1 Effects of Content Popularity on the Performance of Content-Centric Opportunistic Networking: An Analytical Approach and Applications Pavlos Sermpezis, Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos, Member, IEEE 6 Abstract—Mobile users are envisioned to exploit direct com- other nodes (e.g. content downloaded earlier); (ii) service or 1 municationopportunitiesbetweentheirportabledevices,inorder resource access [6], [7]: nodes offer access to resources (e.g. 0 to enrich the set of services they can access through cellular or Internet access) or services (e.g. computing resources); (iii) 2 WiFinetworks.Sharingcontentsofcommoninterestorproviding mobile data offloading [8], [9], [10]: the cellular network access to resources or services between peers can enhance a n mobile node’s capabilities, offload the cellular network, and provider, instead of serving separately each node requesting a disseminateinformationtonodeswithoutInternetaccess.Interest a given content (e.g. a popular video, or software update), J patterns, i.e. how many nodes are interested in each content distributes a few copies of the content in some relay nodes 0 or service (popularity), as well as how many users can provide (holders) and they can further forward it to any other node 2 a content or service (availability) impact the performance and that makes a request for it. feasibility of envisioned applications. In this paper, we establish ] an analytical framework to study the effects of these factors The performance of these mechanisms highly depends on I N on the delay and success probability of a content/service access who is interested, in what, and where it can be found (i.e. requestthroughopportunisticcommunication.Wealsoapplyour which other nodes have it). While the effect of node mobility . s framework to the mobile data offloading problem and provide has been extensively considered (e.g. [2], [11], [13]) content c insightsfortheoptimizationof itsperformance. Wevalidateour [ popularity has been mainly considered from an algorithmic modelandresultsthroughrealisticsimulations,usingdatasetsof real opportunistic networks. perspective (e.g [10], [12]), and in the context of a specific 1 application.Despitetheinherentinterestofthesestudies,some v Index Terms—Performance analysis; Opportunistic networks; 6 Content popularity; Mobile data offloading questions remain: Would a given allocation policy work well 6 in a different network setting? Are there interest patterns that 2 wouldmakeaschemegenerallybetterthanothers?Keyfactors 5 I. INTRODUCTION like content popularity and content availability might impact 0 OPPORTUNISTIC or Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) the performance or even decide the feasibility of a given . 1 consistofmobiledevices(e.g.smartphones,laptops)that application altogether. In this paper, we try to provide some 0 canexchangedatausingdirectcommunication(e.g.Bluetooth, initial insight into these questions, by contributing along the 6 WiFi Direct) when they are within transmission range. While following key directions: 1 initiallyproposedforcommunicationinextremeenvironments, : Content popularity model. We propose an analytical v theproliferationof“smart”mobiledeviceshasledresearchers frameworkthatisapplicabletoarangeofmobilityandcontent i X toconsideropportunisticnetworksasawaytosupportexisting popularity patterns seen in real networks (Section II). Its infrastructure and/or novel applications, like file sharing [2], r simplicity and generality can render it a useful tool for future a [3], crowd sensing [4], [5], collaborative computing [6], [7], modeling/analytic studies. To our best knowledge, this is the offloading of cellular networks [8], [9], [10], etc. first application-independenteffort in this direction. This trend is also shifting the focus from end-to-end to Performance analysis. We derive closed form expressions content-centric communications. In a content-centric applica- for the prediction of important performance metrics (Sec- tion some nodes 1 (the holders) have the same content tion III). We first derive exact predictions and bounds for the ≥ item (e.g. a data file, a service), and some nodes 1 performance of content delivery in a base scenario, and then ≥ (the requesters) are interested in this content. The goal of extendouranalysistomoregenericmobilityandtrafficcases. the communication mechanism is the requesters to get the Thepracticalityofourresultsliesinthefactthatonlyafew content from the holders. Some content-centric applications statistics about the aggregate mobility and content popularity for which opportunistic networking has been considered are: patterns is needed. Hence, they facilitate online performance (i) content sharing [2], [11], [12]: the source(s) of a content prediction and protocol tuning, compared to approaches (as (e.g. multimedia file, web page) might want to distribute it e.g. [10]) requiring detailed per node statistics that are hard (e.g. user generated content) or is willing to share it with to acquire in real scenarios. Moreover, they can complement systemdesignorfeasibilitystudies.Thepresentedsimulations, P.SermpezisandT.SpyropoulosarewiththeDepartmentofMobileCom- munications, EURECOM,France, e-mail:fi[email protected]. which validate the accuracy of the theoretical predictions, indicate how a sensitivity analysis of system parameters and A preliminary version ofthis paper appeared inProc. 15thACMInterna- a comparison of different mechanisms can be performed. tionalSymposiumonMobileAdHocNetworkingandComputing(MobiHoc), 2014[1]. Mobile data offloading optimization. While a detailed 2 application-specific optimization is beyond the scope of this among the several options of the aforementioned trade-off, paper, we demonstrate how our framework can be applied to is motivated as follows. The above model for Λ= λ can ij { } an example application: mobile data offloading (Section IV). capture many aspects of the contact rates’ heterogeneity (i.e., Usingouranalysis,weshowhowanoffloadingmechanismcan different pair-wise rates λ and distributions f (λ)). At the ij λ be optimizedand discuss whatthe performancerelated impli- same time, it is a probabilistic model and, thus, it remains cationsare.Thiscase studyprovidesguidelinesto researchers simpleenoughto deriveinsightful,closed-formresultsforthe for investigating and similarly proceeding in the analysis and performance of a content delivery (Section III), which is the optimization of further