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Preview Effective field theory for dissipative fluids (II): classical limit, dynamical KMS symmetry and entropy current

MIT-CTP/4860, EFI/17-2 February 27, 2017 Effective field theory for dissipative fluids (II): classical limit, dynamical KMS symmetry and entropy current Paolo Glorioso,1 Michael Crossley,2 and Hong Liu2 1Kadanoff Center for Theoretical Physics and Enrico Fermi Institute 7 1 University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA 0 2 2Center for Theoretical Physics, b e Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 F 4 Abstract 2 In this paper we further develop the fluctuating hydrodynamics proposed in [1] in a number of ] h t ways. We first work out in detail the classical limit of the hydrodynamical action, which exhibits - p e many simplifications. In particular, this enables a transparent formulation of the action in physical h [ spacetime in the presence of arbitrary external fields. It also helps to clarify issues related to field 2 v redefinitions and frame choices. We then propose that the action is invariant under a Z2 symmetry 7 1 to which we refer as the dynamical KMS symmetry. The dynamical KMS symmetry is physically 8 7 equivalent to the previously proposed local KMS condition in the classical limit, but is more con- 0 1. venient to implement and more general. It is applicable to any states in local equilibrium rather 0 7 than just thermal density matrix perturbed by external background fields. Finally we elaborate 1 : the formulation for a conformal fluid, which contains some new features, and work out the explicit v i X form of the entropy current to second order in derivatives for a neutral conformal fluid. r a 1 CONTENTS I. Introduction 3 II. Action for fluctuating hydrodynamics 9 A. Action in the fluid spacetime 9 B. Formulation in physical spacetime 11 C. Consequences of local KMS condition 13 III. Classical limit 16 A. Small (cid:126) expansion 16 B. Physical space formulation 19 IV. Dynamical KMS symmetry 22 A. Proposal 22 B. The classical limit 24 C. Open issues at finite (cid:126) 26 V. Dynamical KMS invariance and entropy current 26 A. Dynamical KMS invariance 26 B. Explicit tensor analysis to first order in derivative expansion 30 C. Entropy current 32 VI. Frame choices from field redefinitions 33 A. General discussion of field redefinitions 33 B. Landau frame and generalized Landau frame 35 C. First order action in the generalized Landau frame 38 D. Dynamical KMS condition in Landau frame 39 E. Entropy current in Landau frame 42 VII. Conformal fluids at second order in derivatives 43 2 A. Conformal fluids 43 B. Analysis at second order 46 C. Entropy current at second order 48 VIII. Conclusions and Discussions 48 A. A simple argument 50 B. Absorbing Vµ by total derivatives 50 C. A special basis 51 D. Action for conformal fluids in fluid spacetime 52 E. Useful identities 55 References 55 I. INTRODUCTION For a quantum many-body system in local thermal equilibrium, in generic situations, the only long-lived modes are those associated with conserved quantities such as energy- momentum tensor and conserved currents for some global symmetries. Recently, using this as a starting point we proposed a new formulation of fluctuating hydrodynamics as a univer- sal low energy effective theory of a quantum many-body system at a finite temperature [1].1 The theory gives a path integral formulation of hydrodynamics which systematically incor- porates effects of fluctuations, including nonlinear interactions involving noises as well as non-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations. The conventional hydrodynamical equa- tions of motion are recovered as saddle point equations, and the stochastic hydrodynamics is recovered by truncating the noise part of the action to quadratic level. 1 For other recent discussions of fluctuating hydrodynamics, see [2–19] and in holographic context [20–22]. 