harvesting, or the elimination of a shrub layer by browsing) favors the persistence of D. punctilobula. Analogously, the maintenance of R. adiantiformis populations also depends on further management measures would improve example that productivity, as for the management of "capoeira" (naturally regenerated second-growth forest) areas. This, along with the farming of perennial agricultural species, could be a way income and to guarantee food security to the harvesting families. Literature Cited 2006. Extrativismo de samambaia-preta [Rumobra adiantiformis (G. Forst.] . M rande do Sul: fundamentos para o manejo e monitoramento da atividade. ;rsidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, SC. Hanazaki and M. N. S. Reis. 2007. Caracterizagao etnobotanica dos sistemas , [Rumohra tnambaia-preta adiantiformis (G. Forst.) Ching- Dryopteridaceae) do Acta Brasil. Bot. Bras. 21(4):823-834. 1 R. BiTTENcouRT, D. K. Ferreira, A. G. Mattos, ScHULTZ, A. Mantovani and , J. A diversidade genetica das populagoes de samambaia-preta {Rumobra adiaw Ching) no Rio Grande do Sul, in Miguel, L. A., G. P. C. Souza and R. R. ] , tivismo da samambaia-preta. Editora da UFRGS, Porto Alegre.(/n press].

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