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Preview Effective Gravitational Wave Stress-energy Tensor in Alternative Theories of Gravity

Effective Gravitational Wave Stress-energy Tensor in Alternative Theories of Gravity Leo C. Stein and Nicola´s Yunes Department of Physics and MIT Kavli Institute, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139 (Dated: January 24, 2011) The inspiral of binary systems in vacuum is controlled by the stress-energy of gravitational ra- diation and any other propagating degrees of freedom. For gravitational waves, the dominant contribution is characterized by an effective stress-energy tensor at future null infinity. We employ perturbation theory and the short-wavelength approximation to compute this stress-energy tensor in a wide class of alternative theories. We find that this tensor is generally a modification of that firstcomputedbyIsaacson,wherethecorrectionscandominateoverthegeneralrelativisticterm. In a wide class of theories, however, these corrections identically vanish at asymptotically flat, future, null infinity, reducing the stress-energy tensor to Isaacson’s. We exemplify this phenomenon by 1 first considering dynamical Chern-Simons modified gravity, which corrects the action via a scalar 1 field and the contraction of the Riemann tensor and its dual. We then consider a wide class of 0 theories with dynamical scalar fields coupled to higher-order curvature invariants, and show that 2 the gravitational wave stress-energy tensor still reduces to Isaacson’s. The calculations presented n in this paper are crucial to perform systematic tests of such modified gravity theories through the a orbital decay of binary pulsars or through gravitational wave observations. J 1 PACSnumbers: 04.30.-w,04.50.Kd,04.25.Nx,04.20.Fy 2 ] I. INTRODUCTION already known to be purely geodesic to leading-order in c the mass-ratio, without influence of internal structure q due to additional symmetries in the theory. - r Feynman has argued that no matter how beautiful or Tests of modified gravity theories in the strong-field, g elegant a certain theory is, or how authoritative its pro- however, not only require a prescription for the conser- [ ponents, if it does not agree with experiments, then it vativesectorofmotion,butalsoofthedissipativesector, 3 mustbewrong. Forthepast40years,thisphilosophyhas that which describes how the objects inspiral. Geodesic v beenappliedtogravitationaltheorieswithgreatsuccess. motion must thus be naturally corrected by a radiation- 4 Many modified gravity theories that were prominent in reactionforcethatdrivesnon-geodesicmotiontowardan 4 the 1970’s, have now been essentially discarded, as they 1 ultimateplungeandmerger[18]. Similarly,onecanthink were found to disagree with Solar System experiments 3 of such motion as geodesic, but with varying orbital el- or binary pulsar observations [1]. Similarly, this decade . ements [19–23] (energy, angular momentum and Carter 2 is beginning to bring a wealth of astrophysical informa- constant). The rate of change of such orbital elements 1 tion that will be used to constrain new modified gravity 0 is governed by the rate at which all degrees of freedom theories. In fact, precisiondouble binary pulsarobserva- 1 (gravitationaland non-gravitational)radiate. tions [2–4]havealreadyallowedus to constrainmodified : In the gravitationalsector and to leading order in the v theories to exciting new levels [5, 6]. Future gravita- i metric perturbation, such a rate of change is controlled X tional wave (GW) observations on Earth, with the Ad- by an effective stress-energy tensor for GWs, first com- vanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatory r putedbyIsaacsoninGeneralRelativity(GR)[24,25]. In a (aLIGO)[7–9],aVIRGO[10]anditscollaborators,andin his approach, Isaacson expanded the Einstein equations space, through the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna tosecondorderinthemetricperturbationaboutanarbi- (LISA) [11–14], will allow new precision tests of strong trarybackground. The first-orderequationsdescribe the field gravity [15]. evolution of gravitational radiation. The second-order Suchtestsofalternativetheoriesofgravitywillbevery equationservesasasourcetothezeroth-orderfieldequa- sensitive to the motion of compact bodies in a regime tions, just like a stress-energy tensor, and it depends on of spacetime where gravitationalfields and velocities are the square of the first-order perturbation. This tensor large,i.e.theso-calledstrong-field. Gralla[16]hasshown can then be averaged over several gravitational wave- that motion in classicalfield theories that satisfy certain lengths, assuming the background length scale is much conditions (the existence of a Bianchi-like identity and longer than the GW wavelength (the short-wavelength field equations no higher than second-order) is “univer- approximation). In this approximation, Isaacson found sally” geodesic to leading-order in the binary system’s that the effective GW energy-momentum tensor is pro- mass-ratio,withpossibledeviationsfromgeodesicitydue portional to the square of first partial derivatives of the tothebodies’internalstructure. Healsoarguesthatone metric perturbation, i.e. proportional to the square of mightbeabletorelaxthesecondcondition,asitdoesnot the gravitational frequency. Components of this stress- seem necessary. In fact, motion in certain higher-order energy then provide the rate of change of orbital ele- theories, such as Chern-Simons modified gravity [17], is ments, leading to the well-known quadrupole formula. 