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E(cid:27)e tive medium theory of negative index omposite metamaterials A.I. C buz, D. Felba q and D. Cassagne Groupe d'Etude des Semi ondu teurs UMR CNRS-UM2 5650, CC074, Université Montpellier II, Pl. E. Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 05, Fran e 6 0 In the homogenization of omposite metamaterials the role played by the relative positions of 0 the wires and resonators is not well understood, though essential. We present a general argument 2 whi h shows that the homogenization of su h metamaterials an be seen as the homogenization of 1Dsinglenegativesta ks. Thesensitivitytothegeometri alparametersisduetothefa tthatlight n seestheharmoni meanofthediele tri onstantwhenpropagatingparalleltothelayers. Sin ethe a diele tri onstant is not positive de(cid:28)nite the harmoni mean is not bounded and presents abrupt J variations. We dis uss appli ations of this remarkablephenomenon. 9 1 Y metamaterial Meta-materials with a possibly negative index of re- ] One period l fra tion have been under intense study sin e the results X l ε<0 a of Pendry [1, 2℄ suggested that they might be fabri ated d h by interspersing metalli wires (giving an e(cid:27)e tive nega- µ<0 y - s tive permittivity) with magneti resonators su h as split e ringsordiele tri (cid:28)bers(givingane(cid:27)e tivenegativeper- m meability). Howeverthedetailsoftheexa twayinwhi h . these two e(cid:27)e ts mix and perturb ea h other are not Figure 1: The stru ture we study is a 1D periodi medium t ε a well understood. In this letter we present an e(cid:27)e tive with a unit ell omposed of two layers, one with negative µ µ ε m medium theory that a ounts quantitatively for this be- (Hand positive ), one with negative (and positive ). The - havior,providesanexpli itgeometri alre ipeforobtain- (cid:28)eldis dire ted in theZ dire tion and thein ident (cid:28)eld is d ing true negativeindex media and opens the way to new dire ted upwards. n appli ations. o c [ No general argument exists that by mixing magneti sentially a resonan e phenomenon and does not depend resonators and wires one must obtain a negative index riti allyonthe ouplingbetweenneighboringresonators 1 material at some frequen y. Indeed, as the results of [5, 7℄. v Pokrovsky and Efros have shown [3℄, the negative ep- However, while some interesting results on 1D single 4 4 silon e(cid:27)e t of metalli gratings is fragile with respe t to negative media have been published [8, 9, 10℄, the nat- 4 the brutal mixing of the metalli wires with other ob- ural question of the pre ise onditions under whi h su h 1 je ts. Negative epsilon is essentially an interferen e phe- stru tures anbehomogenizedtoobtainanegativeindex 0 nomenon and anything that perturbs the interferen e of medium has not been satisfa torily answered. 6 the waves s attered by neighboring wires is liable to de- Inthisworkweo(cid:27)erarigorousself- ontainedhomoge- 0 stroy it. The wires need to (cid:16)see(cid:17) ea h other. The results nization analysis that gives a lear des ription of the 1D / t of Pokrovsky and Efros are the (cid:28)rst indi ation that the alternating single negative medium des ribed above and a m e(cid:27)e tive medium depends riti ally on the mi ros opi pPi ·tkureds hemati allyinFigure1. Weshallusetheterm geometry [4℄. They essentially tell us that resonators (cid:16) negative(cid:17) tounambiguouslyrefertowavesorhomo- - d should not be pla ed in between the wires, or the ag- geneous materials that may support waves whi h have a n gregate may lose its negative permittivity. The regions dotprodu tofthe Poyntingve torand waveve torthat o o upiedbythewiresmusthavehigher onne tivity,and is negative. c the simplest way of a heiving this is a sta k of alternat- The dis riminating fa tor, as in any homogenization : v ing rows of wires and resonators. Ea h row of wires will problem, is the ratio between the wavelength and the Xi itthyen(εa =ta1s−ahωωoe22pmoagnedneωoeups=slaba2w2lnπi(tca20h/rn)e[g1a,ti5v℄e),paenrmdiettai vh- pinetrriooddu oefdthbeystthrue teuxrter.emIendoiuspre rasisoenaof ormespolni aattoironbeis- r havior, but we avoid it by (cid:28)xing the wavelength (and a row of resonators will µa =t a1s−a haoωm2ogeneousaslab wωith therefore the internal