content-centric applications, policies, main goal of this paper. Finally, if more detailed mobility protocols, etc. characteristics (e.g., temporal or periodic patterns [17]) were Finally,wediscussrelatedworkinSectionV,andconclude needed to predict performance, this would make our results our paper in Section VI. less useful for designing a system/application, since in a real scenario it is not always possible (or practical) to acquire all II. NETWORK MODEL this information (or, at least, in real time). A. Mobility Model B. Content Traffic Model We consider a network , where N nodes move in an N area, much larger than their transmission range. Data packet We assume that each node might be interested in one or exchanges between a pair of nodes can take place only when more “contents”. A content of interest might refer to (i) a they are in proximity (in contact). Hence, the time points, singlepieceofdata(e.g.a multimediafile,a googlemap)[8], when the contact events take place, and the nodes involved, (ii)allmessages/databelongingtoacategoryofinterests(e.g. determine the dissemination of a message. local events, financial news) [3], [18], (iii) updates and feeds We assume thatthe sequenceof the contacteventsbetween (e.g. weather forecast, latest news) [19], etc. nodesiandjisgivenbyarandompointprocesswithrateλ 1. A number of content-sharing applications and mechanisms ij Analyses of real-world traces suggest that the times between have been proposed in previous literature, from publish- consecutive contacts for a given pair can often be approxi- subscribemechanismsto “channel”-basedsharinganddevice- mated (completely or in the tail) as either exponentially [14], to-device offloading, etc., (e.g. [3], [4], [5], [19]). To proceed [15] or power-law (e.g. Pareto) distributed [16]. Our analysis with ouranalysis we needto setup a modelof content/service can be applied to both cases, as well as for other distribution access. In the following, we propose a generic model for types. In the remainder, we focus on the exponential inter- content-centric applications. contacttimescase,whichcanbedescribedwithasinglemain The main notation we use in our model and analysis is parameter λ (the contact rate), and we further demonstrate summarized in Table I. ij its applicability to a simple Pareto inter-contact times case. Thenetwork canbedescribedwiththecontact(ormeet- Content Popularity ing) rates matriNx Λ = λ . Depending on the underlying ij We assume that when a node is interested in a content or { } mobilityprocess,theremightbelargedifferencesbetweenthe service,it queriesothernodesitdirectly encountersfor it. We differentλ valuesinthismatrix.Furthermore,itisoftenquite ij denote the event that a node i is interested in a content difficult, in a DTN context, to know Λ exactly, or estimates ∈N (or, equivalently, i requests ) as: i . We further might be rather noisy. For these reasons, we consider the M M → M denote the set of all the contents that nodes are interested in, following simple model for Λ: as: M = : i ,i . M = M, where {M ∃ ∈ N → M} | | | ·| Assumption 1. The contact rates λ are drawn from an denotes the cardinality of a set. ij arbitrary distribution with probability density function f (λ) λ Definition1 (ContentPopularity). Wedefinethepopularityof with known mean µλ and variance σλ2 (CVλ = µσλλ). acontent asthenumberofnodesNp(M) thatareinterested M By choosing the right function f the above model can in it3: λ capture heterogeneity in the pairwise contact rates, or noise N(M) = (M) , where (M) = i :i (1) in the estimates. In practice, one would fit the empirical p |Cp | Cp { ∈N →M} distribution observed in a given measurement trace with an We further denote the percentage of contents with a given fˆ and use it in the analysis2. popularity value n as λ Summarizing, the above model is a trade-off between 1 realism, analytical tractability, and usefulness. Our choice, Pp(n)= M INp(M)=n, n∈[0,N] (2) M∈M X 1Weignorethecontactdurationandassumeinfinitebandwidth;assumptions thhearte.are common(e.g.[2], [10])andorthogonal totheproblem weconsider where INp(M)=n =1 when Np(M) =n and 0 otherwise. 2Insomescenariosnodemobilitymighthavesomefurther,morecomplex In other words, Pp(n) defines a probability distribution characteristics, e.g. node pairs contact with different frequency λij during over the different contents and associated popularities: If we day/night or weekdays/weekends. However, in the majority of applications, randomly choose one content M, then the probability it can be safely assumed that there is a time-scale separation, i.e., the time M ∈ to deliver a content is much smaller than a period of similar λij values. that its popularity is equal to n is given by Pp(n). Moreover, arealsystemcanusedifferent rates depending ontheconsidered period, e.g.λ(day) andλ(night),orarunningestimate mechanism. 3Thiscouldbeanaverage, calculated oversometimewindow. ij ij 3 TABLE I: Important Notation In practice, the contentpopularitydistribution P (n) might p be known exactly, estimated, or predicted, depending on the MOBILITY(SectionII-A) given scenario and application. For instance, in a publish- λij Contactratebetweennodesiandj csuhbanscnreiblse, aanpdpltihcautsiotnh,eupsoeprsulsauribtyscorifbeeaicnhacdhvaannnceel/cinondtiefnfetrceannt fµCλOλ(,NλσT)λ2ENTTRCMAoeFnaFtnaICcvta(rlSaueteec/stivodanirsitaIrIni-bcBue)tioofncontactrates,CVλ= µσλλ be known or estimated through distributed mechanisms. In a i→M Nodeiisinterested/requestscontentM M Setofcontentsinthenetwork,|M|=M. mobiledataoffloadingscenario,thecellularnetworkmightbe N(M) PopularityofcontentM Def.1 p informed from users about their requests, or infer popularity C(M) SetofnodesinterestedincontentM Def.1 p fromtheirinterestprofiles[10].Incontentsharingapplication, Pp(n) Probabilitydistributionofcontentpopularity Eq.(2) i←M NodeiholdsacopyofcontentM the popularityof a file can be predictedusing methodsbased, N(M) AvailabilityofcontentM Def.2 e.g., on past statistics, early demand of a content, social C(aM) SetofnodesthatholdacopyofcontentM Def.2 a dynamics, etc. [20]. g(m|n) Availability-Popularityrelation Def.3 ρ(n) Deterministiccaseforg(m|n) g(n) Theaveragevalueofg(·|n) Content Availability ANALYSIS(SectionIII-A) Preq.(n) Popularitydistributionofarandomrequest Lemma1 p We assume that a request for a content or service is Preq.(n) Availabilitydistributionofarandomrequest Lemma2 a completed, when (and if) a node that holds (a copy of) the Tij Timeofnextmeetingbetweennodesiandj TM Contentaccesstime requestedcontentisdirectlyencountered.We denotetheevent XM Sumofmeetingratesofjandnodes∈Ca(M) Eq.