2 Alternative theories of gravity generically lead to a octopole when multipolarly decomposing the radiation modified effective GW stress-energy tensor. It is some- field. In non-dynamicalCS gravity with a canonicalem- timesassumedthatthisstress-energytensorwilltakethe bedding, the recoil is proportional to the square of the sameformasinGR[26,27],butthisneednotbethecase. mass quadrupole, which dominates over the GR term. In GR, the scaling ofthis tensor with the GW frequency We then construct a wide class of alternative theories squared can be traced to the Einstein-Hilbert action’s thatdifferfromGRthroughhigherordercurvatureterms dependence on second-derivatives of the metric pertur- in the action coupled to a scalar field. We compute the bationthroughthe Ricciscalar. If the actionis modified GWstress-energy-momentumtensorinsuchtheoriesand through the introduction of higher-powers of the curva- find that corrections to the Isaacsontensor vanish at fu- ture tensor, then the stress-energy tensor will be pro- ture null infinity provided the following conditions are portional to higher powers of the frequency. Therefore, satisfied: (i) the curvature invariants in the modification the consistent calculation of the modified Isaacson ten- arequadraticorhigherorder;(ii)thenon-minimallycou- sorneeds to be carriedoutuntilterms similarto the GR pled scalar field is dynamical; (iii) the modification may contribution(proportionalto frequency squared)are ob- be modeled as a weak deformation away from GR; (iv) tained. This inturn implies that calculationsofeffective the spacetime is asymptotically flat at future null infin- energy-momentum tensors in modified gravity theories ity. These results prove that the effective stress-energy to leading-order in the GW frequency can sometimes be tensor assumed in [26, 27] is indeed correct1. insufficient for determining the rate of change of orbital Even if the effective GW energy-momentum tensor is elements. identical to that in GR, in terms of contractions of first In this paper, we present a formalism to compute the derivatives of the metric perturbation, this does not im- energy-momentum tensor consistently in generic classi- ply that GWs will not be modified. First, background cal field theories. We employ a scheme where the ac- solutions could be modified. For example, in dynamical tion itself is first expanded in the metric perturbation CSgravity,the Kerrmetricis notasolutiontothe mod- to second order, and the background metric and metric ified field equations for a rotating black hole (BH) [30], perturbation are treated as independent fields. Varying butitisinsteadmodifiedintheshiftsector[31]. Second, with respect to the background metric leads to an effec- the solution to the GW evolution equation could also tive GW stress-energy tensor that can then be averaged be modified. For example, in non-dynamical CS grav- over several wavelengths. This produces results equiva- ity, GWs become amplitude birefringent as they propa- lent to Isaacson’s calculation. gate [32–34]. Third, additional degrees of freedom may We exemplify this formulation by first considering CS also be present and radiate, thus changing the orbital gravity [17]. This theory modifies the Einstein-Hilbert evolution. All ofthese facts imply thatevenif the Isaac- actionthroughtheadditionoftheproductofascalarfield son tensor correctly describes the effective GW energy- with the contractionofthe Riemanntensorandits dual. momentum tensor, GWs themselves can and generically This scalarfieldis alsogivendynamics througha kinetic will be modified in such alternative theories. termintheaction. Theleading-ordercontributiontothe In the remainder of this paper we use the following CS-modified GW stress-energy tensor should appear at conventions. Background quantities are always denoted order frequency to the fourth-power, but Sopuerta and withanoverheadbar,whileperturbedquantitiesoffirst- Yunes [28]have shownthat this contributionvanishes at orderwithanoverheadtilde. Weemploydecompositions future null infinity. of the type gµν = ¯gµν + ǫ h˜µν + O(ǫ2), where gµν is We here continue this calculation through order fre- the full metric, ¯gµν is the background metric and ˜hµν quency cubed and frequency squared and find that such is a small perturbation (ǫ 1 is a book-keeping pa- ≪ CS modifications still vanish at future null infinity. This rameter). Covariant differentiation with respect to the is because the background scalar field must decay at a backgroundmetric is denoted via ¯ B , while covariant ∇µ ν certain rate for it to have a finite amount of energy in differentiation with respect to the full metric is denoted an asymptotically-flat spacetime. If one insists on ig- via B . Symmetrization and antisymmetrization are ∇µ ν noring such a requirement, such as in the case of the denotedwithparenthesesandsquarebracketsaroundthe non-dynamical theory, then frequency-cubed CS modifi- indices respectively, such as A(µν) ≡ [Aµν +Aνµ]/2 and cations to the energy-momentum do not vanish. A [A A ]/2. We use the metric signature [µν] ≡ µν − νµ We explicitlycalculatesuchmodificationsforacanon- ( ,+,+,+) and geometric units, such that G=c=1. − icalembedding,wherethescalarfieldisalinearfunction Thispaperisorganizedasfollows: SectionIIdescribes of time in inertial coordinates. This is similar to pre- the perturbed Lagrangian approach used in this paper vious work [29] that calculated another effective stress- to compute the effective GW stress-energy tensor. Sec- energy tensor for the non-dynamical version of Chern- Simons. In this case, the dominant modification to the radiation-reaction force is in the rate of change of radi- ated momentum, which leads to so-called recoil veloci- 1 The authors of [26, 27] presented an energy loss formula which ties after binary coalescence. In GR, such recoil is pro- was not evaluated at I+. In the limitof r →∞, their energy portional to the product of the (mass) quadrupole and lossformulareduces totheIsaacsonformula. 3 tion III applies this framework to GR. Section IV dis- perturbation to ϕ, and ϕ˜˜ is the second-order perturba- cussesdynamicalCSgravity. SectionVcomputesthefull tion. The action can then be expanded, as effective stress-energy tensor in this theory. Section VI generalizes the calculation to a wider class of alternative S[ϕ]=S(0)[ϕ¯]+S(1)[ϕ¯,ϕ˜]+S(2)[ϕ¯,ϕ˜,ϕ˜˜]+ (ǫ3), (2) theories. Section VII concludes and points to future re- O search. where S(1) is linear in ϕ˜ and S(2) is quadratic in ϕ˜ but linearinϕ˜˜. We nowdefine the effective actionas Eq.