resonator geometry) and s aling negative permeability ( ω2−ωm2p, with and mp the relative pla ement of wires and resonators. The dis- determined by the geometry [2, 6℄). We thereby arrive riminating geometri al pararme=terλof the hλomogeneous at the remarkable and quite general on lusion that the model is therefore the ratio d where is the free d homogenizationof omplex wire/resonator ompositesis spa e wavelength and is the period. This parameter thehomogenizationof1Dsta ksofalternatingsingleneg- is, a priori, large, whi h authorizes us to use the well- ativehomogeneousslabs. This on lusionisadire t on- established two-s ale exHpansion approa h. In the follow- sequen eofthefa tthatthenegativepermittivityofwire ing we tEreat only the polarization ase. The resultµs gratingsdepends riti allyon theirmutual interferen es, hold in polarization as well, provided we ex hange ε in ontrasttothenegativepermeabilitye(cid:27)e twhi hises- and everywhere. 2 We note the ma ros opi variables with apital letters in mind as we pro eed to average the equations (to ob- X Y and and the mi ros opi variable with the small tain thehomogeneousbehaviorofthe (cid:28)elds)be ausethe y letter asin Fig. 1. We(cid:28)rstneedtointrodu ethesmall derivative of any ontinuous periodi fun tion averages η = d/λ y f parameter whi h will be used in tyhe=exYpansion. htfoiz=ero1. Wdfe(nyo)teythe average over of a quantity as Next we de(cid:28)ne the mi ros opi variable η whi h d 0 d . η y varies fast, being small, so it des ribes the system on TakingR the averageof 6 and 7 the derivatives disap- the mi ros opi s ale, the s ale of an individual layer. pear as explained above and we get Sin e we are interested in the homogeneous behavior of ∂U 0 hεiξ = the system, at the end of the analysis this variable will 0 ∂Y be averaged over and will disappear. It an be regarded as an internal degree of freedom of the unit ell. ε(Y) ∂ξ 1 µ(YFo)ra1Dstru turewithpie ewise ontinuous and 0 + k2hµi− k2 U =0. Maxwell's equations an be written as ∂Y ε X 0 (8) (cid:18) (cid:28) (cid:29) (cid:19) d 1 dU k2sin2(θ) + k2µ(Y)− U(Y)=0 dY ε(Y)dY ε(Y) whi h we put ba k together into one se ond order equa- (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) tion H(Y)=U(Y,y) ikxsin(θ) k =2π/λ θ (1) ∂2U hεi wkof2hienr e2i(dθe)n =e ikn the z =e 0 plane, and wher,e wiestwhiellannogtlee ∂Y20 + k2hεihµi− hε−1i−1kX2 !U0 =0. X sin below. This se ond order di(cid:27)erential equation an be written as a system of two (cid:28)rst order The quantYity in parenkth2eses is the propagation on- equations stant in the dire tion, Y and we thus obtain the dis- 1dU ξ = persion relation of the homogeneousmedium: εdY (2) k2 k2 X + Y =k2µ dξ + k2µ− kX2 U =0 εY εX e(cid:27) where (9) dY ε (3) (cid:18) (cid:19) ξ µ =hµi, ε =hεi, ε = ε−1 −1. X Y where we have introdu ed the new variable de(cid:28)ned by (10) e(cid:27) equation 2 and where spe ial are must be taken with (cid:10) (cid:11) the derivative operator as it now takes the form The relations 10 summarize the e(cid:27)e tive medium d ∂ 1 ∂ model and the rest of the letter is on erned with ex- = + . ploringtheir onsequen es. The mostimportantofthem dY ∂Y η∂y (4) are: 1). The medium is anisotropi , 2). Its anisotropy an be extreme due to the unboundedness of the har- We develop the quantities of interest in multi-s ale se- η moni mean, 3). This behavior is strongly dependent on ries with parameter the mi ros opi geometryof the omposite. We o(cid:27)er ex- U(Y)=U0(Y,y)+ηU1(Y,y)+··· pli it expressionsillustratingthe third pointbelowwhile ξ(Y)=ξ0(Y,y)+ηξ1(Y,y)+··· (5) the (cid:28)rst two are dis ussed after the presentation of the numeri al results validating our model. We should note and insert them into equations 2 and 3. Note that all that we have not made any assumption about the losses quantities on the right side of the equations must be pe- so, in general, all quantities in H10 are omplex. y d riodi in with period . By identifying same order Eqs. 9 and 10 show that for polarization, light sees η terms in we obtain the followingrelations. From Eq. 2 tYhe arithmeti mean of epsilon when propagating in the we obtain diXre tionbuttheharmoni meanwhen propagatingin ∂U0 =0 εξ = ∂U0 + ∂U1 the hdi1re tionh.2Letusdenoteh1th+ehth2i =kn1essesofthetwo 0 layers and (we