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Preview Effective theory for the propagation of a wave-packet in a disordered and nonlinear medium

Effective theory for the propagation of a wave-packet in a disordered and nonlinear medium G. Schwiete1,∗ and A. M. Finkel’stein2,3 1Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems and Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Freie Universita¨t Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4242, USA 3Department of Condensed Matter Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, 76100 Rehovot, Israel (Dated: January 10, 2013) The propagation of a wave-packet in a nonlinear disordered medium exhibits interesting dynam- ics. Here, we present an analysis based on the nonlinear Schro¨dinger equation (Gross-Pitaevskii 3 equation). ThisproblemisdirectlyconnectedtoexperimentsonexpandingBosegasesandtostud- 1 ies of transverse localization in nonlinear optical media. In a nonlinear medium the energy of the 0 wave-packetisstoredbothinthekineticandpotentialparts,anddetailsofitspropagationaretoa 2 large extent determined by the transfer from one form of energy to the other. A theory describing n the evolution of the wave-packet has been formulated in [G. Schwiete and A. Finkel’stein, Phys. a Rev. Lett. 104, 103904 (2010)] in terms of a nonlinear kinetic equation. In this paper, we present J detailsofthederivationofthekineticequationandofitsanalysis. Asanimportantnewingredient 9 we study interparticle-collisions induced by the nonlinearity and derive the corresponding collision integral. We restrict ourselves to the weakly nonlinear limit, for which disorder scattering is the ] dominantscatteringmechanism. Wefindthatinthespecialcaseofawhitenoiseimpuritypotential s a the mean squared radius in a two-dimensional system scales linearly with t. This result has previ- g ously been obtained in the collisionless limit, but it also holds in the presence of collisions. Finally, - we mention different mechanisms through which the nonlinearity may influence localization of the t n expanding wave-packet. a u PACSnumbers: 71.10.Ay,71.10.Pm,75.40.Cx q . t a I. INTRODUCTION it is absent, we found that the propagation of the wave- m packet in a nonlinear disordered medium exhibits inter- - esting dynamics related to the fact that in the presence d Currently, much attention is devoted to experiments of nonlinearities the energy of the wave-packet is stored n studying the dynamics of a wave-packet evolving in the both in the kinetic and potential parts. Then the propa- o presence of both random scatterers and nonlinearity. gationofthewave-packetistoalargeextentdetermined c These experiments are inspired by the idea that one can [ by the transfer from one form of the energy to the other. visualize the phenomenon of Anderson localization. The 1 propagation of a wave-packet in the presence of multiple The derivation of the kinetic equation presented in v scattering on a random potential has been studied using Ref. 13 was based on a classical field theory, supple- 5 photonic crystals1,2 and also ultra-cold Bose gases con- mented with the use of the quasiclassical approxima- 2 fined initially inside a trap3–12. The nonlinearity in the tion, a well-known tool in the theory of nonequilibrium 9 caseofphotonicsisinducedbytheKerreffect(thechange superconductivity14–16. The corresponding functional 1 . intherefractiveindexinresponsetoanelectricfield),or can also be used as a basis for a diagrammatic pertur- 1 may result from the particle-particle interactions in the bation theory. The relation between the different terms 0 case of cold atoms. In the optics experiments, a laser appearing in the kinetic equation and the diagrammatic 3 beam is sent into a nonlinear optical crystal with a re- perturbation theory was explained in Ref. 17. Recently, 1 : fractive index varying randomly in the plane transversal the kinetic equation was re-derived in Ref. 18 using a di- v to the direction of the pulse propagation. The resulting agrammatic approach. In this article, we present details i X beam profile can be monitored on the opposite side of of the microscopic approach used for the derivation of r the crystal. In a second class of experiments, atoms con- the kinetic equation presented in Ref. 13. We also in- a densedinitiallyinsideatraparereleasedand,duringthe clude an important new ingredient into the formalism, subsequentexpansion,aresubjectedtoadisorderpoten- inter-particle collisions. As a consequence, the resulting tial. Unlike in the case of photonic crystals, in the latter kineticequationcontainsanadditionalterm,thecollision experiments it is possible to extract information about integral. We finally discuss the relevance of the collision the full time-evolution of the expanding wave-packets. processes. Motivatedbytheseexperiments,werecentlypresented We will assume that the time evolution of the injected an effective theory of the propagation of a wave-packet wave-packet is governed by the nonlinear Schr¨odinger (averaged over many disorder-realizations) injected in a equation (NLSE), which is referred to as the Gross- disordered and nonlinear medium in two dimensions13. PitaevskiiEquation(GPE)inthecontextofatomicBose- In the regimes preceding Anderson localization, or when Einstein condensates. The NLSE/GPE differs from the 2 conventionalSchr¨odingerequationbyanadditionalcubic where, under the assumption that the scattering length term (we set (cid:126)=1 for the GPE): a is the shortest length in the problem, the poten- s tial of the particle interaction can be taken in the form i∂tΨ(r,t) (1.1) U(r) = λδ(r) (recall that for atoms λ = 4π(cid:126)2as/m, = − 1 ∇2Ψ(r,t)+u(r)Ψ(r,t)+λ|Ψ(r,t)|2Ψ(r,t). where as is the scattering length). We will assume that 2m occupation numbers np for the relevant momenta are large to ensure high occupancy. In this case the opera- For negative (positive) λ the nonlinear term is of the tors ψˆin this equation may be substituted by a complex self-focusing (de-focusing) type. This corresponds to an valued classical field Ψ (for a formal discussion of this attractive (repulsive) potential λ|Ψ(r,t)|2. The disorder point see, e.g., Ref. 26). It is worth mentioning that in potential u(r) is