(6) that a node i holds (a copy of) a content as i , and we define the availability N(M) of a contMent a←s M a M where ρ(n) : [1,N] [0,N] can be an arbitrary function. Definition 2 (Content Availability). The availability of a → This case corresponds to applications where the number of content message is defined as the number of nodes Na(M) holders is selected (by a centralized authority, a distributed M that hold a copy of it. protocol, etc.) according to the popularity of a content. Note N(M) = (M) , where (M) = i :i (3) also that this deterministic formula ρ(n) can be used as an a |Ca | Ca { ∈N ←M} approximationofthegeneralcase,wherethenoisearoundthe The availability of a given content might often (although meanisignored(i.e.,onlythemeanvalue,ratherthantheexact not always) be correlated with the popularity of that content. distribution, of the availability needs to be known/estimated): A cellular network provider, for example, might allocate more holders for popular contents [10]. In a content-sharing ρ(n)=g¯(n) m g(mn) ≡ · | setting, where some nodes might be more willing than others m X to maintain and share (“seed”) a content after they have downloaded and “consumed” it, popular content will end up beingshared by more nodes.We will modelsuch correlations III. ANALYSIS OFCONTENT REQUESTS in a probabilistic way, as follows. We will now analyze how different popularity, availability, and mobility patterns (possibly arising from different appli- Definition 3 (Availability vs. Popularity). The availability of cations, policies, and network settings) affect performance a contentitem is related to its popularitythrough the relation metrics like: (i) the delay to access a content of interest, (ii) P N =mN =n =g(mn) (4) the probability to retrieve a content before a deadline. A key a p { | } | parameter for these metrics is the number of holders for the The above conditional probabilities can describe a wide requested content (availability). The higher this number, the range of cases where availability depends on popularity, and sooner a requesting node will encounter one of them. some additional randomness might be present due to factors While content availability might sometimes be time de- like: natural churn in the nodes sharing the content, content- pendent [12], or the content holders might be chosen based dependentdifferencesinthesharingpoliciesappliedbynodes, on their mobility properties [10], as a first step we make estimation noise, etc. For example, we might assume that a two additional, restrictive assumptions that allow us to derive contentofhigherpopularityhasonaveragehigheravailability, simple, useful expressions. Later, in Section III-C, we relax but the actual availability (e.g. over a given time window) is boththeseassumptions,andshowhowouranalysisandresults subject to some randomness due to node churn, etc. can be modified to capture more generic scenarios where Some special cases of this model include: availability can be dependent on the time (or the content (i) Uncorrelated availability, where g(mn) g(m). For | ≡ dissemination process) and mobility patterns. example, in service/resource access applications, where hold- ers are the nodes that can provide access to some resources Assumption 2. The (i) popularity N(M) and (ii) availability p (e.g.Internetaccess,software)[7],theavailabilitydependson N(M) of a content do not change over time. a thenumberofdeviceswiththegivenresourcesratherthanthe M Assumption3. Thesetsofrequesters (M) andholders (M) number of users that are interested in them. p a C C of a content are independent of node mobility. (ii) Deterministic availability, where: M 1, m=ρ(n) Regarding the validity of Assumption 2, it can be safely N =ρ(N ) g(mn)= a p ⇔ | 0, otherwise assumedthatusers’interestsdonotchange,atleastinthetime (cid:26) 4 windowofacontentdelivery.Thisisacommonassumptionin A. Preliminary Analysis the majority of related works. As a result, contentpopularity, Assume a content-centric application with many different which is given by the number of the nodes interested in a contents. To predict the performance of such a system, we content, is not expected to change as well. would like to know how long the average request takes to be With respectto contentavailability,the assumptionis valid satisfied.Todoso,letuspicksomerandomuserrequest(over (or a good approximation) in a number of applications. For alltherequestsmadefordifferentcontents),andletusassume example, in the case that the number of holders is chosen that this request is for some content 5. by the cellular operator [9], [10] or content provider, and M We first need to answer the following two questions: other nodes cannot act as holders or do not have incentives Q.1 What is the popularity of ? to do so. It is also valid when the “content" is a service M Q.2 How fast does a requesting node meet ’s holders? (e.g. Internet access, or specific sensor) that is offered only M by a certain number of devices [7]. Moreover, in content Q.1 is needed to predict the availability for the content of sharing applications / protocols where users have a limited the random request. Given this availability, Q.2 will estimate “budget" of L copies that can distribute to relay nodes (i.e. the (sum of) contact rates between the requesting node and the holders), if L N(M) N and N(M) N (which is the holders, according to Assumptions 1 and 3. The contact a p reasonable for a t≡ypical op≪portunistic networ≪king scenario), rates between the requester and the holders will be then used then the time of the initial content distribution to holders (Section III-B) in calculating how fast the request will be is much less than the time needed by a requester to access satisfied. the content4. Hence, considering only the time of the content sharing process after the initial distribution to holders, the Answering Q.1 condition for time-invariant availability holds. It is easy to see that the popularity of should be M Nevertheless, in scenarios where a content is disseminating proportional to Pp(n): the higher the number of different and new nodes (e.g. the requesters after receiving it) are contents with a popularity value n, the higher the chance that willbeofpopularityn.However,thehigherthepopularity willing to share it [8], then the availability mightchange over M time. We considerand analyzesuch