(2) but promoting ϕ¯ and ϕ˜ to independent fields. II. PERTURBED LAGRANGIAN APPROACH One might wonder why the field ϕ˜˜ is not also treated as independent. First, variation of the action with re- Isaacson [24, 25] introduced what is now the stan- spect to ϕ˜˜ would lead to second-order equations of mo- dardtechniquetoobtainaneffectivestress-energytensor tion, which we are not interested in here. Second, the forgravitationalradiation,viasecond-orderperturbation variation of the action with respect to ϕ˜ cannot intro- theory on the equations of motion. This technique re- duce terms that depend on ϕ˜˜, because the product of quires an averaging procedure to construct an effective ϕ˜ and ϕ˜˜ never appears in Eq. (2), as this would be of stress-energy tensor. This is because of the inability to (ǫ3). Third, the variation of the action with respect localize the energy of the gravitational field to less than O to ϕ¯ can only introduce terms linear in ϕ˜˜, which vanish several wavelengths of the radiation, and because of the upon averaging, as we describe in Sec. IIA. This is be- ambiguitiesofthemetricperturbationondistancesofor- der the wavelengthdue to gaugefreedom2. Isaacsonem- cause averages of any odd number of short-wavelength quantities generically vanish. Therefore, we can safely ployed the Brill-Hartle [37] averaging scheme, although neglect all terms that depend on ϕ˜˜ in the effective ac- one canarrive at anidentical quantity by using different tion, which renders Eq. (2) a functional of only ϕ¯ and schemes [38–40], e.g. Whitham or macroscopic gravity. ϕ˜. An alternative approach to derive field equations and aneffectivestress-energytensorforGWsistoworkatthe As in the standard approach, the second-order vari- level of the action. One possibility is to use the Palatini ation method still requires that one performs a short- framework[41, 42], where the connection is promoted to wavelength average of the effective stress-energy tensor. anindependentfieldthatisvariedintheaction,together Upon averaging, the variation of the first-order piece of with the metric tensor. Such a framework, however is theactionS(1) withrespecttoϕ¯vanishesbecauseitgen- problematic in alternative theories of gravity, as it need erates terms linear in ϕ˜. Since S(1) does not contribute not lead to the same field equations as variation of the to the effective stress-energy tensor, we can safely drop action with respect to the metric tensor only. it from the effective action for now. A similar but more appropriate approach is that of The effective action reduces to second-variation [43]. Inthisapproach,theactionisfirst expandedtosecondorderinthe metricperturbation,as- Seff[ϕ¯,ϕ˜]=Seff(0)[ϕ¯]+Seff(2)[ϕ¯,ϕ˜] . (3) suming the connection is the Christoffel one Γσ . Then, µν theactionispromotedtoaneffectiveone,bytreatingthe Naturally,thevariationofSeff(0)withrespecttotheback- backgroundmetrictensorandthemetricperturbationas ground metric ¯gµν yields the background equations of independent fields. Variationofthiseffective actionwith motion. The effective stress-energy tensor comes from respect to the metric perturbation and the background averagingthe variation of Seff(2) with respect to ¯gµν, metric yields the equations of motion. The former vari- ation leads to the first-order field equations, when the backgroundfield equationsare imposed. The latter vari- δSeff(2) =ǫ2 d4x√ ¯g δ¯gµνt , (4a) µν ation leads to the background field equations to zeroth − Z order in the metric perturbation and to an effective GW Teff 2ǫ2 t , (4b) stress-energy tensor to second order. µν ≡− hh µνii Let us begin by expanding all quantities in a power where the factor of 2 is conventional for agreement with series about a background solution the canonical stress-energy tensor, and is the av- hh ii ϕ=ϕ¯+ǫϕ˜+ǫ2ϕ˜˜+ (ǫ3) , (1) eraging operator, which we discuss below. One of the O immediate benefits of working from an action principle where ǫ 1 is an order counting parameter and ϕ rep- comes from the diffeomorphism invariance of the action. ≪ resents all tensor fields of the theory with indices sup- The diffeomorphisminvarianceimmediately implies that pressed: ϕ¯ is the background field, ϕ˜ is the first-order the variationofthe totalactionwith respectto the met- ricisdivergencefree[42]. Whenthematterstress-energy tensor is itself divergence free, then the gravity sector – 2 Gauge freedom in perturbation theory stands for the freedom the sum of the stress-energy of non-minimally coupled toidentifypoints between thephysical and“background” man- degrees of freedom and the effective stress-energy tensor ifolds[35,36]. of gravitationalwaves – will also be divergence free. 4 A. Short-wavelength averaging a direct consequence of property (1) above. The vanish- ing of all terms linear in ϕ˜˜ upon averaging is also a con- The goal of the averaging scheme is to distinguish ra- sequence of (1). As one can see, these properties greatly diative quantities, those which are rapidly-varying func- simplify all further calculations. tions of spacetime, from Coulomb-like quantities, those whichareslowly-varyingfunctions. Thisisaccomplished bydefiningtheoperator asalinearintegraloperator. B. Varying Christoffel and curvature tensors hhii Thisoperatormayeitherbeanaverageoverthephaseof the rapidly varying quantities or over spacetime. If the Let us now consider what types of terms arise from integral is over spacetime, there is an averaging kernel the variation of the effective action with respect to ¯gµν. with characteristic length scale L that separates the In order to perform this variation properly, any implicit ave foreground short-wavelength λ from the background dependence of the action on ¯gµν must be explicitly re- GW length scale L , that is, λ L L . vealed;forexample,termswhichcontainthetrace˜hmust The detailsbogf the averaGgWin≪g scahveem≪e arbeg not as im- be rewritten as ¯g h˜µν. Indices should appear in their µν portant as their properties [38–40], since one arrives at “natural”positions (see Sec. IID), for indices raisedand equivalentresultsusingdifferentschemes. Themostuse- lowered with the metric have implicit dependence on it. ful properties of are: Furthermore, since we are approaching gravity from the hh ii metricformulation,ratherthanthePalatiniformulation, 1. The average of a product of an odd number of there will be contributions from the variation of and short-wavelengthquantities vanishes. ∇µ curvature tensors. 