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Effects of Fish on the Growth and Survival of Two Fishing Spider Populations (Dolomedes triton; Araneae, Pisauridae) PDF

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Preview Effects of Fish on the Growth and Survival of Two Fishing Spider Populations (Dolomedes triton; Araneae, Pisauridae)

1994. TheJournal ofArachnology 22:185-189 EFFECTS OF FISH ON THE GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF TWO FISHING SPIDER POPULATIONS (DOLOMEDES TRITON; ARANEAE, PISAURIDAE) Chester R. Figiel, Jr. and Gary L. Miller: Department ofBiology, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi 38677 USA ABSTRACT. Our objectives were to determine ifDolomedes triton from two populations, one with fish predators and one without, differed in growth and survival. Using a 2 x 2 randomized block design, equal numbersofspiderswererearedoverasix-weekperiodinartificialpoolsinthepresenceandabsenceofanatural predator, thebluegillsunfish, Lepomismacrochirus, (Perciformes: Centrarchidae). Neitherspiderbodysizenor spidersurvivaldifferedbetweenpopulations.Survivalofspidersinpoolswithfishwasnotsignificantlydifferent from spiders in fishless pools. However, spider body size was significantly smaller in pools containing fish comparedtospidersinpoolswithoutfish.Nosignificantinteractionbetweenpopulationsourceandthepresence of fish was detected. We suggest two mechanisms for the reduction in spider body size: interference (i. e., avoidance offish) and exploitativecompetition with fish forfood resources. The reductionin spiderbody size isimportantbecauseoftherelationshipbetweenspidersizeandreproductivesuccess(largerfemalesmayproduce agreaternumberofoffspringthan smallerfemales; largermales may copulatewith more femalesthan smaller males). Because these spiders are found in wetlands areas where sunfish occur, our results suggest that these spidersmayadjusttocompetitor/predator-richenvironmentsthroughcompromisesingrowthanddevelopment. Predators can directly influence the structure (Rayor & Uetz 1990). In addition, smaller spi- anddynamicsofaquatic communitiesbydiffer- ders may be more vulnerable to predatory en- ential predation on species (Wilbur 1980). In- counters with conspecifics (Bleckmann & Barth directly, predatorpresencecaninfluencepreyby 1984). Predators may modify these life history alteringpreymorphology, lifehistory, orbehav- traits by influencing spider activity, exploiting ior (reviewed in Kerfoot & Sih 1987; Lima & food resources or by altering spider habitat use Dill 1990). For example, prey behavioral pat- (vanBerkum 1982;Rayor&Uetz 1990;Riechert terns may change in response to predator pres- & Hedrick 1990). Van Berkum (1982) hypoth- ence and subsequentlyaffectcompetitive orfor- esizedthat Trechaleamagnificaspidersmayfor- agingtacticsoftheprey(Morin 1983; Werneret age noctumally to avoid predation risk during al. 1983; Poweretal. 1985; Gilliam etal. 1989). the day, in spite ofthe greater prey abundance Thesebehavioral modificationscanchangewith available during the day. Riechert & Hedrick respect to ontogenetic development ifthe pred- (1990) examined predator assessment of two ator-prey relationship is based on body size dif- populations of Agelenopsis aperta spiders and ferences (see Werner & Gilliam 1984). Thus a determined that the population exposed to pre- predator-prey relationship early in prey devel- dationpressureexhibitedalongerlatencyperiod opment may be altered to a competitive rela- to return to a foraging mode following a preda- tionshipthroughtime.Understandingtheeffects toryencounter.Fewstudies,however,havemea- ofcompetitorsandpredators on thebehaviorof sureddirectlytheeffectsofpredatorpresenceon interacting species can identify the mechanisms spiderforagingactivity orfeedingrates in terms ofselection that are responsible for differences ofgrowth, body size, mating, or reproduction - within populations in life history traits (e. g., traits that are closely related to fitness (but see growth, reproductive success). Rayor & Uetz 1990). In many species ofspiders, growth and body The objectives ofthis study were two-fold: 1) sizearedirectlyrelatedtoreproductivepotential to examine the effects of fish presence on the (e.g., numberofeggsproduced)andmatingsuc- growth and survival of the fishing spider, Do- cess (Fritz & Morse 1985; Smith 1990; Brady lomedes triton (Walckenaer), and 2) to test for 1993), andarealso indirectlyrelatedto survival differences in growth and survival between two 185 186 THEJOURNALOFARACHNOLOGY populations of spiders: one population from examine