the source of randomness in the above thecaseofquantumelectrodynamicsasimilarstepleads equation. Starting from the NLSE/GPE, we derive a ki- totheclassicalMaxwellequationsforlargephotonoccu- neticequationthatdescribesthediffusiveevolutionofan pationnumbers. Itwillbeimportantforusthatthefield injected wave-packet in a disordered nonlinear medium. Ψ(r,t)shouldnotnecessarilybeinterpretedasaconden- Since the disorder we study is static, the kinetic equa- sate wave function in order to be described by the GPE. tion preserves not only the integrated intensity/number The density of the cloud can be expressed as |Ψ(r,t)|2. of particles, but also the energy carried by the diffus- In addition to the condition of Eq. (1.2), throughout ing wave-packet. For a repulsive nonlinear term in the this paper it will be assumed that NLSE/GPE(thatistypicalforcoldatoms),thepotential energy stored in the medium is positive. Then, during λ (cid:29)a(cid:29) a , (1.4) typ s the course of expansion, the potential part of the en- ergyisgraduallyconvertedintothekineticpart, thereby where a is the inter-particle distance of atoms in the increasing it. For an attractive nonlinearity (typical for cloud. The former inequality corresponds to a high oc- optics),thepotentialenergystoredinthemediumisneg- cupancy of atoms which justifies the use of the classi- ative, and the dynamics is richer and may, in principle, cal GPE for the description of the Bose gas. The lat- include a collapse19–21. ter inequality means (by definition) that the gas is di- The NLSE used in optics is derived from the Maxwell lute. Since we study the effects of the nonlinearity, we equations using the so-called paraxial approximation,22 are nevertheless interested in a situation for which the and thus describes the evolution of the smooth envelope gas is sufficiently dense in the sense that the energy per of the electric field. The propagation direction of the atom induced by the nonlinearity, which is of the order laser beam, say the z-direction, plays the role of time of λ|Ψ(r,t)|2, is not negligible compared to the typical in the NLSE. In this sense, the disorder potential which kinetic energy of the atoms constituting the cloud. results from random variations of the refractive index In line with most of recent experiments on cold is static when it is z-independent (only such a system atoms/photonic crystals, we will study the den- is considered here). For example, the two-dimensional sity/intensity averaged over many realizations of disor- (2D) transverse evolution of a pulse is studied in a 3D der. Correspondingly, we are interested in the evolution sample23. Inoptics,themassmhastobereplacedbythe of the wave-packet on length scales exceeding the typi- wavevectork =ω/c,whereω isthefrequencyofthecar- cal mean free path l . To obtain an averaged descrip- typ rier wave and c the velocity of light in the medium. The tion for the propagation of the cloud, one needs to in- intensity of the beam is proportional to |Ψ(r,z)|2. We troduce the smooth disorder averaged density, n(r,t) = will be interested in the description of the wave-packet (cid:104)|Ψ(r,t)|(cid:105) . As a result, the nonlinearity generates a dis when its size L = L(z) exceeds much the typical mean term of the form 2λn(r,t)Ψ(r,t), i.e., it gives rise to a freepath,l ,whichinturnismuchlargerthanthetyp- self-consistent potential ϑ(r,t) = 2λn(r,t). We would typ ical wave-length λ of the components constituting the like to stress that while the density n(r,t) is smooth on typ wave packet: thescaleofthemeanfreepath,thewavefunctionΨ(r,t) is not. Indeed, in the case we study the wave function L(cid:29)ltyp (cid:29)λtyp. (1.2) varies rapidly on this scale, since the wavelength is as- sumed to be much smaller than the mean free path. A All three scales are related, of course, only to the propa- similar-looking term, 2λn(r,t)Ψ(r,t), arises in the de- gation in the directions transverse to z. scription of a coupled system of condensate and non- TheGPE24,25iscommonlyusedforthedescriptionofa condensate particles, where n stands for the density of large ensemble of Bose-atoms confined inside a trap. We non-condensate particles, while Ψ is the smooth conden- are,inturn,interestedintheevolutionofacloudinwhich sate wave function.27,28 In contrast, in our description n atoms are scattered by a random potential. The usage is the density of the whole gas. of the GPE in this context is worth commenting: The Theself-consistentpotentialisnottheonlyeffectorigi- Schr¨odinger equation for the field operators describing a natingfromthenonlinearitythatcontributestotheeffec- many-body system, ψˆ(r,t), can be written as tive kinetic theory of wave-packet propagation. Indeed, 1 in the next order in the nonlinearity λ, the so-called col- i∂tψˆ=−2m∇2ψˆ+u(r)ψˆ+λψˆ†ψˆψˆ, (1.3) lision integral arises, which describes inter-particle colli- 3 sions. We will discuss this issue for atoms for which the the wave-length λ is much larger than the correlation typ meaning of collisions is more obvious. To get an idea length, the model of the delta-correlated disorder poten- about the collision rate, let us first consider the rate of tial remains a good approximation. If the wavelength is two-body collisions in the gas of small density, for which sufficiently short to resolve the finite correlation length, theoccupationnumbersaresmall, n (cid:28)1. Inthethree- however, one needs to be more cautious. Unlike for the p dimensional case, the collision rate is the inverse of the short range scatterers, the typical time for the random- √ Maxwell-Boltzmanncollisiontime: 1/τ = 2n(r)σv , ization of the momentum direction, i.e., the transport MB ε where the atomic cross section σ = 8πa2 and v is scatteringtime,nolongercoincideswiththesingleparti- s ε the velocity of a particle with the energy ε. Then, cle scattering time, which is determined by the imag- 1/(τ ε) ∼ (a /a)2(λ /a), which in a dilute gas with inary part of the self-energy in the disorder averaged MB s ε small occupation numbers is a product of two small fac- Green’s function. The transport scattering time τ (ε) tr tors (λ is the wave-length of a particle with the energy acquires a frequency dependence that differs from the ε ε). The