cases in Section III-C, as of a content, the more the requests made for it. Hence, a first an extension of our basic results of Section III-B. important observation is that the popularity of the content of such a random request is not distributed as P (n) but is also Assumption 3 holds when a mobility oblivious allocation p proportionalto the popularity value n. policy (i.e. randomized protocols) is considered, e.g. [12], or Considera stylized example,where onlytwo contentsexist the homogeneous algorithm of [10]. It is also a reasonable inthenetwork,contentAwithpopularityvalue10andcontent approximation,in settings wherethereis noknowledgeof the B with popularity value 1. Hence, “half” the contents are of interests-mobility correlation, if any. high popularity (N = 10), and “half” of low (N = 1), or Nevertheless, there exist scenarios where who holds what p p in other words P (10) = P (1) = 1. However, there will content might depend on the contact rates with other nodes p p 2 be 10 times more requests for content A than for content (i.e. the mobility), and such a dependence can possibly affect B. Consequently, if we select a request randomly, there is a the performance. This dependence might occur due to the 10 higher chance that it will be for content A, that is, for employed dissemination protocol [11], [10]. In fact, many × the content of popularity 10. Normalizing to have a proper protocolsproposedin relatedliterature,try toexploitmobility probability distribution gives us the following lemma. or social characteristics of nodes, in order to find a set of holders that contact regularly the requesters and can, thus, Lemma 1. The probability that a random request is for a deliver the contents to them in a fast and efficient way. content of popularity equal to n is given by However, due to the different mechanisms employed, a n different(and very complex in some cases) analytic approach Ppreq.(n)= E [n] ·Pp(n) p would be needed for each protocol. To this end, in Sec- tion III-C, we do take into account mobility-aware schemes, where E [n]= n P (n) is the average content popular- p n · p in a generic and application-independent way. Furthermore, ity 6. P with this proposed extension of our model, one can capture Remark: We would like to mention here that in some scenarios where mobility-availability correlation do not come related works, the popularity distribution is defined over the (necessarily)fromadisseminationprotocol,buttheyexistdue different popularities values in a set of contents, which in to some underlying heterogeneoustraffic patterns [22]. our framework corresponds to the distribution Preq.(n). In p contrast,wedefine(inamoregenericway)thepopularitydis- 4Inasimple example, ofanetwork withN =1000nodes andλij =λ, tributionP (n) as the percentageof contentshaving(exactly) a “source” node originally has a content, in which Np(M) = 20 nodes are p interested. The “source” replicates the content to the first L = 4 nodes it meets(cf.sourceSprayandWaitprotocol[21]),whichactasholders.Then, 5Westressherethatwedonotrefertoacertaincontent,butwedenotethe itcanbeeasilyshownthattheexpectedtimetillallholdersgetthecontentis contentrelatedtotherandomrequestasMforeaseofreference. Hence,in Eac[cTesss]≈theNcNa(oM·nλte)n=t is25E10[·Tλa,]w≈hileNat(hM1e)e·xλpe=cte(dL+ti1m1)e·λa=(i.e5.1,λa,noyr)ereqquuiveaslteenrtltyo twhee6WdreeemnouatsienedtsheurebswpcoerpipdutolaprnitotoytduaessneoNttehpeainnsusetpxeeparedscctoraiftpioNtnMp(oMvei)nr.tthheeproeplautleadritnyodtaistitorinb.uEtio.gn. E[Ta]=50·E[Ts]≫E[Ts]. Pp(n),andndenotes therandompopularity values. 5 nrequesters.Thecorrespondencebetweenthetwoapproaches where T(r) is the residual inter-contact time between a node ij can be made using Lemma 1. pair i,j . However, for the exponential distribution it holds { } For the convenience of the reader, we state the following that corollary that makes the aforementioned correspondence for T exponential(λ ) T(r) exponential(λ ) an important example case, the Zipf-law (or discrete Pareto) ij ∼ ij ⇒ ij ∼ ij distribution,whichisfrequentlyobservedinrealsystems[23], Therefore, T is distributed as a minimum of exponential M [24], [25] and used by many related studies [2], [10], [12]. random variables, and it follows that [26]: Corollary1 followsdirectly fromthe expressionof Lemma1, and thus we omit the detailed proof. TM exp(XM) P TM >t =e−XM·t (5) ∼ ⇔ { } Corollary 1. If Preq.(n) is given by a Zipf distribution with where p a shape parameter α > 0, then Pp(n) is given by a Zipf XM = λij (6) distribution with a shape parameter α+1 (and vice versa). iX∈Ca Ppreq.(n)∼Zipf(α) ⇔ Pp(n)∼Zipf(α+1) meCtrliecardleyr,ikvnatoiwonin.gBXasMediosnnetheedepdretocepdrioncgedediscwuisthsiothne, dXesireids M a random variable that depends on: (i) the number of content Answering Q.2 holders m (i.e. the cardinality of set in Eq.(6)), and (ii) a The answer to question Q.2 consists of two separate steps: the meetingrateswith the holders.AppClyingAssumption3, it (i) we calculate the number of holders for the content of holds that, conditioning on m, X (Eq. (6)) is a sum of m M the random request, and then (ii) we calculate how fast the i.i.d. random variables λ f (λ), i.e ij λ requesting node can meet these holders. Towards answering ∼ (i), Lemma 2 maps the popularity of the content involved in XM ∼fmλ(x)=(fλ∗fλ···∗fλ)m, (7) a random request (derived in Lemma 1) to the number of where denotes convolution, and mean value [26]: holders for this content. This number is a random variable ∗ dependent both on the popularity distribution Pp(n), and on E[XM Na =m]=Emλ[x]=m µλ (8) | · the availability function g(mn). | Remark: In the remainder we use the subscript mλ to denote Lemma 2. The probability that a random request is for a anexpectationoverthedistributionf (x);thecorresponding mλ content of availability equal to m is given by random variables are denoted as x. E [n g(mn)] Preq.(m)= p · | a Ep[n] B. Performance Metrics Proof. The popularity of the content of a random request is We consider two main performance metrics: the average given by Preq.(n). Its availability can then be calculated by delay and delivery probability. Based on the analysis of p using the property of conditional expectation [26]: Section III-A, we derive results under generic content traffic (i.e. P (n) and g(mn)) and mobility (i.e. f (λ)) patterns. Preq.(m)= P N =mN =n Preq.(n) p | λ a { a | p }· p n X Content Access Delay where Preq.