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title: Effective Radio Advertising Weinberger, Marc G.; Campbell, Leland.; author: Brody, Beth. publisher: Lexington Books isbn10 | asin: 0669250031 print isbn13: 9780669250039 ebook isbn13: 9780585119625 language: English subject Radio advertising--United States. publication date: 1994 lcc: HF6146.R3W43 1994eb ddc: 659.14/2 subject: Radio advertising--United States. Effective Radio Advertising Commercials on Compact Disc Advertiser Commercial Name 1. Chevrolet Camaro: Yes, Yes, Yes 2. AT&T: Everything You Taught Me 3. RisCassi & Davis Law Firm: Why Advertise? 4. Lo Jack Stolen Vehicle Recovery Nick Bell System: 5. KNBC TV: I Bought a Gun 6. Thieves Market: Closet 7. Thieves Market: Sale that Cried Wolf 8. Thieves Market: Strike 9. Thieves Market: Herb 10. L.A. Gear: Adventures of a Single Girl 11. L.A. Gear: Diary of a Single Girl 12. Alpine Car Stereos: Clapton 13. P.E.I. Potatoes: CODCO 14. Listerine: Polka 15. Dixie Value Mall: Professor 16. Freixenet: Refrigeratorologist 17. Freixenet: Pronunciation 18. Freixenet: Another Name 19. Freixenet: How to Crash a Party 20. Sting: Something New 21. Molson: Comedy 22. Molson: Notice 23. Molson: Designated Driver 24. Molson: Border 25. Fromageries Bel Cheese: Craving 26. Fromageries Bel Cheese: Valley Girl 1 Page i Effective Radio Advertising Marc G. Weinberger Leland Campbell Beth Brody LEXINGTON BOOKS An Imprint of Macmillan, Inc. NEW YORK Maxwell Macmillan Canada TORONTO Maxwell Macmillan International NEW YORK OXFORD SINGAPORE SYDNEY Page ii Disclaimer: This book contains characters with diacritics. When the characters can be represented using the ISO 8859-1 character set (http://www.w3.org/TR/images/latin1.gif), netLibrary will represent them as they appear in the original text, and most computers will be able to show the full characters correctly. In order to keep the text searchable and readable on most computers, characters with diacritics that are not part of the ISO 8859-1 list will be represented without their diacritical marks. Disclaimer: Some images in the original hard copy book are not available for inclusion in the netLibrary eBook. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Weinberger, Marc G. Effective radio advertising / Marc G. Weinberger, Leland Campbell, Beth Brody. p. cm. ISBN 0-669-25003-1 1. Radio advertising United States. I. Campbell, Leland. II. Brody, Beth. III. Title. HF6146.R3W43 1994 659. 14'2 dc20 94-25058 CIP Copyright © 1994 by Lexington Books An Imprint of Macmillan, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. Lexington Books An Imprint of Macmillan, Inc. 866 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022 Maxwell Macmillan Canada, Inc. 1200 Eglinton Avenue East Suite 200 Don Mills, Ontario M3C 3N1 Macmillan, Inc. is part of the Maxwell Communication Group of Companies. Printed in the United States of America printing number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Page iii Contents Foreword v Preface vii 1 1 Radio: Its Golden Past and Glowing Future 2 15 Radio: A Uniquely Powerful Medium 3 37 Putting Radio in Your Plan 4 61 Getting Specific: Finding Patterns in the Sand 5 81 Anatomy of a Good Commercial for High-Risk Tools White Cell Products 6 101 Anatomy of a Good Commercial for High-Risk Toys Red Cell Products 7 113 Anatomy of a Good Commercial for Low-Risk Tools Blue Cell Products 8 127 Anatomy of a Good Commercial for Low-Risk Treats Yellow Cell Products 9 143 Epilogue Appendix A 147 Radio Recall Research, Inc. Method and Response Measures Appendix B 151 Coded Commercial Features Used Appendix C 155 Correlations Among Measures Appendix D 157 Classification Rates from Discriminant Analysis References 161 Index 167 About the Authors 175 Page v Foreword During the more than forty years that I've been selling radio advertising, I've watched it develop into a versatile and sophisticated advertising medium. Today, each radio station has its own unique personality that can make advertisers' cash registers sing and agency creatives win highly esteemed awards. Radio is the medium that is with us when we wake up in the morning, go for a jog, commute to and from our jobs, work at our desks, and cook our evening meals. In fact, the average radio listener spends nearly three-and-a-half hours each week-day and five hours each weekend listening to the radio. Yet despite radio's effectiveness and popularity, this powerful medium is still underutilized by much of the advertising community. I believe that Effective Radio Advertising will greatly benefit the radio advertising community because it demonstrates through well-thought- out and documented research what makes successful, effective radio commercials. With targeted, creative radio copy, advertisers and their agencies can rise above the din to communicate effectively with their audience. Radio has always been the medium that gets the best results for its advertisers. Because of its unique ability to reach the right listeners with the right message, radio even survived the onslaught of Page vi television and cable. But for radio to continue to expand and to continue to effectively reach consumers, we must always be searching for new, creative ways to advertise products on radio. I welcome this book because the creative concepts discussed throughout are vital to the continued success of radio advertising. For advertising agencies and their client advertisers to truly understand the meaning of radio, they must start at the beginning-with clear creative concepts that can be turned into masterpieces of sound. This book details how an advertiser can create both successful ads and successful campaigns. In the same way that long-standing, award- winning campaigns such as those for Molson Ale or Laughing Cow Cheeses have helped to promote excellence in radio creativity and caused agencies and advertisers to take more notice of radio, this book will help our industry take a fresh look at itself and become much stronger in the process. Whether you are trying to win a client with an exciting new idea, affect the behavior of a target group of heavy users of a product, or search for the best way to send a message to a market, radio can't be overlooked. This book will help make the message more effective, Effective Radio Advertising offers our industry the tools to be more creative, more effective, and more successful. RALPH GUILD CHAIRMAN THE INTEREP RADIO STORE

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