situation changes radically for a gas with large one for short range scatters stated above. The same is occupation numbers, n (cid:29)1. The smallness induced by true for the diffusion coefficient, since it depends on τ p tr thescatteringlengtha inthedilutegas,canbecompen- as D = 2ετ (ε)/md. The expression for τ appropriate s tr tr sated by large factors n . (The balancing between the foraspecklepotentialcanbefoundintheliterature,e.g., p smallness of the interaction amplitude and large occupa- in Refs. 29. As concerns the nonlinear diffusion equation tion numbers is specific for Bose-gases as compared to derived in this manuscript, it can be expected that the fermionicsystems.) Asaresult, onegetsforthecollision only change that needs to be introduced when dealing rate 1/τ ∼λ2n2/ε, where ε is a typical kinetic energy with a speckle potential is the replacement τ → τ in coll ε tr of the Bose-atoms. Let us finally emphasize that while the final form of the equations, which already contains a we used here the language appropriate for atomic gases, energy-dependent diffusion coefficient. the collision rate 1/τcoll has its origin in the nonlinearity The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we pro- and as such this estimate is relevant for any system de- ceed directly to the discussion of the nonlinear kinetic scribedbytheNLSE/GPEirrespectiveofitsmicroscopic equation. Those readers, who are not interested in the origin. technical details of the derivation of the kinetic equation Thekineticequationpresentedinthispaperisderived based on the quasiclassical approximation, find the most for the case when disorder is responsible for the dom- important information in Sec. II as well as in the Con- inant scattering mechanism, 1/τ (cid:29) 1/τ . To be in clusion. First,wediscusstheequationinthecollisionless coll correspondence with this inequality, we will limit ourself regime in Sec. IIA. Although most of the material of to the case when the effect of nonlinearity is sufficiently Sec. IIA has already been presented in Ref. 13, we in- weak so that λn(r)(cid:28)ε(r). clude it here in order to make the paper self-contained. It is worth commenting on an important byproduct of In the second part, Sec. IIB, we add the effect of colli- the interaction smallness. Under the condition λn(r) (cid:28) sions. Itturnsoutthattheinterparticlecollisionsimpose ε(r) we need not consider the transition to the Bogoli- certainconstraintsontherangeofvalidityofthederived ubovspectrum. Thisisbecauseunderthisconditiononly equations. The main result of this paper is formulated a tiny fraction of the states with the smallest energies is here: Intwospatialdimensions,themeansquaredradius influenced by the off-diagonal components in the Bogoli- of the wave-packet grows linearly in time. This result is ubov Hamiltonian. For the majority of the particles the not affected by inter-particle collisions. off-diagonal components of the Bogoliubov Hamiltonian In Sec. III we introduce the field theory approach that can safely be ignored. is the main tool for our investigations. The basic idea is As it was already mentioned, when treating disor- towriteafunctionalintegralexpressionforthetimeevo- der we assume that the mean free path is much larger lution of the observable in question. (Our aim here is to than the typical wavelength λ of the components con- describe the evolution of the density/intensity n=|Ψ|2. typ stituting the wave-packet. Throughout this paper, we The wave function at the initial time Ψ0 is assumed to use the model of a delta-correlated Gaussian disorder beknown.) Typically,thiskindofapproachisusedwhen potential, characterized by (cid:104)u(r)u(r(cid:48))(cid:105) = γδ(r − r(cid:48)). studyingLangevin-typeequationsincludinganoiseterm This model is appropriate if scattering occurs on quan- with a given correlation function. In the problem un- tum impurities, for which the range of the potential is der study in this paper, no noise is considered. Instead, much smaller than the wavelength λ . For the delta- we use an analogous construction, and then average over typ correlated disorder potential, the density of states deter- disorder configurations. The resulting theory closely re- mines the frequency-dependence of the scattering rate, semblesthestructureoneencountersinKeldyshfieldthe- 1/τ(ε) = 2πν(ε)γ ∝ ε(d−2)/2 and of the diffusion coef- ories, where Green’s functions can be transformed to a ficient D(ε) = 2ετ(ε)/md ∝ ε2−d/2. In particular, the block-triangular form. Retarded and advanced Green’s scattering rate in d = 2 is energy-independent. Both functions are supplemented by a third type of Green’s in optics experiments and in experiments on Bose gases, function that contains information about the distribu- one often uses speckles to realize the disorder potential. tion function n(r,t,ε), which we are interested in. The speckle potential has a finite correlation length. If In Sec. IV the averaging over the disorder potential is 4 performed, i.e., we provide a description of the evolution Note that the diffusion term contains a sort of the co- of a wave-packet averaged over many disorder configura- variant derivative: tions (realizations). First, the theory of the wave-packet in the absence of the nonlinearity is discussed. Here, ∇Γ =∇−∇ϑ(r,t)Γε˜, (2.3) we make contact with Ref. 30 and 31, where the expan- whereΓ =−∂ lnν(ε˜). Thetermontheright-handside sion of a Bose-condensate over a disorder potential was ε˜ ε ofEq. (2.1)specifiestheinjectionofthewave-packetand studied starting from a later stage of the time-evolution initialevolutionuptotimesoftheorderofthescattering when the nonlinearity may already be neglected. After- time τ. Namely, wards, the nonlinear problem is considered. We start this discussion with a diagrammatic analysis (in two di- (cid:90) dpdq mensions) before deriving the kinetic equation using the F(ε,r)= (2π)2d F(p,q)eiqr 2πδ(ε−εp), (2.4) methodofquasiclassicalGreen’sfunctions. Here,wepro- ceedincloseanalogywiththetheoryofnonhomogeneous andF(p,q)=Ψ (p+q/2)Ψ∗(p−q/2)isdeterminedby superconductivity14–16. The main result of Sec. IV is the initial wave f0unction Ψ .0 Further, ε = p2/(2m) is 0 p given by Eq. (2.5), which is a classical nonlinear diffu- the