2. Theaverageofaderivativeofatensorvanishes,e.g. Consider a term in the effective action such as for some tensor expressionTµ , Tµ =0. αβ µ αβ hh∇ ii Sex.1 = d4x√ ¯g Tγ··· Sα··· , (5) δ··· µ β··· 3. Asacorollarytotheabove,integrationbypartscan − ∇ Z be performed, e.g. for tensor expressions Rµ ,S , α β where g is the determinant of the metric and Rµ S = S Rµ . hh α∇µ βii −hh β∇µ αii Tγ···δ···,Sα···β··· are some tensor expressions, with all in- Let us briefly mention where some of these proper- dices contracted in some fashion, as the action must ties come from and some caveats. When considering be a scalar. When such a term is varied with ¯gµν monochromaticfunctions,anoddoscillatoryintegralhas ¯gµν+δ¯gµν,besidestheobviouscontributionsfromδ√ →¯g, − anaveragevalueaboutzero,whileanevenoscillatoryin- andexplicit dependence of Tγ···δ···,Sα···β··· on¯gµν, there tegralhasanon-zeroaverage. Thisisenoughtofindthat are also contributions from varying the Christoffel con- that averagesof expressions linear in a short-wavelength nection Γλµβ in ∇µ. The general expression is quantity will vanish. Expressions at third (and higher odd) order would vanish for monochromatic radiation, δ( Sα1···αn )= (δSα1···αn )+ but not in general. However, these are at sufficiently ∇µ β1···βm ∇µ β1···βm n m high order that we neglect them. + δΓ¯αiS···λ··· δΓ¯λ Sα1···αn , (6) The vanishing of averages of derivatives is a subtle µλ β1···βm − µβj ···λ··· i=1 j=1 point. In the spacetime average approach, this is found X X by integrating by parts, leaving a term with a derivative where λ in the ith term of a sum means replacing ··· ··· on the averaging kernel. This term is smaller than non- α or β in the index list with λ; and where i i vanishing averages by a factor of (λ /L ) and de- pends on the averaging kernel. FrOomGpWhysicavael grounds, δΓ¯σ = 1 ¯g δ¯gλσ+¯g δ¯gλσ ¯g ¯g σδ¯gαβ . thechoiceofaveragingkernelshouldnotaffectanyphys- µν −2 λµ∇ν λν∇µ − µα νβ∇ h (7i) icalquantities, sothe averageshouldin factvanishiden- Curvature tensors also depend on derivatives of the tically. From the action standpoint, the average of a connection, so one naturally expects terms of the form derivativecanbeseentoarisefromanactiontermwhich δ¯gµν from the variation of curvature quantities, is a total divergence. Since total divergences in the ac- i∇.eρ.∇thσeRiemanntensorRµ ,RiccitensorR ,orRicci tiondonotaffectthe equationsofmotion,theaverageof ναβ µν scalar R. For example, one can show that a derivative vanishes. A similar argument holds for integration by parts. In δR¯µ =2 δΓ¯µ , (8) the Brill-Hartle average scheme, integration by parts in- ναβ ∇[α β]ν curs an error of order (λ /L ) from a derivative O GW ave where the contribution from Γ Γ cancels [42]. Upon of the averaging kernel. From the action standpoint, ∧ integration by parts any scalar in the action that con- though, integration by parts at the level of the action tains curvature tensors, one can convert a term contain- incurs no error, since there is no averaging kernel in the ing δ¯gµν into ρ σ action. ∇ ∇ The fact that the variation of S(1) with respect to ϕ¯ δSex.2 = d4x √ ¯g Pσ δ¯gµν. (9) doesnotcontributetotheeffectivestress-energytensoris − µν∇σ Z 5 In fact, many terms in the variationof the actioncan be v15 for spinning BHs and v18 for non-spinning BHs [47]. written in the form of Eq. (9). BH GW flux absorption is then clearly smaller than the The contribution of Eq. (9) to the effective stress- GW flux carried out to I+ if v < 1, which is true for energy tensor is found by integrating by parts and then EMRIs for which the PN approximation holds. averaging, according to Eq. (4). Upon averaging, how- Intuitively, this hierarchy in the magnitude of energy- ever, one finds that such terms do not contribute to the momentum flux lost by BH binaries can be understood effective stress-energy tensor because by considering the BH as a geometric absorber in the Teff,ex.2 =2 Pσ , (10) radiation field. Radiation which is longer in wavelength µν hh∇σ µνii than the size of the BH is very weakly absorbed. Only vanishes according to property (2) in Sec. IIA. at the end of an inspiral will the orbital frequency be The above arguments and results imply that the vari- high enough that GWs will be significantly absorbed by ations of curvature tensors and connection coefficients the horizon. Notice that this argument is independent with respect to ¯g do not contribute to the effective µν of the particular theory considered, only relying on the stress-energytensor. Only metric tensors whichare rais- existenceoftrappedsurfaces. Thisresultdoesnotimply ing, lowering, and contracting indices in the action con- that BH absorption should be neglected in EMRI mod- tribute tothis tensor. We canthusconcentrateonthese, eling, but just that it is a smaller effect than the flux when computing Teff. µν carried out to infinity [44, 45]. In the remainder of the paper, we will only address C. Contributions at asymptotic infinity energy-momentumradiatedtoI+andrelegateanyanal- ysisofradiationlostintotrappedsurfacetofuture work. When calculating the radiation-reaction force to lead- The only terms which can contribute to an energy- ing order in the metric perturbation, it is crucial to momentum flux integral on a 2-sphere at I+ are those account for all the energy-momentum loss in the sys- which decay as r−2, since the area element of the sphere tem. The