Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. infall February 2, 2008 (DOI: will be inserted by hand later) Effects of episodic gas infall on the chemical abundances in galaxies J. Ko¨ppen1,2,4 and G. Hensler3,4 1 Observatoire Astronomique deStrasbourg, 11 Ruedel’Universit´e, F–67000 Strasbourg, France 5 email: [email protected] 0 2 International Space University, Parc d’Innovation, 1 Rue Jean-Dominique Cassini, F–67400 Illkirch- 0 Graffenstaden, France 2 3 Institut fu¨r Astronomie, Universit¨ats-Sternwarte Wien, Tu¨rkenschanzstr. 17, A–1180 Vienna, Austria n email: [email protected] a 4 Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik undAstrophysik,Universit¨at Kiel, D–24098 Kiel, Germany J 9 Received October 28, 2004 / Accepted December23, 2004 1 1 Abstract. Thechemicalevolutionofgalaxiesthatundergoanepisodeofmassiveandrapidaccretionofmetal-poor v gas is investigated with models using both simplified and detailed nucleosynthesis recipes. The rapid decrease of 5 theoxygenabundanceduringinfall is followed bya slower evolution which leads back totheclosed-box relation, 1 thusforming aloop in theN/O-O/Hdiagram. Forlarge excursions from theclosed-box relation, themass of the 4 infalling material needs to be substantially larger than the gas remaining in the galaxy, and the accretion rate 1 should be larger than the star formation rate. We apply this concept to the encounter of high velocity clouds 0 with galaxies of various masses, finding that the observed properties of these clouds are indeed able to cause 5 substantial effects not only in low mass galaxies, but also in the partial volumes in large massive galaxies that 0 would beaffected bythecollision. Numerical models with detailed nucleosynthesisprescriptions areconstructed. / h Weassumestarformationtimescalesandscaledyieldsthatdependonthegalacticmass,andwhichareadjustedto p reproducetheaveragerelationsofgasfraction,oxygenabundance,andeffectiveoxygenyieldobservedinirregular - andspiralgalaxies. TheresultingexcursionsintheN/O-O/Hdiagram duetoasingleaccretion eventinvolvinga o highvelocitycloudarefoundtobeappreciable,whichcouldthusprovideacontributiontothelargescatterinthe r t N/O ratio found among irregular galaxies. Nonetheless, the N/O-O/H diagram remains an important indicator s a for stellar nucleosynthesis. : v Key words. Galaxies: abundances – Galaxies: evolution – Galaxies: dwarf Irregular – Galaxies: ISM i X r a 1. Introduction of the star formation history and the specific recipe for starformationrate(SFR).Thisalsoimpliesthattherela- The nitrogen-to-oxygen abundance ratio in extragalactic tion in the diagramcan be interpreted as an evolutionary Hii regions has long been found to increase with the oxy- sequence from metal-poor to metal-rich systems. gen abundance among spiral galaxies (Edmunds & Pagel Thus, the N/O-O/H diagram has found a good use 1978, Vila-Costas & Edmunds 1993, Henry & Worthey in infering the mode of nitrogen synthesis in stars. Since 1999 – Fig. 1). Irregular galaxies are located in this plot the ascending partof the diagramfollows roughlya unity nearthelowerendofthespiralsequence,andformacloud slope, it is taken to indicate secondary nitrogen produc- with an appreciable amount of scatter around lg(N/O)= tion (i.e. with a yield proportional to the oxygen abun- −1.5 and over a range of oxygen abundances between 7 dance). The horizontal part, where the irregular galaxies and 8.5. arefound,thencorrespondsto the primarynitrogencom- Suchabehaviourcanbe interpretedbygalacticchem- ponent, i.e. with constant yield (e.g. van Zee 1998). Thus icalevolutionmodelsasasignatureofhowtheproduction itappearsthatprimaryproductiondominatesintheearly ofnitrogeninstarsvarieswithmetallicity.Theclosed-box phases ofchemicalevolutionandsecondaryproductionin Simple Model (neglecting the stellar lifetimes) predicts more evolved stages. that the relation of an abundance ratio Z /Z with the This behaviour appears to be somewhat difficult to i abundanceofaprimaryelementZ mirrorsthemetallicity reconcile with what is known from stellar nucleosynthe- dependence of the yield of element i, strictly independent sis studies. While secondary nitrogen production occurs 2 J. K¨oppen and G. Hensler: Chemistry of Episodic Gas Infall in Galaxies in massive stars, an important contribution comes from of galaxies (Blitz et al. 1999), remnants of galactic winds intermediate-mass stars in the form of a predominantly andfountains,tidaldebris,ortheproductofram-pressure primary production due to the Third Dredge-Up mixing stripping,theirpresenceimplies thattheyarelikelytoin- freshlysynthesisedcarbonintohigherlayers,whereitcan teract with galaxies. With typical sizes of 15 kpc and gas be turned by hot-bottom burning into nitrogen (e.g. van masses of several 107M⊙ with clumps ten times smaller, den Hoek & Groenewegen 1997). Thus, once the system they could affect the chemical evolution of the galaxy. is evolved enough for all intermediate-mass stars to con- One pertinent feature of the observed N/O-O/H dia- tribute, the N/O ratio