kinetic energy. sion equation in the collisionless regime. The equation Despite its apparent simplicity, Eq. (2.1) is a rather was first presented and analyzed in Ref. 13 for a two- complicated nonlinear integro-differential equation. The dimensional system. Discussion of two dimensions was diagrammatic interpretation of the different terms ap- of specialinterestfor us, because forweakdisorder there pearing in this equation is provided in Sec. IVB for the is an exponentially large diffusive regime before the An- two-dimensionalcase. Themainnewingredientford(cid:54)=2 derson localization takes place. After our work13, the is the non-constant density of states, ν(ε˜). (Note that Γ equation Eq. (2.5) was re-derived and generalized for ar- vanishes in two spatial dimensions when the density of bitrary dimensions in Ref. 18, using the diagrammatic statesisconstant. Inthreedimensions,however,Γ= 2−d 2ε technique. It was noted that for a generalization to di- is finite.) Since the density of states enters with the ar- mensions d (cid:54)= 2 a new term in the kinetic equation is gument ε˜ = ε−ϑ(r,t), the scattering rate acquires an requiredinordertoaccountforthenon-constancyofthe explicitdependenceonϑ. Thiseventuallyleadstoamod- density of states. In Sec. IV the equation is obtained for ificationofthediffusionterminEq. (2.1)bysubstituting arbitrary dimensions d = 2,3 including the additional ∇→∇ , which was first noticed in Ref. 18. Γ term found in Ref. 18. Theunderlyingphysicsofthenonlineardiffusionequa- In Sec. V we derive the collision integral in the kinetic tion Eq. (2.1) was discussed in Ref. 13. The equa- equationoriginatingfromtheNLSE/GPE.Weprovidea tion describes diffusion of a particle with total en- diagrammatic interpretation of the different terms con- ergy ε on the background of a smoothly varying po- tributingtothecollisionintegral. Finally,weconcludein tential ϑ. Correspondingly, the kinetic energy ε = p Sec.VIwithadiscussionoftheresults. Inparticular,we ε − ϑ varies locally in space and time. One may no- commentontheroleofthenonlinearityinthecontextof tice that in the NLSE/GPE a purely time dependent localization. potential may be removed by a gauge transformation (cid:16) (cid:17) Ψ(r,t) → Ψ(r,t)exp −i(cid:82)t dt(cid:48)V(t(cid:48)) , that leaves the t0 II. DISCUSSION OF THE NONLINEAR density |Ψ(r,t)|2 unchanged. On the level of the dis- KINETIC EQUATION cussed equation, this point becomes obvious when writ- ing the distribution function as a function of the ki- A. The kinetic equation in the collisionless regime netic energy instead of the total one, n(r,ε,t)=n˜(r,ε+ ϑ(r,t),t). Expressedinthenewcoordinatestheequation reads We start from the nonlinear kinetic equation deter- miningthedensityevolutioninthediffusiveregime. The ∂ n(r,ε,t) argument ε˜in this equation has the physical meaning of t (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) the kinetic energy, ε˜(r,t) = (cid:15)−ϑ(r,t), while ϑ(r,t) is a − ∇−∇ϑ(r,t)∂ D ∇ −∇ϑ(r,t)∂ n(r,ε,t) ε ε Γ ε self-consistent potential. Correspondingly, the diffusion coefficient is D = v˜2τ /d. Then, the equation for the =δ(t)F(ε,r), (2.5) ε˜ ε˜ ε˜ distribution function looks as follows: where now ∇ =∇−∇ϑ(r,t)Γ . One can see explicitly Γ ε ∂ n˜(r,t,ε)−∇(D ∇ n˜(r,t,ε)) that a purely time-dependent potential drops from the t ε˜ Γ equation since ϑ(r,t) enters only in combination with a +∂ ϑ(r,t)∂ n˜(r,t,ε)=δ(t)2πν(ε˜)F(ε˜,r). (2.1) t ε spatial derivative, as ∇ϑ(r,t). In Eq. (2.5), the diffu- This equation should be supplemented with the self- sion coefficient D(ε) = 2ετ(ε)/md depends explicitly on consistency relation for the potential ϑ(r,t) = 2λn(r,t), ε, but also implicitly through τ(ε). Within our model of where a delta-correlated impurity potential, the elastic scatter- (cid:90) dε ingrate1/τ(ε)acquiresafrequencydependencethrough n(r,t)= n˜(r,t,ε). (2.2) 2π ν(ε). The form of the equation suggests, however, that 5 it will also hold in the case of impurity potentials with whereε =E /N. Thelineardependenceofthemean tot tot a finite correlation length, when τ(ε) should be replaced squareradiusontimeduringtheevolutionisguardedby by the transport scattering time τ (ε). energy conservation. This is a rather non-trivial result; tr It seems clear that a closed form solution of the non- the rate of expansion is proportional not to D , as one ε linear equation for arbitrary initial conditions cannot be may naively expect, but to D . The reason is that Etot found. Inordertomakeprogresswewillrelyontheuseof therateofexpansioncombinestheeffectofdiffusionand conservationlaws. TheGPEdescribesasysteminwhich propagation in the field of the force induced by the self- the total particle number (or intensity in the case of the consistent potential. This is one of the central results NLSE) and the total energy are conserved. The total of our previous paper13; unfortunately, in higher dimen- momentum is not conserved, since the disorder potential sionsitseizestobevalidduetothenon-constancyofthe breaks translational invariance. It is important to check density of states. thatourapproximationsareconsistentwiththeconserva- It remains to discuss general features of wave-packet tion laws, namely that energy and number conservation dynamics in the repulsive and the attractive case. When arestillencodedinthenonlineardiffusionequation(2.5). the potential energy related to the nonlinearity is con- Let us start with the number conservation. For that, verted into kinetic energy, the total kinetic energy in- weintegrateEq.