(n) is defined in Lemma 1. Substituting, from p Def. 3 and Lemma 1, the above terms, we successively get Result 1. Theexpectedcontentaccessdelaycanbecomputed with the expression n Preq.(m)= g(mn) P (n) a | · Ep[n] · p 1 1 =Xnng(m|n)·n·Pp(n) = Ep[n·g(m|n)] E[TM]= Ep[n] ·Ep"n· m Emλ(cid:20)x(cid:21)·g(m|n)# E [n] E [n] X P p p Proof. The time T a node j needs to access a content M M which completes the proof. is exponentially distributed with rate X . However, X is M M a random variable itself, distributed with f (x) (Eq. (7)). Having computed the statistics for the content availability, mλ Thus, we can write for the expected content access delay: we can now calculate how fast the requesting node, say j, meetsanyoftheholdersi (i.e.nodesi ).Asdiscussed in a SectionII-A,wefocusonthecaseofex∈poCnentiallydistributed E[TM]= E[TM|Na=m]·Pareq.(m) inter-contacttimes. Later, in Section III-Cwe considerPareto m X distributed inter-contact times as well. = E[TM|XM=x,Na=m]·fmλ(x)dx·Pareq.(m) LetT denotetheinter-contacttimesbetweennodej anda ij m Z X nodei , andlet T be exponentiallydistributedwith rate λij. If w∈eCadenote withijTM the first time until j meets any of = x1 ·fmλ(x)dx·Pareq.(m) (9) the nodes i a (and, thus, accesses the content), then: Xm Z ∈C The last equality follows from the fact that the expectation TM =im∈Cina{Ti(jr)} of an exponential random variable with rate x is x1. 6 ExpressingtheintegralinEq.(9)asanexpectationoverthe The sum in Eq. (12) is the expectation over g( n), i.e. ·| f (x) and substituting Preq.(m) from Lemma 2, gives mλ a 1 1 g(mn)=E (13) E[TM]= Emλ x1 · Ep[nE·g[(nm] |n)] Xm m · | g(cid:20)m(cid:21) m (cid:20) (cid:21) p Applying, as before, Jensen’s inequality, we get X 1 1 = Emλ Ep[n g(mn)] (10) 1 1 1 1 Ep[n] ·Xm (cid:20)x(cid:21)· · | m m ·g(m|n)=Eg(cid:20)m(cid:21)≥ Eg[m] = g(n) (14) Rearranging the expectations and summation in Eq. (10) we X where we used for E [m] the notation g(n). get the expression of Result 1. g Combining Eq. (14) and Eq. (12), the expression of the If the functions f (λ), g(mn) and P (n) are known, theorem follows directly. λ p | the expected delay E[T ] can be computed directly from M Result 1, as shown in the following example. Content Access Probability Example Scenario: The contact rates (f ) follow a gamma λ One often needs to also know the probability that a node distribution, as suggested in [27], with µ and CV . Content λ λ can access a content by some deadline, i.e. P T TTL . popularity Pp(n) is Pareto distributed, as observed in [23], E.g,anodemightloseitsinterestinacontent({e.gM.ne≤ws)afte}r [24], [25], with scale and shape parameters n and α = 2, 0 some time, or in an offloading scenario a node might decide respectively. Finally, we consider a (deterministic) allocation to access a content directly to the base station. ofholders,ρ(n)=c n(seeSectionII-B).Thenaclosedform · expression for E[TM] is given in the first row of Table II. Result 2. The probability a content to be accessed before a time TTL can be computed with the expression TABLE II: Performance Metrics when f Gamma with λ µλ,CVλ and Pp(n)∼Pareto(n0,α=2). ∼ P{TM ≤TTL}=1−Ep n· mEmEλ [en−]x·TTL g(m|n) (cid:2) P p(cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:3) Proof. Conditioning on the values of N and X , as in a M ρ(n)=c·n E[TM]= µλ·C1Vλ2 "Cc·Vnλ02 ·ln 1−Cc1·Vnλ02!−1# EPq{.T(M9),≤wTeTcLa}n=write: ρ(n)=c·ln(n) P{TM≤TTL}=1− (1+ln(γ)1)·γln(n0) c = P{TM≤TTL|XM =x,Na =m}·fmλ(x)dx·Pareq.(m) where γ =(1+µλ·CVλ2·TTL)CVλ2 Xm Z =1− e−x·TTL·f (x)dx·Preq.(m) (15) However, in a real implementation, it might not be always mλ a m Z possible to know the exact distributions of the contact rates X where the last equality follows because T is exponentially (f ) and/or the availabilities (g(mn)), needed to compute M λ | distributed with rate X =x. After some similar steps as in the expression of Result 1. In the following theorem, we M Theorem 1, the final result follows. deriveanexpressionforE[T ]thatrequiresonlytheaverage M statistics (which are much easier to estimate or measure in a The expression of Result 2 for the previous example sce- real scenario), namely (i) the mean value of the contact rates, nario, with a different allocation function ρ(n)=c ln(n), is µ , and (ii) the average availability for contents of a given · λ given in the second row of Table II. popularity, g(n). Theorem 2. An upper bound for the probability to access a Theorem 1. A lower bound for the expected content access content by a time TTL is given by delay is given by 1 1 n P{TM ≤TTL}≤1− E [n] ·Ep n·e−g(n)·µλ·TTL E[T ] E p M ≥ µ E [n] · p g(n) h i λ· p (cid:20) (cid:21) Proof. The bound follows easily by observing that h(x) = Proof. In Result 1 we can express E 1 as E [h(x)], e−x·TTL is a convexfunction,andapplyingJensen’sinequal- mλ x mλ where h(x) = 1. Since h(x) is a convex function, applying ity and the methodology of Theorem 1. x (cid:2) (cid:3) Jensen’s inequality, i.e. h(E[x]) E[h(x)], gives ≤ Tightness of bounds 1 1 1 E = (11) mλ x ≥ E [x] m µ To derive simple expressions (bounds) that depend only on (cid:20) (cid:21) mλ · λ the average statistics µ and g(n), and thus can be easily λ where, in the equality, we used Eq. (8). used in real scenarios (see, e.g., Section IV), we applied Substituting Eq. (11) in the expression of Result 1, gives twice Jensen’s inequality. Although Jensen’s inequality does notcomewithanyquantitativeguaranteesforthetightnessofa 1 1 E[T ] E n g(mn) (12) bound,in thefollowing,weprovidesomeintuitionabouthow M ≥ µλ·Ep[n] · p" · m m · | # tightourexpressionsare expectedto bein differentscenarios. X 7 Letusconsider,forexample,Theorem1(similararguments hold for Theorem 2). We first apply Jensen’s inequality at Eq. (11) for the expectation taken over node mobility, i.e. 1 1 Fig. 1: Markov Chain for the dissemination of a content with E mλ x ≥ E [x] initial popularity and availability n and m, respectively. (cid:20) (cid:21) mλ Thesameexpectation,byapplyingtheDeltamethod[28],can be expressed as distribution process, which is in contrast to Assumption 2. E 1 = 1 + Emλ[(x−Emλ[x])2] + To this end, in this section, we study such cases of varying mλ x E [x] (E [x])2 ··· content availability. However, due to the numerous different (cid:20) (cid:21) mλ mλ 1 CV2 1 approaches,eachofthemconsideringdifferentwaysofcontent = 1+ λ +O dissemination (e.g. all nodes contribute to the content distri- m µ · m m2 · λ (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) bution[8],oronlyselectednodesbecomeholders[2],[11]),a As it can be seen in the above