would remain rather constant in- gram is the large amount of scatter, which is larger than stead of increasing with O/H. the uncertainties of the observational material and the Several simplifications enter into such an interpreta- analysis methods (Henry & Worthey 1999). In particu- tion.Oneisthatthelifetimesofnitrogen-producinginter- lar, one notes that while there seems to be a plateau at mediate mass stars are not negligibly short compared to lg(N/O) = −1.5, there are more objects above this value the star formation. Such a delayed production makes the than below. This tendency raises the question whether N/O ratio rise slower with time (and hence oxygenabun- episodic infall – the consequence of a collisionwith an in- dance) until it reaches the Simple Model relation, thus tergalactic gas cloud – could contribute to the observed making the slope ofthe relationsomewhatsteeper during distribution of objects in the N/O-O/H plot. the early phases (e.g. Matteucci 1986). With this caveat, Overthe pastyearsmuchdata onthe gascontentand theN/O-O/Hdiagramisstillanimportantinstrumentto the chemical composition of irregular galaxies of various probe stellar nucleosynthesis. masses has become available. This material will serve as The other, more important generalization of the a constraint to and a comparison with the chemical evo- Simple Model is the accretion of gas, whether by infall lution models, in particular the relations between current from outside the galaxy or outside the disk, or inflow gas mass and gas fraction, metallicity, and effective yield. within the disk of the galaxy.K¨oppen & Edmunds (1999) In this paper, we first study the basic effects of rapid, showed that as long as the ratio of accretion and SFRs massive infall onthe secondary/primaryrelation(Section decreasesmonotonicallywithtime–whichoccursinmost 2)inordertoshowthebasicbehaviourandtoidentifythe chemical evolutionmodels, e.g. with the infall rate falling conditionsunderwhichstrongdeviationsfromtheclosed- off exponentially with time – the N/O-O/H relation re- box relation can arise. Section 3 presents the systematic mains within a factor of two close to the closed-box rela- relationsamongtheobservationaldataforasampleofgas- tion. N/O ratios lower than that are not possible in any rich galaxies. Detailed numerical models for the chemical kind of infall model. evolutionofgalaxieswhichundergoarecentinfallepisode Detailed chemical evolution models – which take into are described in section 4 along with the results and the account all the abovementioned details and processes – comparison with observational material. Discussion and haveconfirmedthattheN/O-O/Hdiagramstillremainsa Conclusions follow as sections 5 and 6. verysensitiveindicatorofstellarnucleosynthesis.Henryet al.(2000)identifiedthehorizontalpartatlg(N/O)=−1.5 2. Effects of sudden gas infall on abundances astheresultofprimarynitrogenproductioninintermedi- atemassstars.Becausethelagtimesfornitrogenejection The study by K¨oppen & Edmunds (1999) of the conse- areshorterthanthelongaveragestarformationtimescales quencesofarbitraryinfallofmetal-poorgasonthechemi- inirregulargalaxies,the N/Oratioreachesthe plateauat calsignaturesofgalaxiesshowedthatthedeterminingfac- loweroxygenabundances than in spiralgalaxies.The rise toristhetemporalbehaviouroftheratioa(t)=A(t)/Ψ(t) of the N/O-ratio in more evolvedsystems is explained by of the rates of mass accretion A and star formation Ψ. the oxygen yield not being constant, but decreasing with If this quantity decreases monotonically with time, the metallicity. Sucha behaviourwouldbe expected fromthe galaxy evolves with a metal yield smaller than the true evolutionofmassivestarswhosesubstantialmasslossdue yield, but the abundance ratio of secondary and primary to stellar winds increases with metallicity (Maeder 1992). elements remains proportional to the primary abundance Thereremainsanotherpotentiallyimportantaspectof and is confined to a rather narrow region close to the accretionmodels:K¨oppen&Edmunds(1999)alsoshowed prediction by the Simple Model Z y /y ≥ Z /Z ≥ p s p s p that N/O ratios higher than obtained from the closed- Z y /(2y ). p s p box relation at the same O/H are possible, if the ratio of Ontheotherhand,abundanceratioslargerthanthese accretion and SFR increases so strongly and rapidly that limits Z /Z > Z y /y can only be reached if the accre- s p p s p the metallicity decreases in time. tion is massive and rapid enough to cause a decrease of In recent years, it has become more apparent that in- the primary metallicity. tergalacticspaceispervadedbyneutralgasclouds.Among In the following we study more closely the basic be- them are the isolated Compact High Velocity Clouds haviour of the chemical evolution of galaxies that un- (CHVCs),definedtobekinematicallynotassociatedwith dergo such a massive infall of metal-poor gas. We con- a galaxy and not to have a stellar counterpart (Braun sider models in which the finite delay between star for- & Burton 1999, 2000, Kilborn et al. 2000, de Heij et al. mation and