first contribution is straightforward: energy- grows as r2. No terms may decay more slowly than r−2, momentum is radiated outward, toward future, null in- as the flux must be finite, i.e. the effective stress-energy finity, I+. Since the stress-energy tensor is covariantly cannot scale as r−1, as a constant or with positive pow- conserved,theenergy-momentumradiatedtoI+ canbe ers of radius. Similarly, any terms decaying faster than calculated by performing a surface integral over a two- r−2 do not contribute, as they would vanish at I+. Of sphere at future, null infinity3. course, to determine which terms contribute and which However, not all energy-momentum loss escapes to do not, one must know the leading asymptotic forms of infinity, as energy can also be lost due to the pres- all quantities in the effective stress-energy tensor. ence of trapped surfaces in the interior of the spacetime. In GR, as we shall see in Sec. III, the only fields ap- Trapped surfaces can effectively absorb GW energy- pearingintheeffectivestress-energytensoraretheback- momentum, which must also be accounted for, e.g. in groundmetric¯g andderivativesofthemetricperturba- µν the calculation of EMRI orbits around supermassive tionh˜ . AsoneapproachesI+,¯g η inCartesian BHs [44, 45]. Calculations of such energy-momentum µν µν ∼ µν loss at the BH horizon are dramatically more compli- coordinates, while h˜µν r−1 ρh˜µν . Curvature | | ∼ ∼ |∇ | cated than those at I+ and we do not consider them tensors scale as Rµνδσ r−3, since they quantify tidal | | ∼ here. forces. For a theory that is a deformation away from What is the relative importance of energy-momentum GR,andfarawayfromregionsofstrongcurvature,these lost to I+ and that lost into trapped surfaces? To an- asymptotic forms cannot change. swerthis question,we canconcentrateonthe magnitude Consider now terms in the general effective action at oftheleading-orderenergyflux,astheargumenttrivially order (ǫ2) that contain background curvature tensors. extends to momentum. The post-Newtonian (PN) ap- O Due to their ordering, they would contribute to the ef- proximation[46],whichassumesweak-gravitationalfields fective stress-energy. One such term is and slow velocities, predicts that the energy flux carried out to I+ is proportional to v10 to leading-order in v, where v is the orbital velocity of a binary system in a quasi-circular orbit (see e.g. [46]). On the other hand, a Sex.3 =ǫ2 d4x√−¯g ∇ρϕ˜σ1 ∇αϕ˜β2 Rρβσκ ¯gακ , (11) combinationofthe PNapproximationandBHperturba- Z tion theory predicts that, to leading-order in v, the en- ergy flux carriedinto trapped surfaces is proportionalto where ϕ˜ ,ϕ˜ are the first-order perturbations to two 1 2 fields in the theory (e.g. the metric perturbation ˜h µν and the CS scalar perturbation ϑ˜ that we introduce in 3 We will not consider spacetimes which are not asymptotically Sec. V). Since there is no contribution to the effective flat, e.g. de Sitter space; the calculations are more involved in stress-energytensorfromthevariationofcurvaturequan- suchspacetimes. tities (see Sec. IIB), the only contributions to the effec- 6 tive stress-energy comes from IfwedelayedimposingtheLorenzgaugeconditionun- til after the calculationof the effective stress-energyten- 1 Teff,ex.3 = 2ǫ2 ¯g ¯gακ+δα δκ sor, we would find the same effective tensor as if we had µν − −2 µν (µ ν) · imposed the gauge condition at the level of the action. (cid:28)(cid:28)(cid:18) (cid:19) ϕ˜σ ϕ˜β Rρ , (12) Havingsaidthat,oneshouldnotimposethegaugecondi- ·∇ρ 1 ∇α 2 βσκ tion when varying with respect to h˜µν as clearly h˜αβ α r−1 r−1 r−3 EE must also be varied. ∇ whichhasthesamefuncti|on{azl}for|m{zas}th|e{iznt}egral. Note that the curvature tensor always remains when varying with respect to ¯gµν. III. EFFECTIVE STRESS-ENERGY IN GR Combining this result with the asymptotic arguments above,suchtermscanbeignoredasoneapproachesI+. Letusnowdemonstratetheprinciplesdescribedinthe Eachofthefirst-orderfieldspossessaradiativepartthat previoussectionbyderivingthestandardIsaacsonstress- scales as r−1. The square of the first-order fields would energy tensor in GR. Consider the Einstein-Hilbert ac- thensatisfyther−2 scalingrequirementforthefluxinte- tion, gral. Thecurvaturetensor,however,scalesasr−3,which implies that the term in Eq. (12) vanishes at I+. S =κ d4x√ gR, (16) Wethenconcludethattermsintheactionthatcontain GR − backgroundcurvaturequantitiesat (ǫ2)maybeignored Z in calculating the effective stress-eOnergy tensor at I+. where κ = (16πG)−1. Now perturb to second order to As animmediate corollaryto this simplification,we may form the effective action, also freely commute background covariant derivatives if we are interested in the stress-energy tensor at infinity Seff =Seff(0)+Seff(2), (17a) GR GR GR only,sincethecommutatorisproportionaltobackground curvature tensors. Seff(0) =κ d4x√ ¯g R¯, (17b) GR − Z D. Imposing gauge in the effective action Seff(2) =ǫ2κ d4x eff,1+ eff,2 , (17c) GR LGR LGR Z We will choose as our dynamical field not h˜ but µν where rather h˜µν, where the underline stands for the trace- reverse operation, and we take the “natural” position eff,1 = 1√ ¯g 4R¯ 2h˜α h˜βµ h˜αβh˜ of the indices to be contravariant. The resulting stress- LGR 8 − αβ µ − energy tensor is equal to the one calculated using h˜µν h (cid:16)+R¯ h˜2 2h˜ h˜(cid:17)αβ , (17d) after evaluating both of them on-shell, i.e. imposing the − αβ equations of motion. (cid:16) (cid:17)i and We also impose a gauge condition to simplify future expressions: the Lorenz gauge condition, µh˜µν =0. (13) LeGfRf,2 =√−¯g −h˜αβ∇α∇µh˜µβ − 18(∇µh˜)(∇µh˜)− ∇ (cid:20) Typically one may not impose a gauge condition at the ( h˜µ )( h˜να)+ 1( h˜)( h˜µν) ˜hαβ ˜hµ leveloftheaction. However,inourcase,thegaugecondi- ∇µ α ∇ν 2 ∇ν ∇µ − ∇µ∇α β tionin Eq.(13)has the importantpropertyof havingall + 1h˜ h˜µν +h˜αβ(cid:3)¯˜h 1h˜(cid:3)¯h˜ of the indices in their natural positions: the contraction 2 ∇µ∇ν αβ − 4 of the indices does not involve the metric. 