the main effects and interactions be- ponds containing fish, and one population from tween fish presence and population source. We locations that lacked fish. randomly assigned the four treatment combi- nations within each offour replicate blocks for EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM a total of 16 pools. Pools [within size ranges of Dolomedes triton is a widely distributed spe- natural ponds inhabited by these spiders (CRF cies in the United States and Canada, foraging pers. obs.)], were placed in an outdoor fenced on or near the surface ofponds or slack water enclosure on the Edward J. Meeman Biological areas ofstreams and rivers, and use the water’s Station(EJMBS)inShelbyCo.,Tennessee,which surfacetocapturepreyorescapepredation(Car- exposed them to natural photoperiod, seasonal ico 1973). Attack behavior by these spiders can rainfall and temperature. Pools were filled with be elicited by water surface waves generated by tapwateron22July 1992andwindowscreening prey(Bleckmann&Barth 1984;Bleckmann 1985; was placed over pools to prevent frogs and in- Bleckmann & Lotz 1987). The sensory ecology sects from colonizing them and prevent spiders ofD. triton spiders, with regards to foraginghas from escaping. We added logs, detritus, floating been examined (Bleckmann & Barth 1984; sponges,andleaflittertopoolstoprovidehabitat Bleckmann & Rovner 1984; Bleckmann 1985), complexity, refuge, and substrates for spiders. as has theircourtship behavior(Roland & Rov- We seined L. macrochirus {X = 43 mm total ner 1983; Bleckmann & Bender 1987), and prey length ±2.4 mm SD) from a pond located on use (Zimmermann & Spence 1989). theEJMBStoserveasourmodelpredator. Blue- The bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, is gillsunfishthissizecanvigorouslyattack,injure, syntopic with D. triton over most ofits range. and consume D. triton (CRF pers. obs.). Two These sunfish have a diverse diet and will eat a fish were used per pool (0.8 fish per m^ ofpool wide variety of arthropods including D. triton surface area; within range ofdensities offish in (CRF pers. obs.). These sunfish and D. triton natural ponds. Hall & Werner 1977). Likewise, often occupy the same microhabitats of ponds the treatment level ofZ). triton (four spiders per (e. g., shallow shoreline areas) because ofinter- pool) is within the range of spider densities in actions with larger predatory fish (Werner et al. naturalpondsin Mississippi(1.6 spidersperm^, 1983; CRF pers. obs.). CRFunpubl. data). Spidersand fishwereplaced METHODS in pools on 17 August 1992. Hyla chrysoschelis tadpoles were used as prey for spiders and fish WemeasuredgrowthandsurvivalofD. triton and were collected from nearby ponds. We sup- collectedfromtwopopulations: SavannahRiver plementedpreyinpoolsbyaddingcrickets{Ach~ Plant, Aiken County, South Carolina (SC) and etusspp.) from a commercial colony. Eitherfive the University of Mississippi Biological Field similar-sized crickets or five similar-sized tad- Station,LafayetteCounty,Mississippi(MS).Spi- poles were added to all pools once every five ders were collected from two SC ponds on 31 days. Spidersreadilycaptureandconsumethese July 1992andfromthreeMSpondson3 August prey in the lab. The experiment was terminated 1992 to ensure local population replication. We on 28 September 1992 and all spiders and fish chose these two populations to ensure that gene were preserved in alcohol. flow between the populations was low or non- Spiderbodysizewasdeterminedbymeasuring existent. Additionally, we chose SC ponds be- thecarapacelengthonpreservedspecimens. Re- cause they have lacked fish forat least 20 years, sponse variables in the experimental treatments (J. Pechmannpers. comm.),whiletheMSponds were mean growth (increase in length ofcara- have had fish present for the last 40 years, L. pace, measured to the nearest 0.5 mm) and sur- macrochirus Pimephales promelas (flathead vival (the number ofsurviving spiders divided , minnows) and Micropterus salmoides (large- by initial number) foreach pool. Proportions of mouth bass) (B. Knight pers. comm.). surviving individuals from the initial number Spiders (Xcarapace length at the start ofthe were arcsine transformed, and body size data experiment ± SD:Xsc = 3.5 mm ±0.1 mm,Yms were log transformed before analyses. = 3.5 mm ±0.2mm)wererearedinthepresence RESULTS andabsenceofL. macrochirusinartificialponds (plastic wading pools, 1.52 m diameter, 22 cm Survival was not correlated with body size at deep). We used a 2 x 2 factorial experiment to the end of the experiment (r = -0.224), thus FIGIEL& MILLER^GROWTH