metal production is neglected. Oxygen is as- 2002). Whether these clouds are left-over building blocks sumedtobeproducedprimarily,withayieldy =0.0091, O J. K¨oppen and G. Hensler: Chemistry of Episodic Gas Infall in Galaxies 3 00 00 T lg(N/O)--01----..111155 LKKi KiK KiKiLKKKiKKiiKiKiKKiiiiKiiiKKiiiiKKiKKKiiKiZiKiiKKiKiiFKiiKKiiZKKiiiiiKiiKZiFKKKKKiiKZZKKiiFFKFiZRKiiiiFTKKiKKKKKKZKKFKZZZTVVVZZFKAZKRZKZZTTTTKKAAZZZZZZZAVZZTZZKiSZZZZZTSZTZZTSAZZZZZTTTZZZZZVVVZZTTTTZZTTZFATTZZZTTZSTZZZZZTSZZATTTTVVTZAATZTKZTTTTTTSZTTTZZTTTZTTAZTZFTTZFFZZTZZTTSTTTZTTTSZZZTTSZZZZTZATZZTTTKZTSSZZZTAAAZZTTZZZZTTSKZFTTTZTTTTZZZZTATTTZZZTSATTTZATTTZZTSZZZZZTZZFTTATZZZZKZZFAATTTZZTTSSFZZZTTKTZTTZZZSZTKZTTTFZZATTTTZATTFATATTZZZZZATTTTAZZZZTTFZTZFTTZTTTFTTTATTTTTZATATTZZAZZTZTZTZTZZZTSZZTZZZZTTTTTZZTZTZTZZTZZTATTZATTTA lg(N/O)--01----..111155 M1clo0u0d/M3ga0l 10 3 1 L K K T L T --22 T --22 6.5 77 7.5 8888 8.5 99 9.5 6.5 77 7.5 8888 8.5 99 9.5 lg(O/H) + 12 lg(O/H) Fig.1.The abundance ratioN/Oas a functionofoxygen Fig.2. Tracks in the N/O-O/H-diagram of infall models abundanceobservedinspiralgalaxiesandirregulargalax- withvariousmassratiosoftheinfallinggasandthegalaxy. iesafterHenry&Worthey(1999),butwiththesymbolfor The infall event starts at the same age of 5 Gyr and lasts Orionremovedand that for the sun replacedby the large for 1 Gyr (marked by a dot). The shaded area indicates opencircle.ThedashedstraightlineisaSimpleModelre- the region of the observations as in Fig. 1. lationforpurelysecondarynitrogenproduction,whilethe top border of the shaded area is a relation for a mixture cursionof the oxygenabundance,and it alsobrings down of primary and secondary production. the N/O ratio. When the infall stops – marked by a dot on the tracks – the gas fraction is between 0.67 and 0.90 to give results comparable to observed values. Nitrogen for M /M =1 and 100, respectively. After this, the cloud gal is taken to be produced purely in secondary mode with models continue to evolve like closed boxes, albeit with y =0.095·Z . The SFR is supposed to be proportional different initial conditions, and the tracks return to the N O to the gas mass, with a timescale of 5 Gyr. We note that Simple Model secondary-primary relationship. The over- this choice of the SFR does not determine the basic be- alleffectisthatthemodeltracesa‘loop’abovetheSimple haviour in the N/O-O/Hdiagram,althoughit does affect Model relation in the N/O-O/H diagram. the exact shape and timing of the evolutionary tracks. For the extreme model with an infall rate of InFig.2weshowtheevolutionofnitrogenandoxygen 100M /Gyr we follow in Fig. 3 the evolution along this gal of models which are closed-box, except for an infall of loop.Becauseofthe highinfallratethe decreasein[O/H] metal-poorgasstartingat5Gyrageandlastingfor1Gyr. takes place rapidly. Depending on the duration of the in- It is evident that in order to have a significant deviation fall episode, the model returns within less than one star fromthe closed-boxsecondary-primaryrelation,the mass formation timescale to the Simple Model relation. If the of the infalling gas must be substantially larger than the infall episode lasts only a short time (e.g. 0.1 Gyr), the mass of the galaxy. increased primary production of oxygen then leads to an Immediately before the infall starts, all models have evolution towards the lower right (similar to the zig-zag a gas fraction of 0.55 and an oxygen abundance [O/H]= curves of Garnett’s (1990) starburst model), followed by −0.3.Thecommencementoftheinfallraisestheaccretion the (secondary) production of nitrogen leading towards ratio a from 0 to about 10 and 1000 for M /M =1 the upperright,towardsthe SimpleModelrelation.Ifthe cloud gal and 100, respectively. We note that in galaxies larger in infall lasts for a time comparable to the star formation size than a HVC, M will represent only that part of timescale, the oxygen production may just compensate gal the galaxy which mixes with the infalling gas and forms the continuing ‘dilution’ by the infalling gas. The oxygen stars. The oxygen abundance is strongly reduced due to abundancemayremainnearlyconstantandthusonemay the ‘dilution’ by the accreted metal-poor gas. As the gas obtainaratherlargeanddeeploopleadingagaintowards in the galaxy accumulates, the star formation rate in- the close-box relation. creases. Since the star formation timescale is longer than The horizontal excursion of the loop depends essen- the duration of the accretion event, the enhancement of tiallyonthemassratioofinfallgasandthegaspresentin the SFR takes place appreciably after the infall. Thus we the galaxy.InFig. 4 we study the influence ofthe time at deal not with a proper starburst – in the sense of a re- which the accretion starts. As the gas fraction decreases ducedstarformationtimescale–butratherwithagalaxy from 0.80 (at 2 Gyr), 0.36 (at 8 Gyr) to 0.16 (at 14 Gyr), which becomes more gas-rich and thus makes more stars. the loop makes a larger excursion when less gas remains Theoxygensynthesizedbythemassivestarslimitstheex- available in the galaxy. 