(2.5)inεandobtainthecontinuityequa- creases in the repulsive case and decreases in the attrac- tionintheform∂ n(r,t)+∇j(r,t)=δ(t)n(r,t). Therole tive case. Correspondingly, during the course of the ex- t of the right hand side is merely to determine the bound- pansion localization effects can be expected to be weak- ary condition at the initial time t = 0. The expression ened for repulsive nonlinearity and enhanced for attrac- for the current is tive nonlinearity. In particular, for an attractive non- (cid:90) linearity the slowing down and eventual localization of dε j(r,t) = j(r,ε,t) (2.6) theinjectedpulse(notconsideredhere)occursatsmaller 2π distances than in the linear case as observed in the j(r,ε,t) = −Dε[∇Γ−∇ϑ∂ε]n(r,ε,t) (2.7) experiment1. As it was indicated in Ref. 13, if a part of the cloud lags behind, this fragment may have a strong Next we turn to energy conservation. Here, the con- tendency to localize. One may expect that this kind of tinuity equation, ∂ ρ (r,t)=−∇j , takes the following t E E localized fragment generically remains from an expand- form: ing cloud when the nonlinearity is attractive. To check ρ (r,t) = ε(r,t)+λn2(r,t) (2.8) this point, it would be desirable to analyze data with E (cid:90) dε respect to the intensity/number of particles of the re- jE(r,t) = 2π(ε+ϑ)j(r,t,ε) (2.9) maining localized part of the cloud and, if possible, the energy concentrated in this part as compared to that in (cid:82) where ε = (dε/2π) εn(r,t,ε) can be interpreted as the the initial cloud. average kinetic energy. In particular, we may conclude that the total energy (cid:90) B. The role of collisions E = dr(ε+λn2) (2.10) tot The nonlinear term in the NLSE/GPE gives rise to a is conserved. The total energy is conserved for our prob- collision integral in the diffusive kinetic equation, which lem, because impurity scattering is elastic and we con- isproportionaltoλ2. Thefullkineticequationincluding sider a closed system. The conservation of energy is a interparticle collisions takes the form known property of NLSE/GPE from which we started. ∂ n(r,t,ε) The derivation based on the kinetic equation, which we t (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) presentedhere,canberegardedasacheckofthevalidity − ∇−∇ϑ(r,t)∂ D ∇ −∇ϑ(r,t)∂ n(r,t,ε) ε ε Γ ε of our approach. Remarkably, as we have observed in Ref. 13, for two =δ(t)F(r,ε)+2πν(ε)Icoll(r,t,ε) (2.13) spatialdimensionswhenΓ=0,andifthescatteringtime with is frequency-independent, the conservation laws com- pletely determine the time evolution of the mean radius Icoll(r,t,ε) squared of the wave-packet, (cid:10)r2(cid:11) ≡ (cid:82) dr r2 n(r,t)/N. (cid:90) (cid:90) t =4πλ2(2π)d dndn dn dn dε dε dε Indeed, in2dtheexpressionforthecurrentj(r,t)canbe 2 3 4 2 3 4 simplified and the continuity equation takes the form ×ν(ε )ν(ε )ν(ε )δ(ε+ε −ε −ε ) 2 3 4 2 3 4 τ (cid:16) ∂tn(r,t)−m∇2(ε+λn2(r,t))=δ(t)n(r,t). (2.11) ×δ(pε+pε2 −pε3 −pε4) [n(cid:48)ε+n(cid:48)ε2]n(cid:48)ε3n(cid:48)ε4 (cid:17) Now multiplying Eq. (2.11) by r2 and subsequently inte- −n(cid:48)εn(cid:48)ε2[n(cid:48)ε3 +n(cid:48)ε4] , (2.14) grating in r one obtains that where 2πν(ε)n(cid:48)(r,t) = n(r,t,ε), p = p n, p = p n , ∂ (cid:10)r2(cid:11)=4D , (2.12) and the integraεtion goes over posiεtive fεrequeεnicies oεinlyi. t t εtot 6 Toconclude,wegetastandardcollisiontermoftwopar- large factor 1/(τT), as it was in the case of conductors ticles in the limit of large occupation numbers n(cid:48) (cid:29) 1. at low temperature. εi Theleft-handsideofthekineticequationtakesintocon- sideration that the distribution function of states partic- ipating in the collision are determined by the diffusive III. BASIC FORMALISM propagation in the disordered and nonlinear medium. The collision integral contains two terms describing In this section we introduce the field theory approach the ”in”- and ”out”-collision channels. To estimate the that is the tool for our investigations. Our aim is to scattering rate 1/τcoll, let us focus on the ”out”- term, describetheevolutionofthedensity(intensity)n=|Ψ|2, whichisgivenbythelasttermintheexpressionforI , coll averagedoverdisorderconfigurations. Thewavefunction Eq. (2.14), and is proportional to n(cid:48). We will write it ε at the initial time Ψ is assumed to be known. 0 as n /τ . Recall that the typical kinetic energy per ε coll Formally, the problem bears a certain similarity with particle at point r is denoted as ε(r). For a conservative the description of critical dynamics near a phase tran- estimate of the scattering rate, let us consider an energy sition, or, more generally, the study of Langevin-type ε ∼ ε(r); in this case the kinematic constraints induced equations with the help of field theory approaches. The by the momentum and energy conservation in the col- formalism we are alluding to here is often called Martin- lision integral are minimal. Since one has to integrate Siggia-Rose (MSR) formalism28,32–34 and finds applica- two distribution functions over energies, this ultimately tions in many different branches of physics. The basic yields a factor n2(r). As a result one gets idea is to write a functional integral expression for the 1 n2(r) time evolution of the observable in question. With the ∼λ2 . (2.15) help of a delta-function entering the integral, the wave τ ε(r) coll function is fixed to coincide with the solution of the un- It is clear from this estimate that in order to use the derlying equation. By introducing an additional field language of the kinetic equation with well defined dis- variable and thereby doubling the degrees of freedom, tribution function n(r,t,ε), one has to be limited to one may write the delta-function with the help of an in- the case when λn(r,t) (cid:28) ε(r). Under this condition, tegral over an exponentiated action. 1/τ (cid:28)ε(r). Typically,thiskindofapproachisusedwhenstudying coll Still, there remains a question about a comparison dynamicalproblems,forwhichtheoriginalequationcon- of the rate of inter-particle collisions with elastic scat- tains a noise term with known correlation function. One tering caused by disorder, i.e., 1/τ versus 1/τ. In maythenaverageoverthenoise, andstudytheresulting coll this paper we limit ourself to the case of rare collisions, functional with field theoretical methods like perturba- 1/τ (cid:28) 1/τ, i.e., we assume that elastic scattering tion theory, the renormalization group, or by analyzing coll events occur more frequently than inter-particle colli- instantonic configurations. In the problem under study sions. This condition is more restrictive than the con- inthispaper,nonoiseispresent. Instead,weuseananal- dition ε(r)(cid:29)1/τ discussed above. ogous construction, and then average over disorder con- coll The collisions, naturally, change the dynamics of the figurations. With a proper regularization, vacuum loops propagation. As long as the kinetic equation in the de- are absent right from the beginning and this