AND SURVIVALOFDOLOMEDES TRITON 187 Table L—Summary ofthe two-way analysis of variance on body size (carapace length) and survival of Dolomedestritonfromtwo populationsrearedinthepresenceandabsenceoffish, Lepomismacrochirns. Body sizedatawerelogtransformedand percentsurvivaldatawerearcsine square-roottransformedbeforeanalysis. MS Sourceofvariation df Test ofsignificance Body size Population 1 0.00011 F- 0.165 F=0.6957 Fish presence 1 0.00948 F= 14.856 F=0.0023 Populationby fish 1 0.00001 0.017 F=0.9008 Error 12 0.00064 Total 15 Survival Population 1 0.00428 F= 0.086 F=0.7778 Fish presence 1 0.03855 F= 0.771 F=0.4062 Population by fish 1 0.10709 F= 2.143 F= 0.1689 Error 12 0.04998 Total 15 growthdatawereanalyzedindependentlyofsur- Behavioral observationsofD. tritonplacedwith vival data. Analysis showed there was no block L. macrochirusinlaboratoryaquariadetermined effect and data from the four blocks were sub- thatthese spidersavoided bluegill sunfish byal- sequently pooled for analysis. teringlocation in aquaria(CRFunpubl. data). If Body size ofspiders was affected by the pres- this behavior influenced D. triton foraging time ence offish (Table 1). At the end ofthe experi- or effort, as has been shown for other spiders ment, spider body size was significantly smaller (van Berkum 1982; Riechert & Hedrick (1990), mm in pools containing fish (JTsc =4.85 ±0.21 this could account for the reduction in D. triton mm; A'ms = 4.93 mm ±0.17 mm) compared to body size. = body size ofspiders in pools withoutfish {X^c Additionally, competition for prey between 5.45 mm ± 0.34 mm; = 5.50 mm ±0.45 sunfish and spiders probably resulted in a re- mm). Body size did not differ between the SC duced food resource base for spiders, and sub- population (5.15 mm ±0.41 mm) and the MS sequentlyresultedina reducedspiderbody size. population (5.21 mm ±0.44 mm) at the termi- Although we did not directly measure food re- nationoftheexperiment(Table 1).Nosignificant source levels in pools, sunfish can prey on tad- interaction between population source and the polesandfloatingcrickets,andfoodresourcelev- presence offish was detected (Table 1). el can be decreased in these pools due to fish Spider survival did not differ between popu- presence (Figiel & Semlitsch 1990). Periodic lations (Table 1). At the end ofthe six-week ex- searches for prey determined that no prey sur- periment, the percent survival of spiders from vived in poolscontaining sunfish, whereas these SCwas50.0% ±23%andfromMS46.9% ±22%. prey were available and abundant for spiders in Survivalofspidersinpoolswithfish(Xsc=62.5% pools without fish. This suggests that the reduc- ±25%;Xms =43.8% ±14%)wasnotsignificantly tion in spider body size probably resulted from differentcomparedto survivalofspidersin fish- exploitative competition between fish and spi- lesspools(Xsc=37.5% ±14%;X^s= 50% ±29%) ders, with the additional pressure of predator (Table 1). No significant interaction between avoidance. Because food resource levels for spi- population source and the presence offish was ders in fishless pools were abundant, differences detected (Table 1). in spider body size in natural conditions may occur only when prey densities for spiders are DISCUSSION relatively high or fish densities are low. Body size ofspidersdiffered significantlyafter It is difficultto determine reasons forthe lack just 42 days and clearly indicates that fish pres- ofdifferences between populations in growth or enceinfluencedspidergrowth. Twomechanisms survival, orin lack ofdifferencesin survival be- could be responsible for these results: interfer- tween fish and fishless ponds, particularly con- ence (i. e., spider avoidance offish) or exploit- sideringthattheSCpopulationshavelackedfish ative competition with fish for food resources. in these ponds. With respect to survival, it is 188 THEJOURNALOFARACHNOLOGY possiblethatmortalityrelatedtotheexperimen- lecting spiders. We thank G. Wein for access to tal situation is high thereby masking effects of ponds in South Carolina and M. Kennedy and the predator. A shorter experiment using larger theEdwardJ. MeemanBiologicalStationforthe ponds might alleviate this problem ifit exists. useoffacilities.Weappreciatethecommentsand However, there may be a biological basis for criticismsonearlierversionsonthismanuscript the lack ofdifferences in growth and survival in from H. Farris, R. Holberton, and G. Stratton. fish and fishless ponds. Conceivably, lack ofin- terpopulational variation in growth or survival LITERATURECITED resulted from selection forphenotypic plasticity Bleckmann,H. 1985. Discriminationbetweenprey in these life history traits. This may be an effec- andnon-preywavesignalsinthefishingspiderDo- tive way for spiders to adapt to highly variable lomedestriton(Pisauridae),Pp.215-222,InAcous- environments rather than favoring specific phe- tic and vibrational communication in insects (K. notypes (Caswell 1983; Kaplan & Cooper 1984; Kalmring& N. Eisner, eds.), Parey Verlag, Berlin, Petranka & Sih 1987). Potentially, therelatively Bleckmann, H. & F. G. Barth. 