4 J. K¨oppen and G. Hensler: Chemistry of Episodic Gas Infall in Galaxies 00 00 O) O) N/-0.5 N/-0.5 g( g( l l time(Gyr) ----1111 time0(.G05yr) 0.02 ----1111 0.10.05 0.02 0.1 0.2 0.2 2 -1.5 -1.5 0.5 1 2 0.5 1 --22 --22 6.5 77 7.5 8888 8.5 99 9.5 6.5 77 7.5 8888 8.5 99 9.5 lg(O/H) lg(O/H) Fig.3. The time evolution of models with an infall rate Fig.5.SameasFig.3butwiththepropernucleosynthesis of 100 galaxy masses per Gyr, starting at an age of 5 recipe we will use in subsequent modeling. Gyr. The labels refer to the times after the start of the infall. The short-dashed curves show the evolution after accretion events of 0.1 and 0.3 Gyr. thesisprescriptionobeythecharacteristicspredictedfrom the basic models: – the N/O ratio does not reachbelow the limiting locus given by the closed-box model relation: this region in 00 the diagram cannot be entered by evolution (Ko¨ppen O) & Edmunds, 1999). N/-0.5 – during the accretion event, the N/O ratio does not lg( 14 become larger than the value just before the event. 12 Theabundanceratiocannotbechangedbyaccretionof 10 ----1111 8 metal-poor gas, but only by the production of oxygen 6 and subsequently of nitrogen. – the extent of the loop is governed by the mass ra- -1.5 tio of the accreted gas and the gas left in the galaxy 4 just before the event: If one neglects metal produc- 2 tion during the event, infall of M of pure hy- --22 cloud 6.5 77 7.5 8888 8.5 99 9.5 drogen gas by a galaxy with a gas mass of M and 1 lg(O/H) metallicity Z leads to a reduced gas metallicity of 1 Z =Z ·M /(M +M ). 2 1 1 1 cloud – the initial phase of a strong reduction of the oxygen Fig.4.Evolutionarytracksofmodelswiththesamemass abundanceisrathershort:itisdeterminedbytheinfall (10galaxymasses)anddurationoftheaccretion,butwith ratewhichmustbehighifonewantsalargeexcursion differentstartingtimes(inGyr,aslabeled).Allmodelsare fromtheclosed-boxrelation.Hence,itismorelikelyto evolved up to 15 Gyr age. observeaccretinggalaxiesduringthe phasewhenthey evolve back towards the closed-box relation. – short episodes of accretion lead to excursions mainly to lower oxygen abundances, while those comparable Finally, we present the evolution for the same model to the star formation timescale are necessary to make as in Fig. 3 but with the nucleosynthesis prescriptions we excursionstowardslowerN/Oratio:inshortinfallthe shall use in the further modeling (Section 4): the produc- gasisonly‘diluted’whereasduringlongerepisodesthe tionof nitrogenis takenfromthe stellar yields ofvan den resultant secondary (or delayed) production of nitro- Hoek & Groenewegen (1997). The SFR is assumed to be genfollowsonlyaftertheself-productionofoxygenhas directly proportional to the gas mass with a timescale of started. 5 Gyr. Because the primary production from intermedi- atemassstarsisimportantfornitrogen,theloopsareless We note that genuine starbursts – periods when the con- extended in the N/O ratio. This figure also demonstrates stantoftheSFRisstronglyenhanced–leadtoadifferent that the loops done with the full and detailed nucleosyn- characteristicbehaviour,in particular that the N/O-ratio J. K¨oppen and G. Hensler: Chemistry of Episodic Gas Infall in Galaxies 5 reachesvaluesbelowtheclosed-boxrelation(cf.thezig-zag tracks from Garnett, 1990) 2 3. Observed relations among gas-rich galaxies + 1 9 H) From the literature we collect observational data on gas- O/ rich galaxies. Data on abundances, Hi masses, gas frac- g( l tions etc. are taken from Kobulnicky & Skillman (1996), 88 Broeils&Rhee(1997),vanZeeetal.(1997a,1997b,2001), Carignan&Purton(1998),Mateo(1998),Ducetal.(1999, DDO 154 Leo A 2001),Izotov & Thuan(1999),van Zee (2001),Kennicutt & Skillman (2001), Garnett (2002), Salzer et al. (2002), 7 Young et al. (2003). Data for the same object from dif- ferent sources are combined, with preference given to the 7 88 9 1100 more recent data. lg(M /M ) HI SUN 3.1. Mass-metallicity relation Fig.6. Oxygen abundances and Hi masses of irregular WeshowinFig.6therelationbetweenoxygenabundances galaxies of our sample. They are divided in three groups at the effective radius and the Hi mass of irregular and accordingto their Himass:smallcircles(MHI <108M⊙), spiral galaxies. There are 81 galaxies in this sample, and open circles (108 < MHI < 109M⊙), and filled cir- an overall regressioncan be obtained as cles (MHI > 109M⊙). Squares denote spiral galaxies. Wherever available, individual error bars are given. The M 12+lg(O/H)=(4.93±0.37)+(0.38±0.04) lg( HI)(1) dashed line indicates the relation by Garnett (2002). M⊙ which is almost identical to the relation obtained by Garnett (2002) 12+lg(O/H)=4.31+0.43 lg(MHI/M⊙). (2) 0.5 4% It is worthnoting that spiralgalaxiestend to havehigher )) Omnetatlhliecitoitehsetrhahnantdh,isirrreelgautiloanr pgraeldaxicitessfworitthheHirimmaasssseess. g(-ln(fgas 0000 37% larger than 109M⊙ have lower metallicities. l -0.5 73% 3.2. Gas fractions and effective yields Garnett (2002) deduced gas fractions for 36 objects. For --11 Leo A 90% another 54 galaxies, we compute them from the