1( h˜ )( νh˜µα)+ 3( h˜ )( µh˜αβ) , (17e) Consider a term in the effective action that contains −2 ∇µ να ∇ 4 ∇µ αβ ∇ (cid:21) this divergence, and (R¯ ,R¯) refer to the background Ricci tensor and Sex.4 =ǫ2 d4x√ ¯g Tβ α˜hαβ, (14) scalar rµeνspectively. The integrands have been written Z − ∇ in terms of the trace-reversed metric perturbation, ˜hµν. with Tβ some tensor expression at first order in ǫ. The FromSec. IIC, eff,1 does notcontribute atI+ because α index that is contracted above does not require the itdependsexplicLitGlRyoncurvaturequantities,soweignore metric for such contraction. Therefore, h˜αβ always it. The variation and averaging of eff,2 produces the ∇α LGR remains upon variation, Isaacsonstress-energy tensor. By integrating by parts, all terms in Eq. (17e) can Tµefνf,ex.4 =−2ǫ2 −12¯gµνTβ + δδ¯gTµβν ∇αh˜αβ . be written as (∇αh˜ρσ)(∇β˜hκλ) (with indices contracted (cid:28)(cid:28)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:29)(cid:29)(15) to form a scalar) rather than h˜ρσ h˜κλ (again, with α β ∇ ∇ 7 indices contracted). eff,2 is thus rewritten in the more Let us now evaluate the MacCallum-Taub ten- LGR compact form sor on shell, by imposing the equations of motion [Eq. (19)]. When short-wavelength averaging, deriva- =√ ¯g 1( ˜hνα)( h˜µ ) tives that are contracted together can be converted into LMT − 2 ∇µ ∇ν α − the d’Alembertian via integration by parts; such terms (cid:20) vanish at I+. What results is the usualIsaacsonstress- −14(∇µh˜αβ)(∇µh˜αβ)+ 18(∇µh˜)(∇µh˜) , (18) energy tensor, (cid:21) which is the expression that appears in MacCallum and Teff =ǫ2κ h˜αβ h˜ . (20c) Taub [43]. With this simplified expression at hand, we GRµν 2 ∇µ ∇ν αβ can promote h˜µν to an independent dynamical field in Notice that this exDpDre(cid:16)ssion is(cid:17)o(cid:16)nly valid(cid:17)EaEt I+ and in Eq. (17) and vary it with respect to both ¯gµν and h˜µν TT gauge. As mentioned earlier, this tensor cannot be to obtain the effective stress-energy tensor and the first- used to model energy-momentum loss through trapped order equations of motion respectively. surfaces, since then curvature quantities cannot be ig- Let us first derive the first-order equations of motion. nored. Varying Eq. (17) with respect to h˜µν, we find (cid:3)¯h˜ 2 α h˜ 1¯g (cid:3)¯h˜ =0 , (19a) IV. CHERN-SIMONS GRAVITY µν − ∇ ∇(µ ν)α− 2 µν whose trace is CS gravity is a modified theory introduced first by 2 h˜αβ +(cid:3)¯h˜ =0 . (19b) Jackiw and Pi [32] (for a recent review see [17]). The ∇α∇β dynamical version of this theory modifies the Einstein- WecannowimposetheLorenzgaugeonEq.(19b),which Hilbert action through the addition of the following then leads to (cid:3)¯h˜ =0. If ˜h=0 is further imposed on an terms: initialhypersurfacewhilemaintainingLorenzgauge,then S =S +S +S +S , (21) theevolutionequationpreservesthetrace-freegauge[41]. EH CS ϑ mat The combination of these two gauge choices (Lorenz where gauge plus trace-free) is the transverse-tracefree gauge, or TT gauge. S =κ d4x√ gR, EH − AftercommutingderivativesinEq.(19a)andimposing Z TT gauge, the tensor equation of motion reads S = α d4x√ g ϑ ∗RR, CS 4 − (cid:3)¯˜hµν +2R¯µανβ˜hαβ =0, (19c) S = βZ d4x√ ggµν( ϑ)( ϑ) , whereR¯µανβ isthebackgroundRiemanntensor. AtI+, ϑ −2 Z − ∇µ ∇ν this equation reduces to (cid:3)¯h˜ = 0, which leads to the S = d4x√ g . (22) µν mat − Lmat standard dispersion relation for GWs, traveling at the Z speed of light. Thequantityκ=(16πG)−1isthegravitationalconstant, Letus nowcalculate the effective stress-energytensor. while α and β are coupling constants that control the Note that the first term in may be integrated by LMT strength of the CS coupling to the gravitational sector parts and covariant derivatives commuted to form the anditskineticenergyrespectively. Inthenon-dynamical Lorenzgaugecondition,sothefirsttermmaybeignored. versionofthetheory,β =0andtherearenodynamicsfor Varying the action with respect to ¯gµν, we find the scalar field, which is promoted to a prior-geometric 1 δ 1 quantity. κGµν =−ǫ2κ √ ¯gδ¯gµνLMT ≡ 2TMefTfµν , (20a) The quantity ϑ is the CS field, which couples to the (cid:28)(cid:28) − (cid:29)(cid:29) gravitational sector via the parity-violating Pontryagin where density, ∗RR, which is given by Teff =2ǫ2κ 1 h˜αβ h˜ 1 h˜ αh˜ β 1 MTµν 4∇µ ∇ν αβ − 2∇α βµ∇ ν ∗RR:=R ∗Rαβγδ = εαβµνR Rγδ , (23) (cid:28)(cid:28) αβγδ 2 αβγδ µν 1 ˜h h˜+ 1 h˜ αh˜ − 8∇µ ∇ν 4∇α µν∇ wheretheasteriskdenotesthedualtensor,whichwecon- structusing the antisymmetricLevi-Civita tensorεαβµν. 1 + 2¯gµν(−¯g)−1/2LMT , (20b) Thisscalarisatopologicalinvariant,asitcanbewritten (cid:29)(cid:29) as the divergence of a current whichwerefertoasthe MacCallum-Taubtensor. Terms that depend on the trace h˜µ in this tensor can be elim- 1 1 µ ∗RR=4 εµαβγΓσ ∂ Γτ + Γτ Γη . (24) inated in TT gauge. ∇µ ατ 2 β γσ 3 βη γσ (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) 8 Equation (21) contains severalterms that we describe The divergence of the field equations reduce to below: the first one is the Einstein-Hilbert action; the µTmat = 0. This is because the divergence of the Ein- ∇ µν secondoneistheCScouplingtothegravitationalsector; stein tensor vanishes by the Bianchi identities. Mean- the third one is the CS kinetic term; and the fourth one while, the divergence of the C-tensor exactly cancels the stands for additional matter degrees of freedom. The divergence of the CS scalar field stress-energy tensor, CS kinetic term is precisely the one that distinguishes upon imposition of the equations of motion [Eq. (25b)]. the non-dynamicalandthedynamicaltheory. Inthefor- Therefore, test-particle motion in dynamical CS gravity mer, the scalar field is a priori prescribed, while in the is exactly geodesic4. This result automatically implies dynamical theory, the scalar field satisfies an evolution the weak-equivalence principle is satisfied. equation. The gravitational perturbation only possesses two in- Thefieldequationsofthistheoryareobtainedbyvary- dependent, propagating degrees of freedom or