3 Wenowsummarizethesalientaspectsofthetheoryof[1]. Fordefinitenesswewillconsider a system with a U(1) global symmetry. Consider the closed time path (CTP) generating functional for the stress tensor and U(1) current in a thermal density matrix ρ 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) eW[g1µν,A1µ;g2µν,A2µ] ≡ Tr U(+∞,−∞;g ,A )ρ U†(+∞,−∞;g ,A ) (1.1) 1µν 1µ 0 2µν 2µ (cid:90) = Dχ Dχ eiIhydro[χ1,g1,A1;χ2,g2,A2] (1.2) 1 2 where U(t ,t ;g ,A ) is the evolution operator of the system from t to t in the presence 2 1 µν µ 1 2 of a spacetime metric g (sources for stress tensor) and an external vector field A (sources µν µ for the U(1) current). The sources are taken to be slowly varying functions and there are two copies of them, one for each leg of the CTP contour. The second line (1.2) should be imagined as obtained by integrating out all the fast modes of the system with χ denoting 1,2 theremainingslowmodes(hydrodynamicalmodes),andI istheeffectiveactionforthem. hydro Again there are two copies of hydrodynamical modes. While in practice the integrations from (1.1) to (1.2) cannot be done, I can be obtained as the most general local action hydro once we have identified the dynamical variables χ and the symmetries I should obey. 1,2 hydro In [1] we developed an “integrating-in” procedure to identify the slow degrees of freedom associated with a conserved quantity. For the stress tensor this leads to a doubled version of the Lagrange description of fluid flows, with the corresponding χ given by mappings 1,2 Xµ (σa) between a “fluid spacetime,” whose coordinates σa label fluid elements and their 1,2 internal clocks, and the two copies of physical spacetimes with coordinates Xµ respectively. 1,2 See Fig. 1. The slow degrees of freedom for the U(1) current are ϕ (σa) which can be 1,2 interpreted as U(1) phase rotations in two physical spacetimes associated for each fluid elements.2 One also needs to introduce an additional scalar field τ(σa) which gives the local proper temperature in fluid spacetime 1 T(σ) = = T e−τ(σ) . (1.3) 0 β(σ) T = 1 is the temperature at infinities where we take all external sources and dynamical 0 β0 fields to vanish. Note that there is only one τ field rather than two copies. The standard 2 OtherrecentworkwhichuseseffectiveactionfromCTPtodescribefluctuatinghydrodynamicsinclude[11, 14–16]. In particular similar variables were also used in [11–16]. 4 variablessuchaslocalvelocityandchemicalpotentialarebuiltfromsymmetriccombinations of Xµ ,ϕ , while their antisymmetric combinations can be interpreted as corresponding 1,2 1,2 “noises.” Physical spacetime Fluid spacetime Physical spacetime FIG. 1. Relations between the fluid spacetime and two copies of physical spacetimes. The red straightlineinthefluidspacetimewithconstantσi ismappedbyXµ (σ0,σi)tophysicalspacetime 1,2 trajectories (also in red) of the corresponding fluid element. It turns out these variables are not enough. In order to ensure the unitarity of (1.1) one needs to introduce anti-commuting partners (“ghosts”) for dynamical variables and require the full action to satisfy a BRST-type fermionic symmetry.3 In this paper we will focus on the bosonic part and so will suppress all ghost variables below. The structure with ghost sector is elucidated in [24, 25]. In terms of variables described above (1.2) can be written more explicitly as (cid:90) eW[g1,A1;g2,A2] = DX DX Dϕ Dϕ Dτ eiIhydro[h1,B1;h2,B2;τ], (1.4) 1 2 1 2 where (s = 1,2 and no summation over s) ∂Xµ ∂Xν ∂Xµ h (σ) = s g (X (σ)) s , B (σ) = s A (X (σ))+∂ ϕ (σ) . (1.5) sab ∂σa sµν s ∂σb sa ∂σa sµ s a s h arepull-backsofthespacetimemetricstothefluidspacetimeandsimilarlythefirstterms 1,2 in B are pull-backs of spacetime vector sources. Due to conservation of the stress tensor 1,2 3 The need for anti-commuting degrees of freedom and BRST symmetry in path integral formulation of stochastic systems has been well known since 1970’s. See e.g. [23] for a review. Their presence for fluctuating hydrodynamics has also been discussed recently in [15–17]. 5 and U(1) current, W[g ,A ;g ,A ] should be invariant under independent diffeomorphisms 1 1 2 2 of the two copies of spacetime and independent gauge transformations of A ,A . This is 1 2 ensured by I being a local action of h ,τ,B . By construction h and B are hydro 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 invariant under (s = 1,2) ∂Xλ ∂Xρ ∂Xλ g(cid:48) (X(cid:48)) = s s g (X ), A(cid:48) (X(cid:48)) = s A (X ), X(cid:48)µ(σ) = fµ(X (σ)) (1.6) sµν s ∂X(cid:48)µ∂X(cid:48)ν sλρ s sµ s ∂X(cid:48)µ sλ s s s s s s s A(cid:48) = A −∂ λ (X ), ϕ(cid:48)(σ) = ϕ (σ)+λ (X (σ)) (1.7) sµ sµ µ s s s s s s for arbitrary functions f ,f and λ ,λ . 