ratio of DDO 154 Hi mass to blue luminosity and the extinction-corrected 7 88 9 1100 B–V colour index, using the recipe of van Zee (2001): lg(MHI/MSUN) M M 1 gas = HI ·1.3· ·102.84(B−V)0−1.26 (3) Mstars LB 1.5 Fig.7. The gas fraction as a function of Hi mass in the galaxies in our sample. Symbols are the same as in Fig. where the last two terms are based on the photometric 6. Objects with gas fractions from Garnett (2002) are properties of synthetic stellar populations. The gas frac- tions are clearly correlated with the Hi masses (Fig. 14), marked with a cross despite a large amount of scatter. It might be that this scatter is greater among dwarf galaxies. This behaviour about 20 percent of the whole emission. We show its po- is evident both from the galaxies with gas fractions from sition in all figures for the entire Hi mass, but with an Garnett (2002) – marked by a cross – as well as in those arrow pointing towards the loci if we took an Hi mass whosegasfractionwecomputedfromtheirHimassesand five times smaller. Fig. 8 shows that this galaxy also has blue luminosities. a very low ratio of dynamical to Hi mass, significantly The Hi component in spiral and irregular galaxies is smaller than most other galaxies.However,if one reduces usually much larger in extent than the stellar disk. Thus the true galacticgasmass,this objectbecomes moresim- theobservedHimassmaynotberepresentativeofthegas ilar to the others. fraction in the galaxy.An example is Leo A where Young Withtheknowledgeofthegasfractionwecancompute & Lo (1996) find that emission from the inner galaxy is theeffectiveyields,i.e.wecomparetheoxygenabundances 6 J. K¨oppen and G. Hensler: Chemistry of Episodic Gas Infall in Galaxies 90% 73% 37% 4% 2 2 1 ) + 9 /MNHI 1 DDO 154 O/H) solar yield DY g( M l g( 88 l DDO 154 00 Leo A 7 Leo A -1 7 88 9 1100 --11 -0.5 0000 0.5 lg(M /M ) lg(-ln(f )) HI SUN gas Fig.8. The ratio of dynamical and Hi mass as a function Fig.10. The oxygen abundances and gas fractions (loga- of Hi mass. Symbols are as in Fig. 6. rithmically onthe loweraxis,inpercentagesonthe upper axis) compared to the Simple Model relations for solar yield (y = ZO,⊙ = 0.00959, solid line) and one half, one quarter,and one tenth solar yields (dashed). Symbols are the same as in Fig. 6. 0000 )N DDO 154 U having a higher effective yield, but the tendency for them S Z / to alsohavealowergasfractionismuchlessevidentthan g(yeff-0.5 in Fig. 7. Most probably this impression is due to the l smallernumberofobjectsandthelargeamountofscatter in all diagrams, some of which may well be genuine. The spiral galaxies are less gas-rich and have higher effective --11 yields, and they might be interpreted as an extension of the irregular galaxies to higher masses. Leo A 7 88 9 1100 Finally,we showthe N/O-O/Hdiagramforthe galax- lg(M /M ) ies in oursample.Forspiralgalaxieswe showthe individ- HI SUN ual Hii region data of van Zee et al. (1998b) in Fig. 11. Fig.9.Theeffectiveoxygenyieldrelativetothesolaroxy- gen abundance (ZO,⊙ = 0.00959) as a function of the Hi 3.3. Diameters massofthe galaxiesinoursample.Symbolsareas inFig. 6. Since the excursion from the closed-box relation in the N/O-O/H diagramis determined by the mass ratio of in- andgasfractionswiththeSimpleModelrelation.Figure9 falling material to the gas still within the galaxy, we also showsthatdespiteanappreciableamountofscatter,there need to consider what fraction of the galaxy will be af- is a clear trend that more massive galaxies have higher fected by the infall of the gas cloud. According to Braun effective yields. Spiral galaxies seem to be a natural ex- & Burton (2000), a clump in a high velocity cloud has a tensionoftheirregulars.Thisrelationmightindicatethat typical size of 1 kpc (a few arcmin at 1 Mpc distance). the true yield is smaller in less massive galaxies, such as In a collison with a galaxy larger than this, only a frac- via a steeper IMF, but it could also reflect that the effec- tion of the gas in the galaxy will participate and thus the tive yieldislower,becausethe stellarejecta arelesslikely chemical evolution is expected to be affected in this par- to be held back by the galaxies’ gravitationalpotential. tial volume. To estimate this fraction, we need to know Figure 10 shows the oxygen abundances plotted the size of the Hi component of the galaxy. against the gas fractions, and compared to the Simple Broeils & Rhee (1997) established a tight relation be- Model. It presents essentially the same information as tween the diameter and the mass of the Hi disk in 108 Figs. 7 and 9, but for a smaller number of galaxies for spiral and irregular galaxies: which all three data are available. Among the irregular galaxies one notes a clear trend of more massive objects DHI =(MHI/106.52M⊙)1/1.96 (4) J. K¨oppen and G. Hensler: Chemistry of Episodic Gas Infall in Galaxies 7 00 11 lg(N/O)-0.5 ) [kpc] 0.5 Rdisk ----1111 g( 0000 l DDO 154 -1.5 -0.5 --22 --11 6.5 77 7.5 8888 8.5 99 9.5 7 88 9 1100 lg(O/H) + 12 lg(M /M ) HI SUN Fig.11.SameasFig.1,butforthegalaxiesinthepresent Fig.12. The