is why the rived form holds, however, the result (2.12) about the dynamical approach is particularly useful for the prob- rate of the expansion of the wave-packet remains valid lemofquencheddisorder,aswasalreadynotedlongtime even in spite of the inter-particle collisions. This is be- back34. cause (i) the collision integral is local and as such does The resulting field theory indeed closely resembles not change the mean radius squared of the wave-packet, the structure one encounters in Keldysh field theories, (cid:10)r2(cid:11) . Furthermore, (ii) in two spatial dimensions, the where Green’s functions can be transformed to a block- dis rate of expansion depends only on the total energy E , triangular form. Retarded and advanced Green’s func- tot which is not altered by collisions and it does not depend tions are supplemented by a third type of Green’s func- on the energy dependence of the distribution function, tion that contains information about level population. which is controlled by the collision integral. For a Bose-Einstein condensate, one can obtain the Finally, we would like to note that while the rate of Gross-Pitaevskii equation as a mean field equation for ”delivery” of colliding particles was controlled by diffu- the full quantum many-body problem. As one might ex- sion, we did not consider the modifications of the col- pect from this observation, a connection exists between lision integral by disorder. It is is very different from Keldysh-typefieldtheoriesforthequantumproblem,and what happens in disordered conductors at low temper- the MSR-type approach. Indeed, in the Keldysh ap- atures, T (cid:28) 1/τ (cid:28) ε . The reason is that the ki- proach, two distinct types of interaction vertices exist, F netics of the classical particles, not constrained by the they are sometimes referred to as quantum and classical existence of the Fermi-surface, is similar to the case for vertices28. By disregarding the quantum vertices, while which1/τ (cid:28)T ∼ε withε ∼ε, whereε istheFermi retainingtheclassicalones,onerecoversarepresentation F F F energy. Then, modification of the collision integral by of the functional delta-function, that fixes the evolution disorder leads to a smallness 1/τε(r) without gaining a of the (classical) fields to obey the classical equation of 7 motion, in this case the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. This TheretardedandadvancedGreen’sfunctionsg˜ fulfill R/A approach additionally allows to consider correlations in the equation the initial density matrix, and one can obtain, for exam- ple,theso-calledtruncatedWignerapproximation,asex- (cid:18) ∇2 (cid:19) i∂ + −u(r)−λ|ψ(r,t)|2 g˜ (r,r(cid:48),t,t(cid:48)) plainedinmoredetailinRef.35. Inoptics,thenonlinear t 2m R/A Schr¨odinger equation emerges as a result of the paraxial =δ(r−r(cid:48))δ(t−t(cid:48)) (3.6) approximation applied to the Helmholtz-equation22 and hasthusadifferentmicroscopicorigin. Thisisthereason with standard boundary conditions. Indeed, upon inte- why we do not explicitly use the (microscopic) Keldysh gration in the auxiliary fields η(r,t), η∗(r,t) one obtains approach as a starting point in this paper. a functional delta function that fixes the fields Ψ(r,t) and Ψ∗(r,t) to obey the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and its complex conjugate, respectively. The last part of the A. Action action involving the fields Ψ and Ψ∗ fixes the bound- 0 0 ary conditions at the initial time, Ψ(r,t ) = Ψ (r) and 0 0 Ψ∗(r,t ) = Ψ∗(r). We see that the formalism involves a Our starting point is the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in 0 0 doublingofthedegreesoffreedom,similartotheKeldysh the form given in Eq. (1.2). This equation describes the or closed-time-path approaches for quantum systems28, time evolution of the macroscopic wave-function Ψ(r,t) wheretwofieldsareintroducedonforwardandbackward in the presence of an external potential u(r). The total density |Ψ(r,t)|2 is conserved in time and we use the time-contours. We repeat that with a proper regulariza- normalization (cid:82) dr|Ψ(r,t)|2 = N, where N is the total tion vacuum loops are absent. For a more detailed ac- count of the construction of the classical functional and numberofatomsinthegas. Thequantityofourinterest the appropriate regularization we refer to Refs.28,36,37 is the disorder averaged density In order to lighten the notation, we find it conve- n(r,t)=(cid:10)|Ψ(r,t)|2(cid:11) . (3.1) nient to introduce the field doublets φ = (ψ,η)T and dis φ=φ†σ =(η∗,ψ∗), so that x Disorderaveraging(cid:104)...(cid:105)dis isperformedwiththehelpof n(r,t) = (cid:10)tr(cid:0)σ (cid:2)φ(r,t)⊗φ(r,t)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:11) (3.7) the Gaussian probability distribution − (cid:18) 1(cid:90) (cid:19) Pauli matrices σi act in the space of the the fields ψ P(u)=N exp − dru(r)W−1(r−r(cid:48))u(r(cid:48)) ,(3.2) and η, and σ = (σ −iσ )/2. The averaging (cid:104)...(cid:105) = 2 (cid:82) D(φ,φ†)(..−.)exp(ixS)ispyerformedwithrespecttothe action S, which we write in terms of φ and φ and split where N provides the normalization, so that (cid:82) into several parts, DuP(u)=1. Thisdefinitionimpliesthat(cid:104)u(r)(cid:105) =0 dis and (cid:104)u(r)u(r(cid:48))(cid:105) = W(r−r(cid:48)). In this paper, we consider S =S +S +S(cid:48) +S . (3.8) the specific case of a delta-correlated (white noise) 0 s dis int potential, for which W(r − r(cid:48)) = γδ(r − r(cid:48)). In two ThetermS alonedescribesthefreepropagationoffields dimensions the density of states ν is constant, and one 0 φ in the absence of interactions and impurities. The can identify γ =1/2πντ, where τ is the scattering time. source term S contains information about the initial We first note that the unaveraged density can be rep- s conditions, for convenience we choose t = 0 from now resented as the following functional average: 0 on. The disorder potential and the nonlinear term in (cid:90) the Gross-Pitaevskii equation give rise to Sd(cid:48)is and Sint, n(r,t)= D(ψ,ψ∗)D(η,η∗)|Ψ(r,t)|2 eiS, (3.3) respectively. (cid:90) where we introduced the complex fields η, η∗ and ψ, ψ∗. S0 = drdr(cid:48)dtdt(cid:48) φ(r,t)g0−1(r−r(cid:48),t−t(cid:48))φ(r(cid:48),t((cid:48)3).,9) The action S