equation, the expectation commonmethodologycannotbe applied. Hence, we consider E 1 is equal to the lower bound, given by Jensen’s mλ x the following example scenario, and provide guidelines for inequality 1 , plus a corrective term that decreases as (cid:2) (cid:3) Emλ[x] analyzing further cases. (i) the heterogeneity of the mobility distribution (i.e. the Let us assume a scenario where, initially, some nodes hold varianceσ andhigherordermoments)decreases,and(ii)the λ somecontentitems(e.g.datafiles),inwhichsomeothernodes number of holdersm increases. Since m takes every possible are interested. This can be, for example, a content sharing availability value, it follows that the tightness of the bound scenario with contents being, e.g., some google maps. When dependsontheminimumavailabilitym (andhowprobable min a node interested in a content item, meets a holder and gets this value is). For instance, if m =1 (and there is a high min the content, it can hold it in its memory and act as a holder probability, i.e. g(1n), that this happens), the above bound too. Specifically, we describe such scenarios as: | probably might not be tight. ThesecondtimeweapplyJensen’sinequalityisatEq.(14), Definition 4. for the expectation over the availability distribution g(mn). Whenarequesteraccessesacontent,actsasaholderforit. Proceeding similarly, we can show that the bound | − The initial content popularity and availability patterns are − given by P (n) and g(mn). p 1 1 | E g m ≥ E [m] In scenarios conforming to Def. 4, an approximation7 for (cid:20) (cid:21) g theexpectedcontentaccessdelayE[T ]isgivenbyResult3 becomestighter when the mass of the availability distribution M (the detailed proof is given in Appendix A). g(mn) is concentrated around its mean value E [m] (low g | heterogeneity). For example, for a deterministic g(mn) Result3. Underatime-varyingavailabilityscenarioofDef.4, | → ρ(n), the bound is exact, whereas for a uniform distribution the expected content access delay is approximately given by g(mn) = 1, m [1,W], the bound will become looser as | C ∀ ∈ 1 n W increases. E[T ]= E ln 1+ M µ E [n] · p g(n) Summarizing, the tightness of the bounds of Theorems 1 λ· p (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) and 2 becomes higher as: Sketch of proof: Let us consider a content of initial M • the heterogeneity of the mobility distribution fλ(λ) de- popularity Np(0) = n and availability Na(0) = m. When creases the first requester accesses the content, the number of holders • the minimum value of the availability, i.e. mmin = will increase to m+1 and the remaining requesters will be min m:g(mn)>0 , increases n 1. Building a Markov Chain as in Fig. 1, where each − • the h{eterogene|ity of t}he availability distribution g(mn) state denotes the number of holders, it can be shown for the decreases | expecteddelayofmovingfromstatem+k tostatem+k+1, k [0,n 1], that it holds E[T ] 1 . ∈ − k,k+1 ≈ (m+k)·(n−k)·µλ Computing the times E[T ] and averaging over all the C. Extensions k,k+1 contents, gives the expected delay. Inthissection,westudyhowtheresultsofSectionIII-Bcan Followingthe guidelinesof the abovemethodology,further bemodified,whenweremovetheAssumptions2and3.Also, scenarios can be analysed as well. We provide here some we providethecorrespondingperformancemetricexpressions examples (however, a detailed study is out of the scope of fora Paretodistributedinter-contacttimes case. We state here this paper): onlythemainfindingsandsketchesoftheproofs;thedetailed Probabilisticcooperation.Anodereceivingacontent,might proofs can be found in the Appendices. notbe willing to cooperateand act as a holderfor it (e.g. due to battery depletion, privacy concerns, etc.). To capture this, Time-varying Availability: Multi-hop Content Dissemination wecanusethefollowingmodel:anodeactsasaholderforthe Inmanyprotocolsforopportunisticcontent-centricapplica- 7The multi-hop delivery of a content, in combination with the mobility tion proposed in literature, e.g. [2], [12], [8], [11], the set of heterogeneity,doesnotallowthederivationofsimple,closed-formexpressions holdersofacontentmightchangeovertimeoroverthecontent forexact predictions andbounds. 8 content it receives with probability p. Then, at each content to a requester by time TTL (the expected delay is not a delivery, the number of holders increments with probability convenientperformancemetric in thiscase, since contentsare p (and does not change with probability 1 p). Building a never delivered to requesters that have lost their interest). If − similarMarkovChainasbefore,wecanapproximatethedelay we denote this probability as P , it is easy to see that delivery E[T ] 1 , where now k [0,n 1] it holds k,k+1 ≈ (m+p·k)·(n−k)·µλ ∈ − denotesthenumberofrequestersthathavebeenserved.Hence, P =P T TTL (1 P t TTL ) (18) proceeding as in Appendix A, we can get delivery { M ≤ }· − loss{ ≤ } where P T TTL is defined in Section III-B. P 1 p n { M ≤ } delivery E[TM]≈ p µ E [n] ·Ep ln 1+ g(·n) (16) can then be calculated straightforward from our results for · λ· p (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) P TM TTL (e.g., Result 2) and the (known) distribution { ≤ } P t T . Limited spreading. Let assume that the spreading of the loss{ ≤ } Remark: Further complexity can be added in the above content is limited to L holders (i.e. only a limited number model for users’ loss of interest, like, heterogeneous dis- of L new holders is allowed), e.g., in order to reduce re- tributions P (among users and/or contents), dependency source consumption in the network. In this case, the content loss between the loss of interest and the content or mobility availability will increase from N (0) = m to its max value a characteristics, etc. The performance in such cases can be N = m+L and after this point, it will not change. Then, a analysed similarly, based on our framework/methodology. the delay k L (again k refers to served requesters) will ∀ ≥ begivenbyE[T ] 1 .Followingthesame k,k+1 ≈ (m+L)·(n−k)·µλ Mobility Dependent Allocation steps as in Appendix A, we can get As discussed earlier (Section III), who holds a content and 1 n L L E[T ] E − +ln 1+ (17) who is interested in it, might be related to their mobility M ≈ µ E [n]· p g(n)+L g(n) λ· p (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) patterns, e.g. due to heterogeneous traffic patterns [22] or a mobility-aware protocol [11], [10]. This can affect the Remark: It is possible in certain scenarios that content performance