assume for simpli ity) ∂y and ∂Y ∂y (6) ε = a +ib 1 1 1 and the orresponding permittivities and ε =a +ib 2 2 2 . Rewriting Eq. 10 we have: while from Eq. 3 we obtain ε ε 1 2 ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ k2 εX =h1ε1+h2ε2, εY = 0 =0 0 + 1 + k2µ− X U =0. h1ε2+h2ε1 (11) 0 ∂y and ∂Y ∂y ε (7) (cid:18) (cid:19) Inthisformitiseasiesttoseehowthethreemain onse- U ξ We noti e that the zeroth order terms of the and quen es omeabout. The(cid:28)rstoneisobtainedbysetting y ε = ε ε = ε X Y 1 2 expansionsdonotdependon ,themi ros opi variable. . One qui kly arrives at whi h ontra- However the (cid:28)rst order terms do depend on it and are di ts ourassumptions. The se ondone is seen by noting d ε Y periodi of period as noted above. This must be kept that there is nothing preventing the denominator of 3 ||T ||2−||T||2 fromapproa hingzero,ignoringlosses. Thethird results a) H A from the prominent role played by the geometri al pa- 0.3 h1 h2 θ=0° rameters and . Their importan e be omes evident 0.2 as we explorethe onditions under whi h the material is P ·k 0.1 negative. P ·k = kX2 + kY2 Maxwell's equations tell us thatH εY εX in 0 a uniaxial anisotropi materiaPl i·nk =pko2laµrization. Com- 10Scal2e 0param3e0ter r [4di0mensi5o0nless]60 paring to Eq. 10 we obtaiPn·k e(cid:27). The su(cid:30)H- ient ondition to have a negative material in b)0.05 ||TH||2−||TA||2 polarization is therefore that the e(cid:27)e tive permeability k k X Y 0.04 be negative. If in addition we require and to be real (ignoring absorption) for all angles of in iden e we 0.03 ε < 0 ε < 0 X Y must also impose and . Writing it out 0.02 r=35 expli itly using Eq. 11 we obtain the rather restri tive: 0.01 h2 < ε2 < h1 ε <0 h2 < h1 0 h1 ε1 h2 when 1 and h1 h2 0 30 60 90 h1 < (cid:12)ε2 (cid:12)< h2 ε <0 h1 < h2. (12) Angle of incidence θ [degrees] h2 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ε1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) h1 when 2 and h2 h1 c) 7 arg( T H )−arg(T A ) qTnuohtaeendt iratuyb oihav1(cid:12)(cid:12)le/rthoo(cid:12)(cid:12)2lee xoppmllaabyiinendetshhewer ietrhitbity haelthdueenpbpeuonurdeneldyne dgeenooefmsstehoterfib εeaY-l hift [degrees] 3456 haviorofthe ompositeontherelativespatialpla ement hase s 12 of its building blo ks [11, 12℄. Moreover, these relations P 0 give,forthe(cid:28)rsttimetoourknowledge,apre isegeomet- 0 30 60 90 Angle of incidence θ [degrees] ri al re ipe for the onditions under whi h a omposite will exhibit true negative index properties. We believe that, along with Eqs. 10 from whi h they are derived, they will be ome useful in the theoreti al and espe ially Figure2: O(cid:27)set betweenthep2ower transmission oe(cid:30) ients kTAk the experimental study of negative index omposites. of single-negativkeTsHtak 2k ( ) and the equivalent homoge- We now study the e(cid:27)e t of losses on the eb(cid:27)>e ti0ve nre=ouλs/mdedium ( ) as a fun tion of the s ale parameter medium. We assume the media are passive ( ), r = 35 fornormalin iden e(a)andofangleofin idern >ef3o0r (b). They are within 0.05 of one another for and that the imaginary parts are omparatively small b≪|a| b for all angles of in iden e. ) Phase mismat h between the ( )sothatwe anignorequadrati termsin su h as b1b2, et . Rearranging10 we get transmission oe(cid:30) ientsofsinglenegativestra =k3a5nde(cid:27)e tive medium◦asafun tionofin iden eangle for . Theyare εX =hai+ihbi within 7 of ea h otherfor all angles of in iden e. ε = a−1 −1+ihba−2i. Y ha−1i2 (cid:10) (cid:11) ε The stru ture under study is omposed of 200 alter- Y h = 0.4 h = 0.6 Let us take a loser look at . The real part is the 1 2 nating layers of thi knesses , , with ε = 2 ε = −2.8 harmoni mean of the real parts of the permittivities of 1 2 permittivities , and permeabilities µ = −3.295 µ = 0.53 the layers. These permittivities have di(cid:27)erent signs, and 1 2 , . The equivalent parameters ε = −0.4 ε = −70 therefore this quantity is not bounded a priori. Let us X Y A ε resulting from Eqs. 10 are , and Y µ = −1 all it . Rewriting we get . The total thi kness of the stru ture is 100 e(cid:27) εY =A+i ab2 A2 (13) periods. We now present numeri al simulations om- paring the transmission oe(cid:30) ient of the 1D alternating (cid:10) (cid:11) TA The unboundednessoftheharmoni