is given by (cid:90) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:90) (cid:20)ψ∗(r,t)(cid:21)T (cid:20)ψ(r,t)(cid:21) Ss = i dr φ0(r)φ(r,0)−φ(r,0)φ0(r) , (3.10) S = drdr(cid:48)dtdt(cid:48) g˜−1(r,r(cid:48),t,t(cid:48)) η∗(r,t) η(r,t) (cid:90) S(cid:48) = − drdtφ(r,t)u(r)φ(r,t), (3.11) (cid:90) dis +i dr[η(r,0)Ψ∗0(r)−η∗(r,0)Ψ0(r)], (3.4) (cid:90) S = −λ drdtφ(r,t)φ(r,t)φ(r,t)σ φ(r,t). (3.12) int − where the inverse matrix Green’s function g˜−1 has the structure Here, the 2×2 matrix Green’s function (cid:18) 0 g˜−1 (cid:19) (cid:18)gR 0 (cid:19) g˜−1 = A . (3.5) g = 0 (3.13) g˜−1 0 0 0 gA R 0 8 is composed of the retarded and advanced Green’s func- With the help of this matrix, the interaction can be rep- tions gR/A(p,ε) = (ε−ε ±iδ)−1, where ε = p2/2m. resented as 0 p p For the initial condition, we introduced exp(iS )=(cid:104)exp(iS )(cid:105) , (3.16) int ϑ ϑ φ0(r)=(Ψ0(r),0)T , φ0(r)=(0,Ψ∗0(r)). (3.14) where we introduced the notation (cid:90) It is an important consequence of the struc(cid:10)tur(cid:11)e of the Sϑ =− drdtφ(r,t)ϑˆ(r,t)φ(r,t), (3.17) theory, that the Green’s function G = −i φφ has a triangular structure, where in accord with Eq. (3.13) the and (cid:104)...(cid:105) symbolizes the the following averaging proce- 11 and 22 elements are retarded and advanced Green’s ϑ dure functions. These Green’s functions contain information about the spectrum, while the off-diagonal (12) element (cid:104)...(cid:105) = 1 (cid:90) Dϑ (...)e2iλ(cid:82)drdtϑT(r,t)σxϑ(r,t).(3.18) contains information about the occupation, in analogy ϑ N to the Keldysh approach. Importantly, the 21-element is In this equation, ϑ = (ϑ ,ϑ ) and N is a normalization q cl equal to zero. constant which we will suppress from now on. Formula (3.18) implies that fields ϑ and ϑ couple q cl to each other, but not among themselves. The field ϑ B. Diagrammatic representation cl entersS likeaclassicalpotential. Thequantumcompo- ϑ nentϑ couplesretardedandadvancedGreen’sfunctions q Westartwithanelementarydiscussionofthestructure inaspecificway. Takentogether,theseobservationimply of the perturbation theory. We will draw diagrams in thatallpossiblediagramshavethestructureindicatedin such a way that time runs from left to right. Retarded Fig.4. Itisalsoinstructivetofurtherintegrateinφ. The and advanced Green’s functions are depicted in Fig. 1. result is n(r,t)= η R ψG η GA ψ ∗ ∗ (cid:68)(cid:90) dr dr Ψ∗(r )GA (r ,r;0,t)GR (r,r ;t,0)Ψ (r ) 1 2 0 1 ϑcl 1 ϑcl 2 0 2 FIG.1: Theretarded(GR)andadvanced(GA)Green’sfunc- ×ei(cid:82)dr3dr4Ψ0(r3)[GAϑcl•ϑq•GRϑcl](r3,0,r4,0)Ψ0(r4)(cid:69) (3.19) ϑ tions. The time arrow runs from left to right. We used the triangular structure of G in order to obtain this result. The filled circle • symbolizes a convolution The close similarity to a Keldsyh field theory has al- in space and time. The retarded and advanced Green’s ready been stressed above. The main difference com- function in the presence of the classical field G fulfill pared to a full quantum theory of interacting bosons in ϑcl the differential equation theKeldyshapproachisthatoutofthetwotypesofver- ticesdepictedinFig.2,onlyoneisrealized. Namely,only (cid:16)i∂ −Hˆ −ϑ (r,t)(cid:17)GR/A(r,r(cid:48),t,t(cid:48)) the so-called classical vertices, shown on the left hand t cl ϑcl sideofFig.2,appearinthetheoryconsideredhere,while =δ(r−r(cid:48))δ(t−t(cid:48)). (3.20) the so-called quantum vertices, shown on the right hand side, are absent (see the related discussion in Ref. 35). andHˆ =−∇2/2m+u(r). Beforeaveraginginϑ,thepre- exponential factor describes the evolution of the density Thishasimportantconsequences. Itimmediatelyimplies that the interaction vertices related to the nonlinearity on the background of an external classical potential ϑcl. The exponential contains a similar structure: Each term have the structure shown in Fig. 3. This structure, in in the expansion of the exponential symbolizes the evo- turn, implies that there are no closed loops in this rep- lution of the density up to a certain point. From a for- resentation. In order to draw more complex diagrams in a convenient way, we will often depict the interaction malperspective,integrationinϑq introducesafunctional vertices with an additional wiggly line (as, for example, delta function, that fixes ϑcl to equal the density. in Fig. 4 below), but one should keep in mind that the interaction is in fact local in space and instantaneous. ψ∗ ψ ψ∗ ψ η∗ η η∗ η In order to further elucidate the structure of the per- turbationtheory,westudytheexpressionforthedensity evolution. The disorder averaging is postponed until the next section, in this section all Green’s functions are un- ψ η∗ ψ∗ η η ψ∗η∗ ψ averagedandexplicitlydependonthedisorderpotential. First, we introduce two real Hubbard-Stratonovich fields FIG. 2: In a Keldysh many-body approach to interacting ϑ and ϑ , which we assemble into the following matrix: bosons two classes of vertices appear, the classical vertices cl q shown on the left and the quantum vertices shown on the ϑˆ=(cid:18)ϑcl 0 (cid:19). (3.15) rcilgahssti.caInl vtehretiMceSsRar-teyppreesaepnptr.oachusedinthispaperonlythe ϑ ϑ q cl 9 AveragingisperformedwithrespecttotheactionS after GA GA the disorder averaging, i.e., self-cosistently. This implies GR that, generally speaking, the disorder part of the self- GR GA energyalsoimplicitlydependsontheinteraction(namely (cid:10) (cid:11) GA via the Green’s function −i φφ ). GR GR FIG. 3: Upon averaging with respect to the fields ψ and η, A. Noninteracting theory the(classical)interactionverticesinourapproachgiveriseto the two sub-diagrams shown above. This section contains an elementary discussion of the theory for the density evolution in the noninteracting case λ = 0. It serves as a preparation for the discussion oftheinteractingmodel. Furthermore,weusetheoppor- tunity to introduce our notation and to stress the most important differences to the calculation of the density- density correlation function in disordered electron sys- tems. In this case one obtains (cid:90) n(r,t)= dr dr (cid:10)Ψ∗(r )GA(r ,r;0,t) (4.3) 1 2 0 1 0 1 GR(r,r ;t,0)Ψ (r )(cid:11) 0 2 0 2 dis (cid:16) (cid:17) where i∂ −Hˆ GR/A(r,r(cid:48),t,t(cid:48))=δ(r−r(cid:48))δ(t−t(cid:48)). t 0 In the