1984. Sensoryecol- short period (at least 20 years) SC spiders have ogyofasemi-aquaticspider(Dolomedestriton). IT been in ponds without fish may not be long Thereleaseofpredatorybehaviorbysurfacewaves. enough for selection to influenced the behavior Behav. EcoL Sociobiol. 14:303-312. Bleckmann, H. & M. Bender. 1987. Water surface ofthese spiders. Additionally, there is an abun- waves generated by the male pisaurid spider Do- dance ofunderwater competitors and predators lomedes triton (Walckenaer) during courtship be- otherthan fish (e. g., dragonfly larvae, salaman- havior. J. ArachnoL, 15:363-369, der larvae, dytiscid beetles) that are temporally Bleckmann, H. & T. Lotz. 1987. The vertebrate- or spatially present that could influence spider catchingbehaviourofthe fishingspiderDolomedes behavior,growth,development,orsurvival.The triton(Araneae,Pisauridae).Anim.Behav.,35:641- diversityofpotentialpredators/competitorscould 651. select for the observed plasticity. Further, the Bleckmann,H.&J.S. Rovner, 1984. Sensoryecol- interactionbetween fishandspidersmaychange ogy ofa semi-aquatic spider {Dolomedes triton). I. over time from a predator-prey relationship to Roles ofvegetation and wind-generated waves in a competitive relationship when spiders reach a siteselection. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 14:297-301. Brady, R. A. 1993. The influence of prey avail- larger body size (and potentially into a spider ability and habitat on activity patterns and abun- predator-fish prey interaction). dance ofArgiopekeyserlingi(Araneae: Araneidae). The importance ofbody size reduction in D. J. ArachnoL, 21:91-106. triton is observed in the relationship between Carico,J.E. 1973. TheNearcticspeciesofthegenus bodysizeandreproductivesuccess:inmanyspe- Dolomedes(Araneae:Pisauridae).Bull.Mus.Comp. cies, larger females may produce a greaternum- ZooL, 144:435-488. ber ofoffspring, and larger males may copulate Caswell, H. 1983. Phenotypic plasticityin life-his- with more females that smaller males (Fritz & tory traits: demographic effects and evolutionary Morse 1985; Smith 1990; Brady 1993). Large consequences, American ZooL, 23:35-46. body size also confers an advantage to individ- Figiel, Jr., C. R. & R. D. Semlitsch. 1990. Pop- ulationvariationinsurvivalandmetamorphosisof uals in escaping gape- or size-limited predators; larvalsalamanders{Ambystomamaculatum)inthe tphruesdastmoarlyleenrcsopuindteerrssm(aBlyebcekmmaonrne&vuBlanretrhab19l8e4)t.o p8r1e8s-e8n2c6e.andabsenceoffishpredation,Copeia, 1990: Becausethesespidersarefoundinwetlandsareas Fritz, R. S. & D. H. Morse. 1985. Reproductive wheresunfishpredatorsoccur(Carico 1973;CRF success, growth rate and foraging decisions ofthe pers. obs.), our results suggest that spiders may crabspiderMisumenavatia.Oecologia,65:194-200. adjust to habitats containing fish through com- Gilliam, J. F., D. F. Fraser & A. M. Sabat. 1989. promises in growth and development. Further Strongeffects offoraging minnows on a stream in- studies examining D. triton habitat use and be- vertebratecommunity. Ecology, 70:445“452, havior, and the interactions and trade-offs in- Hall, D. J. & E. E. Werner. 1977. Seasonal distri- butionand abundance offishes in the littoral zone volved in foraging in predator/competitor-rich ofaMichiganlake.Trans.AmericanFish,Soc., 106: environments are needed. 545-555. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Kaplan,R.H.&W.S.Cooper. 1984. Theevolution ofdevelopmental plasticity in reproductive char- WethankB. Houston,K. Kallies, D. Reimers, acteristics:anapplicationofthe'"adaptivecoin-flip- P. Smiley, and A. Williamsfortheirhelpin col- ping” principle. American Nat, 123:393-410. HGIEL& MILLER-=-GROWTH AND SURVIVALOFDOLOMEDES TRITON 189 Kerfoot, W. C. & A. Sih. 1987. Predation: Direct bratorycommunicationintheaquaticpisauridspi- and Indirect Impacts on Aquatic Communities. derDolomedes triton (Araneae: Pisauridae). J. Ar- Univ.PressofNewEngland,Hanover,NewHamp- achnol., 11:77-85. shire. Smith,G.T. 1990. Potentiallifetimefecundityand Lima, S. L. & L. M, Dill. 1990. 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