1 2 1 2 I further satisfies the following symmetry conditions: hydro 1. Invariant under spatial and time diffeomorphisms in the fluid spacetime σi → σ(cid:48)i(σi), σ0 → σ0 (1.8) σ0 → σ(cid:48)0 = f(σ0,σi), σi → σi . (1.9) These symmetry conditions define a fluid. 2. Invariant under a diagonal spatial-dependent shift ϕ → ϕ −λ(σi), ϕ → ϕ (1.10) r r a a with ϕ = 1(ϕ + ϕ ) and ϕ = ϕ − ϕ . This condition specifies a normal fluid as r 2 1 2 a 1 2 compared to a superfluid. 3. Invariant under a Z reflection symmetry 2 I∗ [h ,B ;h ,B ;τ] = −I [h ,B ;h ,B ;τ] (1.11) hydro 1 1 2 2 hydro 2 2 1 1 which is needed to be consistent with the behavior of (1.1) under complex conjugation. The condition implies that I must be complex and in particular the imaginary part hydro of the action must be even under exchange of 1,2 indices. For the path integral (1.4) to be bounded we further require that ImI ≥ 0 (1.12) hydro for any dynamical variables and external sources. 6 4. Vanish when we set all the sources and dynamical fields of the two legs to be equal, i.e. I[h,B;h,B;τ] = 0 . (1.13) Equations (1.11)–(1.13) are all consequences of unitary time evolution. 5. Local KMS condition which can be stated as follows. Setting the dynamical fields to “background” values √ 1 Xµ = σaδµ, ϕ = 0, eτ = −g , g = (g +g ) . (1.14) 1,2 a 1,2 r00 r00 2 100 200 in the action and denoting the resulting expression as I [g ,A ;g ,A ], we then impose s 1 1 2 2 that ˜ ˜ I [g ,g ,A ,A ] = I [g˜ ,g˜ ,A ,A ] (1.15) s 1 2 1 2 s 1 2 1 2 where the tilde variables are defined as ˜ g˜ (x) = g (−t+iθ,−(cid:126)x), A (x) = A (−t+iθ,−(cid:126)x), 1µν 1µν 1µ 1µ (1.16) ˜ g˜ (x) = g (−t−i(β −θ),−(cid:126)x), A (x) = A (−t−i(β −θ),−(cid:126)x) . 2µν 2µν 0 2µ 2µ 0 for arbitrary θ ∈ [0,β ]. This condition is to ensure that for ρ given by the thermal 0 0 density matrix (1.1) satisfies a condition4 obtained by combining the Kubo-Martin- Schwinger (KMS) condition with PT ˜ ˜ W[g (x),A (x);g (x),A (x)] = W[g˜ (x),A (x);g˜ (x),A (x)] . (1.17) 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 The action I [h ,B ;h ,B ;τ] is then obtained as the most general local action consistent hydro 2 2 1 1 with the above conditions. In particular, at the level of equations of motion the local KMS condition recovers all the standard constraints of hydrodynamics from the entropy current condition and linear Onsager relations. Furthermore, it leads to new constraints from non- linear generalizations of the Onsager relations, and non-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations. In this paper we further develop the formulation in a number of ways: 4 As explained in detail in [1], KMS condition relates W to a time-reversed one. To obtain a condition on W itself one needs to combine it with a time reversal symmetry. Depending on the situation one could combine it with T or PT or CPT. For our discussion of effective theory for a charged fluid we choose PT for definiteness. 7 1. We work out in detail the classical limit of I . There are many simplifications hydro in this limit. In particular, this enables a transparent formulation of the fluctuating hydrodynamics in physical spacetime in the presence of arbitrary external fields. It also helps to clarify issues related to field redefinitions and frame choice. 2. We replace the local KMS condition by an alternative formulation, which directly acts on the dynamical fields. To distinguish it from (1.15) we will refer to it as dynamical KMS symmetry (or condition). The dynamical formulation is equivalent to the previ- ous one in the classical limit, but is more convenient to implement and more general. It should be applicable to any states ρ in local equilibrium rather than just thermal 0 density matrix perturbed by external background fields. The dynamical formulation hasbeenrecentlyusedin[26]toprovethelocalsecondlawofthermodynamicsandalso leads to an explicit construction of the entropy current from a Noether-like procedure. 