meanhasamu h layer stru ture, T , to that of the eqruivalent homoge- H stronger impa t on the imaginary part (tbha,nbo)n≪theAr−ea1l neous stru ture, , as a fun tion of and of angle of part. Eq. 13 is only valid when max 1 2 . in iden e. Other ases are of lesser interest as losses dominate. Figure 2.a) showsktTheko2(cid:27)−setkTbetkw2een the power trans- H A We now validate our model as formulated in Eq. 10 mission oe(cid:30) ients, , as a fun tion of the r with numeri al simulations. The transmission of the ho- s ale parameter for normal in iden e. The same o(cid:27)- mogeneous anisotropi slab was omputed using a 1D set as a fun tion of angle of in iden e appears in Fig. r = 35 transfer (T) matrix method, while for the alternating 2.b) for . Finally, in Fig. 2. ) we plot the phase single negative sta k we hose a s attering (S) matrix mismat h between the two transmission oe(cid:30) ients as a r = 35 methodforitsnumeri alstability. Inwhatfollowsallan- fun tion of angle of in iden e for . These results gles and phase di(cid:27)eren es are measured in degrees while demonstrate learly that the meta-material behaves in r the s ale parameter is dimensionless. all respe ts as ahomogeneousmedium with the e(cid:27)e tive 4 parametersgiven by Eqs. 10forperiods morethan 20 to treating them as 1D air/metal sta ks, providing a gen- 30 times smaller than the wavelength. eral theoreti al framework for the results of Shen et. al The behavior at shorter wavelengths an be des ribed [19℄. Another promising appli ation is related to plas- by pushing the developments of Eq. 5 to higher orders. monlasing[20,21℄. Ourpreliminaryresultsshowthatby Thesimplee(cid:27)e tivemediumdes riptionisthennolonger sta king thin layers of a tive material with thi k metal- quantitatively validbut,interestingly,negativeindex-like li layers it may be possible to use the divergen e of the behaviors remain [9℄. More pre ise results in this dire - harmoni mean to dramati ally enhan e the gain of the tion will be presented elsewhere. a tive material. More pre ise results and examples will Wehavethisfardetailedonlythelastofthethreemain be published elsewhere. onsequen es of Eq. 10. It is expressed quantitatively In on lusion, we have argued that, be ause of the in Eqs 11 and 12. We now dis uss the (cid:28)rst two: that physi alnatureofthenegativepermittivityphenomenon negativeindexresonator/wire ompositesareanisotropi in metalli gratings, omposites employing them may be andthattheiranisotropy anbe omeextremeduetothe simply modeled as 1D single negative sta ks. Rows of divergen e of the harmoni mean. wiresmakeup e(cid:27)e tive negativepermittivity slabswhile The signi(cid:28) an e of the anisotropy of the e(cid:27)e tive rows of resonators (metalli or diele tri ) provide the medium resides in the di(cid:30) ulty of interpreting experi- negative permeability. We have shown using a rigorous mentaldatafromasingleangleofin iden e. Themethod self- ontained homogenization theory that light sees the ofextra tinge(cid:27)e tiveparametersthatismost ommonly harmoni mean of the diele tri onstant when propa- usedin theliterature[13, 14,15, 16℄mayfailwhen fa ed gating parallel to the layers. Sin e the diele tri on- with an anisotropi material, parti ularly when it is in stant is not positive de(cid:28)nite the harmoni mean is not addition inde(cid:28)nite. This aspe t points to the need for a bounded. This remarkable phenomenon, never before new extra tion pro edure, one that an unambiguously pointedout,explainsquantitativelythesensitivityofthe pla e the sample under study within one of the ases omposites' behavior to their mi ros opi geometry and listed by Smith and S hurig [17℄ at a given frequen y. provides lear riteriafor onstru tingatruenegativein- Su h a pro edure would ne essarily involve transmission dex metamaterial. Furthermore, it tells us that it may and phase measurements over multiple angles of in i- now be possible to fabri atemedia with arbitrarily large den e. positiveornegativee(cid:27)e tive parametersusing on eptu- The impli ations of the se ond point stret h beyond ally simple and te hnologi ally straightforward 1D sin- the anisotropy of resonator/wire omposites. Among gle negative sta ks. 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