in a positive or negative way, depending on the availability changes in various ways, sometimes not related correlationbetweenthemobilityofholdersandrequesters.For (only) to the given content dissemination mechanism. For instance, if a protocol selects as holders the nodes that meet instance, holders may discard some contents due to limited more frequently the requesters (positive mobility correlation), resources, like full buffers, battery depletion, etc. An analysis then the performance is expected to be improved. as above could be applied for some of these cases as well Duetothenumerousdifferentprotocolsand/orsettingsthat (e.g.,contentdiscardscouldbemodelledwithaMarkovChain mightcreatesuchmobilitycorrelations,wecannotanalyzeev- as in Fig. 1, where transitions to states with less holders are erysinglescenarioseparately.Hence,we chooseto modelthe allowed).Dueto spacelimitations,we deferthestudyofsuch mobilitydependenceinagenericandprobabilisticway.Then, interesting cases to future research. to apply our results in a specific scenario, one needs only to make the correspondencebetween the mobilitycharacteristics Time-varying Popularity of the scenario and the model of Def. 6 (e.g. following the As discussed earlier, in the majority of the commonly guidelines of [22]). considered applications/scenarios, users are not expected to Definition6(MobilityDependentAllocation). Theprobability changetheirinterestsinthetimewindowofacontentdelivery; π that a node i is a holder for a content in which a node hence, content popularities do not change either. However, it ij j is interested, is related to their contact rate λ such that is possible in certain cases that the popularity of a content ij might change over the (typical) time window of its delivery. πij =π(λij), where π() is a function from R+ to [0,1]. · In the following, we provide some initial analysis, as a first Based on the above definition, we can predict the perfor- step towards analysing such cases8. mance of a content-centric application using Result 4, which Let us assume a scenario where the initial requesters of a we prove in Appendix B contentstart losing their interestwith time. This is a common Result 4. Under Def. 6, Theorems 1 and 2 and Result 3 hold case among applications distributing news, trending video, etc. Since this loss of interest might appear in various ways if we replace µλ with µλ(π), where (gradually, rapidly, etc.), which depend on the considered E [λ π(λ)] setting, we use the following generic way to model it. µλ(π) = Eλ [π·(λ)] λ Definition 5 (Time-varying Popularity). The probability a where E [] denotes an expectation taken over the contact λ · requester to have lost its interest by time T is given by a rates distribution f (λ) (Assumption 1). λ distribution P t T . loss { ≤ } Sketch of proof: Since the requesters-holders contact rates Under the above class of time-varying popularity cases, aremobilitydependent,thecontactratesbetweenthemarenot we can calculate the probability a content to be delivered distributed with the contact rates distribution f (λ), but with λ a modified version of it, i.e. with a distribution: 8Westressthatacompletestudyofallthepossiblewaysthatthepopularity patterns might change in an opportunistic content-centric scenario (and the 1 f (λ)= π(λ) f (λ) respective analysis)isoutofthescopeofthispaper. π E [π(λ)] · · λ λ 9 HXEen[MXceM∼, E|fNqm.aπ(=7(x)m)an=]d=(EfEqπ.m∗(π8f[)πxn]·e·=e·d∗mtfoπ·)bEmeEλm[λλ[oπ·d(πiλfi()eλ]d)]a=s: m·µλ(π) E[T]M0000...000.1468 CCCtlohVVVweλλλoe rr===y b 0 (o .e210ux1nadct) ≤P{ T TTL }M000...1468 tu h p eTTpoeTTrryLL b ( eo==xu00an..00cd15t) Example Scenario:Theholdersofacontent areselected 0.02 0.2 M taking into account their contact rates with the requesters, as following:Eachnodei(candidatetobeaholder)isassigneda 00 .5 1 α (s1h.a5pe par2ameter)2.5 3 00. 5 1 α (sh1a.p5e para2meter)2.5 3 weight wi = j∈Cp(M)λij. Using such weights, the selection (a) E[TM] (b) P{TM≤TTL} of holders that rarely meet the requesters is avoided. Then, each node isQselected to be one of the Na(M) holders with Fig. 2: (a) E[TM] and (b) P{TM ≤TTL} in scenarios with probabilitypi = wi .WithrespecttoDef.6,itturnsoutthat varying content popularity (α: shape parameter). iwi this mechanism is (approximately)described by π(λ)=c λ. Substituting π(λ)Pin Result 4, gives · expressionsfortheperformancemetricsintheParetocase(i.e. E [λ π(λ)] E [λ2] expressionscorrespondingtoResults1and2,andTheorems1 µ(λπ) = Eλ [π·(λ)] = Eλ[λ] =µλ·(1+CVλ2) (19) and 2).TheexpressionsaregiveninTableIIIandthedetailed λ λ derivations can be found in Appendix D. Pareto Inter-Contact Times D. Model Validation We now proceed and demonstrate how our model can be extendedtocaseswhereinter-contacttimesbetweennodesare As a first validation step, we compare our theoretical not exponentially distributed. Specifically, we consider inter- predictionstosyntheticsimulationscenariosconformingtothe contact times following a Pareto distribution, which has been modelsof Section II, in orderto consider(a) variousmobility shown to fit some real traces [16]. and content traffic patterns, and (b) large networks. Let us assume that inter-contact times between a node j Simulation Scenarios: We assign to each pair i,j a { } interested in a (random) content and a node i are contactrate λ , which we draw randomlyfroma distribution a ij M ∈ C Pareto distributed with shape and scale parameters α + 1 f (λ), and create a sequence of contact events (Poisson ij λ (with α >0 when E[T ]<+ ) and t , respectively9: processwithrateλ ).Then,wecreateM contentsandassign ij ij 0 ij ∞ to each of them a popularity value (N ), drawn from the Tij ∼pareto(αij +1,t0)⇔P{Tij >t}= t0t+0t αij+1 distribution Pp(n). According to the givepn function g(m|n), weassigntheavailabilityvalues(N ).Finally,foreachcontent (cid:16) (cid:17) a Then, it follows that the residual inter-contact times will be , we randomly choose the N(M) nodes that are interested p also Pareto distributed, but with a decreased shape parame- Min it and its N(M) holders. ter [29], i.e. a Mobility / Popularity patterns: In most of the scenarios Ti(jr) ∼pareto(αij,t0)⇔P{Ti(jr) >t}= t0t+0t αij wraetespr(eis.ee.ntf, w(λe)u),sesitnhceeGitamhamsabdeiesntribshuotiwonn ftoor mthaetcchonwtaecllt λ (cid:16) (cid:17) and it can be shown for T = min T(r) that (Ap- characteristics of real contact patterns [27]. Also, content pendix C): M i∈Ca{ ij } popularityinmobilesocialnetworkshasbeenshowntofollow a power-law