3. We elaborate the formulation for a conformal fluid, which contains some new fea- tures. We also give the explicit action of a neutral conformal fluid to the second order in derivatives and work out the corresponding entropy current following the general construction presented in [26]. The plan of the paper is as follows. In next section to help set up the notations we review the action of [1] as well as implications of the local KMS condition. In Sec. III we discuss the classical limit. In Sec. IV we present the formulation of dynamical KMS symmetry. In Sec. V we discuss the implications of dynamical KMS symmetry on the action in the classical limit and work out the entropy current to first order in derivatives. In Sec. VI we discuss field redefinitions and frame choices. In Sec. VII we discuss formulation of fluctuating hydrodynamics for a conformal fluid, and work out the action and the entropy current for a neutral conformal fluid to second order in derivatives. We conclude with a brief discussion of the quantum regime in Sec. VIII. 8 II. ACTION FOR FLUCTUATING HYDRODYNAMICS In this section to set up the notations we review the action for fluctuating hydrodynamics for a relativistic system with a U(1) global symmetry. We will only be concerned with the bosonic action. A. Action in the fluid spacetime To implement separate spatial and time diffeomorphisms (1.8)–(1.9), it is convenient to decompose h and B into objects which have good transformation properties under them 1,2 1,2 (below s = 1,2) h dσadσb = −b2(cid:0)dσ0 −v dσi(cid:1)2 +a dσidσj, (2.1) sab s si sij B dσa = µ b(dσ0 −v dσi)+b dσi . (2.2) sa s si si To implement (1.11)–(1.13) it is convenient to further introduce symmetric and anti- symmetric combinations (r−a variables) 1 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) E = (b +b ), E = log b−1b , V = E (v −v ), V = E (v +v ), (2.3) r 2 1 2 a 2 1 ai r 1i 2i ri 2 r 1i 2i 1 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) a = (a +a ), χ = logdet(a−1a ), Ξ = log aˆ−1aˆ , (2.4) rij 2 1ij 2ij a 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 µ = (µ +µ ), µ = µ −µ , b = (b +b ), b = b −b (2.5) r 1 2 a 1 2 ri 1i 2i ai 1i 2i 2 2 where aˆ denotes the unit determinant part of a and thus Ξ is traceless. Note that τ 1,2 1,2 should be considered as a r-variable. µ can be identified as the local chemical potential. r The most general action which satisfies the symmetries listed in the Introduction can be readily constructed using (2.3)–(2.5) and their derivatives (cid:90) √ I = ddσ a E L (2.6) hydro r r where L is a scalar under (1.8)–(1.9), and can be written as a double expansion in terms of the number of a-type fields (i.e. expanding in noises), and the number of derivatives. More 9 explicitly, I = I(1) +I(2) +··· , L = L(1) +L(2) +··· , (2.7) hydro where L(m) contains m factors of a-fields. From (1.11), L(m) is pure imaginary for even m and real for odd m. Each L(m) can be further expanded in the number of derivatives L(n) = L(n,0) +L(n,1) +··· (2.8) with L(n,m) containing m derivatives. To first order in derivatives the most general L(1,1) can be written as5 η L(1,1) = −f E +f χ +f ν − ΞijD a −λ ViD E −λ ciDˆ b +λ ViDˆ b 1 a 2 a 3 a 2 0 rij 1 a i r 2 a 0 ri 12 a 0 ri +λ ciD E +λ D τVi +λ D µ Vi +λ D τci +λ D µ ci +··· , (2.9) 21 a i r 5 i a 6 i r a 7 i a 8 i r a where f can be further expanded in derivatives as 1,2,3 (cid:16) (cid:112) (cid:17) f = (cid:15) +f D τ +f D log deta +f β−1(σ)D µˆ+higherderivatives, (2.10) 1 0 11 0 12 0 r 13 0 (cid:16) (cid:112) (cid:17) f = p +f D τ −f D log deta +f β−1(σ)D µˆ+higherderivatives, (2.11) 2 0 21 0 22 0 r 23 0 (cid:16) (cid:112) (cid:17) f = n +f D τ +f D log deta −f β−1(σ)D µˆ+higherderivatives . (2.12) 3 0 31 0 32 0 r 33 0 In the above expressions indices are raised and lowered using a , all coefficients are all real r functions of µ and β(σ), and6 r ν = µ +E µ , µˆ = µ β(σ), c = b −µ V , Dˆ b ≡ D b −µ D E . (2.13) a a a r r ai ai r ai 0 ri 0 ri r i r In (2.9)–(2.13) we have also used various covariant derivatives. For a scalar φ under time diffeomorphism (1.9), the covariant time derivative is defined as 1 D φ ≡ ∂ φ . (2.14) 0 0 E r 5 This isthe mostgeneral formwhichis valid forall dimensions. For specific dimensions onemay introduce more terms using (cid:15)-symbols. 6 The choice of these combinations makes the coefficients of various terms in the expressions of the stress tensor and current simpler. 10

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