radial scale length of the stellar disk as a sample: spiral galaxies (small squares, individual Hii re- function of gas mass. The dashed line is the relation of gions from van Zee et al. 1998b) and irregular galaxies Broeils & Rhee (1997) with the assumption of R = disk (symbols as in Fig. 6, crosses: without M determina- D /6. HI 25 tion). They also found a tight relation between the diameter of 55 the optical disk and the Hi mass: D25 =(MHI/107.00M⊙)1/1.95 (5) 4 D25 If we assume for the exponential scale length of stellar / disk: DHI 3 R =D /6 (6) disk 25 2 we get a very good match with the corresponding data of the objects in our sample, as shown in Fig. 12. Most 1 of these data are from van Zee et al. (1997a, 2001) who findthattheintegratedluminosityprofilesoftheirregular 000000 systems are reasonably well fit by an exponential disk, 7 88 9 1100 lg(M /M ) and determine disk scale lengths by matching the surface HI SUN brightness distributions in the R-band. van Zee et al.(1997b,1998c)find that the ratio ofthe diameters seen in Hi and the optical D /D is about 2 Fig.13. The ratio DHI/D25 of the diameter of the Hi HI 25 distribution and the optical diameter. for ‘normal’andlow surfacebrightnessdIrrs andbetween 3 and 5 for BCDGs. There is no strong trend with Hi mass, as shown in Fig. 13. 4.1. Assumptions of the underlying model For the prescriptions of stellar nucleosynthesis we follow 4. Models with detailed stellar nucleosynthesis Henry et al. (2000) and use the results of Maeder (1992) Wepresentcalculationsofthechemicalevolutionofgalax- formassivestarsandvandenHoek&Groenewegen(1997) ies of a range of masses, using detailed stellar nucleosyn- for intermediate mass stars. We assume a Salpeter IMF thesisprescriptionsandfollowtheevolutionduetotheac- with a stellar mass range from 0.1 to 100 M⊙. This gives cretion of a clump of metal-free gas, taking into account a ratio lg(N/O) = −1.4 for the very low mass galaxies, that only the star-forming region is affected where the slightly larger than the observed limit of −1.5. Although abundances are determined from the Hii region, so that this offset is still well within the observational uncertain- in larger galaxies only a fraction of the galactic gas is in- tiesandtheaccuracyofthe nucleosynthesisresults,itcan volved.Thesemodelsareconstructedundertheconstraint be removed by slightly increasing the oxygen yield by a of matching the various observational relations discussed factor of 1.2. Thus the yield for oxygen (at solar metal- above,andtoshowwhetherthisprocessexplainsthescat- licity) is 0.026, about twice the solar oxygen abundance. teramongtheirregulargalaxiesintheN/O-O/Hdiagram. Instead ofintroducing a galactic mass loss ofsome kind – 8 J. K¨oppen and G. Hensler: Chemistry of Episodic Gas Infall in Galaxies with its associatedfree parameters – we reduce both oxy- with the scale length R of the exponential Hi disk, which gen and nitrogen stellar yields by a common factor which wetaketobeonesixthoftheHidiameterD .Combining HI depends on the galactic mass M : thiswiththerelation(Eq.5)ofBroeils&Rhee(1997)be- gal,0 tweenHidiameterandmass,wegetthatwhileagasclump 0.1·M0.4 if M <1 y 8 8 wouldaffectmorethan80%ofthemassofgalaxiesbelow y =0.1·M80.1 if 1<M8 <31.6 (7) 107M⊙, it can influence only 14 % and 1.8 % in a galaxy nucl 0.0355·M80.4 otherwise withMHI =109 and1010M⊙.Thismeansthatagasmass with M8 =Mgal,0/108M⊙. The SFR oaf1l0es8sMt⊙hagna1s0c8lMum⊙piswiinllvmolvaekde,aansidgnhiefinccaentthimeapcaccrtetoinonthoef 1 g(t) 2 chemicalevolutionofthe galaxy’scentre.For eachgalaxy Ψ(t)= ·(g(t)+s(t))· (8) we compute two models: one for the unaffected portion is τ (cid:18)g(t)+s(t)(cid:19) SFR donewithoutaninfallevent,theotherincludingtheinfall is assumed to depend on the instantaneous masses of gas event. The stellar and gas masses of both parts are then g andstarss,thus onthe totalmassandthe gasfraction. added together. The metallicities are taken only from the Oneadvantageofthisformisawelldefinedstarformation affected part, since this will be what is measured in the timescaleτSFR.Inordertogiveareasonablematchofthe current Hii regions. observed dependence of gas fraction with gas mass, (Fig. All galaxies evolve following the above presciptions, 7) we assume this relation until the present epoch – 13 Gyr after the start of the M−0.1 if M <1 evolution.Atthattimeametal-poorgascloudisaccreted τSFR =20Gyr·(cid:18)M8−0.4 othe8rwise (9) over a duration of 100 Myrs with a constant rate. The 8 mass of the cloud is randomly picked between 106 and Here we do not assume the factor used by Henry et al. 108M⊙ following a probability distribution proportional (2000) which enhances the SFR for higher metallicities. to M1.5 . We do not need to consider smaller masses be- cloud We also assume that the galaxy is formed by a slow con- cause of their negligeable effects. In all following figures tinuous infall with a rate of we show the evolution of the models during the time in- terval between 13 and 15 Gyr after startof the evolution, exp(−t/τ ) M˙ (t)=M · f (10) i.e. what would be observable from now on. gal,0 1−exp(−T/τ ) f withatotalevolutiontime ofT =15Gyrandatimescale 4.3. Results: gas fractions τ =4 Gyr, taken from the solar neighbourhood. This as- f sumption is not crucial for our results: computation with Comparison of the gas fractions (Figs. 7 and 14) show atrueclosed-boxmodelgivesslightlylargeroxygenabun- thattheaveragerelationamongirregularandspiralgalax- dances for the more massive galaxies. ies is reasonably well matched with our recipe (Eq. 9). The space between models with and without infall events 4.2. Modeling the accretion event wouldevidently be occupiedby eventsinvolvinglessmas- sive clouds, which presumably occur more often. From Braun & Burton (2000) we take that a typical However, the models have far less scatter in the gas CHVC has an extent of about 10 kpc (1 degree at 1 Mpc fractionthanisevidentfromthe observations.Formasses distance) with embedded clumps of about 1 kpc size (a few arcmin to 20’). The clumps have Hi column densi- lessthanabout108.5M⊙ theinfalleventcausessomevari- ationofthe gasfraction.Butforhighermassesthe region tiesofabout1020 cm−2 andthusmassesofabout106M⊙, affected by the accreting gas cloud is rather small, and while the envelope (with 1019 cm−2) is about 100 times thus the overall gas fraction is determined by the global more massive. For a typical relative velocity of the cloud SFR, which we had assumed to be a unique function of of100km/s,this givesa durationof10 to 100Myrfor an the galactic mass only. This assumption – taken for rea- accretion of the clump and the entire cloud, respectively. sons of simplicity – does not appear to be generallyvalid. It is much faster than the star formation timescale, esti- We takethis asevidenceofagenuinevariationofthe star mated from the gas consumption, which is several Gyr. formation timescale between individual galaxies, but we This implies that the deviation from the closed-box evo- do not propose to model this here, because we wish to lutioncannotbeafullydevelopedloop(cf.Figs.3and5), avoid introducing further free parameters. but rather consists of an excursionto loweroxygenabun- In Fig. 7 one notes the presence of a few very low dances, followed by the track evolving back towards the mass galaxieswith low observedgas fraction:UGC 12613 closed-box relation. As a simple approach the clump is assumed to affect (type Im V, lg(MHI/M⊙) = 6.61, lg(−ln(fgas)) = 0.35), Pegasus (T = 10, 6.82, 0.033), and UGC 11755 (BCD/E, onlytheregionwithinr =1kpcofthegalaxy’scentre.For 8.19,0.46).Theycouldbeinterpretedintermsofourmod- such a central collision, it is straightforward to estimate els as dwarf galaxies with a SFR higher than our recipe, the mass fraction of the galaxy: havingneverundergoneanaccretionevent,andthus con- M =M ·(1−(1+r/R)·e−r/R) (11) tinuing to use up their original gaseous material. On the gal,aff gal,0 J. K¨oppen and G. Hensler: Chemistry of Episodic Gas Infall in Galaxies 9 0.5 4% ----2222 )) ) n(fgas 0000 37% g(yeff g(-l l-2.5 l -0.5 73% --33 --11 90% 7 88 9 1100 7 88 9 1100 lg(M [M ]) lg(M [M ]) gas SUN gas SUN Fig.14.Gasfractionsofthe modelsasafunctionoftheir Fig.15. Effective oxygen yields as a function of their in- gas masses for times between 13 and 15 Gyr after the stantaneousHi-massofthemodelsduringthe2Gyrafter startoftheevolution.Thelargeplus-signsrefertomodels the infall of a metal-poor gas cloud at 13 Gyr after start whichdo notundergo anaccretionepisode.The open cir- of the evolution. The horizontal dashed line indicate the clesindicatemodels whicharesubjecttoaninfallepisode solaryield. The scales of this figure correspondexactly to at13Gyrage.Thesymbolsareevenlyplacedintimeover those of Fig. 9. the 2 Gyr time span. other hand, there are the more massive irregulars with 90% 73% 37% 4% highgasfractions.The accretioneventscenariomightac- count for them, if gas clouds of about 109 to 1010 were 12 + 9 itnhvaonlvtehde.oBthuetrtghaelyaxcioeus.ld also merely have a SFR lower O/H) solar yield g( l 88 4.4. Results: metallicity Our choice of the yield reduction factors (Eq. 7) gives a satisfactory match of the effective yields of the mod- els (Fig. 15) with what is deduced from the observations 7 (Fig. 9). The observedmass-to-metallicity relation is also reasonably well reproduced by the models (Fig. 17). --11 -0.5 0000 0.5 The oxygen abundances and gas fractions, in relation lg(-ln(f )) gas to the Simple Models are shown in Fig. 16. Comparison with Fig. 10 confirms that the choices for the dependen- cies ofSFR and effective yields ongalacticmass arequite Fig.16.Oxygenabundancesasafunctionofthegasfrac- reasonable. It also emphasizes that the irregular galaxies tionfor ourmodels.The fullline indicates the solaryield, of moderate and high mass but large gas fractions (see the dashed lines refer to twice, one half, one quarter, and Fig. 10) are not well represented. While the two assumed one tenth solar yield. For comparison with observations, relationscouldnotmodelthis,theepisodicinfallalsocan- see Fig. 10. not account for the