polariza- ing the action with respect to all degrees of freedom: tions. Jackiw and Pi showed that this was the case in thenon-dynamicaltheory[32],whileSopuertaandYunes α 1 G + C = Tmat+T(ϑ) , (25a) didthe sameinthe dynamicalversion[28]. Onecanalso µν κ µν 2κ µν µν showeasilythatatransverseandapproximatelytraceless α(cid:16) (cid:17) β(cid:3)ϑ= ∗RR, (25b) gauge exists in dynamical CS gravity. The trace of the −4 field equations take the interesting form whereTmat isthe matterstress-energytensorandT(ϑ) is µν µν 1 the CS scalar stress-energy: R= Tmat+T(ϑ) , (29) − 2κ (cid:16) (cid:17) T(ϑ) =β ( ϑ)( ϑ) 1g ( σϑ)( ϑ) . (26) whereRistheRicciscalarandT isthetraceofthestress- µν ∇µ ∇ν − 2 µν ∇ ∇σ energytensor. Notice thatthe traceofthe C-tensorvan- (cid:20) (cid:21) ishes identically. The C-tensor Cµν is given by In vacuum (Tmat = 0) and when expanding to linear µν order about a Minkowski background, Eq. (29) reduces Cαβ =( ϑ)εσδν(α Rβ) +( ϑ) ∗Rδ(αβ)σ. (27) ∇σ ∇ν δ ∇σ∇δ to Many solutions to these field equations have been (cid:3)¯h˜ = β ( σϑ¯)( ϑ¯). (30) found. In their pioneering work, Jackiw and Pi 2κ ∇ ∇σ showed that the Scwharzschild metric is also a solu- tion in CS gravity [32]. Later on, a detailed analy- whereh˜ ηµνhµν isthetraceofthemetricperturbation, sis showed that all spherically symmetric spaces, such (cid:3)¯ isthed≡’Alembertianoperatorwithrespecttotheback- as the Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric, are also so- groundmetricandϑ¯isthebackgroundscalarfield. Since lutions [30]. Axially-symmetric spaces, however, are thelattermustsatisfytheevolutionequation[Eq.(25b)], not necessarily solutions, because the Pontryagin den- we immediately see that ϑ α/β. This means that the ∝ sity does not vanish in this case, sourcing a non-trivial right-hand side of Eq. (30) is proportional to ζ. To ze- scalar field. Specifically, this implies the Kerr metric is roth order in the small-coupling approximation, h˜ then not a solution. satisfies a free wave equation and can thus be treated as A slowly-rotating solution, however, does exist in dy- vanishing. Deviations from the trace-free condition can namicalCSgravity. Yunes andPretorius[31] foundthat only arise at (ζ) and they are suppressed by factors of when the field equations are expanded in the Kerr pa- the curvatureOtensor, as ϑ¯ must satisfy Eq. (25b). Ap- rameter a/M 1 and in the small-coupling parameter proaching I+, the right hand side of Eq. (30) vanishes. ≪ ζ ξ/M4 = α2/(βκM4) 1, then the CS field equa- This allows one to impose TT gauge at future null infin- ≡ ≪ tions have the solution ity. 5 Ma 12M 27M2 ds¯2 =ds2 + ζ 1+ + sin2θdtdφ, Kerr 8 r4 7 r 10 r2 (cid:18) (cid:19) V. EFFECTIVE STRESS-ENERGY IN CS 5α a cosθ 2M 18M2 GRAVITY ϑ¯= 1+ + , (28) 8β M r2 r 5r2 (cid:18) (cid:19) TheperturbedLagrangianforthe Einstein-Hilbertac- to second order in a/M and to first order in ζ, assum- tion has already been calculated, so here we need only ing no matter sources. These equations employ Boyer- consider the contribution from S . At (ǫ2), there are Lindquist coordinates (t,r,θ,φ) and ds2 is the Kerr CS O Kerr a large number of terms generated(we used the package line element. The solution for ϑ may also include an arbitrary additive constant, but this constant is unim- portant, since only derivatives of ϑ enter the CS field equations. Recently, the same solution has been found 4 This statement is true only in the absence of spins, since oth- to linear order in a/M in the Einstein-Cartan formula- erwisethe CSeffective worldlineaction wouldcontain new self- tion of the non-dynamical theory [48]. interactionterms. 9 xPert [49–53] to calculate the perturbations). Many of To zeroth-order, it is clear that Eq. (33) reduces to these terms are irrelevant when considering their contri- (cid:3)¯h˜(0) = 0, which is the standard GR equation of mo- bution at I+. µν tion. To next order, the the leading-order piece of the Let us classify the types ofterms that arisein S . At CS right-hand side vanishes and one is then left with (ǫ2), these are of two types: O 1. the second-order part of one field, or (cid:3)¯h˜(1) = α ϑ¯ε¯α δ h˜βγ βh˜ γ µν κ ∇α∇β γδ(µ ∇ ∇ν) (0)−∇ ν)(0) 2. the product of first-order parts of two fields. 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) T˜(ϑ). (35) As mentioned in Sec. IIA, terms containing the second- −κ µν order part of one field are linear in a short-wavelength Intheremainderofthissection,wedropthesuperscripts quantity, which vanishes under averaging. Thus we only that indicate ζ -ordering. GW need to consider the latter case. There are five fields in S (√ g, ε, ϑ, R, and ∗R), so one would at first think CS − that there are 5 = 10 types of terms arising; however, B. Variation with respect to the Background 2 from the definition of the Levi-Civita tensor, we have (cid:0) (cid:1) √ gεαβµν =sign(g)[αβµν], (31) Let us first discuss terms of type Lϑ˜R˜ under variation − withrespectto¯gµν. FromSec. IIB,onlytotalderivative where [αβµν] is the Levi-Civita symbol, which is not a terms arise from δR¯γ , and these vanish upon aver- δαβ spacetime field. The combination √ g εαβµν therefore aging. The remaining terms contain R¯γ , which must − δαβ has no perturbation, and there are only three spacetime vanish at I+. Thus, as mentioned before, terms in the fields which contribute. We are left with only 3 = 3 2 effective action which contain curvature tensors do not possibilitiesforthetypesoftermsthatcouldappear,cor- contribute to the effective stress-energy tensor at I+. (cid:0) (cid:1) responding to two perturbed fields and one unperturbed Wearethenonlyleftwith . Writingtheseinterms one among the set (ϑ,Rαβσδ,Rαβσδ). Two of these pos- of h˜µν, the effective action reLaR˜dRs˜ sibilities are actually the same by exchanging the two copTiheseroeffoRreα,βwσδe.areleftwithonlythefollowingtwotypes SCefSf(2) =ǫ2α4 d4x LeCfSf,1+LeCfSf,2 , (36) of terms in the CS Lagrangiandensity: Z √ ¯gε¯αβµν ϑ˜R˜γ R¯δ (32a) where Lϑ˜R˜ ∼ − δαβ γµν √ ¯gε¯αβµν ϑ¯R˜γ R˜δ (32b) eff,1 =+√ ¯gε¯αβγδ ϑ¯ ρ h˜ σ h˜ ,(37a) LR˜R˜ ∼ − δαβ γµν LCS − ∇ ∇β α ∇δ∇ρ σγ where R˜γ is the first-order perturbation to the Rie- eff,2 = √ ¯gε¯αβγδ ϑ¯ h˜ σ h˜ρ .