SCBA, the disorder averaged Green’s function FIG. 4: General structure of the perturbation theory: The density evolution is represented by the infinite sum of all di- is given by agrams of the type displayed in this figure. (cid:18) p2 i (cid:19)−1 GR/A(p,ε)= ε− ± , (4.4) 2m 2τ(ε) IV. TIME EVOLUTION IN A DISORDERED MEDIUM where τ−1 =2πν(ε)γ (4.5) ε Initially,thedisorderpotentialu(r)enterstheactionin the form S(cid:48) = −(cid:82) drdt φ(r,t)u(r)φ(r,t). Disorder av- is the scattering rate and ν(ε) is the density of states. dis eraging with respect to the probability distribution (3.2) Thisresultisobtainedasfollows. Forλ=0,thedefining introduces an effective interaction of the fields relation for the disorder part of the self-energy in the (cid:90) SCBA is i Sdis = 2γ drdt1dt2 φ(r,t1)φ(r,t1)φ(r,t2)φ(r,t2). ΣR/A(ε)=γ(cid:90) (dp) 1 (4.6) (4.1) dis ε−ε −ΣR/A(ε) p dis This effective interaction is local in space, but non-local Here and in the following we use the notation (dp) = in time. ddp/(2π)d. The scattering time τ is defined as ε It is usually not possible to take into account disorder effects exactly and one needs to employ approximation (cid:61)[ΣRdi/sA(ε)]=∓1/(2τε) (4.7) schemes. Disorder averaging introduces a quartic term Uponintroducingthevariableξ =ε −εtheintegration in the action S, namely Sdis of Eq. (4.1). Here we will measure transforms as (cid:82)(dp) =p(cid:82)∞dpξ ν(ε+ξ ), where treat this term in the self-consistent Born approxima- −ε p p thetrivialangularaveraginghasalreadybeenperformed. tion(SCBA),whichreliesontheweakdisordercondition Focusing on the imaginary part of the self-energy first, ε˜τ (cid:29)1, where ε˜is the characteristic scale for the kinetic onemayextendthelowerlimitoftheintegrationinξ to energy in the problem. p −∞intheweakdisorderlimit,ε−(cid:60)[ΣR (ε)](cid:29)1/τ . At TheSCBAconsistsinreplacingS giveninEq.(4.1) dis ε dis the same time, this step regularizes the integral for the by real part of the self-energy. The integrand for the imag- S (4.2) inary part of the self-energy is strongly peaked around dis (cid:90) ξ = 0 and one may replace ν(ε+ξ ) ≈ ν(ε) and take (cid:10) (cid:11) p p = iγ drdt1dt2 φ(r,t1) φ(r,t1)φ(r,t2) φ(r,t2). the density of states out of the integral. The remaining integral is easily performed and the result is The average can be taken in two equivalent ways, which explainstheadditionalfactorof2comparedtoEq.(4.1). (cid:61)[ΣR/A(ε)]=∓πν(ε)γ (4.8) dis 10 Thenextstepistointegrateinε,whereoneencounters the following integral (cid:90) 1 1 1 (dε) D (q,ω). ε+−εp+ + 2τiε ε−−εp− − 2τiε τε ε FIG.5: Diagrammaticrepresentationofthediffusionprocess (4.13) in the absence of the nonlinearity. For ε ∼ ε (cid:29) 1/τ the most important ε are of the p+ p− orderofε andwecanperformtheintegralwiththehelp p in agreement with (4.5) and (4.7). of the residue theorem considering the poles originating As is well known38, in the leading approximation in from the Green’s functions only, thereby effectively re- 1(4/.ε3τ),foornethsehoduenldsitnyo,tbountlysurmeptlhaecewGho0lebysetGofindifaogrmraumlas pinlatchinegarDguεmbyenDt εopf.thAeddiisfftuinsicotnioncobeffietcwieeennt wεpo+uldanbdeεbpe−- with non-crossing impurity lines as shown in Fig. 5. Ef- yond the accuracy of our approach. The result is fectively, this amounts to summing a geometric series. (cid:90) This procedure leads to the expression n(q,ω)≈ (dp)F(p,q)D (q,ω), (4.14) εp (cid:90) n(q,ω)= (dp)(dε)Ψ0(p+)Ψ∗0(p−) where we introduced the notation ×GR(p ,ε )GA(p ,ε )(cid:88)∞ Ln(q,ω) (4.9) F(p,q)=Ψ0(p+q/2)Ψ∗0(p−q/2). (4.15) + + − − ε n=0 Itisclearfromthepreviousargumentsthattheapproach is valid as long as ε τ (cid:29) 1. Typical momenta p are where p εp controlled by the initial wave-function Ψ. For the aver- (cid:90) aged density as a function of coordinates and time we Lε(q,ω) = γ (dp1)GR(p1+,ε+)GA(p1−,ε−) find the expression n(r,t)= (4.16) We use the notation (dε) = dε/(2π) for frequency inte- qgruaitlse,spi±mi=larpt±oqt/h2eafnadmεil±iar=dεe±nsωit/y2-d.eTnhsietyexcporrersesliaotnioins (cid:90) (dp) 4πΘD(t)t(cid:90) dr1 e−(r−r1)2/(4Dεpt)F(p,r1). εp function in electronic systems. Note, however, that in the latter case the frequency integration is restricted to For |r1| (cid:28) |r|, i.e. for distances |r| exceeding by far the a small interval around the Fermi surface of order of the extension of the initial wave-packet, we may neglect r1 temperature by the presence of a distribution function. in the exponent and obtain In contrast, here the momentum integration is restricted (cid:90) |Ψ (p)|2 by the initial wave functions Ψ0 and Ψ∗0. The frequency n(r,t)=Θ(t) (dp) 4π0tD e−r2/(4tDεp). (4.17) integration, on the other hand, is a priori not limited. εp Let us assume that the inequalities ετ (cid:29)1, ωτ (cid:28)1, ε ε This expression was presented in Ref. 30. ql (cid:28) 1 are fulfilled (diffusion approximation), where ε In the calculation described in this section, the l = v τ is the mean free path, v = p /m and p = √ε ε ε ε ε ε frequency-integration was performed before the momen- 2mε are the velocity and the momentum at energy ε. tum integration in p (see Eq. 4.13). Relevant momenta In this case we can calculate the sum approximately by in the integral of Eq. (4.14) are determined by F(p,q), using the expansion which encodes the information contained in the initial wave-function Ψ. For a generalization to the interacting L (q,ω)≈1+iωτ −l2q2/2. (4.10) ε ε ε case,itwillbemoreusefultoperformtheintegrationinp before the integration in ε. In order to achieve this goal, It will be useful to introduce a frequency dependent dif- we introduce the distribution function f in the following fusion constant as D = v2τ /d in dimension d. After ε ε ε way performing the sum in the equation for the density we obtain (cid:90) f(r,t ,t ) = γ dr dr GR(r −r ,t ) 1 2 3 4 1 3 1 (cid:90) n(q,ω) = (dp)(dε)Ψ0(p+)Ψ0(p−) (4.11) ×Ψ(r )Ψ∗(r )GA(r −r ,−t ).(4.18) 3 4 4 1 2 1 ×GR(p ,ε )GA(p ,ε ) D (q,ω), It describes the initial section of the diffusion ladder, + + − − ε τε compare Fig. 5. With the help of this definition one can write where the energy dependent diffuson is (cid:90) D (q,ω)=(D q2−iω)−1. (4.12) n(r,t)= (dε)n(r,ε,t), (4.19) ε ε

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