presence of these galaxies. The low surface brightness “quiescent” irregulargalaxy DDO 154, with its high gas fraction and high yield but otherwise with average properties (cf. Kennicutt & Skillman 2001) the dwarf galaxies, the models seem to indicate the pres- is a particularily striking example, as shown in Fig. 10. enceofmanyobjectswithverylowmetallicities.However, Our recipes for star formation and yield were chosen one must keep in mind that here the accretion of small so that the resulting models give a reasonable match of cloudswilldominate:eventswithcloudslessmassivethan the dependences of metallicity, gas fraction, and effective the minimum of 106M⊙ we show in the figures would fill yieldwith the gasmass.The oxygenabundances for mas- upthespaceinthefiguresbetweenthelocusofthecrosses sivegalaxiesthusareslightlyhigherthanGarnett’s(2002) and the model tracks with infall. As these events can be meanrelation,justasintheobservations(Fig.6).Among expected to be more frequent than collisions with larger 10 J. K¨oppen and G. Hensler: Chemistry of Episodic Gas Infall in Galaxies 00 2 + 1 9 O) O/H) lg(N/-0.5 MCLOUD= 108 107MSUN g( l 88 ----1111 -1.5 7 --22 7 88 9 1100 6.5 77 7.5 8888 8.5 99 9.5 lg(M [M ]) lg(O/H) + 12 gas SUN Fig.17. The model oxygen abundances as a function of Fig.18.TheabundanceratioN/Oasafunctionofoxygen gasmass.ThedashedlineistherelationfoundbyGarnett abundance for the models. The symbols are as in Fig. 14. (2002). The crosses which denote models without infall are only barely visible andformthe lowerlimit for the plotted cir- cles.Theshort-dashedcurvesenvelopethemaximumloop clouds,theemphasisinthediagramwouldbetowardsthe excursionsforcloudmassesof107and108M⊙.Thedashed less perturbed systems. straight line indicates the secondary nitrogen production track as in Fig. 1. 4.5. Results: the N/O-O/H Diagram In the diagram of nitrogen-to-oxygen abundance ratio the infall onto a less massive galaxy (e.g. 107M⊙) affects versus oxygen abundance (Fig. 18), excursions from the the entiregalaxy,the effects onabundancesare alsoquite closed-box relation (indicated by the chain of plus-signs) substantial, though not too evident in the diagram: the are rather large but limited to a reduction in O/H in the reduction of oxygen abundance is about 1 dex. But the horizontal part i.e. involving less massive galaxies. In the evolutionary track after the event is at nearly constant ascending part there are also quite strong effects due to N/O ratio, due to the slower SFR. This gives sufficient more massive and hence metal-rich galaxies, which may time for a stellar generation to eject all the delayed pri- populate the region above the horizontal part. mary nitrogen from intermediate mass stars along with If one looks at the evolutionary tracks in this dia- the undelayed oxygen. gram (Fig. 19), one notes that – by construction – low As is evident from the tracks before the infall event, massgalaxiesdue totheir longerstarformationtimescale theirslopebecomessteeperinmoremassivegalaxies.This evolve only until the horizontal part of the observational is because the higher star formation rate makes the effect diagram,while more massiveones canreachup to the as- ofthe time-delayofthe nitrogenproductioninintermedi- cendingbranch.Forinstancethemodelof1010M⊙evolved ate mass stars more pronounced. Thus, it is possible that (up to the present time) to a gas fraction of about 10% the loopofa more massivegalaxymay descentsomewhat and an oxygen abundance somewhat larger than the sun, below the tracks of less massive galaxies. whentheinfalloccurs.Thataratherlargeloopisobtained hasthreereasons:firstly,a108M⊙ cloudaffectsonly0.002 5. Summary and discussion of the galaxy’s gas mass i.e. about 2107M⊙ which yields a reduction of the oxygen abundance by nearly 0.8 dex. Our model calculations demonstrate that it is possible Secondly, the star formation timescale is rather short – to obtain a significantly broadened N/O-O/H relation by 1.06 Gyr – and thus during the 100 Myr of the infall an thegalaxiesevolvingtowardstheclosed-boxrelationafter appreciable quantity of oxygen is produced, and the N/O having undergone an episode of strong infall. ratiocanalsobereduced(cf.Fig.3).Thirdly,thehighstar One prediction of our scenario is that galaxies at high formation leaves a smaller gas mass in the galaxy at the N/O ratio would tend to be more massive, as they origi- startofinfall.Notethatduringthe infallepisodetheloop nate from galaxies which would have evolved into the as- ispassedthroughquickly,thusthereislittlechancetode- cending branch, and the infall would have preserved the tect a galaxy in such a state. It is more likely to be found enhanced N/O ratio. Also,we expect that in the horizon- after the eventwhen it evolvestowardsthe closed-box re- talpartandinthelowerascendingpartthereisamixture lation. The enhanced density of symbols on these upward of less massive galaxies without an infall event which ex- curvedtracksmakesthemeasilyidentifiedinFig.18.Since perience a long evolution due to slow star formation and