(37b) mann tensδoαrβ, in terms of h˜µν. Variation of these terms LCS − − ∇β∇ρ α ∇σ∇δ γ Naively, one might think that these expressions lead to withrespecttothebackgroundmetricyieldstheCScon- an effective stress-energy tensor at (λ−4). This is pre- tributionstotheeffectivestress-energytensor,whilevari- O GW mature, however, as there can be a cancellation of λ−4- ation with respect to the metric perturbation yields CS GW terms that lead to a less steep wavelength dependence. corrections to the first order equations of motion. One should try to move as many derivatives away from the perturbed quantities as possible before proceeding. In fact, we know that this must be possible from [32]: A. Variation with respect to the Perturbation the Pontryagindensity can be written as the divergence ofa4-current,soatleastonederivativecanbemovedoff JustasinGR,thefinalexpressionforthestress-energy of h˜µν. This automatically implies that there cannot be tensormustbeputon-shellbyimposingtheequationsof λ−4 termsin the effective stress-energytensor,asshown motion. Thefirst-orderequationsofmotionofdynamical GW CS gravity,in vacuum and at I+, are explicitly by Yunes and Sopuerta [28]. Letus transform eff,1 in the followingway. The Levi- (cid:3)¯˜h = 1T˜(ϑ)+ α ϑ¯ (cid:3)¯h˜ ε¯αβγ Civita tensor is contLraCcStedonto two derivativeoperators µν −κ µν κ ∇α ∇β γ(µ ν) ( and ). One may integrate by parts to move one β δ + ϑ¯ε¯α h δ h˜βγ β˜h γ . (33) o∇f these d∇erivative operators onto the remaining terms ∇α∇β γδ(µ ∇ ∇ν) −∇ ν) in Eq. (37a). This generates two types of terms: one Imposingtheseequations(cid:16)ofmotioniseasier(cid:17)wihentak- with three derivatives acting on the metric perturbation ingadvantageoftheweak-couplinglimit,ζ 1,where and one with one derivative on the CS scalar (the term GW ≪ ζ α ϑ/(κλ ) quantifies the size of the deforma- acting on the Levi-Civita tensor or the determinant of GW ≡ ∇ GW tion away from GR. Let us then expand the metric per- the metric vanishes by metric compatibility). Let us fo- turbation in a Taylor series cus on the former first. Because of the contraction onto the Levi-Civita tensor, only the antisymmetric part of ∞ h˜ = (ζ )nh˜(n). (34) the second derivative operator would contribute. Such a µν GW µν combination is nothing but the commutator of covariant n=0 X 10 derivatives,whichcanbewrittenastheRiemanntensor, Let us now evaluate Teff on shell. Since Teff is MTµν MTµν and thus vanishes at I+. The remaining term with a ((ζ )0),imposingtheequationofmotionEq.(35)will covariantderivativeofthe CSscalardoesnotgenerically OintroGdWucetermsof (ζ ),whicharekeptsincetheyare vanish. Dropping terms proportional to the Riemann the same order as TOeff,1GWand Teff,2 . We can also impose tensor, LeCfSf,1 becomes a gauge condition. WCSeµνhave alrCeSaµdνy imposed the Lorenz gauge throughout at the level of the action. We may eff,1 =√ ¯gε¯αβγδ ϑ¯ ρh˜ σ h˜ . (38a) LCS − ∇α ∇ β ∇δ∇ρ σγ further specialize this to the TT gauge. While the TT gauge may not be imposed globally, it may be imposed Equation(37b)canbeanalyzedwiththepropertydis- at I+, where the effective stress-energy tensor is being cussed in Sec. IID: Lorenz gauge may be imposed at evaluated. In TT gauge, the levelofthe actionfor the purposes ofcalculating the effective stress-energy tensor. This means that if one integrates by parts, moving and onto remain- σ ρ ing terms, the only term tha∇t survive∇s is proportional Teff =ǫ2κ 1 h˜ h˜αβ h˜ ρh˜ α to ϑ¯, as the divergence of ˜hµν vanishes (after commut- MTµν (cid:28)(cid:28)2∇µ αβ∇ν −∇ρ αµ∇ ν iLnogrednezrigvaautigvee)s.,Tdhroupspinefgf,2Rbieemcoamnensterms and imposing − 14¯gµν∇ρh˜αβ∇ρh˜αβ (42a) LCS (cid:29)(cid:29) =Teff +Teff,1 +Teff,2 , eff,2 =√ ¯gε¯αβγδ ϑ¯ h˜ σ h˜ ρ . (38b) GRµν MTµν MTµν LCS − ∇ρ∇σ ∇α β ∇γ δ WiththesesimplifiedLagrangiandensitiesathand,we can now compute the total effective stress-energy tensor where for GWs in CS gravity: TCefSfµν =TMefTfµν +TCefSfµ,1ν +TCefSfµ,2ν , (39) TMefTf,µ1ν =−ǫ2κ ∇ρh˜αµ∇ρh˜να (42b) where Teff,1 and Teff,2 are due to the variation of eff,1 Teff,2 = ǫ2κDD¯g h˜ ρE˜hEαβ . (42c) CSµν CSµν LCS MTµν − 4 µν∇ρ αβ∇ and LeCfSf,2 respectively. These expressions are DD EE α Teff,1 = ǫ2 ϑ¯ ε¯αβγδ h˜ σ ˜h CSµν − 2 ∇α ∇(µ |β| ∇ν)∇δ σγ Integrating by parts, imposing the equations of motion DDρh˜ h (cid:16)h˜ Eq. (35), and integrating by parts again where appro- −∇ β(µ∇|δ|∇ρ ν)γ priate, these contributions to the effective stress-energy 2ε¯α γδ ρh˜ (cid:17) h˜σ , (40a) tensor at I+ are − (µ ∇ ν)σ∇δ∇ρ γ iEE and Teff,1 = ǫ2 ˜hα T˜(ϑ) TCefSfµ,2ν =−ǫ2α ∇σ∇ρϑ¯ ε¯α(µγδ∇|α|h˜ν)σ∇γh˜ρδ . MTµν − ǫ2DαD (µ ν)αEϑ¯E δh˜α ε¯σ ˜hργ ρh˜ γ DD EE(40b) − 2 ∇σ∇ρ ∇ µ γδ(α ∇ν) −∇ ν) DD (cid:16) (cid:17) +(µ ν) (42d) ↔ C. Imposing the On-Shell Condition 1 EE Teff,2 = ¯g ¯gαβTeff,1 . (42e) MTµν 4 µν MTαβ The equation of motion may be imposed anywhere (cid:3)¯˜h may be formed in Teff via integration by parts. αβ CSµν Thereis no contractionofderivativeoperatorsontoeach Finally, we may write an expression for Teff at I+ otherin Teff,2 ,so itremainsunchanged. Inthe finaltwo CSµν CSµν after imposing the equations of motion, termsofTeff,1 ,thederivativeoperator maybemoved onto ϑ¯CSµρνh˜ . This wouldgenerally∇mρaketwoterms, ∇α ∇ κλ but the term proportional to ∇αϑ¯ (cid:3)¯h˜κλ is O(ζG2W) rel- TCefSfµν =TGefRfµν +δTCefSfµν (43a) ative to the Isaacson piece, so we only keep one term. δTeff =Teff,1 +Teff,2 +Teff,1 +Teff,2 , (43b) This gives CSµν MTµν MTµν CSµν CSµν α Teff,1 = ǫ2 ε¯αβγδ ϑ¯ h˜ σ h˜ CSµν − 2 ∇α ∇(µ |β| ∇ν)∇δ σγ where δTeff contains the Chern-Simons correc- +DD ϑ¯(cid:16) ρh˜ h˜ tion at C(Sζµν ). The summands are taken from ∇ρ∇α ∇ β(µ∇|δ| ν)γ O GW Eqs.(40b),(41),(42d),and(42e). Puttingthemtogether +2 ϑ¯ε¯α γδ ρh˜ (cid:17) ˜hσ (4.1) for convenience, the final result is ∇ρ∇α (µ ∇ ν)σ∇δ γ EE

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