distribution, e.g. [23], [24], [25]. Therefore, we TM ∼pareto(AM,t0)⇔P{TM >t}= t0t+0t AM sdeisletrcitbuPtipo(nns), stiomifloalrlloywtoDtihsceremteajo(Briotyunodfedre)laPteadretwooorkrsZ[i2p]f, (cid:16) (cid:17) where AM = i∈Caαij. [10], [12]. Remark:Inthiscasethecontactrates(Def.1)willbeλij = In Fig. 2 we present the simulation results, along with our E[T1ij] = αti0j,αPij >0.However,forsimplicity,wecanusethe theoretical predictions, in scenarios of N = 10000 nodes parameters α instead of the rates λ , and, correspondingly, with varying mobility and content popularity patterns. The ij ij a distribution fα(α), instead of fλ(λ). mean contact rate is µλ = 1 and content popularity follows Hence, similarly to Eq. (7) and Eq. (8), for Pareto intervals a Bounded Pareto distribution with shape parameter (i.e. (fa(α), µα), we can write: exponent) α and n [50,1000]. The availability function ∈ is ρ(n) = 0.2 n (i.e. deterministic). An almost perfect A f (x)=(f f ) , E [x]=m µ · M ∼ mα α∗···∗ α m mα · α matchbetweensimulationresults(markers)andthetheoretical Havingcalculatedtheabovequantities,wecannowproceed predictions(dashedlines) ofResults 1and2 canbe observed. similarlytotheexponentialcase(SectionIII-B)andderivethe In Fig. 2(a), the lower bound (continuousline) of Theorem 1 is very tight for low mobility (i.e. small CV ) and/or content λ 9We use the American Pareto (or Pareto Type II) distribution, which is popularity (i.e. small α) heterogeneity, confirming thus the supported for t ≥ 0 [29]. Moreover, for simplicity we assume a common discussion of Section III-B for the bound tightness. For the scale parameter t0 amongall node pairs. Ourresults canbe generalized for dinifcfreeraesnettshcealceompaprlaemxietyterosf, ne.ogt.attio0(in,ja)nfdorexaprpeasisrio{nis,.j}, however, this would tdheelivreesruyltpsrofobrabtwiliotydiPff{eTreMnt≤valTueTsLo}f T(FTigL. 2in(bs)c),enwaeriopsrewseitnht 10 TABLE III: Performance metrics for Pareto distributed Inter-Contact times Exactexpressions Bounds E[TM] t0 ·Ep n· Emα 1 ·g(m|n) t0 ·Ep n Ep[n] " x−1 # Ep[n] g(n)·µα−1 Xm h i h i P{TM≤TTL} 1− 1 ·Ep n· Emα t0 x ·g(m|n) 1− 1 ·Ep n· t0 g(n)·µα Ep[n] " Xm h(cid:16)t0+TTL(cid:17) i # Ep[n] (cid:20) (cid:16)t0+TTL(cid:17) (cid:21) CVλ = 2 (i.e. the most heterogeneous scenario). Here, the 0.06 simulations 1 TTL =0.01 upper bound (continuous line) of Theorem 2 is very close to theory (approximation) TTL =0.05 thesimulationresults,despitetheveryheterogeneousmobility. 0.05 0.8 upper bound theInaTvaaibllaebIilVitywe- pproepsuenlatrrietysucltosrroeflathtieonabiosvenosctedneatreiorms,iwnihsteirce. E[T]M0.04 ≤T TTL }M00..46 We assume that g(mn) follows a binomial distribution with 0.03 P{ | 0.2 mean g(n) = 0.2 n. The binomial distribution introduces a randomness that ·can be interpreted as noise in a system’s 0.02 2 4 6 8CVλ10 12 14 16 00. 5 1 α (sh1a.p5e para2meter)2.5 3 availabilityestimationalgorithm,differencesinnodebehaviors (a) E[TM] (b) P{TM≤TTL} (e.g. a node having a resource, shares it with probability p), etc. It can be seen that the bounds are tight in most of the Fig.3:(a)E[T ]inscenariosunderDef.4and(b)P T M M scenarios, though (as expected - cf. Section III-B) less tight TTL in scenarios under Def. 6. ρ(n)=0.2 n. { ≤ than in the deterministic g(mn) case (i.e. ρ(n)). } · | TABLE IV: Simulation results for scenarios where g(mn) mobilitypatterns,wecompareourpredictionswithsimulations | ∼ Binomial with g(n)=0.2 n, and TTL=0.05. in scenarios with varying CV . It can be seen that our · λ theoreticalprediction(approximation)achievesgoodaccuracy E[TM](x103) α=0.5 α=1 α=2 α=3 lowerbound 22.3 31.6 52.2 66.4 even in these very heterogeneous mobility scenarios. simulation (CVλ=0.5) 23.9 34.8 57.3 75.0 Results for scenarios with mobility-dependent availability simulation (CVλ=1) 25.0 36.2 61.9 81.4 (Def. 6) are presented in Fig. 3(b). P (n) is selected as P{TM≤TTL} α=0.5 α=1 α=2 α=3 p before and f (λ) Gamma with µ = 1,CV = 0.5. The upperbound 0.89 0.81 0.66 0.56 λ λ λ ∼ simulation (CVλ=2) 0.87 0.79 0.62 0.52 allocation of holders is made as in the example scenario of Section III-C. The upper bounds of Result 4 are tight in all Finally,TableVshowstheaccuracyofourresultsinsmaller scenarios, similarly to the case without mobility dependence networksizescenarioswithfλ Gamma(µλ =1,CVλ =1) (Fig. 2(b)). ∼ and Pp(n) BoundedPareto(α = 2) and n [50,500]. Finally,we simulate scenarioswith Paretodistributed inter- ∼ ∈ We present the relative errors between the simulation values contact times, as assumed in Section III-C. We consider two and the predictions of Results 1 and 2. It can be seen that as scenarios with t = 1 and shape parameters α uniformly 0 ij the network size decreases the error increases; however, the distributed in the intervals [1.5,4] and [1.5,6], respectively. accuracy is significant for all cases (max error 5%). We present the simulation results, along with the theoretical ≈ bounds of Table III in Fig. 4. As it can be seen the bounds TABLE V: Relative error between simulation results and are tight in all cases. The accuracyof the exact predictionsof Results 1 and 2 for various network size scenarios. Table III is significant as well (it is not shown in the figure). N 500 1000 1500 2000 rel.error,E[TM] 4.98% 1.79% 1.25% 1.08% IV. CASE STUDY: MOBILEDATA OFFLOADING rel.error,P{TM≤TTL} 5.24% 1.27% 1.03% 0.77% The results of Section III can be used to predict the performance of a given content allocation policy or content- We, now, proceedin the validationof the extensionsof our sharing scheme. In this section, we show how these results basic results presented in Section III-C. First, in Fig. 3(a) we could be also used to design / optimize policies. We focus compare Result 3 with simulations on scenarios conforming on an application that has recently attracted attention, that of to Def.4:P (n) isa BoundedParetodistributionwith α=2, p mobiledataoffloadingusingopportunisticnetworking[8],[9], and f (λ) Pareto, which can be a reasonable choice for λ ∼ [10]. Nevertheless, the same methodologyapplies for a range opportunistic networks [27]10. Since Result 3 is based on an of other applications where the number of content/service approximation that is more accurate for less heterogeneous providers must be chosen. In a mobile data offloading scenario, the goal of the cel- 10WeuseaPareto,insteadofaGamma,distribution,inordertobeableto achieve highCVλ values withouthavingtodecrease themin{λij}value. lular network provider is to reduce the traffic served by the